Course Selection Pathways Booklet 2015-2016
Course Selection Pathways Booklet 2015-2016
NQHS Course Selection Pathways Booklet 2015 - 2016 Course requests will be completed online through the Aspen Student Portal. March 23 – April 6, 2015 Finding the Aspen Student Portal: Go to Enter the student’s ID number as the Login ID or From the Quincy Public Schools website at Go to Parent Links on the right choose Aspen ~ Student Portal to locate a link to the address above. Enter the student’s ID number as the Login ID After logging into the Student Portal choose My Info top tab Requests side tab Follow the Instructions that will be visible on the top of the My Info Request screen when the course selection window is open March 23 - April 6 Finding Program of Studies on our website: Log on to the Quincy Public Schools website at Go to Schools High Schools choose high school choose Course Selection 2015-16 (on left). North Quincy High School Main Office: (617) 984-8745 Student Support Services Office: (617) 984-8747 Robert Shaw, Principal, North Quincy High School Michael Connor, Assistant Principal Peter Chrisom, Jr., Dean Daniel S. Coughlin, Dean Susan C. Nash, Dean William Shaughnessy, Dean Helena Skinner, Department Head, Student Support Services Should you have questions, feel free to call the departmental phone numbers listed below, and speak to a department head, who will be happy to answer your questions and assist you. DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT HEAD PHONE/EMAIL Career & Technical Education Virginia Fidalgo English Michael Jorgenson English Language Learners James McAdams Foreign Language Mary Ann O’Regan, Acting 617-984-8992 Mathematics Judith Holliday 617-984-8993 Science Kenneth Panaro 617-984-8996 Social Studies Danielle Fernandez Special Education Tracy Phelan Air Force Junior R.O.T.C. Sergeant John DeLorenzo 617-984-8749 617-984-8991 617-984-8697 617-984-8995 617-984-8698 617-984-8971 Rev 03-04-2015 NQHS All courses are full year 5 credits unless otherwise specified. 2 of 16 2015 - 2016 Selecting your courses This booklet includes the typical course pathways available to students entering North Quincy High School. When selecting courses students should take into account the graduation requirements and the academic requirements necessary for their anticipated career path. Also included are the NQHS graduation requirements, promotion requirements and minimum four-year college admission requirements. Questions regarding course selection should be directed to the student’s current school counselor or the specific academic department head listed on the previous page. It is recommended that students and parents review the recommendations of their classroom teachers and/or school counselors by the assigned deadline on the front cover. 1. Begin by reviewing the courses in this booklet. Course descriptions and additional information is available in the Program of Studies which is available on our website. Finding Program of Studies on our website: Go to the Quincy Public Schools website at Choose Schools High Schools choose high school choose Course Selection 2015-16 (on left). Instructions for choosing Course requests online 1. After logging into the Student Portal choose My Info top tab Requests side tab 2. At the top of the Requests page, please read and follow the instructions in the Instructions box for entering your ‘requests’. Note: If any of your courses are recommended by your teachers, they will automatically appear as requests when you first view the Requests page. 3. In the Primary requests box, click Select in the different subject areas to view or choose your courses For example, to view what is offered for Social Studies courses, click Select to the left of Social Studies. A new window will open and all the courses that are available will be listed. The course recommended by your teacher will be checked and the Status will be Recommended. If the is gray, student cannot change the teacher recommendation. If you wish to choose another course that is listed, make a note in the Notes for counselor box on the Requests page. Your requests are automatically saved after you enter them on the Requests page. Your counselor can view them anytime. 4. Students must select exactly 31 credits worth of courses. 5. After you complete entering your requests, click Post at the bottom of the page. This lets your counselor know that you are finished entering requests. If you have not selected enough courses to satisfy requirements for your academic track, the system lets you know which area you need to make more requests in. Please verify that you have 31 credits. NQHS All courses are full year 5 credits unless otherwise specified. 