The Constitution of Resurrection C.S.S.


The Constitution of Resurrection C.S.S.
2015 – 2016 Revised March 2015
The Constitution of Resurrection C.S.S.:
Learning Growing
Building to meet the challenges of the future in our Catholic Faith a be9er community
Student Activities Council Constitution: 1! of 40
The Constitution of Resurrection C.S.S.:
Expectations for All SAC Meetings and Events:
Student Activities Council Charter of Respect:
Student Activities Council Positions*:
Elected Position: Co-Presidents/President
Expectations of Co-Presidents/President:
Duties of Co-Presidents/President:
Co-Presidents/President Clause:
Co-Presidents Amending Formula:
The Election Process for Co-Presidents/President
Election Day: Speeches and Voting Procedure:
Election Results:
Senior Advisor
Assigned/Acclaimed Position:
Expectations of Senior Advisor:
Duties of Senior Advisor:
Student Activities Council Appointed Representatives
The Responsibilities and Expectations of Appointed Representatives:
Expectations of all Appointed Representatives:
Specific Duties of Student Activities Council Representatives:
Performance Appraisals
Resignation or Dismissal
Student Activities Council Finances
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Finance Specifics:
Initial Budget Request Meeting:
Constitutional Review Committee
Off-site School Sanctioned Activities
Amending Formula
Assumption of Recognition
Co-President/President Application
Student Activities Council Representative Application Form
Budget Request Form
Appraisal Form
Parent Permission Form (Acceptance)
Student Activities Council Constitution: 3! of 40
We, the students of Resurrection Catholic Secondary School, in order to form a student government, do ordain and establish this
constitution. In recognition of Section 12 of Regulation 262 of the Education Act, the Principal assumes the role as head of the school.
The power of the Student Activities Council (henceforth known as “SAC”), therefore, stems directly from the authority, under the Act
and Regulations, of the Principal. We hope that through this document we may give our student body a more responsible and
organized government and an opportunity to utilize its student leadership potential in the running of our school activities and our
student government.
The Student Activities Council of Resurrection Catholic Secondary School shall:
• Present student views, concerns and opinions to staff, administration, School Council, Senior administrative staff of the Waterloo
Catholic District School Board and the wider community
• Promote and encourage student dialogue, participation, inclusion, and spirit
• Organize and/or support student activities that help build a positive learning environment
• Spend student generated funds wisely and according to school and Board policy
• Keep an accurate record of funds collected and spent
• Remain transparent in all council duties
• Promote and support Student Activities Council to future generations for future building
Expectations for All SAC Meetings and Events:
Promote and support Student Activities Council to future generations for future building
Arrive on-time for all meetings
Notify the SAC director or SAC student leader(s) if you will be late or unable to attend
Conduct business in an orderly and efficient manner
Address issues such as problems or disagreements as a group or by mediation with SAC Director if needed
Come to meetings and events fully prepared;
Be attentive; listen to others ideas and opinions with an open mind
Communicate ideas and opinions appropriately and effectively
Respect confidentiality
Reflect on previous events; what went well, what can be improved
Be present for all meetings, retreats and events unless reasonable absence
Use consensus as the preferred decision-making model
Any space that is used for SAC meetings (including office) will be cleaned and tidied immediately after meeting takes place
Student Activities Council Charter of Respect:
We will work to create a more welcoming, approachable and relatable council that includes as many students as possible. To
accomplish this we abide to the terms of this charter:
Respect diversity among council and the student body
Eliminate all clique like activities, elitist behaviours and attitudes, and bullying activities among SAC and the student body
Represent the student body, not just yourself
Promote and embody school equality, spirit, and leadership
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Student Activities Council Positions*:
Elected or Acclaimed
Council Representatives Appointed
Co-Presidents (2)
Senior Advisor (1)
Secretary/Treasurer (2)
President (1)
Special Needs (2)
Spirit (2)
Social Engagement (2)
Simple Celebrations (2)
Yearbook (1)
Art Council (1)
Promotions/Art (2)
Athletic (3)
God Squad (3)
Community Outreach (1)
Classroom – TLC (1)
School Health/Eco (2)
Fundraising/Awareness (1)
Junior (3)
Dance (4)
Academic (3)
International Student (2)
*Positions are subject to change yearly and are chosen at the discretion of outgoing/incoming Student Leaders, SAC Director and
administration when needed.
Elected Position: Co-Presidents/President
Students may run for Co-Presidents/President if they fulfill all of the following criteria:
• Full time senior student attending Resurrection
• Has demonstrated active school involvement and positive leadership while on Student Activities Council or while in an executive
position in another major group at Resurrection
• Maintains an average of 70% in academic courses
• Adheres to Resurrection’s “Code of Student Behaviour”
• Exemplifies school mission statement “Learning, Growing, Building”
• Readily available after school hours, before school hours and on some weekends to meet the time commitment of the position
• Outside commitments must not infringe upon the required time of student activities. Student Activities Council activities take
priority over all other volunteer, extra curricular, career and other non essential commitments
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• Application is accurately and completely filled out by applicant and handed in on time
• Have passed interview with current SAC Director, Administrator, current Co-Presidents/President
Expectations of Co-Presidents/President:
You demonstrate the qualities of a good Catholic leaderFull time senior student attending Resurrection
You communicate with all members on Student Activities Council in a respectful manner
You are a mediator — members of Student Activities Council feel comfortable approaching you
You are welcoming to all members at Resurrection; students, staff, family and visitors
You demonstrate positive school spirit in all that you do
You are punctual for all meetings and events
You prioritize Student Activities Council over other activities
You respect confidentiality
You must maintain 70% average in your academics
If you are currently in grade 11 or in grade 12, you are enrolled in SAC Director’s Leadership Course
You take initiative and lead by example
Duties of Co-Presidents/President:
• Attend monthly meetings with Co-Presidents/President from the other high schools and Student Trustees to discuss initiatives,
common events and ways to improve current council
• Be present for and help facilitate all weekly SAC meetings
• Represent the students of the school at all parent council meetings
• Represent the students of the school at all staff meetings
• Represent the school in the community
• Oversee the planning and production of all SAC events
• Review all event plans and proposals
• Meet with Administrator for approval of events
• Contact staff when their space needs to be used (Gym, Cafeteria, Classrooms, Custodians, etc.)
