September Starts with a Bang - Richmond High Secondary School


September Starts with a Bang - Richmond High Secondary School
May/June 2015
The Colt
Richmond Secondary School
7171 Minoru Blvd., Richmond, BC V6Y 1Z3
T 604-668-6400 F 604-278-4734 Student Absence Line: 604-247-COLT (2658)
Website: email:
Ms. Rose Sebellin, Principal
Mr. Gordon Fitt Vice Principal
Ms. Sandy Hui, Vice Principal
It’s hard to believe it is May and we are into the final term for the year. That means that the end of the school year
is just around the corner. While staff, parents and students move through the next two months we will continue to
pursue our vision to assist every student to reach their potential and perform to the best of their abilities in every
subject. Our grade 12 students have their greatest challenge ahead of them--to maintain their focus while
graduation activities, warmer weather, and their excitement of the next phase of their lives begins to pull them
away from Richmond Secondary.
Almost done … but not quite. There is still a timetable to build, teams to coach, games to play, exams to write,
awards to celebrate and preparation for September to complete. This is a very busy time of year, yet, as I walk
through the school and go into classrooms, I see that classroom activities have carried on as usual with the focus
always on our students and on learning.
Time will go by very quickly and it is important that students stay focused on their studies right until the very end.
It is also the time for students to make sure that they have finished all assignments for each of their courses. If they
received an “I” on a report card or interim report, or if they think that they may be missing assignments, they
should check with their teachers to see what they can do to maximize their chances of success. Regular attendance
and completion of assignments are extremely important as is preparation for year-end exams including provincial
examinations for students in English 10, Science 10, Mathematics 10, Social Studies 11 and English 12. No matter
what grade your children are in, your continued support and encouragement are very important in these final few
weeks of the school year.
We would like to offer our appreciation and thanks to the many teachers, parents and community members who
gave of their time and connected with our students over the past year, impacting the lives of so many. Thank you
for all you have done to continue to make Richmond a great place of learning.
June always means celebrations and acknowledgments for the year’s efforts. Our Awards assemblies honour
students who have demonstrated exceptional achievement in the areas of Academics, Athletics, Fine and
Performing Arts, and Service. Our Valedictory Ceremony will recognize the wonderful achievement of our 2015
Grad Class. Each of these activities is the result of long hours of planning and organizing. The activities the school
provides for our students to GET INVOLVED are too many to list here.
Farewells are also a part of June. Our Grade 12 students are coming to the end of their final high school
experience. We will be sad to say goodbye to the class of 2015. However, we have one final event to share with
them: the Grad Dinner Dance on Thursday, June 25th at the Fairmont Hotel in Vancouver.
As some of you may have heard, I will be retiring at the end of this school year. We wish to extend a warm
welcome to our new Principal Mr. Jim Allison. Mr. Allison, currently Principal of Steveston-London, joins our
school community with a wealth of experience in teaching and leadership. His energy and enthusiasm will serve
the students and parents well. Welcome to Colt Country Mr. Allison!
Working with such a quality staff has been an incredible experience for me. The teachers, counsellors and support
staff have the utmost dedication for the school and students. Thank you to the staff and students who make coming
to learn everyday such an enriching experience. I thank you for your continued strong and growing parental
involvement that has helped support our students throughout the year. I will miss being part of this wonderful Colt
June 18th is the last day of our regular classes. We will hold a wide variety of school-based and Provincial Exams
from June 19-24th. The school will be open and available for students to learn and interact with their teachers, but
the activities will be different from normal. During this time, students may be writing mandatory provincial exams
(English 10, Math 10, Science 10, Social Studies 11 and English or Communications 12), writing school-based
exams, or attending make up sessions with individual teachers.
Students may also be required to attend during these days to meet with teachers for review session, to finish work
or complete a presentation or interview. Students will also be given an opportunity to meet with teachers to remove
“Incomplete” marks with their teachers during this time.
