What`s Inside: - Rosanna Primary School


What`s Inside: - Rosanna Primary School
NO. 12
THURSDAY MAY 7th, 2015
8th May
Wednesday 13th
Sport – Rosanna vs Banyule Primary (away)
Mothers’ Day Stall
NAPLAN testing (Yrs 3&5)
NAPLAN testing (Yrs 3&5)
NAPLAN testing (Yrs 3&5)
What’s Inside:
Principal’s Report
Mother’s Day Stall tomorrow
Assistant Principal’s Report
Sports News
Dear families and friends,
As Autumn kicks into full swing this week, we are still
enjoying snatches of sunshine but May is not only a
transition into winter, but a special month to celebrate
the women in your life. Mother’s Day is coming up on
Sunday and is a perfect chance to practice our FISH
philosophies – ‘Make Their Day’, ‘Be There’ and ‘Play’!
Every day your mums, grandmothers, aunties or special
ladies give everything they can to support, nurture,
challenge and care for you. Sunday is your chance to
show how much you appreciate them. The best way to
do that is to spend some quality time together. I hope
you all enjoy some special family time together on
Sunday with some laughter, kind words and maybe even
breakfast in bed.
Our Mother’s Day stall will be on Friday, so bring along a
few dollars and choose something special for your
special lady.
On Monday, the teachers had a busy day of learning
with Marg Armstrong focusing on the Restorative
Practices program. It was a fabulous opportunity for us
to increase our knowledge in the area of building
positive relationships with and between our students
and enhancing our approaches to managing conflict.
Marg is an experienced teacher who had first had
understanding of how the program can benefit students
and strengthen the social culture of a school.
We also updated our CPR and asthma training. Thanks
to all staff for their commitment to their continued
professional learning.
Next Monday we have engaged the services of Michael
Ymer (Mathematics Education Consultant) to work with
groups of students and their teachers in building maths
teaching skills. We are very excited to have Michael
back this year after a great introduction in 2014.
Next week is NAPLAN week. Your 3 and 5 students will
complete the assessments on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday. Teachers have worked with their classes to
support them in understanding of the test processes and
we are sure that our students will feel comfortable and
confident in completing the tasks to the best of their
abilities. If you would like any more detailed information
about the NAPLAN tests, please see your class teacher,
area coordinator or myself.
Today there was much primping, preening and cheesy
grins (mostly from the staff), for the ever popular school
photo process. Please see the attached note which will
help you to complete your order for your lasting
memories. Thanks to Julie, Sharon and Jeff in the office
for their thorough organization and to all the FORPS
helpers who made the running of the day so smooth.
Coming up in Week 6 (May 18 – 22) is Education Week.
This is a chance to celebrate learning and all the
fantastic things we do at school. Please keep an eye out
for more information on the events taking place in that
Last night we hosted a parent information evening for
prospective parents to our school. It was a great turn
out with 24 families attending. Information about RPS
was presented along with a tour and plenty of questions
were answered. Thank you to the FORPS committee for
providing a lovely supper which always helps parents to
mingle and get to know one another.
We continue to receive enrolments for prep in 2016 and
would encourage you to complete your enrolment forms
and forward them to the school office as soon as
possible. It is especially important to know enrolments
of siblings of current students to assist us with plans for
Heather McIntosh
Working Bee
Keep 30th May at 1:00pm in your diary for our upcoming
Working Bee. It will be a chance to tackle a number of jobs
around the school including some regular gutter cleaning,
shifting of material from under the old building as well as shifting
our mulch in the top playground. They'll be more as the date
creeps up to us.
Sign up for Tiqbiz
Thanks for all those who have signed up for Tiqbiz, our new
notification provider. It is great to see people register for alerts
from their areas so that class specific information can be
recieved. Please make sure that you also register for 'Whole
School' information as this will let you receive information such
as Curriculum Days, special whole school events and our
students of the week. If you hare having trouble pickup a how to
card at the office or come along to assembly next week and
meet our student tiqbiz experts who will help you with
registering. Anyone can download Tiqbiz on their android or
apple device. Once this has been done and Rosanna Primary
chosen then you simply need to register for the information you
wish to receive. The registration codes are;
Whole School
Prep/1 area
1/2 area
3/4 area
4/5/6 area
Online Publishing Permission and Student Agreement
A gentle reminder that our ICT Student Agreement and Online
Publishing Consent permissions are due back to classroom
teachers by this Friday. These are important opportunities to
open up conversations around the safe use of digital technology
at school and home. Please feel free to speak with Mr Buckley
and/or myself if you have any questions.
Jeff Jackson
Assistant Principal
Congratulations: Gemma Russo, Aliyah Hussein,
Sam Duong, Nawal Hoque, Jacob Walker, Elle
Butcher, Amy Flakemore, Dustin KershawRichards, Izaak Honarasa, Bethany Toner,
Mohamed Abdullahi, Jessie Philp, Mason Hopkins,
Tom Manolakakis, Najma Ahmed, Natasha Lowe,
Ava Ragazzon, Lucas Walker, and from Reading
Recovery: Lilly O’Flynn, Rohan Agar and Yusuf
A win to Blue Gum for week 12.