• Continue to look for ways to improve organization and production of events
• Improve communication within the school
• Responsible for facilitating a successful major fundraiser with the help from other members on Student Activities Council
• Assist SAC Director with all interviews for positions in May
• Lead with intuition, initiative, compassion, and strong communication
• Unwavering attention and attendance at all school events
Co-Presidents/President Clause:
The structure of student SAC leadership will be determined immediately following the official candidate list is posted, in conjunction
with outgoing SAC student leadership, SAC Director, administration, and candidates. Either: two candidates with the most votes will
be elected/acclaimed as SAC Co-Presidents OR the one candidate with the most votes will be elected/acclaimed as SAC President.
Co-Presidents Amending Formula:
Under circumstances whereby two elected/acclaimed Co-Presidents experience perpetual conflict during their tenure (including but
not limited to: unbalance of workload, unequal participation, unequal prioritization of Student Activities Council duties, etc.), and after
due attempt to rectify, with coordination between administration and the SAC Director, SAC student leadership will undergo a
structural change, whereby the leading Co-President will assume the majority responsibility as Student Activities Council President,
while the other assumes a Senior Advisor role.
The Election Process for Co-Presidents/President
All applicants must fill out a Co-Presidents/President Application Package (see Appendix).
Once applicants receive approval, student can prepare for campaign week.
• Campaign begins the third week of April (subject to change).
• The Election Day is on the Friday of the Campaign Week (subject to change).
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• Students can begin displaying campaign materials on the Friday previous to Campaign Week. SAC Director must see all campaign
materials for approval before it is used. Campaigning of all sorts must stop on Thursday before election day at 3:30 pm
• All materials used must be appropriate and non-threatening to other candidates. If materials offend in any way they will be
immediately taken down and candidate will be disqualified from the election.
• There will be absolutely no texting, or electronic messages of any kind sent to voters before election speeches begin. If this occurs
candidate will immediately be disqualified for not following proper election procedures.
• Due to unforeseen allergies, absolutely no food will be handed out during election week
• Each candidate will receive $50 from the school to assist in the campaigning process
• Every item used during the campaigning process will be given a monetary value even if the candidate received the item for free. All
items used must not exceed $25 in value. This is to ensure fairness for all candidates.
• Candidates may NOT give, sell, trade or otherwise solicit ANY goods/services to any member(s) of the school community
Election Day: Speeches and Voting Procedure:
• Speeches will be made over the P.A. system, electronically, or in the Cafeteria at the end of Period 2 (subject to change).
• Each student and staff member in the school receives two votes. A single vote for one candidate counts as two points, while two
votes on a ballot gives each of the two selected candidates a single vote each.
• Ballots will be given to each Period 2 Classroom Teacher. Teachers are to distribute the ballots, and then collect them once students
are done voting (subject to change).
• SAC Members who are assigned to different areas around the school will be responsible for collecting the ballots and returning them
to SAC Director.
• SAC Director can appoint Election Officer(s) to help in the counting of points for the election. This Officer(s) must be a trustworthy
senior student on current Student Activities Council. Officer(s) can also be employees of WCDSB – teachers, secretaries or
• SAC Director and / or Election Officer(s) will count ballots during lunch hour and during period 3 (subject to change).
• Students with Period 2 will be directed to vote in the library
• Students absent on Election Day are not permitted to vote at a later date
Election Results:
Election results will first be shared with the candidates after school on the day of the election.
Successful candidates will be announced to the rest of the school on the morning following the Election Day.
A recount may be requested by candidates within two school days, but may be denied if the voting margin is over 100 votes.
The two students with the most votes will be elected as Co-Presidents OR the one student with the most votes will be elected as
Senior Advisor
Assigned/Acclaimed Position:
• When there are more than two individuals running for Co-Presidents/President, the Senior Advisor position can be assigned to one
of the individuals who did not win the position of Co-Presidents/President.
• This is done at the discretion of SAC Director and the elected Co-Presidents/President for whom they see as best fit for the position
Expectations of Senior Advisor:
You demonstrate the qualities of a good Catholic leader
You represent our school with the utmost maturity and responsibility
You communicate with all members on Student Activities Council in a respectful manner
You are a mediator — members of Student Activities Council feel comfortable approaching you
You are welcoming to all members at Resurrection; students, staff, family and visitors
You demonstrate positive school spirit in all that you do
You are punctual for all meetings and events
You prioritize Student Activities Council over other activities
You respect confidentiality
You take initiative and lead by example
You must maintain 70% average in your academics
If you are currently in grade 11 or in grade 12, you are enrolled in SAC Director’s Leadership Course
Duties of Senior Advisor:
• Attend all weekly SAC meetings and SAC events
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• Oversee event planning and execution
• Provide advice and opinion to Co-Presidents/President
Student Activities Council Appointed Representatives
The following positions for Representatives are appointed by Co-Presidents/President by means of a written/electronic application and
verbal interview. These positions vary, but core committees and positions must be established.
Secretary/Treasurer (2)
Special Needs (2)
Spirit (2)
Social Engagement (2)
Simple Celebrations (2)
Yearbook (1)
Art Council (1)
Promotions/Art (2)
Athletic (3)
God Squad (3)
Community Outreach (1)
Classroom – TLC (1)
School Health/Eco (2)
Fundraising/Awareness (1)
Junior (3)
Dance (4)
Academic (3)
International Student (2)
Student may apply for any council position if they fulfill the following criteria:
• Full time student attending Resurrection entering into grade 10, 11 or 12.
