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40 UNDER 40 - Crain`s Detroit Business
DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 1 CDB 9/26/2008 6:18 PM Page 1 ® www.crainsdetroit.com Vol. 24, No. 39 SEPTEMBER 29 – OCTOBER 5, 2008 $2 a copy; $59 a year ©Entire contents copyright 2008 by Crain Communications Inc. All rights reserved THIS JUST IN Croce leaves NextEnergy to be president of Lipten Jim Croce, CEO of NextEnergy for almost five years, has joined the private sector as president and COO of Wixombased Lipten Co., an energyservices firm. Tomorrow Croce will be his last day at the Detroitbased nonprofit, which was founded in 2002 to serve as a research catalyst, startup incubator and business accelerator for alternative-energy technologies. Crock successor was expected to be announced this week, but talks hit a snag, although the search is progressing, said NextEnergy Chairman Chris Rizik. Croce said he hopes to grow Lipten’s business in alternate and renewable energy, and to take it from revenue of about $30 million to $150 million by 2013. The company specializes in what is referred to as EPC, for engineering, procurement and construction, with an emphasis on general contracting, power generation, steam generation, chilled-water systems and watertreatment plants. Croce said he also will try to expand Lipten’s Michigan presence. Despite its local headquarters, it has no projects here. Lipten added six employees this year for a total of 40, about 30 of whom are in Wixom. Before taking the top spot at NextEnergy, Croce was vice president of business development of DTE Energy Co.’s Energy Technology Group. — Tom Henderson NEWSPAPER See This Just In, Page 2 Banking bailout: Boost or bust? Economic insiders mixed on impact to state BY AMY LANE CAPITOL CORRESPONDENT LANSING – A federal bailout package for the U.S. financial industry could boost Michigan consumers’ psyche and banks’ willingness to extend credit, lifting some clouds over an already-jittery and struggling state economy. But it could also send a negative message to businesses and resi- dents who face financial challenges every day and don’t receive government help. Those were some of the differing assessments Friday as a Washington bailout package continued to loom. Economist Patrick Anderson, principal and CEO of Anderson Economic Group L.L.C., said the bailout sets “a terrible precedent” and “destroys confidence in … the in- 40 40 2008 under Meet this year’s class. Page 11. stitution of private property and individual investors taking responsibility for their own decisions.” He said the uncertainty posed by continuing turmoil on Wall Street is bad for Michigan and other states, but “the big uncertainty here is whether the government is going to bail people out or not. And I think we made a huge mis- MORE ON THE BAILOUT ■ Federal fund helps innovative small businesses. Page 42. ■ Bailout offers little help for struggling community banks. Page 48. ■ Area bankers differ on impact of investment banks’ shift to retail. Page 48. See Bailout, Page 49 ‘Racino’ backers have another try Bill would change Constitution BY BILL SHEA AND DANIEL DUGGAN CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS The first direct attempt to permit casino-style gambling at Michigan’s seven horse tracks since 2004’s Proposal 1 effectively killed such efforts has been launched amid a chorus of skepticism from opponents. Rep. Andy Meisner, D-Ferndale, introduced a bill (HB 6465) on Sept. 17 that would tweak the state’s 1995 horse racing law to pave the way for an Meisner amendment to the Michigan Constitution to allow casino wagering at tracks, called “racinos.” A joint resolution by Meisner and Martin Griffin, D-Jackson, calls for the amendment and spells out how to tax such gaming. The bill and resolution are in the hands of the House Committee on Regulatory Reform, where no action is yet scheduled. A request for comment was left Friday afternoon for Meisner, who RV dealers try different road to revenue, Page 3 is term-limited and is a candidate for Oakland County treasurer. His district includes the Hazel Park Harness Raceway track. Voters approved Proposal 1 in 2004, and it requires a statewide and local referendum on any new gambling in the state, exempting the Detroit casinos and Indian casinos. It’s unclear yet who would foot the bills on what likely would be a costly campaign to persuade voters to approve racino legislation, which the Detroit and Native American casinos would oppose. “There is plenty of gaming in Michigan right now,” said Marvin Beatty, co-owner of Greektown Casino. “Michiganders have more than enough choices for gaming. I don’t think there appears to be any need or interest to expand gaming.” That doesn’t mean the casinos don’t have their eyes on the bills, especially because it’s coming during a lame-duck session. “During lame duck, anything can happen. It’s a true silly season,” said Tom Shields, president of Lansingbased Marketing Resource Group, which does work for MotorCity Casino. “The race tracks are not going to See Racino, Page 49 Macomb/OU incubator opens early to snag state funding, Page 47 DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 2 CDB 9/26/2008 5:57 PM Page 1 Page 2 THIS JUST IN ■ From Page 1 Corrections reforms sought The Detroit Regional Chamber plans to announce today it is calling on Lansing political leaders to overhaul Michigan’s correctional system to produce some $800 million in annual savings. Reforms sought by the chamber include updated sentencing and parole guidelines for non-violent criminals; replacement of political appointees on the parole board with civil servants; a merit system for inmates who complete education and training; and, for low-risk offenders, more effective use of technology such as electronic tethers and reporting systems, and community-based sentencing. The group also seeks competitive bidding of prison food services and wants correctional administrative expenses lowered by 10 percent. The chamber is calling for the cost savings to be applied toward reducing the nearly 22 percent surcharge that was added last year to the Michigan Business Tax. — Amy Lane UM offers degree for fundraisers The University of Michigan will offer a specialized master’s degree to train development and September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS fundraising coordinators at major colleges and universities, starting in 2009. The Master’s in Higher Education degree, with a concentration in philanthropy, development and advancement, is planned for the UM School of Education next fall. The program could start conferring its first degrees by mid-2010, said Deborah Carter, director of the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education at the UM School of Education. — Chad Halcom Jaffe Group opens in Jerusalem Southfield-based Jaffe Raitt Heuer & Weiss P.C. has opened a consulting firm in Israel. Called Jaffe Group L.L.C., the Jerusalem office is headed by Jaffe partner Noam Raz, who was born in Israel and is fluent in Hebrew. “Our plan is to assist Israeli Raz companies that want to do business in the U.S., especially in Michigan,” Jaffe CEO Rick Zussman said. Jaffe has represented American clients doing business and buying real estate in Israel for some years, he said, assisted by Israeli attorneys. Also on Jaffe’s team is Lauren Sobel, an Israeli attorney living in Ann Arbor since 2001, who is awaiting results of her July 2008 State Bar exam, Zussman said. — Robert Ankeny Art Van Furniture names CEO Warren-based Art Van Furniture Inc. has named Marshall Whaling as company CEO, in an appointment that takes effect today. He succeeds company founder Art Van Elslander as CEO. Van Elslander, 77, will continue as company chairman. Whaling, 53, comes to Art Van from Richmond, Va.-based Circuit City Stores Inc., where has been as senior vice president of retail operations since May 2006. Previously, Whaling was senior vice president of sales and operations in the business-to-business division of Best Buy Co. Inc. from 2003-06. He spent 20 years at American of Madison, a 15-store regional retailer of furniture, appliances and consumer electronics based in Wisconsin. Art Van also named Dan Baran, previously director of operations and logistics, as vice president of information systems, logistics and operations. The company promoted Robert Cudd from director of customer relationship marketing to vice president of marketing and e-commerce. — Chad Halcom CSG to hire for Auburn Hills plant Rochester Hills-based CSG plans on hiring 10 to 15 people for a plant in Auburn Hills that will produce a surface coating product that reduces air pollution and greenhouse gasses, said CEO Craig Andrews on Friday. The manufacturing and chemical engineering workers are to be hired by November. Another plant is located in Saga, Japan.“We are anticipating $20 million to $30 million in sales by the end of 2009 and I expect that number to quadruple in three to five years,” said Andrews. CSG could add another 200 jobs by 2013. — Jay Greene NSF teams up with Trucost Ann Arbor-based NSF International Inc. has formed a partnership and taken an equity stake with England-based Trucost plc. to expand the sustainability services it offers both in the U.S. and in Europe. NSF and Trucost will work jointly to provide broader services both in Europe and in the U.S. NSF said it has invested $3.9 million in Trucost’s latest round of financing. — Sherri Begin Ficano to lead trade mission Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano will lead a 2008 trade delegation to four cities in China Nov. 7-16. The delegation is scheduled to tour the following cities: Wuxi/Wuji, Chongqing, Changchun and Beijing, all leaders in automotive manufacturing and economic centers for their regions. The Southeast Michigan delegation, with support from the Detroit Regional Chamber, Detroit Chinese Business Association, U.S. Department of Commerce, Comerica Bank and law firms Warner Norcross & Judd, Butzel Long P.C., Miller Canfield Paddock and Stone P.L.C., and Clayton & McKervey P.C., plan meetings with government officials and companies, Ficano said. — Robert Ankeny New branding for United Way United Way for Southeastern Michigan has aligned its local branding campaign with that of its affiliates around the country. The Detroit-based agency last week rolled out a new tagline and branding initiative, “Live United,” following its launch at other U.S. affiliates this summer. The brand represents United Way’s plans to focus on volunteerism and advocacy as equally important as giving money in giving back to the community, it said in a release. — Sherri Begin hap is ... your Michigan-based partner HAP is more than just a card you carry. 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DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 3 CDB 9/26/2008 6:06 PM Page 1 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Page 3 Departures due at airport board Labor leader could land top spot BY BILL SHEA CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS If tradition holds, the vice chairman of the Wayne County Airport Authority will become its chairman in December, and it will mark the first time a labor activist leads the board. James Settles Jr. is vice chairman of the authority and is a vice president of the United Auto Workers international executive board. There doesn’t appear to be much concern that his chairmanship will mean a radical change for the panel that oversees operations and management of Detroit Metropolitan Airport in Romulus and Willow Run Airport in nearby Van Buren Township. “I don’t think you’ll see an ideological shift. He’s Settles very pragmatic,” said Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano, who originally appointed Settles. “I know with Jimmy Settles the number one thing is creating jobs.” Wise choices Settles himself needed for airport says much the board. Page 8. same thing: “I see it no different with me as a chairman than as a board member.” And he said he plans no change in the philosophy of the board in its dealing with its 10 unions. The day-to-day operations of the airport are overseen by the authority-appointed CEO, Lester Robinson. Settles will take over amid a transition on the board. Three members, including current Chairman David Treadwell, president and CEO of OPINION Inkster-based EaglePicher Corp., see their terms expire next month. Ficano will make two appointments to the seven-member board, and Gov. Jennifer Granholm will make one. The authority was created by the Legislature in 2002 in the wake of a two-year state probe into Wayne County’s management of the airport and questionable construction contracts for the $1.2 billion McNamara Terminal. Then-Wayne County Executive Ed McNamara, worried about the state taking control of the airport, which See Airport, Page 45 CRAIN’S INDEX Space for rent: Mexican companies to rent temporary office space in TechTown. Chinese are in talks to do the same. Page 36. Small-biz spark: The Small Business Innovation Research program can be a valuable tool. Just ask Heidi Jacobus. Page 42. On the road: New legislation would nearly double the mileage deduction for volunteers at nonprofits. Page 43. These organizations appear in this week’s Crain’s Detroit Business: A different road With profits falling, RV dealers look for other ways to make cash BY NANCY KAFFER CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS In 2004, business at Walt Michal’s RV Superstore was booming. The Belleville-based RV store was moving 2,000 vehicles a year and bringing in close to $70 million in revenue in a steady progression from the $1.2 million the business grossed annually when Michal bought the business from Dearbornbased Les Stanford Chevrolet in 1995. The next year, gas prices rose and revenue fell, to $50 million. Then 2006 rolled around, with a dismal $17 million in revenue. “We held our own last year and ended up around $18 million,” said owner Walt Michal. “This year we’re struggling mightily to get there. So we’re pulling the plug on RVs. We’ve got to go in a different direction.” In the face of plummeting profits, Michal is taking a radical step, moving out of new recreational vehicle sales, the business’ mainstay for 13 years. On Oct. 1, Michal will begin offering used cars and trucks, snowmobiles and motorcycles on the 32-acre lot, capable of holding roughly 1,500 RVs. He’ll still sell used RVs, but will phase out the new inventory. “With new RVs, you have to stock way too much, you have to pay the insurance, pay for the floor plan (inventory), maintain the stock,” he said. “I’ve got 53 motor homes on the lot. At one time I used to sell 53 in a month. It’s not See RVs, Page 45 NATHAN SKID/CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS Walt Michals will phase out new RVs at his Belleville dealership and offer motorcycles, snowmobiles along with used RVs, cars and trucks. Buyer’s bet on the Silverdome comes due Critics question Parker’s ability to pull off deal BY DANIEL DUGGAN CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS With a November closing set for the sale of the Pontiac Silverdome, civil rights attorney H. Wallace Parker will embark on an ambitious plan for the 35-year-old stadium. Though it will be the first foray into development for Parker, he’s confident he can pull off his three- phase plan and make the deal profitable. “It’s not something that we’d get done in two or three weeks,” he said. “But it is doable, there’s no doubt about that.” But many close to the deal have been quietly questioning Parker’s ability to get the deal done. Others have questioned not so quietly. Pontiac Mayor Clarence Phillips vetoed the City Council’s approval of the Silverdome deal in July, prompted by his questions of Parker’s financing plans. His veto, however, was overridden by the council. “I’m not trying to be too picky, since I want to see something done with that property,” Phillips said in July. “I need to make sure the city has a sound business deal, and I have a lot of problems with this.” His main questions have revolved around Parker’s ability to come through with the money. Phillips and other officials have seen a lot of developers come through. First put up for sale in 2002, the Silverdome has had multiple developers propose ideas to later fall through. The first hurdle for Parker comes at the closing table. Under terms of the deal approved, he must bring the entire $20 million See Silverdome, Page 46 Adult Well Being Services . . . . . . . 43 Anderson Economic Group L.L.C.. . . . 1 Beaumont Grosse Pointe Hospital . 44 Karmanos Cancer Institute . . . . . . 44 Bon Secours Health System . . . . . . 44 Biotechnology Biz Consultants . . . . 42 Burkard Industries Inc. . . . . . . . . . 37 Citizens Republic Bancorp Inc. . . . 48 City of Royal Oak Michigan Hospital Finance Authority . . . . . . 44 Community Central Bank . . . . . . . . 48 CTI and Associates Inc. . . . . . . . . . 38 Cybernet Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 DeMattia Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Detroit Medical Center . . . . . . . . . 44 Detroit Metropolitan Airport . . . . . . . 3 DTE Biomass Energy . . . . . . . . . . . 38 DTE Energy Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Forgotten Harvest . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Gleaners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Greektown Casino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Hazel Park Harness Raceway . . . . . . 1 Henry Ford Health System . . . . . . . 44 Macomb-OU Incubator . . . . . . . . . . 47 Macomb Community College . . . . . 37 Macomb County Planning and Economic Development Dept. . . . . . 47 Main Street Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Michigan Nonprofit Association . . . 43 Mid-America Associates . . . . . . . . 46 National Defense Industrial Assoc . 37 Oakland University . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 OU Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Palace Sports and Entertainment . . 46 Peoples State Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Pinnacle Race Course . . . . . . . . . . 46 Plante & Moran P.L.L.C. . . . . . . . . 48 Rave Computer Association Inc. . . . 47 Satterlund Supply Co. . . . . . . . . . . 34 Schoolcraft College . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Silver Stallion Development Corp. . 46 St. John Health System . . . . . . . . . 44 Technology Ventures Inc. . . . . . . . . 37 TechTown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 The Macomb Group . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 The Private Bank-Michigan . . . . . . 48 Trinity Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 United Auto Workers . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Walt Michal’s RV Superstore . . . . . . 3 Wayne County Airport Authority . . . . 3 Wayne State University . . . . . . . . . 37 William Beaumont Hospitals . . . . . 44 Willow Run Airport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 BANKRUPTCIES . . . . . . . . . 4 BUSINESS DIARY . . . . . . . 32 CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 CAPITOL BRIEFINGS . . . . . . 6 CLASSIFIED ADS . . . . . . . . 42 KEITH CRAIN . . . . . . . . . . . 8 LETTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 OPINION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 OTHER VOICES . . . . . . . . . . 9 PEOPLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 RUMBLINGS . . . . . . . . . . . 50 WEEK IN REVIEW . . . . . . . 50 DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 4 CDB 9/26/2008 5:11 PM Page 1 Page 4 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS TAKING STOCK NEWS ABOUT DETROIT AREA PUBLIC COMPANIES Auto supplier stock battered in wake of Wall Street woes BY RYAN BEENE CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS BEAUTIFUL DESIGN & PERFORMANCE NEW AT PAULSON’S B&W Speakers Free-mounted diamond dome tweeter Kevlar® brand fibre cone FST™ midrange Rohacell® cone bass Nautilus™ head Matrix™ cabinet 802D Flowport™ 37670 W. 12 Mile Rd. Farmington Hills NW Corner of Halsted 248.553.4100 visit us at www.PaulsonsAV.com Shares of Michigan auto suppliers’ stock tumbled last week as Wall Street’s malaise and a possible $700 billion taxpayer-financed bailout dominated headlines Seven out of 11 local publicly traded auto suppliers covered by Crain’s saw their stock lose more than 12 percent of its value between Monday and Thursday last week. Van Buren Township-based Visteon Corp. (NYSE: VC) saw its shares fall from $3.68 to $2.29 between Monday morning and Friday’s closing bell. In the same time frame, Detroitbased American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings Inc. (NYSE: AAM) shares dropped from $7.61 to $6.32, and Livonia-based TRW Automotive Holdings Corp. (NYSE: TRW) stock fell from $19.47 to $16.71. Southfield-based Federal-Mogul Corp. (NASDAQ: FMDL) shares fell from $14.88 to $13.25. Northvillebased Amerigon Inc. opened at $8.24 Monday and closed Friday at $7.33. Southfield-based Lear Corp. (NYSE: LEA) shares fell from $14.10 when trading opened Monday to $11.75 at Friday’s close. Auburn Hills-based BorgWarner Inc. (NYSE: BWA) dropped from $37.64 to $32.46. Both companies hit their 52-week lows in trading on Friday. Michael Wall, director of North American advisory services for CSM Worldwide Inc., says typically a swing in a company’s stock price one way or another can be tied to a company announcement, such as an earnings report, or monthly auto sales numbers. But with the current volatility of the market, all bets are off. “There is literally chaos in the market right now,” he said. Uncertainty created by the failure of venerable Wall Street firms Lehman Brothers., Merrill Lynch and, most recently, Washington Mutual’s federal seizure and subsequent sale to JPMorgan Chase & Co. on Thursday, as well as the hiccup in drafting the $700 billion financial industry bailout designed to save troubled Wall Street firms, transcends any perceived stability, Wall said. But it’s even more troublesome for the auto industry. “This kind of uncertainty, it wreaks havoc with everybody, but when you’re talking about manufacturing stocks, entities that have been under general distress already, an auto market that’s under pressure right now, and the general housing market, it’s not surprising we’re seeing this kind of volatility,” Wall said. Kim Korth, president of Grand Rapids-based auto industry analysis firm IRN Inc., agrees, but says investors are looking beyond the surface at other sectors in the troubled auto industry impacted by the recent economic turmoil. Korth “The center of it is certainly the financial credit implosion we’re having at the moment, but where all the attention has been on the financial com- panies and the OEMs. I think people are now beginning to look at, ‘So what are the secondary factors that are affected by that kind of change?’ ” she said. Korth says the biggest concern is a drawn-out shortage of credit. Combine that with a housing market expected to improve little in 2009, and consumers are likely to forego large durable goods purchases like cars and trucks. Supplier stocks are being hit now because they may be viewed as overvalued by investors. And while Korth does not agree that suppliers are overvalued, she did acknowledge that perception is likely affecting the share price of these companies. Shelly Lombard, an analyst with New York-based ratings firm Gimme Credit Inc., says auto supplier stocks, along with automakers, may have been run-up in value as discussions of the government’s $25 billion auto industry loan guarantee program gained momentum, giving shares more room to fall. But more of a factor, she says, is the pressure faced by many suppliers from nearly nonexistent credit market, a down housing market, high gas prices and slow vehicle sales. “It’s a troubled sector in a troubled market,” Lombard said. “Auto hasn’t traded well for a while, but if you look around the market and think, ‘OK, what can I buy that’s defensive?’… it’s not auto.” Ryan Beene: (313) 446-0315, rbeene@crain.com STREET TALK THIS WEEK’S STOCK TOTALS: 14 GAINERS, 47 LOSERS, 9 UNCHANGED BANKRUPTCIES The following businesses filed for Chapter 7 or 11 protection in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Detroit Sept. 1925. Under Chapter 11, a company files for reorganization. Chapter 7 involves total liquidation. Executive Business Corp., 11791 Kenmoor St., Detroit, voluntary Chapter 7. Assets and liabilities not available. Legacy Estates L.L.C., 16800 24 Mile Road., Ste. 1, Macomb, voluntary Chapter 11. Assets: $4,300,500; liabilities: $17,386,605. Lighthouse Real Estate Holdings L.L.C., 20570 W. Eight Mile Road, Southfield, voluntary Chapter 11. Assets and liabilities not available. Mays Printing Company Inc., 15800 Livernois, Detroit, voluntary Chapter 11. Assets and liabilities not available. Michico Inc., 6536 Shadowlawn, Dearborn Heights, voluntary Chapter 7. Assets and liabilities not available. Small Plates L.L.C., 310 S. Main St., Royal Oak, voluntary Chapter 11. Assets: $657,116; liabilities: $1,409,238. — Compiled by Julie Dawso CDB’S TOP PERFORMERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Oxford Bank Corp. Agree Realty Corp. Ramco-Gershenson. Compuware Corp. Valassis Communications Inc. CMS Energy Corp. Masco Corp. TechTeam Global Inc. Sun Communities Inc. First Mercury Financial Corp. CDB’S LOW PERFORMERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. General Motors Corp. Perceptron Inc. Am. Axle & Man. Holdings Inc. Comerica Inc. Lear Corp. Saga Communications Inc. PSB Group Inc. TRW Automotive Holdings Corp. BorgWarner Inc. Kaydon Corp. 9/26 CLOSE 9/19 CLOSE PERCENT CHANGE $8.90 26.87 22.74 10.36 8.23 12.90 19.28 7.76 20.48 13.52 29.21 2.72 1.50 1.16 1.09 0.16 -1.56 -1.93 -2.39 -3.03 9/26 CLOSE 9/19 CLOSE PERCENT CHANGE $9.76 5.66 6.32 34.30 11.75 5.05 5.05 16.71 32.46 48.42 $13.08 7.11 7.74 42.00 14.37 6.16 6.10 19.75 38.20 56.70 $11.50 27.60 23.08 10.48 8.32 12.92 18.98 7.61 19.99 13.11 -25.38 -20.39 -18.35 -18.33 -18.23 -18.02 -17.21 -15.39 -15.03 -14.60 Source: Bloomberg News. From a list of publicly owned companies with headquarters in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Washtenaw or Livingston counties. Note: Stocks trading at less than $5 are not included. DBpageAD.qxd 9/24/2008 12:05 PM Page 1 Aetna is helping Aetna Wellness Programs me manage a lifelong condition. My health. Aetna has innovative wellness solutions for every stage of your health, with programs designed to help you feel your best and ideas for maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Our Wellness Programs can help identify and manage health risks to help prevent disease and can even alert you when it’s time to schedule screenings. We also offer health insurance plans to help manage the impact of an illness. So take an active role in your health – start by calling Aetna, or visit Aetna.com for more information on our Wellness Programs. It’s a healthy start to a lifelong relationship. ©2008 Aetna Inc. Health insurance plans are offered and/or underwritten by Aetna Life Insurance Company. Health information programs provide general health information and are not a substitute for diagnosis or treatment by a physician or other health care professional. Policy forms issued in OK include: GR-23 and GR-29/GR-29N. 2008248 DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 6 CDB 9/26/2008 5:57 PM Page 1 Page 6 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Utilities move on requirements for new energy regulations LANSING — The wheels are in create and sell to them, up to 50 motion on Michigan’s broad new percent of the renewable power energy plan. they need to meet the RPS. The reState regulators and utilities maining 50 percent would come are gearing up for requirements through long-term power-purunder newly approved legislation chase agreements. that, among many things, would To help meet the RPS, the utiliboost Michigan’s use of renewable ties will assess customer surenergy and alter utility rate struccharges. The per-meter surtures. charges, to be established by the Regarding the latter, the MichiPSC, are capped at $3 per month gan Public Service Commission last for residential customers, $16.58 week issued orders directing the per month for small and mediumAmy Lane Detroit Edison Co. and Consumers size commercial customers, and Energy Co. to file information in $187.50 for large commercial and inOctober on how they plan to end business’ dustrial customers. current subsidy of residential rates, which As part of the energy package, House Bill will cause residential bills to rise and com- 1048 provides some $40 million in incomemercial and industrial bills to drop. tax credits for residential customers to offThe utilities must phase in the cost-of-ser- set a portion of the renewables charge and to vice rates over five years, beginning Jan. 1. purchase energy-efficient appliances. Rates paid by residential and industrial Utilities need to design energy-efficiency metal-melting customers can rise no more programs that will be submitted to state reguthan 2.5 percent annually, under the legisla- lators, and the commission will establish a tion approved Sept. 18. “net metering” program in which utility cusAnother key aspect is the use of energy tomers that generate their own power can sell from renewable resources, such as wind, some of their excess power back to the utility. biomass, solar and hydroelectric plants. The PSC is beefing up its staff to administer Within five months, the the new laws. House Bill utilities will file plans with 5524, one of the main enerthe PSC on how they will gy bills, includes a provimeet a mandate that 10 persion that appropriates $2.5 cent of their electricity million for the additional come from renewable staff, paid for through assources by 2015. Interim sessments on utilities. targets for new renewable Other elements include: resources begin in 2012. ■ A 10 percent limit on Some have criticized the the amount of a utility’s RPS law, Senate Bill 213, as customer load that can go too slow in moving Michito alternate suppliers. Curgan toward renewables derent choice customers velopment. The American would be exempt from havWind Energy Association said ing any future business exin a letter to lawmakers pansion count toward the that it will “raise utility costs while failing statewide cap. to create any meaningful market for renew■ The ability for utilities to enact proable energy production” and provides no in- posed rate increases if the PSC does not act centive for renewables-related job creation on their filings within six months. The PSC and development for several years. must complete all general rate cases within But Dan Brudzynski, vice president of regu- 12 months. If it finds the utilities’ interim latory affairs for Detroit Edison parent DTE En- rates unjustified, the PSC can order refunds, ergy Co., said the development and construc- with interest. tion of wind farms requires significant lead ■ Utilities apply to the PSC for a certifitime. “It’s not like we’re going to go on autopi- cate of necessity to build a plant or enter lot for the next few years,” he said. into a long-term power purchase agreement. Utilities can meet a small percent of their The PSC will review cost estimates and is10 percent requirement through new and ex- sue a certificate that includes approved cost isting energy technologies, such as industri- amounts. Utilities can recoup, in rates, cost al co-generation projects that capture and overruns of up to 10 percent, without seekreuse flue gasses, and coal plants that cap- ing additional PSC approval. ture and store carbon dioxide emissions. Amy Lane: (517) 371-5355, The utilities can create, or have others alane@crain.com Capitol B r i e fi ng s BlackBerry® Curve 8330 Smartphone TM • 2.0 megapixel camera with flash & 5x digital zoom • Telenav® Maps and Telenav® GPS Navigator • Media Player with microSD™ memory support • Easy-to-use intuitive trackball navigation • Integrated Email, Phone, SMS, & Browser • Bluetooth® Wireless Technology • Broadband Access Connect capable • 35–key backlit QWERTY Keyboard FREE Tips & Tricks class when you purchase your BlackBerry® smartphone from the BlackBerry® Store from Wireless Giant! Receive $180 value, when you activate your BlackBerry® smartphone at the BlackBerry® Store from Wireless Giant® These are the items you will receive, • Free Tips & Tricks class • BlackBerry® Desktop Manager Setup • Phone Book Transfer • BlackBerry® Device Software Update • Data Transfer • BlackBerry® Training • Email Setup See store for more details. 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Rebate takes up to 6 wks. ©2008 Verizon Wireless. ©2008 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. BlackBerry®, RIM®, Research In Motion®, SureType® and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world. Used under license from Research In Motion Limited.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. See verizonwireless.com/Bluetooth for details. Utilities can create, or have others create and sell to them, up to 50 percent of the renewable power they need. MEGA announces development grants The Michigan Economic Growth Authority approved the following grants Tuesday: 䡲 A2 Media Corp., an Ann Arbor-based software-development company, received a state tax credit of $1.26 million to move to a larger facility in the city, creating 128 new jobs, 63 at the company. 䡲 Barracuda Networks Inc., a Campbell, Calif.-based maker of e-mail, computer network and Web security systems, received a state tax credit of $1.4 million to expand its research and development center in Ann Arbor. The project is expected to create 351 new jobs, 185 of them at the company. 䡲 Faurecia USA Holdings Inc., an automotive supplier, received a $2.7 million tax credit to expand its interiors division technical center in Troy and its headquarters in Auburn Hills. The projects will create up to 219 new jobs and 192 spin-off jobs. 䡲 Plexus Systems Inc., an Auburn Hillsbased software company, received a $7.98 million tax credit to expand its operations, creating 298 jobs and 488 spin-off jobs. 䡲 NYX Inc., a Livonia-based, minorityowned auto supplier, received a $1.67 million tax credit to open a new office and technology center, which will create 390 new jobs, 168 at the company. 䡲 Post It Stables, a Huron Township-based horse-racing track owner, received a $982,000 tax credit to develop a portion of the Pinnacle Race Course. The project will create 71 jobs, and about 700 jobs during the racing season. DBpageAD.qxd 9/4/2008 12:28 PM Page 1 Position your business for the long run. With trusted advice, capital strength and enduring commitment. There is no finish line to success, but there are many milestones. Like the progress you make during periods of uncertainty. The new ideas, capabilities, resources and safeguards you seek out now may drive your success well into the future. Bank of America is with you all the way, delivering extensive local experience and the strength of America’s No. 1 middle-market bank.1 To learn more, contact us at 1.866.690.3165. Opportunity is everywhere. Seize it with Bank of America. 