Students are urged to check the schedule carefully and arrive 15 minutes before the posted Exam start time to sign
in. Students with provincial exams may access sample exams at
Report cards will be distributed in Advisory class at 11:00 am on Thursday, June 25.
Important Dates to Remember
May 4-22
May 12
May 12
May 12
May 15
May 18
June 4
June 9
June 10
June 10
June 18
June 19-24
June 25
June 25/26
IB Exams
Collaboration Day – Classes start at 9:50 a.m.
PAC Meeting at 7:00 p.m
Alumni Luncheon – 11:30 a.m. Tickets $20.00
Professional Development Day – Classes not in session
Victoria Day Holiday – Classes not in session
Valedictory Ceremony at 7:00 p.m. – Chan Centre – UBC
Awards Ceremony Grades 8 and 9
Awards Ceremony Grades 10 and 11
Dry After Grad meeting at 7:00 p.m. in Room 153
Last Day of Classes
Provincial Exams
Final Report Card Distributed
Graduation Dinner and Dance/Dry After Grad
Next PAC Meeting
Tuesday, May l2, 2015
7:00 in the Library
Meet and Be Informed
Agenda: we need to elect a New Parent Advisory Council chair. If you have any questions prior to the meeting
about what is involved please feel free to email me at
We will be having a going away party for Ms. Sebellin, the Principal, who is retiring and all parents are welcome
and encouraged to attend!
Please find below some information about important dates to note as the school year ends in June. Final Examinations, both
Provincial Examinations and school based final examinations are considered to be an integral part of assessing and evaluating
student progress.
Last Day of Scheduled Classes for all grades: Thursday, June 18, 2015
Please ensure students arrive 15-30 minutes prior to exam start times.
Grade 10, 11 and 12 Provincial Exams:
Friday, June 19, 2015
Friday, June 19, 2015
Friday, June 19, 2015
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
BC First Nations Studies 12
Science 10
English 12
Monday, June 22, 2015
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Communications 12
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Apprenticeship & Workplace Mathematics 10
Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
English 10
Social Studies 11
The complete Provincial Examination schedule can be accessed at the Ministry of Education web site:
On Thursday June 4th we will be holding our annual Valedictory Ceremony at the Chan Centre on the campus of
the University of British Columbia. Tickets for family seating will be available on the schedule below.
Because we have a large graduation class there will be very few extra tickets available and it is very
important that you collect your tickets on the date they are available for you.
Tickets not picked up on the day released will be sold on Wednesday morning.
Valedictory tickets will be distributed as follows:
Monday May 25th 2015, Room 131; Time 12:40 to 1:25 pm
Students whose last name falls between A to L will be able to pick up their 2 free tickets and will also be able
to purchase 1 additional ticket. The cost for each additional ticket is $10.00.
Tuesday May 26th 2015, Room 131; Time 12:40 to 1:25 pm
Students whose last name falls between M to Z will be able to pick up their 2 free tickets and will also be able
to purchase 1 additional ticket. The cost for each additional ticket is $10.00.
Wednesday May 27th 2015, Library Seminar Room
One additional ticket can be purchased on a first come basis during the following hours:
7:30 am to 8:30 am & 2:45 pm to 3:30 pm (if any available)
We still need some valedictory comments from Grade 12 parents. If you haven’t sent yours in yet, please do so
immediately by emailing it to or by having your child bring a paper copy sealed in an
envelope to the office. COMMENTS MUST BE 25 WORDS OR LESS.
Congratulations to all the hard working students and parents who helped to make the April 10th Grad Gala an
enormous success. In particular, we would like to thank Sheridee Lee and Maddy Schram for all their hard work.
This was the major fundraiser for the 2015 Dry After Grad and all the attendees had a wonderful time.
Dry After Grad events are designed as safe, alcohol and drug free celebrations for all members of the graduating
class. This year, Richmond Secondary will be hosting its 9th DRY AFTER GRAD. Please make sure you hand in
your school fees, so your graduate will be able to attend this fantastic final grad event and celebrate with friends!
