May 27, 2015 - Pacific Southwest District


May 27, 2015 - Pacific Southwest District
Pacific Southwest District School
"...speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is,
Christ. From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament,
grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." -Ephesians 4:15-16
May 27, 2015
Contact Us
1540 Concordia Drive E.
Irvine, CA 92612
Phone 949-854-3232
Fax 949-854-8140
Rachel Klitzing
Mrs. Dalis, wife of President Vannarith Chim of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church of Cambodia (ELCC), is shown leading the children
in Bible songs in preparation for the opening of the next Garuna
Christian School in Kampong Chnnang Province, Cambodia. Thank
you to the Pacific Southwest District for identifying this project as
their 2014-2015 Hearts For Jesus campaign. Please continue to
keep this ministry in your prayers.
Executive Director of
School Ministries
ext. 223
Kim Violette
Administrative Assistant
ext. 226
Our Hearts for Jesus total is now $23,788.89! We are over halfway
to our goal of $40,000 to build this new Christian school! There is
still time left in the school year to give to the Garuna Foundation!
Thank you for your support!
Administrators and Testing Coordinators,
You were emailed today the information for Fall Testing 2015. All
the information you need for placing your order for your school's
Fall testing materials is in and attached to that email. A hard copy
will not be sent. If you did not receive that email, please contact
Kim Violette. If you are interested in joining the PSD Fall Testing
Consortium, please contact Barbara Mills at Riverside
Publishing. Her contact information is in that email as well. Fall
Testing dates for this upcoming school year are October 19 - 30,
Ellen Pratt
Staff Assistant, part-time
ext. 224
Tyler Fewins
Raving Fans Coordinator
for Marketing, Branding
and Sustainability
ext. 216
Anna Preus
Staff Assistant, part-time
The June devotion is up on our website! It is written by Carol
Lynne Rose
Smallwood from Salem, Orange, CA. Click here to read it. It's great Early Childhood Consultant,
for the end of the school year!
(949) 433-2042
Quick Links
PSD School Ministries
Pacific Southwest
School Ministries
Facebook page
The annual Grantparent Sponsor Appreciation Luncheon took
place yesterday on the campus of Concordia University Irvine. In
attendance were sponsors of students, Grantparent school
principals and representatives, students that are sponsored as well
as students from a school that sponsors a student. It was a
wonderful event!
This 2014-15 school year, 35 students at five PSD schools were
sponsored through the Grantparent Mission Project, now in its
13th year of providing tuition assistance to students at urban PSD
Please consider the Grantparent Mission Project for a 2015-16
chapel offering idea, or sponsor a student as a school-wide mission
outreach like several of our PSD schools do! Please visit the
Grantparent website or contact Anna Preus for more information!
Are you a Jubilarian? Do you have Jubilarians on your staff? Not
sure -- what is a Jubilarian? GLAD YOU ASKED! A Jubilarian is
someone who is completing their 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th,
50th or 55th year of ministry this 2014-15 school year. We will
honor God's faithfulness and your years of service at LEC 2015. In
order to let us know of this accomplishment, we need you to let us
know who you are! Please complete the Jubilarian information
forms - click here - and send this information to Jennifer Burnett
NO LATER than Monday, June 1, 2015. Thank you!
Registration is now open for our summer Administrators
Conference at the beautiful La Quinta Resort and Spa on July 2830, 2015! Did you know that the cost for this amazing time of
administrative professional development has not changed for
three years?! We are very pleased we can continue to provide this
high quality time of professional growth at a reasonable cost for
you and your administrative teams!
This year's speakers come from the Van Lunen Center.
The Van Lunen Center provides world-class executive management
education essentials to the future of schools based on the historic
Christian faith. Several of our PSD Administrators have become
Van Lunen Fellows. Here is what two of them have to say:
"My experience in the Van Lunen Fellowship allowed me the
opportunity to learn from and grow with Dave Hahn and Jim
Marsh. Dave and Jim bring 'in the trenches,' relevant, Christcentered school leadership experience to equip, encourage, and
improve us. These servants of the Lord are outstanding speakers,
wise counselors, and also a whole lot of fun! You won't want to
miss an Administrators Conference led by this dynamic duo!" Xavria Schwarz, Principal, Christ Lutheran, La Mesa, CA
"Dave brings a wealth of knowledge and experience as a Lutheran
school administrator. He is also REALLY funny and an encourager
by nature, so his presentations are both engaging and
memorable. Jim is a humble servant with a great deal of
experience as an administrator of a successful Christian school
ministry. He has a great knack for helping administrators step back
from the nitty-gritty details of management to see the big picture
of school leadership, especially in the area of governance." -Dr.
Mary Fink, Bethany Lutheran, Long Beach, CA
We are excited about the program being prepared for you!
Go to the website today to learn more and register for the great
Are you interested in taking the Early Childhood Certificate of
Lutheran Teaching (ECCLT)? We have had some interest in this
class recently and would need to establish a commitment from at
least 10 students for Fall 2015 to be able to approach Concordia
University to build the class. If you are interested or would like
more information, please contact Kim Violette at
Please advise our School Ministries office if you have any
Commissioned Ministers on your staff who are retiring at the end
of the school year. This information is very helpful so paperwork
can be prepared to update roster information. Contact Ellen Pratt
at or 949-854-3232 ext. 224. Thank you
for your help!
Each week, prayers of thanksgiving and prayers for teachers,
administrators, support staff, pastors, students, and families
of the Lutheran schools, early childhood centers, and churches
of the Pacific Southwest District are listed. To include names
on the list, please send information to by noon on Wednesday of each week. This week we
pray for:
thanksgiving for the years of service of all of our educators
retiring at the end of this school year. God's richest
blessings to you!
Patty Valeo, ECEC teacher at Zion, Anaheim, CA. Patty has
been in the hospital since May 2. She had an intestinal
infection that perforated, and surgery was done on May 4.
Her recovery has been slow as she has now developed an
infection in the incision. Please pray for her recovery and
Rachel Klitzing and her diagnosis of dystonia. Thank you so
much for your prayers!
We are all connected in Christ!