- Ratanui Medical


- Ratanui Medical
March 2015
Kia Ora, Greetings to all of our patients. Please, take one of our Newsletters
Farewell - FROM DR CLIVE STONE Dear patients – as you may already know I am retiring from full time medical practice - end of March 2015 bringing to a close 40 years at Ratanui Medical Centre.
I joined Ratanui in 1975 and can still remember the splendid Christmas party, December 1974, thinking what
a wonderful supportive team of Doctors I was joining.
It has been a very enjoyable journey these past 40 years,
supported by great colleagues - some no longer about - and
a dedicated staff of Nurses and Receptionists making every
day a pleasure.
Over the past 40 years it has been a pleasure and a
privilege to serve such a varied group of wonderful West
Auckland patients. You have all been part of me;
negotiating the trials of illness and health and I shall truly
miss you all. I am sure we will continue to find each other
on the highways and byways of life.
As my replacement, Ratanui welcomes Dr Tilda
Samuelson, a graduate of Edinburgh Medical School Scotland to continue your medical care.
It is my intention to be available for Ratanui as in a "help out" capacity for a period so you may still see me
about the medical centre. I wish you all the very best for good health for the future years
Clive Stone
Dr Tilda Samuelson
Dr Dhivyan Vishnunadan
Dr Samuelson graduated from Edinburgh
University in 2002.
Dr Vishnunadan is our current GP registrar.
GP registrars are doctors who have already
completed at least eight years of medical training
and are going on to specialise in general practice.
She loves all areas of general practice.
When not working she loves spending time with
her young son and also dabbles in a bit of
Registrars come to our practice for a five-month
period to get practical experience under the
supervision of our Doctors (Wong, Caldwell and
You may be offered an appointment with Dr
Vishnunadan. If you decide to consult with our
registrar you are making an important contribution
to the education of our New Zealand doctors and
we appreciate your support.
Dr Abigail Smith
We welcome back Dr Smith from extended maternity leave, who will continue caring for some of Dr Graneks
patients (whilst she is on maternity leave) and Dr Stones patients. Dr Smith will commence in April.
Spirometry (lung function testing)
Repeat Prescriptions
When booking for a Spirometry please ensure you
DO NOT take your INHALERS but please, take all
other usual medications.
You can order your repeat prescriptions with the
nurse either by telephone or email
Diabetes Checks
Nurses answerphone – messages are checked
twice daily at 11.30 am and 4 pm
FREE annual diabetes checks for patients with
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Please ensure you
have your blood tests at least 2 days prior to your
appointment. Remember to bring in your care
sense meter to review. Diabetes clinics are every
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
In order to maintain the effectiveness of this
process the following details are required:
Audiology Clinic
We offer ear irrigation and ear suctioning every
Wednesday and Friday. Please note - It is
essential that softening drops be used for at least
3 days prior to this procedure. Ear suctioning
requires a booked appointment.
Women’s Health
If you are overdue for your smear please book in
to see a nurse or your GP. Women’s Health
clinics are every Tuesday, Thursday and every
second week of the month on Saturday.
Your name, folder number and/or date of birth
The names and quantities of the medications
you require.
Please allow a minimum of 24hrs when ordering
your repeat prescription.
If you have not seen your GP for six months or
more and, depending on your type of medication,
your GP may request for you to make an
Same day prescriptions
incur a $5.00 surcharge
Quick Clinic is available between 2 pm and 5.45 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 11.30 am Saturdays.
You will see the Doctor allocated on duty that day. Doctor preferences cannot be guaranteed.
To reduce wait times, guidelines for Quick Clinic are as follows:
ACUTE, QUICK appointments only.
ONE issue only. If you have more than one issue, you may be advised to make an appointment on
another day.
NO WINZ or ACC medical certificates. NO routine medical check ups. Appointments are required
for these.
Your accident/illness will be triaged by a nurse first.
Urgency takes priority therefore, you may not necessarily be seen in the order you came in.
If your request is NOT URGENT or QUICK, you may be advised by the nurse to make an
appointment for another day.
We will endeavor to keep you updated on wait times however, if you feel you have been waiting too
long, please see reception.
Now available from
9.30 – 11.30 a.m. and 2 – 4 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Cost $24.00
Over 65 free
Eligible medical conditions free
April 2015