2015_Senior end-of-year letter


2015_Senior end-of-year letter
March 2015 Dear Senior Students and Parents, Congratulations on your upcoming graduation and being part of the 2015 graduating class of Ridgewood High School! We are giving you the following information and guidelines to ensure that the end-­‐of-­‐year activities will be a proud memory for all graduates. Please review the following information and share it with your family. IMPORTANT DATES: Saturday, April 11th Friday, April 24th Monday, April 27th -­‐ Friday, May 1st Monday, May 4th – Friday, May 15th Friday, May 15th Friday, May 15th Monday, May 18th -­‐ Wednesday, May 20th Tuesday, May 19th Wednesday, May 20th Thursday, May 21st Friday, May 22nd Tuesday, May 26th Friday, May 29th Prom @ MOSI – 7PM – 11PM Grad Nite @ Busch Gardens 4PM Please remember the dress code and other rules for the evening. Senior Spirit Week Advanced Placement Exams Online Classes Completed to be Eligible to Participate in Graduation Senior Yearbook Signing Party (6th period) Senior Semester & District End of Course Exams 5/18: 2, 4, 6; 5/19: 1, 3, 5 Senior Scholarship Night in GYM @ 6:00PM Last Day for Seniors Senior Make Up Exams Senior Checkout Day 1 – Caps & Gowns will be distributed. Recognition of Excellence Academic & Athletic Awards in GYM @ 1PM Senior Countdown in Cafeteria @ 2:45PM Senior Grades Due Mandatory Graduation Practice/Checkout Day 2 in GYM @ 8:30AM Mandatory Graduation Practice/Checkout Day 3 in GYM @ 9:30AM – Tickets will be distributed. Senior Picnic in RHS Stadium immediately following Graduation Practice Final Graduation Notification Graduation in RHS Gym @ 6:30PM (doors open for guests at 5:45PM) Seniors must report to the RHS Cafeteria by 5:30PM with cap & gown in hand. 1
YEAR END CONDUCT: The RHS Administration and Faculty have always been very proud of our students and their behavior. We expect this outstanding behavior to continue. As a warning, any student who participates in year-­‐end pranks or vandalism will face serious consequences, which may include arrest, suspension, and non-­‐participation in graduation and/or other senior events. We take pride in our school and pranks are unacceptable. Students have been reminded of these expectations during assemblies in August, December, and February. Parent newsletters have also gone home in September, December, February, and April. Note: All Prom limos, party buses, and other vehicles are subject to search as they arrive at the Prom. Any student who arrives in a limo, party bus, or other vehicle that is found to have alcohol in the vehicle or who have consumed alcohol, will be excluded from the Prom. Parents will be contacted and the student will face suspension from school and will be excluded from all graduation activities. There will be NO REFUNDS. PROM: The Class of 2016 will be hosting the Le Cirque De La Nuit (Circus of the Night) Prom at MOSI in Tampa on Friday, April 11th from 7PM – 11:00PM. Tickets will be $65 each and will be on sale until April 8th. All students will be required to sign an RHS Prom Expectation Agreement. Any student bringing a guest who does not attend RHS must complete and submit to the front office the RHS Guest Request Form no later than April 7th by 3PM for administrative approval. SENIOR CHECKOUT: The last school day for seniors will be Wednesday, May 20th. Students will be given a checkout form prior to the last day in which they need to meet all obligations. Senior Checkout will take place on May 20th-­‐May 22nd. Transcript requests should be submitted to the registrar (Mrs. Leonard) prior to the last day. The charge for transcripts is $1.00 for each set. All seniors are required to clear their account with the bookkeeper prior to graduation. (Account balances may include lost books, lost uniforms, unpaid course fees, athletic participation fees, etc.) CAP AND GOWN: Our goal is that all seniors receive their caps and gowns at the end of checkout on May 20th. Caps and gowns will be distributed once all checkout materials are completed and obligations have been satisfied. Students should try on their cap and gown immediately to be sure that it is the correct size. The gown should be carefully hung and steamed for graduation . Do not iron. If the student owns the gown, then it does not need to be returned. If the gown is on loan, then the student must return the gown prior to receiving their diploma on May 29th. HONOR CORDS: All graduates who qualify will be provided with an honor cord upon receiving their cap and gowns. In order to be eligible, you must have a weighted cumulative GPA of a 3.2000 or higher for the first seven semesters of high school. All honor students will also be recognized in the graduation program. SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP & AWARDS CEREMONIES: • The Scholarship Ceremony** will take place on Tuesday, May 19th at 6:00PM, in the Ridgewood High School gymnasium. Invitations will be sent to seniors who are receiving community scholarships and local awards. • The Recognition of Excellence Academic & Athletics Awards Day Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, May 20th in the gym at 1PM. Students will receive invitations for this event. **DRESS CODE FOR SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP & GRADUATION CEREMONY Males Females Dress pants with belt Dress pants Dress shirt and a tie Skirt or Dress (appropriate length) Socks Blouse Dark Dress Shoes (Black looks best!) Dark Dress Shoes (Black looks best!) 2
