(CSME-2015) - Redox Technologies


(CSME-2015) - Redox Technologies
2015-Contaminated Site Management in Europe:
Sustainable Remediation and Management of
Soil, Sediment and Groundwater
Call for Abstracts: Deadline – Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Brussels Marriott Hotel, Belgium
October 19-21, 2015
International Advisory Committee
Hussain Al-Ekabi, Redox Technologies, Inc.
Dr. Richard Bewley, AECOM, UK and Ireland
Dr. Jeremy Birnstingl, REGENESIS, Europe
Eng. Douglas Carvel, MECX, USA
Prof. Valérie Cappuyns, KU Leuven, Belgium
Mr. Christophe Chêne, SOLEO Services,
Mr. Craig A. Cox, Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc.,
Eng. Hilde Decuyper, A + E Consult, Belgium
Dr. Chantal de Fouquet, Mines Paris Tech,
Eng. Jan DeVos, ABO-Group, Belgium
Eng. Marc Dillen, Grondbank vzw, Belgium
Mr. Mark S. Dockum, GHD Inc., USA
Prof. Katalin Gruiz, Budapest University of
Technology and Economics
Dr. Cecile Le Guern, BRGM, France
Eng. Jan Frank Mars, Ministry of Infrastructure
and Environment, The Netherlands
Dr. David Hagerberg, Tyrens, Sweden
Eng. Andy Heurckmans, Grondbank vzw,
Eng. George (Bud) Ivey, Ivey International
Inc., USA
Dr. Nicolas Jeannée, Geovariances, France
Prof. Vladimir Jirku, Institute of Chemical
Technology, Czech Republic
Prof. Dr. Huseyin Koca, Anadolu University,
Dr. Petr Kvapil AQUATEST a.s., Czech
Eng. Piet Otte, National Institute for Public
Health and the Environment (RIVM), The
Dr. Martin Prochazka, AQUATEST a.s., Czech
Prof. Junboum Park, Seoul National
University, Korea
Dr. Lorenzi Sacchetti, Carus Remediation
Technologies, Europe, Middle East and Africa
(EMEA), Italy
Dr. Kerstin E. Scherr University of Natural
Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
Mr. Daniel F. Schneider, Terracon
Consultants, USA
Prof. Marie-Odile Simonnot, University of
Lorraine, France
Dr. ir. Kristel Sniegowski, KU Leuven,
Ing. Nora Sutton, Wageningen University, The
Eng. Omer J. Uppal, Langan, USA
Eng. Marco van den Brand, Hannover Milieuen Veiligheidstechniek B.V., The Netherlands
Eng. Jeroen Vandenbruwane, Universoil,
Prof. Bernard Vanheusden, Universiteit
Hasselt, Belgium
Eng. Helena Váňova, Dekonta, .a.s, Czech
Eng. Mattias Verbeeck, Antea Group, Belgium
Dr. Christos Varsakelis, Universite
Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Dr. Goedele Verreydt, Ecosystem
Management, University of Antwerpen,
Dr. Marc Vinas, IRTA, Spain
Mr. Johan Walewijns, Vlaamse Confederatie
Bouw, Belgium
Dr. Nele Witters, Universiteit Hasselt,
Dr. Eric de Zeeuw, Groundwater Technology
N.V., The Netherlands
Conference Correspondence
Dr. Hussain Al-Ekabi
President, Redox Technologies, Inc.
The Western University Research & Development Park
100 Collip Circle, Suite 110, London, Ontario N6G 4X8, Canada
Phone: 519 – 858 – 5055; Fax: 519 – 858 – 5056
E-mail: hussain@alekabi.com; Website: www.redoxtech.com
Confirmed Presentations
Dr. Ziyad Abunada, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
 Sustainable Groundwater Remediation Using Permeable Reactive Barrier
Dr. Richard Bewley, AECOM, UK and Ireland
 Regulatory Basis for Sustainable Remediation in the EU And UK
Dr. Jeremy Birnstingl, REGENESIS, Europe
 Title to be Provided
Prof. Valérie Cappuyns, Katholic University Lauvan, Belgium
 Evaluation of Social Aspects within the Sustainability Assessment of Soil Remediation
Eng. Douglas Carvel, MECX, USA
 Rapid Remediation of a VOC and Oil Source Area That Contains Coal Fragments
Eng. Christophe Chêne
 Feedback on In-Situ Chemical Reduction; Application Modes, Efficiency, Technical
Limitations, Comparison to Oxidation. Is the Chemical Reduction Ideal Solution for the
Treatment of Chlorinated Solvents?
