Training Manual for Researchers How to Create an Online Human


Training Manual for Researchers How to Create an Online Human
Training Manual for Researchers
How to Create an Online Human Ethics Application
What is in this document
This manual is intended to provide general tips on using functionality specific to QUEST online ethics
application forms.
If you are having trouble with any aspects of the content below, including logging in and accessing
forms, please contact the QUEST team at
Log in to QUEST
Access Ethics Applications
Create Application from List of Templates
Navigating eForms
o Access help and tips
o Move through sections
o Move through pages
o Save application as you go
o Page indicators
o Using the Search Function
o Add and Edit Investigators
o Add and Edit Attachments
Finalise and Submit Application
Print or Save a Copy of Your Application
Review Process
o Comments indicators (flags)
o Responding to comments
Log in to QUEST
Go to http://vurmsweb1/rmenet/ in any browser.
Use your regular network login (Staff or Student ID and password) to login to QUEST.
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Access Ethics Applications
Hover over the Ethics menu and select Applications.
Create Application from List of Templates
Click on
to access the list of all online ethics forms.
Note that all application forms for ethical approval of Human, Animal and Institutional
Biosafety research will be available here. Please be careful in selecting the correct application
Click on the title to enter the application form.
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Navigating eForms
Tool Set (top right of screen):
Next page
Access help and tips
Some questions contain detailed instructions, be sure to read these carefully. Further guidance and
instructions are located throughout the form and can be accessed by clicking the
help icon.
Help is provided throughout the form at the page level (in the top right Tool Set) and also against
individual questions.
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Move through sections
The left-hand column contains the form navigation functions.
Use the
expand or
links to view or hide the entire form menu. You can also use the
collapse icons to toggle one section at a time.
Move through pages
Use the
green arrows at the top or the bottom of the screen to move through neighbouring pages
in the form.
You can also select any page at any time from the form navigation menu by clicking on the page title.
Save as you go
You can save your application at any time using the
floppy disk icon. Each page will save
automatically as you click Next or Back or enter a new page from the form menu.
QUEST has a timed automatic logout feature. Remember to save regularly to avoid losing
any answers.
If you don’t want to continue immediately you can save your application and log out of QUEST. You
will find a list of your saved applications under Ethics > Applications.
Page indicators
The icons next to the page titles in the form navigation menu indicate whether a page has missing or
incomplete fields.
Mandatory questions display a red asterisk (*). You may leave questions unanswered while working
through the form, but all questions must be complete before submission.
= Page is complete
= Error or unanswered/incomplete questions
= Page is not yet accessed
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Using the Search Function
Some questions may require use of codes or records already in the VU database.
To access these records click the
magnifying glass.
You may be required to enter a search term in order to bring up a concise list – it is best to be brief.
For example, in Question 1.3. Primary School for Application, to return School of Sport and Exercise
Science, enter “sport” as your search term. Then select the correct option by clicking the code from
the pop-up list.
Add and Edit Investigators
You are required to record the details of all investigators and students associated with your project in
Question 2.1. and 2.2.b. respectively.
To begin your search, enter a term into the ‘Search Name/ID’ field and click the
glass. Be brief as the system will only search for an exact match. For example, to enter John Smith to
your application, type in "John" (rather than “John Smith”) and select the correct record from the popup list.
To narrow down your search results, click on ‘More Criteria’.
Note: Use the additional information provided in the search table (Staff ID, School, etc) to
ensure you are selecting the correct personnel record.
You can remove a person from the application by clicking the
rubbish bin icon.
If you are having trouble finding the correct personnel record, please contact a QUEST Administrator.
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To enter details about investigators and students click the hyperlinked name in the record table. The
record will expand to allow you to answer the questions.
The first five fields are system generated from the database. Please inform a QUEST Administrator if
these fields are incorrect. The remaining fields are mandatory.
To continue, click the green tick at the bottom of the table to save the record, or the red cross to
exit without saving. You can delete a record by click the rubbish bin on the right of the record table.