1 Proprietary research based on number of clients. Bank of America, N.A., LaSalle Bank, N.A., LaSalle Bank Midwest, N.A. Members FDIC. Certain activities and services referred to above may be provided by Banc of America Securities LLC and/or other affiliates of Bank of America Corporation. ©2008 Bank of America Corporation. DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 8 CDB 9/26/2008 5:01 PM Page 1 Page 8 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS OPINION Give graduation rules time to work T he drumbeat is starting: Michigan’s new high school graduation requirements are too tough. Last week, the Democratic-led Michigan House passed a bill to weaken the standards that now require students graduating in 2011 to have four years of math as well as other courses. But employers, business groups and associations must make it clear: Business supported those new standards to ensure the state would have a competitive workforce for the future. Watering them down is a step back, not forward. The standards can be a tool Michigan can use to make the case that the state is a good place for companies looking for skilled workers. The new pressure to change the standards that just became law in April 2006 comes from looking at the early results from students taking newly required algebra courses. Rather than cry the sky is falling, the critics of the standards should look realistically at the job market. Michigan already has a high unemployment rate. The jobs that are disappearing are primarily jobs that required a high school diploma — the oldstyle manufacturing jobs. These standards need time to prove themselves. Many districts have created safety nets to help students meet the new standards: after-school help, online homework hotlines, summer programs. Critics should stop to consider this: Do you think schools in Japan, China or India are having a similar debate? Wise choices needed for airport In 2002, Michigan lawmakers enacted laws to create a new authority to run one of Southeast Michigan’s most valuable assets — Detroit Metropolitan Airport. The airport had been the turf of Wayne County Executive Ed McNamara, and lawmakers were tired of criminal investigations of questionable contracts and accusations of cronyism in the awarding of contracts tied to the airport. The authority was set up to insulate the airport from politics and favoritism, and the first appointees included such well-known business names as retired real estate executive Wayne Doran, retired Chrysler Corp. executive Michael Glusac, health-care executive Vernice Davis Anthony and long-time business and civic leader Jim Nicholson. Now, some terms of those early appointees are expiring. Under the law, the Wayne County executive appoints four members, the governor two and the Wayne County Board of Commissioners one. We hope they choose wisely. This is an important time for the airport. The authority has a $3.6 billion, 20-year master plan. And it likely will be heavily involved in the development of the “aerotropolis” concept for developing adjacent land into a logistics hub and commercial real-estate powerhouse. LETTERS Dan Gilbert responds to story Editor: The Sept. 15 edition of Crain’s included an attack on a Detroit-areabased company and by association it’s several thousand employees. This surprising and misleading assault on Quicken Loans flies in the face of journalistic integrity and the one thing that all honest writers and publications hold close to their heart: the truth. Gilbert In fact, the manner in which the various headlines, the tone and implication of the writing, along with the weaving together of unrelated and disconnected issues, could easily be construed as the opposite of “the truth.” When you combine all of this with the omission of information that was repeatedly provided to Crain’s, the exposé becomes more shocking and puzzling. Quicken Loans was duped by crooks who took $1.6 million in loans back in 2001 by fraudulently inducing our company to approve their mortgage applications. They submitted a large amount of false information for these loans, which were never repaid. Yet, by including a barrage of quotes from the defendants’ representatives, Crain’s leads the reader to believe that this scam was primarily the result of Quicken Loans “greed” and “rushed deals.” So, scam artists ripped us off for $1.6 million, and Crain’s implies it is somehow our fault these thieves pulled off their heist back at the turn of the century? We have little to gain from hiring lawyers and chasing down scam artists. Our $1.6 million dollars is long gone. We filed the lawsuit anyway, because we have zero tolerance for fraud and believe it is our duty to expose crooks and hold them accountable. For this, Crain’s decided to paint us as a company that is an “easy money, greedy” and sloppy institution who “rushes” loans to the closing table. Crain’s came to these intellectually impotent conclusions over 16 loans where we are the plaintiff suing for fraud. The other approximately 400,000 loans we closed in all 50 states over the past eight years avoiding fraud, sub-prime and other short-sighted mortgage fads of the last decade somehow went unaccounted for in the articles. The article also provided a forum for the defendants’ attorneys to discuss a subject they know absolutely nothing about — our culture and internal processes. And it gets worse. Because Quicken Loans is a national leader in developing fraud detection techniques and quality control systems, we have been recruited to conduct many training and best-practice sessions with federal, state and local law enforcement officials who are engaged in combating mortgage fraud. How ironic that it was actually Quicken Loans’ Fraud Prevention Team that provided the training for the new Michigan State Police and FBI Mortgage Fraud Task Forces that were discussed in one of the articles. This year, Quicken Loans has trained nearly 200 law enforcement officials from the FBI, Secret Service, U.S. Postal Inspector’s Office, Michigan State Police, Michigan Attorney General and elsewhere. Crain’s was made aware of this, by several credible sources, yet chose to omit mention of this in the article. Alongside this article was a piece about a lawsuit we are defending from Wells Fargo. While Crain’s used large headlines to position this lawsuit as an allegation of fraud, this matter boils down to a contract dispute. The case involves a small number of loans we originated and sold to Wells several years ago via a “no income verification” program that Wells created and for which Wells established the underwriting guidelines. Under Wells Fargo’s guidelines, loan officers were not required to obtain documentation verifying the income borrowers stated on the loan application if they met certain requirements that included having a good credit score. Wells Fargo knew these loans carried a higher risk and because of that charged a higher price and rate for them, and their earnings reflected this. Later, when Wells began to experience unexpected default rates, it decided to verify the borrowers’ stated income on the subset of these loans that had gone delinquent and found that not every borrower made as much income as claimed. Wells then demanded that originators buy those loans back, despite the fact that the loans were written using Wells’ own guidelines. Wells admitted in its 2007 annual report it had made a mistake in not requiring full documentation. (A report shared with Crain’s, but also not mentioned.) Wells has threatened dozens of loan originators, demanding they buy loans back because of its own mistake. These threats essentially amount to extortion: “Buy the loans back or we’ll sue.” We could settle the case and write them a check, but doing so would only reward their behavior and encourage more. We won’t do it. Smear job? You tell me. And the last point: A plaintiff law firm based in Minnesota who specializes in recruiting former loan officers to sue their former employers on the law firm’s predatory interpretation of a perceived loophole in a 1930s overtime and wage law, that was designed during the Depression to protect factory workers from abusive management, sued our company over four years ago. Crain’s decided to mention the on-going suit from this firm that is attempting to extort money from Quicken Loans. Here’s the claim: Loan officers at times work more than 40-hour work weeks. They should be paid overtime. Quicken Loans doesn’t pay them overtime. What they fail to mention is that Quicken Loans instead pays commissions and bonuses! And the amount of commission and bonuses we pay dwarfs the OT a loan officer may have otherwise received by 700 percent or more. The law firm, along with the exloan officers they’ve recruited, want Quicken Loans to add all of the commissions to their base pay and then pay overtime on the total number! We will never cave to such an abuse of the legal system so an outof-state law firm can extort money from ethical Michigan-based companies. See Letters, Page 9 KEITH CRAIN: We could have said no to Wall Street OK, so the Wall Street folks have been losing a lot of money, and the Treasury secretary who came from Wall Street gets the better part of a trillion dollars to bail out Wall Street. To borrow a quote from a U.S. general in World War II: “Nuts.” I wonder what would have happened if the Treasury secretary had come to Washington from General Motors rather than Goldman Sachs. Our government would be a lot more concerned about saving the manufacturing base of our nation, and we would be more than happy to have let a bunch of Wall Street executives and their firms pay for their bad decisions by losing some money. The nation would be OK without the Wall Street bailout. The auto industry and the Detroit economy of suppliers, dealers and automakers have more than a million employees whose livelihoods would be threatened by failure. That’s a lot more than the em- ployees of a few companies in New York, to say nothing of the industrial might of this nation. There is a bias toward Wall Street, especially among those who made their millions there. The idea that our Treasury secretary owes his fortune to his career as an investment banker should have disqualified him immediately from any discussion of using taxpayer dollars to prop up Wall Street. He is compro- mised. My guess is that most members of Congress are, too. Those Wall Street companies bought portfolios of bad home loans to make money. The companies are now at risk because of their bad judgment, and they should take their losses. After all, the mortgages haven’t gone away. The homeowners still have the same mortgage regardless of who owns it. Meanwhile, the Detroit auto industry had to jump through hoops just to get $25 billion in low-interest loans that will be paid back to help finance technology that will help meet new government mandates. Once again, there has been some screwy thinking in Congress. We shouldn’t give Wall Street hundreds of billions of dollars on a whim. The mess on Wall Street is only a distraction from a thorough study of our national manufacturing base. It’s time for us to call, write or email our congressional lawmakers and tell them to take another look. This problem is too important to leap into a hasty response with insufficient information and deliberation. DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 9 CDB 9/26/2008 11:26 AM Page 1 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Page 9 OTHER VOICES: End state income taxes for new grads Many of Michigan’s colLet’s do what business does to attract talent … pay lege graduates leave the for it. state once they get their Waive the state income diplomas. Many in Lansing tax on recent college gradsee an erosion of viable inuates. Ensure that only come earners to support a those with four-year diplospiraling state budget remas from qualified instituquirement. tions would qualify. Make We have infrastructure, them earn this incentive. we have “cool cities,” we Matt Turnbull Allow for out-of-state gradhave nightlife, changing seasons, water and entertainment. uates to receive this break and enYet the young leave in droves. As courage them to come here. politicians close another year of legI realize that the accountants islating, we will see another senior will claim lost revenue opportuniclass enter the workplace some- ties; however, let’s remember that, where else. Much will be made of as a whole, Americans do not save, this; little will change. and young adults save even less. LETTERS CONTINUED ■ From Page 8 Another quote taken completely out of context in Crain’s drive to negatively slant the articles involved one piece of a long e-mail I’d written the entire Quicken Loans staff around Thanksgiving 2002. In the e-mail, I thanked everyone for their hard work over the past year. Because rates had moved down, I suggested they might want to inform friends and family over the holiday about the favorable market. We had recently rolled out our “Mortgage Insider” program, which allows a team member to arrange for discounted fees/points for a friend or family member — similar to plans the car companies offer their workers. I thought it might be timely for team members to mention these factors so their friends and family could take advantage of the new discount plan and favorable market. A bad thing? Here is how Crain’s wrote about this e-mail, quoting some court magistrate who is assisting on the overtime case: “In one e-mail, he (Dan Gilbert) encouraged loan consultants to sell loans at Thanksgiving dinner, telling them ‘always be closing.’ ” As a mortgage lender, we have avoided the fate of other lenders during the current storm, precisely because we have chosen not to make a quick buck in the type of schemes that have taken other companies down the abyss. The best days of Quicken Loans, our sister companies and our thousands of hard-working, honest and selfless team members are ahead. We’ve created thousands of jobs in a city and state that are in desperate need of more companies like ours, and we look forward to being a leader in the comeback of Detroit and Michigan’s business community. I have never been more excited about the future than I am right now! It is shameful and curious that Crain’s would launch such a horrendous “hack job” against our company and its extremely loyal, hardworking, and dedicated workforce. Integrity and character are the price of admission to walk through our doors. I wish I could say the same about Crain’s Detroit Business. Dan Gilbert Chairman Quicken Loans Inc. This 4.3 percent would be put back into our local economies as quickly as they earn it and be more rapidly deployed than the state’s treasury could do so. Keep the policy until they turn 30. This would get these young earners rooted in our communities. By then they would probably own a house and be beginning a family. The likelihood of them leaving then is greatly reduced. By avoiding a state tax, we would create a happy, motivated workforce that can help create motivated new companies in our state. News summaries about Michigan losing the VW plant to Ten- nessee spoke of labor fears but overlooked that Tennessee has no income tax. As a business, you measure worker happiness and health, and I will assure you that state tax burdens were considered. The Wall Street Journal reported a Massachusetts ballot proposal that would eliminate the state’s 5.3 percent income tax. Politicians are now fearful that the rampant taxand-spend mentality may have finally been pushed too far. Massachusetts residents polled believed that 41 percent of their taxes were wasted, which, coincidentally, represented the state personal income tax. Expectations are that federal taxes could rise as much as 30 percent to some taxpayers next year (The Wall Street Journal, Aug. 4, 2008, “Obama-nomics” by Michael Baskin), and there seems no restraint from those elected. State budgets have risen 18 percent since 2005, adjusted for inflation. There comes a point where people vote with their feet and leave. We’ve listened to the footsteps of our graduating seniors leave the state for too long, let’s try something revolutionary … give them a break. Matt Turnbull is a resident of Grosse Pointe Park. DBpageAD.qxd 9/23/2008 4:24 PM Page 1 CM&D ISPROUDTO ANNOUNCETHERECOGNITION OF Charles M. Moore ASAMEMBEROFTHE Crain’s 40 Under 40 CLASSOF c-m-d.com 4URNAROUND-ANAGEMENT#ONSULTINGs"ANKRUPTCY&IDUCIARY3ERVICES /PERATIONS#ONSULTING)NTERIM%XECUTIVE-ANAGEMENTs0ERFORMANCE)MPROVEMENT ,OW#OST#OUNTRY3OURCINGs$UE$ILIGENCE3ERVICESs,ITIGATION3UPPORT%XPERT4ESTIMONY &ORENSIC!CCOUNTING&RAUD)NVESTIGATIONSs"USINESS6ALUATIONSs%CONOMIC$AMAGE#LAIM1UANTIlCATION "ANKRUPTCY)NSOLVENCY-ATTERSs)NVESTMENT"ANKING3ERVICESs$EBT2ESTRUCTURING -ERGERS!CQUISITIONSs#APITAL2AISING3ERVICES DETROIT – CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 3OUTH/LD7OODWARD!VE3UITE "IRMINGHAM-) CHICAGO 7EST-ADISON!VENUE3UITE #HICAGO), NEW YORK !VENUEOFTHE!MERICAS3UITE .EW9ORK.9 ATLANTA #ENTRAL0ARKWAY.%3UITE !TLANTA'! DAYTON .ORTH-AIN3T0ERFORMANCE0LACE $AYTON/( SHANGHAI 3HANGHAI4IMES3QUARE(UAIHAI:HONG2D 3UITE3HANGHAI DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 11 CDB 9/26/2008 10:20 AM Page 1 40 40 2008 under DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 12,13 CDB 9/26/2008 10:54 AM Page 12 Page 1 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 40 UNDER 40 F or the past 18 years, in developing Web sites back Crain’s Detroit Business when the Internet was in its infanhas honored the best and cy. Another rose from being a brightest in Southeast Michigan homeless teenager to success as a who have made their marks in leading health care human-resources executive. Others travel business before age 40. the world negotiCrain’s 40 Unating internationder 40 Class of al business deals. 2008 includes a More than 400 mix of rising Crain’s will host a reception to honor this year’s class from 5-9 people were nomstars. Some have p.m. on Oct. 30 at The started new com- Reserve/Big Rock Chophouse in inated for this year’s 40 Under panies and found Birmingham. Tickets are $75, 40. Crain’s evalusuccess. Others $40 for 40 Under 40 alumni. ated candidates have come up Visit www.crainsdetroit.com /events by Oct. 24 to purchase based on personthrough the tickets. al achievement ranks at Detroit’s and community leading companies. Still others are working to impact. A team of staff members evaluimprove the offerings and reach ated candidates and checked refof area nonprofits. One honoree was a trailblazer erences to develop our final list. MEET THIS YEAR’S CLASS Photos by Nathan Skid, Crain’s Detroit Business, unless otherwise noted. Janis Acosta, 39 Vice president and general counsel International Automotive Components Group North America Inc. Dearborn Biggest accomplishment: Playing a central role in the 2007 founding and growth of auto supplier International Automotive Components Group North America Inc. Current goal: Helping the company stay forward-thinking as it continues to grow in a volatile industry. Janis Acosta majored in political economy with a minor in biology before graduating from Hillsdale College in 1992. But a summer internship with an Indiana senator in Washington, D.C., persuaded her that the law was to be her professional calling. After earning her law degree from Wayne State University in 1997, Acosta rose through the ranks of corporate law to her current position, vice president and general counsel of IAC North America Inc. Acosta joined the company before its official found- ing in April 2007 and played an integral role in the creation of the company out of Lear Corp.’s former interiors operations in North America. As one of the company’s top three executive officers, Acosta manages all company merger and acquisition activity and is the company’s chief legal adviser. Since the company’s founding, Acosta has overseen all company acquisition activity, including operations from now-defunct Collins & Aikman Corp., which fueled the company’s growth from 28 North American locations and $2.5 billion in revenue to 41 locations and $3.3 billion in revenue. Acosta also oversees company marketing and public relations, and she works closely with other managers and the board of directors. And even as IAC faces a challenging market in North America, Acosta says the company plans continued growth. — Ryan Beene To see additional photos of all winners, go to www.crainsdetroit.com/40s Utz-Jens Beister, 38 Class of 2008 Janis Acosta Page 12 IAC Group North America Inc. Amin Irving Ginosko Development Co. Utz-Jens Beister Page 12 IAV Automotive Engineering Inc. John Lesser Page 21 Plante Moran Financial Advisors Jesse Berger Page 12 Eastern Michigan Kenworth Inc. Jeff Luckoff Clear Channel Radio Inc. Page 22 Amal Berry-Brown Comerica Page 13 Christian Lupo NSF-ISR Page 22 Leanne Bowen Jones Lang LaSalle Page 13 James Maher Page 23 Maher Restoration and Construction Rick Brockhaus Soave Enterprises L.L.C. Page 13 Kristina Marshall Mentoring Solutions Ted Canaday Elemental Detroit L.L.C. Page 14 Charles Moore Page 24 Conway Mackenzie & Dunleavy Dawndenise Capers Diageo North America Page 14 Heidi Mucherie Page 24 Community Legal Resources Heather Carmona Page 15 Woodward Avenue Action Association Mary Margaret O’Donnell Page 25 Rader Fishman & Grauer P.L.L.C. Francoise Colpron Valeo Stephen Potter Patriot Services Corp. Page 25 Laura Covintree Page 16 Lighthouse of Oakland County David Ripple Wayne State University Page 26 Antoine Dubeauclard Media Genesis Inc. Page 16 Steven Rybicki Page 26 Infinity and Ovation Yacht Charters Rita Fields Henry Ford Health System Page 17 Lauren Scarpace CB Richard Ellis Page 27 Saylor Frase Nuspire Corp. Page 17 Matt Schenk Wayne County Page 27 Scott French Lear Corp. Page 18 Matthew Sosin Northern Equities Group Page 28 Matt Friedman Tanner Friedman Page 18 Rich Stromback Page 28 Ecology Coatings, Stromback Foundation Marie Galindo Butzel Long Page 19 Janice Suchan SHW Group Page 29 Michael George II George Enterprises Page 19 Michael Tenbusch United Way Page 29 Lisa Grosso Kinetic Page 20 Terence Thomas Sr. St. John Health Page 29 Kelley Hamilton Detroit Public Television Page 21 William Wildern Hydra Professionals L.L.C. Page 30 Page 15 Page 21 Page 23 President IAV Automotive Engineering Inc. Northville Biggest accomplishment: Leading the development and implementation of a restructuring plan, expanding the product and service portfolio, increasing local jobs and boosting revenue. Current goal: Continuing to grow IAV’s size and reach in North America, enabling it to become a leading engineering service provider for North America. IAV is one of a handful of engineering firms in metro Detroit helping automakers and suppliers gear up to build more fuel-efficient vehicles, but it may not have gotten there without Utz-Jens Beister. Beister spearheaded creation of the company’s case to expand its product offerings and increase its German parent company’s investment in the North American market. He pitched the importance of investing in Detroit to the parent company’s board of directors in Germany. Even as the Detroit region has seen automotive jobs dwindle, it is still the center of the North American Jesse Berger, 37 President Eastern Michigan Kenworth Inc. Dearborn Biggest achievement: Becoming the youngest Kenworth Trucks dealership owner in the United States. Current goal: To continue to build a customer-focused, growth-oriented, financially secure company. Jesse Berger has been around trucks for as long as he can recall. Growing up, he went to work with his dad, a diesel truck mechanic, in the summers. As he got older, the hobby turned into an apprenticeship of sorts, and then a summer job that helped pay for college. Finally, in 1997, Berger purchased Berger & Sons Truck Service from his father, who had purchased the shop from his father in 1980. The company was small. There were 12 employees and $2 million in annual sales. But Berger grew it. In 2005, after 30 months of negotiations, he added a second facility in Macomb County. The new location more than doubled total staff and revenue. “He (Berger) was extremely clever in negotiating and purchasing the Sterling Heights and Dearborn lo- automotive market, Beister said. Beister’s efforts secured the investment it needed to grow in the region. He began to restructure the company in 2005 and added powertrain design and integration services to the powertrain control and calibration capabilities that were the company’s core focus. The company has powertrain testing capabilities, which are needed by suppliers and automakers to get new, fuel-efficient products on the market quickly. Under Beister’s leadership, the private company boosted its gross profits by 32 percent in 2006 and 44 percent in 2007, while increasing staff by 38 percent in 2006 and 43 percent last year. The company now employs more than 100 people and has annual revenue of about $20 million. IAV is also on the move. Beister is focusing on IAV’s relocation to a new facility in Northville and expects to add more than 100 jobs. Beister says he expects to double IAV’s employee headcount over the next five years. — Ryan Beene cations,” said Dave Widlack of Community Central Bank, which has financed some of Berger’s operations. “He’s a good operator, and a good leader.” Then in 2006, Berger went bigtime. He flew to Seattle to apply to senior managers at Kenworth Trucks, one of the leading manufacturers of medium- and heavy-duty trucks, for the rights to a Kenworth franchise. The company gave Berger the green light, and Berger became the youngest Kenworth dealership owner in the United States. His company now has a staff of 60, and combined annual revenue of more than $39 million. Berger acquired the Eastern Michigan Kenworth of Dearborn truck dealership in April 2006 and renovated his first location in January 2007, renaming it Eastern Michigan Kenworth of Clinton Township. Now, Berger owns three truck service, parts, sales, rental and leasing locations. He has also formed a subsidiary L.L.C. — Eastern Michigan Leasing, DBA Eastern Michigan PacLease — operated within the three locations. — Christiana Schmitz DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 12,13 CDB 9/26/2008 9:31 AM Page 2 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Page 13 40 UNDER 40 Leanne Bowen, 35 Senior project manager Jones Lang LaSalle Detroit Biggest achievement: Achieving career success in a male-dominated construction industry. Current goal: To eventually take her boss’ job. Amal Berry-Brown, 38 Vice president National Arab and Chaldean American business affairs manager Comerica Bank Detroit Biggest accomplishment: BerryBrown joined the bank in 1999 with the mission to grow the bank’s business in the Arab and Chaldean communities. Today, the Warren-Calhoun branch in Dearborn is Comerica’s top-performing branch of more than 400 nationwide, based on deposits. Current goal: To develop a Shariacompliant line of products and services that can enable Muslims to buy homes and fund businesses despite religious proscriptions against borrowing and lending, and by doing so expand nationally Comerica’s outreach in the Arab and Chaldean communities. Amal Berry-Brown has a particular understanding of her clients’ needs, many of them immigrants or first-generation Americans. She arrived as a Muslim immigrant in the U.S. at age 5 with her parents and siblings, who were fleeing civil war in Lebanon. Her older brothers and sisters had arrived first and bought a home on Walwit Street in Dearborn. A short time after their arrival, her parents bought their own house down the street, where they still live. “I learned that in order to succeed, one must have their family close by,” said Berry-Brown. “My entire family has been extremely supportive. My mother in particular has played a significant role in defining who I am and aspire to be.” Berry-Brown was promoted in 2006 to her current title of business affairs manager for the Arab and Chaldean communities, with the mission of dramatically growing the bank’s presence nationally while continuing to grow it locally. What began as a 13-member group based in Southeast Michigan has grown to 80, with teams now also in Houston and Los Angeles. Berry-Brown hopes that Shariacompliant services and products can continue that growth. She heads the committee that will make a request for approval to institutionalize Sharia practices and is in the process of capturing data regarding the Muslim communities in Comerica markets. Berry-Brown recently was named by Gov. Jennifer Granholm to the Michigan Public Educational Facilities Authority. — Tom Henderson Leanne Bowen’s career in real estate started when she was a receptionist for Denn-Co Construction Inc., a small Detroit-based drywall contractor. Once an aspiring journalist, the idea of ascending in a real estate career entered her mind late in her college career. And she never would have imagined that she’d be advising companies with household names such as MasterCard. “If someone would have told me Rick Brockhaus, 38 Treasurer and vice president of finance Soave Enterprises L.L.C. Detroit Biggest achievement: Rising from accounting intern in the 1990s to become the youngest-ever director to serve on the board of Soave Enterprises. Current goal: To continue to grow the company and maintain or expand its financing relationships with 15 different banks and lenders in a very tight credit market. Laws and rules of governance may change, but successful businesses will always need people with math and memory skills. That may be a factor in the meteoric rise of Rick Brockhaus, who started as an accounting in- tern at Detroit-based Soave Enterprises while attending the University of Michigan as an undergraduate in 1991. Brockhaus is now vice I’d be in real estate, I would have laughed,” she said. The Denn-Co job helped Bowen work her way through college, and created her first post-college job as the company’s purchasing manager. Despite her family’s advice to be happy with the job she had, Bowen put her résumé out and landed a job at Detroit-based Turner Construction Co. And when a job opened in the Detroit office of Chicago-based Jones Lang LaSalle, she went for it and got it within two days. The lesson: Go for the big job. “People sit around and wait for something to fall in their lap, but it won’t happen that way,” Bowen said. As a project manager, she has had oversight of ground-up con- struction projects such as the Hilton Garden Inn and the Wayne State University Fitness Center. Particularly harried was the time in 2006 when she moved Ernst & Young out of the Comerica Tower and into One Kennedy Square at the same time she was moving London-based WPP’s local advertising houses out of Comerica Tower and into Dearborn. “It’s like moving from your own house, and there are huge expectations,” she said. “But you have to exceed expectations.” Bowen takes over next year as president of the Commercial Real Estate Women and recently became accredited under the LEED program through the U.S. Green Building Council. — Dan Duggan president of finance and treasurer, and became the youngest member of its board of directors in 2004. “I’ve always been pretty good with numbers and at analyzing cause-and-effect relationships,” he said. Soave reports $1.77 billion in revenue across its more than 100 holdings for 2007 and is on pace to earn more than $2 billion in 2008. It employs more than 2,200 people in real estate development firms, beverage distributors, automotive dealerships, metal recycling companies and luxury transportation services. Though it is still sometimes historically associated with wastehauler services, Soave divested itself of waste by turning City Management Corp. over to Hous- ton-based Waste Management Inc. — a transaction worth $750 million in 1998 when the sale closed, Brockhaus recalls. “We’ve counseled Soave in several (merger-acquisition) transactions, and I’ve noticed when we need to check certain facts or numbers, Rick always has them, or knows them,” said Ira Jaffe, founding partner of Detroit-based Jaffe Raitt Heuer & Weiss P.C. “He doesn’t often have to send someone chasing that information for us.” Brockhaus also said he works at growing the company’s largest banking relationships, and its customers have increased financing more than 25 percent since early 2007. He is also watching closely the national financial crisis for its impact on the credit market. —Chad Halcom Attorneys on a Mission TM At McDonald Hopkins, we have more than 130 legal minds focused on a winning strategy: To help clients achieve their missions. We take a proactive and cost-effective approach to every challenge to create insightful legal solutions that work. That is why in our recent survey, we found that our clients are intensely loyal and confident in us. Your mission is our mission. We never lose sight of it. McDonald Hopkins – a full service law firm. 39533 Woodward Avenue, Suite 318, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 • 248.646.5070 www.mcdonaldhopkins.com Stephen M. Gross Office Managing Member Chicago Managing Member Chicago • Cleveland • Columbus • Detroit • West Palm Beach DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 14 CDB Page 14 9/26/2008 9:45 AM Page 1 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS 40 UNDER 40 Ted Canaday, 35 CEO Elemental Detroit L.L.C. Troy Biggest achievement: Turning experience as a musical artist into launching a media marketing business in 2003. Current goal: Growing the company’s national presence. Ted Canaday’s credentials as a Detroit musician and producer — eight Detroit Music Awards, performing on the same stage as Stevie Wonder and Mos Def, and mentions in Rolling Stone and Vanity Fair — are solid. His bona fides as a businessman aren’t too far behind. Canaday, who plays guitar with Detroit hip-hop and soul group Black Bottom Collective, co-founded new-media marketing company Elemental Detroit L.L.C. in 2003, and last year saw its revenue grow to $1 million from $490,000 in 2006. The Troy-based company, whose clients include Compuware Corp. and Delta Dental, also went from five to 12 employees in that time. Dawndenise Capers, 39 Wayne County congratulates Assistant County Executive Matthew Schenk on being selected as a Crain’s 40 under 40 recipient. Matt, we’re proud of the fine work that you do. Robert A. Ficano Wayne County Executive You’re simply the best! Michigan marketing manager Diageo North America White Lake Township Biggest achievement: Creating a market for a brand that had no local market and was perceived as unappealing to many customers. Current goal: To be known for excellence and crushing the competition. Dawndenise Capers — or “Didi” as she’s often called — is a force to be reckoned with. She’s the kind of person to whom you can give a budget and a directive, sit back and wait for impeccable results, said Troy Mercer, a Chicago-based marketing manager with London-based Diageo plc’s North American division. The self-determination Capers brings to her marketing clients is the kind she showed in building her own career. After graduating from Michigan State University with a journalism degree, Capers’ switched gears. “I was delivering news rather than making news and shaking things up,” she said. “I wanted to tap other skills and get into a different field, and that led me to marketing because my creative side was Elemental specializes in helping companies develop and launch new-media strategies online, such as a forthcoming interactive 3-D timeline on the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History’s Web site. The company also launched in April its own social network geared toward Southeast Michigan’s creative class: deepcanvas. com. Doing solid work and picking up awards along the way have helped the company continue to grow in a crowded industry, and the creativity from his musical side has helped the slide into business, Canaday said. His co-founders were creative people with whom he worked closely in audio and video production. “It was a chance with my partners to take that (creative) thinking to the online environment. CEO is a steep one. “It’s been a huge transition. I’d consider myself a self-taught businessman,” he said. “As a businessman, I’m responsible to my partners, clients and employees.” — Bill Shea just waiting to burst out.” Capers started in an entry-level position at a marketing firm, working on the operations and management side, and doing marketing work when she could. When she saw a chance to get in on the ground floor of a marketing startup, she took a chance. Capers worked her way up the marketing food chain to her current position as Michigan marketing manager for Diageo, a multinational spirits, wine and beer company. Among Capers’ signal achievements is the success of a marketing campaign to introduce liqueur Baileys Irish Cream to Michigan’s black population. “My first thought was, ‘Wow, Baileys?’ I’ve been in the spirits industry for a while, and as an AfricanAmerican, it was not something I’d even considered,” she said. Among the challenges CaWILLIAM PUGLIANO pers faced was overcoming the incorrect perception some customers had that Baileys would cause digestive problems for blacks, a demographic group more likely to develop lactose intolerance. Capers said she knew she’d found the recipe for success when one Baileys-sponsored event had a line out the door before 9 p.m. — Nancy Kaffer DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 14,15 CDB 9/26/2008 9:30 AM Page 2 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Page 15 40 UNDER 40 Heather Carmona, 39 Executive director Woodward Avenue Action Association Royal Oak Biggest achievement: Bringing new funding to the region and advocating for change efforts — like mass transit. Current goal: Creating and maintaining a regional welcome center on Woodward Avenue and building the Woodward Tribute public art effort. Heather Carmona is working to promote regionalism along the Woodward corridor. She took the helm of the Woodward Avenue Action Association in 1999. She’s brought new resources to the association and diversified funding with new foundation grants, including $35,000 each from the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan and the General Motors Foundation, and $4 million in Federal National Scenic Byway funding since 2002 when the Woodward corridor got National Scenic Byway designation. With the funding, the association Francoise Colpron, 38 National director, North America Valeo Troy Biggest accomplishment: Leading the North and South American legal departments of auto supplier Valeo, in addition to being named national director, the company’s top post in North America. Current goal: Increasing North American sales. When you’re working through complex legal issues on an international stage, sometimes things can get lost in translation. But Francoise Colpron comes ready for the communication challenge: She speaks French, Spanish and English. Her language skills carried her and Valeo through the complex international negotiations surrounding various business deals. Colpron’s 15 years of experience as a commercial lawyer working across the globe prepared her for her current role as Valeo’s top executive in North America. She is the first woman in her company to be national director. has been able to pursue increased economic development, tourism development, heritage-historic programming, and physical improvements across the communities bordering Woodward. The association’s revenue has increased from $146,000 in 1999 to $258,815 in 2007 and $692,000 this year. She expanded the association’s staff and its board to include a broader mix of businesses. Carmona has convened businesses, nonprofits, neighborhood associations, and municipal leaders at the same table, and she’s forged new partnerships between with other organizations such as the Michigan Department of Transportation, Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau, Cultural Alliance of Southeastern Michigan and Detroit Renaissance. Now Carmona is seeking to identify a location, partners and an estimated $2.5 million to open a Woodward Welcome Center. To further put her advocacy talents to work, Carmona launched purealternatives.net, an organic wellness consulting and advocacy company and Web site. — Sherri Begin Colpron joined the company in 1998, working in Paris as a legal director, where she oversaw details of deals with customers and partners in Europe, Asia, North America and South America. In 2005, Colpron was promoted to deputy general counsel, where she was responsible for legal affairs in North and South America, which includes more than 11,000 employees and 38 locations. The company is looking at strengthening its presence in North America, both through partnerships and organic growth, even as the market faces its share of turbulence. She said the goal is to increase sales in North America to 20 percent of the company’s global sales total, up from a current 15 percent. “We’re always interested in any opportunities,” she said. For example, Colpron represented the company in sorting out the legal details of a joint venture between Valeo and Chinese carmaker FAWER. The venture, now called FAW Valeo Climate Control, involved Japanese, German and French partners because of the different controlling interests. Her experiences have prepared her for her current role — leading Valeo’s North American business unit, which posted an estimated $1.8 billion in revenue in 2007. — Ryan Beene Saluting the accomplishments that make a healthier community Henry Ford Health System congratulates Rita Fields, our vice president of Talent and Workforce Strategies at Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital, for being named one of Crain’s Detroit Business’ 40 Under 40. We applaud your professional achievements and honor your devotion to strengthening our health system, as well as the community. Rita Fields Vice President, Talent & Workforce Strategies Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital Congratulations Marie Galindo! We are very proud of your Crain’s 40 under 40 recognition Ann Arbor Bloomfield Hills Boca Raton Detroit Holland Lansing New York Palm Beach Washington D.C. Alliance Offices Beijing Shanghai Mexico City Monterrey Member Lex Mundi 313 225 7000 www.butzel.com DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 16,17 CDB Page 16 9/26/2008 9:28 AM Page 1 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS 40 UNDER 40 Laura Covintree, 39 Chief development officer Lighthouse of Oakland County Pontiac Biggest achievement: Increasing the individual giving revenue stream at Lighthouse to $700,000 this year from $200,000. Current goal: To integrate social networking into the organization’s volunteer resource department. Since joining Lighthouse just over two years ago, Laura Covintree has worked to make the nonprofit’s relationships with donors and volunteers more personal and more fruitful. She’d had some experience in the endeavor, having worked at the St. Vincent & Sarah Fisher Center as development director for five years, and before that at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital as major gifts coordinator. At Lighthouse, Covintree has changed business as usual. She began by personalizing the agency’s direct mail brochures asking for support — to show donors exactly what their dollars will support. By telling donors that their $100 donations, for example, could help furnish a person’s apartment, that donor feels a part of something, Covintree said. She also pushed the nonprofit’s end-of-year campaign back to October to give potential donors more time to respond. People hang on to the envelopes and requests for donations and still are sending in donations from last year’s campaign, Covintree said. The effort has brought in more than $125,000 in donations, up from $65,000 the year before. Cultivating a similar, personal relationship with volunteers has helped bring in more and increase the time they give to Lighthouse of Oakland County and its clients. In fiscal 2006, before Covintree joined Lighthouse, it valued its volunteer hours at just over $26,000, but it did not track how many volunteers it had. Covintree counts each volunteer and can tell you that last year Lighthouse had 1,255 people donating more than 24,000 hours valued at nearly $445,000. Covintree has instituted simple things such as making sure the agency’s volunteer application is online, posting opportunities on volunteermatch.org — a Web site that matches volunteer opportunities with potential volunteers — and beginning to build more personal relationships with volunteers. For example, they are included in e-mailed newsletters, and receive e-mail blasts and birthday cards. At Covintree’s urging, volunteers and donors now get thank you calls from the agency’s CEO and board members. “We’re not just contacting them when we need something,” Covintree said. — Sherri Begin Antoine Dubeauclard, 35 President Media Genesis Inc. Troy Biggest achievement: Overseeing a 50 percent, on average, growth rate in the online and Detroit auto sectors. Current goal: Growing the company’s national business. The online universe of the 1980s bore little resemblance to the information superhighway of today. No spam. No Google. No MySpace. Rather than a superhighway, it was akin to a muddy cart path traveled by online pioneers. Antoine Dubeauclard was one of those trailblazers. As a teenager 20 years ago, he was programming code to develop rudimentary dialup text-based sites called multiuser dungeons, a sort of “World of Warcraft” without graphics or millions of players. He also oversaw a cadre of other young programmers working on the same project. He first began computer programming at age 7. “I was an early adopter, you could say,” Dubeauclard said. “For me, it was amazing I could be speaking and ex- changing ideas with people all over the world.” Today, he’s co-owner of Media Genesis Inc., a growing company that creates Web sites in metro Detroit for a wide spectrum of clients that ranges from Chrysler L.L.C. to The Whitney. “We have a range of clients that are the usual automotive manufacturing, a lot of clients that are retailfocused or nonprofit, a lot of law firms,” he said. “We help businesses figure out how to be more effective with Web technology. Dubeauclard, who was born in Canada and raised in France before moving to Michigan and graduating with a literature and creative writing degree from the University of Michigan, began his career as a salesman for Media Genesis in 1997, a year after the company was founded. By 2001, he owned half the company. With a roster of high-profile clients and a portfolio of cutting-edge work, the company has seen growth in an age of cutbacks. This year, the company, which has 65 employees, expects to hit $8 million in revenue and has averaged 50 percent annual growth for several years, Dubeauclard said. “More and more people realize we are See Dubeauclard, Page 17 DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 16,17 CDB 9/25/2008 1:22 PM Page 2 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Page 17 40 UNDER 40 Rita Fields, 35 Vice president of talent and workforce strategies Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital Henry Ford Health System Detroit Biggest accomplishment: Studying for a doctorate in management while blending in 70-hour work weeks. Current goal: To hire 1,600 people to open Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital by March 2009. Rita Fields rose through the ranks with such titles as headhunter, technical recruiter, and senior physician recruiter to her current position of vice president of talent and workforce strategies at Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital. She’s always brought a positive and vibrant attitude to her work. But success was far from automatic for Fields. She faced enormous personal obstacles when she was young. “I was a high school dropout when I was 17. I was homeless and pregnant,” Fields said. “It has created a real passion for education and community involvement.” After a year on the streets, Fields decided to pursue her childhood dream of finishing high school and going to college. Her career took off, and she still makes education a priority. “What I love about my job now is learning. I soak it up like a sponge,” she said. “It is the key to freedom in a lot of ways.” Hired in March to oversee recruiting at Henry Ford’s newest hospital, which is opening in March, Fields has developed several innovative approaches to hiring some 1,600 employees. “We are developing a place where patients and employees can live out their dream,” Fields said. “We are getting the fruits of our efforts returned to us.” One of the paradigm shifts Fields accomplished was to overhaul the system’s recruiting and retention process. “We added a lean process borrowed from the auto industry to our recruiting and hiring that wrings out the waste in the system and helps us attract the very best candidates possible,” she said. After candidates apply online, a software program screens people out who do not meet the minimum requirements. People fitting the bill are then selected for structured interviews, which range from 30 minutes to two hours for Saylor Frase, 33 President Nuspire Corp. Commerce Township Biggest accomplishment: Growing Nuspire, which provides managed network security, from four employees and no revenue in 1999 to nearly 40 employees and projected revenue this year of more than $7 million, with clients including General Motors Corp. and Fox Networks. Current goal: To continue diversifying from the auto industry into the retail and financial-services industries, with a five-year plan to grow Nuspire into a company with revenue of $100 million. Saylor Frase got the entrepreneurial bug in college at Central Michigan University, where he majored in computer science and WILLIAM PUGLIANO earth science. Before graduating in 1998, he founded a boutique computer programming company, selling it in 1999 after meeting his See Frase, Page 18 Dubeauclard: Self-taught ■ From Page 16 the ones you go to for this kind of work,” he said. So how does a lit-writing major get from The Iliad to the Internet? “The medium really started developing when I got out of college in the mid-1990s,” he said. “You couldn’t major in what I was doing. They just didn’t teach it.” So, he taught himself, and was part of the technological surge that changed the way mankind communicated. And just as he began managing other programmers as a teenager, he does so today. “I love (programming). I spent hours a day doing it,” he said. “But I liked the human element more.” — Bill Shea executives. Fields found that the process sometimes ground to a halt because scheduling a physical, waiting for tests to come back and bringing candidates back in for additional information took up to four weeks. “We cross-trained (human-resources employees) and took out some steps and we have it down to seven to 10 days,” Fields said. Overall, the entire time it takes for a person from when they apply to their first day at work is 30 days, although some positions must be filled in less than 14 days, she said. Still pursuing her individual dreams, Fields is back at school again. A year ago, she started work toward earning her doctorate of management in executive leadership. “I go to Walsh College (Novi). It is incredibly demanding. I have so much work to do. The only place I don’t bring my BlackBerry is to church,” she said. — Jay Greene Discover the leader in you, like Jesse Berger. Congratulations to Jesse Berger, President of Eastern Michigan Kenworth, Inc. on being named to Crain’s 40 Under 40. www.northwood.edu DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 18,19 CDB 9/25/2008 1:20 PM Page 18 Page 1 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS 40 UNDER 40 Scott French, 39 Vice president of global metals Lear Corp. Southfield Biggest accomplishment: Leading the financial turnaround of Lear’s money-losing European interiors operations in 2004-2005, improving product quality and earning $175 million in new business. Current goal: Profitably growing Lear’s global metals business unit. As vice president of Lear Corp.’s $934 million global metals business, Scott French has to travel the world to find the lowest-cost metals available. He’s used to working abroad. In 2004, French was sent to Europe to lead the turnaround of Lear’s interiors operations. The division lost about $38 million that year and had about 10,000 quality problems per million components made — dreadful by industry standards. French and his management team put a plan in place that in 18 months swung the division into the black. It posted net income of more than $3 million, a $40 million boost to operating income and dramatically improved quality to 19 problems per million. French said that besides the tangible results, the turnaround gave a chance for individuals to shine. “The most memorable aspect of that experience was watching the team grow and gain confidence as the turnaround plan gained momentum and ultimately succeeded,” he said. French’s track record ultimately led him to be one of the youngest of Lear’s top leaders in the company’s automotive seat business when he was promoted to his current position last February. Lou Salvatore, Lear senior vice president and president of the company’s global seating systems, promoted French to his current role. “He’s an up-and-comer; he’s going to be a very, very senior leader in the industry,” he said. — Ryan Beene Matt Friedman, 37 © 2008 Northern Trust Corporation. Partner Tanner Friedman Farmington Hills Greatest achievement: Launching own firm, netting a wide range of contracts and building a successful business in just under two years. Current goal: To continue to grow the business, with Tanner Friedman recognized as the most respected firm of its kind in the Midwest by 2012. Matt Friedman thinks big. Not content with a successful career in broadcast journalism, Friedman joined a large metro Detroit public-relations firm. Not See Friedman, Page 19 Frase: Was inspired ■ From Page 17 IDEAL EXPENDITURE OF ENERGY on family business worrying about company’s future mentoring company’s future CEO You want to keep the family business in the family. And, like your family, you want it to prosper. At Northern Trust we bring a collaborative, integrated wealth management approach to both your business and personal needs. Helping you maximize assets by offering expertise in everything from liquidity management to multi-generational planning strategies. And allowing you to focus on what really matters: growing your business and the next generation of management. To learn more, call Northern Trust or visit northerntrust.com. Bloomfield Hills • Daniel Pienta • 248-593-9212 Grosse Pointe Farms • Marita Grobbel • 313-881-1065 Private Banking | Investment Management | Financial Planning | Trust & Estate Services | Business Banking current partner, Steve Whitener. They had talked about computer networking and how in the coming years the Internet would be used to transport massive amounts of data and to do so would require strongly managed, secure network services. The company had $6 million in revenue last year, and in the last year has added 10 employees. If plans to expand in Europe work out — Frase spent a month there this summer working on possible deals — that employee total could climb rapidly. Another boon to employment? The InkSpot Inc. shops, which added 100 new locations in the last year. Nuspire manages its store network. Frase says he took his inspiration from his grandfather, John Humphrey, who is now 86. His grandfather owned three H&O supermarkets: in Dearborn, Hamtramck and Detroit. Frase as a boy would visit his grandfather at his cabin up north, where he’d make money doing odd jobs around the property, such as helping plow the garden or pulling out a stump. “After receiving the money, I would proclaim that I was rich,” said Frase. “My grandfather would always say, ‘You’ll never be rich working for someone else.’ ” — Tom Henderson DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 18,19 CDB 9/25/2008 2:05 PM Page 2 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Page 19 40 UNDER 40 Friedman: Thinks big ■ From Page 18 content with a successful PR career in someone else’s firm, he founded his own. Just two years later, Tanner Friedman has become a household name in metro Detroit’s marketing-savvy circles. “When (partner) Don Tanner and I started the firm, we decided to take the advice we’d been giving our own clients — networking and visibility are important,” he said. “It has proven to be good advice. You hear stories in the PR business all the time about the cobbler’s kids who have no shoes. We didn’t want that to happen to us.” Friedman wanted to strike out on his own for many reasons, among them continuing a four-generation family history of business ownership and taking a more hands-on role in his career. Both Friedman and Tanner left positions at Marx Layne & Co., also in Farmington Hills, to start their firm. “One of the reasons I was really interested in having my own firm, as opposed to being a partner in a bigger firm, was to be able to touch all facets of the business,” he said. “Being able to create a culture from scratch has been a very fulfilling experience.” Not content simply to run his own firm — Friedman projects $1.2 million in revenue for 2008 — community service is an important part of his life. Recently named the Detroit Regional Chamber’s volunteer of the year, Friedman dedicates time to such organizations as DMC-Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Yatooma’s Foundation for the Kids and the Hispanic Business Alliance, to name a few. “I wanted to help,” he said. “It isn’t just all business.” The value of community services is something Friedman learned at home. “There’s a long history in my family in terms of service to this community, and it’s important to me,” he said. “I was raised with that. It’s very fulfilling to be able to contribute to an organization and receive something other than a paycheck in return.” — Nancy Kaffer Marie Galindo, 35 Special legal consultant Butzel Long Detroit Biggest accomplishment: Developing the law firm’s Mexico practice and helping to establish successful businesses in South America. Current goal: To develop in Detroit the fifth North American incubator funded by the U.S.-Mexican Foundation for Science. This helps certified tiertwo and tier-three Mexican companies establish and grow businesses in Southeast Michigan. As the only licensed-in-Mexico attorney in Michigan certified by the State Bar of Michigan to advise on Mexican law, Marie Galindo and her law firm have become key business liaisons here for the Mexican government. Galindo also helped established Apromex, the largest association of Mexican professionals outside of her home country, and serves as administrative vice president and legal representative to this Association of Mexican Professionals in Michigan. It’s become a leading professional organization for the members of the automotive industry, the major growth area in Mexico. Fluency in German, French and Italian — as well as English and Spanish — has aided Galindo in interpreting and clarifying regulations, sophisticated free trade agreements and other international transactions for clients so they can take part in global trading. Galindo also is very active in Technology Business Acceleration-Michigan (Tech-BA). It’s a program that uses seminars, workshops and a network of consultants, mentors and experts who assist companies understand the complexities of doing business in Michigan. The mostly small automotive-related businesses get technical, managerial and financial assistance from Tech-BA to help them find potential partners and clients and to compete internationally. Galindo also seeks to expand Red de Talentos, a worldwide network linking Mexican professional talent back to their homeland. — Robert Ankeny Michael George II, 36 President George Enterprises Farmington Hills Biggest achievement: Diversifying the family business and successfully establishing Six Degrees magazine in four U.S. cities. Current goal: To place Six Degrees in 10 cities and grow the magazine to $12 million in advertising sales annually in three years. Michael George II, the youngest of five brothers, is not overshadowed by the accomplishments of his family. The namesake of one of the area’s prominent families is taking his turn at the reins. See George, Page 20 DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 20,21 CDB 9/25/2008 2:07 PM Page 20 Page 1 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS FORTY UNDER FORTY Lisa Grosso, 34 Foley congratulates Terence A. Thomas, Sr., Chief Advocacy Officer of St. John Health, for being selected as one of Crain’s 40 Under 40. For more information about Foley, please contact Nicole Y. Lamb-Hale in our Detroit office at nlamb-hale@foley.com. Foley.com BOSTON • BRUSSELS • CENTURY CITY • CHICAGO • DETROIT • JACKSONVILLE • LOS ANGELES • MADISON • MIAMI • MILWAUKEE • NEW YORK • ORLANDO • SACRAMENTO • SAN DIEGO • SAN DIEGO/DEL MAR • SAN FRANCISCO • SHANGHAI • SILICON VALLEY • TALLAHASSEE • TAMPA • TOKYO • WASHINGTON, D.C. ©2008 Foley & Lardner LLP Vice president and director of sales and marketing Kinetic Southfield Biggest achievement: Founding Kinetic with her partners and growing the business from five employees to 16. Current goal: Become the creative media resource for metro Detroit and beyond, double annual billings within two years and make Kinetic a role model for good business. Lisa Grosso, the vice president and director of sales and marketing for Kinetic, a film, video and audio post-production firm, graduated from Wayne State University with a degree in criminal justice. But before the ink was dry on her diploma, she’d discovered another love. During college, Grosso worked as an on-set production assistant. Her first post-collegiate job was as a receptionist at Farmington Hillsbased production and post-production firm Grace & Wild Inc., the largest full-service creative technical firm in the Midwest. “I really enjoyed it from the very beginning, all the aspects of the job, from production to post-production,” she said. “I learned as much as I possibly could, and I really enjoyed the behind-the-scenes postproduction aspect of advertising.” In 2002, Grosso and four other post-production professionals decided to start their own firm. “We were working really, really hard, and when you’re working that hard, it’s the American dream to do it for yourself,” she said. “So we decided to take that leap of faith.” For the first three months, Grosso and her partners worked 17-hour days, sans paycheck. “We worked on sweat equity,” she said. Grosso knew the business would be a success seven months in, when Kinetic landed a job for post-production of the Ford Motor Co. centennial materials. “We won all of it,” she said. “We won the entire job, and for such a small company to take on that amount of nationally recognized work …” Grosso’s charge is creating a bridge between Kinetic’s potential clients and talented creative team — after all, she notes, the most adept creative team isn’t successful if the jobs don’t come in. These days, Kinetic is certainly bringing in work — annual revenue is about $3 million, and the shop’s credits include a contract with cable channel Nickelodeon’s preschool hit, “The Wonder Pets!” The company’s success is gratifying and bodes well for Detroit. “A very strong goal is to have the rest of the country recognize Detroit as the creative mecca that it is,” she said. “Once (a Detroit firm) has their name roll in the credits of a show that’s national, that’s a big ‘atta boy’ for Detroit.” — Nancy Kaffer George: Publishing ■ From Page 19 CONGRATULATIONS TO JOHN LESSER! PMFA salutes our colleague John Lesser and his fellow “40 Under 40” designees. Your hard work and proven leadership mean outstanding service for our clients every day. We are all proud of your accomplishments! —The PMFA Team To learn more, visit pmfa.com. THRIVE. “My father provided me with the tools and guidance to be able to handle the tough decisions that I have to make on the daily basis,” said George. “My brothers have given me the support, trust and strength to guide their businesses now and in the future.” The George family is known for ties to food products and brands such as Melody Farms Dairy, Stroh’s Ice Cream and Pioneer Snacks. The family sold its food businesses to Dallas-based Dean Food Co. in 2003. George has taken George Enterprises into other industries to diversify. George’s most recent project is Six Degrees magazine, a pocketsized publication that provides entertainment information of life and culture in various cities. In its third year, the magazine is geared toward young professionals “seeking the finer things in life.” “The word ‘luxury’ has come a long way,” said George. “Now luxury is more affordable and Six Degrees is bringing people to that lifestyle.” Six Degrees can be found in Miami, Atlanta, Detroit and Las Vegas. Urth Tech, a company formed by George, his family and partners, recently patented a cleaner that removes and kills black mold spores. The food-based disinfectant, which is healthier than bleach, can be used to sanitize hospitals. George still dabbles in the food industry by using resources to develop Health Treat, a process that removes cholesterol from food by using separators to modify fat found in dairy products. Another business called Lifestyle Brand Management, a manufacturing representative company, was formed to market and sell Motley Bird energy drink and other products. George is also the president of Michael J. George Charity, named after his father for his years of work in the community. The charity targets terminal diseases, education and poverty. The foundation gives and raises money for other 501(c)(3) organizations. George holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing from the University of Michigan and a master’s degree in finance from Wayne State University. — Bernadine Stallings DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 20,21 CDB 9/25/2008 2:08 PM Page 2 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Page 21 40 UNDER 40 Kelley Hamilton, 37 Vice president of development Detroit Public Television Wixom Biggest achievement: Creating one of the most successful individual giving programs among PBS stations around the U.S. Current goal: To raise the final $3.6 million needed to receive a $1.25 million challenge grant from the Kresge Foundation and close out the station’s $22 million capital campaign. It took Kelley Hamilton only six years to move from memberships manager at Detroit Public Television in 1996 to vice president of development. As head of development, Hamilton today is in charge of raising about 60 percent of the station’s revenue, or $9 million annually, through on-air and online pledge drives, direct-mail campaigns and grant proposals to foundations. She’s headed efforts that have brought in at least 60 percent of total revenue each of the past eight years — and cut fundraising expenses to keep down the station’s costs to raise money when revenue declined. Hamilton is tapping the Internet to bring in more money for DPTV, through things such as a “box office” on the station’s Web site, www.dptv.org, which offers tickets to local events donated to the station for a set pledge amount. Under her leadership, the station has been able to keep its membership consistent over the past three years, at 68,000, bucking a national trend of declining membership, she said. Hamilton assumed responsibility for heading the station’s $22 million capital campaign a year ago when it stalled after raising about $12 million. Since then, she has successfully garnered a $1.25 million challenge grant from the Kresge Foundation and another $5 million by shifting the focus of the campaign from the station’s new Wixom building, which had been paid off, to new programming areas. Those include children and education, arts and culture, energy and environment, health and safety and leadership. Hamilton also helps run the station’s “Kids’ Club,” a membership club for donors which produces special activities and educational projects aimed at children and more general audience programming on issues related to them. In that role, she became host of a half-hour show on Detroit Public Television, “Get Up, Get Out,” a weekly series that encourages children to engage in outdoor activities. — Sherri Begin Amin Irving, 31 John Lesser, 39 President Ginosko Development Co. Milford Biggest achievement: Deciding to leave investment banking in New York City at age 22 without job leads in Michigan. Created a development company to own and/or manage affordable housing. Current goal: To create diversity in revenue streams and increase efficiency of business processes to reach 50 percent revenue growth and retained earnings for the next three years. Partner Plante Moran Financial Advisors Auburn Hills Biggest accomplishment: Growing a financial advisory business for Plante & Moran P.L.L.C’s wealthier tax clients from a staff of five with $500,000 in revenue to a staff of 22 with $7.3 million in revenue. Current goal: To replicate the wealth management model across Plante & Moran’s footprint. In the next year, he will spend a lot of time in the firm’s offices in Ohio and Illinois, and expects to add $1 million in revenue from those operations in 2009. Amin Irving’s Milford-based Ginosko Development Co. has grown revenue from just over $1.1 million after its founding in 2002 to more than $5.1 million last year. Among Ginosko’s deals has been New Center Pavilion, a 71unit Detroit apartment building that used $3.5 million in tax credits and also is seeking a $1 million Detroit Home Funds grant. Other projects have include Willow Vista, a 52-unit complex in Lansing; Northville Farms, with 525 units; and Spring Lake Village in Pontiac, a 250-unit project. He also has done two 100-unit HUD Section 8 projects in Chicago, Springgrove Tower and Parkview Tower, and Springview Tower in Battle Creek. He currently works on Devon Square Apartments in Ferndale, a joint venture with Brighton-based Unified Property Group L.L.C. Irving holds a bachelor of business administration in finance and real estate from the University of Michigan’s Stephen M. Ross School of Business. His work in New York for Citigroup’s real estate equity division included financial analyses for sale-leaseback and synthetic lease deals of more than $450 million that included work for Huntington Bank and Samsung properties. Irving has served on the board of FLECS Inc. (Financially Liberated Extra Curricular Students). — Robert Ankeny John Lesser said he got good advice from a mentor early in his career that what the CEO and COO want from a CFO isn’t numbers — it’s what the numbers mean. And he tries to apply that to his role overseeing wealth management for clients. He and his team get to know clients, what their goals are and what investment models are most appropriate. When he joined Plante & Moran P.L.L.C. in 1996, the firm served the investment needs of its ultrawealthy clients with a staff of five and was considered something of an afterthought. Lesser asked if he could roll out what he called a CFO model, offering a full range of financial advice and wealth management services. His bosses, he said, told him to go ahead, that he’d either be very successful, or would crash and burn in grand style. The business takes a holistic approach, involving investment consulting, estate planning, trust services, insurance consulting, philanthropic advice and income tax planning. “I particularly enjoy educating second-, third- and fourth-generation family members and watching them become financially responsible business leaders,” he said. Lesser has put his skill with numbers to good use in other ways: He has been treasurer of the Macomb Symphony Orchestra for four years and chairman of the zoning appeals board in Sterling Heights for five years. — Tom Henderson The Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP) would like to recognize our Sponsoring Organizations for their continuous support of Metropolitan Detroit Youth and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education. Your support enables DAPCEP to excite and motivate the next For more generation of technology , formation in workers. ase visit List of Corporate Sponsors at time of print: Corporate Partners • 3M Foundation • Alcoa Foundation • Automation Alley • Bank One / JPMorgan Chase • Black United Fund of Michigan • Blue Cross Blue Shield of • Dow Corning Corporation • Exam Experts • The Herbert H. & Grace A. Dow Foundation • DTE Energy Foundation • Ford Motor Company • General Motors Corporation • Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation Michigan • Himmel Foundation • City of Detroit Block Grant • The John S. and James L. Knight • Charles J. Strosacker Foundation Foundation • Michigan Space Grant Consortium • Charlotte R. Schmidlapp Fund • National Science Foundation • Chrysler Corporation (NSF) • Comerica Bank • Nissan USA • Compuware • Denso International America, Inc. • Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church • Detroit Public Schools • The Skillman Foundation • Detroit Regional Chamber • State of Michigan • Detroit Youth Foundation • Tiger Woods Foundation • Dow Chemical Company • Dow Chemical Co. - Dow Promise • Visteon Corporation ple pcep.org www.da University Partners • Lawrence Technological University • Michigan State University • Michigan Technological University • Oakland University • University of Detroit Mercy • University of Michigan - Ann Arbor • University of Michigan - Dearborn • Wayne State University DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 22,23 CDB 9/25/2008 3:24 PM Page 22 Page 1 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS 40 UNDER 40 Jeff Luckoff, 39 VN.Efbscpso!tbmvuft!Bmvnob!Bnbm!Cfssz.Cspxo!)