ALL GRADUATES: Absolutely, NO JEANS, SHORTS, SNEAKERS, OR FLIP FLOPS. Students who are not properly attired will not be allowed to participate in the ceremony. If you need assistance in meeting the dress code, please see Mrs. Clukey-­‐Chenard, Social Worker. Leave purses, cameras, cell phones, and all other personal items with a parent or friend in the audience; they may NOT be taken in during the processional. Note: The mortarboard (graduation cap) is to be worn flat with the tassel over the left eye. Once the seniors are declared graduates, the tassel is moved to the right side in unison with the class. Mortarboards are to look like they did when received from the company (no additional decorations). Only those items issued by the school may be worn on the outside of the gown (i.e. honor cords, medallions). STUDENTS NOT HAVING A MATCHING CAP AND GOWN AND WHO ARE NOT DRESSED APPROPRIATELY WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE GRADUATION CEREMONY. Please carry your cap and gown into the RHS Cafeteria on graduation day. SENIOR COUNTDOWN: The traditional senior countdown will be Wednesday, May 20th, at 2:45PM in the cafeteria. GRADUATION STATUS/REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION PARTICIPATION: Any student who does not meet graduation requirements will be officially notified by May 28th. Students must satisfy state and district graduation requirements by the graduation date in order to participate in graduation ceremonies. Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Special Diploma, Performance Based Diploma, College Placement Test (CPT) Eligible Certification of Completion and GED Early Exit Option-­‐Senior Assistance Program students who have met their program requirements are eligible to participate in graduation ceremonies. Please discuss your graduation status with your parents/guardians. If you have any doubts about this status, please do not hesitate to contact Student Services at 727-­‐774-­‐3900. We will be developing the final list of graduates through the morning of Tuesday, May 26th. This is a tedious process that requires, in some cases, refiguring grades from the final quarter and/or semester. If you do not meet all of the requirements, you will be notified by phone no later than May 26th. GRADUATION PRACTICE -­‐ MANDATORY: Practice will be held Thursday, May 21st from 8:30AM until approximately 12:30PM and on Friday, May 22nd from 9:30AM until approximately 12:30PM in the gym. Seniors will not be permitted in the main building during regular school hours. Seniors will be asked to leave campus after practice. The only exceptions will be for seniors who need to make up one or more of their exams. Students must be dressed according to the Pasco County School District Dress Code. Students will be sent home to change if they are out of dress code and this may jeopardize their participation in graduation. THESE PRACTICES ARE MANDATORY: You must be in attendance for all practices and stay for the entire time in order to participate in commencement ceremonies and receive graduation tickets. Work schedules, doctor appointments, vacations, etc. need to be scheduled around graduation practice. IF AN EMERGENCY BEFORE 8:30AM NECESSITATES NON-­‐ATTENDANCE, PLEASE NOTIFY MRS. MURPHY PERSONALLY BEFORE PRACTICE. FOR THOSE STUDENTS NOT PARTICIPATING IN GRADUATION, DIPLOMAS MAY BE PICKED UP ON MONDAY, JUNE 1st, FROM 8AM TO 2PM FROM MRS. MURPHY. DIPLOMAS WILL NOT BE MAILED. 3
TICKETS FOR GRADUATION: Each senior will be allowed five graduation tickets for family and friends. Due to the number of graduates, tickets are extremely limited. However, you may request additional tickets by contacting Mrs. Tezber, Principal’s Secretary at 774-­‐
3901 by Friday, May 15th. Please REMEMBER only those who are holding a ticket will be permitted in the gym during graduation. Small children of walking age will require a ticket. There will be overflow rooms available for guests who do not have tickets where they can view the ceremony through closed circuit television. Tickets are not to be bought or sold. They may be given away. Please remind your guests to check their tickets before leaving home. Tickets for graduation will be given out ONLY AFTER ALL ACCOUNTS ARE CLEARED. Final account totals will not be available until after final exams. This includes but is not limited to media fines, lost books, club dues, cafeteria fees, athletic participation fees, etc. If there is a dispute as to whether the account is clear, the fee should be paid by the student. Any fees paid in error will be refunded upon presentation of receipt. Tickets will be given out at the end of graduation practice on Friday, May 22nd. Students who are absent from practice or leave early may receive fewer tickets. SENIOR PICNIC: The Senior Send-­‐Off Committee will be hosting the annual Senior Picnic on Friday, May 22nd after graduation practice at