Participants of the Conference - Russian Gravitational Society
Participants of the Conference - Russian Gravitational Society
Participants on 25.05.2015 № Name Country Institution Talk 1. Gitman Dmitry Russia P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute Entropy of QFT systems with unstable vacuum and entanglement in course of partic 2. Burinskii Alexander Russia NSI Russian Academy of Sciences 1. Source of the Kerr-Newman solution as a gravitating bag; 2. Unification of the point-like and dressed electron in a single "bag-string-quark" model 3. Shapiro Ilya Brazil Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora New results in higher derivative quantum gravity 4. Nordtvedt Kenneth USA Northwest Analysis 1. Determining General Relativity's N-body equations of motion to all orders using scaling and invariance-based algebraic conditions; 2. 46 Years of Lunar Laser Ranging 5. Krykhtin Vladimir Russia Tomsk state pedagogical university Interaction of massive fermionic higher spin fields with constant electromagnetic field 6. Kenmoku Masakatsu Japan Nara Science Academy Normal, Zero and Superradiance Modes in Kerr Spacetime 7. Urazalina Ainur Kazakhstan al-Farabi Kazakh national university Regular solutions in GR with two scalar fields 8. Dokuchaev Vyacheslav Russia Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences Spin and mass of the supermassive black hole in the Galactic center 9. Berezin Victor Russia Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences Spherically symmetric conformal gravity and "gravitational bubbles" 10. Piattella Oliver Brazil Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) 1. Evolution of the phase-space density and the Jeans scale for dark matter derived from the Vlasov-Einstein equation; 2. Sub-horizon evolution of cold dark matter perturbations through dark matter-dark energy equivalence epoch 11. Osetrin Konstantin Russia Tomsk State Pedagogical University Space-times with dust matter in coordinate systems that admit separation of variables in the Hamilton-Jacobi equation 12. Makarenko Andrey Russia Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bounce universe in string-inspired gravity 13. Mbelek Jean Paul Mali Sangha Center for Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology Experimental test of an improved 5D Kaluza-Klein theory 14. Wang Ling Jun U.S.A. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Calculation of the Ricci and Riemann curvature of Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics 15. Triay Roland France Aix Marseille University More about the cosmological constant 16. Mohammad Esmaeili Fakhereh India Hyderabad University 17. Rybakov Yuri Russia PFUR Strong Gravity and Structure of Topological Solitons 18. Buchbinder Ioseph Russia Tomsk State Pedagogical University Aspects of Lagrangian formulation for higher spin field in the external backgrounds 19. Skvortsov Evgeny Russia Albert Einstein Institute and Lebedev Institute Ubiquity of Higher-spin symmetries 20. Rahman Rakibur Germany Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics String theoretic lessons for massive higher spins in a curved background 21. Francia Dario Italy Scuola Normale Superiore Higher spins with mixed symmetry: wave equations from curvatures 22. Beesham Aroonkumar South Africa University of Zululand Viscosity as dark energy 23. Ponomarev Dmitry Germany Lidwig Maximilians University 1. Holographic higher spin interactions; 2. higher spin field theory, AdS/CFT correspondence 24. Ahmed Jamil Pakistan Quaid-i-Azam University Hawking Temperature of Charged Rotating Black Strings 25. Shishmarev Aleksei Brasil University of Sao Paulo, Insitute of Physics Statistical properties of states in QED with unstable vacuum 26. Ushcheko Vyacheslav 27. Hashemi Seyedeh Sedigheh Iran Shahid Beheshti University 1. Kaluza-klein magnetic monopole; 2. kaluza-klein cosmic strings 28. Khlestkov Yuri Russia National Research Nuclear University MEPhI 1. The gravitational model of nuclear interactions: short-range, attractive action and saturation of nuclear forces; 2. The elementary particles and atomic nuclei as wormholes between parallel 4-spaces 29. Sukhanova Lubov Russia National Research Nuclear University MEPhI 1. The gravitational model of nuclear interactions: short-range, attractive action and saturation of nuclear forces; 2. The elementary particles and atomic nuclei as wormholes between parallel 4-spaces 30. Zimdahl