Yearly Totals: Blue Gum =2; Golden Wattle =2; Red
Waratah =2; Green Grevillea=4.
Literacy News
Premier’s Reading Challenge
Curriculum Day Catchup
On Monday teachers explored a range of strategies and
concepts related to Restorative Practices. Restorative
Practices affirms that most profound learning occurs when there
is a healthy relationship between teacher and student as well as
between student and student. It assists teachers and students to
build, maintain and restore relationships by building the capacity
to enable students to self regulate behaviour and contributes to
the improvement of learning outcomes. Already teachers in our
grades from Prep through to Year 6 have been working in
'restorative circles' to strengthen student relationships. The day
was also an opportunity to refresh our CPR and asthma training
to ensure that we are providing a safe environment for all
Book of the Year is a major literacy event at RPS and, as
such, the decision has been made not to participate as a
school in the 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge. We
feel that by also making the Premier’s Reading
Challenge a biennial event (alternating with Book of the
Year), we will be able to better focus our resources and
efforts to make both of these events exciting, interesting
and meaningful to student learning.
We encourage students, with the support of their
families, to participate in the 2015 Premier’s Reading
Challenge as home-based readers.
Follow the link to find out more information and the
The Premier’s Reading Challenge will be back, bigger
and better than ever, as a whole-school event in 2016!
This week we are playing against Banyule Primary, an
away game. So everyone needs to bring $7 for the bus!
Netball will be played at Banyule Primary.
Soccer will be played at Banyule Flats.
Football will be on the Beverley Road Oval.
All children not involved in a sporting team will
participate in a sporting program at Macleod College. No
money is required for this program.
Good luck to all teams!
School Cross
Country 2015
Thank you to everyone who assisted or attended the
RPS cross country last Thursday. It was a magnificent
day for an outing in the beautiful Rosanna Parklands.
Congratulations to all students for their efforts in the
various age group races. It was truly an example of
excellence. A wonderful feature of the day was the
way the students supported each other. Special
congratulations goes to those students who qualified
to go on the district level cross country that will take
place on Wednesday 27th May.
1st Bogdan Olenko
2nd Leo Hobson-Nicholls
3rd Mika Takahashi
4th Thomas Lazzaro
5th Liam Madrigale
6th Kevin Liu
7th Lachlan Fraser
8th Joshua Donohue
9th Bilal Abdirahman
10th Lachlan Morrison
Anton Chuchuva
2nd William Tsitsis
3rd James Scott
4th Oisin Taifernopolous
5th Baxter Hurst
6th Gian Ayria
7th Mohammad Abdullahi
8th Dakshitha Ediriweera
9th Tom Halbish
10th Luca Smith
1st Lillian Marriner
2nd Jenna Calabrese
3rd Scarlett Winter
4th Mariana SanchezCuesta
5th Kaylah Wilks-Smith
6th Eve Petsetas
7th Mischa Wicks-VanBraak
8th Laura Hope
9th Natalie Piardis
10th Chiedza Karavina
Evalyn Frazer
2nd Jessie Walker
3rd Aimee Adcock
4th Matilda Mee
5th Jessica Watson
6th Evelyn Peric
7th Bethany Harris
8th Sirad Warsame
9th Eva Boxall
10th Ella Maynard
1st Ethan Donohue
2nd Angus Carmichael
3rd William Turner Dickason
4th Aaron Dimovski
5th Dylan Flakemore
6th Logan Butcher
7th Ben Philip
8th Liam Walker
9th Brock Ahern
10th Lochie Carmichael
12/13 YEARS
1st Miku Takahashi
2nd Sam Walker
3rd Charlie Turvey
4th Thehan Pothuhera
5th Daniel Pirdis
6th Dylan Connolly
7th Sam Madrigale
8th Gareth Nugent
9th Scott Fletcher
10th Steven Chan
1st Tannah Hurst
2nd Zoe Allen
3rd Billie Pearson
4th Amelia Mariscovetere
5th Emma Murphy
6th Saskia Rose
7th Metissa Ayria
8th Natasha Lowe
9th Molly May
10th Amy Agar
12/13 YEARS
1st Cassie Long
2nd Holly Wittmann
3rd Tianah Wilks -Smith
4th Zoe Costin
5th Emma Colosimo
6th Mandolin Marriner
7th Tara Scott
8th Abbey Hopkins
9th Labibah Shaikh
10th Madeline Halbish
A Big THANK YOU to our wonderful parent helpers
who assisted with marshalling on the day:
Yoko Takahashi, Di Carmichael, Sarah Nugent, Karen
Blackbourn, Anne Wilks, Carla Marsicovetere, Ffion
Walker, Dennis Turner, Anne Turner, Bronwyn
Meaden, Michelle Peric, Peita Walker, Alan Marriner,
Chanel Ayria, Clare Dynon and Margaret Calabrese.
Presentation of medals for 1st 2nd and 3rd will happen
at next Monday’s assembly.
