GOPer Behind Louisiana Religious Freedom Bill Starting To Feel


GOPer Behind Louisiana Religious Freedom Bill Starting To Feel
GOPer Behind Louisiana Religious Freedom Bill Starting To Feel The Heat
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GOPer Behind Louisiana Religious Freedom Bill Starting To Feel The
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ByDaniel StraussPublishedApril 21, 2015, 10:58 AM EDT 14936 views Like
Louisiana state Rep. Mike Johnson (R) seems to be feeling the heat after introducing a controversial religious
freedom bill, which he says is meant to limit "the state's right to discriminate against people simply on the basis
of their belief about marriage as a traditional union between one man and one woman."
Johnson introduced the bill in the aftermath of religious freedom skirmishes in Arkansas and Indiana. In
Indiana, Gov. Mike Pence (R) was forced to clarify his law under widespread national criticism. Arkansas Gov.
Asa Hutchison (R) similarly sent the religious freedom bill back to the state legislature.
Johnson's legislation blocks the government from taking away tax benefits or businesses licenses or imposing
fines because of a business owner's views on gay marriage, according to the New Orleans Times­Picayune. But
critics argue the bill, like with Indiana or Arkansas, would effectively allow businesses to refuse to serve same­
sex couples if gay marriage becomes legal in the state.­johnson­religious­freedom­bill­­2
GOPer Behind Louisiana Religious Freedom Bill Starting To Feel The Heat
Leaders at IBM, which has a large presence in Baton Rouge, recently sent a letter to Louisiana Gov. Bobby
Jindal (R) which echoed the concerns of other companies who have argued religious freedom legislation creates
hostile work environments for some employees. When asked his response to the bill after the letter was made
public, Republican Baton Rouge Metro City Councilman John Delgado called Johnson a "despicable bigot of
the highest order."
On Monday, Johnson sat down with the Times­Picayune to defend his legislation. He said "this is not the debate
that was held in Indiana or Arkansas. We had those debates in Louisiana five years ago when we passed our
religious freedom restoration act, as they did."
Johnson went on to say that his proposal "was a different bill, it's a new concept and I'm looking forward to the
opportunity to clarify that."
Watch Johnson's interview below:
Religious Freedom Bill ­ State Rep. Mike Johnson explains it
(Photo credit: Youtube)
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Why don't you fuckers give it up already? YOU LOST.
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