May 2015 Stoplist - Richmond, VA, Chapter of the American Guild of


May 2015 Stoplist - Richmond, VA, Chapter of the American Guild of
May 2015
Our May 12th meeting and program, to be held at St. Bridget Catholic Church, 6006 Three Chopt Road in Richmond, features the three New Organist
Scholarship recipients for 2014-2015. Following the student recital, Grant Hellmers will present a program entitled "Organ Music Without Pedals" which will
feature music for manuals only, intended for pianists and organists to use for services, and ranging from technically easy to advanced for those with extensive
piano or organ background.
Travis Alford is in his first year of study; both Evan Smith and Caroline Haines were awarded a second year’s scholarship in recognition of their
achievements last year. Each student has provided a short statement of introduction for you.
Travis Alford has been playing classical piano since age twelve. In addition to his musical studies, he aimed to
earn his associate’s degree in engineering by December and transfer to VCU to pursue a bachelor’s degree in engineering
along with a minor in mathematics. Besides enjoying music and mathematics, snowboarding is one of his favorite activities.
Travis acknowledges that he was inspired by Richard and Caroline Haines when they performed at the last chapter meeting,
and that finalized his decision to compete for this year’s program. In his own words: “I am truly blessed for having this
opportunity to learn the organ which I can use for the ministry for the Lord.” Travis has been studying with Larry Robinson
this year.
Caroline Haines’ principal instrument is the harp which she has studied for ten years, garnering many awards for
her performances. With the American Youth Harp Ensemble, she has performed in concert at the White House, Carnegie
Hall, Kennedy Center, U. S. Department of State, Belgium Embassy, and the Lincoln Center. Last summer’s highlight was
the opportunity perform at the World Harp Congress in Sydney, Australia. She recently won the privilege of a solo
performance in Carnegie Hall this summer. Participation in the Richmond Philharmonic Orchestra and the Richmond
Symphony Youth Orchestra programs has provided a sense of community while collaborating with gifted musicians.
Caroline began organ study in September, 2013, with the award of an AGO New Organist scholarship. In November, 2014,
she placed second in organ in the adjudicated High School Music Festival at Bob Jones University. Dr. Lohuis has guided Caroline as she is
learning about this magnificent instrument. Caroline anticipates continuing organ and piano study as she majors in harp performance in college
this fall. She will perform works by Mendelssohn, Schroeder, and Bach.
Evan Smith: I am a home-schooled high school sophomore. I play varsity soccer and I have taken piano lessons for
almost ten years. I love learning about history and I have been studying Latin for several years. I received a Richmond AGO
student scholarship two years ago and have been taking organ lessons with Grant Hellmers since then. Evan will perform works
by Pachelbel, Buxtehude, Langlais, and Bach.
6:00 P.M. Gathering
6:30 P.M. Dinner (catered by Mosaic $15) *Reservations are required.
7:00 P.M. Business meeting and election
7:30 P.M. Program
Dinner Menu: Tuscan Chicken with Fresh Lemon, Artichoke Hearts & Capers, Greek Style Grilled New Potatoes with Fresh Herbs, Field
Greens Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette Dressing, Whole Wheat Baguettes, Gourmet Cookies.
*For Reservations please email at least one week prior to the event.
Please note
that each reservation will be confirmed by a return email. If the reservation is not confirmed, please call 804272-0036 (home) to verify your reservation.
Dear Colleagues:
Back in 2008 a friend of mine tried to persuade me to join Facebook, one of today’s most popular online social media services. I recall clearly how
defiant I was about joining the popular trend. Why on earth would I want to add another task to manage in my already busy life? Seven years later, my
story has changed. After a few months of using Facebook, I quickly learned that social media is not solely for entertainment, but it is widely used in
professional circles. The power of social media continually amazes me, not only in how it reveals humanity’s surprisingly close degrees of separation,
but by how many in our culture use it as a primary source for getting news and sharing public events. It is astounding how many concerts and events
are advertised on social media without being publicized in the printed press.
The Richmond AGO created a Facebook page a few years ago, and it has since gathered close to one hundred followers. Several who follow the
Richmond AGO Facebook page are not members of the chapter; some are not organists: all are simply curious about what we are doing as a chapter.
Last summer I was thrilled to meet someone at the Boston AGO National Convention who mentioned that they follow us on Facebook and wished their
local chapter had programming and member interaction like the Richmond AGO.
