Newsletter 26th March 2015
Newsletter 26th March 2015
NO. 8 THURSDAY MARCH 26TH, 2015 CALENDAR Friday Monday 27th March 13th April Term One Concludes at 2.30pm Term Two Begins TERM ONE CONCLUDES TOMORROW AT 2.30PM What’s Inside: Principal’s Report School Accounts Premier’s Reading Challenge Christmas Stall Coordinator Needed Sport Info Canteen News Uniform News/Special Uniform Offer FORPS Info/Easter Results/Class Rep OSHClub Footy Tipping WiseOnes Community News Dear families and friends, What a fantastic term we have had. I would like to thank everyone for the work they have done to make term one a huge success. There have been fantastic learning activities and community events and, all students, parents and teachers have contributed to a successful start to the year. As we look forward to term two we can reflect on all that has happened this term. A great start for the Preps New School Council and FORPS committee New student leaders and Young Leaders Conference Harmony Day FISH Day Cybersafety presentations Extra-curricular programs up and running including: instrumental music, chess club, Big 5 sports, Dance Oz, Wise Ones Excursions to Cooper’s Settlement Many Professional Learning events for staff Parent Helpers Training Parent/Teacher Interviews 5/6 visits to Macleod College Special Visitors Days National Ride to School Day Enjoy your holiday break and we will see you all refreshed and ready for term two on April 13th. ACMA – Online Safety Presentation Yesterday we had three fantastic sessions with Lesley from ACMA. In the afternoon, Lesley spoke to all the students from year’s 3-6, sharing information about staying safe online, protecting identity and being aware of scams and threats. Lesley’s presentation took the place of our staff meeting where we, as teachers, learned many things about our own personal security and ways to help our students. The evening parent session was well attended with many eye opening facts. We hope that you will continue to work with your children to ensure that the internet is a positive and safe place by visiting and investigating all the fun activities they have available. REPORT PROCESS FEEDBACK In 2014 the DEECD (now DET) made changes to the expectations for reporting to parents. Also, this year the school is moving to a new provider (Accelerus Light) for our reporting package software. With this in mind, it is an ideal time to seek your input to the process. We have created a survey for you to complete to allow input into this process. We would like to see as many responses as possible. The survey should take you no more than 10 minutes and your views will be considered in any changes we make. Please use the Survey Monkey link below or alternatively you can pick up a paper copy from the office or request one via email. We will leave the survey open until the end of week 1, term 2 so that everyone has plenty of time to participate. Parents NEW SMOKING BANS While smoking was banned on the grounds of all Victorian Government schools by the Minister for Education in 2009 via a Ministerial Ban Order, new bans are enshrined in legislation and will also apply to Catholic and independent schools in Victoria, thereby ensuring a consistent approach across the government and non-government sectors. From 13 April 2015, smoking will be banned within four metres of an entrance to all primary and secondary schools in Victoria, and within the school grounds, under an amendment to the Tobacco Act 1987. You will see new, ‘No Smoking’ signs at all entrances to the school premises which is a legislative requirement. We hope that these bans continue to create an environment which is safe for all children, families, staff members and visitors to RPS. RIVER REDGUM You may have noticed a new art work addition to our school this week. Anna Taifernopoulos, who is a parent at our school, was commissioned to create an Art piece and activity for the Banyule Festival this year. Anna’s piece is a beautiful River Red Gum sculpture which embraces the use of recycled materials to represent a native species from the Banyule area. Anna’s activity at the festival focused on the wishes of children for the future of our environment. We are very lucky that Anna has chosen to share her work with us, and the River Red Gum will be present at school for a period of time during term 2. In addition to this, Anna has generously offered to work with our students to support learning in Environment and Sustainability through Art. We are very excited to be involved and see the Art work evolve as the students move forward on this learning journey. NEW GUITAR TEACHER As you may be aware, at the end of last year, Michael Barnes, our guitar teacher moved to full time employment elsewhere and was no longer able to work with us. During the course of this term we have been looking for a suitable replacement for Michael. I am very pleased to announce that we have found a fantastic new guitar teacher in Ezekiel Fenn. Ezekiel has had many years of experience teaching a variety of instruments both privately and with the Bianca Fenn School of