• Has demonstrated active school involvement and positive leadership at Resurrection
• Maintains an average of 70% in academic courses
• Adheres to Resurrection’s “Code of Student Behaviour”
• Student exemplifies school mission statement “Learning to meet the challenges of the future, growing in our Catholic Faith, building
a better community”.
• Application is completed accurately and thoroughly by applicant and handed in/submitted on time (see Appendix)
• Applicant has successfully completed interview with SAC Director and Co-Presidents/President
The Responsibilities and Expectations of Appointed Representatives:
Expectations of all Appointed Representatives:
• Demonstrate the qualities of a good Catholic leader
• Represent our school with the utmost maturity and responsibility
Student Activities Council Constitution: 8! of 40
Welcoming to all members at Resurrection; students, staff, family and visitors
Demonstrate positive school spirit in all that you do
Punctual for all meetings and events
Passion for fostering and developing leadership
Representatives will assist in the planning, approval, and execution of all SAC events
Work together with others towards a common task
Attendance at various before, during, and after school events/meetings
Promotion of inclusion, involvement and spirit within the school community
Completion of assigned tasks, attendance at various meetings and events
All Representative powers are granted by the Principal and SAC Administrator, and shall be vested in the entity known as the
Student Activities Council Representatives
Specific Duties of Student Activities Council Representatives:
*Exact Positions/Descriptions Subject to Change:
Academic Representative
Position Requirements: 1 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Helping organize and run Awards Night, Merit Awards, Grad Awards, Rez Reads and manage Peer Tutoring,
lunch group.
Athletic Representative
Position Requirements: 2 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Liaison between Student Activities Council and Athletic Council. Helping organize and run all Athletic Council
events like Terry Fox Day, Athletic Banquet, Pep Rallies, Dodge ball tournaments, Hoops for Heart, Relay for Life and any other
Athletic Council lead event.
Dance Representative
Position Requirements: 4 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Organizing and running school dances. Each representative rotates through a leadership position at each of the
dances (Niner Night, Homecoming, Gr. 8 Dance, Semi-Formal)
Arts Representative
Position Requirements: 1-2 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Act as a link between Arts Council and SAC. Planning arts advertisements such as banners and posters to
promote Phoenix events. Assist with the school play productions and make sure it is well represented.
Arts Representative
Position Requirements: 1-2 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Act as a link between Arts Council and SAC. Planning arts advertisements such as banners and posters to
promote Phoenix events. Assist with the school play productions and make sure it is well represented.
Yearbook Representative
Position Requirements: 1 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Working with Yearbook Club to capture Phoenix memories throughout the year. Attendance at all events.
Special Needs Representative
Position Requirements: 1 person in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Organizing and running Special Olympics with Mrs. Godkin. Attendance at all SAC and school events to
provide accommodations to the Special Education students and staff. Run the lunch club Be a Buddy Intramurals and Be a Buddy Pen
Student Activities Council Constitution: 9! of 40
God Squad Representative
Position Requirements: 3 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Organizing and running all God Squad events, Mission fundraisers, helping with Liturgies and Masses and
collecting missions. Communicating with the Chaplain to keep SAC up to date with all God Squad related events.
Social Engagement Representative
Position Requirements: 2 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: One person will promote Rez events through social media, like Twitter and Facebook. The other is responsible
for changing the back parking lot and front, sign and updating announcements on the Rez TV. Responsible for planning and creating
promo videos and posters and banners not covered by arts council. Create a small event/activity to inform students about Cyber
Bullying Week.
Junior Representative
Position Requirements: 3 people in Gr. 10, Gr 11
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Organizing and planning of Niner Week during summer. Working with Phoenix Friends to integrate the
upcoming Gr. 9's and current Gr. 9's into the Rez community. Organizing Gr. 8 Night, Gr. 8 visits and Gr.8 Open House.
Spirit Representative
Position Requirements: 2 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Organizing and running Rez Week. In charge of SAC spirit wear, school Spirit Wear and Spirit Wear promotion.
Also required to create activities for events like Halloween.
School Health/Eco Representative
Position Requirements: 2 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: In charge of bringing an environmental awareness to SAC events and the school. Promoting nutrition and
exercise for school activities, Pancake Tuesday and BBQ’s. Create an approach to inform students about Eating Disorders Awareness
Week. Promote Mental Health Awareness through coordination with WAYVE.
Promotions Representative
Position Requirements: 2 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Liaison between Arts Council and Student Activities Council. Planning arts advertisements such as banners and
posters to promote Phoenix events. Assist with the school play productions and make sure it is well represented.
Community Outreach Representative
Position Requirements: 1 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: In charge of hiring guest speakers, researching volunteer opportunities for students, informing students and
participating in events outside of school. Create activities to raise awareness about Bullying Awareness Week. Interact with the Social
Justice League. Attend parent council meetings.
Secretary Position Requirements: 2 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Attendance at all SAC meetings is mandatory. Collect minutes and send out to all SAC members. Lead August
registration and budgeting. Create schedules and assign duties to run events such as BBQ’s, Dances, Snack Schedule, Tuck Shop
selling, Etc
Trusted Leader in the Classroom (TLC) Position Requirements: 2 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Organize a Classroom leader program. One leader in each class is responsible to upload class content and daily
outlines onto Edmodo/related site each day. TLC Rep is responsible for initiating, and then monitoring this program.
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Fundraising Representative
Position Requirements: 1 person in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Attend We Day 2015. Promote community development through the Dominican trip. Run Movember and
support research and funds to raise awareness about prostate cancer. Find an approach to raise awareness for Mental Health Day.
Promote and support various fundraising initiatives, both local and global (i.e., Free the Children). Work alongside God Squad to plan
Lent fundraiser.
Simple Celebrations Representative
Position Requirements: 2 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Responsible for organizing and running mini awareness days throughout the school year. Create small activities
for events such as Earth Hour, Say Hi Day, Blue Shirt Day, Suicide Prevention Day, Mental Health Awareness Week, and Valentine’s
Day Etc.