Õ:8* po!cfjoh!obnfe!pof!pg!DsbjoÖt!51!Voefs!51/ Dpohsbuvmbujpot!up!bmm!pg!Nfusp!EfuspjuÖt!Mfbefst!boe!Cftu/ umd.umich.edu General sales manager WJLB 97.9 FM, WMXD 92.3 FM Clear Channel Radio Inc. Farmington Hills Biggest achievement: Expanded radio advertising share targeting blacks at his stations by 30 percent. Current goal: Further increase the share of radio advertising targeting blacks. Radio and advertising run deep in Jeff Luckoff’s genes. His father runs a pair of stations in San Francisco. His late grandfather and late uncle ran an advertising agency in Detroit, L.H. Luckoff and Co. Today, Luckoff is in charge of sales for Detroit’s leading radio stations aimed at black audiences, WJLB 97.9 FM and WMXD 92.3 FM, both owned by Clear Channel Radio Inc. The stations ranked No. 6 and No. 8 in the Detroit market by revenue in this year’s Crain’s Book of Lists, and have a combined revenue of about $25 million. Luckoff wants to improve not only those rankings, but the amount of radio advertising dollars spent targeting the black audience in the entire market — an audience he believes is largely untapped by advertisers. For his stations, he’s boosted black-targeted ad sales from $33 million to about $43 million during his three years as general sales Christian Lupo, 39 The Holiday Party that will go down in history. We invite you to write your own chapter of history at a place where legends have walked. A place so revered, so treasured, it was honored as “Best Holiday Venue” by the Michigan Meetings and Events Best of Industry Awards in 2008. Henry Ford Museum® Lovett Hall Greenfield Village® Ford Rouge Factory Tour 313.982.6220 www.TheHenryFord.org/privateevents General manager NSF International Strategic Registrations Ann Arbor Biggest achievement: Increasing NSF ISR’s revenue by 30 percent since 2004 by improving operations and establishing a presence in Europe, South America and Asia. Current goal: To sustain the growth by diversifying into highgrowth areas such as greenhouse gas verification while looking for other acquisition opportunities. Christian Lupo is overseeing a budding business for Ann Arbor-based NSF International Inc. He joined NSF in 1999 as a northeastern U.S. sales representative based in Auburn, N.Y. Two years later, he moved to its Ann Arbor office to become technical manager, overseeing internal processes and international and accreditation requirements for staff. He also developed auditing manager. And most of that is new spending, not revenue drawn from competing stations, he said. “We’re not just trading dollars,” he said. His goal now is to boost the total dollars in the 22-station market from about 17 percent aimed at black listeners to about 22 percent. Total annual spending on radio advertising in Detroit is about $200 million, he said. While radio ad spending has been in the decline here, about 10 percent a year, he said, the dollars targeted to the black audience has potential to grow. “It’s a viable consumer (advertisers have) been ignoring and not inviting in their business. They were spending in Detroit, but not on African-American stations,” Luckoff said. “People need (radio) more than ever. Businesses that just used to open their doors now need to advertise.” A California native, but a thirdgeneration University of Michigan graduate, Luckoff was eventually lured back to the region because of family ties, and he has thrived. “When I had a chance to move to Detroit, I jumped at it,” said Luckoff, the president-elect of the Detroit Radio Advertising Group. “I have a lot of family history here. I love the passion the listeners have for the radio stations.” — Bill Shea processes for the aerospace, automotive, medical devices and telecommunications industries. In 2004, concurrent with entering the MBA program at the University of Michigan, Lupo was promoted to general manager of NSF International Strategic Registrations. The following year, he helped integrate the operations of Deloitte Quality Registrations, following NSF’s purchase of the Windsorbased unit of Deloitte & Touche L.L.P. Today Lupo oversees the NSF ISR’s sales, marketing and field staff and revenue of $21 million. Last year, Lupo helped establish a joint venture in China before completing his MBA. In addition to hunting for other international acquisition opportunities, Lupo is overseeing development of the division’s greenhouse verifications services. This would accredit corporate claims of removal or reduction of gases so clients can qualify for incentives. — Sherri Begin DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 22,23 CDB 9/24/2008 1:21 PM Page 2 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Page 23 40 UNDER 40 Kristina Marshall, 31 President and CEO Mentoring Solutions, dba Winning Futures Warren WILLIAM PUGLIANO Biggest achievement: Increasing the number of students served last year to 500 from 75 in 2004 — after funding cuts — by diversifying funding sources, expanding to additional school districts and implementing a consulting division. Current goal: To market Winning Futures’ Five-Year Planning Student Workbooks and training manuals on a national scale through an online store. As a high school senior in 1994, Marshall was among the first group of high school seniors from Warren Mott High School to go through Winning Futures’ program to help students define and achieve personal success. She was awarded a scholarship from Winning Futures and went to Michigan Technological University for environmental engineering, initially. But during college, Marshall realized what she really wanted to do was lead Winning Futures and help give other youths the life skills they needed to be successful. She switched majors to business administration and pro- posed to the founder of Winning Futures that she’d like to come home and lead the program. She took the reins of the nonprofit at age 21 in 1998. Since then, she’s expanded the program beyond one high school in Warren to offer those personal growth services to 15,000 elementary through high school students throughout metro Detroit. When Marshall first started in 1998, the organization served 500 students. A year later, she increased the number of children served by the agency to 1,000 kids in mentoring programs and motivational assemblies. See Marshall, Page 24 James Maher, 36 President Maher Restoration and Construction Co. Walled Lake Biggest achievement: Steadily growing the business in a struggling economy. Current goal: Maintaining a balance of work, community volunteering and family. As a youngster growing up in a family of small-business owners, James Maher always dreamed about opening up his own business. So in 2003 he founded Maher Restoration and Construction Co. in Walled Lake. Maher Construction has two primary business lines: remodeling and insurance restoration. Maher said the company’s motto is: “If anything happens, just call Maher.” Moreover, each truck sports a sign: “Maher Makes It Happen.” “We have a large passion for the insurance restoration side of our business. When people have an emergency at their home (fire or flood), we are first on the scene. We are there to help individuals out and let them know everything is OK.” For example, in February, a family was vacationing when a water line broke in their 4,800-squarefoot, three-story house in White Lake Township. “It flooded from top to bottom,” Maher said. “We had to remove 80,000 gallons of water, packed up all the belongings and dried everything out.” Maher said full restoration of the house took two-and-a-half months. “They were very happy because we put their house back together,” Maher said. “This is what we do.” Each year, Maher Construction has grown in revenue from $500,000 in 2003 to more than $2.2 million projected for 2008. The company employs nine, including sister Angie, who as marketing director helps build relationships with municipal organizations and clients. Aside from working about 60 hours a week, Maher said he serves on various civic and community groups. For example, he is a member of the Walled Lake Urban Design Committee, the Wixom Planning Commission, Rotary and the Fraternal Order of Police. — Jay Greene NGRATS TO A RISING STAR. -%-"%2&$)#%15!,/00/245.)49,%.$%2 ! T#OMERICA"ANKWESALUTE !MAL"ERRY"ROWNFORBEING ONEOFTHISYEAR´SUNDER comerica.com DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 24,25 CDB 9/24/2008 2:49 PM Page 24 Page 1 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS 40 UNDER 40 Congratulations, Utz! Now the world knows what we have always known and we are very proud to be working with you. From your IAV team Charles Moore, 36 Senior managing director Conway Mackenzie & Dunleavy Birmingham Biggest accomplishment: Being named the youngest equity partner and senior managing director in the history of Conway Mackenzie at the age of 35. Current goal: As lead restructuring adviser to Greektown Casino since May, he is in charge of directing the business operations while it operates under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. He hopes to develop a plan that allows creditors to be paid in full and lets existing equityholders retain ownership. Charles Moore joined Conway Mackenzie & Dunleavy, a crisismanagement and turnaround consulting firm, in October 2001 after a stint as CFO of Taylor-based Horizon Technology L.L.C., then a privately held $50 million diversified company with manufacturing, retail, real estate and travel operations. Marshall: Mentoring ■ From Page 23 BZYZXdBZVchHZXjg^in Do you know who has access to your business? With Medeco3 High Security locks, you know your locks are resistant to picking, drilling, bumping, and other forms of physical attack. Be confident in your security. 8VaajhidYVn[dgV[jaahZXjg^inVhhZhhbZci# (&("*(*"%)%%lll#gZY[dgYadX`#Xdb In 2004, when the state cut higher education funding, Winning Futures’ funding from area schools fell and it was only able to serve 75 students, Marshall said. But last year, under her direction and assistance in fundraising, the agency served 1,700 Michigan children. During her tenure, the organization has given out $850,000 in scholarships, backed in part by the fundraising Marshall does. She’s raised $2.5 million over nine years for the organization, mainly through corporate donations and grant writing. Part of that has gone into the nonprofit’s endowment fund for scholarships and the rest to operations. This year, the nonprofit has a $500,000 annual budget. She oversees four fulltime employees and 100 part-time volunteers. Marshall also began forging relationships with other mentoring groups when she established the Metro Detroit Mentor Collaboration, a professional development and networking group for mentoring professionals, in 2003. She was appointed as one of 20 members of the state’s Mentor Michigan council in 2004 and has served on it since then offering guidance on quality standards for mentoring and identifying innovative ways to bring funding to the state for mentoring and to recruit more mentors. In January, Marshall began selling to nonprofits across Michigan the workbooks and curriculums that Winning Futures developed to teach life skills through mentoring. In the past month, that’s added up to about $3,000 in new revenue. This coming January, she plans to begin contacting national mentoring groups to promote and hopefully sell the nonprofit’s materials nationwide. — Sherri Begin Moore heads the financial advisory practice at the firm, the largest business unit with 16 employees and $16.5 million in revenue. Soon after beginning his engagement with Greektown, Moore secured $150 million in financing the casino needed to finish its stalled construction. The casino is the first in Michigan to go into bankruptcy and will be a landmark case, testing several aspects of Michigan’s gaming law. At Conway Mackenzie, one of Moore’s major successes was with Hastings Manufacturing Co. CMD won the 2005-2006 Transaction of the Year Award from the Detroit chapter of the Turnaround Management Association for overseeing its sale to The Anderson Group. Moore, who was appointed in December to the Legislative Commission on Government Efficiency to help trim waste in state government, said his long-term goal is to eventually assume the role of president at Conway Mackenzie. — Tom Henderson Heidi Mucherie, 33 Executive director Community Legal Resources Detroit Biggest achievement: Doubled the staff and budget at Community Legal Resources during her first 18 months as executive director and launched and led the Detroit Vacant Property Campaign, including successfully advocating for the Detroit Land Bank. Current To goal: constantly strive for “our organization to be relevant and sustainable, and for it to be an effective, wellmanaged operation that can deliver real, measurable results.” Heidi Mucherie has worked as an urban planner, policy analyst and program evaluator in community development in Detroit for more than 10 years. She holds a master’s degree in public administration from Wayne State University, and she coordinated an evaluation of the city of Detroit’s Community Development Block Grant program at WSU under a research grant in 1997. Community Legal Resources, aided by volunteer lawyers, gives pro bono legal representation to Michigan nonprofit organizations working with disadvantaged communities and individuals. At Community Legal Resources, Mucherie helped created the Detroit Vacant Prop- erty Campaign to respond to the foreclosure crisis fallout. She coordinates this multiyear partnership between her organization and the University of Michigan Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning and Community Development Advocates of Detroit, which is funded by Detroit LISC and the Kresge Foundation. It seeks to aid neighbors hit by vacant-property blight to develop tools and strategies to mitigate the negative effects and put the vacant land and buildings back to productive uses. Mucherie also is working to get the city to create a more up-to-date vacant-property management system. “I approach my work with the hope at the end of every day that I’ve helped to build stronger neighborhoods, improve people’s opportunities to succeed, strengthen my clients and partners, and make a noticeable, positive difference,” she said. Mucherie sets a high bar for herself in her work. “If it feels too comfortable, it probably needs to be challenged, so a leader must ask tough questions and push the envelope through hard work and service to leave communities better off than we find them.” — Robert Ankeny DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 24,25 CDB 9/24/2008 1:25 PM Page 2 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Page 25 40 UNDER 40 Mary Margaret O’Donnnell, 36 Partner Rader Fishman & Grauer P.L.L.C. Bloomfield Hills Biggest achievement: Managing worldwide trademark portfolios in a thriving intellectual-property law practice. Current goal: Continuing to expand Rader Fishman & Grauer’s trademark practice, particularly for innovative products and services, and continuing to recruit new talent as the practice expands. Mary Margaret O’Donnell is a sort of international police watchdog. As co-manager of the trademark practice at Rader Fishman, she shares responsibility with Mike Fishman for overseeing the work of more than a dozen lawyers and six paralegals to protect trademarks around the world. “She plays an important role, especially in our foreign trademark practice,” said R. Terrance Rader, a founding partner in the firm that in the past 10 years has obtained more than 11,000 patents and 14,000 trademarks for clients. O’Donnell said her decision to go into intellectual-property law was cemented by a 1995 internship at a Paris law firm which specialized in that area while she earned an advanced degree in IP law at a Bordeaux university. Returning to the U.S., she completed her Juris Doctor degree at Wayne State University School of Law, graduating cum laude in May 1998, and joined Rader Fishman two years later. O’Donnell has moved on to co-chair the trademark litigation subcommittee of the American Bar Association Intellectual Property Litigation Committee and is an immediate past board member of the Women’s Bar Association of Michigan, where she was mentorship co-chair. She also teaches an international trademark class at the Thomas M. Cooley School of Law. On any given day, she may be called on to deal with counterfeiting of clothing, auto or electronic parts, in Turkey, China or Europe. “It’s exciting and fun to be in a job where you can use your foreign language skills; eight years of conjugating verbs wasn’t a waste at all,” she said. On the personal side, she has two sons and is on the board of the Drayton Avenue Cooperative Preschool. — Robert Ankeny “Individual commitment to a group effort — that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” – Vince Lombardi As we congratulate our colleague Matt Friedman on being named to Crain’s “40 under 40,” we want to also acknowledge and thank our clients, collaborators and partners. We all share together in this recognition. www.tannerfriedman.com Stephen Potter, 38 Founder and president Patriot Services Corp. Walled Lake Biggest achievement: Lining up Patriot Services Corp. as a subcontractor to Science Applications International Corp. in a new contract worth up to $500 million with the U.S. Department of Defense. Patriot Services will likely handle a sevenfigure component within the SAIC deal. Current goal: To help with organization and identifying $5 million in venture-capital funds for the newly incorporated Michigan Homeland Security Resource Fund, where he serves on the board of directors. For someone who has built a career in safety and security, Stephen Potter seems fairly comfortable taking on a venture with an element of risk. Potter, president of Patriot Services, said he wasn’t particularly nervous about leaving his public safety consultant position at Plante & Moran P.L.L.C. in 2004 to head a startup homeland security firm that was headquartered in his Clawson basement for its first year or so. “The timing was right,” he said of the move. “The Department of Homeland Security had already formed and was getting legs, and there were starting to be grants available under appropriations (passed in late 2003) to aid local agencies and schools in emergency preparedness.” Potter founded the company with Thomas Quisenberry, formerly the Oakland County undersheriff and a fellow consultant with Potter at Plante. Another of the company’s co-owners, Scott Hiipakka, served with him at the Pentagon in 2002-03 as part of the 210th Military Police Battalion in Operation Noble Eagle, handling security support after Sept. 11. See Potter, Page 27 The World’s Best ® and One of Detroit’s Best. Congratulations to Jesse Berger of Eastern Michigan Kenworth! Kenworth not only makes the World’s Best trucks, it also has the World’s Best dealers. The Kenworth Truck Company is thrilled to see Jesse Berger’s commitment to quality, reliability and excellence at Eastern Michigan Kenworth recognized in Crain’s Detroit’s 2008 40 Under 40. DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 26,27 CDB 9/24/2008 3:02 PM Page 1 Page 26 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS 40 UNDER 40 David Ripple, 36 Vice president of development and alumni affairs Wayne State University Detroit Biggest accomplishment: Helping to reach and surpass the $500 million fundraising goal of WSU’s Wayne First capital campaign. Current goal: Launch new initiatives for giving by 2009. :fe^iXklcXk`fej# DXkk_\nJfj`e Efik_\ie<hl`k`\j>iflg gifl[cpXggcXl[jfli ZfdgXepgi\j`[\ek ]fiY\`e^eXd\[kf :iX`eËj ;\kif`k 9lj`e\jj +' le[\i +' ]fi )''/% I\Xc <jkXk\ ;\m\cfgd\ek# :fejkilZk`fe Xe[ DXeX^\d\ek )+/%/+/%-+''nnn%efi\h%Zfd Sometimes the reward for tackling a challenge is to get a bigger one. Ripple in September gained permanent appointment from Wayne State University President Jay Noren as vice president of development and alumni affairs at Wayne State University. It’s a position Ripple has held on an interim basis since late June. He obtained the post after a recommendation from Noren to the WSU Board of Governors, and replaces Susan Burns, who left the position to become president of the St. John Health Foundation. “The promotion has meant going Steven Rybicki, 32 G A M I N G N D I N I N G N E N T E R T A I N M E N T N H O T E L N Naturally festive. Tis the season... to start planning your holiday party. N Whether you’re planning an intimate gathering for 25 or elaborate event for 1,500, our four-diamond resort can accommodate your holiday party! Call 1.888.7.EAGLE.7 ext. 55385 for details. N M T. P L E A S A N T, M I Enterprises of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan N SOARINGEAGLECASINO.COM Experience More. S P A General manager Infinity and Ovation Yacht Charters St. Clair Shores Greatest achievement: Hiring the right people and building the right team. “You feel as though when you have the right team in place, you can do anything.” Current goal: Rybicki hopes to continue to grow the business by moving into new endeavors in other industries with the same business model. Steven Rybicki’s story would make a good movie — as a teenager, he started as a dishwasher on a charter yacht called the Infinity. Today, he’s the general manager of Infinity and Ovation Yacht Charters, owned by Sterling Heights-based Continental Dining Services Inc. Mom Sara Rybicki, a nurse, had delivered the baby of the Infinity’s then-owner. The yacht’s staff lacked a dishwasher, Sara Rybicki lobbied for her son, and he got the job. “I worked almost every position and had been given greater responsibility over the years,” he said. Rybicki became general manager at age 24, and used his knowledge of the charter business to redefine the brand. “The previous company that owned the boat had confused the marketplace,” he said. “I was able from a staff of 42 to staff of 100. It’s also meant understanding and taking on more of the duties of the department, since I was previously handling just one part of it,” he said. Ripple joined the department in mid-2006 as an associate vice president of development and was largely responsible for coordinating fundraising efforts in the school’s Wayne First campaign. When he took it over, the campaign had raised $329 million toward its $500 million goal. Now it is at $870 million, including a $407.8 million in-kind gift to the school’s College of Engineering from the Partners for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education last year. Before coming WSU, he WILLIAM PUGLIANO to worked for New York-based CCS Fundraising, where he handled a $30 million donor campaign for the Michigan Opera Theatre in Detroit. David DiChiera, general director of the opera theater, said he was impressed with Ripple’s professionalism and effectiveness. — Chad Halcom to see all the things that were wrong, and being educated through business school, I knew what I would do if was in a position to make changes.” When Continental bought the company, and appointed Rybicki general manager, he had the chance to enact his plans. “We made a change in our management team, rebranded ourselves, stopped doing public events because our guests appreciated exclusivity, built a new yacht, started watching the trends …” Rybicki said. Revenue would fall in the first few years, Rybicki knew, because rebranding the boat initially meant fewer engagements. “But then we began to build our revenue in another direction,” he said. In 2005, the business added another vessel, WILLIAM PUGLIANO the Ovation, doubling business overnight. It replaced the Infinity with a sleeker vessel in 2007. The company now can attract new kinds of business, like larger, more traditional weddings. It has the capacity for parties of 150-300 people. Rybicki oversees a budget of $3.8 million. The view from the water, Rybicki said, is good. “I believe we have one of the best ways to showcase the city of Detroit,” he said. — Nancy Kaffer ‘ DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 26,27 CDB 9/24/2008 3:02 PM Page 2 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Page 27 40 UNDER 40 Lauren Scarpace, 30 Matt Schenk, 36 Senior associate CB Richard Ellis Southfield Assistant county executive Office of the Wayne County Executive Detroit Biggest achievement: Attracting the $600 million Chrysler L.L.C. Phoenix to Trenton, because it was so meaningful to the local community. Current goal: To see a renovated and expanded Cobo Center plan approved by the end of the year. Biggest achievement: Two recent deals that helped companies expand and create jobs in the area — retaining Seco Tools Inc. and selling a Macy’s distribution center, which later brought new jobs to the region. Current goal: Expand his client roster through executing successful real estate strategies within metro Detroit and assisting in projects outside of Michigan. Over the course of a commercial real estate broker’s career, they often make a change from being a street broker to a corporate real estate adviser, a difference between getting dirty in industrial buildings versus giving presentations to C-suite executives. At the age of 30, Lauren Scarpace has filled both roles, said Mike Gerard, senior managing director based at the CB Richard Ellis office in Southfield. “It’s a paradigm shift that he’s been able to handle at a very young age,” Gerard said. Scarpace, a commercial real estate broker focusing on industrial real estate, has not only been able to find tenants for some of Detroit’s vacant buildings, but also to find — and keep — businesses here. Since 2005, he has done more than 3 million square feet of sales and leasing. Among his significant deals, Scarpace was part of the team that attracted Hino Motors Manufacturing USA — of which Toyota Motor Corp. owns a controlling interest — from the East Coast to Farmington Hills. He was also part of the group that kept Seco in Michigan when it relocated its headquarters to Troy from Warren. His résumé is further padded by a 1 millionsquare-foot sale of an Ohio manufacturing plant by L.G. Phillips. CB Richard Ellis had put him on some of its most important multistate clients, such as Volkswagen of America. Institutional property owners including First Industrial Realty Trust, Liberty Property Trust and Sears Holding Corp. have hired him to lease their real estate. In 2002, his former employer, Cushman & Wakefield, named him “Rookie of the Year,” and then “Junior Broker of the Year” in 2003. The Bethesda, Md.-based real estate research company CoStar Group named Scarpace among the top 20 brokers in the Detroit market in 2004. In addition to real estate, Scarpace has a passion for cars. He and his family own a race car, and he competes in the Sports Car Club of America’s Great Lakes Division. — Daniel Duggan It often takes an army of people to make anything happen in government. While the big ideas come from the top — where the credit goes as well — it takes smart implementation people to make things work. Matt Schenk is one of those people. Out of law school, Schenk opted not to work at a corporate law firm but rather to work in government. Since then, he’s been behind the scenes drafting legislation and wrangling with legal issues on some of the region’s most significant topics. Here’s a partial list: Legal issues with Detroit’s casinos, the Super Bowl XL application, Chrysler L.L.C.’s expanded engine plant in Trenton, planning for the county’s aerotropolis concept, and crafting a funding and governance structure for the expansion of Cobo Center. Schenk is the lawyer in the background at all the meetings, advising the top elected officials and finding ways to make ideas come to fruition. “He’s not one of those people who says ‘we can’t do it,’ ” said Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano. “He says ‘let’s see how we can get there,’ and then he gets you there.” Schenk was a legislative analyst for Detroit City Councilwoman Sheila Cockrel, a position where he gave advice and was involved with crafting such legislation as the city’s ethics ordinance and the city’s purchasing ordinance. From 2000 to 2004, he was legislative assistant corporation counsel in the city of Detroit’s law department. Schenk then took his current job as part of Ficano’s inner circle of five assistant county executives. After 12 years of working in government, Schenk still enjoys his work and looks for new challenges. “The job is different every day,” he said. “And you know at the end of the day that the work you’re doing really matters to a lot of people, people who you see on a daily basis.” — Daniel Duggan Potter: Timing it right ■ From Page 25 Both men are officers in the Michigan National Guard. Patriot Services soon relocated to Walled Lake after landing one of its first contracts, with Walled Lake Consolidated Schools. Now with 11 employees and 20 contractors, the company has seven school district clients in Michigan and one in Denver, and topped $1.2 million in revenue for 2007 compared with $731,000 in 2006. Those numbers will likely continue to climb, as Patriot Services earlier this year became a subcontractor to Science Applications International Corp. on an extension of the latter’s Guardian contract to protect infrastructure and function within the Department of Defense. Patriot Services provides training and consulting services to clients, mostly in the public sector, on emergency preparedness and response to terror threats or to chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear attack. The company also has several clients in public health agencies, in Michigan and other states, but Potter also sees other areas of concern that need response training, such as water supply systems. Several weeks ago, Potter also became chairman of a newly elected board of directors for the Lansing-based nonprofit. Michigan Homeland Security Consortium. He also sits on the board of the Michigan Homeland Security Resource Fund, a venture-capital fund formally incorporated in late July. Potter said support from his wife, Betsy, has been invaluable. The family had no savings and used a credit card for three months until Patriot’s revenue started coming in. “She has always served as a sounding board for ideas, a confidant, and someone who believed in me.” — Chad Halcom Introducing Remote Deposit for your business Talk about innovative. Announcing Remote Deposit, Flagstar’s newest Business Banking service. Now save drive time and gas money with this faster and easier way to make bank deposits. And it’s as safe and secure as it is efficient. Visit Flagstar.com and search keyword Treasury Management or call (800) 642-0039 for details. Get your business $100 just for getting started. Ask how. Consistently ranked tops in customer satisfaction surveys. Member FDIC | (800) 642-0039 | www.flagstar.com DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 28,29 CDB 9/24/2008 2:59 PM Page 28 Page 1 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS 40 UNDER 40 Matthew Sosin, 33 President Northern Equities Group Farmington Hills Biggest achievement: Overseeing the completion of the infrastructure for a 200-acre business park. Current goal: To carry on the company with the same mission and philosophy his father had when the company was started. Matthew Sosin always knew he’d be taking over the real estate business his father started in 1979. But he didn’t want it to be a given. And he didn’t want it to be merely handed over. So after he graduated from the University of Michigan Law School in 1999, he went to New York to work for the corporate law firm Willkie Farr & Gallagher L.L.P. As a real estate attorney, he learned about the nuances of leases and purchase agreements along with high-level financing scenarios such as conduit lending. By 2001, he was ready to work with his father. Rich Stromback, 39 “At Leonard & Company, decisions are made right here on site, not in a series of calls to New York. This kind of rapid response helps me stay focused on what’s most important — my clients.” — David Aquilina, Leonard & Company, Troy At Leonard & Company… …we listen to our brokers. And our brokers listen to their clients. Leonard & Company is Michigan’s largest independent brokerage firm. We are a regional investment firm with an entrepreneurial environment that very successful brokers want and need — a comfortable, stress-free atmosphere where they can experience independence, build their business, and best serve their clients. We provide the finest amenities and the latest in research and technology, with securities carried by one of North America’s largest financial institutions. 