Twitter is another popular social media source. The Richmond AGO has also been mentioned on various Twitter feeds. While I have not quite fully
grasped the functionality of Twitter, I know many AGO members across the nation use it. With the 2017 Mid-Atlantic Convention on the horizon, you can
expect to see or hear about intense publicity and communication through Twitter, Facebook, and other social media avenues.
Still not convinced to participate in social media? That’s fine. The Richmond AGO will continue to promote all its known events via newsletters, emails,
and mailings. Social media is just another way of staying connected and au courant with our post-modern culture.
Chris Martin
Dean, Richmond AGO
Deans lunches will begin again early in the 2015-16 Session.
Wilbur Held, a notable figure in the world of church and organ music, passed away on March 24, 2015, just prior to his 101st. Birthday. Information on
Held, his life and work, can be found at:
There are many helpful aids in the AGO Bookstore at Headquarters for us to read and study so we can be proficient in our AGO certification exams.
You may want to take time this summer to peruse them and see how much you already know-you may know more than you think you do! Then take
time during the summer to study what you also need to know for the exams. I encourage all of us to consider the pursuit of the certificates offered from
Mary Campbell, SPC
Stay connected with Richmond AGO members and notices of meetings, recitals, and other events through the chapter's official Facebook page. Look
for us on Facebook: Richmond Chapter - American Guild of Organists, or go to the Richmond AGO webpage and click on the
Facebook icon.
The Churches Of Richmond and Central Virginia
A site featuring detailed photographs of historic churches, organs and organ specifications in Central Virginia. Take a virtual tour of your favorite house
of worship, or check out the specifications and background of our area’s historic organs, as compiled by Donald Traser and John DeMajo.
Three separate things for you this month FIRST, by now every chapter member should have received an invitation from the 2017 Convention’s Program Committee (being chaired by Chris
Martin) to make suggestions on the programs that might be considered for the 2017 Convention. The survey format was designed to be open-ended,
allowing you to respond in a complete manner (not just ‘check-the-box’). As I’m sure you can imagine, the choices surrounding the Convention events
(artists, workshops, locations, host hotel, etc.) drive many of the other planning areas of the Convention. If you haven’t already done so, and have any
suggestions to make, please complete the survey soon. The Committee will be doing the bulk of its decision work in the summer.
SECOND, the other Convention committees are in the process of being formed. Please give serious consideration to serving in this capacity, if you
are asked. As the planning gets underway for all of the aspects of the Convention, every active and able member will be asked to assist in some
manner – if not now, then later, and for both time and money.
THIRD, one of the initial marketing and promotional opportunities for our 2017 Convention is the 2015 Convention, being held in Pittsburgh in late
June. We are going to have a full-page ad in the program booklet, inviting all to join us in Richmond in June 2017. We also will have an exhibit space
provided where we can provide information on the 2017 Convention. If you are attending the 2015 Pittsburgh convention, would you consider
helping at the booth? I haven’t figured out all of the details and materials that we’ll be taking, but I’m sure I could use somebody’s help. Please let
me know if that ‘somebody’ is you.
PLAYS ITSELF. Johann Sebastian Bach
Kenna Payne
4261 Saratoga Road, Richmond, VA 23235
|Phone 272-9656 (home) | Email:
Organ Repertoire Recital Series
Wesley Parrott
Friday, May 8, 2015, 7:30 p.m.
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
8706 Quaker Lane, Bon Air
2010 Taylor & Boody Organ, Opus 64, III+P/36 stops
For his recital in Richmond, organist Wesley Parrott will play works by François
Couperin, J. S. Bach, Mendelssohn, Vierne, Widor, Herbert Howells, and others.
This will be Wesley’s second appearance in Richmond on the Organ Repertoire
Recital Series, the first being a brilliant performance at Westminster Presbyterian
Church 34 years ago, in 1981.