International Student Representative
Position Requirements: 2 people in Gr. 10, 11 or 12
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Engaging International Students. Act as a liaison between the Guidance Department and SAC. Offering
International Students the opportunity to become involved and engaged at school events.
Entire SAC Committee
Term: Sept. 2015-June 2016
SAC Responsibilities: Work in a team to plan school wide activities such as lunch time entertainment, coffeehouse, Christmas
assembly, teacher appreciation, poetry slam, time capsule and movie night.
Performance Appraisals
All Council members will take part in two performance appraisals during the school year; one in November / December and one in
March / April. SAC Director and Co-Presidents/President will conduct performance appraisals. Each member of Student Activities
Council will have a meeting with SAC Director and Co-Presidents/President. Meetings may be in a group form with similar
Representative members.
SAC Director and Co-Presidents/President to discuss:
• Member’s attendance to SAC meetings
• Member’s communication skills (how quickly they respond to important emails, how well they communicate with other members
on SAC, etc.)
• Motivation level during meetings and events
• The completion of specific duties of held role
Suggestions will be made to all Student Activities Council members to improve their future performance appraisals. If SAC members
have a poor performance appraisal, suspension or complete dismissal from council can result at the discretion of SAC Director and
Resignation or Dismissal
Any member of the Student Activities Council may at any time resign his/her position through a written resignation given to the SAC
Director at least 2 days prior to the next scheduled SAC Meeting. The SAC Director may request an interview to discuss this matter.
The SAC Director, in consultation with Co-Presidents/President, may fill the position with an outside member or current member of
Student Activities Council. No other role may be taken on with Student Activities Council in the same year.
A member of Student Activities Council may be dismissed or have their responsibilities temporarily suspended for the following
reasons. A meeting with SAC Director will take place before formal dismissal occurs.
• Failure to maintain a 70% average by mid-term first semester after being given fair notice in which to improve their marks.
Members’ teacher(s) explaining the need to improve their performance must make contact with SAC Director.
• Failure to attend mandatory meetings/events are grounds for dismissal unless absences due to illness during the school day.
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• Failure to fulfill the duties of the appointed position
• Member consistently demonstrates poor behaviour, poor attendance, or tardiness in the school community.
• Member who break Code of Conduct, face criminal charges or are seen as disruptive forces within the school by the SAC Director
and/or Administration
Student Activities Council Finances
Finance Specifics:
• Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President, Finance Secretary and SAC Director will control and distribute funds as they
deem necessary all funds generated by the students of Resurrection C.S.S.
• All student generated funds must be deposited into the Student Activities Council Bank Account by the SAC Director or School
Finance Secretary (Board Policy)
• Monies generated by Student Activities Council will be carried over year to year.
Initial Budget Request Meeting:
• Only clubs or committees that are recognized by Student Activities Council as having a staff advisor and have a Club Representative
may request funding.
• Once all forms have been handed in, SAC Director, Co-Presidents/President and Finance Secretary will create the yearly budget.
Income and expenses will be projected
• Clubs or committees requesting monies from Student Activities Council must fill out the Budget Request Form (See Appendix) and
hand in to SAC Director by the date set by SAC Director
Constitutional Review Committee
The SAC Director with the Co-Presidents/President will review the constitution yearly and ensure its relevance as the guiding
principles of the Student Activities’ Council. SAC Administrator will review the constitution. Revisions will be recorded in a newly
printed copy of the constitution and it will be published yearly.
Off-site School Sanctioned Activities
Any and all sanctioned student activities will abide by all school rules at the school-sanctioned event. In case of limited numbers,
inclement weather, or extenuating circumstances, a school-sanctioned event will not be negated without prior diplomacy and/or
agreement between the Co-Presidents/President, SAC Director, and Administration. All punitive measures that are in effect during
school hours will be applied to all off-site school sanctioned events and activities.
Amending Formula
Any and/or all section(s) within this constitution are subject to be revised, edited, or eradicated through a consolation and agreement
with the Co-Presidents/President and Student Activity Director, on the basis of ongoing discussion.
Assumption of Recognition
All elected/acclaimed/appointed Student Activities Council members immediately assume and agree to all conditions and terms of the
Constitution upon their involvement on Student Activities Council. The Signing of the Constitution is merely a formality. The
Constitution and its applicability to any Council member are not dependent on the signing of the Constitution.
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Signing of the Constitution
We, the undersigned, have read and understood, and commit to abide by the material presented
in the Student Activities Council Constitution Revised March 2015-2016.
SAC Director
Vice Principal
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· Co-Presidents/President
Application Package
· Student Activities Council Application
· Budget Request Form
· Performance Appraisal Form
· Parent Permission for Participation Form
Learning Growing
Building to meet the challenges of the future in our Catholic Faith a be9er community
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2015 – 2016 Revised Edition
Co-President/President Application
Learning Growing
Building to meet the challenges of the future in our Catholic Faith a be9er community
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Co-Presidential/Presidential Campaign 2015
Please note: See the Co-Presidents/President Clause. The two candidates who receive the most votes will represent and serve
Resurrection Catholic Secondary School as Co-Presidents OR the one candidate who receives the most votes will represent and serve
Resurrection Catholic Secondary School as President. All requirements listed below must be completed in entirety by outlined
deadlines, or candidacy will be discontinued. Requirements are as follows:
A list of 32 student signatures (8 from each grade) that will endorse you as a candidate. Please advise those who endorse you
that they may not endorse more than one candidate.
Leadership resume outlining any and all leadership involvement, both in and out of school, since your Grade 9 year. All
Candidates must be involved in leadership committee(s) and/or group(s) in order to campaign. Please note a student cannot
be part of both a major group at Resurrection and Student Activities Council.
Typed essay (800 words), explaining why you would like to be Co-President. Describe some realistic plans that you have for
next year’s Student Activities Council and how you hope to implement and accomplish these plans. Remember that you should
also integrate these plans into your campaign plan.
Endorsements from 2 current teachers/staff who will be contacted by the SAC Director (see endorsements page).