1450 West Long Lake RoaDsSuite 15sTroy, MI 4809s248-952-5858 www.leonardandcompany.com Michigan: Corporate Headquarters — Troy. Birmingham. Grand Rapids. Grosse Pointe Farms. Sterling Heights. Colorado & New York Member FINRA, SIPC CEO Stromback Foundation Bloomfield Hills Biggest achievement: Being selected as one of only 200 Young Global Leaders by the World Economic Forum. Current goal: To further establish the Ecology Summit, a national forum for notable “green” advocates, co-hosted with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, as well as Virgin Group Founder Richard Branson. Rich Stromback had early success with Web Group, an IT consulting firm he founded in 1997 when he was 28. The company grew to $10 million in revenue and about 80 employees and was ranked among Inc. Magazine’s 500 fastest-growing companies from 1997 through 2002. Stromback sold it for an undisclosed amount in 2002 to Arrow Strategies. A year later, he acquired the Bloomfield Hills-based research and development company Ecology Coatings. He’s been working the past few years to market the company’s energy-saving coatings technologies and ensure patent protection for them. Stromback is chairman. That work gained the “To be a developer, you have to know a little about a lot,” he said. “And you have to know about some things more than others.” But it wasn’t until August 2007 that Sosin’s father, Neil, named him to the position of president of the company. Matthew was eased into the position, he said. Since being named president, Matthew Sosin has handled most of the leasing negotiations, strategic decisions for the company and day-to-day operations. Neil Sosin still plays a role in the company as CEO, but Matt has become more of the face of the company. Occupying much of his time has been working on the second phase of the Haggerty Corridor Corporate Park in Novi. He handled the 200-acre project from its early planning stage, took it through city, county and state government approvals and has overseen the construction of roads and infraSee Sosin, Page 29 attention of Time, The New York Times and the World Economic Forum. Stromback went through a selective process and was one of 200 young leaders from around the globe named to the power forum, which is composed of the world’s wealthiest individuals, heads of the largest corporations and other notables, three years ago. In March, he joined former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, in co-hosting a meeting for notable green advocates, including Google’s Larry Page and Paul Allen of Microsoft Corp., who founded Vulcan Ventures, a venture-capital firm funding green and clean projects and technology. One of the things that came from the meeting, Stromback said, is that Blair broke the deadlock on climate change. The major countries are meeting in Bali to come up with some sort of agreement on how they can collectively address climate change, Stromback said. He also founded the Stromback Foundation, established to fund green initiatives and projects and to raise awareness about environmental sustainability. — Sherri Begin DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 28,29 CDB 9/24/2008 3:16 PM Page 2 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Page 29 40 UNDER 40 Sosin: Apprentice ■ From Page 28 structure. He also handled most of the negotiations for the park’s first lease, 120,000 square feet built for Ryder Corp., and is working on the development of the speculative buildings planned for the project. The first phase of the corporate park has had more activity than most parks, attracting a diverse range of tenants, such as 117,000 square feet in new space and lease renewals for Harman Becker Automotive Systems Inc. after the company received a $2.5 million tax credit from the state to create 135 new jobs. Detroit-based Henry Ford Health System was signed to a 130,000square-foot lease, and Pennsylvania-based Art Institutes Inc. leased 37,000 square feet for a creative and applied arts school called the Art Institute of Michigan. Matt Sosin also spearheaded a corporate initiative, which is taking Northern Equities Group in a new direction. Northern Equities formed a joint venture with investors Ian Burnstein and David Levenfeld under the name Storage Opportunity Partners to acquire a portfolio of storage properties. In addition to the title of president, Sosin also carries the title of apprentice, he said. — Daniel Duggan Michael Tenbusch, 39 Vice president United Way for Southeastern Michigan Detroit Biggest achievement: Giving Detroit youth an opportunity to play in athletic leagues with welltrained coaches and to build character through his co-founding of Think Detroit (now ThinkDetroit/PAL). Current goal: To create high-performing K-12 schools through the use of best practices for every young person in the region, regardless of what neighborhood or city they live in. Michael Tenbusch has spent more than a decade improving the lives of Detroit children. He started by founding a nonprofit and continues through a key position he now holds for United Way for Southeastern Michigan. In 1996 when he was just 27, he co-founded Think Detroit, a nonprofit organization to build character in Detroit children through sports and leadership development. Under Tenbusch and co-founder Dan Varner, the organization grew to a budget of $1.2 million, after many funding challenges, and maintained that budget while in- Janice Suchan, 37 Principal SHW Group Berkley Biggest accomplishment: Becoming a partner at SHW at 33 in the male-dominated world of architecture where, according to industry reports, only 16 percent of partners are women. Current goal: To continue her company’s building of better educational facilities while keeping a cap on project costs and at the same time increasing their sustainability. Janice Suchan is one of two principals in charge of the 62member SHW. She managed a budget of $3.5 million in 2007 and oversees half the employees and entire teams on projects — all involving higher-education clients — including project managers, designers, engineers and architects. Projects she is in charge of include several green buildings built to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standards. Those include the Central creasing the number of youth participants in its programs to 5,000 from 2,000. In 2005, Think Detroit merged with the Detroit Police Athletic League Inc., and today it serves 13,000 youths each year. Tenbusch left the nonprofit in his friend Varner’s hands and moved on to become COO of University Preparatory High School in Detroit before doing consulting work for the Skillman Foundation. In January he joined United Way as vice president of educational preparedness. In that role, he’s currently overseeing initiatives to ensure children in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties are reading at grade level by third grade and to decrease the dropout rates at 30 area high schools. Tenbusch led the establishment in August of the Greater Detroit Education Venture Fund, a $10 million fund to help those low-performing high schools improve their graduation rates and secured a $1 million grant from the AT&T Foundation toward that end. He recently helped organize a dropout prevention summit in conjunction with One D, the regional collaborative of civic organizations. — Sherri Begin Michigan University Education Building, a $50 million gold LEED-certified building; the Wayne State University Medical Education Commons Building, a $30 million silver LEED building; the Grand Valley State University library, a 130,000-square-foot building in design phase; and the Jackson Community College Center for Health Professions, a $22 million silver LEED building in its design phase. Projects include the Lansing Community College University Center, which won the 2008 AIA Detroit Design Honor Award; the Schoolcraft College Biomedical Technology Center; and the Jackson Community College Information and Technology Center. All of which involve working far more than 40 hours a week. Suchan credits her husband, Kevin Finn, dean of students at Lawrence Technological University, for helping out on the home front, and credits her daughter, Jamie, 7, as well. She often accompanies her mom to the office on weekends. — Tom Henderson Terence Thomas Sr., 39 Senior vice president of advocacy St. John Health Warren Biggest achievement: Working to increase reimbursement for doctors working in the medically underserved area of Detroit’s east side. Current goal: Bringing together people and organizations to improve medical care in Southeast Michigan. Terence Thomas Sr. sees his job as senior vice president of advocacy at St. John Health as part of a mission to improve the health of everyone in Southeast Michigan — not just to lobby for the interests of the sevenhospital Catholic system based in Warren. Hired in 2003 from Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone P.L.C. in Detroit, Thomas did not have a health care background before being offered the advocacy job by St. John’s former CEO Elliot Joseph. Thomas specialized in election laws, intellectual property and commercial litigation. Thomas said he learned about passion for your job while studying history at Albion College. He garnered a law degree in 1993 from the University of Wisconsin. Thomas also is chief advocacy officer of the Michigan market for Ascension Health in St. Louis, the parent company of St. John. He works regularly with state and federal legislaSee Thomas, Page 30 Bridgeway Congratulates Jesse Berger of for being selected in Crain’s Detroit Business’ Class of 2008 forty under 40 Leaders are many things. They are strong, but fair. They are collaborators and independent thinkers. They are fierce in their beliefs and never compromise their ethics. The Woodward Avenue Action Association Board of Directors would like to congratulate our leader, Executive Director Heather Carmona, on winning the Crain’s 40 under 40 award. DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 30 CDB 9/24/2008 1:27 PM Page 1 Page 30 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS 40 UNDER 40 William Wildern, 39 CEO and founder Hydra Professionals L.L.C. Novi Biggest achievement: Assisting in the turnaround of businesses in need of capital, management changes or strategic guidance. Current goal: Helping more companies reinvigorate or grow through the consulting work of Hydra Professionals. William Wildern’s vision is to be the consulting firm of choice for businesses facing a transition. After working for several years for other turnaround specialists such as Novi-based Resilience Capi- tal Partners and Southfield-based BBK Ltd., Wildern started Hydra Professionals L.L.C. He is working on projects ranging from rejuvenating mature businesses to helping ailing businesses looking to hire problem-solving leaders. For example, a Georgia-based floor mat manufacturer, Pretty Products L.L.C., hired Wildern to assist in focusing the business on mats made with the most efficient manufacturing process, consolidating a plant, and negotiating an agreement to resolve issues with a customer that had unprofitable products. Steel Parts Manufacturing Inc., of Tipton, Ind., which has its Detroit sales and engineering office in Novi, is working with Hydra Pro- fessionals on acquisition considerations to become a full-service transmission sub-system supplier. Wildern said his business plan’s guiding principles include integrity, understanding, innovation, perseverance and simplicity. “Elegant and creative solutions to complex problems are based in simplicity,” he said. While at Resilience Capital, Wildern was on the board of directors and managed BBI Enterprises and Penda Corp. With the new company started this summer, he’s on track for 10 employees and more than $3 million in revenue by late next year. Dan Ravid, director at BBK in Southfield, said Wildern is “the kind of guy who can do 15 things at once, never comes unraveled. He’s an incredibly ethical guy.” He said Wildern’s work representing General Motors Corp. and the then-DaimlerChrysler in the Venture Industries bankruptcy case was impressive. Prior to his foray into the turnaround world, Wildern was an executive at GM in the 1990s, holding such titles as luxury vehicle planner, manager of strategic planning for advanced technology vehicles, and senior financial analyst. He has an MBA from Harvard University, and a bachelor’s and master’s from GMI (now Kettering University). — Christiana Schmitz Eboalkqebpqobbq+ Thomas: An advocate ■ From Page 29 Tebk bjlqflkp ork tfia) ibsbi*eb^aba fksbpqjbkq ab`fpflkp dbq qo^jmbiba+ >k^ivpqp `^ii fq _be^sflo^i Ûk^k`b) ifkhfkd foo^qflk^i cb^oqleboajbkq^ifqv+T^iiPqobbq)jlobqlqeb mlfkq) `^iip fq _r__ibp ^ka jbiqaltkp+ Bfqebo t^v)cloqeb^sbo^dbfksbpqlo)fqÒp^afp^pqolrp t^vql_rfia^kaprpq^fktb^iqe+>qDobbkib^c Qorpq)peloq*qbojbjlqflkq^hbp^_^`hpb^qql `ljmobebkpfsb obpb^o`e) ^ppbq afsbopfÛ`^qflk) mobpbos^qflklc `^mfq^i)^karkfjmbaba`ifbkq fkqbo^`qflk+Pr`eob^plkpj^vbumi^fktevlro ^kkr^idoltqee^pilkdbu`bbabaqebfkarpqov ^sbo^db+ >ka tev lro `ifbkqp) tfqe dob^q `ljcloq) m^v ifqqib ^qqbkqflk ql qeb pq^jmbab ^olrkaqebj+@^iiJ^ohG^kklqq ^q /15+010+6-- lo 5--+1.3+1222 fcvlrÒaifhbqlib^okjlob+ Cfk^k`f^iPb`rofqvcoljDbkbo^qflkqlDbkbo^qflk .//`lk`loaol^aprfqb.-/_illjcfbiaefiip)jf150-1ttt+dobbkib^cqorpq+`lj/15+010+6---5--+1.3+1222 tors to increase or maintain funding to St. John. For example, Thomas, along with several other competing hospital lobbyists, helped to save up to $400 million in Medicaid funding that was targeted for cuts in the state’s 2008 budget. One of the cuts included reducing coverage to adults aged 18 to 21, he said. Thomas also helped to persuade Medicare to designate Detroit’s east side as a medically underserved area. The designation increased reimbursement to several dozen primary-care doctors who serve the poor and underprivileged. “I went door-to-door with a physician manager (in 2006) to interview doctors and confirm they were working in the area,” he said. Thomas serves on nearly a dozen civic and community organization boards to provide feedback and guidance on health care issues. Some of the groups include: Detroit Wayne County Health Authority, Greater Detroit Area Health Council, The Center for Concern and the Detroit Regional Chamber. “Being an advocate for St. John is not just lobbying in Washington and Lansing,” he said. “It is promoting the mission and values of St. John Health and trying to find the right partners to make sure the work is done for people in the region.” — Jay Greene DBpageAD.qxd 6/5/2008 11:15 AM Page 1 MICHIGAN’S SANDWICH DELIVERY EXPERTS ™ JIMMYJOHNS.COM SUBS SO FAST YOU’LL FREAK! ™ ©2008 JIMMY JOHN’S FRANCHISE, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 32 CDB 9/25/2008 3:23 PM Page 1 Page 32 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS BUSINESS DIARY ACQUISITIONS Solid Concepts Inc., a rapid prototyping and manufacturing company in Valencia, Calif., has finalized the acquisition of Composite Tooling Technologies Inc. in Troy to expand its existing CNC and cast urethane products while adding Fiberglas-reinforced plastic to its offerings. CONTRACTS EWI Worldwide, Detroit, produced the Coca-Cola Pavilion, known as the Shuang Experience Center, at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. EWI provided creative development for several interior spaces and led the production and installation of all interior and exterior graphics, signs, exhibits, thematic elements and interiors. 3.7 Designs, Ann Arbor, helped Brighton-based Hands on Mind and Body redesign and relaunch its Web site. Hands on Mind and Body is an independently owned massage therapy and psychotherapy service. Its Web site is at www.handsonmindand body.com. Western Creative, a Redford Township advertising agency, was named the new agency of record for Preferred Financial Services, an Andover, Md.-based debtDr. settlement company. Also, Holmquist Healthcare L.L.C. of Mandeville, La., signed an agency-of-record agreement with Western Creative to help launch its Bruise Relief product. In addition, Damand Promotions of Poway, Calif., signed an agency-of-record agreement with Western Creative for advertisements and a new Web site for its Parent’s Homework Dictionary; and Solos Footwear of Montreal has signed an agency-of-record agreement with Western Creative to introduce its Canadian footwear products to the U.S. market. NLM, a Detroit logistics company, has renewed an agreement with Allison Transmission, an Indianapolis transmission company. NLM will remain a provider for Allison Transmission’s critical shipments and dynamic shipment procurement tool. Millsap & Singer L.L.C., a Missouribased law firm that serves the mortgage-banking industry, has retained Identity Marketing & Public Relations, Bingham Farms. Hile Design L.L.C., an Ann Arbor advertising and graphic-design company, has been selected to redesign the Web site of Ann Arbor’s Ufer & Co. Insurance, at www.uferinsurance.com. Strategic Energy Solutions Inc., a Ferndale engineering-services company, has contracted with Next Energy, Detroit, to provide marketing services in the alternative-energy industry. The focus will be on geothermal heating and cooling technology and services in Michigan. FH Martin Constructors, Warren, is the general contractor for the conversion of a Grosse Pointe Woods Kroger store into a Kroger Fresh Fare store. Also, FH Martin has been selected to build a new bank branch for J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. at Hall and Heydenreich roads in Macomb Township, and to serve as the general contractor for the construction of a new Menards store in Sandusky, Ohio. DesignHub Inc., Saline, designed and developed the new Web site for industrial-fastener supplier Marshall Sales Inc. of Detroit. The site is at www. marshallsales.com. Gail & Rice, a Southfield-based brand communications and experiential marketing agency, announced it has been selected by Chrysler L.L.C., Auburn Hills, to provide auto show staffing and other event services for the Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge brands. Abney Advertising & Marketing Inc., Livonia, has been named agency of record for Pliz Automation Safety L.P., a German-based manufacturer with U.S. operations in Canton Township. Cornerstone Building Group, Troy, was the successful bidder for a new bank branch for Comerica Bank at Grand River Avenue and Beck Road in Novi, which is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year. It also has completed a major renovation of the Livonia operations center for Comerica Bank in June. Contracting Management Corp., a design/build construction-management firm in Brighton, has been selected by Oakland Hills Country Club to manage construction of the new halfway house at the country club in Bloomfield Hills. The project is scheduled for completion this fall. Contracting Management Corp. also has been selected by the Hills of Lone Pine Association to design, contract and manage reconstruction of the roadway system for the association in Bloomfield Township. Vaughn Custom Sports, a hockey goalie-equipment manufacturing company based in Oxford, has streamlined its order-entry, manufacturing, accounting, shipping and customerrelationship management systems with a new, custom software application designed by Iwerk of Royal Oak. Auto-Lab Franchise Management Corp., Plymouth, entered into a threeunit development agreement with NuMac Automotive Group. NuMac plans to open three new Auto-Lab Complete Car Care Centers in Oakland County, starting in Waterford Township in October. EXPANSIONS Snap Fitness-Birmingham, 108 Willits St., Birmingham, features state-of-the art fitness equipment, cardio machines with individual plasma TVs and training by former pro boxer Scotty Buck. The new fitness center is a franchise of a Minnesota-based company. Telephone: (888) 388-5225. Web site: www.snapfitness.com. Peterson American Corp., a Southfield-based automotive supplier, announced it is completing a new Peterson Spring manufacturing plant in Queretaro, Mexico, in October. sional Association and the Michigan Food and Beverage Association, Warren, and Identity Theft Loss Prevention, Ottawa Lake, have established an identity-theft information program for the association’s member companies. It includes a video about the need for information-security policies and a Webinar series about information security. Becky Stevens Holistic Alternatives L.L.C., a Mt. Clemens medical intuitive and energy healer, offers crainosacal therapy and therapeutic massage services in addition to her current alternative therapies. Telephone: (586) 468-5723. OTHER MOVES RCN Security Corp., from Center Line to 615 Griswold St., Suite 820, Detroit. Telephone: (313) 963-7922. Web site: www.rcnsecuritycorp.com. Harelik, Shapiro, Wolgin and Fine P.C. Certified Public Accountants, to 30445 Northwestern Highway, Suite 200, Farmington Hills. Telephone remains: (248) 851-2211. NEW PRODUCTS Ideal Shield, Detroit, now offers the Ideal Shield decorative bollard cover, a polyethylene thermoplastic cover for existing steel bumper posts. Covers are available in hundreds of colors and multiple sizes and styles, and the company says they eliminate the need for painting bollards. Web site: www.idealshield.com. NEW SERVICES The Michigan Business and Profes- Stefek’s Auction House, Grosse Pointe Farms, is a newly renovated auction house specializing in property liquidations that involve antiques, fine furniture, fine art and paintings. Auctioneer Lori Stefek is the owner and an accredited appraiser. Telephone: (313) 881-1800. Web site: www. stefeksltd.com. DIARY GUIDELINES Send news releases for Business Diary to Joanne Scharich, Crain’s Detroit Business, 1155 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, MI 48207-2997 or send e-mail to jscharich@crain. com. Use any Business Diary item as a model for your release, and look for the appropriate category. Without complete information, your item will not run. Photos are welcome, but we cannot guarantee they will be used. For the 25th time, Northwestern Mutual has been named FORTUNE magazine’s “Most Admired” company. And for the 25th time, we’re extremely honored. ® We are honored to be the only company named Fortune magazine’s “Most Admired” in its industry for the 25th time. And we are committed to continuing to do what’s earned us such respect: helping families let their worries go. From our financial representatives who help clients achieve financial security to the Northwestern Mutual Foundation whose charitable donations help society at large, we are thankful to all who make everything we accomplish possible. The Wilshire Financial Group Brad P. Seitzinger, CLU,® ChFC,® CLTC Managing Partner 901 Wilshire Drive, Suite 300, Troy, MI 48084 (248) 362-2220 • brad.seitzinger@nmfn.com For Career Opportunities, please contact Marcy Tucker at (248) 244-6023 or log on to www.nmfn.com/wfg 05-2779 ©2008 The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI (NM). Securities offered through Northwestern Mutual Investment Services, LLC, a wholly-owned company of NM, broker dealer and member FINRA and SIPC. NM and The Wilshire Financial Group are not broker-dealers. FORTUNE® magazine, March 17, 2008. 8032-559B DBpageAD.qxd 9/18/2008 10:07 AM Page 1 Rule with iron thumbs. Get split-second access to email, calendar and Internet from almost everywhere—even GPS Navigation. And it’s all backed by the nation’s largest mobile broadband network. Yet another reason why Sprint is the #1 wireless provider to business. Get it on the Now Network.™ available in $99 .99 BlackBerry Curve™ 8330 smartphone ® After $100 mail-in rebate. Phone offer requires eligible upgrade (or new-line activation) with a two-year agreement. 1-800-SPRINT-1 sprint.com/smartphones Also available in Red “Largest” claim based on geographic coverage (in sq. miles). May require up to a $36 activation fee/line, credit approval, deposit and $200 early termination fee/line. Phone Offer: Offer ends 11/01/08 or while supplies last. Not available at all locations. $199.99 (2-year price) - $100 mail-in rebate = $99.99 (final price). Taxes excluded. No cash back. Requires activation at the time of purchase on the same account during one sales transaction. Mail-in Rebate: Requires purchase by 11/01/08 and activation by 11/15/08. Line must be active 30 consecutive days. Allow 10 to 14 weeks for rebate. Upgrade: Existing customers in good standing with service on the same device for more than 22 consecutive months currently activated on a service plan of $34.99 or higher may be eligible. See in-store rebate form or sprint.com/upgrade for details. Pricing, offer terms, fees and features may vary for existing customers not eligible for upgrade. Other Terms: Offer and service plan features not available in all markets/retail locations or for all phones/networks. The Nationwide Sprint Network reaches over 262 million people. The Sprint Mobile Broadband Network reaches over 248 million people (including data roaming). Coverage not available everywhere. Not combinable with other discounts. Other restrictions apply. See store or sprint.com for details. ©2008 Sprint. Research In Motion, the RIM logo, BlackBerry, the BlackBerry logo and SureType are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries—these and other marks of Research In Motion Limited are used under license. DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 34 CDB 9/25/2008 3:29 PM Page 34 Page 1 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS The Macomb Group: Bigger can be better — and successful In Detroit, there’s one way to face down risk... able markup, McGivern said. That generated some new capital, and CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS since then the company has relied upon both organic growth and acBill McGivern thinks that grow- quisitions. ing from a small supThe Columbus office plier to a mediumwas a Macomb Group sized regional acquisition of IEP Inc., distributor of pipe, finalized in January, valves and fittings is On the Grow is a and specializes in feature that will a great strategy — equipping wastewater appear in most issues even if it didn’t end highlighting growing treatment plants and well the last time companies, large and public infrastructure. someone tried it. small. Know of a Grand Rapids and McGivern, CEO of company you think Cincinnati are new ofSterling Heights- Crain’s should write fices built from scratch based The Macomb about? Contact and born of expansion. Group, said the com- Managing Editor That brings The MaAndrew Chapelle at pany has seen accelcomb Group to 13 locaerated growth in the achapelle@crain.com. tions and 250 employaftermath of the 2003 ees, including 65 or so bankruptcy dissolution of Grand at the corporate headquarters, McRapids competitor U.S. Flow Corp. Revenue was just under $110 Givern and Margolis said. By next million for the fiscal year that end- year the company plans to open a ed last March and is on pace to ap- new office in the Ann Arbor area. proach $150 million this fiscal A 2006 growth strategy calls for the year, according to McGivern and company to reach 21 locations, inCFO David Margolis. With three cluding three in Indiana, by 2012. That will make it more or less a new offices opened or acquired this calendar year — Cincinnati, three-state operation, much like Columbus and Grand Rapids earli- U.S. Flow was shortly after the er this month — McGivern ac- 1999 merger. Fred Satterlund, president of knowledges the company bears an increasing resemblance to the for- Warren-based pipe distributor Satterlund Supply Co., is a bit skeptical mer U.S. Flow. “But we’ll be different, because about The Macomb Group plan. “Look at how well it went for they were growing with visions of grandeur and had a strategy to be- them (U.S. Flow) the first time,” he come national, maybe even go pub- said. “For some reason, in this inlic,” McGivern said. “Our focus is dustry the large national outfits do Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, and really well, the small guy works at maybe a little bit of movement in keeping his customers and does all the Pittsburgh area and Kentucky right, and the medium in-between markets. We want to protect the companies really struggle. We like mitten (Michigan) and this (re- to stay smaller and closer to the gional strategy) is as much as we marketplace.” At $12 million in sales and 35 plan to grow.” Although revenue has climbed employees at one location, Sattereach year since 1991, when Mc- lund Supply has occasionally held Givern bought the $1 million-per- talks about acquisitions or expanyear operation from its founder, the sion but has never had a regional growth began accelerating for The strategy like The Macomb Group, Macomb Group at the end of 2003. Satterlund said. At that time, U.S. Flow was sellMcGivern and Margolis note ing its remaining assets in U.S. that, even in struggling times for Bankruptcy Court. That company construction businesses, the comhad formed in 1999 as a merger of pany has stayed on solid financial Grand Rapids-based The Bertsch ground because it has no real resiCo., Cincinnati-based Mutual Manu- dential component to its business facturing and Conyers, Ga.-based and has sought out pipe supplier Piping & Equipment. agreements for construction proAt that time, The Macomb jects at local university campuses Group was a $46.1-million-a-year and school districts, which have operation with six branch offices. weathered the economic downturn It picked up two more locations, fairly well. Midland and Lansing, out of the The company also makes sure U.S. Flow bankruptcy as well as a its branch locations are within a considerable inventory of pipe and two-hour drive or so of each other, steel products. so they can make use of each oth“If you want to be entrepreneur- er’s inventory and also contain ial as a company, times like that fuel costs while meeting customer also become an opportunity to pick orders, McGivern said. He adds up some of the right people,” Mar- that sustained, controlled growth golis said. “We got a lot of good tal- has served the company and its ent out of (U.S. Flow) that has also customers well over the years. helped us grow.” “Sometimes, if you reach for the Then steel prices jumped consid- stars but land on the moon, everyerably in 2004, allowing The Ma- one is happy,” he said. comb Group to sell much of the Chad Halcom: (313) 446-6796, U.S. Flow inventory at a consider- chalcom@crain.com BY CHAD HALCOM A business insurance expert you can trust. OntheGrow Jim Merkel, Director of Sales With a degree of integrity and understanding that’s unmatched, our Detroit team will work to protect and advance your interests with the best possible risk management and employee benefit plans available. We continue to build one of the nation’s strongest insurance agencies, never losing sight of the importance of local business knowledge. Learn more about Wausau Signature Agency by contacting Jim Merkel, 800.782.0012 x620 or visiting www.WausauSA.com/Detroit. Better Options. Easier Decisions. ©2008 Wausau Signature Agency. All rights reserved. DBpageAD.qxd 9/4/2008 3:29 PM Page 1 In one hour, Ryan McMichael is making a presentation that could triple his business. The spyware attacking his PC isn’t impressed. SM Now with AT&T Tech Support 360 , tech problems quickly become tech solutions. 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The service assists the user with software and hardware installation, configuration, security, performance and other issues; however, AT&T does not guarantee any results or response times. This is not a hardware warranty service. Each supported PC requires a separate service package. Minimum system requirements: Windows 98, XP or Windows Vista and a high speed Internet connection. © 2008 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other AT&T marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. Affiliates and subsidiaries of AT&T Inc. provide products and services under the AT&T brand. DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 36 CDB 9/25/2008 3:21 PM Page 1 Page 36 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS Mexican companies to rent space in TechTown, Chinese negotiating BY TOM HENDERSON CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS TechTown, the business incubator and research park associated with Wayne State University, has signed an agreement with the Mexican government that will provide temporary office space to about 25 Mexican companies looking to establish partnerships or find customers in Michigan. The first company is expected to arrive in November. The first companies will be auto suppliers hoping to make inroads with the local auto supply chain, with future companies being in life sciences and alternative energy, said Robert Mishler, TechTown’s interim general manager. The companies are expected to arrive in the next couple of years. Randal Charlton, TechTown’s executive director, said negotiations are under way with economic-development officials in the Chinese city of Wuhan to establish a similar relationship. He hopes to have the first Chinese company here by the end of the year. TechTown has started a China Business Charlton Club in conjunction with WSU and hosted the club’s third meeting last week. To accommodate foreign visitors, TechTown is equipping nine offices in 5,000 square feet of space on the first floor with desks, phones, computwill provide introductions to local ers and other company execuequipment in tives and economwhat is being ic development ofcalled the Soft ficials in counties Landing Center. around Southeast Visitors will also Michigan. be able to avail This will be the themselves of othfifth such collaboer TechTown reration involving sources, includMexican compaing office support nies. Others alstaff, discounts ready under way on printing needs are at Stanford Uniand such office versity, the University of Austin and equipment as faxuniversities in es and copiers. Toronto and Four or five of Madrid, Spain. the offices will be Robert Mishler, Charlton said dedicated to the TechTown translators evenMexican companies. Charlton said they will be es- tually will be available through tablished, small companies, not ten- Wayne State in 100 languages as ants in need of incubation services. TechTown expands the program. He said companies can rent the For now, both receptionist Nitza space for as little as a day, if, for ex- Ramirez and Mishler speak fluent ample, officials are flying in for Spanish. meetings, or for months while they The Soft Landing Center had its meet with prospective customers or first customer earlier this month, look for permanent space to lease. a professor from Hungary who He said TechTown officials also wanted to show a fetal heart moni- Until now, “ NAFTA has been primarily a oneway relationship going south. This is a way to get things flowing in the opposite direction. ” tor he designed to members of the local medical community and Wayne State researchers. Mishler said the push to get more Mexican companies to establish U.S. operations is a result of a Mexican-based joint venture of the U.S. and Mexican governments called TechBA, short for technology business accelerators. “Until now, NAFTA has been primarily a one-way relationship, going south,” said Mishler. “This is a way to get things flowing in the opposite direction.” “We’re going to make it easy to bring new businesses here,” said Charlton. “Another advantage we’ll be selling is we’re right on the border with Canada.” Mishler said the official arrival date in November of the first Mexican company will be based on the availability of the Mexican secretary of commerce. He said TechTown will host a welcoming event for the company and the secretary, inviting 300 executives from the auto supply chain, including OEMs and tier-one suppliers. Tom Henderson: (313) 446-0337, thenderson@crain.com Forgotten Harvest to start mobile food pantry for area’s poorest neighborhoods BY SHERRI BEGIN CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS It may seem paradoxical that many areas of metro Detroit don’t have access to fresh foods and even shelf-stable foods, given the area’s predominantly urban landscape. But overlays of poverty-stricken areas in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties against pantry and emergency food providers in those counties show another picture, said Susan Ellis Goodell, executive director of Oak Park-based food rescue Forgotten Harvest. “In reality, when we start drilling down ... we realize there are whole areas of our community that don’t have the services they Goodell need,” she said, because there isn’t a strong nonprofit agency or pantry in place to provide food. “The agency partners we have are wonderful, but we have to recognize there are neighborhoods that don’t have them, and we still have an obligation to get food to those,” Goodell said. Forgotten Harvest distributes rescued fresh and perishable foods to 147 soup kitchens, shelters and pantries in the tri-county area. In October, it plans to launch a mobile food pantry to take food into the poorest pockets of those counties starved for emergency food providers. They’ve identified those areas through U.S. Census data. The three-year project will be funded by a $105,000 grant from the Jewish Fund. Forgotten Harvest is benchmarking the Second Harvest Gleaners Food Bank of West Michigan Inc. in Comstock Park near Grand Rapids in developing its mobile food-pantry operation. “We are … basically adapting the mobile pantry concept that was developed largely to serve underserved rural areas … (for) underserved urban areas,” Goodell said. Forgotten Harvest’s mobile food pantry launch follows a pilot project — funded by Charter One Bank — for distribution of food to the Osborn neighborhood in northwest Detroit this summer with Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan. Under that program, the two nonprofits prepacked boxes in their own facilities and distributed them from their own trucks, tapping community groups to get the word out about the distribution. Over six weeks, the program provided food for 1,055 families and 2,738 children, said Monica Luoma, director of communications and events, in an e-mail. Of those families, 83 percent said they were unemployed. There are countless areas that need the food, Goodell said, but Forgotten Harvest initially plans to return to Osborn and to distribute in the Brightmoor and Northend neighborhoods, provided it can find church or community groups to help get the word out and to help distribute food. The nonprofit agency has increased the amount of food it rescues by 1 million pounds for each of the past eight years, and it plans to do it again this year, Goodell said. Forgotten Harvest rescued 9.5 million pounds of food in fiscal 2008 ended June 30, with help from new food donors including Great Northern Hydroponics in Ontario, Sam’s Club and 15 new stores that Kroger bought from Farmer Jack, Goodell said. Still, “this is not a one-truck solution,” Goodell said. “This community really needs to find ways to get food into these neighborhoods.” Forgotten Harvest and Gleaners are looking for ways to continue collaborating on mobile food pantry services, she said. Getting food into impoverished areas of the three counties is a goal of Gleaners’ strategic plan, DeWayne Wells, president of Gleaners Community Food Bank in Detroit said. The food bank is looking at ways to integrate the truck it acquired and retrofitted for the pilot project into its regular food distribution operations. The model is a cost-effective way to get food to residents in those areas, since it doesn’t require that anWells other nonprofit have a building or space with installed refrigeration, he said. “I certainly think it (also) has applications as we look at being a part of disaster (response) planning,” Wells said. Sherri Begin: (313) 446-1694, sbegin@crain.com DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 37 CDB 9/26/2008 10:21 AM Page 1 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS More manufacturers scout military contracts as auto industry lags finish a database of all businesses in the state PTAC system before CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS the end of the year. The directory Two years ago, many Michigan will be a reference tool for governmanufacturers and suppliers ment agencies seeking manufacseemed to think their automotive turing or production capabilities. customers soon would recover Lott also said his office is meeting from the downturn, and many its 2008 fiscal year goal of doubling missed or ignored signs of in- both the number of PTAC clients creased defense industry activity and the contract dollars directed to in the state. Michigan client companies. Now, the message is sinking in. The fiscal year ends Sept. 30, and About 300 people — many of in the third quarter ending June 30 them representing suppliers, fab- the center had already tallied $493 ricators and other manufacturers million in contracts to Michigan in Southeast Michigan — attended companies, up from $312 million in the second annual Fall Business fiscal 2007. Event earlier this month in Troy, That puts the center on pace to “Building Your Toolkit for Gov- total between $600 million and $650 ernment Business,” held by the Na- million in contracts by the end of tional Defense Industrial Association this month, Lott said. Michigan Chapter. He’s already set That’s an inhis sights on a crease from the goal of doubling 225 or so who atthe aggregate valtended last year’s ue of all Michigan inaugural gathercontracts again, ing, said event to more than $1.2 chairwoman Conbillion in fiscal stance Blair, pres2009. ident of Warren“Adding that based defense much more to the contractor Techstate in just one nology Ventures year is a bit of a Inc. and a member stretch goal,” he of NDIA-Michisaid. “But I’ve set gan’s board of dithe goal because I Beth Cryderman-Moss, rectors. think we can Blair estimated Macomb County and Thumb PTAC make it.” office at MCC that only 100 or so Both Lott and attendees were reBeth Crydermanpeat visitors. Moss, director of the Macomb “I’d say either they (new atten- County and Thumb regional PTAC dees) had a small presence in the office at MCC, said the military industry and are now looking to has an elevated demand for manugrow on that with new contracts, facturing, and the main challenge or they (were) here to learn the has been finding the manufacturguidelines and get involved for the ers with the specific capability and first time,” she said. “Defense is interest to meet it. beginning to attract new business “But we definitely see new interand land entirely new contract dol- est. More suppliers and other comlars with Michigan companies, panies are looking seriously at us and that is encouraging.” who weren’t a couple of years ago Also on the increase is business when they still thought the autoparticipation in the state’s 11 Pro- motive (industry) was going to recurement Technical Assistance cover.” Centers, nonprofit organizations That seems to be part of the stoco-funded by the federal Defense ry for Clinton Township-based Logistics Agency and the state’s De- Burkard Industries Inc., which profense Contract Coordination Center, vides coatings and paintings for an agency of the Michigan Economic some automotive equipment and began taking on military producDevelopment Corp. Currently, the state’s PTACs tion work in 2006. The company, an exhibitor at have 2,192 active client companies pursuing U.S. Department of Defense the NDIA event last month, becontracts. About 977 are new clients came a supplier for primary dewho have signed on since last Octo- fense contractor BAE Systems earliber, said Rosanne Oliver, capture er this year and recently began team manager for the Defense Con- providing top coat paintings to components of Mine Resistant Amtract Coordination Center. The procurement centers assist bushed Protected vehicles, now in businesses in landing contracts heavy production and deployed with the Department of Defense into Iraq and Afghanistan, said and some state and local govern- vice president Dona Burkard. In two years, defense-related ment contracts. Some 1,088 local businesses have signed on as work has grown to nearly 20 percent clients through the three local of the company’s $6 million to $7 PTAC offices at Macomb Community million annual revenue, and the College, Schoolcraft College and company will likely add up to 10 jobs Wayne State University. to its nearly 100 employees for a secBradley Lott, director of the De- ond shift of production, she said. fense Contract Coordination CenChad Halcom: (313) 446-6796, ter, said his agency is working to chalcom@crain.com Did You Get the Message? more than software Inner C ircle 2 Top 1% 008 of Micros oft D Partners ynamics® Worldw ide g plementing, deployin lizes in selecting, im cia , spe t SL cs rec mi Di na ch irst Te Microsoft Dy soft Dynamics GP, ent) and managing Micro lationship Managem Re er om ust (C M CR cs sive mi en na ext Dy ers t off sof t Micro Direc mics AX. First Tech ies that log do tho and Microsoft Dyna me ven experience and pro Microsoft Dynamics ductivity siness’ efficiency, pro bu ur yo se rea will inc and profitability. F Even ts “Poppin Microso g with Greatne ss ft Dynam ics CRM ” Oct. 16, 2008 | 3 Event :0 0p Microsoft Regiona m - 6:00pm l Office | Southfie Register ld, MI At: w 138 2008 RS by A ler V hnology il K Top Tec g in t un Acco 2482910 138 companies are looking seriously at us who weren’t a couple of years ago. ® Microsoft Dynamics Presidents Club 2008 t first tech direc BY CHAD HALCOM suppliers “ More and other Page 37 ACT CONT 2482910 September 29, 2008 ww.firstte chdirect.c Your Microsof t Dynamics® Partner om/CRM _sho wtime.htm : Improve cu and servic stomer satisfactio e effectiven n ess Marketin g: Make m ore inform ed marketing decisions Sales: Gen erate mor e leads and clos deals fast e er Services 26622 Woodward Ave., Suite 105 Royal Oak, MI 48067 p: 248.291.0138 info@firsttechdirect.com ” You’ve earned it. Trust your wealth management to people who get it. Powerful. Personalized. Performance. 734.242.2205 UÊÜÜÜ°L>`Ì°V DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 38 CDB 9/26/2008 10:21 AM Page 38 Page 1 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS Utilities look for gold in garbage and gas the company with anticipated sales of $10 million in 2008, up from $9.5 in 2007, runs an environmental conMethane gas isn’t the easiest ma- sulting and construction business terial to handle. Highly flammable, in several states and is a consultant it is usually burned off at landfills to the landfill. St. Clair County built rather than captured for use. two, 3-acre trash disposal sites, inBut with soaring energy costs, jecting one with leachate and one utilities are looking to make the with bacteria-laden septic waste most of waste-to-energy initiatives. that accelerates decomposition to Detroit-based DTE Energy Co. sub- produce methane. The dual waste sidiary DTE Biomass Energy has streams make it unique. marked 20 years of methane harSt. Clair County generates 3 milvesting at a 120-acre site in the lion gallons of septic waste each Riverview Land Preserve operated year, and nearby wastewater treatby the city of Riverview. It uses de- ment plants do not treat septic composed waste, called leachate, for sludge, according to Subbarayan. fuel. A celebration of continuous re- Until 2005, when his company lobbied the Michigan newable power Department of Envigeneration took ronmental Quality place at the faciliand the state Senty, 20000 Grange ate with commisRoad, on Sept. 15. sioners from St. “Technology for Clair County to turning methane pass enabling leginto fuel was in its islation, septic infancy then,” waste wasn’t alsaid Scott Simons, lowed in landfills. senior specialist, The patented external commuprocess hastens nications, for DTE decomposition by Energy. weaving pipes for The Riverview septic seasoning project is part of of the trash the biomass subthrough the top, sidiary with 28 Chuck Hersey, middle and botmethane recovery Southeast Michigan Council tom of the landfill. programs thrivof Governments A similar network ing in the United States, including of pipes collects Orlando, Fla., and Montgomery, methane from the bioreactor. Ala. Methane is one of the most virBy 2010, St. Clair County expects ulent of greenhouse gases, 20 times to harvest methane, build a processas potent as carbon dioxide at trap- ing plant at the landfill and make ping heat in the atmosphere. The biofuel for electrical generation, DTE process traps methane into heating, and possibly vehicle fuel. wells and pipes connected under“The difference between the St. ground to a recovery facility. Clair project and most landfills is The gas-recovery project in that methane is a natural leachate Riverview, constructed in 1987 for ... the pilot study is to make it hap$8 million, recoups more than 4.2 pen at a much faster rate, call it a million cubic feet of gas per day, ac- brand new munching machine,” cording to DTE. Two solar gas tur- said Chuck Hersey, environmental bines operate 24 hours a day to use program manager at the Southeast landfill gas and generate electricity Michigan Council of Governments. “If it for sale to DTE Energy. The 6.6- works properly, it will create enermegawatt facility produces enough gy faster, create more trash space in “clean” electricity to continuously the landfill and allow a green dispower more than 5,000 homes. posal method for human waste.” With Riverview as one of its Beyond capturing landfill energy templates, DTE Biomass generated sources, there are efforts to find or2007 revenue of $32 million. At the ganizations that can use waste same time the cities control their products to produce other products landfill-gas emissions, what DTE or generate energy. Biomass Facility Manager Jeff Michael Donahue, vice president Macek calls “a good fit — a perfect for water resources and environmeeting of fuel and function.” mental services for the Southfield The company is the nation’s sec- office of San Francisco-based URS ond-largest producer of recycled Corp., an engineering and planning landfill gas and is looking for more service company, has been working sites, said DTE Energy Chairman with SEMCOG and the U.S. Business and CEO Anthony Earley Jr. in an Council for Sustainable Development to interview earlier this year with find private-sector partners for a piCrain’s. lot study for turning waste streams “The trick is finding a site into fuel or manufacturing materiwhere the gas production is large al. The idea is to make Michigan a enough to justify building the in- site for grants for demonstration projects such as sewer line backfill, frastructure,” Earley said. DTE isn’t alone in its interest in landscape screening berms and construction foundations. landfill gas. Progress is slower than DonBrighton-based engineering firm CTI and Associates Inc. developed a ahue had hoped. But he and SEMbioreactor at Smiths Creek Landfill COG are working toward generatin St. Clair County that is expected ing more financial support. Staff writer Amy Lane conto produce methane for fuel by 2010. Morgan Subbarayan, president of tributed to this story. BY MAUREEN MCDONALD SPECIAL TO CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS 1 0 TH AN NI VER SARY CE LE BRATIO N ENJOY OUR SPECIAL MENU FEATURING A 3 COURSE MEAL FOR For a limited time only. www.Camerons-SteakHouse.com s 8PYÀ^,YY`LW.LWPYOL] =PQ !5 Md ;L_PV ;STWT[[P www.ahee.com $47. Methane is a “ natural leachate . . . the pilot study is to make it happen at a much faster rate, call it a brand new munching machine. ” DBpageAD.qxd 7/28/2008 3:04 PM Page 1 We’ve go . s t the Plu HealthPlus has the same drive you do – a commitment to performance and excellence. That’s why more and more businesses are turning to the Plus that adds up to better health care for their employees – HealthPlus. With HealthPlus, you’re able to offer a PPO, an HMO, even Health Savings Accounts, all from one source. That makes things easier and more efficient for you. And by offering HealthPlus, your employees know they’re getting the best. That does great things for employee retention. HealthPlus puts you in the best position to score big … with all your stakeholders. For almost 30 years, HealthPlus has worked to keep Michigan businesses healthier. Find out what we can do for your business. 1-800-332-9161 healthplus.org HealthPlus PPO is a product of HealthPlus Insur ance Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of HealthPlus of Michigan, Inc. DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 40 CDB 9/26/2008 12:07 PM Page 1 Page 40 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS PEOPLE ARCHITECTURE Alan Cobb to director of sustainable design, Albert Kahn Associates Inc., Detroit, from director of architectural and design services. Tracy Koe Wick to director of client services, Neu- Cobb mann/Smith Architecture, South- field, from manager, The Kirkwood Group, Ann Arbor. CONSTRUCTION Robert Stempien to senior director of business development, Barton SouthMalow, field, from director of business development. EDUCATION Marick Masters to Stempien director of the Douglas A. Fraser Center for Workplace Issues and Labor@Wayne, Sam Locricchio has been named president of Troy-based John Bailey & Associates Public Relations. Locricchio, 43, was hired as vice president Locricchio in November and replaces founder John Bailey, who becomes the agency’s chairman and will also be a senior counselor to clients. Before joining John Bailey & Associates, Locricchio had been communications manager for Chrysler L.L.C. in Auburn Hills. Locricchio earned a bachelor’s degree in speech communications and public relations from Wayne State University. He’s also the lead singer of the Exhaust Tones, a local rock band made up of automotive industry folks. tor of equal opportunity, from deputy executive director, the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission, Honolulu. Wayne State University, Detroit, from professor of business administration and public and international affairs, the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jones Also, Christopher Leon Jones Jr. to direc- DMC-Children’s Hospital of Michigan, IN THE SPOTLIGHT HEALTH CARE Yegappan Lakshmanan to chief of Lakshmanan pediatric urology, Detroit, from assistant professor of pediatric urology and director of pediatric urology basic research, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Medical Institutions, Baltimore. Daniel Dwyer to senior vice president, mission integration, Trinity Health, Novi, from director of mission and community health, Sisters of Mercy Health System, Chesterfield, Mo. Dwyer INFO/TECHNOLOGY Robert Little to president, SolidThinking Inc., Troy, from president, Altair Engineering Canada, Toronto. David Brunet to PeopleSoft practice director, MiPro Consulting, Milford, from senior principal consultant. LAW Brunet Michael Blum to partner, Foster, Swift, Collins and Smith P.C., Farm- ington Hills, from shareholder, Abbott Nicholson P.C., Detroit. Steven Enwright to member, Dickinson Wright P.L.L.C., Detroit, from principal, Raymond, Enwright & Ulrich P.C., Farmington Hills. Also, Robert Powell to member, Detroit, from in-house attorney, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn; and James Hughes to member, Ann Arbor, from partner, Butzel Long, Ann Arbor. MANUFACTURING Steve Tokarz to director, new product development, BrassCraft Manufacturing Co., Novi, from senior director of product engineering. Also, Patty Stinson to director, business development gas products, from director of business planning; Mahesh Cheerla to director, business development water products, from director of product development; and Tod Mapes to director, packaging engineering with responsibility for green initiatives, from director of product engineering. Joan Byrne to purchasing manager, Stahls’ ID Direct, St. Clair Shores, from director of purchasing for North America, Plastic Omnium Auto Exteriors, Troy. Also, Brian McLeod to general manager, from Byrne vice president of corporate marketing, Roland DGA Group, Irvine, Calif. REAL ESTATE Steve Kim to real estate transaction manager, Plante Moran Cresa, Southfield, from corporate real estate consultant, Newmark Knight Frank-Detroit, Farmington Hills. Also, Lacy Vandruska to real estate transaction manager, from associate, Newmark Knight Frank-Detroit, Farmington Hills; Alicia Washeleski to senior project manager, from senior project planner, General Motors Corp., Detroit; and Carolina D’Anna Furnari to real estate analyst, from real estate analyst and developer, Fairview Builders, Rochester Hills; and David Beneteau to vice president of project management, from healthcare and higher education business sectors, Skanska USA Building-Midwest Region, Southfield. Jeff Gourlie to president, Kramer-Triad Management Group L.L.C., Ann Arbor, Farmington Hills and Troy, from vice president and COO. Also, Craig Koss to regional vice president, Associa, from president, Kramer-Triad Management Group L.L.C. SUPPLIERS Jason Forcier to vice president and general manager-global electronics, Lear Corp., Southfield, from president and CEO, Etas Inc., Ann Arbor. PEOPLE GUIDELINES Announcements are limited to management positions. Nonprofit and industry group board appointments can be found at www.crainsdetroit.com. Send submissions for People to Joanne Scharich, Crain’s Detroit Business, 1155 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, MI 48207-2997, or send e-mail to jscharich@crain.com. Releases must contain the person’s name, new title, company, city in which the person will work, former title, former company (if not promoted from within) and former city in which the person worked. Photos are welcome, but we cannot guarantee they will be used. DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 41 CDB 9/26/2008 10:22 AM Page 1 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Page 41 CALENDAR TUESDAY SEPT. 30 Detroit Economic Club. 11:30 a.m.-1:55 p.m. Matt Ferguson, president and CEO, careerbuilder.com. Troy Marriott. $40 members, $50 guests of members, $75 nonmembers. Contact: (313) 963-8547. WEDNESDAY OCT. 1 Engineering Society of Detroit’s Regional Development Breakfast. 7 a.m. Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson. Rock Financial Showplace, Novi. $35 members, $50 others. Contact: (248) 353-0735, ext. 112. Morial 1:30pm. Oct. 9. Detroit Economic Club. Marc Morial, president and CEO, National Urban League. Masonic Temple, Detroit. $40 members, $50 guests, $75 others. Contact: (313) 9638547. Health Coverage in America: Understanding the Issues and Proposed Solutions. 6-8 p.m. Oct. 9. Michigan Cover the Uninsured Network. Henry Aaron, senior fellow, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. Nancy Schlichting, chair, Michigan Health & Hospital Association and president and CEO, Henry Ford Health System; Marianne Udow-Phillips, director, Center for Contact: Kalisha Gaines, (313) 5960392. Future. Vladmir’s, Farmington Hills. $30. Contact: (248) 353-0735, ext. 112. Healthcare Research & Transformation, Ann Arbor; John Schwarz, former U.S. Representative; and Ron Dzwonkowski, editorial page editor, Detroit Free Press. Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center. Free. Reservations required. Contact: (313) 874-7178. New Leadership for America-What Does it Mean for U.S. Manufacturing? 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Oct. 13. Detroit Economic Club. John Engler, presi- Leadership Detroit Alumni Rockin’ on the Rooftop. 5-7:30 p.m. Oct. 14. De- Maverick Marketing Monday-“Become Relevant or I’ll Ignore You.” Noon-1:30 p.m. Oct. 13. Detroit Regional Chamber. Peter DeLegge, publisher, “Marketing Today” blog and online magazine. The Detroit Zoo, Ford Education Center, Royal Oak. $20 Detroit Regional Chamber members, $40 nonmembers, $65 for a Maverick Marketing season one pass (available to chamber members only). dent, National Association of Manufacturers and former Michigan governor. Cobo Center, Detroit. $40 members, $50 guests of members, $75 nonmembers. (313) 963-8547. The Role of Professional Societies in Re-Engineering Michigan’s Economy. 5:30-9:30 p.m. Oct. 13. Engineering Society of Detroit and the Detroit Chapter of ASM International. Keith Cooley, director, Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth; and Lou Glazer, president, Michigan troit Regional Chamber. Join Leadership Detroit alumni for this informal networking event. Zaccaro’s Market, Detroit. $35 Leadership Detroit Alumni, $45 others. Contact: Beverly Maddox, (313) 596-0343. Leadership Michigan: Driving Business Success. 7:30-10:30 a.m. Oct. 14. Engineering Society of Detroit. Gerald van Grinsen, CEO, Henry Ford Hospital West Bloomfield. ESD headquarters, Southfield. $95 members, $125 others. Contact: (248) 353-0735, ext. 155. Town Hall: “Blueprint D p3.” 6-8 p.m. Fusion Detroit, the young professionals orPatterson ganization of the Detroit Regional Chamber. Community forum for young professionals. Taqueria El Nacimiento, Detroit. Free. Contact: (313) 596-0488. FRIDAY OCT. 3 Business and Legislative Forum. 7 a.m.-noon. Michigan Business and Professional Association. Dave Bing, The Bing Group. With a roundtable discussion on the Michigan Business Tax. Burton Manor, Livonia. $25 members, $40 others. Contact: (888) 277-6464. Bing TechTown First Friday. 4-6 p.m. “I’m a better doctor than I am a CFO. My patients should be reassured of that.” Dr. Bodrogi came to us for a checking account. But when we listened to her plans, we found other ways we could help her business, with a line of credit, and even a retirement plan while she focused on her practice. We also introduced her to Key4Women, where she found networking opportunities that led to a new lawyer and a business partner. Introduce yourself to Key4Women and get more of the story at moneyneedsattention.com Networking event for meeting entrepreneurs and getting to know the TechTown community. TechTown, Detroit. Contact: www.techtownwsu.org. COMING EVENTS Automation Alley’s Marketing Plan Bootcamp. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Oct. 7. Seminar to build a 2009 marketing plan. Automation Alley, Troy. $60 members, $120 others. Contact: www. automationalley.com. Entrepreneurship and Excellence. 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Oct. 8. Wayne State University. David Brandon, president and CEO of Domino’s Pizza; and Mary Ellen Sheets, founder and former CEO of Two Dr. Anita Bodrogi Key4Women Member Men and A Truck. Wayne State University, Detroit. $150. Contact: Nicole Yelland, (248) 304-1442. CEO Forum featuring Quicken’s Bill Emerson and first gentleman Dan Mulhern. 8:30-10 a.m. Oct. 9. Quicken Loans, Michigan Economic Development Corp., and the office of first gentleman Dan Mulhern. Quicken Loans, Southfield. Free. Contact: Bob Metzger, (517) 241-4015. The Need for a Plan to Confront America’s Jobs and Housing Crisis. 11:30 a.m.- CALENDAR GUIDELINES More Calendar items can be found on the Web at www.crainsdetroit. com. Please send news releases for Calendar to Joanne Scharich, Crain’s Detroit Business, 1155 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, MI 482072997, or e-mail jscharich@ crain.com. You also may submit Calendar items in the Calendar section of crainsdetroit.com. KeyBank is Member FDIC. All credit products are subject to credit approval. ©2008 KeyCorp. DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 42 CDB 9/26/2008 10:29 AM Page 1 Page 42 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS Federal fund valuable tool for small-biz innovators BY NANCY KAFFER CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS In 1989, Heidi Jacobus was a grad student with a part-time job in the University of Michigan library system. Asked to index proposals to the federal government’s Small Business Innovation Research program, Jacobus, whose academic work centered on a field called ergonomic cognition, saw an opportunity. Jacobus’ own proposal was accepted and she received a $50,000, six-month U.S. Department of Defense contract to develop technology used in airplane cockpits, followed by a two-year, $500,000 contract. Twenty years later, Jacobus is the CEO of Ann Arbor-based Cybernet Systems, the company she built around those early SBIR grants. Her success, Jacobus said, could be replicated by any company with innovative work and the ability to submit a SBIR proposal. The SBIR program is a federal fund, this year worth $2.5 billion, set aside for 11 federal agencies to allocate to tech-oriented smallbusiness owners. The program publishes a list of solicitations for which business owners may write MARKET PLACE ANNOUNCEMENTS & SERVICES FILE STORAGE Large scale (MAXI) storage units. Great for RV’s, boats, cars, warehousing. 14 x 14 door, heated, 24/7 entry, secured. Buy/Lease - I-94 & 26 Mile Area 800-945-5816/www.stclairstoragecondos.com FINANCIAL SERVICES FINANCING AVAILABLE For Small to Upper Mid-sized firms, private or public, in Tech, Med’l, Health & Service Ind.- confidentiality maintained. Contact: Businessfinance1@aol.com Corporate Finance Professional Available to assist with bank refinance, capital raise, sale or acquisition assistance. 30 yrs exp. Transac tions $3 to $100 million. profcp321@yahoo.com COMMERCIAL LENDING 100K-25M - No Income Verification Hard / Soft Money / Many Sources lbrundage@mtgnow.com or call Larry 248-474-8470 BUSINESSES FOR SALE Franchise Bounce Party facility. Established customer base, strong repeat business. Below market lease. New equipment. Perfect for hands-off or -on owner. Owners’ transferring. Call 734-455-0323 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES Newly formed Detroit area corporation engaged in infrastructure repair and MDOT work is SEEKING INVESTOR / PARTNER Contact 248-941-3469 EQUIPMENT & MERCHANDISE INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Need More Space? CAPITAL AVAILABLE If you have an opportunity that requires funding but does not fit traditional banking parameters - contact us. We do not fund senior/mezzanine debt or working capital. We focus on special situations with investment size ranging $500K to $10 million. Total committed capital of $100 million. We have an in-house legal team, can think "outside the box" and act quickly. Starting at $1,895.00 ARESCO, Inc. Pontiac, MI aresco.org Toll Free 1-877-227-3726 Please refer to www.etccapital.com or call 248-560-0203 ext. 101 for more information. OFFICE FURNITURE LEGAL SERVICES - IMMIGRATION MUST SELL, OFFICE CLOSED Desks $99, Chairs $39, Files $49, Partitions $50, Lateral Files $99, Cubicles, Office Phone Systems Call (248) 548-6404 or (248) 474-3375. N. Peter Antone AV-rated Immigration Attorney Adjunct Professor Immigration Law at MSU Antone, Casagrande & Adwers, P.C. 31555 W. 14 Mile Road, Suite 100 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 Phone (248) 406-4100, www.antone.com TELECOMMUNICATIONS WILL BUY ALL OFFICE TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT Please Call: 877-RICHARD Please Call: 877-742-4273 VIDEOCONFERENCE SERVICES Complete Videoconference Services Job Interviews, Legal Depositions, Business Meetings Convenient Troy Location, 3 Rooms, 1-200 Capacity Midwest Video 248-583-3632 www.midwestvideo.com BUSINESS & INVESTMENTS FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITIES A FRESH ALTERNATIVE TO FAST-FOOD! GREAT LOCATIONS AVAILABLE Contact Area Developer @ 248-207-6374 www.saladcreations.net TELECOMMUNICATIONS LUCENT . . . AVAYA. . . PARTNER. . . MAGIX. . . VOIP. . .LEGEND . . . MERLIN. . .SPIRIT Systems/Parts New/refurbished. Omnicall Equipment Corp. (248) 848-9282 WE HAVE USED PHONES Nortel, Lucent, phone systems. Almost any new or used phone available. Expert installation available. Call (248)548-6404 Call Us For Personalized Service: (313) 446-6068 proposals. “It’s a federal set-aside,” said Lisa Kurek, managing partner of Ann Arbor-based Biotechnology Business Consultants. “It’s mandated to set aside the budget to fund programs. The agencies don’t have the discretion to not spend the money in small business.” Kurek’s firm helps small-business owners apply for SBIR funding, through grants or contracts, under a contract with the Michigan Economic Development Corp. “We’ve been doing training through the MEDC for almost eight years,” Kurek said. “By no means do we help everyone in Michigan, but we get them funded at about two times the national average.” Many small-business owners choose to do their own paperwork, and others seek assistance from companies like Kurek’s. In 2007, 99 of 551 proposals were funded, about 18 percent, according to the Ohio-based State Science and Technology Institute, a nonprofit that tracks such statistics. The national average is 17.2 percent, Kurek said. Neighboring states fared about the same, with 19 percent of Illinois’ proposals receiving awards and 17 percent of Ohio’s. Wisconsin has a 23.3 percent approval rate, according to SSTI. Kurek said some business owners are discouraged by the proposal process, about 25 pages long. Jacobus likens the level of difficulty to an advanced term paper, noting that it’s not a fill-in-the-blank style form, but said most people should be able to handle it. “The problem for small businesses is, if you’re unfamiliar with how to read the solicitation or how to write a proposal, you may write a proposal that is uncompetitive,” Kurek said. That’s where her company comes in. “You’re not going to get a hit if you don’t get up to the plate,” Kurek said. “You have to know the baseball game is going on and that you can get up to bat. Improving those odds takes coaching just like in baseball so you can get two, three or four hits at a time.” The biggest mistakes applicants make, she said, is not reading instructions and not allowing enough time to complete the proposal. Jacobus said that resources are there for innovative businesspeople who are interested in seeking CLOSING TIMES: Monday 3 p.m., one week prior to publication date. Please call us for holiday closing times. FAX: (313) 446-1757 E-MAIL: cdbclass@crain.com INTERNET: www.crainsdetroit.com/section/classifieds Confidential Reply Boxes Available PAYMENT: All classified ads must be prepaid. Checks, money order or Crain’s credit approval accepted. Credit cards accepted. See Crainsdetroit.com/Section/Classifieds for more classified advertisements NATHAN SKID/CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS Heidi Jacobus is CEO of Cybernet Systems, the company she built from grants she received through the Small Business innovation Research program. the funding. “The ‘I’ is for ‘innovation,’ so you need to be doing something innovative,” she said. “But there are a lot of topics that could be put out there, and there are a lot of companies in Michigan that don’t even know they’re doing something innovative that could give it a whirl.” The SBIR program can be a valuable tool to build the high-tech business community, Jacobus said. “You have customer validation in defense proposals, that this company’s ideas are in fact marketable, and you have found a potential customer who has reviewed your proposal and is wiling to put money behind to develop,” she said. “See how it’s a perfect new business situation for economic development?” Ideally, she said, the state should offer matching grants to Ann Arbor Film Festival selling DVD The Ann Arbor Film Festival has begun selling on DVD a collection of films from this year’s 46th festival. “We’re excited to extend the (festival’s) efforts into distributing some of our filmmakers’ work and sharing revenue with them,” Executive Director Donald Harrison, said in an e-mail. The collection includes 10 award-winning and favorite short films from the festival, along with experimental footage, commentary and auditions. The festival is selling the DVD collection for $25 by itself or as part of memberships at the $125 level or higher through its Web site at www.aafilmfest.org. — Sherri Begin SBIR awardees. “Michigan has a small program like this, they will match $15,000 of a $100,000 proposal,” she said. “Some states have seen SBIR as a huge economic-development tool.” Nancy Kaffer: (313) 446-0412, nkaffer@crain.com. CAREER MOVES GENERAL AUTO / MORTGAGE / REAL ESTATES DREAM!! $500-$5,000 daily, simply returning phone calls! Economy Protected, No Selling, Not MLM www.ezbankroll.com / 800-931-1480 DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 43 CDB 9/26/2008 10:32 AM Page 1 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Page 43 Mileage bill could help put, keep nonprofit volunteers on the road BY SHERRI BEGIN CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS Federal legislation that would nearly double the volunteer mileage deduction to 27 cents could help stave off volunteer losses if it becomes law, nonprofits say. While some nonprofits say volunteers are cutting back because of rising gas costs, others have been able to maintain their volunteer numbers — for now. “We have not lost any volunteers yet, but we’ve had (some) say to us they don’t know how much longer they’ll be able to do it,” said Karen Schrock, president and CEO of Adult Well Being Services, Detroit. Current federal law — which hasn’t been updated since 1997 — caps the tax exempt mileage reimbursement for volunteers at 14 cents per mile, said Lisa Sommer, media relations manager for the Michigan Nonprofit Association in Lansing. Reimbursement beyond that must be treated as income. Senate Bill 3532, the Revised Giving Incentives to Volunteers Everywhere Act of 2008, or GIVE Act, was introduced last week by U.S. Sens. Benjamin Cardin, D-Md.; Olympia Snowe, R-Maine; Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.; John Ensign, R-Nev.; and 30 other co-sponsors, including Michigan Sens. Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow, as companion legislation to House Bill 6854, which was introduced Sept. 10. According to the Michigan Nonprofit Association, the legislation would do three things: 䡲 Exempt from a volunteer’s taxable income any reimbursement by a charity for mileage up to the business rate of 58.5 cents per mile. 䡲 Give the U.S. Treasury Department authority to change the volunteer mileage de- REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS AUCTIONS duction rate, which has been fixed at 14 cents per mile since 1997. 䡲 Raise the volunteer mileage deduction immediately to 27 cents per mile and ensure it doesn’t fall below the rate for medical mileage expenses in the future. Legislators hope to attach the GIVE Act to any bill that is currently moving through the Senate and House, such as the economic stimulus bill or disaster relief bill, said Sommer. Sherri Begin: (313) 446-1694, sbegin@crain.com AUCTIONS Real Estate Auction Horse Lover’s Paradise! Real Estate Auction On-site Sunday October 12th at 1pm Preview & Registration at 11am Open Houses: Sun Sept. 28th & Oct. 5th Noon-4pm On-Site Saturday Oct. 11th at 1pm Preview & Registration at 11:30am Opening Bid $350,000 Originally Listed at $1,950,000 2721 Metamora Rd., Lapeer Twp 48455 Open Houses: Sun. Sept. 28th & Oct. 5th Noon-3pm Luxury Lot Auction 10 Lots - Mystic Cove at Stonewater 2 Lots will Sell to Highest Bidder! Northville Schools Luxury Walk-out Lake Lots Surrounded by High End Homes Paradise anytime of the year! Magnificent slice of mother nature. 