3 of 16 2015 - 2016 NQHS Graduation Requirements 1. Each student must acquire a minimum number of credits in the subjects listed below. Additional courses will be required to meet the 100 credit minimum graduation requirement at North Quincy High School. Each full year course that meets every day is worth 5 credits. Courses should be selected from career technology, English, foreign languages, mathematics, science, social studies, creative or performing arts, or other NQHS approved courses. 2. Students must also earn the competency determination on the ELA (240 +), Mathematics (240 +) and Science (220 +) portions of the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS). SUBJECT ENGLISH FOREIGN LANGUAGE MATHEMATICS SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES PHYSICAL EDUCATION MUST TAKE 4 YEARS 2 YEARS 3 YEARS 3 YEARS 4 YEARS 4 YEARS MUST ACQUIRE CREDITS 20 10 15 15 20 4 NQHS Promotion Requirements 1. 2. Most high school subjects are worth five (5) credits each for a full year. • a minimum of six (6) courses and Physical Education must be carried each year in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 for a total of thirty (31) credits. A student must accumulate: at least four (4) subjects, for a minimum of twenty (20) credits, to achieve grade 10 status, forty-five (45) credits from grades 9 and 10, to achieve grade 11 status, seventy (70) credits, from grades 9, 10, and 11 to achieve grade 12 status and a minimum of one hundred (100) credits, achieved by adding together the credits from grades 9, 10, 11, and 12, is required for graduation. Information for College Bound Students In general, colleges require 16 college preparatory units to be taken in grades 9-12. A unit is the equivalent of taking a subject for a full school year, one class period per cycle. Electives should be selected to meet specific college requirements. The Program of Studies (available online) contains the courses usually required for admissions to college, but college catalogues should be consulted for possible variations. Five (5) credits are equivalent to one (1) college entrance unit. Below are the minimum four-year college admission requirements. English 4 units Mathematics 3 or 4 units (including Alg. 1, Alg.2. and Geometry) Science 3 or 4 units (including 2 – 3 lab sciences) Social Studies 2 units Foreign Language (preferred in one language) 2- 3 units Additional units should be taken from the academic areas above. NQHS All courses are full year 5 credits unless otherwise specified. 4 of 16 2015 - 2016 NORTH QUINCY HIGH SCHOOL The course selection chart shown below is designed to assist parents and students in selecting courses in the English department. Please note that students are required to pass English every year; accumulating 20 credits to qualify for graduation. The chart represents a suggested sequence of courses in the English department by level. Students are required to meet all pre-requisites and must obtain parent and teacher approval. Elective courses are to be taken in addition to a required English course and will not be counted towards the 20 point English requirement. Further information is available in the Program of Studies online at under NQHS Guidance. See page 3 for detailed instructions. ENGLISH CCP Student Assigned by ELL Teacher 0198 Transitional English 1 0199 Transitional English 2 COLLEGE & CAREER PREP HONORS ADVANCED/AP ELECTIVE CHOICE Grade 9 Grade 9 Grade 9 Grade 11 and 12 0102 English 9 0103 English 9 0104 English 9 Grade 10 Grade 10 Grade 10 0112 English 10 0113 English 10 0114 English 10* Grade 11 Grade 11 Grade 11 0122 English 11 Or 0162 American Literature and Composition 0163 American Literature and Composition 0124 AP Language and Composition * Advanced Placement Grade 12 Grade 12 Choose one 2.5 credit Literature 0172 British Literature Or Grade 12 0132 English 12 Or 0192 Modern Literature and Composition 0142 Journalism and Media Studies 0134 AP Literature and Composition * Advanced Placement 0323 Literature & Society AND Choose one 2.5 credit Writing 0174College Writing Or 0313 Poetry & Creative Writing *Written approval of teacher and department head required NQHS All courses are full year 5 credits unless otherwise specified. 