Wesley Parrott is a native of Easton, Maryland. He holds degrees from The
Curtis Institute of Music, The University of the South, and the Eastman School of
Music, where he was a student of David Craighead. Winner of three U.S. national
organ playing competitions in 1979, he was also a finalist in the international
Grand Prix de Chartres competition in 1982. Wesley has performed in such
places as The Kennedy Center, Washington National Cathedral, The Shrine of
the Immaculate Conception, the Kimmel Center’s Verizon Hall, Princeton
University Chapel, St. Thomas Church, NYC, and Macy’s Grand Court (the
Wanamaker organ.), Chartres Cathedral, and major churches and cathedrals in
England. He has served as organist for churches in Philadelphia, Alexandria VA,
Washington D.C., and Rochester NY. Currently he serves as Organist and
Director of Music for St. Mary’s Episcopal Church and parish musician at St. Francis de Sales Church in Philadelphia. Wesley is an active board
member for the West Washington Square Historic District and The Friends of Louis I. Kahn Park in Philadelphia. He has also served on boards of the
Franklin Inn Club (Past President) and the Settlement Music School, West Philadelphia branch. A resident of Philadelphia for most of his life, he
enjoys singing, gardening, antiquing, and genealogy.
The Executive Committee has approved a slate of nominees for chapter office during the year 2015-2016. Please note that several roles are a single slate. If a member
wishes to nominate someone else for any of these positions, you are welcome to do this. You will need to secure the permission of any other nominee in writing before submitting the name. Please submit any additional names for nomination to Chris Martin at We are deeply grateful to the following people for their
willingness to run for chapter office
Cheryl Van Ornam
Cheryl Van Ornam is the Organist and Choir Director at Redeemer Lutheran Church, where she directs choral, handbell and brass ensembles. She is also the Organist at
The First Church of Christ Scientist in Richmond, and teaches piano privately. She currently serves as the Sub-Dean of the Richmond Chapter, American Guild of Organists,
and since 2003 has served as Newsletter Editor; Yearbook Editor; former and current member of the Executive and Program Committees; former head of the Membership
Committee; member of the Recital Series Committee. She has previously served the AGO in Chicago (Secretary), and Boston (Yearbook Coordinator and member of the
Executive Committee). Her master’s degree in Organ and Church Music is from Northwestern University. She enjoys people and music!
Tom Bailey
Tom Bailey is Music Director at Emmanuel Episcopal Church at Brook Hill, where he works with a small choir, and plays the church’s mechanical action organ. Tom is a
Richmond area native, having grown up in Hopewell and graduated from VCU, after studies with Lawrence Robinson and Ardyth Lohuis. He has served churches in New
York and Virginia, including St. James’ Episcopal (year long interim), and Centenary UMC in Richmond. He currently is on the program committee of the Richmond Chapter.
Tom served as sub-dean and Dean of the Northern Virginia Chapter, and as member-at-large for the Suffolk, NY Chapter. In 1993 he graduated from Virginia Theological
Seminary with an MDiv., outside the ordination process. Having worked at AGO National Headquarters for three years, he knows that the Richmond Chapter is one of the
strongest in the country, and is honored to be a part of its mission. He resides in Hopewell in semi-retirement, where he looks after his parents.
Casey Dunaway
Casey’s past AGO activities include serving three years as the RichChap AGO Recital Series treasurer and program committee. He received his Bachelor’s degree in organ
performance at Mars Hill College, N.C. and did graduate work in organ at the University of Cincinnati Conservatory of Music with an assistantship in organ maintenance for
the conservatory instruments. Casey worked with the organ building firm of C. B. Fisk, Inc. where he was a cabinet-maker, voicer, and tonal-finisher. Locally, he was one of
the tonal-finishers for Fisk Opus 112 at Saint James’s Episcopal Church in 1998 and has been curator of the instrument since then. He also maintains several other
instruments in and around the Greater Richmond region as well as Fisk Opus 89 in New Bern, NC. He has held positions at churches in the Boston & Asheville, N.C. areas
as well as in Richmond at First Presbyterian, Westminster Presbyterian, First English Lutheran, & Seventh Street Christian.
Mary Campbell
Mary Elizabeth Campbell has served as secretary of the Richmond AGO for two years and four years as our Educational Concerns Chairman. She served as recording and
corresponding secretary of her Alpha Alpha Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma. Mary was organist in the Northern Neck of VA at St. John's Episcopal, Warsaw, Fairfields
Baptist Church, Burgess and St. Stephen's Episcopal, Heathsville supplementing her teaching salary as a single lady. She subbed in Richmond for years, then earned the
Church Music Certificate from the Leadership Program for Musicians, after which she accepted the Music Director's position at Trinity Episcopal in Highland Springs. When
the church closed its doors Feb. 8, 2015, Mary began playing the following Sunday at St Jude's Anglican, Reformed Episcopal. She is a member of St. Matthew's
Episcopal Church and has sung in the chancel choir for thirty years that she has lived in Richmond as Mrs. Campbell. Mary holds a BS in Elementary ED with an area of
interest in music education, a BA in Philosophy, and a Master's in Elementary Education. She taught Kindergarten for 31-1/2 years and first grade for a half-year. She has
served as the Northumberland Education Association President for three years and Worthy Matron of her O.E.S. Chapter for the past year.