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Add and Edit Attachments
You are required to attach all supporting documentation in Section 11 - “Required Attachments”.
The dot-point list (highlighted in blue below) is displayed depending on the answers you have
provided in the form. Each of these items are mandatory for your application.
To attach a document, click on the
upload icon in the ‘Soft Copy’ column. In the pop-up, click on
Choose File and browse your computer for the correct document. Click OK to save or Cancel to
return to the form.
You may enter a document description; however, the title of the actual file will be the
“Reference/Document Title” of the attachment. Please ensure this is appropriately named
before uploading.
The ‘Document Descriptions’ in this table are provided as a guide. To attach any additional
documentation against a particular description or with a new description, click “Additional
Attachments” above the table. Enter the relevant ‘Document Description’ then attach your file as
Only use the checkbox in Hard Copy column if you are handing in a physical copy of that
particular document to the Ethics Officer.
To navigate within the table, use the numbers next to ‘Change page’ in the bottom row. You can
display all of the available attachment records by adjusting the ‘Page size’ field and clicking Change.
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Finalise and Submit Application
Once you are confident you have answered all the required fields and attached supporting
documentation, you may submit your application.
Click on the Action tab in the left-hand column then choose Submit Your Ethics Application. The
system will then convert the form to read-only and send it to the next stage in the workflow.
You may also use Withdraw Application at any time if you do not wish to go ahead with this
application. This will notify the Ethics Officer, who will remove the record on your behalf.
Print or Save a Copy of Your Application
You can use the
report icon at any stage to generate a printer friendly version of the form.
Select HTML to print to screen. To save as a .pdf file to your computer select PDF then save a copy
from the pop up screen (how to do this will depend on the PDF Reader you have installed).
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Amendment Process - Application Comments
There may be stages throughout the application process in which the Ethics Officer will instruct you to
amend your application form. These amendments will be communicated to you via ‘Comments’ within
the eform.
Comments can either relate to the application as a whole (Application Comments) or to a specific
page or question (Page Comments).
Comment indicators (Flags)
Coloured flags indicate the type and/or status of the comment, and will appear against the application
title or next to the applicable page titles in the form navigation menu.
There are two type of comments: ‘General Comment’ and ‘Action Comment’.
A General Comment will appear as a white flag. General Comments are used to make notes or
observations about the application. You do not need to respond directly to a General Comment, but
the Comment may help inform you as to how to amend your application in general.
An Action Comment will appear first as a red flag. The red flag indicates that you are required to
amend questions in your application in order to proceed with the ethics process.
Red flag = Action Required: researcher to view comment and make changes
Yellow flag = Responded: awaiting resolution from Ethics Officer
Green flag = Resolved: response deem satisfactory, no action required
White flag = General Comment: no action required
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Responding to comments
To view the comment, select the page against which the comment is flagged. Then click the
Comments icon.
A new box will pop up listing all the comments against that page. Hover over the comment to view, or
click on the comment to open it up.
Click OK to close the Page Comments box to go back to the application form. Amend the answers in
the application form as per the required changes.
Once you have amended the relevant question you must provide a response to the Action Comment
briefly outlining how you have revised your form answer. Click
and enter your
Remember to click the green tick at the bottom of the table to save your response, or the red
cross to exit without saving. You can delete your response by clicking the rubbish bin on the right of
the table.
Clicking OK will not save your response. Remember to click the
green tick.
When you have finished responding to all the Action Comments on a page, select the comments and
click “Mark Selected Comments as Responded”. The colour of the flag will now change to yellow
and the page will become Read Only.
Do not mark the comments as ‘Responded’ until you are completely satisfied with your
revised answers.You will no longer have access to edit the page or the comments.
Once you have made all the required amendments and responded to all the Action Comments on the
application click on the Action tab in the left-hand column then choose Submit Revised Application
to resubmit the application for review.
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