Datsheet_Ops-Central_Workload Automation
Datsheet_Ops-Central_Workload Automation
Ops-Central TM Make IT Simple Solutions For IT Workload Management Powered by TM Think Continuity - Think Perpetuuiti Copyright © 2014 by Perpetuuiti. Email : info@ptechnosoft.com Web : www.ptechnosoft.com Ops-Central TM Make IT Simple Solutions for IT Workload Management Ops Central™ is a workload automation framework supports IT / Business Process Automation. It has inbuilt Libraries which are tightly integrated and tested. Solutions for IT Workload Management Perpetuuiti introduces OPS-Central™ IT Workload Management, providing end-to-end Automation solutionsover applications, infrastructure, Database and business related workloads. Ops-Central supports Heterogeneous systems from physical to virtual infrastructure and It helps automation for Cloud Service providers for faster deployment of Apps over cloud / Virtualization Ops Central Provides Agentless Objects for Automating Day to Day IT tasks and Events with Ease. Automation Engine Ops-Central Solution: Ops-Central™ Automation Engine supports multi-layer of automation through UI Detection, Command Interface Perpetuuiti Ops-Central manages the complete Automation of applications by providing the means to easily perform application process Web forms, Web services Unix daemons and Job based automation solutions. Ops-Central works across platforms with fully agentless Technology. Ops-Central supports Logical Workflow wizards to automate the full gamut of IT infrastructure. Ops-Central inbuilt Infra Objects helps to automate the IT process without any Development Efforts. Ops-Central Supports Automation of UI / Web and Infrastructure process Agentless Automation Ops-Central™ provided agent less solution for cross platform technology. This helps to make OpsCentral ™ for making faster deployment and cross compatibility across platform Ops-Central inbuilt file transfer wizard helps to transfer files across platforms. Business Challenges: Improve IT efficiency: Reducing IT costscontinues to be a key requirement for organizations. At the same time IT is expected to improve service delivery. To be more efficient IT not only needs to automate routine administrative tasks and processes but also optimize infrastructure utilization and Manpower. Real time Business events: Today's on-demand IT requires realtime information processing. To compete, IT must rethink how it manages and automate the processes and jobs and move towards automation of workloads to efficiently manage Business events. Increase visibility and Centralized Management: Without a centralized visibility and Management, it's dif?cult to manage multi-platform and ulti-tier applications and its dependencies. You can't have a visibility of failure and regulatory compliance. Wake Up on Alert Ops-Central™ wake up on alert using multiple alerting Technologies like Email, SNMP, DB triggers. TM Ops-Central™ wake up on alert Features help organizations to Enable workflows based on Alert this can be integrated to Any application which are capable Of generating alerts. These alerts can be handled by Ops-Central™ as a part of incident management. Think Continuity - Think Perpetuuiti Email : info@ptechnosoft.com Web : www.ptechnosoft.com Copyright © 2014 by Perpetuuiti. Ops-Central TM Make IT Simple Ops-Central ™ Principles for IT Automation Technology Solutions for Enterprise Helps to reduce the cost and complexity of managing mission critical business application workloads across platforms. Ops-Central™ provides Centralized Dashboard to Monitor / Manage IT operations / Job Management. Ops-Central™ Integrated with various SNMP tools for alerting mechanism. Increases IT ef?ciency and allows staff to focus on higher-value activities. Ops-Central provides standard / custom reports. Ops-Central™ inbuilt Job Engine provides parallel threading job processing technology for optimum utilization of CPU. Designed to ensure consistent and reliable service delivery Ops-Central™ Dynamic Workflow supports automating the IT process with Ease. Ops-Central™ Virtualization Layer provided Complete automation support for Vmware, HyperV environments it supports automation from provisioning the system till power on . Enhances business experience through Centralized activities acrossphysical, virtual, cloud systems Ops-Central™ IT provides automation solution even for devices like network switch , Firewall, DNS servers etc. “Ops-Central™ Provides Vendor Neutral Solutions for Enterprise. We asked 5 accomplished IT Managers the things they would've done differently at the onset of their careers Ops-Central™ provides wake up on alert this provides flexibility and ease of event management through application triggers. Ops Central Dashboard TM Make IT Simple Ops Central Dashboard TM TM Think Continuity - Think Perpetuuiti Copyright © 2014 by Perpetuuiti. Web : www.ptechnosoft.com Email : info@ptechnosoft.com