Easter Newsletter 2015 FINAL - Reconstructive Surgery Trials Network


Easter Newsletter 2015 FINAL - Reconstructive Surgery Trials Network
A national audit of the practice and outcomes of immediate implantbased breast reconstruction
Easter Newsletter 2015
600 patients so far and six months ahead of schedule!
A massive thank you to everyone who is recruiting patients to iBRA!
Number of patients recruited
Patient recruitment to iBRA
49 centres are now actively
recruiting to the study!
615 patients have been recruited
since May 2014!
We are 6 months ahead of
Well done and thank you to all
our collaborators!
Recruitment is planned until
December 2015.
Let’s make iBRA the biggest
prospective study in the World!
Funding News
We are delighted to announce that the iBRA Study has been
awarded funding by the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit
Programme. This is fantastic news that reflects the importance
of the work we are doing. Congratulations to everyone involved!
Our first interim analysis is about to happen!
The first analysis of the iBRA data will happen when we have received three month PROMs data
from 300 patients recruited from at least 20 centres and we are almost there!
This will give us the first data about important complications such as implant-loss and infection and
how different types of implant reconstruction compare.
The more complete the data the more robust and informative the study will be, so could we
please, please, please ask all our collaborators to make sure they have entered any
outstanding data onto REDCap by 30th April ready for our first analysis at the beginning of May.
Results will be available in June...............watch this space!
iBRA ‘citable collaborator’ certificates are coming!
Trainees who have achieved ‘PUBMED citable collaborator status’ (10 complete patient data sets)
will soon be receiving certificates as evidence of their involvement in the study. Certificates of
Participation will also be sent everyone who has been involved in the study. We hope these will
be helpful for ARCPs and interviews as well as being an attractive addition to your portfolios!! If
you have not received one and would like one, please let us know.
iBRA Publications, Presentations and Prizes!
Since our last newsletter, iBRA has been selected for six oral and three poster presentations
and won a national research prize at major surgical meetings! Great work and well done to
everyone! All citable collaborators can add the following to their CVs. Further details are available
on our website.
o The Royal Society of Medicine Future Projects First Prize at SARS (Society for
Academic and Research Surgery), University of Durham, 7-8th January, 2015
 Oral presentations
o ABS Bournemouth 15th-16th June 2015
o ASGBI Manchester 23rd April, 2015 (2 presentations, given by Mr Dennis Remoundos
on behalf of the collaborative)
o SARS, Durham, 7th-8th January 2015 (2 presentations)
o National Research Collaborative Meeting, Cardiff, December 2014
Poster presentations
o ABS, Bournemouth 15th-16th June 2015
o Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT) Conference, Glasgow February 2015 (2
presentations, presented by Mr Hazem Khout on behalf of the collaborative)
National Practice Questionnaire Study........still on-going!
Could we please encourage all participating centres to complete the National Practice
Questionnaire. This part of the study will provide a really informative snapshot of current practice
and help improve standardisation of care. We have 56 completed surveys but would like more! A
link can be found on our website.
Get involved! We’re still looking for new sites to participate in iBRA!
If you or your unit would like to get involved in the iBRA study – it’s not too late! E-mail
ibrastudy@gmail.com or go to our website www.ibrastudy.com
Happy Easter from the iBRA Study Team