May 2015 - École Robert Browning School Online


May 2015 - École Robert Browning School Online
École Robert Browning News & Information
130 Browning Boulevard
Principal – Mme. Clarke
Vice-Principal – M. Gomes
(204) 837-8381
(204) 837-8382
Head Administrative Assistant– J. Sawyer
Administrative Assistant – E. Warsaba
School Website:
May 2015
École Rob ert B row ning
St. James Assiniboia
School Division Website:
Mission Statement:
École Robert Browning is
a bilingual setting where
we respect ourselves and
others. We accept
responsibility for our
actions and our learning.
L’école Robert Browning
est un milieu français où
nous respectons nousmêmes et les autres. Nous
acceptons la
responsabilité de nos
actions et de notre
Early Dismissal 3:30pm
Victoria Day – No School
Early Dismissal 3:30pm
Math Night 4:30pm
Parent Council Meeting 7pm
High 5 Run 4:30pm
Grade 4 Immunization
Volunteer Tea 2:30pm
Welcome to Kindergarten 6:00pm
Early Dismissal 3:30pm
Inservice – No School
Grade 5 Farewell -1:45pm
Report Cards Issued
Last Day of School for
We celebrated Earth Day on April 22 as a school with a variety of
Stations. We learned about sustainability and how we can help the
environment. Thank you to the following sponsors that helped make this day
a success, Starbuck Credit Union and Sobey's Unicity.
Also, a big thank you to our parent volunteers that donated their time.
A great time was had by all!
Sun Smart
With our lovely spring weather, parents are reminded that their children may require hats and
sunscreen in order to be "Sun Smart". Students are sure to be outside for two 15 minute recess
breaks and up to 45 minutes over the lunch hour. Please help us by providing them with what
they need to be comfortable outdoors. Merci!
École Robert Browning is hosting a tea to say “merci” to all our school
volunteers who have helped us throughout this year on May 29th, 2015.
The Tea will begin at 2:30pm followed by
the school program/assembly at 3:00pm.
Last day of school for students is Monday, June 29 2015 with a regular dismissal time of 3:57pm. Report Cards
will also be sent home that day.
If your child will not be present on the last day of school please send a self-addressed/postage paid envelope to
the office.
Please remember that when picking up your child(ren) from school
at the end of the day, we ask that you please wait for them along
the brown mosaic wall and not by their classrooms. Thank you.
Safe Schools
There is a parent webinar posted on the Safe Schools website. It is entitled
Understanding, Responding and Preventing Bullying.
Please visit:
Grade 5 Farewell Celebration
The grade 5 farewell celebration will take place on
Thursday, June 25th at 2:00p.m. in the school gym.
Everyone is welcome to join us for this special event.
Welcome to Kindergarten Evening
Reminder: The Kindergarten orientation evening will take place on
Monday, June 1st at 6:00pm. The evening will be filled with activities for
our new kindergarten students that are registered for kindergarten in
September 2015.
Every child will receive a special bag to take home, full of learning goodies!
There will also be many community representatives eager to help make the
beginning to your school “career” with us a successful one!
T hre e T i ps to M a ke H ome work Tim e Ea sier this S pring
It may seem hard to believe, but soon the weather will be even warmer and the days will be longer. This
transition can be difficult for any family with children. How do you help your children to focus on
schoolwork as it gets warm outside?
Ensure that the routines your family established earlier in the year are being maintained. Don’t worry if
you didn’t create a routine, though, there is still time to establish good habits before the warm weather
Here are three tips to help keep your children on track:
1. Create a schedule. Regardless of their age, students need routines. Set clear studying guidelines
and be consistent in enforcing them. Once children are comfortable with a regular routine they have
fewer problems with transition times like spring.
2. Make your children accountable. Give your children a way to show you that they have done what
they are supposed to do. This can be as simple as a checklist or a conversation at the end of the
evening. It will be easier for your children to stick to their schedule if they know you are watching.
3. Use a reward system. Remember that it really is fun to be outside when it is warm! Find creative
ways to reward your children for doing what they are supposed to do. For example, allow them to earn
an extra 30 minutes of outside time each week. Make sure they understand that the rewards are the
result of meeting expectations.
Reminder to families that we are still collecting Campbell’s soup labels. Every
label means points for our school that we can “cash in” for play equipment.
Concussion Awareness
St. James-Assiniboia School Division has been given a number of Concussion Management cards
that provide information on symptoms, balance testing and return to play. These cards are posted
near the first aid/gym office. Ecole Robert Browning’s policy is to always call home when a
student has had an injury to the head. Additional information on concussions is available at and
St. James-Assiniboia 2015 Divisional Science Fair Results
The following students represented École Robert Browning at the
Divisional Science Fair which took place at George Waters Middle
School/ St. James Collegiate on April 8th, 2015.
Congratulations to the following students for their hard work:
Grade 3
Shay C. - Silver
Jessie S. and Avery P. - Gold
Grade 4
Sydnee M. - Gold
Wyatt M. - Bronze
Alexis L. - Gold
Grade 5
Brendan P. and Ryan D. – Silver
Quinn T. and Anna R. – Silver
Marcus T. – Silver
Deanna C. – Silver
Sammer B. – Gold*
*Top Grade 5 Project Award
*Manitoba Hydro Award
The Manitoba Hydro “Energy and You” award is given to those projects that have demonstrated
outstanding research in the area of energy and
related conservation applications.