Winfried Brazil Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Dark sector with internal couplings 31. Cai Rong-Gen China Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 32. Barbosa Bezerra Valdir Brazil Universidade Federal Da Paraiba 1. On some topological features of general relativity 33. Rubin Sergey Russia NRNU "MEPhI" Field trapping by point-like defects of extra space 34. Kim Sang Pyo R. Korea Kunsan National University Hawking Radiation, Schwinger Mechanism and Gravity-Gauge Relation 35. Balakin Alexander Russia Kazan Federal University, Institute of Physics Electrodynamics of Dark Fluid 1. Approaches to the construction of theories variations of constants; 2. Flyby anomaly and changing the speed of light. 36. Brill Dieter USA University of Maryland Inertial frame dragging, revisited 37. Wojnar Aneta Magdalena Poland University of Wroclaw 38. Alimi Jean-Michel France Laboratoire Univers et Theories, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris Nature of Dark Energy and Comic Structure formation 39. Starobinsky Alexei Russia Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS What is known about inflation from recent observational data 40. Ivashchuk Vladimir Russia VNIIMS 1. Flux and black brane solutions related to Lie algebras (with V.N. Melnikov); 2. On cosmological solutions in the model with Gauss-Bonnet term and variation of gravitational constant (with A.A. Kobtsev) 41. Mostepanenko Vladimir Russia Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo of RAS and SPbSPU Laboratory and Astrophysical Constraints on an Axion 42. Klimchitskaya Galina Russia Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo of RAS and SPbSPU Laboratory and Astrophysical Constraints on an Axion 43. Romero Filho Carlos Augusto Brasil Universidade Federal da Paraíba On geometrical scalar-tensor theories of gravity 44. Akhmedov Emil Russia ITEP Growing with time loop corrections in strong background fields 45. Bronnikov Kirill Russia VNIIMS Nonlinear multidimensional gravity and variations of alpha 46. Odintsov Sergey Spain ICE- IEEC, Barcelona and TSPU, Tomsk Bouncing cosmology from modified gravity 47. Melnikov Vitaly Russia VNIIMS Multidimensional Integrable Models of Gravity and Cosmology 48. Khadekar Goverdhan India RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur Brane Kantowski-Sachs Universe with Linear Equation of State 49. Scugoreva Maria Russia RUDN Global stability analysis for cosmological models with non-minimally coupled scalar fields 50. Hu Ya-Peng China College of Science, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics The Holographic Fluid at Finite Cutoff Surface via Gravity/Fluid Correspondence 51. Wang Anzhong USA Baylor University 1. Precision cosmology and detection of quantum gravitational effects in the early universe; 2. Inflationary models, detection of gravitational quantum effects 52. Hsu Jong-Ping USA University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 1. Anti-Galaxies Blackbody and Dipole Anisotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background; 2. Experiments on Lorentz-Poincar'e Invariance and Anisotropy of Cosmic Microwave Background 53. Frolov Valeri Canada University of Alberta Do black holes exist? (Review) 54. Qiu Taotao China Central China Normal University G-Bounce Inflation: Towards Nonsingular Inflation Cosmology with Galileon Field 55. Marochnik Leonid USA University of Maryland 1. invariance of de sitter state with respect to wick rotation; 2. inflation and dark energy from instantons 56. Fabris Julio Brasil Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo 1. Viscous models for the dark sector of the universe; 2. Quantum cosmology and self-adjoint hamiltonians 57. Manko Vladimir Mexico CINVESTAV-IPN Geometry of stationary black holes near the ring singularity 58. Ignat'ev Yurii Russia Kazan Federal University 1. Cosmological Evolution of statistical System of Scalar charged Paricles; 2. Establishing of Thermodynamical Equilibrium in Twice Accelerated Universe 59. Mihajlov Mikhail Russia Kazan Federal University Cosmological evolution Boltzmann plasma with scalar interparticle interaction 60. Agathonov Alexander Russia Kazan Federal University Cosmological Evolution of Nondegenerate Fermy-System of Scalar Charged Particles 61. Kokh Irina Russia Kazan Federal University Cosmological evolution of super energy particles in accelerated Universe 62. Nigmedzianova Aigul Russia Kazan