Schedule/Further Details/Entry Form
Schedule/Further Details/Entry Form
RULES 1. Spurs/dress spurs must not be worn ANY Mountain and Moorland Ridden classes. 2. Hard hats to the current BSI standard must be worn at all times when mounted 3. Stallions/Colts may not be led by juniors who have not attained their 14th birthday before 1 Jan in the current year 4. Any pony stallion n/e 138cms or small breed M&M may NOT be ridden by juniors under 12 years of age on 1st Jan in the current year. Stallions exc. 138cms and large breed M&M stallions may not be ridden by juniors under 14 years of age on 1 st Jan in the current year. 5. The Judges decision is final. 6. Objections must be lodged with the Secretary within 10 minutes of the class finishing with a deposit of £20 which will be refunded if the objection is sustained. 7. Riders must have attained their 3rd birthday 8. Novice: Must not have won £10 or above prize money before the date of show. 9. Foals must be at least 3 weeks old on the day of the show. 10. The EMWPCA accept no responsibility for any loss, damage or injury however caused. 11. Entrants are strongly advised to provide their own 3rd party insurance cover. 12. The Show is run under WP&CS rules. 13. EMWPCA reserve the right to alter classes or judges without notice. 14. It is strictly the competitors’ responsibility to ensure they enter the correct class. No refunds will be given for competitors who miss their class. 15. No mucking out of boxes on the ground and no litter please. 16. In the event of the show being cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control no refunds will be given 17. The Committee reserve the right to refuse entries at their discretion. 18. This Association has a ZERO tolerance for abusive language/ behaviour to Judges, Stewards, show organisers or competitors. East Midlands Welsh Pony and Cob Association Foal, Yearling & Ridden M & M Show SHOW DATES FOR 2015 Spring Show 26th April 2015 Sunday 2nd November 2014 Selston Equestrian Centre Hill Bank Farm, Common Side, Selston, Nottingham NG16 6FJ Summer Show 14th June 2015 QUALIFIERS FOR PUK WINTER CLASSIC 2015 & SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 Foal, Yearling & Ridden M&M Show Selston Equestrian Centre 1st November 2015 ENTRY FEES : EMWPCA MEMBERS £12 NON-MEMBERS £15 per class for all classes. Entries on the day – CASH ONLY NO CHEQUES Emergency Phone on the day only: 07759034740 email: Tel: 01246 234706 Ring 1 9.30am Judge: N Owen (Desach Stud) Class 1 Class 2 Champ 1 Welsh A Colt Foal Welsh A Filly/Gelding Foal Welsh A Foal Class 3 Class 4 Champ 2 Welsh B Colt Foal Welsh B Filly/Gelding Foal Welsh B Foal Class 5 Class 6 Champ 3 Welsh C Colt Foal Welsh C Filly/Gelding Foal Welsh C Foal Class 7 Class 8 Champ 4 Welsh D Colt Foal Welsh D Filly/Gelding Foal Welsh D Foal Class 9 Class 10 Champ 5 Welsh P/B Colt Foal Welsh P/B Filly/Gelding Foal P/B Foal Class 11 Class 12 Champ 6 M&M Small/Lrg Colt Foal M&M Small/Lrg Filly/Gelding Foal M&M Foal Sml & Lrg Class 13 Class 14 Champ 7 Owner Bred Colt Foal Owner Bred Filly/Gelding Foal Owner Bred 1st 2nd and 3rd placed horses/ponies will qualify for the Winter Classic 2015 & Supreme Championship 2015. Competitors in qualifying positions, who are not current members of Ponies (UK) must become a member before the time of entry. Ring 1 Not before 12.00 Judge: Mrs K Doyle P(UK) DALKEITH YOUNG RIDERS M&M RIDDEN WINTER CLASSIC 2015 & SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 Class 21 M&M Small Breeds – Mare or Gelding, 4 year old & over. Registered in their approved Pure Breed Society stud books of Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, Welsh Section A or B. Rider not to have attained their 14th Birthday before the 1st January in the current year. Class 22 M&M Large Breeds – Mare or Gelding, 4 year old & over. Registered in their approved Pure Breed Society stud books of Connemara, Dales, Fell, Highland, New Forest Welsh Section C or D. Rider not to have attained their 18th Birthday before the 1st January in the current year. Class 23 Intermediate M&M – Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 4 year old & over. Registered in their approved Pure Breed Society stud books of Connemara, Dales, Dartmoor, Exmoor, Fell, Highland, New Forest, Shetland, Welsh Section A, B, C or D. Rider not to have attained their 25th Birthday before the 1st January in the current year. (See Rule 7 of the current P (UK) Rule Book). Champ 9 Young Rider Championship Supreme Foal Championship - Sashes to Champ & Reserve Ring 