Kenna Payne
Raised on a Holstein dairy farm in upstate New York, music was a significant part of my family’s life – always. Between band (oboe and clarinet), school chorus, church
choir, piano lessons, organ lessons, and my first church job as one of two organists at my home church while I was in 10th grade, there was never a silent moment in our
house – everybody participated! I began organ lessons because my church needed an organist, and I shared the bench with another friend for one year. When she went to
college, I became the regular organist. After college, I moved to Richmond, and substituted only on occasion around the city area. I began my career of regular subbing in
2003, and became the organist at Westminster Presbyterian in Richmond (my home church since 1977) in the fall of 2011. In my ‘other’ life, I was an accountant for almost
40 years, retiring in the summer of 2014. I am active in both my church and in the Presbytery of the James, and am a low alto in the Richmond Symphony Chorus. I have
been active in the AGO chapter for several years, and began serving as Treasurer in July 2014. I have enjoyed everything about working within and for the Chapter, and look
forward to continuing as the Treasurer.
Marty Barstow
Marty Barstow, a native of Norfolk, VA, obtained degrees in Organ Performance and Sacred Music from East Carolina University in Greenville, NC, and Duquesne University
in Pittsburgh, PA. Currently, he is the organist and choir director of St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Williamsburg, VA. In addition to being a member of the AGO, Marty is
also a member of the American Choral Directors Association and the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. He has studied voice privately, and currently studies
conducting with Agnes French. He has sung with various choral groups, and currently sings with Cantori Choral Ensemble of Williamsburg.
Margaret Taylor
Margaret Taylor, Member at Large, has been a part of the Richmond Chapter AGO for three years. She currently serves as the Organist and Director of Music Ministries at
Providence United Methodist Church. She serves as a staff accompanist at Virginia Commonwealth University for the voice department. Margaret also serves as the accompanist and assistant director of City Singers Youth Choirs, an auditioned choir performing the highest caliber of distinguished youth choral music. Other organizations
worked with include Central Virginia Masterworks Chorale, Capitol Opera of Richmond, Virginia Commonwealth University Women's Choir, NATS, VMEA, and Songbird
Studios. In addition to her directing and accompanying endeavors, Margaret is an accomplished soprano soloist. She is currently the young artist intern for VCU's opera program. She performs in recitals and concerts in the Richmond area on a regular basis. Margaret holds a Bachelor of Science in Music Education and a Bachelor of Arts in
Vocal Performance from Lebanon Valley College in Pennsylvania. She is originally from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and enjoys a good slice of shoofly pie.
For Dean:
☐ Cheryl Van Ornam
☐ Write in candidate ________________________________
For Sub-Dean:
☐ Tom Bailey
☐ Write in candidate ________________________________
For Secretary:
☐ Mary E. Campbell
☐ Write in candidate ________________________________
For Treasurer:
☐ Kenna Payne
☐ Write in candidate ________________________________
For Auditor (vote for one):
☐ Casey Dunaway
☐ Write in candidate ________________________________
For Member-at-large (vote for two):
☐ Marty Barstow
☐ Margaret Taylor
☐ Write in candidate ________________________________
☐ Write in candidate ________________________________
NOTE: Before submitting a vote for a write-in candidate, voter must verify that the proposed candidate is willing and able to serve should they be elected.
Instructions for casting absentee ballots:
The ballot itself should not be signed. Absentee ballot envelopes received, will remain unopened until after the voting takes place
at the May meeting, at which time they are opened and counted. Be sure to allow ample time for ballots to reach the auditor by
mail prior to the night of the May meeting and election.