5 of 16 2015 - 2016 NORTH QUINCY HIGH SCHOOL The Course selection chart shown below is designed to assist parents and students in selecting courses in the Mathematics department. Please note that students are required to pass Mathematics for 3 years; accumulating 15 credits to qualify for graduation. The chart represents a suggested sequence of courses in the Mathematics department by level. Students are required to meet all pre-requisites and must obtain parent and teacher approval. Elective courses are to be taken in addition to a required Mathematics course and will not be counted towards the 15 point Mathematics requirement. Further information is available in the Program of Studies online at under NQHS Guidance. See page 3 for detailed instructions. MATHEMATICS COLLEGE & CAREER PREP ADVANCED/AP HONORS Grade 9 Grade 9 Grade 9 Grade 9 1002 Algebra 1 1003 Algebra 1 1004 Algebra 1 A 1014 Geometry A Grade 10 Grade 10 Grade 10 Grade 10 1012 Geometry 1013 Geometry 1024 Algebra 2 A Grade 11 Grade 11 1013 Geometry H And 1024 Algebra 2 A 1022 Algebra 2 1023 Algebra 2 Grade 11 1025 Pre-Calculus A Grade 12 Grade 12 1025 Pre-Calculus A Grade 12 1029 Algebra 2 * or 1052 Pre-Calculus or 1082 Topics in Applied Math 1063 Pre-Calculus Grade 12 1064 AP Calculus * 1064 AP Calculus A/B or 1114 AP Statistics or 1114 AP Statistics * Or 1045 Discrete Math and 1113 Statistics (2.5 each) Grade 11 ELECTIVE CHOICE Grade 10, 11, 12 1098 Introduction to Programming for Grades Grade 11, 12 1096 Programming in Java 1097 AP Computer Science 1190 Math Independent Study * *Approval of teacher and Department Head required NQHS All courses are full year 5 credits unless otherwise specified. 6 of 16 2015 - 2016 NORTH QUINCY HIGH SCHOOL The Course Selection Chart shown below is designed to assist parents and students in selecting courses in the Science Department. Please note that students are required to pass three years of Science; accumulating 15 credits to qualify for graduation. The chart represents a suggested sequence of courses in the Science Department by level. Students are required to meet all pre-requisites and must obtain parent and teacher approval. There are no elective choices in Science. All Science courses count towards meeting the graduation requirement. Further information is available in the Program of Studies online at under NQHS Guidance. See page 3 for detailed instructions. SCIENCE COLLEGE & CAREER PREP Grade 9 2092 Life and Physical Science Grade 10 2007 Conceptual Biology Or 2012 Biology HONORS Grade 9 2093 Life and Physical Science Grade 10 2013 Biology Or 2063 Earth Science/ Physical Science Or 2093 Life and Physical Science Grade 11 2020 Chemistry for Changing Times Or 2022 Chemistry Or 2072 Marine Science Grade 11 2023 Chemistry Or 2073 Marine Science Or 2191 Lab Assistant in Teaching Science Grade 12 2032 Physics Or 2072 Marine Science Or 2132 Earth Science Grade 12 2033 Physics Or 2845 Anatomy and Physiology Or 2073 Marine Science Or 2191 Lab Assistant in Teaching Science Or *2190 Independent Science Study Or both 2152 Science and Nutrition and 2112 Zoology (2.5 each) * Written approval of teacher and Dept. Head required ADVANCED/AP Grade 9 *2014 Biology Or *2065 Earth Science/ Physical Science Grade 10 *2024 Chemistry Or *2014 Biology Or *2065 Earth Science/ Physical Science Grade 11 *2034 Physics Or *2024 Chemistry Or *2045 AP Chemistry Or *2048 AP Environmental Science Grade 12 *2015 AP Biology Or *2045AP Chemistry Or *2034 Physics Or *2048 AP Environmental Science * Written approval of teacher and Dept. Head required NQHS All courses are full year 5 credits unless otherwise specified. 7 of 16 2015 - 2016 NORTH QUINCY HIGH SCHOOL The Course Selection Chart shown below is designed to assist parents and students in selecting courses in the Social Studies Department. Please note that students are required to pass Social Studies every year; accumulating 20 credits to qualify for graduation. The chart represents a suggested sequence of courses in the Social Studies Department by level. Students are required to meet all pre-requisites and must obtain parent and teacher approval. Elective courses are to be taken in addition to a required Social Studies course and will not be counted towards the 20 point Social Studies requirement. Further information is available in the Program of Studies online at under NQHS Guidance. See page 3 for detailed instructions. SOCIAL STUDIES COLLEGE & CAREER PREP Grade 9 3102 World History Grade 10 3012/3016 Modern World/US History 1 HONORS Grade 9 3103 World History ADVANCED/AP Grade 9 3104 World History Grade 10 3013/3017 Modern World/US History 1 Grade 11 Grade 10 3014/3018 Modern World/US History 1 Grade 11 3022 US History 2 Grade 12 3312 The World in the 20th and 21st Centuries Or 3082 U.S. Government and Politics 3023 US History 2 Grade 11 Grade 12 3024 AP US History 3083 U.S. Government and Politics Or 3053 Psychology Or 3034 Modern European History Or 3010 History of Western Philosophy Grade 12 3065 AP Government and Politics: Unites States Or 3054 AP Psychology Or 3035 AP European History NQHS All courses are full year 5 credits unless otherwise specified. 