In order for this event to be successful, we are asking all families to assist in this endeavour.
You can help by donating:
Clothing Check In:
Thursday, June 25th, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Thursday, June 25th, 6:30 p.m. onwards
Friday, June 26th, Midnight to 4:30 a.m.
Friday, June 26th, 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.
CASH - Make a donation (tax receipts will be issued for donations of $20 or more).
Cheques are payable to Richmond Secondary School DAG or you can drop off a cash donation to Mr.
Bezzasso in the office. Please see the donation form at the end of this newsletter.
PRIZES - For Gift Baskets and Door Prizes
Gift cards, certificates and passes
New sporting goods, electronics and toiletry items
All prizes and contributions can be dropped off at the school office
Please label DRY AFTER GRAD.
We especially invite our current Grade 10 and Grade 11 parents to volunteer.
Many members of the 2015 DAG Committee will be ‘retiring’ and it is important for parents to carry on this
The following DAG meeting will be Wednesday, June 10th at 7:00 p.m.
If necessary, there will be another meeting – date to be determined.
If you have any questions, please contact Megan Schram: or 604-270-4643.
Goal #1: To further develop each student’s sense of social responsibility and citizenship as they relate to self,
peers and the broader local, global and digital communities.
1. Self – To increase students’ sense of belonging in the school in relation to self and others in the community
(developing and demonstrating a healthy lifestyle, time management)
2. Peers – To increase students’ sense of social responsibility in relation to others (developing healthy
relationships with others, respect and caring for others, anti-bullying and harassment initiatives)
3. Broader community –To increase students’ sense of social responsibility and citizenship as they relate to
the broader community (sustainability, environmental stewardship)
4. Digital community –To increase students’ sense that the digital world is a place where social responsibility
is just as important as school, home or the broader community.
Goal #2: To improve reading comprehension in the content areas at the grade 8 level.
1. Increase the percentage of Grade 8 students reading at or above the Minimal Level (by the Provincial Rating
Scale) between fall and spring reading test (Performance Based Assessment).
2. Increase participation of teachers in collaborative literacy experiences, both within their classrooms and at
in-school and district professional sessions.
to Marco Yip on winning a Shooting Star award for his volunteerism. “Since 2011, he has contributed an
astounding total of over 1,500 hours through his various volunteer roles including co-founder of the
Richmond Schools Youth Volunteer Association, president of our volunteer club, daycamp volunteer with
the City Centre Community Centre, gift wrapper and toy sorter at the Richmond Christ Fund and more.
to Ms. Yasui for her nomination as a finalist for an Ethel Tibbits award in the Community (Professional)
category. A number of staff and family members attended the Ethel Tibbits Women of Distinction Awards
luncheon in support of Ms. Yasui. We congratulate Ms. Yasui on her nomination, commitment, dedication
and caring in support of students, professional development and community building.
School District No. 38 (Richmond)
(Accommodation for Extenuating Circumstances)
The form is to be completed for any student(s) who expect to return to their assigned school LATER THAN 12:00
p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2015 and ON or BEFORE Sept. 21, 2015.
Parents are reminded that being absent at the start of the school year has the following ramifications:
1) Missed valuable instructional time
2) Missed valuable learning opportunities
3) Missed valuable explanations of expectations and routines
4) Missed valuable opportunities to make important social connections at the start of a
school year and that...
5) If a student is not returning on or before Sept. 21, 2015, a school cannot reserve a spot guaranteeing the ability
to be enrolled in the school. There may be a need for placement at another school.
In conclusion, the reason for a late return should only be for extenuating circumstances.
The form must be submitted to the school principal, if possible, before June 26, 2015. In the event of an
unforeseen family circumstance occurring on or after July 3, 2015 that causes an unexpected late return to the
school, the parent must advise the school as soon as possible by email via the school website or letter so that the
student’s place in the school may be reserved.
The Notice of Late Return will be available in the school office.
Looking for a student’s Personal Education Number (PEN)?
