Partner Co-Organizer and Supporter Opportunities


Partner Co-Organizer and Supporter Opportunities
Partner Co-Organizer and Supporter
April 26 - 29, 2015 | Hilton Anatole Resort
Dallas, Texas
Qlik Hackathon Co-Organizer Packager
Cost: $5,000 USD
Number Available: 1 package remaining
Back by popular demand is the Qlik Hackathon! Participating teams will be presented with several
challenges involving the international humanitarian organization MedAir, an aid agency providing help for
populations affected by natural disasters or conflict and a Qlik “Change Our World” grant recipient and
partner. Their goal will be to achieve new insights and visualizations to address the challenge by using
their web skills, data, Qlik Sense, and our newest space for collaboration and open exchange – Qlik
We are calling for co-organizers and supporters of the Qlik Hackathon. A co-organizer of the Qlik
Hackathon 2015, will provide technical support and/or equipment according to Qlik’s requirements. This
can include for example, server storage, products and data access.
Co-organizer benefits:
 Company logo and description exhibited on the mobile app and Hackathon materials
 1 seat to participate in the Hackathon judging panel
 Verbal acknowledgement and thank you during General Session (1000+ attendees) with
company logo on a slide
 10 minute coffee break presentation to all Hackathon participants, including the distribution of
marketing materials
 1 x 30 minute meeting with MedAir
 1 x 30 minute meeting with Qlik’s Corporate Social Responsibility Team
 Press mention in the press release announcing the winner
Co-organizer costs:
 Technical support and/or equipment provided at no cost to the Qlik Hackathon
 US$5,000 co-organizer fee
Qlik Hackathon Supporter Packager
Cost: $500 USD
Number Available: 4
A supporter of the Qlik Hackathon 2015 will contribute to the overall event. Supporters can provide
giveaways for participants. Examples of giveaways includes branded pens, notepads or t-shirts.
Supporter benefits:
 Company logo and description exhibited on the mobile app and Hackathon materials
 Verbal acknowledgement and thank you during General Session (1000+ attendees) with
company logo on a slide
 1 x 30 minute meeting with Qlik’s Corporate Social Responsibility Team
Supporter costs:
 Giveaway items to be provided by Supporter
 US$500 supporter fee
QONNECTIONS 2015 – APRIL 26TH, 2015 – APRIL 29TH, 2015 – HILTON ANATOLE, DALLAS, TEXAS - #qonnections
Midnight Madness
Cost: $1,000 USD
Number Available: 2
The Midnight Madness contest returns to discover this year’s very best app building skills, visualization
greatness and development talent, using Qlik Sense capabilities and functionalities. Contestants will form
teams of two, three, or four developer fanatics, demo experts, or app magicians that are ready to push
the boundaries on a user adoption business scenario. Each team will be provided with a business
scenario, clear requirements and the challenge to create the ultimate self-service data visualization and
discovery application app – all within the three-hour Midnight Madness timeframe.
Co-organizer benefits:
 Company logo and description exhibited on the mobile app and Midnight Madness materials
 1 seat to participate in the Hackathon judging panel
 Verbal acknowledgement and thank you during General Session (1000+ attendees) with
company logo on a slide
 Press mention in the press release announcing the winner
Co-organizer costs:
 Provision of prizes for the first place (4 at a maximum value of $250 each) or second place (4 at a
maximum value of $100 each) winners
 US$1,000 co-organizer fee
QONNECTIONS 2015 – APRIL 26TH, 2015 – APRIL 29TH, 2015 – HILTON ANATOLE, DALLAS, TEXAS - #qonnections
Fitness Extravaganza: Fun Run, Urban Obstacle Race & Spinning
Cost: $750 USD
Number Available: 2
We’re pumping up the fitness at Qonnections based on the overwhelming number of fanatics that we’ve
seen since launching the Fun Run. This year we’re bringing back Vice President of Innovation Donald
Farmer to lead the Fun Run, with 2 fellow Qlik fitness experts.
Drew Clarke, Vice President Business Development will lead the Qlik Urban Obstacle Race, debuting at
Qonnections 2015. The urban obstacle race will cover 5km filled with activities and obstacles. Kathi
Kaplan, Vice President of Americas Marketing, will introduce spinning to the exercise suite at
Qonnections 2015! The spinning class will focus on strength, speed and endurance.
Co-organizer benefits:
 Company logo and description exhibited on the mobile app and fitness materials
 Verbal acknowledgement and thank you during General Session (1000+ attendees) with
company logo on a slide
Co-organizer costs:
 US$750 towards giveaway item
QONNECTIONS 2015 – APRIL 26TH, 2015 – APRIL 29TH, 2015 – HILTON ANATOLE, DALLAS, TEXAS - #qonnections
Sponsorship Form
Qonnections 2015 | April 26th - 29th, 2015 | Hilton Anatole | Dallas, Texas
Please complete the following sponsorship form and email to
Registration Information
Packages (in USD):
○ Hackathon Co-Organizer (1 available) $5,000 ○ Hackathon Supporter (4 available) $500
○ Midnight Madness Co-Organizers (2 available) $1,000 ○ Fitness Extravaganza (2 available) $750
First Name: ________________________________ Last Name: ________________________________
Company: _________________________________ Title: _____________________________________
Email Address: _____________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
First Name: ________________________________ Last Name: ________________________________
Company: _________________________________ Title: _____________________________________
Email Address: _____________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Street 1: __________________________________
City: _____________________________________
Country: __________________________________
Street 2: __________________________________
State: ____________________________________
Zip: ______________________________________
Return the completed signed form no later than April 22, 2015.
