6. * ugqr+ qrqq gr-fiS-\rr.\`f,ett
6. * ugqr+ qrqq gr-fiS-\rr.\`f,ett
Pre-Bid Clarification { fu-ar srsqora, qqg{, qss ti q-q-ift-s-\dfitrTq d oio.fd orffif, sqr qfti (iftSq) ry r+1 t-e-orq frfr-ET srtr fuqT rrqt er, fu-s-mT ft-ftg d-d-6 ffi za.o+.zors o1 oTd-6q ginr =r€n dfi-€-d, I@ frfurcT wf wr*ea oTffi oTqfdq qtqgq fr .rqr, ffi g.NfiS Grd.fd rrfrfr d frq {r{qtr sqR+ro gt'- ffi :rrril qqf z. ei. d.errs.qffi frgqgqat) s. d. fr.d.crq. fr.gs. +. d. ent. d. q+dqft. \'q-S s. d.,erF+.nu {gd* Sr{Gr} 6. * ugqr+ qrqq gr-fiS-\rr.\'f,ett 1. .H).w.S dt-fi-s d'ao-t oa ii 3ilqtfu-d fuqj sruzrqr s{Fr s(Fr rf{Er rtrfuq sqrtrr ftq oqM d qfrftsr sqRa.rd Et'- 1- Medical Eleborate concept (P) Ltd. 2- Krishna Micromed 3- Invoke Medical Systein (P) Ltd. 4- surgimed Health care (rndia) Ltd. 6- JinOal Mectec Pvt. Ltd. 7- Instromedix (India) Pvt. Ltd. 5- Invive w Healthqare Pvt. Pvt. Ltd - Jalandhar, punjab pahrganj, New Delhi Subhash Nagar, New Delhi c-scheme, Jaipur Kalka Ji, New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Pre-Bid Querv Clarification v Nl D' Name of Company - Medical Eleborate Concept (p) ttd. s.N Query Clarifications Regarding Eligibility Criterion: A lot of changes in Eligibility Criteria has been made from previous tender. As you good self might also be the aware that 6 bedded CCU is downgraded to 4 Beddcd Average turnover of manufacturing firm should be Rs.3 .1, and that previous tender was cancelled due to less Crore or more in the last three (3) participation. so it is expected from Tendering authority to relax tender terms and condition but it is financial years,(201 L-tZ, 20L2-L3, 01 very unfortunate that monopolistic conditions towards 2013-1.4) for all bidders a particular bidder were added. We wish to bring your. attention to few such conditions. 1- Bidders Turn over is increased irrationally to L5 v Crs almost L0 time of the estimated work cost for manufacture bidder and 3 times of estimated cost for non manufacturing bidder. Madanr this will resr-rit wV in less participation in tender. Please find attached CV',l guidelines wherd the CVC has quoted an example i:: keeping turnover as 15 crores as a requirement for I work gf value 7.5 crores. CVC has c[assified this a; restrictive criteria. ln our case the estimated cost is icrores which is still much lower. CVC also mentions iti the same gircular that ideally 30% of theproject valur: should be kept as a turnover criteria. Bidders Existence is desired for more than 10 years keeping in mind a particular company ure do not v;iril . . / I 5 Years I to name so monopoly can be created towards thi; ln a turn key project a particular set of work o4 05 06 07 (GA,! Pipeline) is given extraordinary importance despite i" being only as crqcial set of work as others Madanr q CCU unit not working due to its equipment and a faulty interior is as bad as its faulty Gas Pipeline. How a doctorwill monitor a patient if only so called backbone Gas Pipe line works in a CCU ln a turn key project of CCU work experience (..'f Modular OT is given undue advantage just to give:l extra support to a particular compan rso 90ci. Jv\.:l Logic behind putting an elrgrbrlrty cnteflon o f tJv and ISO 14001 in a turn key project is not quit,: understandable. The Condition of Non Conviction (refer to condition 2.3 of eligibility criteria page no 08 of previous tender copT enclosed) is deleted to given advantage to particular company. The cdmpany in question towards which monopolies . are being created was penalized by compelition Commission of lndia for their corrupit practices and for doing cartelization is similar work. The requirement of work experience is also increased irrationally*to provide undue advantage to a particula'.r No Change No Change ISO Certification RequireC ln requirement of Cover- A I'lon Conrriction affidavit is already demandecj to produce bY the bidders. then there is no question of repeating such sentence further in E.C. After consideration work experiences has been reduced companv. 