Music. Ezekiel has a strong passion for education and is keen to get the guitar program up and running at RPS again in term two. At this stage we have offered places to Michael’s students from 2014 first. However, there may be some spaces for new students. If you have an interest in enrolling your child in guitar lessons in term two please let us know by email , or in person at the office. END OF TERM ARRANGEMENTS In keeping with our usual practice, school will finish at the earlier time of 2.30 p.m. tomorrow, Friday 27th March. Lunchtime will be from 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. There will be a whole school assembly in Chandler Hall at 1:45 p.m. Parents and friends are very welcome to attend the assembly. The Out of School Hours Care Program will operate from 2.30 p.m. SCHOOL RETURNS FOR TERM 2 School commences for term 2 on Monday 13th April. We will start the term with a whole school assembly. Heather McIntosh Principal School Accounts The holidays are just about here! If families who have not paid their Term 1 Activity Charges could finalise these by the end of the term (tomorrow), it will be much appreciated! Families are reminded that there is also a charge for each student for Essential Educational Items, approved by the School Council and the Department, of $125.00 for every child. This charge covers all the stationery items that the school provides for every student. Whilst this charge is not expected to be paid until the end of the year, it is still expected to be paid at some point. You can consider paying in instalments, all at once, or any other combination of payments. It is important that all families realise their obligation to this partnership between the school and families to provide quality education for all. As ever, if you are experiencing any financial difficulties, please contact the office to make a confidential appointment with the principal. Thankyou, Julie Smith Business Manager STUDENTS OF THE WEEK Congratulations: Dominique Cloete, Ahmad Abdulahi, Bobby Carnie, Bruno Sette, Sammy Wright, Julia Wozniak, Ryan Sharp, Solomon Shields, Logan Hopkins, Mischa Wicks-Van Braak, Jenna Calabrese, Sirad Warsame, Brock Ahern, Nadir Hashi, Luck Paton and all students in 1/2A. EAL: Sirad Warsame, Bogdan Olenko. MUSIC: Singing Group Excursion Students. HOUSE CUP A win to Red Waratah for week 8. Yearly Totals: Blue Gum =1; Golden Wattle =2; Red Waratah =2; Green Grevillea=2. Literacy News – Book of the Year and Premier’s Reading Challenge In term 3, the fantastic Book of the Year competition will once again be held at Rosanna Primary School. This biennial competition involves students strengthening their narrative writing skills through the drafting, editing and publishing of their very own picture story book. In past years, the quality of books presented has been quite amazing, and we are looking forward to seeing what our students produce in 2015! Book of the Year is a major literacy event at RPS and, as such, the decision has been made not to participate as a school in the 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge. We feel that by also making the Premier’s Reading Challenge a biennial event (alternating with Book of the Year), we will be able to better focus our resources and efforts to make both of these events exciting, interesting and meaningful to student learning. We encourage students, with the support of their families, to participate in the 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge as home-based readers. Follow the link to find out more information and the forms to register: s/childregister.aspx The Premier’s Reading Challenge will be back, bigger and better than ever, as a whole-school event in 2016! Music news: NEWS SPORT REPORT: Rosanna boy’s softball team played Rosanna Golf Links. We played on the brilliant green oval. Thankyou Mrs Lambert for your determination to keep us on top. I received player of the day for my great pitching. CAPTAIN: THEHAN POTHUHERA On Friday, cricket boys played their final game this year. Unfortunately we lost. It’s been great to see all players improve throughout the season. Well done to Brock and myself for getting player of the day. Thank you Mr Buckley for coaching us this year. CAPTAIN: CAPTAIN: MANDOLIN MARRINER Kelli Lambert Sports Coordinator Christmas Stall Coordinator Needed This year will be my last year at RPS. If anyone (or maybe a team?) is interested in helping me with the preparation for the Christmas Stall throughout the year and learning how it runs, and then take over for 2016, that would be great! This is another great fundraiser for the school, especially in these times of ever-tightening budgets. And best of all, the children absolutely love it! You can contact me, Deb Colosimo on 0407 945 732. Uniform News Please note the uniform shop will be open on the following day In term 2, the grade 3 and 4 students will be learning recorder. I am purchasing a class set, but for hygiene reasons would prefer that people have their own instrument to practise on. If you need to purchase one, I will be taking