Federal University Establishing of Thermodynamical Equilibrium in Twice Accelerated Universe 63. Fursaev Dmitri Russia Dubna State University / JINR Entanglement Entropy and Quantum Gravity 64. Bisnovatyi-Kogan Gennady Russia Space Research Institute RAS Exact analytical solution for a strong shock propagation in the expanding Fridman universe 65. Moiseenko Sergey Russia Space Research Institute RAS Magnetorotational processes in core collpapse supernovae 66. Tsupko Oleg Russia Space Research Institute RAS Innermost stable circular orbits of spinning particles in Schwarzschild and Kerr spacetimes 67. Zaslavskii Oleg Ukraine Kharkov V. N. Karazin University High energy particle collisions near black holes (review) 68. Gal'tsov Dmitry Russia Moscow State University Transplanckian gravity 69. Spirin Pavel Russia Moscow State University Gravitational Bremsstrahlung by Collision of Massless Particles 70. Melkumova Elena Russia Moscow state University 71. Snegirev Timofey Russia Tomsk SPU On gauge-invariant formulation of massive fermionic higher spins in 3D 72. Chernin Arthur Russia Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University Dark matter and dark energy in the local universe 73. Hossain Mohammad Wali India Centre for Theoretical Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia Quintessential inflation: A unified description of inflation and dark energy 74. Cotsakis Spiros Greece University of the Aegean Ambient cosmology and spacetime singularities 75. Peng Qiuhe China Nanjing University Observational Evidences of both the Invalidating Black hole model at the Galactic Center and the Existence of Magnetic Monopoles 76. Kim Sung-Won Korea Ewha Womans University Wormhole Temperature 77. Vernov Sergey Russia Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University Cosmological models with non-minimally coupled scalar fields and renormalizationgroup inflationary scenarios 78. Zhuravlev Victor Russia Ulyanovsk State University Semiclassical induction equation of the gravitational field and the dark matter 79. Mohammad Ssmaeili Fakhereh India hyderabad university 80. Pozdeeva Ekaterina Russia Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University Integrable cosmological models with non-minimally coupled scalar fields 81. Marakulin Arthur Russia Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences Supergravity with broken Lorentz invariance 82. Galiakhmetov Almaz Ukraine Donetsk National Technical University Some cosmological consequences of two sources of torsion 83. Kazinski Peter Russia Tomsk State University Quantum gravitational anomaly as a dark matter 84. Grunskaya Lubov Russia Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs Electromagnetic field of Earth as instrument of studying of astrophysical processes 85. Isakevich Valery Russia LLC "BusinessSoftService" Identification of spectral-localized components at frequencies of astrophysical processes in temporary series of an electromagnetic field of Earth. Methods 86. Aliyev Boris Russia Moscow State University for Designe and Technologie 1. Charged particle and scalar field in 5D Theory; 2. Where has the magnetic monopole gone? 87. Luo Jun China Sun Yat-sen University TIANQIN mission concept 88. Chervon Sergei Russia Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov 1. Dark sector fields in the chiral cosmological model 2. The angular diameter distance for locally inhomogeneous Friedmann universe (coauthor: A.V. Nikolaev) 89. Quevedo Hernando Mexico National Autonomous University of Mexico Geometrothermodynamic emergent gravity 90. Cho Hing-Tong Taiwan Tamkang University, Taiwan Gravitino fields in spherically symmetric spacetimes 91. Odintsov Sergey Russia ICE- IEEC, Barcelona and TSPU, Tomsk Inflation and dark energy from F(R) gravity 92. Ray Subharthi South Africa Astrophysics and Cosmology Research Unit, University of KwaZulu-Natal Compact stars in the modified gravity theories 93. Babichev Eugeny France LPT Orsay 1. Black holes in modified theories of gravity; 2. Constraints on scalar-tensor theories with a Vainshtein mechanism from bounds on the time variation of G 94. Scott Susan Australia The Australian National University Conformal structure of past and future end states of FRW models with scale factors of generalised power series form 95. Khapko Radi Russia Moscow Aviation Institute 1. Goodbye, the Pseudotensor! 