Contest Rules - Raritan River Week


Contest Rules - Raritan River Week
Raritan River Week Essay and Multi-Media Contest!
Summit SMT, Raritan Headwaters Assoc., and Clean Ocean Action are pleased to announce the Raritan
River Week Student Essay and Mulit-Media Contests! The contests are for middle school and high-school
students in New Jersey. There will be two categories for each grade level: Essay or Multi-Media (movie,
photography, music).
General Information:
Students may submit one entry per category. The Entry form must be filled out completely with each entry.
Entries will not be returned and are the property of SummitSMT. Entries will not be published without parental permission.
TOPIC: The Raritan River. What does it mean to you? Why is it important?
The Essay should include one or more of these areas of focus from the Sustainable Raritan River Action
1. Site remediation, rehabilitation and reuse of abandoned and underutilized properties
2. Public access and recreational use of the river
3. Stewardship, habitat restoration and protection
4. Improved water quality and management of water quantity including stormwater
5. Balanced redevelopment for both economic growth and environmental quality
OR you can focus on: wildlife on the river, diversity of the river.
The essay should be an original work focusing on The Raritan River and what it means to the student and/
or the community. Essays should be typed on MS Word (12 point font and double-spaced).
All submissions must be sent electronically to:
Essays must be from 3-5 pages long. Each essay should include the following: Student name, age, grade,
school name, parent name, and contact information (email and phone).
Movies should be 3-5 minutes long
Photo Essays should be 5-10 images.
Songs should include original lyrics and be less than 5 minutes long.
All submissions will be done electronically, and be accessible by SummitSMT. (posted to a social media site,
like youtube or flickr.)
Prizes will be awarded to middle school and high school levels.
Essay Category:
First Prize: $100.00, and a copy of the book, The Raritan River: Our Landscape, Our Legacy
Second Prize: $25.00 plus a ‘swag bag’ from Clean Ocean Action (Tee shirt, beach towel, and more); a gift
basket from Raritan Headwaters Association.
Multi-Media Category:
First Prize: $100.00, and a copy of the book, The Raritan River: Our Landscape, Our Legacy
Second Prize: $25.00 plus a ‘swag bag’ from Clean Ocean Action (Tee shirt, beach towel, and more); a gift
basket from Raritan Headwaters Association.
ALL Participants will be put into a RAFFLE. One High School and One Middle School will host a presentation
by Clean Ocean Action and Raritan Headwaters Association.
Due Date: May 15, 2015
In order to enter the contest, you must fill out the application and email it with your entry.