08 lntroduction of a new eligibility criteria of AP Certificate is a clear sign of how monopolies towards a particulars bidder is created in the NlT. Madam if you search the nte and type " AP CERTIFICATE NHS APPROVED lNDlA." you will find that Probably only single lndian company holds this certificate. Contrary to beliqf of l.endering Authority that Gas Pipeline work is back bone of the project non manufacturing bidder who can have only experience in selling' of Equipment is made eligible to take part in the \,\//'/ This Para is deleted It is denied tender. E 0 LL Regarding Technical Specification Number oFmonitors need to specified of each type- 5 parameter and 7 parameter. All tender specifications for medical gas pipeline, 5 Paramete,' bedded CCU but the tender title uest Clarification in this regard. says-4€edded CCU. The specifications on interior works is for modular room, Usually such a construction is done in modular OTs. Request you to look into the cost and budget aspects of these sPecifications. Ventilators alone are asked as CE and FDA while other equipment have been asked as only CE approved' Request you to consider ventilators also as CE or FDA approved as FDA approval limits compe ru""a to clarify if number of air compressors required is furniture etc is for 6 Already added both in the tender documents Suggestion accePted one or two. Nime of Co Que 2.1- Past Experience y - Krishna Micromed, New Delhi Clarifications of the bidders and pre- qualification conditions. Minimum eligibility requirement for the bidders of the medical*gas pipeline system Tenderer/Eligible bidder must have completed and have post experience of have post experience of having executed modular ICU/CCU in lndia for five hundred lakhs of above in 15 any No Comments Government DePartment or Hospitals in the past Seven years in lndia only' Eligible bidder must submit copy of the completion certificate along with the bid documents and failing which bid will be rejected. lf require demonstration can be asked and bidders must arrange f6r the same. OR Tenderer/Eligible bidder must have completed and have past experience of having executed six work of modular operation theatres/ modular ICU/ICU in lndia or above in any government Department of Hospitals in the past five years in lndia only' Eligible bidder must submit copy of the completion certificate along-wifh the bid documents and failing which bid will be rejected . lf require demonstration can be asked and bidders must arrange for the same. As the Tender is for turnkey construction of a Cardiac Care Unit (CCU), it is not clear why medical gas pipeline system eligibility requirements are mentioned. The elieibility should be for turnkey ICU/CCU providers with rsrngglen! Tenderer/Eligible bidder should submit proof of existence of minimum 10 yeors in medicol equt,pmert/modulor operotion theoters field. (Firm medical gas pip'eline as one of ths ,s incorporotion certificste should be submitted) It is not clear why only firms older than 10 years are eligible to bid for the tender. Experience of the firm has already been asked in the previous eligib Tenderer/Eligible Bidder must hove on onnuol overoge turnover for fifteen hundred lokh in the continuous past three vears. Minimum 5 Years It is not clear why for and estimated project cost of Rs. 1-.5 crores the total turnover in the each of the last 3 Fina'hcial year has been asked as Rs. L5 Crores. r' 19 Tenderer/Eligible Bidder must hove o bank solvency of ten hundred lokhs from a nationolized bank ond foiling which bfr witt be rejected. It is not clear why for an estimated project cost of Rs. 1.5 crores the total solvency has been asked as Rs. 10 crores. Tendere/Eligible Bidder Should submit copy if Ap certificote: AP Should be working the their compony since lost 5 yeors ond copy of the certificote must be submitted. AP certificote should be from NHS opprov,ed MGPS Ltd UK" (topy of Ap certificate must be submitted with the bid documents) Whrle the tender is for turnkey setup of o cordioc cqre unit it is not cleor why credentiols of onty medical gos pipeline companies ore given importance to Most of the turnkey yendors for rcu/CCtJ solutions ore not medicol gas pipeline monufocturers themselves, Further, Ap Sr.No. 01 Already mentioned Sr. No. 