You can find it in the upper left corner of the student’s report card.
Orlando EDventure: (for students entering grade 10 in Sept)
Richmond Secondary School’s Science Department is planning our school’s second science-oriented field trip to
Orlando, Florida, for students in grade 10. This week long trip will take place tentatively April 16th to April 23rd,
2016. The trip is an excellent opportunity for students to gain hands-on, practical experiences in a number of the
branches of science. While the exact itinerary has yet to be finalized, it will be similar to the very successful trips
already enjoyed by students at this and a number of other Lower Mainland schools. Each day will focus on a
different branch of science, and will include an education program followed by free time to explore and enjoy the
facilities of that venue.
Previous trips have included the following activities and more:
 Space science at the Kennedy Space Center (Cape Canaveral)
 Marine science at EPCOT or at Sea World
 Zoology at Disney’s Animal Kingdom
 Physics at Magic Kingdom
 Motion picture arts and sciences at Hollywood Studios or Universal Studios
 Technology at Islands of Adventure
We are expecting a lot of interest in the trip, so an information meeting for parents (and students) is scheduled for
May 20th at 6:00 pm in the Science Superlab where you can hear how the trip is organized, view pictures,
discuss the itinerary and ask questions.
Career Centre - New This Week:
Facebook Page "Ms. Jones Career Centre News":
Ms. Jones Post-Secondary Info:
Ms. Jones Scholarship Link:
-Although most post-secondary institution deadlines have passed, some are still accepting applications. Please
see Ms. Jones in the Career Centre ASAP if you require assistance.
-Grade 12 students who have submitted an application are reminded to check their emails regularly for
university/college responses regarding important up-dates, how to accept an offer or missing information.
-Grade 12 students who’ve received an offer, make sure you check the deadline to accept your offer and pay
the deposit (found in your letter of offer, or on your online student account). Also, check for your online
course registration date and be prepared with a list of courses required for your program.
-Students should have completed their PSI Selections on-line form for interim (term 2) transcript information to
be sent to BC post-secondary institutions applied to.
See website for details:
Langara Course Planning for New & Prospective Arts and Science Students
This 90 minute session is designed to help students understand university transfer and entrance requirements.
Langara Counsellors/Advisors will also discuss prerequisites, diagnostic tests and course registration. See
website session dates– no registration required:
UBC’s Jump Start orientation and transition program registration is now open - This UBC program is for
international or Aboriginal students entering the Vancouver or Okanagan campus. Making the move to
university life is always challenging, particularly if you’re coming from another country or culture. UBC’s
Jump Start programs will allow you to make this transition smoothly and help you prepare for academic and
social success!
To register,
Vancouver Campus:
(registration closes June 30th)
Okanagan Campus: (registration closes July 30th)
May 17 - Barbara Brink Science World Internship application deadline - This is a 12-week program that runs
from June to August each year. The successful candidate of the internship must be graduating from grade 12
this spring. This is a paid position and can include a scholarship. To apply visit:
May 19 & 20th - Richmond Youth Service Agency Hiring Fair RYSA, in partnership with several retailers, is hosting a job fair on Tuesday, May 19th (1:00pm-5:00pm) and
Wednesday, May 20th (10:00am-2:00pm). Located at the Richmond Youth Service Agency, #100-7900
Alderbridge Way, Richmond, BC. For more details contact: Zavi Swain, Volunteer and Leadership
Coordinator, Richmond Youth Service Agency, Tel: 604-271-7600
May 23 - Destination UBC Student Orientation Event – Vancouver Campus
Excited about attending UBC this fall? Not sure what to do now? Attend Destination UBC, a full-day event
where you'll get all your questions answered. To register see:
May 25 - Camp Ignite Firefighting for Girls Application Deadline - The camp is open to girls in grades 11-12
(ages 16-18), and gives them an introduction to the world of firefighting. For more info and applications see:
May 31 - South Arm Summer Camps Volunteers - Deadline to apply. Gain volunteer and leadership
experience working with children. To apply, students must be 15 years or older or have completed grade 9.
