National Mental Capacity Forum CANDIDATE INFORMATION PACK


National Mental Capacity Forum CANDIDATE INFORMATION PACK
Chair – National Mental Capacity Forum
Reference number: Chair-NMCF2015
Closing date for these posts is: Noon 5th May 2015
Applications should be submitted via:
Alternative format versions of this candidate pack are available on request from:
Rebecca Spranklen on 0203 334 6587 (or at the following e-mail address:
Twitter Follow us to keep up to date with public appointments vacancies
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Introduction – A joint message from the Secretaries of Justice and
Health .....................................................................................................3
Diversity and equality of opportunity .....................................................4
- Flexible working practices
- Arrangement for candidates with a disability
- Diversity Monitoring Form
Background to the National Mental Capacity Forum .............................5
Role of Chair of the National Mental Capacity Forum............................5
Person specification and eligibility criteria .............................................5
Conditions of appointment .................................................................... 6
Standards in public life, political activity, and conflicts of interests
Indicative timetable and how to apply ...................................................7
How we will handle your application.......................................................8
Complaints Process................................................................................9
Appendix 1
The seven principles of public life ........................................................11
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A joint message from the Secretaries of State for Justice and Health
Dear Candidate,
Thank you for your interest in being appointed the Chair of the National Mental
Capacity Forum.
You may already have some idea about the important work we are taking forward in
relation to the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and the following pages will tell you more
about the Act’s purpose and the nature of the Chair’s role in the new national forum.
The National Mental Capacity Forum will bring the insights of MCA stakeholders into
Government and will be responsible for communicating the MCA message to
professionals and the public in order to drive improved awareness and understanding
of the Act.
I do hope you will consider applying for this important position.
If, after reading the material, you have further questions about any aspect of this
post, you are welcome to contact Joanna Furlong at the Ministry of Justice at:
If you have questions about the appointment process, you can contact the Public
Appointments Team at:
If you believe you have the experience and qualities we are seeking, we very much
look forward to hearing from you.
Secretary of State for Justice
Chris Grayling
Secretary of State for Health
Jeremy Hunt
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Diversity and equality of opportunity
Diversity of opportunity is something the Ministry of Justice cares passionately about.
Applications are encouraged from all candidates regardless of ethnicity, religion or
belief, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or gender identity.
We would also welcome applications from those currently working in, or with
experience of, the private sector, and those who have not previously held public
appointments. We want to explore the widest possible pool of talent for these
important appointments.
Arrangements for candidates with a disability
Guaranteed Interview Scheme
The Ministry of Justice operates a Guaranteed Interview Scheme (GIS) for disabled
people. The Equality Act 2010 defines a person as disabled if they have a physical or
mental impairment and the impairment has a substantial and long term adverse
effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. If you wish to be
considered under the scheme, please complete the Guaranteed Interview Scheme
If you have a disability and require adjustments to help you attend interview then you
may wish to contact:
 Rebecca Spranklen within the Public Appointments Team (by e-mail or on 020 3334 6587) about your
requirements at the interview stage should you proceed in the process;
If you require adjustments to help you in the role of the chair of the National Mental
Capacity Forum then you may wish to contact:
 at the MoJ (by e-mail or on 020 3334 3123)
about your requirements to carry out the functions of the post should you be
successfully appointed.
Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
The Equal Opportunities Form is for monitoring purposes only. By collecting and
analysing the data of those applying for and obtaining appointments, we can improve
our diversity strategy. This form is not part of the selection process and will be
treated in confidence. It will be kept separate from your application and not be seen
by the selection panel.
Background to the Organisation
Size and composition of the Forum
The forum is likely to be a two-tier model consisting of a core group of stakeholders
representing different areas in the sector and a larger group of associate members
who will communicate virtually. It is anticipated that the Chair will be involved in
agreeing the membership and formation of these groups.
The role will be based in London. Some travel may be required.
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Role of Chair of the National Mental Capacity Forum
The Chair will provide leadership for the National Mental Capacity Forum (NMCF)
and represent the views of the varied Mental Capacity Act (MCA) stakeholders; he or
she will provide direction so that members of the Forum work together to drive
significant improvements in awareness among other key stakeholders and the
general public.
The Chair will need to provide the leadership and vision required to unite all parts of
the system, ensuring that they work collaboratively in promoting as widely as
possible this vitally important piece of legislation.