08 Already Mentioned Certificote from NHS approved MG\S ttd tJK is unrelated in the current context. why o certificotion is required in tndio from a private firm in uK? tdeoily, Norms of Government of rndio should be odhered to all works in qovernment. Name of company - lnvoke Medical System (p) Ltd. New Delhi Que Clarifications Query L-ln your tender description under- Eligibility Criteria Poirit no. 2"1, Past Experience for the bidders and prequalification conditions. paragraph 4 you require the minimum 10 years of experience and our company's incorpoffition date is 31St August 2005 as per date our experience is 9 years approx. so, pls you call the bidders with minimum experience of approx 9 years. we are under big budget project please do the needful. Query 2-Apart from that same point page number ff you mentioned. Tenderer/Eligible Bidder should submit copy of Ap certificate :AP should be working in their company since last 5 yedrs and copy of the certificate must be submitted AP certificate should be from NHS approved MGPS ltd UK. (Copy of Ap Certificate must be submitted with the bid documents). sir, the certificate is mandatory for UK, and it,s not mandatorv in lndia. ) pvt. Sr. No. 17 Already Mentioned Sr. No. 08 Already Mentioned LtdJriprr Query Turn over criterion mentioned in 2.L of eligibility criteria be brought down to average 3.5 crs per annum Supply experience limit shall be brought down io Rr Clarifications As shown in Sr.No.0L tt per previous tender Proof of existence of more than 10 years be brought down to 5 years EMD shall be brought down to a token of Rs. 50000/l-.1-0 crs as Bank Solvency be brought down to rs. L.10 Crore Tender Cost Sr. no. 17 Already Mentioned No change l_ Crs. Securityteposit shall be brought down to 5% of Total quoted value. Condition of AP certificate shall be abolished. Non Conviction Affidavit shall include " Bidder shall never been convicted by any agency in terms of Modular OT/CCU/ICU/ NICU or any other quoted item. Condition of Authorized Distributor be abolished as this is a multi skill Turn kev proiect. Specifications'- Multi-Parameter Monitor Screen Should have both option touch and optical encoder. Should be 12.1" Color LED Display for better visibility (it should be 1-4" touch screen and monitor shouH be modular) Should be 800X 600 resolutions or better with clear waveform and easy to read numeric values. It should have separate internally fitter module for spo2, NIBP, ECG, Power to Minimize the after sale cost, No change Sr. No. 08 Already Mentioned For the experience produced and on the basis of it participation takes place in Bid No change No change in tender documents norms Good resolution or better with clear waveform and easy to read numeric values upto 8 real time waveforms should be displayed. Both audio and visual alarms for vital signs should be available. 16 eveht recording of alarm conditions should be available and facility to recall with ECG waveform. Name of Company : lnvive Healthcare pvt. Ltd. New Delhi Query Clarifications Eligibility Criteria 2.1 - Please clarify if tender clause 2.1_ is for medical gas pipeline manufacturers only. Also It is of CCU/lCU/Modular please clarify the qualification criteria for bidders who operation which was mention in are not medical gas pipeline manufacturers but a EC 2,L turnkey solution providers for installation and commissioning of all components of a CCU. Technical speci{ication-Wall and Ceiling panels for CCU- The layout of the CCU/ICU The specification asked are for modular room. These room are shown to all pre-Bid are usually used in modular OTs. The Cost consid- attendant persons after that if erations should be considered while planning these want to see the building than specifications in an ICU/CCU. you are welcome Medical Compressed Air Base Unit- Please specify if the Sr. no. 14 Already Mentioned numberof air compressors required are 1, or 2. Medical Compressed Air Base unit- TEFC induction Motor insulation Class 'F' HP-induction motor upto 5 HP may be sufficient for 6 bedded CCU. l 36 I Please specify the number of 5 para and 7 para monitors. ICU Ventilator-As