2. Gravitational mass of a photon 96. Balitsky Jaroslaw Russia MIPT (SU), IHEP (Protvino) 1. Point-like source solutions in modified gravity with a critical acceleration; 2. Quantum origin of suppression for vacuum fluctuations of energy 97. Sahoo Pradyumn India Birla Institute of Science and Technology- Pilani, Hyderabad Campus LRS Bianchi type-I cosmological model in f (R, T) theory of gravity with Lambda (T) 98. Izmailov Georg N. Russia Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Gravitational experiments by use of SQUID and SHeQUID 99. Tereschenko Dmitry Russia Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology PFUR Relational and statistical theory of atom of hydrogen 100. Ejlli Damian Italy Theory group, INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso; Novosibirsk State University Mixing of gravitons with photons in the early universe and indirect detection methods 101. Pavlov Alexander Russia Institute of Mechanics and Energetics, Russian State Agrarian University Intrinsic time in WDW conformal superspace 102. Pervushin Victor Russia Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR Intrinsic time in WDW conformal superspace 103. Aristov Vladimir Russia Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences Relational Statistical Spacetime: a New Approach for Description of Gravity 104. Wang Xiaobao China Beijing Normal University 105. Solov'yov Anton Russia Faculty of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University On dimensional reduction of pseudo-Finslerian momentum spaces 106. Gao Sijie China Beijing Normal University Entropy principle for charged self-gravitating fluid in static spacetimes 107. Gladyshev Vladimir Russia Bauman Moscow State Technical University Electromagnetic waves propagation nearby rotating gravitating astrophysical object with atmosphere 108. Kauts Vladimir Russia Bauman Moscow State Technical University Electromagnetic waves propagation nearby rotating gravitating astrophysical object with atmosphere (with V. Gladyshev) 109. Fomin Igor Vladimirovich Russia Bauman Moscow State Technical University The high-frequency gravitational waves in the exact inflationary models 110. Harutyunyan Gohar Armenia Yerevan State University 1. On the Kerr solution; 2. Scenario of the Universe evolutionary expansion in JBD scalar-tensor theory 111. Avagyan Roland Armenia Yerevan State University 1. On the Kerr solution (with H. Gohar); 2. Scenario of the Universe evolutionary expansion in JBD scalar-tensor theory (with H. Gohar) 112. Chubaryan Edvard Armenia Yerevan State University Scenario of the Universe evolutionary expansion in JBD scalar-tensor theory (with H. Gohar) 113. Hovsepyan Ashot Armenia Yerevan State University Scenario of the Universe evolutionary expansion in JBD scalar-tensor theory (with H. Gohar) 114. Unnikrishnan CS India Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 1. New Experimental Results on Cosmic Gravitational Effects and the Centenary Einstein Equation; 2. LIGO-India: Plans and Prospects (short talk) 115. Mychelkin Eduard Kazakhstan Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute Primordial neutrino dark matter on dark energy background 116. Makukov Maxim Kazakhstan Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute Primordial neutrino dark matter on dark energy background (with E. Mychelkin) 117. Rudenko Valentin Russia Sternberg Astronomical Institute of Moscow State University 118. Maharaj Sunil South Africa University of KwaZulu-Natal Exact radiating stellar models 119. Giazotto Adalberto Italy Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Second generation GW detectors: Advanced Virgo 120. Kuvshinova Elena Russia Perm State University Cosmological models with rotation 121. Panov Vyacheslav Russia Perm State University Cosmological models with rotation (with E. Kuvshinova) 122. Yanishevskiy Daniil Russia Perm State University Cosmological models with rotation (with E. Kuvshinova) 123. Hohmann Manuel Estonia Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu 1. Parameterized post-Newtonian limit of Horndeski's gravity theory; 2. Non-metric fluid dynamics and cosmology on Finsler spacetim 124. Dolgov Alexander Italy University of Ferrara and Novosibirsk State University Early Formed Stars and Cosmological antimatter 125. Silin Vladimir Russia SAI MSU 126. Mikheeva Elena Russia Lebedev Physics Inst of RAS (ASC) Black/white holes 127. Arbuzova Elena Russia Dubna University Evolution of density perturbations in classical GR and in