38 miles north of Oakland county sits 40 acres of serenity nestled between 2 lakes. Activities include swimming, boating, fishing, golfing, snow mobile riding, hunting, & more. 3 hole golf course, many accessible docks, trails for riding, 3 deer blinds, & beautiful views of all 4 seasons. Entertain your guests at the lake-side Tiki bar located on your private beach. Pole barn w/ walk out horse stall & plenty of room for your four wheelers, golf carts, snow mobiles, etc. Custom built log cabin with panoramic views. Sensational property! www.40acres.org Rose Auction Group, LLC 877-696-7653 RoseAuctionGroup.com Unspoiled natural beauty surrounds this 38.49 acre parcel. Private lake and stocked pond. 80x120 Indoor arena, 2 cement and steel barns with 14 walk-out stalls and stallion barn. An additional 40 acres are available. Private artist’s studio with incredible breath-taking views. Fabulous 3205 +/- sq ft colonial sporting all the grandeur of barn wood, stained glass, lead glass French doors, skylights and musicians alcove in the grand living room. Offers 4 bedrooms and 3 full baths. Life's finer moments can have no more appropriate setting than this country estate! Beth Rose CAI Auctioneer 1978 N. Youngs Road Attica, MI 48412 INVESTMENT PROPERTY Horse Facility Auction Chelsea, MI Rose Auction Group, LLC 877-696-7653 RoseAuctionGroup.com Beth Rose, CAI Auctioneer INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Premier Location Northville, MI Auction on-site Sun. Oct. 19th at 1pm Preview and Registration at Noon South Off 7 Mile between Beck & Ridge Road Six Shimmering lakes, a boulder-strewn trout stream and a collection of distinctive custom-built homes. At the heart of magnificent Stonewater stands Mystic Cove, the newest and most beautiful neighborhood. An enchanting group of custom-built homes embraced by the lovely Mystic Lake. Few neighborhoods offer the level of rewards that are so easily accessible along Mystic Cove. Swim or sail its crystalline lakes. Soak in breathtaking views of the water, winding, landscaped streets, boulevards, and lovingly-tended parks and pathways. Call today for a brochure! Rose Auction Group, LLC 877-696-7653 Beth Rose CAI Auctioneer RoseAuctionGroup.com AVAILABLE NOW 4,000 to 100,000 sq. ft. Also 10,000 & 25,000 sq. ft. Free Standing Bldgs w/truckwells. 1 Mile from Metro Airport REA CONSTRUCTION (734) 946-8730 Also Heavy Industrial Land Available www.reaconstruction.net 80 acres located 15 minutes west of Ann Arbor. 80 x 200 indoor arena with 52 stalls, office, observation room, area for tack store. Show barn with 40 stalls, 3 Olympic size outdoor arenas, and 2 warm-up arenas. New roof and some electric. Facility has been prime show and training facility since the middle 1960’s. Sealed bids to attorney must be accompanied with letter from bank regarding financial financial qualification of purchaser and no finance contingency, $50,000 EMD, hard upon acceptance. Call Jim Chaconas for showings (734) 995-1860 INVESTMENT PROPERTY LENDER ORDERED AUCTION Three Commercial Buildings 62 East Lee Street 12,000+/- sf with Offices & Warehouse with Four Drive in Dock Doors Selling Absolute Over $600,000 Auction Date: Tuesday, Oct 14th,10:00 AM Auction Location: 360 South Maple Street 62 East Lee Street & 360 South Maple Street Grant, MI 49327 22,740+/- sf with Offices, Showroom & Warehouse with 15 Drive in Dock Doors John Bippus, Auctioneer/Broker 26 Unit Self-Storage Building COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 10% Buyer’s Premium, Other terms apply INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY CANTON: CONTRACTOR PROJECT Booming rental business and new construction. You build it and we’ll rent. 2.59 acres, next to Oakwood Medical Center. 18-20,000 cars pass daily. Ready to build, $630,000. Call 734-320-7500 or 248-380-6418 LYON TOWNSHIP/BANK OWNED 12-unit rental townhouse project available. Get a great deal on this investment opportunity. Contact Karen Shepherd at 248-290-5300 ext. 311 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Now Leasing: 83,700 sq. ft. Leasing 2 Adj. Units - 50,000 & 56,000 s.f.(106,000 comb) @ Burt Indust’l Pk. (I-96/Telegraph), Very Clean, Dry, Well-Maint., Docks, Truck Pkg, EZ Freeway Access. (248) 356 - 5466 Where Quality Tenants Find Exceptional Value Catellus Group, LLC 810-695-7700 FOR SALE or LEASE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RAVINES OF NORTHVILLE 2,000 built, Cape Cod, 4,000 sq. ft.+ 3,000 walkout. Multi-family ready, Imported upgrades, natural park for backyard. Everything else you would expect in this price home. $895,000. Call 734-320-7500 or 248-380-6418 WATERFRONT PROPERTY FEDERAL LEASED BUILDINGS/ AAA CREDIT Ann Arbor, Port Huron, Flint 7 ½ % CAP $1.1M NOI 810-394-5522 OFFICE BUILDING ON ORCHARD LAKE 4 bedroom ranch, 3 1/2 baths on 1.4 acres premium lot. 248-335-0104 www.5081commerce.com 200’ LAKEFRONT- 15 min. from Novi/Ann Arbor on All sports Woodland Lake. 4100 sf new const. You select interior finishes. The dock is in, enjoy the lake now, move by Aug. 810-533-5014 or 18. 30701 W. Ten Mile Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 2365-2369 Franklin Rd. Bloomfield Hills, MI 990 E. South Blvd. Troy , MI •12,700 SqFt Office Building •2,500 - 6,500 SqFt Available •Single Story Contemporary Design •Built in 2001 •Separate Suite Entries •Close Proximity to I-96 •13,000 SqFt •Freestanding Office Building •Upgraded Finishes Throughout •Central Bloomfield Hills Location •Easily Divisible •In Place Workstations Available •Close to All Major Freeways •On Site Backup Generator •6,744 SqFt Office Building •Suites Available from 800 - 6,744 SqFt •Single Story •Contemporary Style •Located in Northeast Troy, Close to Rochester and M-59 248.324.2000 For More Info Please Contact: Rick Kaplan Todd Hawley rick.kaplan@freg.com todd.hawley@freg.com 34975 W Twelve Mile Rd •Farmington Hills • Michigan • 48331 • www.friedmanrealestate.com DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 44 CDB 9/26/2008 10:23 AM Page 1 Page 44 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS Beaumont: Downgrade of planned bond issuance a glitch in plans BY JAY GREENE CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS Dennis Herrick believes the nearly $900 million in bonds planned to be issued by William Beaumont Hospitals over the next year to fund the three-hospital system’s efforts to create a regional delivery system in Southeast Michigan will be worthy investments. But with investment comes risk, and Fitch Ratings, Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s have issued cautionary financial reHerrick ports in the past month that indicate continued drops in Beaumont’s operating profit margins and a planned $1.1 billion spending plan through 2013 could lead to bond downgrades. While Beaumont’s bond-rating outlook remains stable, the agencies downgraded a planned $757 million bond issuance, noting a weak balance sheet for its still above-average rating. The agencies also suggest that competitors are growing stronger and could threaten Beaumont’s dominant 26 percent market share. But Herrick believes the downgrades are a temporary glitch in the master plan and that Beaumont’s long-range strategic plan — which includes developing a larger outpatient footprint in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties — ultimately will generate higher margins. “We were not surprised (about BEAUMONT HOSPITAL PROJECTS Royal Oak campus 䡲 Renovations to the central and north tower include a 50-bed medical progressive-care unit, support space for respiratory care, acute dialysis, pediatrics and neonatal intensive care, an expansion of the rehabilitation program from 26 to 33 beds and upgrades to 14 operating rooms. Projected cost: $127 million, to be completed by December. 䡲 A four-story, 346,300-squarefoot North Pavilion project that includes replacing the emergency center, building a new 36-bed intensive care unit, expanding critical care space and replacing four operating rooms. Projected cost: $177.6 million, to be completed by December 2011. 䡲 A two-story, 65,000-square-foot proton-beam therapy cancer center with five treatment rooms in a forprofit joint venture with ProCure Treatment Centers, Bloomington, Ind. Projected cost: $158.7 million, with shared financing under review by Beaumont and ProCure, to be completed by 2010. Troy campus 䡲 Three-story, 131,015-squarefoot ambulatory center on the east campus that includes outpatient services for radiology, laboratory, cardiology, nuclear medicine and vascular services. Projected cost: $47.3 million, to be completed by May. 䡲 A two-story, 126,782-squarefoot expansion to the emergency center and a 3,000-square-foot auditorium with additional space for pharmacy and other services. In addition, a 104,000-square-foot critical care tower and a west bed tower expansion. Projected cost: $122 million, to be completed by August 2010. 䡲 A two-story atrium project that includes a bridge from the east campus to the main hospital. Projected cost: $7.2 million, with expected completion date of July. Source: City of Royal Oak Hospital Finance Authority, Michigan Department of Community Health the bond downgrades),” said Herrick, Beaumont’s CFO. “We had been preparing our board about the potential risk with a number of the strategies we have been implementing to reposition the system for the long term.” Since early August, Fitch downgraded $655 million in Beaumont bonds to A+ from AA-, Moody’s downgraded Beaumont’s upcoming bond issue to A1 from Aa3, and Standard & Poor’s downgraded the pending bonds to A from AA-. Fitch also assigned an A+ rating to the expected issuance later this month of $757.3 million of hospital revenue bonds through the City of Royal Oak Michigan Hospital Finance Authority. The rating agencies downgraded the bonds for three main reasons: Beaumont’s five-year $1.1 billion capital expenditure plan, competition from two new hospitals slated to open in western Oakland Coun- ªGUFFO ÌÜÊ i>`ÃÊ >ÀiÊLiÌÌiÀÊÌ >Êi ty and multimillion-dollar losses at Beaumont Grosse Pointe Hospital. Henry Ford Health System and St. John Health System in Warren plan to open two hospitals in West Bloomfield Township and Novi, respectively. In October 2007, Beaumont acquired Beaumont Grosse Pointe from Bon Secours Health System. During the first six months of 2008, Beaumont Grosse Pointe lost $3.6 million, compared with a budgeted $7.6 million loss from operations and a $10.7 million loss in the same period in 2007. The losses declined because of a 17 percent increase in admissions, Fitch said. Herrick said Grosse Pointe is expected to lose money this year, break even in 2009 and turn a profit in 2010. The three agencies also noted additional downgrades could be forthcoming if operating margins continue to drop below the 0.51 percent recorded for the first six months of 2008 from 0.9 percent for both 2006 and 2007. Total operating revenue was $1.85 billion in fiscal 2007, Fitch said. From 2000 to 2005, Beaumont’s average operating margin was 2.6 percent, Herrick said. But that still was lower than the 3.5 percent margin average from 1995 to 2000. While Beaumont’s admissions rose 7 percent in 2007 to 85,829 from 80,115 the prior year, 40 percent of the increase came by adding Grosse Pointe. But declining profit margins led Standard & Poor’s to conclude that the AA rating is too high, said Brian Williamson, S&P’s associate director in Chicago. “When you look at Beaumont from a historical context, their balance sheet from days’ cash on hand (92 days) never really Karmanos seeking grant to expand hospital network for cancer research BY JAY GREENE CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS As a CEO, you can’t always turn to colleagues and friends for opinions and advice. When you become a TEC member, you tap into unbiased insight from someone who shares your experience, or who has been there before. It’s like having a team of your own professional advisors to help guide the way. You don’t have to go it alone. Start the right conversation today. www.tecdetroit.com 586.443.5880 ; / , > 6 9 3 + » : 3 , ( + 0 5 . * , 6 4 , 4 ) , 9 : / 0 7 6 9 . ( 5 0 A (; 0 6 5 (U(MÄSPH[LVM=PZ[HNL0U[LYUH[PVUHS^^^]PZ[HNLJVT stacked up with their rating level,” Williamson said. “... They have solid operations, but they put a lot of money into their plant.” Williamson said Beaumont’s aggressive cost-cutting plan could help improve its financial picture. Over the next two years, Beaumont plans to cut $60 million in expenses by improving employee and physician productivity, reducing supply and malpractice expenses, and controlling employee and retiree medical costs. In 2010, Beaumont and Oakland University plan to open a medical school. More than $25 million already has been raised through philanthropy. “There was some concern to rating agencies about it, and there are some costs to add to execute this,” Herrick said. “On the short term, this can be a little drag on our operations, but long-term, this can really help to differentiate ourselves with our competitors.” Overall, Herrick said the downgrades will increase financing costs by about $1.5 million a year. Herrick said the hospital system is delaying its planned $765 million bond issuance because of the fallout from Wall Street turmoil. Beaumont also could pay more in 2009, when it plans to issue another $175 million in bonds to finance a number of ongoing and new capital projects at its Royal Oak and Troy hospitals. “The rating agencies get concerned when they see declining operating margins,” he said. “We still generate a lot of cash flow. Historically, it has been 12 percent. It has fallen to 10 percent. We are still generating lots of cash.” Jay Greene: (313) 446-0325, jgreene@crain.com The Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute is developing a grant proposal to fund an expansion of its cancer research program to multiple hospitals in Southeast Michigan, said Dr. Patricia LoRusso, Karmanos’ chief researcher and director of the Phase I Clinical Trials Program. LoRusso said the first hospital to partner with Karmanos could be St. Joseph Hospital in Ann Arbor. St. Joseph is part of Trinity Health, a 44hospital system based in Novi, with 13 hospitals in Michigan. LoRusso made the announcement Sept. 4 in an acceptance speech she gave at Crain’s Detroit Business’ Health Care Heroes luncheon at Michigan State University’s Management Education Center in Troy. LoRusso declined further comment. Patricia Ellis, Karmanos’ mediarelations manager, said the grant application was several months away from being completed. She declined further comment. Steve Paulus, vice president for planning and network development for Saint Joseph Mercy Health System in Ann Arbor, confirmed that the system is developing a statewide cancer treatment network among its Michigan hospitals. Paulus said the network, intended to offer integrated care for cancer patients, will be expanded to research and include additional hospitals outside Trinity. However, Paulus said he was not aware of Karmanos’ research network plans, but that he also did not know what medical researchers within Trinity might be discussing with Karmanos. Karmanos is one of two comprehensive cancer centers in Michigan. The other is at the University of Michigan Hospitals & Health Centers in Ann Arbor. Nationwide, there are 41 comprehensive cancer centers designated by the National Cancer Institute. Jay Greene: (313) 446-0325, jgreene@crain.com DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 45 CDB 9/26/2008 5:03 PM Page 1 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Page 45 Gateway Park principal says project on track despite setbacks BY NANCY KAFFER CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS Minus a developer and its sole anchor tenant, the proposed Shoppes at Gateway Park is moving forward, says a principal in the project. In the wake of Chicago-based real estate investment trust General Growth Properties Inc.’s departure from the project, the owners aren’t looking for another development partner, said Gateway Park investor and part-owner Bernard Schrott. “We’re hiring two major companies that do retail brokerage,” he said. “We don’t want to take on another partner, there are too many issues.” The project has been in the works since 2000. Plans to develop the site, at Eight Mile Road and Woodward Avenue near the State Fairgrounds, were announced in 2006. They call for a 330,000-square- It’s going to take a “ national player with national clout to bring players to the table. ” Ken Nisch, JGA Inc. foot retail development with about 40 stores and restaurants, at an estimated cost of $90 million. Plano, Tex.-based J.C. Penney signed a letter of intent last year to build a 100,000-square-foot store at Gateway Park, with an estimated opening date of March 2009, but it is no longer part of the project, Schrott said. “J.C. Penney wanted to delay the starting of their store,” he said. “Their scenario is still on the table, but we replaced them with another large anchor.” Schrott said his team is negotiating with three retail anchor tenants and should be able to announce leases within a month. The site is the recipient of taxincrement financing through a Corridor Improvement Authority created in 2007. Schrott said he hopes to have infrastructure work at the site done in time for anchor tenants to begin construction in May or June. The owners of the property ended their relationship with General Growth in July, said Schrott, alleging that General Growth failed to make a payment on an option to develop the site. “They defaulted on making that payment and we would not give them an extension,” Schrott said. Jim Graham, senior director of public affairs for General Growth, wouldn’t say if his organization had missed a payment. “We had an option on the property, and we fully compensated our local partners for that option, and we no longer owe them anything,” he said. “We’re paid in full, and I don’t think it would be appropriate to go into (the question of a late payment).” General Growth, the nation’s second-largest real estate investment trust, joined the project in 2006. General Growth’s local properties include Lakeside Mall in Sterling Heights and Taylor’s Southland Center. At the time, Schrott told Crain’s that the REIT would add clout to the effort to attract national retailers to the project. Local developers may find it difficult to draw national retailers in the current economic climate, said Ken Nisch, chairman of Southfieldbased retail consultants JGA Inc. “National tenants really trust national developers, and local de- velopers may be an untried entity,” he said. “It’s not that it’s in Detroit, it’s that we’re in difficult times. The tenant would ask, ‘is this a person we know will get the job done and get the job done right with the right tenants?’ It’s a confidence issue.” The capital market for projects that haven’t broken ground has turned off, Nisch said. “Retail companies have cut back on growth, and they’re going to pick locations where there’s significant landlord allowance (on rents), or where there’s no risk involved,” he said. “And if a developer can’t get tenants, they can’t get money.” Nisch also said, “It’s going to take a national player with national clout to bring players to the table.” Nancy Kaffer: (313) 446-0412, nkaffer@crain.com. RVs: Dealers rethink plans Airport: New leader for board ■ From Page 3 ■ From Page 3 like that any more.” Michal’s troubles mirror the woes of the RV industry nationwide. Sales nationally are down about 20 percent from last year, said Phil Ingrassia, director of communications at the Fairfax, Va.-based National Recreational Vehicle Dealers Association. “RVs are discretionary purchases,” Ingrassia said. “If people don’t feel as comfortable with their economic situation, they’re not going to make discretionary purchases like boats and RVs.” Smaller models known as travel trailers can cost as little as $10,000, Michal said, but a high-end motor home starts at around $60,000 and tops out around $500,000. And fueling an RV isn’t cheap — diesel and standard gasoline RVs get from six to 10 miles per gallon, Michal said. With tank sizes ranging from 55 to 150 gallons, that means hundreds of dollars spent with every trip to the pump. Sales at Warren-based Eastside RV have dropped between 15 percent and 20 percent, said President Kim Kinnie. Eastside sells new RVs, but it also offers maintenance and storage, and sells propane, parts and accessories. Those sales help, he said. “It stabilizes the pinch,” Kinnie said. He has had to cut inventory, with only 12 models currently on the lot. It’s not been a popular move with customers, but Kinnie said he has no choice. “Why should I have RVs here to collect dust?” he said. He’s also had to cut staff, eliminating all three part-time employees and one of two full-time workers. “With gas prices up, anybody who says they’re doing great doesn’t live in metropolitan Detroit,” he said. “It’s not just new RV sales that are down, but parts sales are down, because people aren’t taking them out. Storage is down, because they can’t afford to do that. And since propane is an oil product, that’s up. Every aspect is up” The cost of RVs has increased by 3 percent to 6 percent, said Kinnie, who predicts that things will worsen before sales improve. At Wixom-based General RV, things aren’t so bad — sales are down 5 percent to 10 percent, said co-owner Loren Baidas. General RV stocks between 1,400 and 2,000 RVs at six stores in Michigan and one in Ohio. “Michigan as a whole, whether it’s in the Saginaw-Flint area or the Detroit market, I think we’re all sort of in that same economic crunch,” he said. “With us, Michigan has felt a lot of what the country’s now feeling.” Ingrassia said he believes the decline in RV sales isn’t based on a lack of interest in the product. “We think there’s a lot of pent-up demand and our long-term prognosis remains very good,” he said. That’s what John Buday, president of Clawson-based American Recreational Vehicles, is hoping. Buday is preparing to launch a new product, the Way Cool Hauler, that allows RV owners to transport two trailers with additional recreational vehicles simultaneously. “We’re launching a product in a down market, so we’ve got negatives to that,” he said. “But we have a product nobody else has, so that’s going to help us launch and be successful.” The hauler and the travel trailer necessary for its use retail for between $40,000 and $50,000. Finding financing for customers has become difficult in the tightening credit market. “Like any financing market, that is a little bit of a tougher thing for a lot of dealers,” he said. “You can sell a lot of products, but if you can’t get the financing for the retail customer …” He hopes to reach $20 million in revenue during the first year of sales. Ingrassia said about 300,000 motor homes are sold each year. About 86 percent are of the towable variety. At Walt Michal’s, work is progressing on the conversion of the lot. A new sign was installed last week, and a slew of used vehicles were set to arrive. “Our United Auto Workers people who live in Wayne County, half are unemployed right now,” he said. “This is the only way to stay alive.” Nancy Kaffer: (313) 446-0412, nkaffer@crain.com. has been one of his pet projects, dropped objections to an authority and brokered a deal with then-Gov. John Engler. The law setting up the authority gives the Wayne County executive four appointments, the governor two, and one to the Wayne County Board of Commissioners. The terms are for six years, but the initial appointments varied in length so that the whole slate of commissioners wouldn’t leave at the same time. A board member can be reappointed just once. Ficano, who said creativity is one of his criteria for his appointments and has a candidate pool he’s narrowing, said his choices will be “business-oriented.” “What I’m looking for is vision, looking down the road 10 years,” he said. He also said he’s considering the outgoing members in his pool, but declined to say who else he might consider. The airport is a front-burner issue for Ficano because he’s led the effort to attract new jobs in aviation-dependent industries on land between the two airports, the so-called aerotropolis project. Liz Boyd, Granholm’s press secretary, would say only that the governor will announce her selections next month. The business community is keeping an eye on the authority’s makeup. “We certainly would encourage the executive and governor to tap other strong businesspeople in the region,” said Sarah Hubbard, vice president of government relations for the Detroit Regional Chamber. And having a labor-friendly chairman isn’t a problem, she added. “The UAW, and everyone, recognizes our need to diversify our economy and new business coming to our area,” she said. Of the airport’s 699 employees, 617 are members of 10 different unions that have contracts with the airport, according to the authority. Not one is UAW affiliated. Several major issues face the incoming board, including questions about its $3.6 billion, 20-year master improvement plan that had drawn objections from local communities because it included a 10,000-foot landing strip, the airport’s seventh runway. A deal was brokered earlier this year that basically pushed the runway question years into the future. However, the plan also includes a monorail proposal that airlines, most notably primary airport tenant Northwest Airlines Corp., have objected to because the carriers foot much of the bill. The monorail, which would connect the terminals to parking garages and off-site parking lots, also was pushed into the future with the new run- OUTGOING? Wayne County Airport Authority board members whose terms end this year are: ■ Authority Chairman David Treadwell. He’s president and CEO of Inkster-based EaglePicher Corp. Appointed by Gov. John Engler in 2002. He’s filling out the term of appointee William McCormack, who left the board after resigning as CEO of CMS Energy in May 2002 amid an accounting scandal. ■ Wayne Doran, former chairman of Ford Motor Land Development Corp. Appointed by Wayne County Executive Ed McNamara. Best known for leading the 2,400-acre Fairlane master-planned area in Dearborn and the development of the Renaissance Center in 1977. ■ Michael Glusac, former senior adviser and chairman of Detroit Renaissance Inc., former vice president of government affairs for Chrysler Corp., and former executive director of the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments. Appointed by McNamara. way. The authority contracts its shuttle services, which potentially could be replaced to some degree by the monorail, with Taylor-based Metro Cars Inc., which operates 51 Teamster-driven shuttles and other vehicles at the airport. Labor leaders don’t see Settles’ pending chairmanship marking significant change for the airport and labor issues. “I don’t know if it will make any difference,” said Mike Finnegan, vice president of Wyandotte-based Teamsters Local 283, which has members running some of the parking lot booths at the airport. “He’s got the fiduciary responsibility of that board in mind first. They’re like everyone else with budget concerns and budget problems.” The airlines also have asked the board to trim additional costs from its $274.5 million budget approved Sept. 23 because it contains a nearly $40 million increase for carriers to use the airport. The board agreed to consider an amended budget by Oct. 31, but the issue could linger as the airline industry faces spiraling fuel costs and fewer passengers. Bill Shea: (313) 446-1626, bshea@crain.com DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 46 CDB 9/26/2008 4:02 PM Page 1 Page 46 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS Silverdome: Critics question Parker’s ability to pull off the deal ■ From Page 3 to the city before Nov. 1. Parker will supply some of the money and some will come from his business partner, Richard Mazur, chairman of Madison Heights-based Mid-America Associates. The rest will be coming from private investors. Parker declined to name them, citing their request to remain anonymous. Following the closing, Parker will start the heavy lifting. Silver Stallion Development Corp., of which Parker is president and CEO, will sign a contract with a booking company to start signing acts at the Silverdome. The first phase includes bring- THE THREE-PHASE PLAN Bloomfield Hills lawyer H. Wallace Parker is set to close on the purchase of the Pontiac Silverdome by Nov. 1, kicking off a three-phase plan for the 35year-old stadium and surrounding 127 acres. 䡲 Phase 1: Bring the stadium back to life as an entertainment venue. Hire a booking company to find concerts and shows, and revive the retail space and restaurants. 䡲 Phase 2: Petition the Michigan Legislature to allow an additional thoroughbred horse racing track and build a structure for races. Also, he plans a joint venture with a college to build an equine research facility. 䡲 Phase 3: Pursue an expansion of casino gambling to have gaming at the track in addition to racing. Also build a luxury hotel on the site. ing the facility back to operation with concert bookings and other events, Parker said. He said the booking company is lined up, but he would not say who it is because the contract won’t be signed until after the closing. He also plans to revive the restaurant operations in the facility and lease the retail space. A second phase of Parker’s plan would start a new $250 million development. It will include an equestrian research facility as a joint venture with a college. He has not started negotiations with any college. He also hopes to bring polo and dressage events to the Silverdome. Also in the plans is the creation of a thoroughbred horse racing track on the 127-acre parcel of land surrounding the Silverdome. Parker has applied for 110 racing dates in 2009 for the planned track, even though the three available licenses are all being used. An Others cut corners. We own them. At the intersection of sport and luxury sits the 2009 E 350 Sport Sedan. With a breathtaking THE 2009 E-Class 268-horsepower V-6, 12-speaker harman/kardon LOGIC7® digital surround-sound system with Dolby® Digital 5.1 and standard Bluetooth® connectivity. One ride and it will leave you feeling anything but wanting. 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Visit jdpower.com. 2009 E 350 Sport Sedan shown with optional equipment. ©2008 Authorized Mercedes-Benz Dealers For more information, call 1-800-FOR-MERCEDES, or visit MBUSA.com. Oct. 9 hearing on his application has been scheduled with the Michigan Office of Racing Commissioner. “You have to apply for the racing dates so far in advance, I had to do it now for 2009,” he said. “Otherwise, if we had something going next year, we couldn’t do a race until 2010.” As for attaining a license, Parker plans to lobby the Legislature to approve a change in the horse-racing statutes to allow an additional track in the region. His third phase for the site takes the gaming concept even further. With an operational track, Parker plans to pursue a statewide ballot referendum to expand gaming. The Pontiac track would become a “racino,” a combination of a horseracing track and a casino. A hotel also would be built on the site. The complex plans are full of potential pitfalls, experts say. It is very difficult to operate a venue, for example, without a major tenant, said Alan Ostfield, COO of Palace Sports and Entertainment. “A primary tenant enables you to have a mainstay of revenue to cover the fixed costs,” he said. “Without that, it’s a lot harder to be profitable, especially in this economy and at a time when artists are taking more and more of the revenue.” Parker said he has been in negotiations with the fledgling football operation United National Gridiron League, but nothing has been signed. Also in question is demand for the new horse racing track. Thoroughbred racing began in July at the $142 million Pinnacle Race Course in Romulus. Tracks also exist in Hazel Park and Northville. Parker said the market is big enough for both. However, expanding the number of track licenses in the area would draw resistance from Pinnacle and likely the other tracks said Michael McInerney, president of Pinnacle. “We’d all be taking the position that another track would dilute the revenue of the other three and jeopardize the ability for everyone to operate,” he said. Experience is also an issue. While not familiar with Parker or his Silverdome plan, Gary Roberts, CEO of the Plymouthbased real estate development company DeMattia Group, said large, complex projects aren’t as easy to complete as they might seem and require a large organization of professionals. “It takes a diversity of expertise and a number of individuals involved,” he said. “It’s not something that you can just pick up and do.” Financing has been challenging for most Michigan developments recently, and Parker said he will look at unconventional financing programs. He acknowledges the project is ambitious, and it is clear that the phased approach is needed so plans can progress incrementally. The overall goal is about horses though. “This is something that will promote the equestrian industry,” Parker said. “It needs it because its an area that’s lost some momentum in recent years.” Daniel Duggan: (313) 446-0414, dduggan@crain.com DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 47 CDB 9/26/2008 5:03 PM Page 1 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS September 29, 2008 Page 47 Incubator moves up opening to get funds Macomb County-OU center out to get $250,000 from state BY CHAD HALCOM CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS A new incubator to nurture defense and homeland security businesses will open its doors Tuesday to qualify for new state budget funding on Wednesday, after working out a few prelaunch details. The new Macomb-Oakland University Incubator will open with a small staff at the former Venture Industries manufacturing site on 15 Mile Road in Sterling Heights. A staff of training and business assistance experts will be provided by Macomb County and Oakland University. Tenant businesses will come later. “We thought when we got started that we were going to have a year or so to get this ready, so we went through a process that included (applying for) a SmartZone designation,” said Stephen Cassin, executive director of the Macomb Cassin County Planning and Economic Development Department. “But because of the state funding, we had to move quickly, even though there is at least another 45 days or more to go on the SmartZone decision.” The driving motivation to open the center quickly is a budget appropriation for $1.25 million in operating funds for business incubators in five counties, including $250,000 for the Macomb proposal, for the new state fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1. “There is a designation within that (funding) legislation that indicates the funding in fiscal 2009 is for incubators that are in operation at the end of fiscal 2008,” said David Spencer, executive director of SmartZone development at OU Spencer Inc., the university’s on-campus business incubator. “It’s a ripe opportunity, and it’s giving us the impetus to move forward.” Spencer and Cassin said much of the preparatory work was already done to open the incubator site. Sterling Heights is working to expedite a certificate of occupancy for the incubator, and should have it complete before Tuesday’s opening, said Luke Bonner, economic development manager for the city. Talks are ongoing with eight to 10 local startups and entrepreneurs looking to launch a business that fits with the incubator and its location, Spencer said, but the duediligence process of reviewing po- tential tenants will take at least another couple of months. Macomb County, OU and Sterling Heights prepared an application to the state to create Michigan SmartZone business accelerator district in the city, which would include the incubator. A decision is expected by early November. The county obtained a $282,000 federal budget appropriation earlier this year with assistance from U.S. Rep. Sander Levin, D-Mich., for an accelerator. The incubator also stands to receive another $250,000 from the state appropriation for operating costs, proposed funding up to $400,000 in a current federal budget proposal and funds from corporate sponsors like a recent $10,000 contribution by Sterling Heights-based Rave Computer Association Inc. Rick Darter, president and CEO of Rave Computer, said getting involved in the incubator is a potential benefit to his own company as well as the local defense industry. Rave generates about $30 million in yearly revenue making information-technology and computer hardware systems, and Darter said military contracts have grown from roughly 20 percent of revenue 10 years ago to more than 50 percent this year. “We’re a 20-year-old company at this point, and these are going to be mainly startups in the incubator program,” he said. “But there is an opportunity for us as well as the economy of the region, because some of these new companies may be able to work with us as suppliers or customers of