1 Aprox 11.00am Judge: N Owen (Desach Stud) Class 15 Class 16 Class 17 Class 18 Class 19 Class 20 Welsh A Colt/ Filly/Gelding Yearling Welsh B Colt/Filly/Gelding Yearling Welsh C Colt/Filly/Gelding Yearling Welsh D Colt/ Filly/Gelding Yearling Welsh P/B Colt/ Filly/Gelding Yearling M&M Small/Lrg Colt/Filly/Gelding Yearling Champ 8 Yearling Championship - Sashes to Champ & Reserve P(UK) LOBSTER POT M&M LEAD REIN WINTER CLASSIC 2015 & SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 Class 24 Open Lead Rein Ridden Open Mountain & Moorland Lead Rein, Mare or Gelding, 4 year old & over, not exceeding 122cms. Registered in their approved Pure Breed Society Stud Books of Shetland, Dartmoor, Exmoor, New Forest and Welsh Section A or B. To be led by an attendant and shown in a snaffle bridle. Lead Rein to be attached to the noseband only. Rider not to have attained their 9th birthday before 1st January in the current year P(UK) BRINETON M&M FIRST RIDDEN WINTER CLASSIC 2015 & SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 Class 25 Open First Ridden Open Mountain & Moorland, Mare or Gelding, 4 year old & over, not exceeding 128cms. Registered in their approved Pure Breed Society Stud Books of Dartmoor, Exmoor, New Forest, Shetland, Welsh Section A or B. To be shown in any suitable bridle. Rider not to have attained their 12th birthday before 1st January in the current year. P(UK) KINGSFORD M&M RIDDEN PONY OF THE YEAR WINTER CLASSIC 2015 & SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 Class 28 Open M&M Small Breeds Ridden Open Mountain & Moorland, Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 4 year old & over. Registered with their approved Pure Breed Society Stud Books of Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, Welsh Section A,or B Rider any age. (Please see Rule 7 in the current Rule Book) Class 29 Champ 10 Open Mini Championship P(UK) KINGSFORD CONFINED NOVICE RIDDEN M&M PONY WINTER CLASSIC 2015 & SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 Class 26 Novice M&M Large Breeds Ridden Confined Novice M&M, Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 4 year old & over. Registered in their approved Pure Breed Society Stud Books of Connemara, Dales, Fell, Highland, New Forest, Welsh Section C or D. Not to have won a first prize of £10.00 or more in any open ridden M&M class at any show on or before 1st January in the current year. Rider any age. (Please see Rule 7 of the current P(UK) Rule Book). Champ 11 Open Mountain & Moorland, Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 4 year old & over. Registered with their approved Pure Breed Society Stud Books of Connemara, Dales, Fell, Highland, New Forest, Welsh Section C or D. Rider any age. (Please see Rule 7 in the current Rule Book) Novice M&M Small Breeds Ridden Confined Novice M&M, Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 4 year old & over. Registered in their approved Pure Breed Society Stud Books of Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, Welsh Section A or B. Not to have won a first prize of £10.00 or more in any open ridden M&M class at any show on or before 1st January in the current year. Rider any age. (Please see Rule 7, of the current Rule Book). Class 27 Open M&M Large Breeds Ridden Novice Championship Champ 12 Open Championship Supreme Ridden Championship Sashes to Champ & Reserve Classes may be amalgamated if insufficient entries forward PONIES UK WINTER CHAMPIONSHIPS The Winter National Championships are held on 28th - 29th March 2015 at Bury Farm, Slapton, Bucks LU7 9BT. EMWPCA Entry Form – Winter Show 2nd November 2014 Pre Entry or On the Day Entry Form Members £12 per class for all classes Comp.No For Sec.use Class No. Name of horse/pony Reg.No.& Breed Non Members £15 per class for all classes C/F/G M/S Sire & Reg.No. Owners name ___________________________________________ Dam & Reg.No. Rider and Riders age Total Entry Fees Address _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Total Enclosed Post Code __________________________Telephone No. ____________________________________ Mobile __________________________________ EMWPCA Membership No. ___________ I agree to abide by the rules of the show (signature) _______________________________________________ NUMBERS CAN BE COLLECTED ON THE DAY FROM THE SECRETARY OR ENCLOSE SAE FOR NUMBERS TO BE SENT. COMPLETED ENTRIES TO: MRS J C BARBER, 95 BROOMFIELD AVENUE, HASLAND, CHESTERFIELD, DERBYSHIRE, S41 0NF. TEL: 01246 234706 Entry Fee
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