Apply online at:
June 9 - Explore Capilano University Info Night - At Explore Capilano, representatives from all program areas
are on hand to answer questions and provide insight into life at CapU. Questions Email Jonathon Keller at: Time/location: 6:30pm at Birch Atrium.
APR 15 - Richmond Virtual School Summer Registration Opens - Registration details at: Summer Classes begin June 29th and the last possible meetings will be Aug 7th, with
provincial exams the following week.
Apprenticeship (Ace-It) Program Applications still being accepted! Students currently in grade 10 and 11
can apply to earn credits for Apprenticeship~ (Ace-It) in the Trades and High School Completion at the same
time. All students interested in School Based Programs apply in their grade 11 year, with the exception of Hair
Design - grade 10) Some programs are school based while others require students to attend a college for a
portion of their school year. Interested students please see your Counsellor or Career Advisor.
Early May - Kwantlen & Langara students can login to their account and check their registration date and
time. (Course registration begins in June and continues until the start of classes.)
Early May - Richmond School District Continuing Education - SUMMER LEARNING 2015
Registration details for Summer Learning 2015 will be available at: Information will
also be sent out via the Richmond School District’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Application dates will vary From May 4 to May 19, depending on the course applied to.
~ACADEMIC FULL CREDIT (Grades 10-12, credit courses)
This intensive academic program is for school-age students taking a course for the first time, to improve a mark
or satisfy post-secondary prerequisites.
~ACADEMIC REMEDIAL (Grades 8-11, credit courses)
This program is for school-age students who have marginally failed with a 40-49% mark and wish to achieve a
passing mark (max. C-) and are recommended by their schools.
~ENRICHMENT PROGRAM (Grades 1-12, non-credit courses)
Enrichment courses are designed to include provincial learning outcomes for Grades 1-12: English, ESL,
French, math & science, drama/dance, concert & jazz band. School-age students will review and preview
learning outcomes through intensive, professionally delivered courses.
~SUMMER CAMPS (Ages 6-17, non-credit, fee paying)
Learn or improve your basic skills in music, science, or sport, or enhance your learning style and study skills!
These courses are fee paying and NOT funded by the BC Ministry of Education.
May 31 – Langara Interim Transcript Deadline – Students who have not filled out the PSI on-line form by Apr.
30, must submit an official paper transcript to Langara by this deadline.
June 1 - UBC's deadline to accept your offer of admission and to pay your acceptance deposit. For offers made
after May 15, check your admission letter for deadlines.
June 1 - SFU's deadline to accept offer of admission and to pay admission deposit.
- SFU Deadline to Submit a Personal Profile for Diverse Qualification Applicants
June 1 - On-line application for Government Student Loans Opens. Apply at:
Early to Mid-June - UBC, SFU & UVic Registration/enrolment date information sent to students.
The career Center at Richmond Secondary is open, Tues 8-3, Wed. 12-3 and Fri 8-3, to answer any
questions or provide assistance regarding post-secondary entry.
School Calendars 2015--‐16 and 2016--‐17
APPROVED by Ministry in April 2014
APPROVED by Ministry in April 2015
Days in session
Non-­­Instructional Days
Days of Instruction
Hours of Instruction
853 in K, 878 in Grades 1-­­7, 952 in Grades 8-­­12
853 in K, 878 in Grades 1-­­7, 952 in Grades 8-­­12
Labour Day
Monday September 7
Monday September 5
Schools Open
Tuesday September 8
Tuesday September 6
Thanksgiving Day
Monday October 12
Monday October 10
Remembrance Day
Wednesday November11
Friday November 11
Winter Vacation
Monday December 21 to Friday January 1
Monday December 19 to Monday January 2
Family Day
Monday February 8
Monday February 13
Spring Vacation
Friday March 11 to Thursday March 24
Monday March 13 to Friday March 24
Good Friday
Friday March 25
Friday April 14
Easter Monday
Monday March 28
Monday April 17
Victoria Day
Monday May 23
Monday May 22
Last Day
Wednesday June 29
Thursday June 29
Administrative Day/Schools Close
Thursday June 30
Friday June 30
Over the year we have a great number of items turned in to our Lost and Found in the office that have not been
claimed. At the end of the school year, we will place the items on tables in the main hall for students to claim their
lost property. Any unclaimed items will then be sent to charity. If a student has lost an item of clothing, a pencil
case, glasses etc. they should check with the Administrative Assistant in the office for permission to check the Lost
and Found. Please see Ms. Hui for any lost electronics and cell phones.