Please mail ballots to:
Nancy B. Reed, Auditor
1318 Shallow Well Rd.
Manakin-Sabot VA 23103
Please note: To insure inclusion, all articles for Around The Town must be received no later than the 16th of the month before the month of
Saturday, May 2, 2015, 1:00-4:00 P.M. “Music In The Garden,” a fundraiser presented by The Music Academy at Salisbury. Come hear live music
performed by students of all ages while touring three private gardens in Salisbury, Midlothian, VA (Chepstow Road, Newgate Road and Leafield
Drive). Complimentary cookies and lemonade will be served. Advance purchase tickets are $20.00 each. Tickets purchased at the event will be
$25.00 each. One ticket allows attendees admission into all three venues! For more information call 794-5311 or email: . (Rain date: May 9, 2015)
Sunday, May 3 at 3:00 P.M. River Road Church, Baptist, 8000 River Road, Richmond, VA will present Stefan Palm (Cologne, Germany) and Robert
Gallagher in “Music for Two Keyboards” featuring Mozart - Sonata for Two Pianos, K. 448, Bach - Concerto for Two Harpsichords in C, BWV 1061,
Franck - Symphonic Variations (Piano and Organ)
Sunday, May 3 at 1:00 P.M. “Simple Gifts:” the music of Aaron Copland. Program will follow a free luncheon. For more information please contact:
Sunday, May 3 at 3:00 P.M. “All the Earth Resounds with Music” A hymn festival celebrating the arts, Led by Kelly Tennille Grooms. 1924 Tappahannock Boulevard Tappahannock, VA 22560
Wednesday, May 6, 2015, Noon. Trinity Organ Concert with Thomas Lindsay, violinist and Aaron Renninger, organist. This free one-hour concert will
include a potpourri of popular classics. Bring a friend and your lunch, and eat with the artists afterward. Beverages provided. Saint Bede Catholic
Church, 3686 Ironbound Road in Williamsburg. For information, please call (757) 229-3631, or visit
Saturday May 14 at 4:00 P.M. City Singers Youth Choirs will close its season with a concert entitled "Songs of Day and Night" at Ginter Park Presbyterian Church. Leslie Dripps and Mara Smith, directors; Margaret Taylor, piano accompanist. Free admission. Parking on street and in church lot.
Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 5:00 P.M. The choral year concludes with a service of Choral Evensong on Trinity Sunday, May 31 at 5:00 P.M. This service of scripture, prayer, and music is in praise of glory of the eternal Trinity. All are welcome. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 815 E. Grace St., Richmond, VA 23219.
In accordance with the policies of our national organization, the Richmond Chapter of the American Guild Of Organists welcomes visitors and guests
to all of our programs and gatherings. Members are encouraged to invite their family members and guests to our meetings, and we welcome visitors
from the general public as well. Guests who attend our meetings on a recurring basis, will be encouraged to become a member of the chapter so as
to participate in our newsletter, concert bulletins and program notices.
The persons listed below have indicated a desire to be called for substituting at church services. No specific qualifications are implied by
their inclusion on this list.
The employer is responsible for determining that a substitute will adequately meet the needs of the church.
Questions should be addressed to Betty Girardeau. If you no longer wish to be included on the substitute list, please ask that your name be
removed from the list by emailing Betty Girardeau at or by phone at 804-647-0825.
Substitutes Available for Sundays
Beck, Susan
Burton, Melvin (Mel)
Crafton, Coleen
Dersch, Bruce
Dorn, James A.
Fox, Jack
French, Agnes
Freude, Sharon
Gay, Esther
Grant, Cathy
Kerschbaumer, Evelyn
Martin, Liz
Moro, Don
Neff, Joan
Nowowieski, Adella
Suerken, Ernest A.
Yates, Elizabeth
804 744-2325 or Cell 804 347-4673
home 804-447-3863 cell 317-313-6233
757-253-0391 (Williamsburg/Tidewater)
434-293-0617 (Charlottesville, VA)
804-559-0898 (Summer only)
804-248-2522 (June-August only)
Substitutes Available for Special Non-Sunday Morning Events
Bailey, Tom
Candler-White, Laura
Edwards, Beverly
Ferrell, Lia
Goldie, Amos CAGO
Hargrove, Elizabeth
Jonkman, Crystal
Lindsey, Charles
Moro, Don
Norfrey, Lisa
Sachs, David
Schutt, Ed
Taylor, Dr. Brian J. AAGO
Taylor, Margaret
Van Ornam, Cheryl
804-794-6025 (available also for 11:00 AM Sundays)
804-798-1776 or 804-339-5701
804-330-9976 (home)
804-301-9976 (cell)
804-272-0992 x104 (church)
717-419-4309 (cell)
Listings in this column appear for a maximum of 90 days and then are removed unless an extension is requested. When a listing is removed, therefore, it does not necessarily mean that the position has been filled. To submit a listing, please contact our Referral Service Director, Betty Girardeau