Classroom Scenarios for 2015-2016 will be:
4 classes of Kindergarten
3 classes of Grade 3
3 classes of Grade 1
2 classes of Grade 4
1 class of Grade ½
1 class of Grade 4/5
3 classes of Grade 2
2 classes of Grade 5
École Robert Browning
130 Browning Blvd. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3K 0L8 Phone (204) 837-8381 Fax (204) 837-8382
Combined classes
Combined grade classes have been used in school districts for many decades. There is a good chance that your
children will have the experience of being in a combined grade class at some point during their elementary school
We are committed to creating classes of mixed abilities with a balance of student performance levels and student
behavioural characteristics. Being in a combined class is an equally beneficial experience for students as in any other
Dr. Joel Gajadharsingh, of the University of Saskatchewan, is the leading North American investigator of combined
classes. In 1991, the Canadian Education Association summarized his findings and concluded that children in
combined classes achieve at equal levels whether in combined classes or single grade classes. The quality of learning
experience is the same. Their ability to learn and to get along with other people is as good or better than students in
single grades.
Research has shown that combined classes:
* let students learn from one another
* provide models for younger students,
* let older students solidify their learning,
* provide a curriculum suited to each student,
* encourage students to work together,
* help students to become independent,
* support students in recognizing and respecting diversity.
Students in combined classes are not held back to the level of younger students, nor are they expected to handle work
beyond their ability. In every classroom there is a wide range of abilities, talents and performance levels. Children
mature at different rates in various aspects of development. Teachers are aware of these individual differences and
structure learning activities according to the needs of each learner.
In combined classes the range of abilities is not significantly different from that of a single grade class. Within the
combined class there will be children of both grade levels with similar levels of performance. Whether a child is gifted
or needs considerable assistance, each will be challenged to excel as much in a combined class as he/she would be in a
regular class.
Findings also show in classes where there is more than one age level, children learn to become more independent,
responsible learners and develop a greater degree of social responsibility. Mature younger students are often in a more
acceptable social setting in a combined class. Older students enjoy the leadership opportunities they can provide with
younger students. Students in combined classes generally develop a greater sense of belonging, support and
Children learn continuously; their intellectual, social and personal development does not occur in compartmentalized,
grade specific segments.
Teachers of students in combined classes, like those in single grade classes, employ their skills and strategies so that
each student is challenged at the level at which he/she can succeed.
Our primary concern as advocates for children is to provide a stable, effective learning environment for all students in
our care. We are confident that the Grade 1/2 and Grade 4/5 combined classroom scenarios will do just that in
2015 2016.
Robert Browning
Looking for a running tune up? Want to set a
fitness goal for yourself? Preparing for another
race? Want to get out and be active with your
friends and family?
Registration for the High 5 Community 5km Run is
now open!
Students, staff, parents and relatives from our
community of schools (École Robert Browning,
Sansome School, Phoenix School, Lincoln Middle
School and Westwood Collegiate) are encouraged
to come out and participate. There are two
distance options available 2.5km and 5km. Race
day is May 21st, 2015. Hope to see you there! A
family that runs together has fun together!
Visit for more information.
Parenting Today
Workshops will be held from 6 – 8 p.m. at Educational Support Services – Jameswood School, 1
Braintree Crescent (off Olive & Ness). Free pizza supper will be offered from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.
and session will take place from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. To register please call Arlie Williams-Taylor at
885-9555 or email
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Coaching For Confidence
Presented by: Dr. Maria Phelps, School Psychologist, Educational Support Services,
St. James-Assiniboia School Division
Shyness and anxiety are normal human emotions. Some children, however, are
much more shy or fearful than the average child. For these children, anxiety may
interfere with their enjoyment of school, activities with other children, new
experiences (swimming lessons, birthday parties, etc.), and their development of
independence and confidence. In this session, parents will learn about anxiety in
children aged four to seven and gain useful tools to help your children overcome
this problem.
Once registered for any session, if you cannot attend, please be sure to cancel by email
FREE CHILDCARE IS PROVIDED FOR SESSIONS. When registering please indicate for how many children and their
ages. Once registered, if you cannot attend, please be sure to cancel by contacting Arlie Williams-Taylor at
885-9555 or email at
Restitution For Parents
Free registration for parents in St. James
Presenter: Rebecca Gray
Wed, Aug 19, 2015
Caught in the cycle of ever-increasing punishments to motivate your children? Tired
of bribing your children to behave? Want your children to be self-motivated? Learn
why children behave, how to set them up for success, and learn concrete tools for
tough situations. Learn to encourage children to take responsibility for their actions
& be self-disciplined. (No Prerequisite)
(Complimentary book included)
Restitution Parent Workshop
Location & Time
Time: 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Sturgeon Heights Collegiate
2665 Ness Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
For information on courses, please contact:
Ruth Hargrave
Phone: 204-782-0103
Celebrating 50 years of academic excellence within a
challenging, safe and supportive environment.
Please come join us in celebrating our great school,
students and staff.
May 13th, 2015 from 3:00pm - 5:30pm.
181 Sansome Avenue
Visit WINNIPEG PUBLIC LIBRARY to join the TD Summer Reading Club. No
required reading lists - just read for the fun of it! Special events are happening
at the library this summer - check out for more details.
•Kids can have fun, improve their reading skills, and
reduce summer learning loss.
•Receive a free activity book, reading log, and stickers
when you register for the club.
•Kick-off with Goldeyes baseball players, Goldie and
Goldette on Saturday, June 27 at Millennium Library.
•Library Day at the Ballpark is Sunday, August 2! Thanks to
the Goldeyes for donating game tickets for a draw at
each library.
•Join us on Wednesday, August 12 for the annual visit by
Goldeyes baseball players who share with kids the fun
and importance of reading.
Registration begins Monday, June 22; the program ends Friday, August 21.