modified theories 128. Isakevich Daniel Russia Vladimir State University Identification of the spectrally localized components at frequencies of astrophysical processes in temporary series of an electromagnetic field of Earth. Methods 129. Isakevich Valery Russia Vladimir State University Identification of the spectrally localized components at frequencies of astrophysical processes in temporary series of an electromagnetic field of Earth. Methods (with D. Isakevich) 130. Tskhovrebov Andrey Russia P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences 131. Zherikhina Larisa Russia P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences 132. Katanaev Mikhail Russia Steklov Mathematical Institute On homogeneous and isotropic Universe 133. Hedges Morgan U.S.A. Princeton University Searching for Lorentz Invariance at the South Pole 134. Erin Nikita Russia Lomonosov Moscow State University 135. Atamurotov Farruh Uzbekistan Institute of Nuclear Physics, Ulughbek, Tashkent 100214, Uzbekistan Shadow of rotating black hole 136. Koryukin Valery Russia Mari State University 1. On the dependence of fundamental constants upon parameters characterizing the Universe dark matter; 2. On the necessity for the laboratory estimation of parameters characterizing the Universe dark matter 137. Arbuzov Andrej Russia BLTP, JINR Breaking of Conformal Symmetry in Cosmology 138. Solenov Pavel Russia Bauman Moscow State Technical University 139. Rudenko Valentin Russia Sternberg Astronomical Institute of Lomonosov State University 1. Current status the gravitational wave experiment in the world; 2. OGRAN setup in the BNO INR RAS and search for “nu-g” events 140. Vladimirov Yuri Russia Physical department of Moccow State University Relational-Statistical theory of space-time and interactions 141. Fil'chenkov Michael Russia Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology Alcubierre's Warp Drive Revisited, Classical Gravity 142. Popov Arkady Russia Kazan Federal University Strings, Branes and Quantum Gravity 143. Chechin Leonid Russia V.G.Fessenkov Astrophysical Institute On the Universe rotation problem 144. Pavon Diego Spain Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Thermodynamics of Bouncing Cosmologies 145. Chudaykin Anton Russia INR RAN Cosmology based on f(R) gravity with O(1) eV sterile neutrino 146. Yudin Ivan Russia SAI MSU 147. Zhang Yuan China Beijing Normal University 148. Boshkayev Kuantay Kazakhstan Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 1. Rotating Hot White Dwarf; 2. Geodesics in the Hartle-Thorne space-time 149. Popov Sergey Russia Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University 1. OGRAN setup in the BNO INR RAS in neutrino-gravitational correlation experiment; 2. Opto-acoustical gravitational detector with cryogenic mirrors 150. Zakharov Russia Institute of Theoretical and 1. Is an ordinary supermassive black hole at the galactic center? Alexander Experimental Physics 2. Gravitational Lensing Properties of Cosmological Black Holes 151. Tomaru Takayuki Japan High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Status of KAGRA: Large-scale Cryogenic Gravitational wave Telescope 152. Karbanovski Valeri Russia Murmansk State Humanities University 1. Spherically symmetric vacuum solutions in various theories of gravitation; 2. Cosmological models in the various theories of gravitation 153. Beloushko Konstantin Russia Murmansk State Technical University 1. Spherically symmetric vacuum solutions in various theories of gravitation; 2. Cosmological models in the various theories of gravitation (with V. Karbanovski) 154. Markov Victor Russia Murmansk State Technical University 1. Spherically symmetric vacuum solutions in various theories of gravitation; 2. Cosmological models in the various theories of gravitation (with V. Karbanovski) 155. Kairov Taimuraz Russia Murmansk State Technical University 1. Spherically symmetric vacuum solutions in various theories of gravitation; 2. Cosmological models in the various theories of gravitation (with V. Karbanovski) 156. Melehina Olga Russia Murmansk State Technical University 1. Spherically symmetric vacuum solutions in various theories of gravitation; 2. Cosmological models in the various theories of gravitation (with V. Karbanovski) 157. Yeh Hsien-Chi China Huazhong University of Science and Technology 158. Mei Jianwei China CGE, School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology 159. Zayats