8 of 16 2015 - 2016 NORTH QUINCY HIGH SCHOOL The Course Selection Chart shown below is designed to assist parents and students in selecting courses in the Foreign Language Department. Please note that students are required to two years of foreign language; accumulating 10 credits to qualify for graduation. It is recommended that students complete their requirement in the same foreign language. The chart represents a suggested sequence of courses in the Foreign Language Department by language. Students are required to meet all pre-requisites and must obtain parent and teacher approval. Further information is available in the Program of Studies online at under NQHS Guidance. See page 3 for detailed instructions. FOREIGN LANGUAGE French Italian Latin Mandarin Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 4112 French 1 CCP Or 4113 French 1 H Or 4114 French 1 A 4312 Italian 1 CCP Or 4313 Italian 1 H 4413 Latin 1 H 4612 Mandarin 1 CCP Or 4613 Mandarin 1 H 4510 Fundamentals Spanish1 CCP 4122 French 2 CCP Or 4123 French 2 H Or 4124 French 2 A Grades 10, 11, 12 4322 Italian 2 CCP Or 4323 Italian 2 H Or 4324 Italian 2 A Grades 10, 11, 12 4423 Latin 2 H Or 4424 Latin 2 A Grades 11, 12 4433 Latin 3 H Or 4434 Latin 3 A Grades 11, 12 4132 French 3 CCP Or 4133 French 3 H Or 4134 French 3 A 4332 Italian 3 CCP Or 4333 Italian 3 H Or 4334 Italian 3 A Grade 12 4443 Latin 4 H Or 4444 AP Latin Grades 10, 11, 12 4622 Mandarin 2 CCP Or 4623 Mandarin 2 H Or 4624 Mandarin 2 A 4632 Mandarin 3 CCP Or 4633 Mandarin 3 H Or 4634 Mandarin 3 A Grade 12 Grade 12 Grade 12 4142 French 4 CCP Or 4143 French 4 H Or 4144 AP French Language 4342 Italian 4 CCP Or 4343 Italian 4 H Or 4344 AP Italian Or 4512 Spanish 1 CCP Or 4513 Spanish 1 H Grades 11, 12 Grades 11, 12 Spanish 4642 Mandarin 4 CCP Or 4643 Mandarin 4 H Or 4644 AP Chinese Language Or 4522 Spanish 2 CCP Or 4523 Spanish 2 H Or 4524 Spanish 2 A Grades 10, 11, 12 4520 Fundamentals Spanish 2 CCP Or 4532 Spanish 3 CCP Or 4533 Spanish 3 H Or 4534 Spanish 3 A Grades 11, 12 4542 Spanish 4 CCP Or 4543 Spanish 4 H Or 4546 Spanish 4 A Grade 12 4552 Spanish 5 CCP Or 4553 Spanish 5 H Or 4554 AP Spanish Language Grades 11, 12 4190 Independent Foreign Language Study (written approval of teacher and department head is required) Grade 9 students should choose two alternates to their primary Foreign Language choice. NQHS All courses are full year 5 credits unless otherwise specified. 9 of 16 2015 - 2016 NORTH QUINCY HIGH SCHOOL The Course Selection Chart shown below is designed to assist parents and students in selecting one or more courses that align with the English Language Learner interest areas. Please note that it is not necessary to take ALL THE COURSES listed under a specific pathway. The chart represents “suggested” courses. Further information is available in the Program of Studies online at under NQHS Guidance. See page 3 for detailed instructions ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS ELL ENGLISH Department head approval required LEVEL 0 – 1 0290 Beginning 0291 Beginning 0292 Beginning 0295 Integrated Academics 0278 Skills 1 0279 Literacy 1 0289 Literacy 2 LEVEL 2 0283 Low Intermediate 0284 Low Intermediate 0288 Skills 2 0299 Literacy 3 LEVEL 3 0293 Intermediate 0294 Intermediate 0298 Skills 3 0209 Literacy 4 LEVEL 4 0296 Advanced 0297 Advanced ELL MATHEMATICS Department head approval required 1202 ELL Algebra 1 1212 ELL Geometry Note: These are transitional courses for ELL students. A placement test is required to determine student placement or when student is ready to be placed into a regular math program. ELL SOCIAL STUDIES ELL SCIENCE Department head approval required Department head approval required 2280 ELL Science 2011 ELL Biology 2019 ELL Chemistry 3280 ELL Civics 3279 ELL Modern World 3283 ELL American Growth NOTE: English Language Learners are tested for proficiency to determine their starting point and course placement. ELL students transition from beginner, low intermediate, intermediate, and advanced courses. Once a student has finished this progression they are put into regular course programs. Students may start at any given level as determined by proficiency and department head. NQHS All courses are full year 5 credits unless otherwise specified. 