Unlock Richmond’s heritage, arts and culture during the FREE Doors Open
weekend on June 6th and 7th from 10:00 am to 4:00pm. Choose from 43 sites
including museums, national historic sites, heritage buildings, art galleries,
artist studios, places of worship and local organizations.
A FREE opening celebration for Doors Open Richmond 2015 will be held at
the Steveston Museum in the heart of Steveston Village on Friday June 5th,
4:30 pm- 8:30 pm. Immerse yourself in local Japanese Canadian history with
the opening of the Japanese Fishermen’s Benevolent Society Building on site.
Enjoy refreshments, live performances, and Japanese themed activities
For more information, please visit
Twitter: @Richmond_BC #DORichmond
Child and Adolescent Program; #200 - 6100 Bowling Green Road, Richmond
(Public parking lot available West of the building. Please ring bell for entry into building)
Click here for map
“Video gaming, social media misuse, and other related digital addictions among 8 to 25 yearolds”
presented by Benjamin Wong –
Clinical counsellor with Richmond Addiction Services Society
By briefly presenting the assessment, treatment, and prevention of problem video gaming, social media misuse,
and other related digital addictions among 8 to 25 year-olds, this presentation discusses the impact of our
technophilic culture on child development, more precisely brain development. Insight on how we can minimize
the negative impact our technophilic culture can have on infants, children and adolescents, as well as managing
and understanding assistive technologies in education, will be discussed.
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 - Time: 6:15pm – 8:30pm
6:15pm – doors open, 6:30pm Webinar followed by discussion, sharing and networking
For more information and topics go to
Please rsvp your attendance by email to or phone 604.878.3400
-------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Student Absence Line: 24-hour message
PAC Chairperson:
Lynn Braun
Dry Grad Chairperson Megan Schram
School Trustee:
Sandra Nixon
(604) 247-COLT (2658)
Have you made any changes to your address, email address, home phone number, work phone number
or emergency contact number? If so, please complete a Change of Address form and return it to the
Once a Colt…Always a Colt!
Student’s Name ____________________
Student # _________________________
Please find enclosed the sum of ____________________donated to the Richmond School Board.
The purpose for which I would like this item used is to assist:
Richmond Dry After Grad
The Board will seek to fulfill the intent of this donation in compliance with the School Act and its
Regulations, the Income Tax Act and its Regulations, and with Board Policy and Regulations. Donations
can be subject to a general direction but decisions regarding specific beneficiaries of one of its
established programs must be the exclusive responsibility of the Board.
Whenever possible, the contribution will be distributed either to the school specified by the contributor or
to the Board’s general operating funds.
In accordance with Canada Customs and Revenue guidelines for registered charities, by my signature
below, I understand that this donation has not been made to support a specific child's participation in an
activity or tour, nor is it for the benefit of a specific person or family.
Signature of donor: _____________________________________ Date: __________________
Is an official receipt for income tax purposes required?
Yes ________ No ________
If yes, please provide the following information: (PLEASE PRINT)
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Street: ______________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________ Province: _______________ Postal code: _________________
Home Phone: ___________________ Work Phone: _________________________________
Please make your cheque(s) payable to:
Richmond School Board
7811 Granville Ave
Richmond, BC
V6Y 3E3
Thank you for your support of School District No. 38 (Richmond)