936 Jackson Street, Roanoke Rapids, NC, 27870.
Seeking part-time INTERIM organist for one Sunday service, no choir rehearsal. Two manual Reuter pipe organ. Organist provides prelude, postlude,
offertory, hymn accompaniments, and general service music. Should be willing to play occasional organ/piano duets and willing to work with the rest of
the church staff to provide a meaningful worship experience. Occasional requests for weddings or funerals if possible. Salary is currently $100 per week,
but could be amended for someone coming from out of town. Those interested should contact Anna Anderson, Minister of Music and Missions, at or 252-537-8034.
201 Henry Street, Ashland, VA, 23005.
Seeking part-time organist for one weekly Sunday 11:00 AM service and one weekly choir rehearsal, September through June. Also special services during the Advent/Christmas season, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday. The Organist has the right of first refusal for playing at weddings
or funerals held at the church, and may receive an honorarium over and above their regular salary for such services. Schantz 3 manual pipe organ. Salary $16,627 per annum with 4 weeks paid vacation. Interested candidates should contact the church via email at
or by phone to Matt Enderle days at 804-798-7224 or Diane Stoakley at the same number
12920 Hull Street Road, Midlothian, Virginia, 23113
Seeking part-time organist for traditional Baptist service. Position is available January 1, 2015. One 11:00 service a week, weekly choir rehearsal attendance not required
or expected. Contract is for 40 Sundays a year. Salary $150 a week. Organ is two manual Allen Vista, installed in 2008. Interested candidates should contact Susan
4201 Brook Road, Richmond, VA, 23227
Seeking part-time organist for one Sunday morning service and one weekly choir rehearsal. Special services Christmas Eve and Maundy Thursday. Two manual Lewis &
Hitchcock pipe organ. Kohler & Campbell grand piano. Salary $7800 per year with 2 weeks paid vacation. Interested candidates should contact Robert Peterman, choir
director, days at 804-426-7860 or via email at,Harris Butler at,or Rachel Woodall at
A Guide To Understanding Your Organist
Bach Prelude and Fugue: Organist is happy
Widor Toccata: Organist is very happy
Widor Toccata at double speed: Organist went to Starbucks during sermon
Improvisation on hymn: Organist has lost glasses
Improvisation on popular song: Organist has lost temper
Long chord cluster: Organist has gone to sleep
Silence: Organist has gone to Pub
May, 2015 Candlelight Concerts and Historic
Organ Recitals at Bruton Parish Church
Saturday, May 2 @ 8:00 pm
Youth Choir & Strings Concert
Soli Deo & Young Musicians of Virginia,
Karla Robinson & Sarah Umlauf, Directors
Tuesday, May 5 @ 8:00 pm
Handbell Concert
Bruton Parish Tarpley Ringers, Rebecca Davy, Director,
with JanEl Will, Organist
Thursday, May 7 @ 8:00 pm
Organ Recital
Dr. JanEl Will, Organist at Bruton Parish
Saturday, May 9 @ 8:00 pm
Organ Recital
Cheryl Van Ornam, Organist from Redeemer Lutheran
Church in Richmond, Virginia
Tuesday, May 12 @ 8:00 pm
Violin & Organ Recital
Thomas Lindsay, Violinist & Rebecca Davy, Organist
Thursday, May 14 @ 8:00 pm
Organ Recital
Stephen Henley, Jr., Organist from Bon Air Presbyterian
Church in Richmond, Virginia
Saturday, May 16 @ 8:00 pm
Choral Concert
Choirs of Christ Church School, Mark Parsons, Director
Sunday, May 17 @ 5:30 pm
Choral Evensong Celebrating Bruton’s 300th Anniversary:
Five Mystical Songs by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Choirs of Bruton Parish & Christopher Mooney,
Rebecca Davy, Director & JanEl Will, Organist
Tuesday, May 19 @ 8:00 pm
Youth Orchestra Concert
Peninsula Youth Orchestra, Rebecca Nixon, Director
Thursday, May 21 @ 7:30 pm
Virginia Arts Festival Sacred Concert Cosponsored
Celebrating Bruton’s 300th Anniversary
Cantus, Men’s Ensemble
Tickets available through Ticketmaster
Saturday, May 23 @ 8:00 pm
Choral Concert
One Voice Chorus, Dr. Lynn Atkins, Jr., Director
Tuesday, May 26 @ 8:00 pm
Organ Recital
Ryan-Michael Blake, Organist from Trinity Episcopal