The Chair of the National Forum will be appointed by the Secretaries of State for
Justice and Health and will have a responsibility for:
Providing leadership to the National Mental Capacity Forum;
Designing the plan of work and focus for the forum in discussion with forum
Building consensus and ensuring that members from different sectors work
Bringing the insights of MCA Stakeholders to inform Government
understanding of issues to assist in the consideration of future policy;
Develop distinct and tangible actions that members of the Forum can take
forward to raise awareness and understanding of the MCA
Representing the Forum – and the Act more widely - publicly; being the public
face of the MCA nationally
Helping to identify and disseminate best practice in promoting awareness of
the MCA and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Reporting to the MCA Implementation Group, by attending this Group’s
meetings and working closely with officials.
Person specification and eligibility criteria
We are looking for a candidate who is able to bring together and represent the views
of the varied MCA stakeholders in order to drive significant improvements in the
awareness of the MCA.
Eligibility criteria
Anyone in the categories listed below will not be considered for appointment as Chair
of the National Mental Capacity Forum:
 Employed in the civil service of the state;
 Candidates who are not resident in the UK.
Please also see the ‘Political Activity’ section below on page 7.
Essential Criteria
 An ability to command respect and demonstrate both the independence and
authority to establish credibility with Ministers, forum members and key
stakeholders from across the mental capacity system and related sectors.
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A strong track record of working at a very senior level on the national stage,
and experience of success in leading, managing and driving communications
and continuous improvement across a complex system of overlapping
organisations; the demonstrated ability to be the public face of an
organisation or body.
Strong leadership and interpersonal skills, including the ability to bring people
from different organisations together to sign up to and deliver a collective
Understanding of the diverse and complex needs and backgrounds of
members of the public who are likely to be in contact with the wider mental
capacity arena.
 Knowledge and experience of disability rights
Conditions of appointment
Remuneration, allowances and abatement
 The role will require a commitment up to 10 days per year, and be remunerated
at a daily rate of £400.
 Remuneration will be subject to PAYE tax and National Insurance Contributions.
 Reasonable standard travel expenses will be payable.
 If you receive a full salary from the public purse then you will not receive any
remuneration for this appointment; this will be abated. However, reasonable
standard travel expenses will be payable.
 The post is not pensionable.
Appointment and tenure of office
 The Chair is jointly appointed by the Secretaries of State of Justice and Health.
 Appointments are for a three year term with the possibility of re-appointment for a
further term, at the discretion of Ministers. Any re-appointment is subject to
satisfactory annual appraisals of performance during the first term in the post. If
re-appointed, the total time served in post will not exceed 10 years.
 It will be important that the Chair’s other commitments do not cast any doubt on
their ability to act independently and impartially in discharging the role; any
potential conflict of interest must be declared.
Performance appraisal
The Chair will be assessed at least once a year against objectives for each year of
the appointment and linked to the performance of the National Mental Capacity
Forum. The appraisal will be carried out by a person of appropriate level within the
Ministry of Justice.
The Chair will be expected to commit up to 10 days each year to attend meetings
which will be held in London and will be expected to read and consider papers
outside meetings. Meetings may not be evenly spaced but will as much as is
possible be fixed well in advance.
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Standards in public life, political activity and conflicts of interests
Standards in public life
Candidates must also confirm that they understand the standards of probity required
of public appointees outlined in the “Seven Principles of Public Life” drawn up by the
Committee on Standards in Public Life (see Appendix 1).
Political Activity
Members of the National Mental Capacity Forum will need to show political
impartiality during their time on the National Mental Capacity Forum and must
declare any party political activity they undertake in the period of their appointment.
Due to the nature of the National Mental Capacity Forum it is not appropriate for
members to occupy paid party political posts or hold sensitive, senior or prominent
positions in any political organisation. Nomination for election to political office, for
example the House of Commons, the Northern Ireland Assembly, Scottish
Parliament, the European Parliament, is not considered compatible with membership
of National Mental Capacity Forum.
Subject to the foregoing, members are free to engage in political activities, provided
that they are conscious of their general responsibilities and standards for public life
and exercise proper discretion.
The Political Activity Declaration will be kept separate from your application and will
only be seen by the selection panel prior to interview. However, it is appreciated that
such activities may have given you relevant skills, including experience gained from
committee work, collective decision making, resolving conflict and public speaking. If,
therefore, you have had such experience and you consider it relevant to your
application for this post, you should also include it in the main body of your
If you are successfully appointed to the post, details of your response to the Political
Activity Declaration will be included in any announcement of your appointment.
Conflicts of Interest
You will be required to declare any conflict of interest that arises in the course of
National Mental Capacity Forum business and must declare any relevant business
interests, positions of authority or other connections with commercial, public or
voluntary bodies. Any current actual or perceived conflicts of interest will be fully
explored by the panel at interview stage. You must complete the Conflicts of Interest
form with your application: please remember to include any relevant activities,
associations and employment of relatives or partners.