our products.” For more information, see (586) 463-2542. Chad Halcom: (313) 446-6796, chalcom@crain.com Detroit Pittsburgh September 2008 Skilled in Business Services Huron Capital has a long track record of investing in companies in the business services sector. Since our founding in 1999, we have been an active builder of businesses in the service industry. In fact, 26 of our 43 platform and add-on investments to date have been in service sectors. Our ability to deliver creative equity financing solutions for growth-minded entrepreneurs has been proven time and again. Huron Capital is ready to partner with outstanding executives to scale business service companies who seek an operationally focused partner. Huron Capital’s current business service portfolio companies include: HURON CAPITAL PARTNERS LLC PLATFORM INVESTMENT CRITERIA Revenues EBITDA Equity per Deal TRANSACTION TYPES $20 million to $200 million $3 million to $20 million $10 million to $50 million Buyouts Recapitalizations Family Successions www.huroncapital.com 500 Griswold, Suite 2700 I Detroit, Michigan 48226 I Tel: 313.962.5800 225 Ross Street, 4th Floor I Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 I Tel: 412.201.7040 Buy & Build Growth Initiatives Corporate Spin-offs DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 48,49 CDB 9/26/2008 Page 48 5:44 PM Page 1 September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS Struggling community banks find little help in Wall Street bailout BY TOM HENDERSON CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS There are limits to what even $700 billion can do. The plan to bail out Wall Street for buying and selling convoluted mortgage-backed securities apparently will do little to ease the pain for conventional bankers who actually issued the mortgages. Michigan’s banks, both public and private, have been hit hard by poorly performing loan portfolios. Their pain wasn’t caused by exotic and complicated high-risk securities, said Dennis Koons, president and CEO of the Lansing-based Michigan Bankers Association, but by the double whammy of a longtime statewide recession and a housing slump that led to defaults and foreclosures by business customers who did residential and commercial developments and by homeowners who lost their jobs. Koons and others in the local banking Koons community are frustrated that the bailout attention seems focused on those tumbling from the collapse of their high-wire financial acts and not on the struggling conventional banking community that didn’t get in trouble wheeling and dealing for big returns. Any substantial relief state banks get from the national bailout likely will be of the trickle-down variety. “If the bailout plan is successful, it will provide liquidity to large institutions, but for smaller institutions, there won’t be any direct bailout or purchase of portfolios,” said Todd Sprang, leader of the Midwest financial institutions practice at Grant Thornton L.L.P. “Community banks get their liquidity by borrowing from large institutions, and that’s been cramped,” he said. “As the plan provides liquidity to large institutions, that should trickle down.” Koons and a contingent of about 25 state bankers spent Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday last week in Washington calling on all state members of the House and Senate and on federal regulators to try to convince them that a bailout of such enormous size should have at least some relief for the nation’s struggling retail banks. The timing of the trip was fortuitous. Koons said it had been set for about a year, and just coincidentally ended up being timed to one of the most tumultuous weeks in the history of the banking industry. “The operative word is ‘some hope,’ ” said Koons, when asked if his delegation’s visit to Sens. Debbie Stabenow and Carl Levin might end up with some financial assistance for traditional banks. “No commitments were made. I’m not sure if anyone knows what will happen in the next few days,” he said. He said he had three questions about the proposed bailout: “Just what do they intend to purchase? Who do they intend to shore up? How does that benefit Main Street, Michigan?” Requests for comment from Stabenow’s and Levin’s offices went unanswered. While Koons held out “some hope” that retail banks would be included in a bailout, analysts didn’t. Terry McEvoy, an analyst with New Yorkbased Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. who follows Midwest and community banks, issued a report on Monday titled “Wall Street Bailout and the Impact on Main Street Banks.” The subhead was “Tough to See the Direct Benefit.” In an interview with Crain’s, McEvoy said: “I can understand why traditional banks who didn’t create these problems are wondering why they’re not getting any benefit, but there will be very little benefit to community banks or regional banks. They just haven’t had the enormous losses that the big investment banks have had.” “It looks like the primary target of the bailout plan will be mortgage-backed securities and those who made a major market in them. Main Street banks have not been major Audrey Mistor, players in that,” said William Hartman, presiMain Street Bank dent, CEO and chairman of Flint-based Citizens Republic Bancorp Inc. “It would be helpful if a plan benefited all financial institutions instead of a few big ones. I still view it as a positive initiative, but I would prefer regional banks be able to participate in a large way,” he said. “A bailout plan is important, and it’s important to be done quickly. A quick resolution will calm markets.” Patrick McQueen, chairman and CEO of Bloomfield Hills-based The Private Bank-Michigan, thinks the package that eventually gets passed will include some relief for all banks, not just those holding collateralized securities. “There will be something in there for all banks,” he said. “What it is, I don’t know.” Audrey Mistor, president of Northvillebased Main Street Bank, said small banks have been hurt by the ripple effect of Wall Street’s now discredited mortgage-backed securities, “but no one seems to be talking about that.” Main Street was particularly hard hit by residential and commercial developers who went into default, had to write off millions in poorly performing loans and is now under a decree by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to shore up its balance sheet. Its capital-to-asset ratio is 2 percent and must get to 6 percent. A federal bailout applied to conventional banks could help that along. “We’ve already written down portfolios by 90 percent. If our loans were backstopped (by the government) at 50 percent, could we add the difference to our balance sheet?” Mistor asked. “The bailout seems to be just for the socalled significant financial institutions,” she said. “They say, ‘They’re too big to fail.’ But the problem with community banks is we’re not too big to fail. I don’t know how this will play out, but I don’t think anyone’s worrying about community banks.” Tom Henderson: (313) 446-0337, thenderson@crain.com The bailout “ seems to be just for the so-called significant institutions. ... I don’t know how this will play out, but I don’t think anyone’s worrying about community banks. ” Local views mixed on Wall Street banks’ entry into retail banking BY TOM HENDERSON CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS In the wake of the demise of Wall Street giants Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers and the purchase of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America, the last two remaining giants of American investment banking, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., are reinventing themselves as retail banks. They will compete for deposits with banks and thrifts, and come under the regulatory auspices of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which was good news to some investors. On Tuesday, Warren Buffett said his Omaha-based conglomerate, Berkshire Hathaway, would buy $5 billion in preferred stock in Goldman Sachs, which would also grant it warrants to buy $5 billion of common stock. Last Monday, Japan’s largest banking group by market capitalization, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc., announced it would acquire 20 percent of Morgan Stanley for between $8 billion and $9 billion. Wednesday, New York-based RBC Capital Markets, a unit of Royal Bank of Canada, issued a report predicting Goldman Sachs would launch retail operations with $175 billion in assets and buy deposits from troubled banks or FDIC receiverships, and that Morgan Stanley would convert a Utah-based industrial loan firm with $36 billion in assets into a retail bank and use its wealth-management offices as commercial banking branches. The report said difficulties in valuing potential targets would keep both companies on the sideline for now, but with some 300 bank failures expected nationwide in the current credit cycle — on Thursday, Seattle-based Washington Mutual was taken over by regulators and its assets sold to J.P. Morgan Chase for $1.9 billion, the biggest bank failure in U.S. history — there would be plenty of opportunities for both to grow at discount prices. Here’s what local bankers and analysts say about possible impacts on regional and community banks by the entry of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley into retail banking: Todd Sprang, leader of Grant Thornton L.L.P.’s Midwest financial institutions practice: “They’ll compete against large national banks and larger regional banks, but they won’t have that great of an impact on small banks. They’ll probably grow their business through acquisitions, but I don’t think that will happen until the second or third quarter of 2009. “It takes capital to do acquisitions, and the regional players who can help you grow your footprint likely wouldn’t be accepting of your stock as currency. They’ll want cash.” He said any impact on community banks would be short term. Customers might leave for offers of better rates on deposits, he said, but community bank customers are used to a higher level of service and access to executives and likely will return to their old banks. Michael Tierney, president and CEO of Madison Heights-based Peoples State Bank: “They won’t be marketing to all of Main Street America. They will create more massmarket vehicles trying to raise capital, so they’ll go heavy after CDs and insured money-market accounts. But I don’t see them as being direct competitors for us. They’ll be going after the higher end banks, like The PrivateBank.” Patrick McQueen, chairman and CEO of Bloomfield Hills-based The PrivateBank-Michigan, which targets high-networth individuals: “To the extent this in the short term helps stabilize credit Tierney markets, it’s a great thing. Long term? The jury’s out. But I don’t see them as direct competitors. What they know best is investment banking. I don’t see them shedding that to move into retail banking. They’ll continue to focus on what they know. “What it does is it forces them to leverage at a higher standard. They were leveraging at 40 times their capital. Banks leverage at 10 times their capital. So that puts them on the same standard.” William Hartman, chairman, president and CEO of Flint-based Citizens Republic Bancorp Inc.: “Investment banks becoming retail banks is a good thing for the economy and puts them on an equal footing. The investment banks weren’t subject to necessary levels of scrutiny. Frankly, we have so many competitors for deposits now, I don’t see it having an impact. I do think it is likely they’ll look for a regional-bank acquisition to accelerate the deposit-gathering process.” Brian Pollice, partner and head of the financial institutions practice at Southfieldbased Plante & Moran P.L.L.C.: “Now you’ve got another competitor coming to town who may offer higher rates. And they’ll be looking for regional banks to bolster their deposits.” David Widlak, president and CEO of Mt. Clemens-based Community Central Bank: “When you see the two remaining big investment bankers getting into the retail bankPollice ing business, it’s going to put more stress on the local banking community, in Michigan in particular. “We’ve seen every new entry into the local market — for example, the Royal Bank of Scotland when it bought Charter One — come in and try to buy business with higher interest on deposits. They’ll be doing the same. It’s the continued Wal-Mart-izing of the banking industry. Every deposit they successfully get out of the area will put more stress on the local banking community.” Dennis Koons, president and CEO of the Lansing-based Michigan Bankers Association: “The regulators are now telling us the investment banking community is gone, that they’re now retail banks. We find that ironic. But it’s just too early to speculate on how it will play out. There are a lot of issues.” Tom Henderson: (313) 446-0337, thenderson@crain.com DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 48,49 CDB 9/26/2008 September 29, 2008 Bailout: Boost or bust for Michigan? ■ From Page 1 take when we started down that road.” Others say a bailout could help Michigan’s economic picture, loosening credit and enabling stalled economic-development projects to obtain financing and move forward, and causing consumers to feel more confident about spending money. To some industries, timing is no small matter. Michigan retailers, for example, are approaching their biggest sales periAnderson od of the year amid national forecasts of a challenging holiday season and the lowest holiday sales growth since 2002. A bailout is “certainly not going to hurt, and it’s probably going to help,” said Tom Scott, senior vice president with the Michigan Retailers Association. “The best scenario would be for some type of package to be passed, and some level of confidence restored in the financial system. Just like the markets, consumers don’t like uncertainty,” Scott said. “If people are concerned about the economy having a meltdown, they’re certainly going to be more reluctant to spend.” The national picture also could have bearing on Michigan tourism, at a time when the state is pushing ahead with its biggest-ever promotional budget. Travel Michigan, the state’s tourism-marketing agency, is full-tilt into fall advertising, preparing its first significant winter advertising in 15 years and heading toward an inaugural Michigan national campaign next spring — a $10 million national promotion out of the $30 million the state will spend in 2009. Travel Michigan Director George Zimmermann said that “if people are not feeling secure, then travel is something they might well cut back on, or hold off on. Things like consumer confidence play into the picture.” But he also said a Michigan trip could be viewed as a closer and more affordable alternative than a trip out of the country. While conditions aren’t ideal, Zimmermann said, “like everything else in the Zimmermann economy, you play the cards you’re dealt. “What are the options … not to be out there selling?” Areas like tourism, retail and auto sales — and jobs — mean tax revenue for the state budget. Analysts expect state revenue for the current fiscal year, which ends Tuesday, to be at or slightly above projections. But they’re not so certain about the new fiscal 2009 budget year. Jay Wortley, senior economist at the Senate Fiscal Agency, said the impact of financial sector turmoil on state budget projections is “hard to quantify at this point in time.” He said if a bailout plan “is successful in at least stabilizing things, then that would be good for the economy” and could help in areas like sales-tax collections. And “to the degree that it prevents credit from getting even tighter, that might have a positive boost on motor vehicle sales,” Wortley said. “The timing of it, how’s it going to play out in the economy a month from now, two months from now, a year from now, we’ve got to figure all that out.” House Fiscal Agency Director Mitch Bean said businesses need to have access to capital at reasonable rates. “For firms, even very successful, secure firms, if your cost of capital goes up, it cramps your ability to expand and hire and so forth, and that’s what has an impact on Main Street, through the job market,” Bean said. “When you start having increased job loss, that’s really where the rubber hits the road. And the tight credit markets could certainly affect that.” Jeff Williams, senior vice president at nonpartisan think tank Public Sector Consultants Inc., said that in terms of helping to strengthen Michigan, the $25 billion in government loans proposed for the auto industry will have a more direct immediate effect than a financial-sector bailout. But a bailout could make banks less conservative in lending, helping economic development projects, Williams said. And it could also provide a psychological boost to Michigan residents, he said. “I don’t think it’s the terms of the bailout,” Williams said. “I think it’s whether there is or is not a bailout.” Amy Lane: (517) 371-5355, alane@crain.com 6:17 PM Page 2 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS Page 49 Cockrel closes crime lab, announces appointments BY ROBERT ANKENY CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS Detroit Mayor Ken Cockrel Jr. continued careful restructuring of the city administration last week, announcing new appointments and reappointments. Cockrel also acted quickly to keep the Detroit City Council in the loop in connection with his shutdown last Thursday of the Detroit Police Department crime lab after a Michigan State Police report showed a 10 percent error rate in ballistic evidence, unrestricted Cockrel access to firearms and other shortcomings. “His liaison to the council was giving us a summary of the report as the press conference was going on,” Councilmember Sheila Cockrel said. “That’s unprecedented with any of the previous mayors.” Cockrel and Police Chief James Barren said all ballistics, fingerprint, DNA and drug testing will be handled by the Michigan State Police crime lab for the time being. Cockrel and his former council colleagues also are reviewing recommendations from Loren Monroe, Detroit auditor general, on best practices for the mayor’s office. Included are suggestions that the city tighten monitoring on the use of credit cards, petty cash, vehicles and gasoline cards by the mayor’s staff and develop a detailed budget for operating the Manoogian Mansion. Monroe’s recommendations came after the auditor general’s office reported to council that it was not given full and complete information with which to properly audit operations of the outgoing administration. Among key transition team advisers for Cockrel are former city of Detroit auditor Joseph Harris; former Wayne County Deputy Executive Charles Williams, a one-time top aide and department head for Mayor Coleman Young; Detroit attorney Curtis Blessing, who advised on the transition team for Mayor Dennis Archer; and Detroit CPA Ric Geyer, who served on the Kilpatrick transition team. Cockrel continued selective appointments and reappoints last week. Among department heads retained or appointed by Cockrel were: 䡲 Cathy Square, who continues as COO. Square is a former director of the city’s Department of Public Works and of the Greater Detroit Resources Recovery Authority, which operates the city’s recycling and incinerator systems. 䡲 Norman White, CFO, a former director of the Detroit Department of Transportation. 䡲 Pamela Scales, budget director. 䡲 Douglass Diggs, director, Planning and Development Department, a former director of community and economic development for Detroit Renaissance Inc. 䡲 Amru Meah, director, Buildings and Safety Engineering Department. 䡲 Al Jordan, director, Public Works Department. 䡲 Charles Beckham, director of the Public Lighting Department. Beckham had been director of the Service and Recreation departments under Kilpatrick and was head of the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department in the Coleman Young administration. 䡲 Attorney Beth DunCombe, who was president of the Detroit Economic Growth Corp., has been named director of the Detroit Building Authority. 䡲 Tom Tuskey, director of the Civic Center/Cobo Center. 䡲 Sreenivas Cherukuri, director of the Information Technology and Services Department. 䡲 Pamela Turner was elevated to director of the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department from an assistant directorship. 䡲 Cockrel also has named Darchelle Love, a former aide in the Dennis Archer administration, his chief of staff. Aides to Cockrel said reviews of key mayoral-appointed posts will continue. Robert Ankeny: (313) 446-0404, bankeny@crain.com Racino: Backers offer bill ■ From Page 1 give up their efforts to expand casinos, through racinos, throughout of the state.” Robert Russell, a gaming analyst with East Lansing-based Regulatory Management Counselors P.C., has grave doubts about the viability of the racino effort. “It’s not going anywhere, from what I’ve heard from people,” he said. “Does (Meisner) have the political wherewithal to push this, and who’s going to get behind it? It’s a challenging piece of legislation because of the high hurdles the parties need to achieve due to the statewide vote.” Supporters acknowledge looming obstacles. “We think the racinos have a long way to go, and it’s an uphill battle as well,” said Michael McInerney, president of the new $142 million Pinnacle Race Course thoroughbred track in Wayne County’s Huron Township. “Anything that enhances existing revenues or creates new revenues is something that we’re in favor of. These are things that ought to happen at the existing tracks. We’re not involved in the bills, but we’re supportive of them.” Meisner consulted with the Michigan Racing Association when drafting his bill, said Joe Garcia, general counsel for Lansing-based lobbying firm Karoub Associates, which represents the association of four harness tracks. Proposal 1 also faces a legal challenge: Northville Downs harness track has a pending lawsuit, filed in May against the state in U.S. District Court in Detroit, claiming Proposal 1 is unconstitutional. Bill Shea: (313) 446-1626, bshea@crain.com Daniel Duggan: (313) 446-0414, dduggan@crain.com www.crainsdetroit.com EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Keith E. Crain PUBLISHER Mary Kramer, (313) 446-0399 or mkramer@crain.com EXECUTIVE EDITOR Cindy Goodaker, (313) 4460460 or cgoodaker@crain.com MANAGING EDITOR Andy Chapelle, (313) 4460402 or achapelle@crain.com ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR/FOCUS Jennette Smith, (313) 446-1622 or jhsmith@crain.com BUSINESS LIVES EDITOR Michelle Darwish, (313) 446-1621 or mdarwish@crain.com COPY DESK CHIEF Gary Piatek, (313) 446-0357 or gpiatek@crain.com GRAPHICS EDITOR Nancy Clark, (313) 446-1608 or nclark@crain.com COPY EDITOR Vic Doucette, (313) 446-0410 or vdoucette@crain.com DATA EDITOR Anne Marks, (313) 446-0418 or amarks@crain.com WEB GENERAL MANAGER Alan Baker, (313) 4460416 or abaker@crain.com WEB EDITOR Christine Lasek, (313) 446-0473, clasek@crain.com WEB DESIGNER/PRODUCER Ai-Ting Huang, (313) 446-0403, ahuang@crain.com RESEARCH ASSISTANT Joanne Scharich, (313) 446-0419 EDITORIAL SUPPORT Anita Duncan, (313) 446-0329 NEWSROOM (313) 446-0329, FAX (313) 4461687 TIP LINE (313) 446-6766 REPORTERS Robert Ankeny: Covers the city of Detroit, Wayne County government, and law. (313) 446-0404 or bankeny@crain.com. Ryan Beene: Covers auto suppliers, steel. (313) 446-0315 or rbeene@crain.com Sherri Begin: Covers nonprofits and services. (313) 446-1694 or sbegin@crain.com Daniel Duggan: Covers real estate and hospitality. (313) 446-0414 or dduggan@crain.com Jay Greene: Covers health care, insurance and the environment. (313) 446-0325 or jgreene@crain.com. Chad Halcom: Covers education, non-automotive manufacturing, defense contracting and Oakland and Macomb counties. (313) 446-6796 or chalcom@crain.com. Tom Henderson: Covers banking, finance, technology and biotechnology. (313) 446-0337 or thenderson@crain.com. Nancy Kaffer: Covers small business and retail. (313) 446-0412 or nkaffer@crain.com. Bill Shea: Covers media, advertising and marketing, entertainment, the business of sports, and transportation. (313) 446-1626 or bshea@crain.com. Nathan Skid: Multimedia reporter. Also covers the food industry. (313) 446-1654, nskid@crain.com. LANSING BUREAU Amy Lane: Covers business issues at the Capitol, telecommunications and utilities. (517) 3715355, FAX (517) 371-2492, alane@crain.com. or 115 W. Allegan, Suite 220, Lansing 48933. ADVERTISING ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Marla Downs, (313) 446-6032 or mdowns@crain.com SALES INQUIRIES: (313) 446-6052; FAX (313) 393-0997 ADVERTISING SALES Jeff Anderson, Terri Engstrom, Matthew J. Langan, Tamara Rokowski, Cathy Ross, Dale Smolinski WESTERN ACCOUNTS Ellen Mazen (Los Angeles) (323) 370-2477 CLASSIFIED MANAGER Melissa McKay, (313) 446-1692 CLASSIFIED ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Greg Evangelista, 313-446-1655 EVENTS MANAGER Nicole LaPointe MARKETING PROJECTS MANAGER Jennifer Dunn MARKETING ARTIST Sylvia Kolaski SALES SUPPORT Suzanne Janik, Andrea Beckham, YahNica Crawford CIRCULATION Candice Yopp, Manager. 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DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 09-29-08 A 50 CDB 9/26/2008 6:05 PM Page 1 Page 50 RUMBLINGS Drivers win in spat over bridge study he winner of last week’s squabble over the $3.4 billion Michigan Department of Transportation budget for 2009 may have been, of all people, drivers. Depending on whom you ask, the skirmish was either a GOP-led fight, bankrolled by Ambassador Bridge owner Manuel Moroun to kill a proposed new bridge between Detroit and Windsor, or it was a Democratic efMoroun fort to force a needless new crossing on taxpayers. Unless the budget was approved, with or without language about the ongoing Detroit River International Crossing study, MDOT was threatening to halt work on road projects all over the state. Both parties reached a compromise and rushed to issue breathless press releases praising themselves as saviors of the taxpayers and accusing the other side of not playing nice. The Republicans, led by DeWitt’s Alan Cropsey, got additional language in the budget bill that puts more oversight on MDOT during the study process, especially for land purchases related to a potential new bridge. The Democrats, led by Detroit’s Steve Tobocman, whose 12th District would be home to a new bridge, T September 29, 2008 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS cal-parody troupe A (Habeas) Chorus Line has a new show, “LOL,” that lampoons everything from Kwame Kilpatrick’s predicament to the recent banking bailout and Sarah Palin. “It has been a target-rich environment,” said Justin Klimko, the group’s lyricist and a corporate transaction attorney with Detroit law About 100 people gathered Klimko firm at the Motor City Casino Thursday night for Crain’s Butzel Long. Family-Owned A sample of Business Forum. Klimko’s lyrics Keynote speaker spoofing Paul Bernhard, Of what is generated director of the Hizzoner, by family-owned business sung to businesses? transition planning the tune See boxed item for group at Plante & of “I Can’t answer. Moran P.L.L.C., Get Next To opened with a quiz You”: designed to gauge I can bulldoze respondents’ knowledge of run-down slums family businesses. One I can give employment to telling tidbit: Did you know all my high school chums that 64 percent of our nation’s gross domestic Oh, I can hire an army profit is generated by familyjust to be my bodyguards owned businesses? To read I pay my expenses with more about the event, visit city credit cards www.crainsdetroit.com. But my life is incomplete and I’m so blue claimed victory because the ’Cause I can’t get text to bridge study survived, periyou od. Estimates have ranged The group is set to perfrom $1 billion to more than form at 7 p.m. Oct. 4 at $3 billion for a new DetroitBerkley High School. Windsor link, which would Tickets are $15 and availtake several years to build. able at the door or in adAnd in the meantime, vance by calling (313) 435MDOT’s orange barrels and 2425 or e-mailing concrete barriers will coninfo@habeaschorus.com. tinue to infest Michigan’s Shows are about 85 minutes highways in the forlorn long and include about 25 hope of a smooth drive. songs. The group first began performing in 1992 for the Detroit chapter of the FederInstead of lawyers al Bar Association, and singing the praises of their makes itself available for clients or cases, several loevents such as fundraisers cal barristers are comedand parties. ically crooning about a Information about the docket of issues — includtroupe, and songs from its ing Detroit’s favorite textaCDs, is available at holic ex-mayor. habeaschorus.com. The Detroit-based musi- FACTS ABOUT FAMILY BUSINESSES 64% Lawyers to ‘voice’ parodies See ‘40 Under 40’ photos, then bridge 96 Funny thing about our photo shoots — we always wind up with a lot more pictures than we could ever fit in the paper. That’s why we’re using the power and unlimited capacity of the Web. Our newly created “40 Under 40” section allows you to meet all our winners, and see extra photos of each. Go to www.crainsdetroit.com/40s for a look. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out a new collaboration between Crain’s Detroit Business and the Grand Rapids Business Journal. Bridging 96 is a Web page and a biweekly e-mail newsletter looking at the ideas, initiatives and interests that tie the east and west coasts of Michigan together. A print special report covering east and west also will run in our Oct. 6 issue. But you can get a WEB WORLD Alan Baker head start and sign up for the eWeb General Manager mail at www.bridging96.com. WEEK IN REVIEW FROM WWW.CRAINSDETROIT.COM, WEEK OF SEPT. 20-26 Detroit Renaissance has plan to save state $800M After a thorough cleaning, the “Spirit of Detroit” shows off its patina (left), which had been covered by years of dirt (below). D etroit Renaissance Inc. has submitted to the governor and state legislative leaders options it said in 10 years would produce $800 million in annual savings by focusing on changes in corrections, Medicaid, teacher retirement benefits and state employee health benefits. The CEO group says the state needs to, among other things: change incarceration policies and sentencing guidelines; restrict Medicaid eligibility; change benefit policies for new teachers; and reduce state employees’ benefits. MEGA board OKs tax incentives for Volt projects The Michigan Economic Growth Authority board granted General Motors Corp. more than $130 million in tax credits Tuesday in a move to persuade the automaker to invest in the state for projects related to production of its upcoming Chevrolet Volt plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. GM is considering an $838 million investment in manufacturing plants and facilities in Michigan to build the Volt. Patterson touts Oakland hospital consortium An Oakland County consortium of hospital systems, medical equipment suppliers, higher education and research firms, tentatively called Oakland Medical, could generate up to 45,000 new jobs in life sciences by 2018, said Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson, who announced the initiative with health care leaders. If successful, organizers believe the project could put the county in a league with the Mayo Clinic, or the Cleveland Clinic. A report completed by East Lansing-based Anderson Economic Group L.L.C. indicates health and life science professions account for 93,584 jobs or 12.8 percent of all private sector wage and salary employment in Oakland for 2006. The number will grow by 2.2 percent annually through 2018. Aerotropolis tax-incentive bills introduced in House New state bills would GREEN, NEWLY CLEAN The city celebrated the restoration of 50-year-old landmark “Spirit of Detroit” Tuesday. The cleaning and repair of the bronze statue, sculpted by Marshall Fredericks, cost $152,000. provide tax incentives to attract industry to the “aerotropolis” between Detroit Metro Airport and Willow Run Airport. The 10-bill state House package would allow for taxfree renaissance zones, tax credits through the Michigan Economic Growth Authority, personal property tax exemptions, real property tax abatements, and the formation of districts in which tax revenue can be captured to support development. House Bills 6502-6511 came up Thursday before the House New Economy and Quality of Life Committee, chaired by Rep. Ed Clemente, D-Lincoln Park. Identical bills are to be introduced in the Senate. ON THE MOVE 䡲 The Detroit Lions fired President Matt Millen on Wednesday. Tom Lewand, executive vice president and COO; Martin Mayhew, senior vice president and new general manager; and Cedric Saunders, new vice president of football operations, will share his duties for the rest of the season. OTHER NEWS 䡲 The Wayne County Commission approved the county’s 2008-09 budget Thursday, setting the spending plan at $2.25 billion. 䡲 Health care costs for Detroit-area companies and workers will increase by 6.8 percent in 2009, the third-lowest increase in nine years, according to a report by Hewitt Associates. 䡲 U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Detroit has given Greektown Casino L.L.C. an extension until Dec. 15 for filing its reorganization plan. 䡲 AT&T Internet Services is hiring 300 people for a new call center it plans to open in Detroit this year. 䡲 Glenn Blanton, former director of Cobo Center, has been charged in U.S. District Court in Detroit with obstruction of justice for attempting to cover up a bribe he received, the Detroit Free Press reported. 䡲 William Coleman III, former superintendent of Detroit Public Schools, was sentenced to a year of probation and fined $5,000 after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of attempting to influence a grand jury during a federal Dallas schools corruption case. 䡲 Sharon McPhail, former in-house attorney for ex-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, will run in Detroit’s Feb. 24 mayoral primary, the AP reported. 䡲 Four Detroit Medical Center hospitals — DMC-Detroit Receiving, DMC-HarperHutzel, DMC-Sinai-Grace and DMC-Children’s Hospital of Michigan — have been named to the Leapfrog Group’s 2008 Top Hospital list for patient quality and safety. Also named were Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals in Clinton Township and the University of Michigan Hospitals & Health Centers in Ann Arbor. 䡲 Owners of Rock Financial Showplace in Novi plan to start construction next spring on a 132-room hotel to be adjacent to the existing convention center. 䡲 Delta Air Lines Inc. and Northwest Airlines Corp. shareholders on Thursday approved an agreement combining the companies into the world’s biggest carrier, the AP reported. The stock-swap deal still requires Justice Department approval. OBITUARIES 䡲 Culver McCoy, who founded McCoy Sauna and Steam in Novi, died of respiratory failure Sept. 11, his 87th birthday. 䡲 Chesley Odom, who founded Chesley Odom Design Associates in Belleville and later owned Chesley’s Bar & Grille in Lincoln Park, died Sept. 9. He was 65. DBpageAD.qxd 9/23/2008 2:17 PM Page 1 Celebrating your centennial, and knowing the best is yet to come. www.soave.com anpagead2.qxd 9/16/2008 10:53 AM Page 1 AQ`ObQV]TTT]`g]c`QVO\QSb]eW\ # <][ObbS` eVObg]cR`SO[]T^ZOgW\UbVSC\Z]QY G]c`2`SO[a AeSS^abOYSa QO\ VSZ^ [OYS Wb `SOZ 3dS`g 5O[S >WSQS VOa O QOaV^`WhS]` ]bVS`U`SOb]TTS`a>Zca g]c¸ZZUSbOQ]RS b]S\bS` ]\ZW\ST]`g]c`QVO\QSb]eW\bVS #U`O\R^`WhSG]c QO\ ^ZOg Oa ]TbS\ Oa g]c ZWYS a] Q][S W\b] O\g 4WTbV BVW`R 0O\YW\U1S\bS`OUOW\O\ROUOW\ 5Sbg]c`5O[S>WSQSObO\g4WTbVBVW`R0O\YZ]QObW]\ The things we do for dreams.™ <= >C@16/A3 <313AA/@G / >C@16/A3 E7:: <=B 7<1@3/A3 G=C@ 16/<13A=4E7<<7<5D=72=CBA723=4>/<1ED=65/4:B<9G7: ;7 ;= 7< /<2 E63@3 >@=6707B32 >@=;=B7=< 7A =>3< =<:G B= :35/:@3A723<BA=4>/<1ED=65/4:B<9G7:;7;= 7< E6= /@3 &G3/@A=4/53=@=:23@EVWZSac^^ZWSaZOab5O[S>WSQSa[OgOZa]PS`S_cSabSRPg[OWZeVWZSac^^ZWSaZOabASS=T¿QWOZ@cZSa T]` RSbOWZa 4]` =T¿QWOZ @cZSa OZbS`\ObS [SbV]R ]T S\b`g ^`WhS RSaQ`W^bW]\a O\R ]RRa RWaQZ]ac`S dWaWb eee#!c\Z]QYg]c`R`SO[aQ][>`][]bW]\S\Ra " &C^b] ]\ZW\SS\b`WSaOZZ]eSR^S`^S`a]\A^]\a]`(4WTbVBVW`R0O\Y!&4]c\bOW\A_cO`S1W\QW\\ObW=6"# $!4WTbVBVW`R0O\Y;S[PS`4271 3_cOZ6]caW\U:S\RS`