Wales Committee Chair to the Consumer Council for Water


Wales Committee Chair to the Consumer Council for Water
The Consumer Council for Water
Information for Candidates
Consumer Council for Water
Appointment of a Chair,
Wales Committee
The Consumer Council for Water
The Consumer Council for Water (CCWater) is a non-departmental public body
established on 1 October 2005 under the Water Industry Act 1991 as amended by
the Water Act 2003 to represent consumers of water and sewerage services in
England and Wales. CCWater is funded by water consumers through a charge to
water and sewerage companies in England and Wales collected by Ofwat.
CCWater is an independent statutory consumer body with offices and committees
throughout England and in Wales, representing and providing support to household
and non-household water customers. It works directly with government, with
regulators (Ofwat, the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales and the
Drinking Water Inspectorate) and water and sewerage companies.
The current Chair of the CCWater Wales Committee will complete the maximum
ten year tenure for a public appointee and stands down on 30th September 2015.
Organisational structure
CCWater consists of a Council for England and Wales, known as the Board which
comprises the Council Chair, four chairs of the English regional committees, the
Chair of the committee for Wales and two independent members plus CCWater’s
Chief Executive. Each of the committees has between three and six members
known as Local Consumer Advocates.
The headquarters of the organisation is based in Birmingham city centre with a
network of local offices in Cardiff, Cambridge, Darlington, Manchester, London,
Bristol and Exeter. CCWater is currently considering reducing its number of local
offices however the office in Cardiff will remain.
The CCWater Board is the governing body of the organisation and carries
responsibility for setting policy priorities and for promoting the efficient and
effective use of staff and other resources, whilst ensuring that it fulfils the aims
and objectives of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
and the Welsh Government (WG), as set out in the agreed Framework Document
copy available on request).
The Wales Committee Chair reports to the Council Chair and is a member of
CCWater’s Board.
The Committee for Wales is established by the Council and comprises the Wales
Chair (who is also a member of the Council) and such other members as appointed
by the Council under the Water Act 2003.
The Committee for Wales shall conduct its business in accordance with rules which,
and any amendment to which, must be in writing and approved by resolution of the
The Consumer Council for Water
The Committee for Wales shall be entitled to exercise on behalf of the Council only
those of its functions under the Water Act 2003 which are the subject of a specific
delegated authority given to it by resolution of the Council. (Set out in more detail
in the Council’s Scheme of Delegation).
The Water Act 2003 sets out CCWater’s functions and duties. These are:
have regard to the interests of consumers of water and sewerage services in
England and Wales, including certain customers who are vulnerable because
their access to services may be compromised by their age, income, disability or
geography and customers that are not able to switch supplier under the Act’s
competition measures;
handle and investigate consumer complaints in respect of water and sewerage
obtain and keep under review information about consumer matters and the
views of consumers on such matters;
make proposals, provide advice and information and represent the views of
consumers to public authorities, water and sewerage companies and others
whose activities may affect the interests of consumers;
provide advice and information to consumers;
publish statistical information about complaints to and about water companies;
investigating any matters of interest to consumers that are not necessarily the
subject of a complaint.
What does CCWater do for Consumers?
CCWater champions domestic and business water consumers, and works to
represent the interests of the customers of today and future generations.
CCWater is an evidence-based body. It uses consumer research and direct
customer feedback from domestic and business customers to inform everything it
does and as such, the water industry, regulators and associated organisations
recognise CCWater as an informed, influential and effective consumer champion. It
takes up the complaints of domestic and business consumers where their local
water company has failed to resolve issues with their water or sewerage services.
Review of Consumer Representation
In 2010 Defra and the Welsh Government commissioned David Gray to undertake a
review to consider how effective the current arrangements were in protecting
water customers. After his review began, the Government announced its intention
to make changes to the institutional landscape of consumer representation.
The Consumer Council for Water
In July 2011 David Gray published his conclusions and recommendations from his
review, which considered its current role and arrangements for future consumer
representation within the water sector. Recommending that effective consumer
representation for the foreseeable future and the functions currently undertaken
by CCW should be retained.
In a Written Statement in 2011 the former Minister for Sustainable Development in
Wales confirmed that Wales shared this view on the value the role of CCWater in
relation to consumer representation in Wales; and saw CCWater playing a key role
in providing critical input to inform Government regulation and strategy from the
consumers’ perspective.
Triennial Review
In April 2011, the Cabinet Office announced that all non-departmental public
bodies (NDPBs) still in existence following the reforms announced during the public
bodies review would have to undergo a review at least once every 3 years.
These triennial reviews would have 2 purposes:
1. To provide a strong challenge of the continuing need for individual NDPBs,
both their function and their form.
2. Where it is agreed that a particular body should remain as an NDPB, to
review the control and governance arrangements in place to ensure that the
public body is complying with recognised principles of good corporate
CCWater is expected to undergo a triennial review in 2015/16. This will consider
CCWater’s long term future in the light of the UK Government’s wider consumer
landscape and the Welsh Government’s new Water Strategy for Wales.