in Portsmouth, Virginia
Thursday, May 28 @ 8:00 pm
Organ Recital
Dr. JanEl Will, Organist at Bruton Parish
Saturday, May 30 @ 8:00 pm
Choral Concert
Virginia Choristers, Lynelle Edinger, Director
Historic Organ Recitals - Wren Chapel, College of William & Mary
Saturday @ 10:00 am on May 2, 9, 30 – Rebecca Davy, Organist
Saturdays @ 10:00 am on May 16 – Sarah Bland, Organist
Saturday @ 10:00 am May 23 – Thomas Marshall, Organist
Rebecca Davy, Music Director & Organist
Dr. JanEl Will, Organist
James Darling, Choirmaster & Organist Emeritus
Contact: or (757) 645-3431
Acoustic Design Services
Acoustical Design Collaborative, Ltd specializes in ecclesiastical spaces where natural
acoustics for music and unobtrusive amplified speech are essential for worship celebration. We
have completed over 90 successful projects involving the following services:
Acoustic Measurements
Room Reverberation Enhancement
Audio/Visual Systems Design
Sound System Tuning & Optimization
Organ Space Planning
We strive to provide our clients with professional advice based on prudent design criteria, costeffective solutions, clear concise recommendations, open communication, all delivered in a
timely manner. Please contact us to see
how we can provide ‘heavenly sounds’ for
your Sanctuary.
7509 L’Hirondelle Club Road
Ruxton, MD 21204-6418
Please note that the Richmond AGO “Stoplist” is now accepting paid advertising by the issue or for
a full year. Ad space for camera ready copy or text can be purchased by contacting John DeMajo,
“Stoplist” editor, at
Please note that ads are restricted to products or services that are of interest to the membership of
the American Guild Of Organists.
American Guild of Organists, Richmond Chapter
John G. DeMajo, Editor
6001 Statute Street
Chesterfield, VA 23832
We’re on the Web and on Facebook!
This month, your editor wishes to devote this column for the purpose of sharing a message from one of our New Organist Scholarship students,
Evan Smith. Here is Evan’s message to the members of the Richmond AGO Chapter:
This fall I was elated to receive my second student scholarship from Richmond AGO. Because of the scholarship, I have been able to take
another year of organ lessons. Learning to play the organ has been a new and interesting experience for me.
In addition to learning organ technique, I had the opportunity of visiting numerous organs around Virginia. One of the most memorable is the
1837 Henry Erben organ at St. Paul’s Episcopal, where I pumped the bellows while the organist, David Sinden, played. Performing during
services at Trinity Lutheran Church and Bon Air Presbyterian Church was another highlight.
My mentor and teacher, Grant Hellmers, invited me to visit the Taylor and Boody organ building workshop, where they were constructing a new
two-manual, 27-stop organ for the Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia. It was incredible to see how much careful work it takes
to construct an organ. I attended several concerts performed by gifted AGO organists. One in particular, Daniel Stipe’s concert at St. Stephen’s,
was among the best musical performances I have ever heard.
Since I began taking organ lessons, my piano technique has become much better. Practicing at the organ has improved my fingering and
several pieces, such as Langlais’s Prelude Modal, give me excellent practice in legato technique. My improvisation and ornamentals are also
greatly improved. I have developed an appreciation for a wider variety of church music, and I am currently playing the offertory every few
Sundays for my church.
I would like to thank the Richmond AGO for awarding me this scholarship. Taking organ lessons has improved my musicianship and introduced
me to a wonderful instrument. I have also been encouraged in my studies by several AGO organists in addition to Grant Hellmers, such as
Daniel Stipe, Jim Dorn, and Steve Henley, to name a few. Until I heard about the AGO scolarship, I didn’t even know if I wanted to learn to play
the organ. Now it has become something I wish to pursue for the rest of my life.
Evan Smith