all equipment in the tender have been specified as CE or FDA. We request that the requirement for Ventilator may also be made as CE or Sr. no. 10 Already Mentioned Suggestion accepted FDA AP Certificate Sr. No. 08 Already Mentioned * Name of Company : Jindal Mectec Pvt. Ltd. Gurgaon Clarifications We have ISO 9001 certification. The Process for ISO 14001 certification has been initiated. What is the need for AP Certificate? We feel this is Sr. No. 08 Already Mentioned ecific. This clause should be mand Name of Company : Instromedix (lndia) Pvt. Ltd. The qualification criteria of executing & lnstallation of ICUICCU at value of 5 crore in Govt. Deptt. Should be amended, that a bidder who has supplied the ICU/CCU equipment of same value should also be considered. Suggestion accepted By enltrrge these specifications are as for HTM standard A.P. certificate is recommended to verify 42 system installed as UK/HTM standard. The equipment manufactured as per most advanced (NFPA) standard should also be allowed and certifier of American Sr. No. 08 Already Mentioned Standard holding valid ASSE 6020 should be considered because only one standard favors to some particular companies and restricts wider competition. Since the mos| of the equipments are imported and will take arbund 30 days to import and trans clearance, hence period of delivery of equipment i.e. 45 days is Some relaxation emergency if very short, so kindly extend the period of delivery to require after given tender to minimum 90 days and subsequently project that company other wise our completion period should be extended from 120 days tender is same to L50 days. ln all the Govt. tenders EMD is allowed in shape of No change DD/BG, hence BG (Bank Guarantee) should be allowed. Warranty asked for equipment is 3 years which is high, since all the equipment manufactures give the warranty of 1 year but still we may consider for the No change warranty of 2 years. However for up time and smooth running of the equipment the CMC for next 5 years may be asked to be quoted. Technical Specification FolSyringe Pump ltem No.04 Point no - 2: 2 ml syringe should be deleted as it is not required in CCU Point N9. 14.1 : 0.L-800.0 ml/h should be changed to 0.1-1200.0 ml/h as this much asked range of low rate is not required in CCU for 50 ml syringe 50 ml syringe should be Not change Point No 14.2:0.1-1800.0 48 I Not change rornr No. 14.3: 0.1_200.0 mllh should be changed to 49 I rtlf,@ 0.1-200'0 ml/h as this much asked range of frow rate is not requiredin C9llIg1.]O rlsyringe 0.1-200.0 ml/h as this much asked range of frow rate is noLrequired in CCU for 5 ml syringe. Hornr no L4.4: 0.1-200.0 mllh should be changed to 0.1-100'0 ml/h s this much asked range of frow rate is not required in CCU for 5 ml svrinee. pornr no. 14.5: 0.1-100.0 ml/h (2 ml syringe) setup of 0.1. ml/h 0.1-200.0 mllh 0.1-200.0 mlfh,, should be deleted as 2 ml syringe is not required in CCU 50 51 Not change Not change Not change Multipara Meter monitor ltem no 01 52 53 54 55 56 Potnr No. - z: LED should be changed to LED/LCD as you have asked for touch screen and touch screen cannot be available/compatible unit LED screen, And also, most of the companies have LCD touch scrptrn pont No-g: Special mode for viewing only waveforms upt_o 7 waveforms should be in monitor,, should be changed to "Facility of viewing upto 7 waveforms should be in monitor. potnt ng. L6: Minimum 5_7 user can be defined with choice of placing of parameters and waveforms on screen" should be deleted as this feature. Point No. 4 Multi para Monitor 7 para: TFT should be changed to TFT/LED/LCD as you have asked for touch screen and touch screen . cannot be available/compatible with TFT screen. And also, most of the companies have LCD touch screen rornr No. rz tor Murtipara Monitor 7 para: Facility for special mode of viewing only waveforms,, should be changed to " Facilitv for viewins at least 7 wAvpfnrrnc,, rnrusron pump, ltem No.03 Point No. rsr 57 nffi vrrr" Not change Not change Not change Not change Not change M"d"" should be deleted as accuracy cannot be adjustecl in Not change any purfrp. 58 V 60 t" n6! 