Further information
Further information about the role of CCWater, its priorities and achievements can
be found on the CCWater website at:
The Board is specifically responsible for
Establishing and taking forward the strategic aims and objectives of
CCWater’s work in Wales consistent with its overall strategic direction and
within the policy and resources framework determined by the Secretary of
State and the Welsh Ministers;
Ensuring that any statutory or administrative requirements for the use of
public funds are complied with; that the committee operates within the
limits of its statutory authority and any delegated authority agreed with the
sponsor departments, in the Welsh Government and in accordance with any
other conditions relating to the use of public funds; and that in reaching
The Consumer Council for Water
decisions, the committee takes into account guidance issued by Defra and
the Welsh Government;
Demonstrating high standards of corporate governance at all times, including
by using the independent audit committee to help the committee to address
key financial and other risks;
Set performance objectives and remuneration terms linked to these
objectives and remuneration terms linked to these objectives for the chief
executive which give due weight to the proper management and use and
utilization of public resources; and
Confirming with the terms of the Welsh Government’s Welsh Language
Scheme which it has produced in accordance with Part II of the Welsh
Language Act 1993, thereby giving effect to the principle that the Welsh and
English languages should be treated on a basis of equality.
CCWater’s Wales Committee has the following functions:
provide advice and information to CCWater on water customer matters in
undertake risk based customer service assessments of customer complaint
systems of the water and sewerage undertakers in Wales;
work in partnership with other key stakeholders in Wales to deliver coordinated, efficient, value for money services for consumers;
to hold meetings in public to directly engage with customers;
and any other functions delegated to them by CCWater.
Role Description
We are looking to appoint a candidate to provide strategic direction and oversight
from a Wales perspective to the CCWater Board. They will lead a Committee
responsible for representing the interests of water consumers in Wales during a
challenging period of transition as CCWater undergoes Triennial Review to assess its
future role. The appointment is based in Cardiff, however we would consider other
Candidates do not need to be water industry experts. However, candidates should
have senior level experience in the private, public or voluntary sector and the
ability to demonstrate an understanding of the socio-economic context within
which the CCWater operates.
The Wales Committee Chair has the following strategic leadership responsibilities:
The Consumer Council for Water
ensuring that the CCWater board, in reaching decisions, takes proper
account of guidance provided by the Welsh Ministers and Welsh Government
ensuring that the Welsh Ministers are kept informed of any changes which
are likely to impact on the strategic direction of CCWater Wales or on the
attainability of its targets, and determining the steps needed to deal with
such changes.
promoting the efficient and effective use of staff and other resources;
negotiating and managing the relationship with stakeholders including water
companies1 to produce tangible benefits for water customers;
representing the views of the Wales Committee to the Council’s Board;
representing CCWater’s views to water companies, other appropriate bodies
and the general public including via the media;
ensuring that the Wales Committee, in reaching decisions, take proper
account of any policy and guidance provided by the Council;
providing an assessment of performance of Wales Committee members on an
annual basis, including when they are being considered for re-appointment
to the Wales Committee, or for appointment to another public body; and
delivering high standards of regularity and propriety;
representing CCWater Wales at the Welsh Government’s Water
ensuring CCWater’s research and work programme taking into account the
policy direction of the Welsh Government.
The Wales Committee Chair should ensure that the Wales Committee meets at
regular intervals throughout the year, and at least once a year in public.
Person Specification
Essential Criteria
Candidates should be able to demonstrate the following:
The ability to act as an effective Board member and a demonstrable ability
to manage organisational change;
1 Water companies include water and sewerage undertakers, inset appointees and licensed water
The Consumer Council for Water
Evidence of a strong commitment to representing consumer interests and
using an evidence-based approach to deliver tangible benefits;
Demonstrable understanding of the important social, economic and
environmental issues impacting on customers of the privatised regulated
Experience of negotiating and managing stakeholders to produce change and
the ability to be an excellent ambassador to represent the organisation at
the highest level;
Evidence of excellent communication and influencing skills, and experience
of dealing with the media effectively.
A proven ability to negotiate with and manage stakeholders to deliver
A clear understanding and commitment to equality issues and challenging
discriminatory practices when appropriate;
Have an understanding of the importance of maintaining high standards in
public life;
Desirable Criteria
The ability to communicate through the medium of Welsh is desirable but
not essential. However all candidates will be expected to display an
empathy towards the language and support decision making to strengthen
bilingual service provision within the Consumer Council for Water.
Strong communication skills, to ensure effective communication with water
companies, other regulators, Welsh Government policy officials, Ministers
and, on occasion, the media.
An interest or knowledge of the Water Industry.
Applicants should be persons who conduct themselves at all times in a manner
which will maintain public confidence.
Candidates invited for interview will be asked to complete a conflict of interests’
questionnaire. In principle anyone who is currently, or has within the last 12
months, worked for or been involved with any of the English or Welsh water
companies (i.e. water and sewerage undertakers, inset appointees and licensed
water suppliers) or a water regulator will not be eligible.