Indicative timetable and how to apply
Advert date: Week commencing 23 March 2015
Closing date: noon on 5th May 2015
Candidates informed if they will be invited to interview: end of May 2015
Provisional appointment start date: 31 August 2015
How to apply
To apply, please send:
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A copy of your CV.
A supporting letter of no more than two sides that evidences how you meet all the
person specification. Please provide examples of where your knowledge and
experience demonstrate that you meet the essential and desirable criteria required
for the role (including what you did to achieve a specific result).
Please ensure you include preferred daytime, evening and mobile telephone
numbers, as well as a preferred e-mail address, which will be used with discretion.
You should also complete the separate forms relating to political activity,
conflicts of interest, public appointments currently held and the names and
contact details of two referees. Referees will be contacted if you are
shortlisted for interview.
Please note that applications may be passed, in confidence, to the Commissioner for
Public Appointments and the Commissioner’s auditors for the purposes of
establishing compliance with the Code of Practice for Ministerial Appointments to
Public Bodies.
The Closing date for applications is: Noon 5th May 2015.
Your personal information
We will process your application in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998
and the Ministry of Justice’s Information Charter, which can be found at
How we will handle your application
The selection panel will include:
Michael Kaltz, Public Appointments Assessor, nominated by the Office of
the Commissioner for Public Appointments and Panel Chair;
Elizabeth Gibby, Deputy Director, Access to Justice Strategy and
Specialist Policy;
Paul Richardson, Head of Social Care Quality & Safety, Department of
Paul Gantley, Independent Member.
We will deal with your application as quickly as possible (timings below are
Once you have submitted your application, its receipt will be acknowledged;
Your application will be assessed against the person specification. It is
important that you provide as much detail as possible within the limit
constraints of two sides;
By mid May the panel will aim to have decided the candidates who will be
invited for interview, taking account of the evidence provided on your
Where a candidate is unable to attend an interview on the set date then an
alternative date will only be offered at the discretion of the panel;
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Interviews are currently intended to take place at 102 Petty France, London in
the week commencing 8 June 2015; Travel expenses will not be payable for
attending interviews;
If you accept an invitation to interview, we will take two references in
advance of the interview.
Security Clearance
For the successful candidate, final confirmation will be subject to basic clearance
checks, covering confirmation of identity and right to work in the UK plus a criminal
record check. This will involve completion of several paper and electronic forms and
can take up to five weeks to process following completion of the forms.
The Commissioner for Public Appointments would like to find out what you think of
the public appointments process. When you have completed the process, the
Commissioner would appreciate a few minutes of your time to complete this survey: Your
response will be anonymous and will inform the Commissioner's ongoing work with
Government Departments to improve the public appointments process.
Complaints Process
If you feel that you have any complaint about any aspect of the way your application
has been handled, we would like to hear from you. In the first instance please write,
or e-mail, the Public Appointments Team at the address or e-mail address given
below quoting the appropriate reference.
Mike Gibbs
Ministry of Justice
Head of the Public Appointments Team
ALB Governance Division
10th Floor, 10.10
102 Petty France
London, SW1H 9AJ
E-mail address:
Complaints must be received by the Public Appointments Team within 12
calendar months of the issue or after the recruitment competition has closed,
whichever is the later.
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 2 working days of receipt and answered
as quickly and clearly as possible; at the most within 20 working days of receipt. If
this deadline cannot be met we will inform you why this is the case and when you can
expect a reply.
Taking it further
If, after receiving a comprehensive response, you are still concerned, you can write
to the address below:
Commissioner for Public Appointments
Room G/8, Ground Floor
1 Horse Guards Road
London, SW1A 2HQ
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The Commissioner for Public Appointments regulates and monitors appointments to
public bodies to ensure procedures are fair. More information about the role of the
For full details of the complaints process for public appointments please click on the
following link which will take you to the Commissioner for Public Appointments website
Alternatively please contact the Commissioner’s office on 020 7271 0831 for a printed
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Appendix 1
The seven principles of public life
All candidates for public appointments are expected to demonstrate a commitment
to, and an understanding of, the value and importance of the principles of public
service. The seven principles of public life are:
Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest.
Holders of public office must avoid placing themselves under any obligation to people
or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence them in their work. They
should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for
themselves, their family, or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests
and relationships.
Holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit,
using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias.
Holders of public office are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions
and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.
Holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open and transparent
manner. Information should not be withheld from the public unless there are clear
and lawful reasons for so doing.
Holders of public office should be truthful.
Holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behaviour. They
should actively promote and robustly support the principles and be willing to
challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs.
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