the RHS Stadium. This event is included as part of the senior fees. We will be serving lunch and snacks, water slides, dunk tanks, bungee runs, slip n slides, and other games in this last chance to be together as a class before graduation. Seniors will need permission forms signed by parent/guardian to participate in the water events. Permission forms will be distributed at senior checkout on Wednesday, May 20th. Parents, if you would like to help, please call Ms. Leonard at 774-­‐3934. GRADUATION: Commencement exercises will begin at 6:30PM on Friday, May 29th, in the Ridgewood High School Gym. The doors will open at 5:45PM. All seniors must report to the cafeteria by 5:30PM. Please be prompt. You will need this time to change into your gowns and line up for the ceremony. IF YOU DO NOT SHOW UP ON TIME, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PLACE IN LINE AND YOUR NAME WILL BE PULLED FROM THE LIST. Please see the graduation dress code requirements on page 3. STUDENTS NOT HAVING A MATCHING CAP AND GOWN AND WHO ARE NOT DRESSED APPROPRIATELY WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE GRADUATION CEREMONY. There will be disabled/wheelchair accommodations available. Only one family member will be able to sit with a disabled family member in the marked area. If you wish to reserve accommodations, please call Ms. Leonard at 774-­‐3934 and/or make a verbal request no later than Wednesday, May 29th. Please REMEMBER only those who are holding a ticket will be permitted in the gym during graduation. Small children of walking age will require a ticket. For those who wish to view the graduation ceremony via closed circuit television, room V-­‐5 will be set up for that purpose. Entrance may be gained to this area without a ticket. BEHAVIOR: Graduation is a momentous occasion not only for the seniors, but also for their parents, families, and friends. For that reason, the ceremony is to be held with dignity and courtesy to others. All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate for the occasion, including the manner in which you walk across the stage. Any inappropriate behavior may result in your diploma being held pending a meeting with administration. Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not receive his/her diploma and/or will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement officials. This will prevent them from participating in the graduation ceremony. 4
DIPLOMAS: We recommend having a pre-­‐arranged meeting place set with your graduate and family following the ceremony. Graduates will first have to pickup their diplomas following the ceremony in the area reserved for graduates only, and then will be able to meet at a spot immediately following this process. Any student not meeting the behavioral requirements or whose financial record is not cleared will not receive their diploma. All diplomas not picked up at graduation will be available from Mrs. Murphy on Monday, June 1st from 8AM to 2PM. Just a reminder, if your diploma is withheld because of disciplinary reasons, you will be required to meet with administration. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION: • All seniors and their parents are requested to use the student parking area and the Marchman Technical College parking lot on graduation. Parking will be a problem, so if possible, please carpool. Your help in reducing the parking problem will be greatly appreciated. DO NOT PARK in any area posted as a reserved area. • All bags brought in by guests will be searched. • Noisemakers of any kind (including, but not limited to, bull horns, cowbells, whistles, and air horns), or laser pointers will NOT be allowed in the RHS Gym. • Cell phones should be turned off during the graduation ceremony. • Family and friends should remain seated throughout the ceremony (with the exception of the processional, recessional, National Anthem, and Pledge of Allegiance) as a courtesy to other graduates and their family and friends. • Seniors will be photographed individually as they receive their diploma and congratulations from the principal. The photographer will notify seniors when the pictures are ready; purchases are optional. • No one other than the graduates is permitted in the RHS cafeteria area (staging area) or on the floor near the graduates. • There will be many opportunities before or after graduation to take family pictures. GRADUATION VIDEO: Graduation ceremony videos are on sale for $20. Senior videos are on sale for $20. You may purchase both for $35. These will be sold during graduation practice/senior checkout. You may fill out the form below and return it with cash or check to Mrs. Nystrom in the front office. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please contact: Mrs. Murphy (Principal) amurphy@pasco.k12.fl.us (727) 774-­‐3901 Mrs. Stark (Senior Class Administrator/Acting Senior School Counselor) fstark@pasco.k12.fl.us (727) 774-­‐3914 Mrs. Adair (Senior Graduation Coach) adair@pasco.k12.fl.us (727) 774-­‐3915 Sincerely, Angie Murphy 5
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Ridgewood High School
7227 Land O’ Lakes Blvd.
Land O’ Lakes, FL 34638
Non-Profit Organization
Permit #6651
Tampa, FL