Current membership of the House of Commons or the Welsh Government and
appointments with Ofwat, the Environment Agency, Natural Resources and Drinking
Water Inspectorate or similar organisations with a strong interest in water are not
The Consumer Council for Water
compatible with an appointment on the CCWater board. Please contact the HR
email to check eligibility.
Candidates should also note that being a member of the Consumer Council for
Water is a disqualifying post for membership of the National Assembly for Wales
under the National Assembly for Wales (Disqualification) Order 2010.
If appointed, any shares in water companies or any companies within their
respective groups must be sold. However this restriction does not apply where the
choice of shares held is made exclusively by a fund manager.
The Board currently comprises nine members.
Alan Lovell DL was appointed as CCWater’s new Council Chair on 1 April 2015.
Terms of Appointment
Appointments will be made by the Minister for Natural Resources.
Members must observe the highest standards of impartiality, integrity and
objectivity in relation to the stewardship of public funds and governance of
CCWater. Any appointment can be terminated early and without notice by the
Minister for Natural Resources if the appointee fails to perform his or her duties to
a satisfactory standard.
The Wales Committee Chair is subject to annual appraisal by CCWater’s Council
Duration of Appointment
Appointments are normally for a four year term. However, given the uncertainty
surrounding the future of CCWater beyond 2015 this appointment may be
shortened, following the Triennial Review (see above).
In accordance with the Code of Practice for Ministerial Appointment to Public
Bodies, Ministers may reappoint or extend the terms of public appointees.
However, any reappointment will be subject to a satisfactory performance
assessment and will be at the discretion of Ministers.
The appointee may resign at any time by giving three months notice in writing to
the Minister for Natural Resources. The Minister for Natural Resources may
The Consumer Council for Water
terminate the appointment under certain conditions, which will be notified to the
successful candidate on appointment.
A copy of the terms and conditions, which the successful candidate will be
expected to accept, is available from the Welsh Government upon request.
Time Commitment
Members will be expected to be available to work a minimum of 3 days per week.
The Consumer Council for Water Board will meet at least 11 times a year, normally
in Birmingham. The Board also has a number of standing committees including
Audit and Risk Management, Finance and Resources, and Remuneration
Location of Meetings
The Consumer Council for Water’s Board meetings are usually held in Birmingham
and once a year in Cardiff. There may be occasion when board meetings are
required elsewhere.
The Wales Committee currently meets twice a year, in public, throughout Wales.
The post of Chair of the Wales Committee will be paid at £36,045 for a 3 day a
week commitment. The Chair of the Wales Committee of The Consumer Council
for Water is likely to be regarded as a holder of an office for tax and National
Insurance purposes. Fees payable will, as a result, be chargeable to tax under
Schedule E of the Taxes Act and subject to Class 1 National Insurance
contributions. These liabilities will be deducted via CCWater payroll system and
the net fee paid to the office holder.
Reasonable expenses will be paid in line with CCWater travel and subsistence
policy. This appointment is not pensionable.
Assistance for Disabled Members
Where appropriate all reasonable adjustments will be made to enable members to
effectively carry out their duties.
Induction Training
Successful candidates will be required to attend CCWater’s induction sessions that
will take place in October and November.
The Consumer Council for Water
Selection Process
This appointment is regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments and
made in accordance with the Commissioner’s Code of Practice for Ministerial
Appointments to Public Bodies. It is the policy of the Welsh Government to
promote and integrate equality of opportunity into all aspects of its business
including appointments to public bodies.
Applications are welcomed and
encouraged from all groups and we ensure that no eligible candidate for public
office receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, disability, gender,
marital status, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, or
pregnancy and maternity. The principles of fair and open competition will apply
and appointments will be made on merit.
Starting date
1st October 2015
Further Information and Queries
For further information on the application process and to apply, please visit or for queries contact the Shared Service
Helpdesk Helpdesk on 029 2082 5454 /
For further information about the Consumer Council for Water you may wish to visit
the Consumer Council for Water’s web site:, or
contact Olwen MinneyWater Branch Welsh Government 02920 825420.
For further information about the application process and how to apply, please
visit or contact the Welsh Government’s
To register on the site, click on the Consumer Council for Water vacancy and click
on ‘apply’ at the bottom left hand corner. Then click on the register button.
Complete all of the fields; accept the terms and conditions and click submit.
To apply you will need to submit two supporting documents. The first a full CV and
the second a personal statement (no more than two sides of A4), detailing your
experience, how you meet the role description and person specification and how
you could contribute to the role of Chair, Wales Committee of the Consumer
Council for Water. The two documents should be uploaded to the ‘Attach
Supplementary Document(s)’ section of the online application form.
Closing Date and Key Decision Dates
The closing date for applications is 8 June 2015. Application forms received after
this date will not be considered. You will be informed whether or not you are
being invited to interview at least two weeks before the interviews which are
The Consumer Council for Water
expected to be held during July 2015. The Minister’s decision on this appointment
is expected by August 2015.