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Transmission Report
Fax Number:
+1 212 7459316
Recipient name:
United Kingdom Mission to the United Nations
Delivered on:
4/27/2015 6:02 PM
Status details:
Transmission report created by PamFax on 4/27/2015 6:08 PM
The office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America
Office hours: 9 A.M- 8:30 P.M. Monday –Friday
Phone: 1-951-389-0313
Email: secretaryofstate@theunitedstatesofamerica1781.com
April 27, 2015
United Kingdom Mission to the United Nations
P O Box 5238
New York, NY 10150-5238
Fax: (212) 745-9316
Email: ukun@un.int
From: The office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America
International Public Notice:
In the Matter of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice
Fax Transmittal Cover:
1 - Page
3 - Pages
4 - Pages
Intellectual Property Copyright © 2015
The office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America
Office hours: 9 A.M- 8:30 P.M. Monday –Friday
Phone: 1-951-389-0313
Email: secretaryofstate@theunitedstatesofamerica1781.com
From: The Government of The United States of America,
Rural Free Delivery Route 1,
Office of the Secretary of State
The United States of America,
Global Postal Code-NAC:850H2 MR7C8
To: Dr Chris Cleverly LLB (hons) Hon.LLD ~ Chris@EPHRA.net
11, Gray’s Inn Square, London, WC1R 5AH, UK
And Sacha Adams-Stone
Founder and Trustee
Humanitad Foundation
IN THE MATTER OF the creation of “International Tribunal for Natural Justice and joining
forces with EPHRA Emerging Peoples Human Rights Authority”;
International Public Notice
The creation of the private organization called the International Tribunal for Natural Justice
http://www.itnj.org/ may be privately legitimate. However, the individuals involved within the
metes and bounds of The United States of America are notwithstanding.
1: The individuals listed on the website are considered U.S. citizens and residents of the states.
They are without any legal standing to hold a court, they are without any form of jurisdiction and
further without any standing to enforce the rule of law.
2: The individuals such as Rod Class or Dan Mahnke are with a sinister political agenda. Neither
one of those men are parties to the U.S. constitution nor any state constitutions. Neither one of
the aforementioned men has anything to do with any political parties, no oaths or affirmations to
any of the states, and are considered “stateless persons”. Both of the aforementioned men have
been told over and over about their condition and have consistently refused to follow the rule of
law. Human Rights are being used as a political weapon, even though neither of the men are a
part of any political party.
3: If both organizations are going to do business within the metes and bounds of The United
States of America. It is required that they register with the Government of The United States of
America, http://theunitedstatesofamerica1781.com otherwise face Human Rights Violations from
The Human Rights Tribunal: http://humanrightstribunal.international.
4: The Government of The United States of America will not tolerate any International
organization created within its metes and bounds without its authority particularly when in its
mission statement it reads:
Quote: “The International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ) is established to defend humanity
against all fictions created by privately owned corporations which serve shareholders at the
expense of people and planet. (violations of private contract rights of people)
The ITNJ is constituted to uphold natural justice as the foundational tenet of human expression
beyond the artifice of borders and boundaries.” End quote
Intellectual Property Copyright © 2015
This particular mission statement violates every natural right of self determination, the right to a
Nationality (Article 15 UDHR) and the basic principles of the Law of Nations.
Warning: EPHRA http://ephra.net/n has joined with a group of people that have a history of antirule of law, anti Government, anti-metes and bounds, anti-anything that has to do with any form
of Government. Further, most in the group are out to exact revenge that somehow has offended
their view of justice without self correction first.
If this International Tribunal for Natural Justice is allowed to move forward in its current
condition. The Government of The United States of America will be filing multiple Human
Rights Violations against everyone of its members if found doing business within the metes and
bounds of The United States of America without registering with the Government first.
Registration is for the purpose making sure these individuals have the proper standing to operate
Internationally. The current conditions are doing nothing but putting these individuals in danger
of being labeled permenent political prisoners in a private detention center by their own acts and
If the Government of The United States of America can find 2 major Human Rights violations in
one mission statement, what makes EPHRA think that the aforementioned private organization is
qualified to hear cases and properly judge Human Rights Violations?
Kind Regards,
Thomas Frank Goudey
Secetary of State for The United States of America
Intellectual Property Copyright © 2015
The Government of The United States of America,
Office of the registrar
Rural Free Delivery Route 1,
The United States of America,
Global Postal Code-NAC:850H2 MR7C8
E-mail: registrar@generalpostoffice.international
Phone: (602) 845-0473
I, Alice Ceniceros, certify under penalty of bearing false witness under the laws of The United
States of America that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct according to the best of
my current information, knowledge, and belief. The office of the registrar accepts and
acknowledges the document: International Public Notice: In the Matter of the International
Tribunal for Natural Justice, and is recorded on:
April 27, 2015
Document Date
10:50 AM
Record File Number
File Name: 20150427-SOS-EPHRA
This is a true and exact reproduction of the document officially recorded and placed on file in
the office of the registrar for The United States of America.
Date Issued: April 27, 2015
This copy is not valid unless displaying the Record File Number, Unique Authentication File
Number, Seal, and signature of the registrar for The United States of America.
The United States of America
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