10 of 16 2015 - 2016 NORTH QUINCY HIGH SCHOOL The Course Selection Charts shown below and on the next page are designed to assist parents and students in selecting elective courses in Career & Technical Education. Please note that students are required to attain 100 total credits to graduate. This chart represents a suggested sequence of courses in the Career & Technical Education by topic and technical major. Students are requested to select one elective per grade. Students are required to meet all pre-requisites and must obtain parent and teacher approval. Further information is available in the Program of Studies online at under NQHS Guidance. See page 3 for detailed n instructions. Career & Technical Education Select Career/Technical Education to choose Career, Business, and Technical courses. o Please pick two Alternate Electives Health Services Grade 9 5011 Computer Apps I (2.5) And 6197 Nutrition & Wellness (2.5) Grade 10 7261/7262 Health & Human Services Grade 11 7264/7265 Health Care Technology Construction Grade 9 5301 Introduction to Construction Skills (2.5) And 5292 Technical Drafting (2.5) Grade 10 6042 Carpentry 1 Or 6012 Technical Drafting Grade 11 Grade 12 6052 Carpentry 2 7267/7268 Patient Care Grade 12 6013 Computer Aided Design I Early Education Grade 9 5011 Computer Apps I (2.5) And 6197 Nutrition & Wellness (2.5) Grade 10 7261/7262 Health & Human Services Grade 11 Engineering Grade 9 5301 Introduction to Carpentry (2.5) And 5292 Technical Drafting (2.5) Grade 10 6013 Computer Aided Design I Or 6012 Technical Drafting 7281/7282 Early Education & Child Care I Grade 11 Grade 12 7284/7285 Early Education & Child Care II 6013 Computer Aided Design I Or 6014 Computer Aided Design II Grade 12 6013 Computer Aided Design I Or 6014 Computer Aided Design II Or 6015 Computer Aided Design III NQHS All courses are full year 5 credits unless otherwise specified. 11 of 16 2015 - 2016 NORTH QUINCY HIGH SCHOOL The Course Selection Charts shown below and on the next page are designed to assist parents and students in selecting elective courses in the Career & Technical Education. Please note that students are required to attain 100 total credits to graduate. This chart represents a suggested sequence of courses in the Career & Technical Education by topic and technical major. Students are required to meet all pre-requisites and must obtain parent and teacher approval. Further information is available in the Program of Studies online at under NQHS Guidance. See page 3 for detailed n instructions. Career & Technical Education Continued Select Career/Technical Education to choose Career, Business, and Technical courses. o Please pick two Alternate Electives – Art/Music/Theater courses are available at the bottom. Banking Finance and Marketing Accounting/Law and Entrepreneurship Grade 9 (Must pick two) 5011 Computer Apps: MS Word/PP (2.5) And 5232/5233 Entrepreneurship (2.5) Or 5097 Technology for the 21st Century (2.5) Grade 9 (Must pick two) 5011 Computer Apps: MS Word/PP (2.5) And 5232/5233 Entrepreneurship (2.5) Or 5097 Technology for the 21st Century (2.5) Grade 10 5052/5053 Business Law & Ethics Or 5193 Computer Apps: MS Office Grade 10 5052/5053 Business Law and Ethics Or 5102/5103 Accounting 1 Grade 11 5052/5053 Business Law & Ethics Or 5202/5203 Business Principles & Economics Or 5193 Computer Apps: MS Office Or 5032/5033 Marketing Grade 11 5102/5103 Accounting 1 Or 5052/5053 Business Law and Ethics Or 5202/5203 Business Principles & Economics Grade 12 5202/5203 Business Principles & Economics Or 5032/5033 Marketing S/H Or 5076 Public Speaking H (2.5) And 5088 Financial Literacy H(2.5) NQHS All courses are full year 5 credits unless otherwise specified. 