7" 62 potnt No.09 : Ventilator (Adult and lnfantl irrno no.02 lnspired Minute Volume should be deleted as it is not available on most of the .omnanioc rornr No. rr: 9U-Z6O Vac should be changed to 10024A Vac as most of the companies have this much range of the ac power supply. rotnr No. z5i The unit should be CE marked to European medical clevices directive and FDA certified should be changed to ,,The unit should be CE marked to European medicar devices directive or FDA certified,, snoutd be 4 bedded of 6 Bedded on Daee no g Annuatrurnover should be schedule to 7.5_g core rr Not change Not change CE or FDA Certification required 4 bedded Average 3 crore Certificate requirement ISO 9001 or L4OOL Authorize distributor turnover should be redacted 63 64 Area specified should be 65 per the layout plan attached (map) Technical specification should be modified. 66 { as Sr. No. 39 Already Mentioned Sr.No. 46 to 59 Above Cornpressor requirement should be specified as 1 set (2 nos) 67 Monitor parameter recommended ls 7, should be minimurn 7 parameter for CCU. Also add a specification for anti static floor. Rates must be asked unitwise and lumpsome rates should be rejected it should not be entertained. 68 69 70 Manufacturing licenses should ufactu be amended ma 72 A.P. Certificate requirement should be deleted. n ri as ng licenses/ ma n ufactu ring a uthorization. 71, Civil work by bidder should be clarified as small work reqUirement for installation of equipment. For running Manifold gas plant, manpower and hours should be specified. 73 74 No Change Layout plan attached. mentioned Sr.No. 14 Already mentioned Sr.No. 10 Already mentioned lncluded in item list Suggestion accepted all bidder are required to submit the ltem wise rate Manufacturing licenses in affidavit form or power of attorney would be considered Sr. No. 08 Already Mentioned As per norms of CCU As manifold gas plant utility in hospital is 24 hrs. so that in 3 shift manpower may be required as per government norms. For Gas pipeline ask for the rate of running length. 75 \ .,4 $ @* fiod" Attached layout plan i EACH ITEM RATE SHOULD BE qUTED Sr.No. 01 02 03 04 ( 05 06 07 08 09 10 It t2 13 t4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 Anti static floor Oxygen Base Unit Medical Compressed Air Base Unit Medical Vacuum Base Unit of 500 LPM. Electrical wiring inside Plant and manifold room Copper Pipe with BSi Kite Marked. Gas terminal Outlets Oxygen Flow Meter with Humidifier Bottle Ward Vacuum Unit lsolation Valves Assembly Medical Gas Monitoring Alarm Installation and Testing Paintin,e of Copper Pipe Electrical u'irine, conducting Inside CCU: Medical Gas Hose Assemblv Distribution Board Control Panel for CCU Multi-parameter Monitors 26 ICU Ventilator (Adult and infant ) Infusion pump 27 Syringe Pump 28 Compressor 29 Suction machine 30 ECG machine computerized 31 Pulse Oximeter 25 /32 B.P.appalatus table rnodel 33 B.P.apparatus stand model 34 Stethoscope -35 ,1 Name of Equipment Antibacterial Painting of CCU Wall & Ceiling Panels for CCU Anti-static homogenous t'looring Curtain Track partition lntfavenous Track I.V Track : Verlical Bed Head Wall Panel Poftable X-Ray Machrne 36 Central Patient Monitoring Station 37 lntubation Kit, Laryngoscope 38 Air Conditioning 39 Generator Set 40 Transfer stretcher 41 CCU beds 42 Bedside lockers 43 Over bed table Cost Per item I 44 Medical screen 45 Mattress 46 47 One step footstool 4B Record clip trolley 49 50 51 Crash Cart cum medicine trolley Kick bucket Transfer stretcher, Trolleys, standi,@ screen etc. and all miscellaneous appliances required in CCU Full body Manikin for cPRAED Training with real tirne feedback AED Training with CPR System Revised Tender Submission Schedule Activates Last Date and time for Submission of Tender Time and Date of Opening of Tender-Cover-A Time and Date 6f Opening of Tender-Cover-B M. l- W OLD Date & Time 1L-05-2015,4:30 PM 12-05-201,5, 1:00 PM 15-05-2015,, 1:00 PM Revised Date & Time 22-05-20L5,4:30 PM 25-05-20L5,4:30 PM 29-05-2015,4:30 PM ;iski::::4Gii::.;$ki S = .9 (E E L E c tE CL _\ (E ?- o. v, o I *J (, L iP TA o 'l o P J o (E J f (J (J $