Mr. Craig A. Cox, Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc., USA
 Assessing the Age, Location and Vapor Intrusion Potential of VOC Sources in Large
Eng. Hilde Decuyper, A + E Consult, Belgium
 Implementation of Zerovalent Iron for Source Zone Treatment via Soil Mixing
Dr. Chantal de Fouquet, Mines Paris Tech, France
 How Geostatistics Can Address Uncertainty for Contaminated Site Management:
Examples and Recent Improvements
Eng. Jan DeVos, ABO-Group, Belgium
 MIP-In; Or How to Assess and Remediate Soil Contamination Simultaneously
Eng. Marc Dillen, Grondbank vzw, Belgium
 Traceability: A Tool for the Valorization of Excavated Soils in the Flemish Region
Mark S. Dockum, PG, CEG, GHD Inc., USA
 Successful Application of Air Sparge / Soil Vapor Extraction Remediation in a
Drinking Water Aquifer at a Shopping Center, Central Valley, California, United
States of America
Prof. Huseyin Koca, Anadolu University, Turkey
 A Review of Process and Performance of Coal Combustion Wastes Recycling
Miss Lies Huysegoms, Valérie Cappuyns, Sandra Rousseau, KU Leuven, Belgium
 Review of Decision Support Tools for Sustainability Assessment of Site Remediation
Prof. Katalin Gruiz, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
 Direct Toxicity Testing for Contaminated Land Management
Dr. David Hagerberg, Tyrens, Sweden
 Monitoring Injections at in Situ-Remediations by Geoelectrical Methods
Eng. Andy Heurckmans and Eng. Marc Dillen, Grondbank vzw, Belgium
 Traceability : A Tool for the Valorization of Excavated Soils in the Flemish Region
Eng. George (Bud) Ivey, Ivey International Inc., USA
 Surfactant Enhanced Push-Pull Method for In-Situ Remediation of Petroleum
Contaminated Soil and Groundwater
Eng. George (Bud) Ivey, Ivey International Inc., USA
 Innovative Chemical Treatment of TBT (Tributyltin)-Impacted
Marine Sediments: A Bench Scale Study
Dr. Nicolas Jeannée, Geovariances, France
 Optimizing Reconciliation Quality Between Characterization and Remediation Soil
Volumes/Masses: Feedback on Real Cases and Key Success Criteria
Prof. Vladimir Jirku, Institute of Chemical Technology, Czech Republic
 Microbial Surfactants for Soil Remediation Processes
Dr. Petr Kvapil & Dr. Dr. Martin Prochazka, AQUATEST a.s., Czech Republic
 High Resolution Groundwater Flow Diagnostic used for Site Remediation System
Dr. Cecile Le Guern, BRGM, France
 How Knowledge on Soil/Subsoil Geochemistry Influences Urban Management – Input
from the SubUrban Cost Action
Eng. Jan Frank Mars, Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, The Netherlands
 ThS 1D.2 Large Scale Inventories and Strategies for Dealing with Contamination
Professor Valer Micle (Co-Authors: Ioana Monica Sur, Melania-Nicoleta Boroş, Vasile Oros,
Irina Smical) Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
 Innovative Remediation Technologies Applicable to Sites Polluted by Metallurgical
Eng. Piet Otte, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands
 Method for the Assessment of Risks Due to The Permeation of Organic Contaminants
Through Polyethylene Drinking Water Pipes
Dr. Lorenzi Sacchetti, Carus Remediation Technologies, Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)
 Innovative Technologies to Deliver Oxygen to Aquifers
Dr. Kerstin E. Scherr (Co-authors: Manfred Nahold and Andreas P. Loibner), University of
Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
Eng. Daniel F. Schneider, Terracon Consultants, Inc., USA
 Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination Success using Large Diameter Treatment
Columns on Two Chlorinated Release Sites
Prof. Marie-Odile Simonnot (Co-Authors: Marie Rue, Baptiste Laubie, Guillaume Echevarria,
Jean Louis Morel), University of Lorraine, France
 Nickel Agromining: Growing Hyperaccumulators on Industrial Waste to Produce
Nickel Salts
Dr. ir. Kristel Sniegowski, KU Leuven, Belgium
 Removal of Metals from Contaminated Soil and Waste Streams: Closing the Circle
Ing. Nora Sutton, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
 Anaerobic Biodegradation of Micropollutants in Groundwater Systems
Eng. Omer J. Uppal (Co-Authors: Christopher McMahon, Matthew Ambrusch, Nadira Najib,
Steve Ciambruschini, Imtiyaz Khan and Stewart H. Abrams), Langan, USA
 An Integrated Multiphase Extraction, Soil Vapor Extraction, and Air Sparging
Approach for Treatment of LNAPL Impacts
Eng. Omer J. Uppal, Matthew Ambrusch, Nadira Najib, Langan, USA
 Lanfill Gas Mitigation Design Considerations for Large Site Redevelopments
Eng. Omer J. Uppal, Matthew Ambrusch, Nadira Najib, Langan, USA
 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Design Considerations for Complex Sites
Eng. Marco van den Brand, Hannover Milieu- en Veiligheidstechniek B.V., The Netherlands
 From Red-Hot to Shivering Cold
Eng. Jeroen Vandenbruwane, Universoil, Belgium
 A New Device for Direct Liquid Injections in Subsoil: Results of a Pilot Test
Prof. Bernard Vanheusden, Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium
 Title to be Provided
Eng. Helena Váňova, Dekonta, .a.s, Czech Republic
 Thermal Desorption Technology for Remediation of Brownfields: Behavior of Various
Types of Contaminated Matrices in a Vacuum TD Unit
Eng. Mattias Verbeeck, Antea Group, Belgium
 To Be Provided
Dr. Christos Varsakelis (Co-authors: D. Monsorno and Prof. M.V. Papalexandris), Universite
Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
 Sediment Transport: From Academic Models to Industrial Tools
Dr. Goedele Verreydt, Ecosystem Management, University of Antwerpen, Belgium
 Determination of Contaminant Mass Fluxes with Passive Flux Samplers
Dr. Marc Vinas, IRTA, Spain
 Biostimulation of Fungal and Eubacterial Autochthonous Communities to Improve
Biodegradation of High Molecular Weight PAHs in an Aged Creosote-Polluted Soil
Mr. Johan Walewijns, Vlaamse Confederatie Bouw, Belgium
Dr. Nele Witters, Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium
 Title to be confirmed
Dr. Eric de Zeeuw, Groundwater Technology N.V., The Netherlands
 Title to be confirmed
Topics to Be Covered
CSME-2015 covers the following themes:
A. Tools for Defining Impacts and Liabilities to Soil, Sediment and Water
1. Tools and Methods for Defining Contaminants Distributions such as MIPs, Waterloo
Profilers, etc.
2. Understanding Matrix Diffusion
3. Contaminant Transport in Complex lithologies
4. Using the Triad Approaches for Effective Site Characterization
5. High Resolution Characterization Techniques
6. Data Management and Graphical Tools for Contaminant Distribution and Transport
7. Sampling and Monitoring—Analytical Methods, Technologies, and Strategies
8. Molecular/ Biological Tools for Understanding Contaminant Transportations
9. Human and Ecological Risk Determination
10. Remediation and Risk Management at Fractured Bedrock Sites
11. Developing Effective Conceptual Models
12. Emerging Contaminants Issues
B. Tools for Mitigating Impacts to Soil, Sediment and Water
1. Biological Methods of Contaminant Treatment
i. In- Situ Bioremediation
ii. Enhanced Bioremediation Strategies
iii. New Approaches for Enhanced Bioremediation of Hydrocarbons and PAHs
iv. Enhanced Bioremediation of Chloromethane and Chlorinated Aromatics
v. New Concepts for Enhanced Bioremediation of Chlorinated Ethenes
2. ISCO and ISCR Methods for Contaminant Treatment
i. In-Situ Chemical Oxidation
ii. New Concepts of In-Situ Chemical Oxidation
iii. In-Situ Chemical Reduction
iv. Coupling of ISCO with Bioremediation
3. Applications of Zero Valent Iron (ZVI)
4. In-Situ and On-Site Thermal Remediation
5. Contaminant Stabilization and Fixation
6. Permeable Reactive Barriers
7. Phytoremediation
8. Natural attenuation Processes Including Abiotic and Biotic Processes
9. Advances in Natural Attenuation
10. Innovative Delivery Techniques
11. Extraction Technologies using Air, Water, Heat or Energy
12. Use of Technical Impracticality
13. Plume Management and Treatment
14. Source Treatment Technologies
C. Strategies for Managing Contaminated Soil, Sediment and Water
1. Green and Sustainable Remediation
2. Sustainable Sediment Management
3. Integrated DNAPL Remediation Approaches
4. Integrating Remediation with Development (brownfields)
5. Regulatory Initiative Impacting Contaminated Sites
6. Managing Natural Resource Damages
7. The Economics of Remediation
8. Effective Portfolio Management for Contaminated Properties
9. Control versus Treatment
10. Managing Third Party Liabilities
D. Wastewater Treatment
E. Management of Water Systems
F. Vapor Intrusion Assessment and/or Mitigation
Call for Abstracts
Scientists, Engineers, and business professionals who are interested in CSME-2015 are invited to
submit abstracts of up to 500 words in MS word format describing their work. All abstracts are
due by Tuesday, June 30, 2015. In addition to the Keynote Speakers (30 minutes each) and the
Invited Speakers (25 minutes each) listed above, a large number of short presentations (15-20
minutes each) will be chosen from the abstracts that will be submitted based on “Call for
Abstracts”. The rest of the abstracts will be presented in the poster session. Each poster will have
1.2 m x 1.2 m of display space.
Guidelines to Prepare Abstracts
Please follow the following guidelines in preparing your abstract(s):
 Type single space using, if possible, Times New Roman 12-point font (preferred);
 Keep all material within a one-inch margin on all sides;
 The title should be typed in boldface (Title Case, 14- points) centered at the top of the page;
 Leave a double space between the title and the names of the author(s);
 The names of the authors should be typed in boldface in single space, followed by the addresses
of the authors in single space; underline the name of the presenting author;
 Leave a double space between the end of the addresses and the opening paragraphs;
 Abstracts should be sent, in Microsoft Word format, to Dr. Hussain Al-Ekabi (E-mail:
Call for Exhibits
Companies involved in remediation of soil and groundwater are invited to exhibit their products
and/or services. Exhibits will be displayed throughout the conferences in a central area near the
registration desks, coffee breaks, poster sessions and lecture rooms. The cost of an 8-ft x 10-ft
exhibiting space is €1,750.00 if payment is received on or before Tuesday, June 30, 2015, and
€2,250.00 if payment is received after that date. The exhibition fee includes two free registration. The
exhibition fee includes two free registrations. Please, reserve early, as space is limited, and will be
served on a first come first serve basis.
The deadline for the early registration is Tuesday, June 30, 2015.
starts on Monday, October 19, 2015 at 7:30am
The on-site registration
Important Note
All registration fees are set in the European Union currency (Euro). The registration fees can be
paid either by credit cards (Visa, Master Card or American Express) or by a bank transfer.
Payment made by Visa will be converted, at our end, into their equivalents in US Dollars using
the exchange rate of Bank of Canada. Payments made by a Master Card or an American Express
Card will be converted, at our end, into their equivalents in Canadian dollars using also the
exchange rate of Bank of Canada. As a result, depending on the fluctuation of the exchange rate
and potential fees that your credit card financial institution may apply for the conversion,
payments by credit card may turn to be slightly higher than the actual amount stated on the
registration form. For payments by bank transfer please contact Redox Technologies Inc. for
details (E-mail: hussain@alekabi.com). Please note that you are required to fax to Redox
Technologies, Inc. a proof of your bank transfer payment. Participants are also allowed to pay by
cash for on-site registration only.
Meeting Site and Accommodation
CSME-2015 will be held at the Brussels Marriott Hotel, Belgium. A block of rooms with
discounted conference rates has been reserved for the participants until Thursday, September
17, 2015. The rate is €155.00 for a single-bed room and €175.00 for double-bed room
including Full American breakfast.
For a room reservation at the Brussels Marriot Hotel, please click on the following link:
Book your group rate: Redox Technologies >>