12 of 16 Grade 12 5102/5103 Accounting 1 Or 5202/5203 Business Principles & Economics Or 5113 Accounting 2 Or 5076 Public Speaking H (2.5) And 5088 Financial Literacy H(2.5) 2015 - 2016 NORTH QUINCY HIGH SCHOOL The Course Selection Chart shown below is designed to assist parents and students in selecting courses in the electives. Please note that students are required to attain 100 total credits to graduate. This chart represents a suggested sequence of courses in the electives by category. Students are required to meet all pre-requisites and must obtain parent and teacher approval. Further information is available in the Program of Studies online at under NQHS Guidance. See page 3 for detailed n instructions. Artistry Program for Creative and Performing Arts Use Select next to Art/Music/Theatre to choose any of these Elective courses. o Please pick two Alternate Electives – Career/Technical courses are available at the bottom. Art/Photography Music Grades 9, 10 Pick two of: Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 6215/6216 Art 1 (2.5) 6262/6263 Digital Photo 1 (2.5) 6285/6286 Graphics and Visual Design 1 (2.5) 6312/6313 Choir Or 6302/6303 Band Theatre Grades 9, 10 6344 Theater Arts 1 Grades 10, 11, 12 6345 Theater Arts 2 Grades 10, 11, 12 6222/6223 Art 2 Or 6272/6273 Digital Photo 2 Grades 11, 12 6251 Advanced Art Or 6283 Digital Art and Design H Grade 12 6252 AP Studio Art Or 6284 Digital Portfolio H * ** *** NQHS Prerequisite: Teacher approval required Prerequisite: Prior class or teacher approval required Prerequisite: Audition and prior class required All courses are full year 5 credits unless otherwise specified. 13 of 16 2015 - 2016 The Course Selection Chart shown below is designed to assist parents and students in selecting courses in the electives. Please NORTH QUINCY HIGH SCHOOL note that students are required to attain 100 total credits to graduate. This chart represents a suggested sequence of courses in The Course Selection Chart shown below is designed assist parents andand students in selecting in theapproval. electives.Further Please the electives by category. Students are required to meettoall pre-requisites must obtain parentcourses and teacher note that students are required to attain 100 total credits to graduate. This chart represents a suggested sequence of courses information is available in the Program of Studies online at under NQHS Guidance. See pagein3 thedetailed electivesn by category. Students are required to meet all pre-requisites and must obtain parent and teacher approval. Further for instructions. information is available in the Program of Studies online at under NQHS Guidance. See page 3 for detailed n instructions. Use Select next to Art/Music/Theatre to choose any of these ROTC courses. Please pick two Alternate Electives – Career/Technical courses are available at the bottom Aerospace Science (AFJROTC) Elective Grades 9, 10, 11 9112 Aerospace Science 1S Or 9113 Aerospace Science 1H Grades 10, 11, 12 9122 Aerospace Science 2S Or 9123 Aerospace Science 2H Grades 11, 12 9132 Aerospace Science 3S Or 9133 Aerospace Science 3H Grade 12 9142 Aerospace Science 4S Or 9143 Aerospace Science 4H NQHS All courses are full year 5 credits unless otherwise specified. 14 of 16 2015 - 2016 NORTH QUINCY HIGH SCHOOL The Course Selection Chart shown below is designed to assist parents and students in selecting courses in the electives. Please note that students are required to attain 100 total credits to graduate. This chart represents a suggested sequence of courses in the electives by category. Students are required to meet all pre-requisites and must obtain parent and teacher approval. Further information is available in the Program of Studies online at under NQHS Guidance. See page 3 for detailed n instructions. . Physical Education Every student in Grades 9 through 12 is required to take Physical Education This course should already be in your Requests 9200 Physical Education 1 credit Please note that students must pass a full year of Physical Education (1 point) every year; accumulating 4 credits to qualify for graduation. Academic Enrichment Requirement for all incoming Grade 9 (automatically assigned) 8174 21st Century Study and Research Skills 1.25 credit Please use Notes for Counselor to communicate with Student Support Services. Reminder: click POST at the bottom of the page to indicate to your Counselor that you are finished entering requests. NQHS All courses are full year 5 credits unless otherwise specified. 15 of 16 2015 - 2016 Quincy School Committee The Honorable Thomas P. Koch, Chair Kathryn E. Hubley, Vice-Chair Paul L. Bregoli Noel T. DiBona Barbara J. Isola Anne M. Mahoney David F. McCarthy Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Superintendent of Schools and Secretary to the School Committee The Quincy Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, or handicap, in its education activities or employment practices. Quincy Public Schools – 2015
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