Alexei Russia Department of General Relativity and Gravitation, Kazan Federal University Dark energy fingerprints in the nonminimal Wu-Yang wormhole structure 160. Cirilo-Lombardo Diego Russia JINR GR&SM Unifi ed Theory as Nonlinear Realization of Supersymmetry 161. Oreshkin Sergei Russia Sternberg Astronomical Institute 162. Ernazarov Kubantai Russia Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology PFUR On multidimensional solutions in EGB model with cosmological term (with A.A. Kobtsev and V.D. Ivashchuk) 163. Shishanin Andrei Russia The Bauman Moscow State University The tetradic approach and BF-gravity 164. Abishev Medeu Kazakhstan Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 1. Restricted three body problem in GR mechanics; 2. Rotational motion of the probe body in the field of mass with inner motion and structure 165. Kirnos Ilya Russia Tomsk State University and V. E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics Anisotropic exponential cosmological solutions in 4th and 5th orders of Lovelock gravity 166. Lapshin Alexander Russia Research Instite of Hypercomplex Numbers in Geometry and Physics 167. Hakimov Abdullo Uzbekistan Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute Geometric properties of rotating black hole in conformal Weyl-Bach gravity 168. Giazotto Adalberto Italy Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Second generation GW detectors: Advanced Virgo 169. Kashapov Rashid Russia Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University The Casimir effect for stack of conductive planes 170. Vertogradov Vitalii Russia Herzen State Pedagogical Uneversity of Russia Black holes and naked singularity in generalised Vaidya spacetime 171. Guo Zong-Kuan China Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS 172. Pinto-Neto Nelson Brazil Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas 173. Fionov Andrey Russia Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University 174. Tursunov Arman Uzbekistan Institute of Nuclear Physics 1. Model of current-carrying string loops and its relevance to astrophysics; 2. Quasi-harmonic oscillatory motion of charged particles around black holes immersed in magnetic field 175. Abdujabbarov Ahmadjon Uzbekistan Institute of Nuclear Physics Energetic processes around rotating black holes 176. Toktarbay Saken Kazakhstan Al Farai Kazakh National University Approximate perfect fluid solutions with quadrupole moment 177. Toporensky Alexey Russia Sternberg Astronomicsl institute Cosmological dynamics in scalar-torsion theory 178. Saifullah Khalid Pakistan Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad 1. Hawking Radiation from Magnetized Black Holes; 2. Thermodynamics of Rotating Non-Kerr Black Holes 179. Pavelkin Vladimir Russia Perm State University Cosmology with Rotation 180. Rodionov Boris Russia Russian Academy of Natural Sciences 1. Informatical Structure and Life of Universe; 2. Thread Like Matter of Cosmogonical Mathematics 181. Mychelkin Eduard Kazakhstan Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute 1. The Papapetrou ansatz and generalized Ehlers' identity; 2. Primordial neutrino dark matter on dark energy background 182. Makukov Maxim Kazakhstan Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute 1. The Papapetrou ansatz and generalized Ehlers' identity; 2. Primordial neutrino dark matter on dark energy background (with E. Mychelkin) 183. Krechet Vladimir Russia MSTU STANKIN 184. Sadovnikov Dmitry Russia MAE 185. Gubarev Evgeny Russia Intersectoral Science-Technical Centre of Venture NonConventional Technologies Bouncing models with dust and radiation Electrodynamics of oriented point as a consequence of the real relativity principle 186. Zhovtan Aleksey Russia Crimean Astrophysical Observatory String motion in Schwarzschild space-time surrounded by quintessence 187. Strigunov Konstantin Russia Crimean Astrophysical Observatory Long-Term Observations of the Blazar BL Lacertae 188. Abbyazov Renat Russia Ilya Ulyanov Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Study of the sigmaCDM model parameters related to the recent Universe 189. Siddiqui Azad Akhter Pakistan School of Natural Sciences, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) Foliation of the Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by quintessence 190. Kassandrov Vladimir V. Russia Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology, PFUR Regular charged solution