Public Health CareerLink - College of Global Public Health


Public Health CareerLink - College of Global Public Health
Public Health CareerLink
Thank you for your interest in posting an opportunity with the NYU Master of Public Health program within
the NYU Global Institute of Public Health. Organizations can publicize opportunities - including jobs,
internships, practica, fellowships, volunteer positions, events, and more - to students and alumni in the NYU
MPH program using our online posting system: Public Health CareerLink, powered by Symplicity. This is a
FREE service. Organizations can also use the system to sign up for upcoming career fairs, information sessions
and workshops.
To register for an account, please visit:
Once your account has been confirmed, you will receive a password and you will be able to access a variety
of services by following the instructions below:
- Go to
- Enter your username (email) & password* (Login screen page)
- You are now on your HOME PAGE
- At the top menu bar, CLICK...
"Post a Position" to post a job, internship, or other position to students and alumni in the
NYU MPH program -- click the ADD NEW button on the next screen page -- enter your job or
internship and click SUBMIT!
"Events" to register for Career Fairs and or do an Information Session
"Resume books" to request and view resume books
You can also access these services through "Quick Links" on your HOME PAGE.
As many other schools and universities throughout the globe use the Symplicity system, we anticipate that
many of you may already be familiar with it. If you have accounts with various schools and you would like to
streamline your password, please follow the directions outlined at:
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact
To learn about our internship, practicum, and capstone programs, please click here: