Workshop IV: X-ray Nano-analysis on Condensed Matter Physics
Workshop IV: X-ray Nano-analysis on Condensed Matter Physics
Workshop IV: X-ray Nano-analysis on Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Chair: Dr. Ching-Shun Ku (古慶順) Name Topic Kai Chen Xi'an Jiaotong Univ., China Applications of Laue Microdiffraction to Low-symmetry Materials and Minerals Carol Handwerker Purdue Univ., USA Heterogeneous Stress Relaxation in Thin Films: Whiskers, Hillocks, and Beyond Ching-Shun Ku (古慶順) NSRRC (國家同步輻射研究中心) The Current Status and Scientific Opportunities for Submicron X-ray Diffraction at TPS Wenjun Liu Advanced Photon Source, USA X-ray Laue Diffraction 3D Microscopy: Progress and New Opportunities Gema Martinez-Criado ESRF, France X-ray Nano-analysis Activities at the Beamline ID16B of the ESRF Jörg Maser Advanced Photon Source, USA A Next-generation Hard X-ray Nanoprobe beamline for In-situ Studies of Energy Materials and Devices Volker Rose Advanced Photon Source, USA Synchrotron X-ray Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (SX-STM) Helena Van Swygenhoven-Moens In Situ Laue Diffraction to Study Deformation Paul Scherrer Institute, Mechanisms in Metals Switzerland Gung-Chian Yin (殷廣鈐) NSRRC (國家同步輻射研究中心) The Development of Hard X-ray Nanoprobe by Montel Mirrors at Taiwan Photon Source
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