Kelli Lambert
Sports Coordinator
A huge thank you to Pam Halbish
all the volunteers who coordinated
school photos today. Everyone will be thrilled with
the photos when they arrive and the kids look so
good as a result of the hard work of our volunteers THANK YOU!
FAIR NEWS - preparation for our school fair are well
underway and this is where we call upon our entire
school community to pull together to make this our
most successful fair ever!
NEXT MEETING - Wednesday 20th May, 7pm everyone welcome!
Donations are needed for our giant raffle and
auction, so if you have any contacts, please see if
you are able to obtain any prizes that can be used.
Donations are also needed for entertainment (if
you're a talented parent we'd love to hear from
you!) and equipment (i.e. trestle tables, chairs,
marquees), so again if anyone has these or has
contacts that we can use please let anyone of the
fair coordinators below know.
Nicole Maslin - nicolemaslin@optusnet.com.au
Leah Lazzaro - leah_lazzaro@hotmail.com
Clare Jones - jones.clare.76@gmail.com
Mother’s Day Stall
Tomorrow we hold our Annual Mother’s Day Stall.
This is a hugely popular event with all the children.
Children choose their own special gift for their Mum,
Grandmother, Aunty, Sister or any other special lady
in their lives.
Lovely presents will be available for them to choose
from, ranging from $1 to $8. It would be appreciated
if you could also send your child with a plastic
shopping bag for them to bring home their ‘secret’
gift for you.
Don’t worry if your child is at away games for
Interschool Sports, all grades are timetabled so there
will be plenty to choose from when they are back at
Hi everyone,
We had a great Curriculum day on Monday, with the theme on
Mother’s Day. The day also involved playing many games, such
as Treasures and Prisons, and much more.
This week we’ve been focusing more on Mother’s Day
activities. Children continue to do their own group and
individual activities, such as playing our board games, playing
with dress ups (very popular) and dancing to music.
If you’re going to book your children for a same day booking,
you will not be able to book online. You are welcome to call the
service during our operating hours (or leave a message on our
mobile phone) instead. As our numbers are increasing, it would
be of great assistance if you can contact us in the morning at
before hours care, as we may need to arrange staffing for the
service. However, we continue to encourage parents to book
online, and to do so 24 hours in advance. If you’re having any
difficulties at all, please contact our customer service team on
(03) 8564 9000 between 9am – 5pm.
Please ensure your children have their belongings clearly
labelled. If they are not labelled, they are taken to lost
TERM 2 – Week 5: Animals.
What does it involve??
This year we would like to trial FORPS PARENT CLASS REPS.
These volunteers will be the point of contact for all parents
within a class group and will be a liaison between FORPS and
the parents.
They will be responsible for organizing any social events for the
parents within the class or liaising between the year level(s) to
involve the broader school community.
These can be coffee dates, play dates, parent dinners and be
the point of contact for volunteers for any FORPS events that
require parent help.
If you would like to be the FORPS champion for your child’s
class, please fill out the form below and return to the office.
NAME: __________________________________
MOBILE: ________________________________
EMAIL: _________________________________
CHILD’s NAME: _________________________
CHILD’s GRADE: _________________________
(The grade you wish to be class rep for)
FORPS COMMITTE CONTACT Nicole Maslin – 0403 230 412
Mon 11th
Tue. 12th
Wed. 13th
Craft: Animal
Game: Jungle
Art and Craft:
Felt animals
Game: 1, 2, 3
Art and Craft:
Learn to draw
an animal
choice of game
Thurs. 14th
Fri. 15th
Art & Craft:
Felt animals
Finish up
After Care
Art & craft:
Felt animals
Finish up
After Care
OSHC program phone: 0427 966 146
Co-ordinator: Adam
OSHClub Head Office: (03) 85649000
All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is
free! Please create an account online at www.oshclub.com.au. All
bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online
account. For on the day bookings, please contact the Coordinator
direct at the program.
Dear Parents and Families:
Reading is the most important skill you can teach a child. Of all the skills children learn, it is the one you can
influence the most.
We invite you to visit our Scholastic Book Fair and experience a celebration of reading that provides families
the opportunity to get involved in a universal mission: encouraging kids to open a world of possible.
Our Scholastic Book Fair theme – Kings, Queens and Castles: Enter the Kingdom of Books! – surrounds
students in the celebration of reading with hundreds of fun, engaging, affordable books for them to discover.
Giving kids access to good books and the opportunity to choose their own books will motivate them to read
more, and like most acquired skills, the more children practice reading, the better they’ll achieve.
Reading is vital to every child’s success, and raising children as readers means getting involved while they’re
young. Now is the time. Since there will never be a substitute for a parent’s direct involvement in his/her child’s
education, please make plans to visit our Book Fair. Hope to see you there!
Book Fair Dates:
Shopping Hours:
From Wednesday 27th May to Friday 29th May 2015
Wed 3:30 to 4:30pm
Thursday/Friday 8:30 till 9:00am – 3:30 till 4:30pm
WIN!! WIN!! WIN!! : During the book fair we have three $20 vouchers to give away! Keep a look
newsletter for details on how to win.
Michelle & Rhonda
out in the