A recent report card from your Guidance Counsellor showing your most recent average (minimum 70% average). Candidates
must maintain that academic standing and have an excellent attendance record free of truants and late's (see endorsements page).
An administrator’s endorsement for your standing as a student (see endorsements pages).
A signature from your parent/guardian, indicating their support (see endorsements pages).
Candidates must be entering a senior grade.
A pre-candidacy assessment with Principal/Vice-Principal, SAC Director, the current Co-Presidents/President, and the
Chaplin to represent the wisdom of hard-working and committed individuals of the school. A majority number of confidence
votes must be collected through this assessment, or the candidate will be unable to continue through the process.
10. Adherence to the below timeline
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
– Co-President/President packages distributed at 11:00 am in SAC office. Packages available until
March 30.
Friday, April 3, 2015
– Co-President/President packages submitted to SAC Director by 8:00 am
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
– Pre-candidacy assessment between 2:30 and 3:30 pm.
Friday, April 10, 2015
– Official candidates listed
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
– Campaign plan due 8 am to SAC Director, meeting with SAC Director 2:30 to 3:30 pm
Thursday, April 16, 2015
-Pre-Campaign week meeting with all candidates and SAC Director in SAC office 2:30 to 3:30 pm
April 20 to April 23, 2015
– Campaign week (posters can be put up as of April 17 after school from 2:30 to 4:30 pm).
Thursday, April 23, 2015
– All posters and candidacy paraphernalia must be taken down BY 3:30 pm. All campaigning must
stop (inclusive of electronic campaigning) as of 3:30 pm.
Friday, April 24, 2015
– Speeches to be aired/presented during period 2, voting to take place during period 3, counting of
votes to take place after school in a non-disclosed location by staff and administration only.
Candidates informed of outcome by 4:00 pm and the school will be notified the following day.
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Student Signatures
We, the undersigned, endorse ________________________, as a potential candidate for Co-President of
Resurrection Catholic Secondary School for the 2015 – 2016 school year.
Candidates should attach a list of 32 student signatures when submitting package.
Please Note: Students may only endorse one candidate. If a student endorses a second candidate, this
will nullify the signature on the second candidate’s application.
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Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 18
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Dear Parent/Guardian,
Your son/daughter has expressed an interest in running for Co-President/President of Student Activities Council.
Your permission is required in order for your son/daughter to be allowed to run for this position. There are
many roles, responsibilities and expectations that come with the privilege of holding this position, including the
Acceptable academic standing and an excellent attendance record. There will be times when CoPresidential/Presidential duties interfere with classes. Every attempt is made to keep these situations to a
minimum, however exceptions do arise. All Student Activities Council members are expected to keep up
with their academic course load, even when they need to miss classes.
A commitment to improving personal leadership skills. Co-Presidents/Presidents from all of the
WCDSB schools are members of a board wide Student Representative Committee. There are approximately
8 meetings per year. The meeting times will vary. The location of these meetings rotates throughout the 5
Catholic High Schools. By signing below you are allowing your son/daughter to attend these meetings and
to be driven to/from these meeting by the Student Activities Council Director when the meetings are located
outside Resurrection.
Attendance at SAC Retreats (Dates TBD). These retreats are held semi-annually and are mandatory for
all Student Activities Council members.
Being a representative of RCSS in the broader school community. As Co-Presidents/President your son/
daughter will represent our school at monthly parent council meetings. They will also be asked to speak at
many functions in the evenings. These events are mandatory for Co-Presidents/President and supersede
other activity commitments.
Being an active and positive role model for fellow students at Resurrection. (i.e., good attendance,
academic dedication, proper uniform at all times within school, respect for school rules and regulations
Organizing and participating in a wide range of school activities that occur before during and after
school hours (including registration, which occurs before school begins). Failure to attend events/
meetings will result in a required withdrawal/dismissal from the Co-President/President position.
I recommend that you take some time to sit down with your son/daughter and review these expectations and the
accompanying nomination form. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at
519-741-1990, ext. 5448 or email Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Heather Pietrobon
SAC Director
Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 19
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Parental Permission and Endorsement
I have read the letter that outlines the expectations, and I have reviewed, with my child, the commitment and the
time management skills that are necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of a Co-President/President. I am
willing to assist my child in achieving and fulfilling these tasks if they are successful in their campaign.
SAC Commitment Clause:
I, ___________________________________, as a student seeking to be a Resurrection Student Activities
Council Co-President/President, am committed in upholding the standards of leadership set forth by the
Resurrection Student Activities Council. By choosing to be a member of the Resurrection SAC, I recognize that
this role requires on my active participation in all SAC run meetings and activities (also in preparation thereof)
which are of utmost importance and precedence so as to benefit the entire Resurrection student body and
surrounding community. I acknowledge that failure to take on this role effectively and live up to my
commitments will result in an ensuing review of my placement in Student Activities Council and could lead
to my dismissal from SAC and perhaps other school-related activities throughout the school year.
I grant my permission for __________________________ to campaign for the position of Co-President/
President of Resurrection Catholic Secondary School for the 2015 – 2016 school year.
Parent Signature:
Student Signature:
Please contact Heather Pietrobon, SAC Director ( if there are any questions about
the time commitment or role of Student Activities Council Co-President/President at Resurrection.
Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 20
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We, the undersigned, endorse ______________________________, as a potential candidate for a position on
Student Activities Council for the 2015 – 2016 school year.
__Enrolled full time for 2015-2016 as senior student
__Attendance is acceptable __Overall attitude
Guidance Counselor
__Credit summary/report card included with current
__Attendance is acceptable
__Overall attitude
average >70%
Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 21
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I, the undersigned, endorse ______________________________, as a potential candidate for a position on
Student Activities Council for the 2015 – 2016 school year.
Teacher: ________________________________
Dependability (Attendance, punctuality…)
Takes Initiative (Self-starter, self-motivated)
Responsible (Academically, socially…)
Team Player (Leading, supporting…)
Attitude (Positive, productive…)
Student reflection: Why did
you choose this staff member
to be your reference?