on an arbitrary worldline in the space with torsion (with J.A. Rizcallah) 191. Sandakova Olga Russia Perm State University 192. Obukhov Yuri Russia IBRAE, Russian Academy of Sciences Dynamics of test bodies in scalar-tensor gravity and equivalence principle 193. Rizcallah Joseph Lebanon Lebanese University Regular charged formation on an arbitrary worldline in the space with torsion 194. Kondratyev Nikita Russia Lomonosov Moscow State University Viscosity noise in mirrors of gravitational wave detectors 195. Aslan Osman Russia Kazan Federal University Scalar self-force of a static charge in a long throat 196. Ignat'ev Yurii Russia Kazan Federal University 1. Mathematical Models of Cosmological Evolution of Statistical System of Scalar Charged Particles; 2. Nonminimal macroscopic models of a scalar field based on microscopic dynamics 197. Garcia Diaz Alberto Alejandro Mexico Centro De Investigacion Y De Estudios Avanzados Del I.P.N. New Classo of Stationary Asisymmetric Solutions of Type D to Einstein-Maxwell Equations 198. Gorbunov Dmitry Russia Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences Flat potentials in models of chaotic inflation 199. Sushkov Sergey Russia Kazan Federal University 1. Wormholes in the theory of gravity with nonminimal kinetic coupling (with R. Korolev); 2. Cosmology with nonminimal kinetic coupling and a Higgs potential (with J. Matsumoto) 200. Molchanov Alexey Russia Lomonosov Moscow State University Gravity in megaworld 201. Zhami Bakytzhan Kazakhstan Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Rotating Hot White Dwarf 202. Kobtsev Aleksandr Russia Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia On cosmological solutions in the model with Gauss-Bonnet term and variation of gravitational constant (with V.D. Ivashchuk) 203. Krugly Alexej L. Russia Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Science 204. Hassan Gamal Egypt Minia University, Faculty of Engineering, Petroleum Engineering Department 205. Skugoreva Mariya Russia Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Global stability analisis for cosmological models with nonminimally coupled scalar fields 206. Chebotareva Elvira Russia Kazan (Volga region) Federal University The Study of Model of Degenerated One-Component Fermi System 207. Milyukov Vadim Russia Sternberg Astronomical Institute of Lomonosov Moscow University Measurement of the Post Newtonian Parameter Gamma by the Cluster of Spacecrafts in the Gravity Field of the Earth: the Mission Concept 208. Velten Hermano Brazil CPT-Amidex-Marseille/UFES Viable Dissipative Dark Matter 209. Porayko Nataliya Russia Lomonosov Moscow State University 210. Chen Chiang-Mei Taiwan Department of Physics, National Central University Pair production in near extremal charged black holes 211. Nurgaliev Ildus Russia UNESCO DEPT at VIESH 1. Nonsingular Cosmology without Dark Components; 2. New Comcep of Material Point and its Motion 212. Tegai Sergey Russia Siberian Federal University Averaging the Schwarzschild spacetime 213. Poplavsky Mikhail Russia Moscow State Unversity Single Mode Cavities for Parametric Instability Suppression in Laser Gravitational Wave Detectors 214. Kuznetsov Sergey Russia Web-Institute for Time Nature Explorations Newly-defined cosmological redshift parameter (“red square”) 215. Matsumoto Jiro Russia Kazan Federal University Cosmological perturbations in mimetic matter model (with S. Odintsov and S. Sushkov) 216. Al’pin Timur Russia Kazan Federal University Extended axion dynamo-optics: Anomalous response of a magnetized medium, induced by a pp-wave gravitational field 217. Eroshenko Yury Russia Institute for Nuclear Researce RAS Precession of stars in the Galactic center and dark matter annihilation limits 218. Strokov Vladimir Russia Lebedev Physical Institute Black-and-white holes 219. Rasulova Anna Russia Herzen State Pedagogical University 220. Bogadi Robert South Africa University of KwaZulu Natal 221. Litvinov Dmitry Russia Sternberg Astronomical Institute Nonpertrubative Measurements in Causal Set Dynamics 1. Probing MOND with RadioAstron; 2. Relativistic gravitational experiments using atomic frequency standards 222. Cottrell Kazuo Ota USA University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 1. New perspectives on an old problem: the bending of light in Yang-Mills gravity; 2. Yang-Mills gravity in flat spacetime, General Relativity 223. Davydov Evgeny Russia JINR Non-Abelian Horndeski