Package selected: _______________________________
$ ________________________
Payment Option: ○ Check ○ Wire ○ PO ○ Credit Card
$ ________________________
Name on Card: ________________________________________Type of Card: ○ MC ○ VISA ○ AMEX
Credit Card Number: ___________________________________ Expiration Date: __________________
Billing Address: ________________________________________Security Code: ___________________
City: __________________________State:_______ Zip Code: __________Country:_________________
Printed Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Qlik reserves the right to refuse sponsorship by any applicant for any reason. Packages are not confirmed until signed agreement and payment are received. For
questions, please contact Packages are limited and will generally be available on a first come, first-served basis and may be awarded at
Qlik’s discretion. Qlik reserves the right to increase ordecrease the number of available packages. Please note that Qlik Global Partner Funding is not available for
this program.
QONNECTIONS 2015 – APRIL 26TH, 2015 – APRIL 29TH, 2015 – HILTON ANATOLE, DALLAS, TEXAS - #qonnections
By signing below, each party represents and warrants that this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding
agreement upon proper execution by the Parties' duly authorized representatives on the last date of signature
appearing below.
Name of Company: ________________________
QlikTech Inc. ______________________________
Signature: ________________________________
Signature: ________________________________
Package Level: ________________________
Package Level: _________________________
QONNECTIONS 2015 – APRIL 26TH, 2015 – APRIL 29TH, 2015 – HILTON ANATOLE, DALLAS, TEXAS - #qonnections
Payment terms for fees are net 15 days from submission of this Form, and in any event all payments must be made by May 15th,
2015. All payments shall be made in U.S. dollars. Company shall be responsible for all incidental expenses incurred during
Qonnections (the “Event”). Company is solely responsible for obtaining any licenses and permits and for payment of all taxes (including
sales and use taxes), license fees, or other charges applicable to its participation in the Event, including, if applicable, taxes collected
by Qlik.
Company must comply with all applicable laws and regulations in connection with its participation in Qonnections, including but not
limited to health and safety laws, access for the disabled, rules established by the Hilton Anatole and the terms, conditions, and rules
issued by Qlik from time to time in connection with the Event. Company must maintain proper insurance coverage for its property and
Company agrees that its participation in the Event, including without limitation, its materials, communications or the conduct of its
representatives, shall not be lewd, offensive or otherwise inappropriate as determined by Qlik. Company further represents and
warrants to Qlik that it will not violate any proprietary rights of third parties in connection with its participation in the Event, including
but not limited to the performance, distribution, or posting of copyrighted material without a license, assignment, or other legally
effective permission.
Qlik may cancel all or any part of the Event for any reason by providing prior written notice to Company and Company’s sole recourse
shall be to obtain a full refund of the monies paid to Qlik. Qlik may also cancel all or any part of the Event for any reason beyond its
reasonable control, including but not limited to, natural or public disaster, act of God, epidemic, acts of terrorism, venue construction,
insufficient participation, market fluctuation, government regulation, or similar reasons, in which case Qlik will refund to Company a
full refund of any fees already paid to Qlik, after which Company will have no further recourse against Qlik. A change in the name,
dates, hours or venue of the Event does not constitute a cancellation by Qlik. In the event of any cancellation or termination by the
Company for any reason, all amounts paid or due under this Agreement by Company are non-refundable, noncreditable and not
subject to any right of offset, and represent an agreed measure of compensation for time and expenses incurred and shall not be
deemed or construed as a forfeiture or penalty.
Under no circumstances shall Qlik or the Hilton Anatole or their affiliates and their resepctive employees, officers, directors, contractors
and agents (collectively, the “Event Providers”) be liable for lost profits or other indirect, incidental, consequential, special or other
exemplary damages for any of their acts or omissions in connection with the Event, whether or not Qlik or the Event Provider has
been apprised of the possibility of such damages or lost profits. In no event will Qlik’s and its affiliates’ liability hereunder, or otherwise
in connection with the Event, exceed the amount actually paid to it by Company for the Space. Qlik is not liable for any errors in any
listing or descriptions or for omitting Company from the Event show materials. Qlik and the Event Providers are not liable to Company
for any damage, loss, harm, or injury to the person, property, or business of Company, or any of its visitors, officers, agents, employees,
or other representatives, resulting from theft, fire, earthquake, water, unavailability of the venue or intermediate staging facilities,
insufficient participation, accident, or any other reason in connection with the Event or any planning meetings, demonstrations, or
stagings, except to the extent such liability arises directly from the willful misconduct of the Event Provider against whom liability is
sought to be assessed.
Company acknowledges that the Event may be recorded and reproduced in any form (including but not limited to digital formats), and
hereby authorizes Qlik and its designees to record, transcribe, modify, reproduce, publicly perform, display, distribute, redistribute,
and transmit in any form and for any purpose any such recording of the Event, and agrees to execute any additional release presented
by Qlik, in connection with such activity or to give effect to this provision. Company hereby releases Qlik and its designees from and
waives all claims it or its employees or agents may possess, now or in the future, in connection with such activities, and specifically
waives any statutory restriction on waivers of future claims or moral rights.
No amendment, modification, change, waiver, or discharge hereof shall be valid unless in writing and signed by an authorized
representative of the party against which such amendment, modification, change, waiver, or discharge is sought to be enforced. This
Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, USA without
regard to its conflict of law rules, and the parties agree to accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in
Pennsylvania. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. This
Agreement supersedes all prior agreements, representations, warranties, promises, covenants, commitments or undertaking, whether
written or oral, with respect to the subject matter contained in this Agreement.
QONNECTIONS 2015 – APRIL 26TH, 2015 – APRIL 29TH, 2015 – HILTON ANATOLE, DALLAS, TEXAS - #qonnections