Comments Appreciated:
Teacher Signature: ________________________________
Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 22
! of 40
We, the undersigned, endorse ______________________________, as a potential candidate for a position on
Student Activities Council for the 2015 – 2015 school year.
Teacher: ________________________________
Dependability (Attendance, punctuality…)
Takes Initiative (Self-starter, self-motivated)
Responsible (Academically, socially…)
Team Player (Leading, supporting…)
Attitude (Positive, productive…)
Student reflection: Why did
you choose this staff member
to be your reference?
Comments Appreciated:
Teacher Signature: ________________________________
Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 23
! of 40
Expectations of Co-Presidents/President:
You demonstrate the qualities of a good Catholic leader
You represent our school with the utmost maturity and responsibility
You communicate with all members on Student Activities Council in a respectful manner
You are a mediator — members of Student Activities Council feel comfortable approaching you
You are welcoming to all members at Resurrection; students, staff, family and visitors
You demonstrate positive school spirit in all that you do
You are punctual for all meetings and events
You prioritize Student Activities Council over other activities
You respect confidentiality
You take initiative and lead by example
You must maintain 70% average in your academics
If you are currently in grade 11 or in grade 12, you are enrolled in SAC Director’s Leadership Course
Duties of Co-Presidents/President:
Be present for and help facilitate all weekly SAC meetings
Represent the students of the school at all parent council meetings
Represent the students of the school at all staff meetings
Represent the school in the community
Oversee the planning and production of all SAC events
Review all event plans and proposals
Meet with Administrator for approval of events
Contact staff when their space needs to be used (Gym, Cafeteria, Classrooms, Custodians, etc.)
Continue to look for ways to improve organization and production of events
Improve communication within the school
Responsible for facilitating a successful major fundraiser with the help from other members on Student Activities Council
Assist SAC Director with all interviews for positions in May
Lead with intuition, initiative, compassion, and strong communication
Unwavering attention and attendance at all school events
Short-Answer Application Section
Although other questions will be asked, please be ready to answer the following questions honestly and
thoroughly in your Pre-Candidacy assessment:
1. What is your understanding of the role of the Students’ Activities Council?
2. What ideas or skills do you wish to develop as a member of SAC and how will you accomplish them?
3. What specific leadership experience do you have and how will it enable you to perform through an entire
school year?
4. Name one area of need for the Resurrection school community and outline ways that you can work to address
that need.
Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 24
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2015 – 2016 Revised Edition
Student Activities
Application Form
Learning Growing
Building to meet the challenges of the future in our Catholic Faith a be9er community
Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 25
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Student Activities Council Application Form
Thank you for considering applying for a position on Student Activities Council! While the positions on
Council can be very demanding, planning and participating in the activities year-round and serving your fellow
students, can also be very rewarding.
In order for a student to be considered for the Student Activities Council, the following criteria must be met:
1. Full time student at Resurrection (6 courses or more)
2. Overall 70% average in the current school year-first semester and half of second semester
3. Satisfactory behavioural/attendance record
4. Adherence to the R.C.S.S. “Code of Conduct”
5. Attendance at the Student Activities Council Retreat on a to be determined date at the end of August. Please
make the entire day available for the retreat and make sure you have transportation available to and from
the retreat. Date and location subject to change
6. Attendance and participation at various events before, during and after school
7. Desire to further strengthen the Resurrection community
Remember, a great deal of out-of-school time and dedication is required to work on Student Activities
Council. Attendance at school functions is required of council members. Jobs, team memberships, club
memberships , etc., must be second to the commitment to Student Activities Council.
1. Student Activities Council Application Form
2. Two references from within the school community (teachers, coaches, administration, club advisors, etc.)
* Reference forms are attached
3. Your printed, updated leadership resume
DUE: 8:10 am on Monday, May 18, to SAC Director in the SAC office! No late applications will be
considered. OR submitted electronically 8:10 am on Monday, May 18. Interviews for positions will be
held on Monday, May 25 and Tuesday, May 26. Students will be notified if they receive an interview.
Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 26
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*Please note that if you choose to apply, and are accepted, you could be assigned the position best suited for
you, and not one you have applied to. You may choose 2 positions to apply for. A description of the duties/
responsibilities of each position will be posted in/outside the SAC office. •
Secretary/Treasurer (2)
Special Needs (2)
Spirit (2)
Social Engagement (2)
Simple Celebrations (2)
Yearbook (1)
Promotions (2)
Athletic (4)
God Squad (3)
Community Outreach (1)
School Health/Eco (2)
Fundraising/Awareness (1)
Junior (3)
Dance (4)
Academic (3)
TLC (Trusted Leader in Classroom)
• International Student (2)
I have read and accept the conditions for the appointed position to Student Activities Council.
I, ___________________________________, as a student seeking to be a Resurrection Student Activities
Council (SAC.) Representative, am committed in upholding the standards of leadership set forth by the
Resurrection Student Activities Council. By choosing to be a member of the Resurrection SAC. team, I
recognize that this role insists on my active participation in all Student Activities Council run meetings and
activities (also in preparation thereof) which are of utmost importance and precedence so as to benefit the entire
Resurrection student body and surrounding community. I acknowledge that failure to take on this role
effectively and live up to my commitments will result in an ensuing review of my placement in Student
Activities Council and could lead to my dismissal from SAC.
Name of Student: ______________________________________________________ (Please Print)
Email: _______________________________________________________________ (Please Print)
Homeroom # and Teacher: #__________ __________________________________
Position(s) Applied for: OPTION 1. _______________________________________
OPTION 2. _______________________________________
Student Signature: ______________________________________________________
* Student Activities Council Membership will require a $100.00 participation fee, which includes participation in
the Student Activities Council Retreat on or about June 8, or at a to be determined date in August, a Student
Activities Council t-shirt, admittance to the homecoming and semi-formal dances, as well as other SAC run events
in the school. This fee must be submitted prior to the Retreat.
Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 27
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Dear Parent/Guardian,
Your son/daughter has expressed an interest in running for Student Activities Council. Your permission is
required in order for your son/daughter to be allowed to run for this position. There are many roles,
responsibilities and expectations that come with the privilege of holding this position, including the following:
Acceptable academic standing and an excellent attendance record. There will be times when duties
interfere with classes. Every attempt is made to keep these situations to a minimum, however, exceptions do
arise. All Student Activities Council members are expected to keep up with their academic course load, even
when they need to miss classes.
A commitment to improving personal leadership skills. There are approximately 35 meetings per year.
The meeting times will mostly occur over lunch or after school.
Attendance at 2 Leadership Retreats (On or about August, 2015, and January, 2016). These retreats
are held semi-annually and are mandatory for all Student Activities Council members.
Being a representative of RCSS in the broader school community. As a member of Student Activities
Council, there are many mandatory events, including registration which occurs before school begins — in
August. These events are mandatory and supersede other activity commitments. All academic requirements
need to be scheduled around these mandatory events in conversation with teachers and staff.
Being an active and positive role model for fellow students at Resurrection. (i.e., good attendance,
academic dedication, proper uniform at all times within school, respect for school rules and regulations ,
I recommend that you take some time to sit down with your son/daughter and review these expectations. If you
have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 519-741-1990, ext. 5448 or email Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Heather Pietrobon
SAC Director/Advisor
Parental Permission: I grant my permission for __________________________ to apply for a position on the
Student Activities Council of Resurrection Catholic Secondary School for the 2015 – 2016 school year. I am
willing to assist my child in achieving and fulfilling these tasks if they are successful in their application.
Parent Signature: ________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________
* Student Activities Council Membership will require a $100.00 participation fee, which includes participation in
the Student Activities Council Retreat on or about June 8, or at a to be determined date in August, a Student
Activities Council t-shirt, admittance to the homecoming and semi-formal dances, as well as other SAC run events
in the school. This fee must be submitted prior to the Retreat.
Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 28
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Student Activities Council APPLICATION
Student Name: __________________________________________________ Homeroom: __________
Grade: _________
Position(s) Applied for: ______________________________________________________________________
Teacher Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
How does this teacher know you (coach, math teacher, club supervisor , etc.)? ________________________________________
Dear Teacher,
The student who has given you this reference form to complete is interested in a position on our 2015-16 Student Activities Council.
When you complete the reference, you may give it back to the student in a sealed envelope or you may put it in the box labeled
Student Activities Council Applications Completed References, in the main office.
The reference forms are due on Monday, May 18.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Does not meet
some of the
most of the
-positive role model
-completes tasks when asked
-seeks challenges
-develops a plan using logical steps in order to complete a task
-reflects and adapts plan as needed to react to challenges
-can Co-ordinate the information and resources needed to
complete a task
-can set priorities and manage time
-self-motivated, follows instructions with minimal supervision
- achieves personal learning goals
- inclusion and team work
-conflict resolution and problem solving
-self directed learner
Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 29
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Does not meet
some of the
most of the
-advocacy for self and others
-goal setting (sets goals, monitors own progress independently
and adjusts as needed to meet targets)
Below or on the back, please provide any additional comments you feel would help the selection committee best evaluate this
student’s ability to effectively fill the role the student has applied for on Student Activities Council.
Teacher Signature:
Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 30
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Student Activities Council APPLICATION
Student Name: __________________________________________________ Homeroom: __________
Grade: _________
Position(s) Applied for: ______________________________________________________________________
Teacher Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
How does this teacher know you (coach, math teacher, club supervisor , etc.)? ________________________________________
Dear Teacher,
The student who has given you this reference form to complete is interested in a position on our 2015-16 Student Activities Council.
When you complete the reference, you may give it back to the student in a sealed envelope or you may put it in the box labeled
Student Activities Council Applications Completed References, in the main office.
The reference forms are due on Monday, May 18.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Does not meet
some of the
most of the
-positive role model
-completes tasks when asked
-seeks challenges
-develops a plan using logical steps in order to complete a task
-reflects and adapts plan as needed to react to challenges
-can Co-ordinate the information and resources needed to
complete a task
-can set priorities and manage time
-self-motivated, follows instructions with minimal supervision
- achieves personal learning goals
- inclusion and team work
-conflict resolution and problem solving
Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 31
! of 40
Does not meet
some of the
most of the
-self directed learner
-advocacy for self and others
-goal setting (sets goals, monitors own progress independently
and adjusts as needed to meet targets)
Below or on the back, please provide any additional comments you feel would help the selection committee best evaluate this
student’s ability to effectively fill the role the student has applied for on Student Activities Council.
Teacher Signature:
Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 32
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Student Activities Council Q & A FORM
1. What is your vision for the Resurrection school community? What do aspire to improve in our community?
2. If you were not selected for a position on this year’s Student Activities Council, how would you work to
participate in, and improve, the Resurrection community?
3. List three of your greatest strengths, and three of your weaknesses that would pertain to your participation on
Student Activities Council. What skills do you plan on developing if you are selected as a Student Activities
Council member? How do you plan on developing these skills?
Interview Questions
Please be prepared to answer the following, or similar, questions honestly and thoroughly:
1. What is your understanding of the role of the Students’ Activities Council? What is your understanding of the
commitment level?
2. What ideas or skills do you wish to develop as a member of SAC and how will you accomplish them?
3. What specific leadership experience do you have and how will it enable you to perform through an entire school year?
4. Name one area of need for the Resurrection school community and outline ways that you can work to
address that need.
5. If you are a returning Student Activities Council member, what drove you to reapply? If this is your first time applying,
what drove you to apply?
Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/President Application 33
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2015 – 2016 Revised Edition
Budget Request
Learning Growing
Building to meet the challenges of the future in our Catholic Faith a be9er community
Student Activities Council Budget Request Form 34
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SAC Budget Request Form
Name of Club or Activity: ________________________________________________
Name of Supervisors:
Number of Potential Students: __________________
Amount of Money Requested: ___________________
Detailed Rationale for Request – Please include all items that must be purchased as well as a rough estimate of
the cost for each
Estimate of Cost for Item
Additional Information:
Applicant’s Signature: ___________________________
Date: ____________________________
SAC Director & Administrator Use Only:
We hereby approve ________________________________________ for $ ________________________.
_________________________________ Date: ____________________________
(SAC Director’s Signature)
_________________________________ Date: ____________________________
(Administrator’s Signature)
Student Activities Council Budget Request Form 35
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2015 – 2016 Revised Edition
Appraisal Form
Learning Growing
Building to meet the challenges of the future in our Catholic Faith a be9er community
Student Activities Council Permission Form 36
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SAC Reflection Form
1. Which of the following leadership qualities have you demonstrated as a part of SAC this
year? Please be prepared to give an example to justify each of your choices.
Integrity is the integration of outward actions and inner values. A person of integrity is the same on the outside and on the
inside. A leader must have the trust of followers and therefore must display integrity.
Fairness means dealing with others consistently and justly.
Dedication means spending whatever time or energy is necessary to accomplish the task at hand. A leader inspires dedication
by example, doing whatever it takes to complete the next step toward the vision. By setting an excellent example, leaders can
show followers that there are no nine-to-five jobs on the team, only opportunities to achieve something great.
Interpersonal skills: Successful leaders are comfortable relating to other people; they easily create rapport and are at least more
extroverted than they are introverted.
Magnanimity means giving credit where it is due. A magnanimous leader ensures that credit for successes is spread as widely
as possible throughout the company. Conversely, a good leader takes personal responsibility for failures. To spread the fame and
take the blame is a hallmark of effective leadership.
Leaders with humility recognize that they are no better or worse than other members of the team. A humble leader is not selfeffacing but rather tries to elevate everyone.
Openness means being able to listen to new ideas, even if they do not conform to the usual way of thinking.
Creativity is the ability to think differently, to get outside of the box that constrains solutions. Creativity gives leaders the
ability to see things that others have not seen and thus lead followers in new directions.
Assertiveness is not the same as aggressiveness. Rather, it is the ability to clearly state what one expects so that there will be no
Ambition: Resting on your laurels is bad for SAC and school morale and entrepreneurial credibility. Students need to be
constantly striving for improvement and success; and they need to see the same and more in their leaders.
2. In what capacities have you shown initiative on SAC this year?
3. How have you demonstrated dedication and perseverance as a SAC member this year?
4. How have you been a model student and representative of SAC in the school community?
5. Are there any areas you feel you could improve as a leader in our school and member of
SAC? If there are areas, how will you accomplish this improvement?
6. How do you feel SAC has run to this point this year?
7. What are some areas of concern you have as a member of SAC? Please give specific
8. What are some ideas you have to improve SAC?
Student Activities Council Permission Form 37
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2015 – 2016 Revised Edition
Permission Form
Learning Growing
Building to meet the challenges of the future in our Catholic Faith a be9er community
Student Activities Council Permission Form 38
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Dear Parent/Guardian,
Your child has been selected for and has accepted a position on Resurrection CSS’s Student Activities Council (SAC) for
the 2015 – 2016 school year. Your permission is required in order to complete the acceptance. There are many
responsibilities and expectations that come with the privilege of serving on the Student Activities Council, including, but
not limited to, the following:
Acceptable academic standing and excellent school attendance – There will be times that duties of SAC members will
interfere with classes. Every attempt is made to keep these situations to a minimum. All Student Activities Council
members are expected to keep up with their schoolwork and make appropriate plans when they need to miss classes so as
not to jeopardize their academic success. Excellent attendance, proper uniform, and respect for school rules and
regulations are minimum requirements for Student Activities Council members.
Being an active and positive role model for all students – At all times SAC members should represent the school and
the student body in exemplary ways.
Organizing and participating in a wide range of school activities – All students part of SAC must participate in our
school registration days (on or about August 27 and 28), which was explicitly explained in the spring when student
accepted their position on Student Activities Council. There are other mandatory activities for all SAC members
throughout the school year. Members will have access to a calendar of events, which name such events well in advance.
Members will be expected to set up and decorate before all events and help to clean up after each event. When all
members of SAC do their share at part of the council, all work will be efficient and less inundating. Each member will
also plan and execute a major school wide event/project and orchestrate support in other SAC members through good
leadership strategies.
Attendance at all Student Activities Council meetings and events – Members are required to attend all weekly/biweekly council meetings. If there is an unavoidable circumstance that would not allow a member to fulfill their accepted
duties to attend a meeting, an ‘Intent to be absent’ notice must be completed at least 2 days in advance.
*All appointments that can be reasonably scheduled outside Student Activities Council time will not be accepted as an
unavoidable circumstance.
Excellent time management skills and a commitment to improving personal leadership skills – It is highly
recommended that senior student leaders enrol in IDC 4U, Interdisciplinary Studies in Leadership, which is offered
second semester, to help students develop leadership skills and allow time to execute SAC activities while working for
If any member is experiencing difficulty in meeting these expectations, Student Activities Council will make efforts to
support and help said member execute duties appropriately. It is the duty of the Student Activities Council Co-Presidents/
President to maintain a council that serves the Resurrection Community with excellence and dignity. Together with the
SAC Director, the Co-Presidents/President will decide on appropriate actions if a member fails to meet the above
responsibilities and expectations. For clarification or additional questions, email
Heather Pietrobon
SAC Director
Resurrection C.S.S.
Student Activities Council Permission Form 39
! of 40
I, the parent/guardian of _____________________________________, have read the attached
letter, which outlines the expectations for members of the Student Activities Council, with my
child and we have reviewed the commitment and the time management skills that are necessary
for this role. I grant permission for my child to become a member of Resurrection’s Student
Activities Council for the 2015 – 2016 school year and will support their role.
(Parent Guardian Signature)
(Student Activities Council Member Signature)
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