cosmology 224. Babenko Inna Russia Institute of gravitation and cosmology of PFUR Relational and geometric approaches to justifying the magnetic fields of astrophysical objects 225. Portnov Yuriy Russia The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University (MADI) Formation of the initial distribution of matter inhomogeneities in the era of radiation domination 226. Konstantinov Mikhail Russia N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technikal University On one Hawking’s Hypothesis 227. Hirochi Kyosuke Russia Kazan Federal Uiniversity Asymptotic solutions with a dynamical scalar field in the curvature squared gravity 228. Qi Liu China Huazhong University of Science and Technology 1. Progress of gravity constant G determination in HUST; 2. Weak equivalence principle test with chiral material using torsion pendulum 229. ShuHua Fan China Huazhong University of Science and Technology 230. Grats Yuri Russia M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Casimir interaction between generalized cosmic strings 231. Meng Xin He China Nankai University Black hole relations 232. Kim Sung-Won Korea Ewha Womans University The Hawking temperature of wormhole 233. Gnevko Alexander Russia Bauman Moscow State Technical University Dark matter and dark energy 234. Babourova Olga Russia Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU) Spherically symmetric solution in Cartan-Weyl space with Dirac scalar field 235. Frolov Boris N. Russia Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU) Spherically symmetric solution in Cartan-Weyl space with Dirac scalar field (with O. Babourova) 236. Romanova Ekaterina Russia Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU) Spherically symmetric solution in Cartan-Weyl space with Dirac scalar field (with O. Babourova) 237. Sharma Ajay India Fundamental Physics Society The mathematical derivation or speculation of E = mc2 in Einstein’s September 1905 paper, and some peculiar experiments 238. Bolokhov Sergey Russia Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Effective fields and the extended Fokker-Feynman-Wheeler principle 239. Nikolaev Aleksei Russia Ilya Ulyanov State Pedagogical University The angular diameter distance for locally inhomogeneous Friedmann universe (coauthor: S.V. Chervon) 240. Abbas Ghulam Pakistan COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Sahiwal Anisotropic compact stars in f(R) Gravity 241. Rudenko Konstantin Russia International Laser Center of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University Detection of slow gravity field variations with GW-interferometers 242. Denisova Olga Russia Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Exact solutions in 5D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity with chiral cosmologicab fields 243. Majorova Tatyana Russia Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Cosmology in f(R) gravity with the kinetic scalar curvature (co-authors: A.V. Nikolaev, S.V. Chervon) 244. Soloviev Vladimir Russia Institute for High Energy Physics NRC "Kurchatov Institute" Hamiltonian cosmology of bigravity 245. Pestov Ivanhoe Russia Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, BLTP Foundations of a Unified Physics 246. Wang Anzhong China Physics Department, Zhejiang University of technology Detecting quantum gravitational effects in the early universe 247. Kubasov Alexandr Russia Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University 248. Volkov Mikhail France University of Tours Black holes and wormholes in theories with massive gravitons 249. Golubtsova Anastasia Russia Joint Institute for Nuclear Research 1. Holographic thermalization in spacetimes with Lifshitz scaling; 2. On billiard diagrams in models with scalar fields non-universally coupled to gravity 250. Zhang Yingli China National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences 251. Meierovich Boris Russia P.L. Kapitza institute for physical problems 252. Pavlov Dmitriy Russia HSGP 253. Pervushin Victor Russia JINR 254. Nikitin Alexander Russia Kamgrazhdanproekt 1. Quantum metaphysics: Atom of hydrogen is the Universe heart!? 2. Supernova SN1987A: Direct measurement of velocity of light? 255. Zaripov Farkhat Russia Kazan Federal University The evolution coupling constants in the theory of induced gravity 256. Popov Vladimir Russia Kazan Federal University Spin-axion interactions Description of dark energy and dark matter by vector fields