orders through the school office in week 1 of term 2. These are for Yamaha recorders, and cost $8.50. Jendi Bright Music Teacher SPORTS Well you could feel the excitement in the rounders team last week. Yes, it was sadly our last game, but we have learnt so much and had so much fun. We were determined to put all that into our last game. Well, it really paid off! Because we came out with a victorious win! The scores were 10 to 18 our way. It was an amazing game and everyone did so well. I got player of the day, but it was such an awesome effort by all. Thank you so much Miss Taylor, if you hadn’t coached us like you did we wouldn’t have played so well, you’re amazing! A big thank you to the rounders team. I’m sure you’ll all agree this has been an amazing experience and I can’t wait to see if we made the finals. Thanks Girls! ETHAN DONOHUE • Wednesday, 22nd April From 3.00pm – 3.45pm If above times are not suitable, you can submit your order to the front office. Orders will usually come home via your child(ren). If you are likely to experience a significant delay in receiving your order, I will contact you personally. Please feel free to drop into the uniform shop if you have any other concerns regarding uniform ordering. Angela Romas Uniform Shop Co-ordinator 0417 030 112 CANTEEN NEWS This week’s grade 6 helpers are Abbey Hopkins and Zoe Allen, thank you girls for all your valuable assistance. Many thanks to the fantastic team of parent volunteers who have assisted this term. The Term 2 roster will be completed over the holidays and distributed early in term 2. The hot cross bun morning tea was a great success; the children appeared to enjoy their yummy buns from Baker's Delight in Rosanna. Many thanks to Nicole Maslin and Michael Sullivan for providing the buns. A huge thank you to Nicole Maynard for her assistance on the day and a huge thank you to Tianah Wilks-Smith, Zoe Costin, Paige Minchinton and Grace Thistlethwayte who were fantastic helpers showing initiative and maturity. Don't forget: The canteen will be closed on the first Monday and every Monday during terms 2 and 3. Wishing all families a Happy Easter and a safe holiday. Many thanks! Sharon Hunter CANTEEN MANAGER ALL ABOUT FORPS Friends of Rosanna Primary School FORPS AGM The following committee members for FORPS 2015: Executive Co – Presidents – Nicole Maslin and Leah Lazzaro Vice President- Claire Jones Secretary – Pam Halbish Treasurer – Leeanne Hunt COMMITTEE POSITIONS • Banking Coordinator - Carla D’Artista • Catering Coordinator – Barb Madrigale • Lost Property Coordinator – Emily Ragazzon and Marina Cathiness • Sickbay Coordinator – Barb Madrigale GENERAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS • Jenny Nickless • Yoko Takahashi • Celeste Watts • Pam Petsetas • Deb Colosimo Don’t forget we are looking for class reps ………. SCHOOL FAIR It is Fair this year, so a big year for the FORPS committee who are looking forward to working with all our school community to make 2015 a great success FORPS PARENT CLASS REPS These volunteers will be the point of contact for all parents within a class group and will be a liaison between FORPS and the parents. They will be responsible for organizing any social events for the parents within the class or liaising between the year level(s) to involve the broader school community. These can be coffee dates, play dates, parent dinners and be the point of contact for volunteers for any FORPS events that require parent help. If you would like to be the FORPS champion for your child’s class, please fill out the form in this newsletter and return to the office. FORPS COMMITTE CONTACT Nicole Maslin – 0403 230 412 Easter Special Effort 2015 Another Fantastic Year for our Easter Special effort. Thank you to everyone from the Rosanna Primary School community for their generous support of the 2015 Easter Special Effort. We managed to raise $1560. A big thank you to all the wonderful people who helped in the weeks leading up to the draw. Thank you to Yoko Takahashi or helping with the ticket and money collection and all the FORPS Committee for collating the ticket books. Thanks to Kelli Lambert for letting us share her space, Sharon and Julie for their continued support, students Daniel, Tianah and Sam for their assistance and all the mums who gave up their time on Friday morning to wrap the hampers, Pam Halbish, Leeanne Hunt, Yoko Takahashi, Carla D’Artista, Clare Jones, Nicole Maslin & Celeste Watts. Thanks again to Nicole Maslin and Michael Sullivan for the donation of hot cross bun vouchers for Bakers Delight and all the bags of hot cross buns given out to the very grateful volunteers on Friday morning. Congratulations to all our prize-winners. Full results of the draw are listed later in this newsletter. It has been a pleasure to run this fundraiser for the last few years and I would encourage someone to take this on for next year. Interested? Call me on 0409 796 804. What does it involve?? Jenny Nickless This year we would like to trial FORPS PARENT CLASS REPS. FORPS Easter Special Effort 2015 CLASS 5/6C 5/6S 5/6T 4/5B 3/4G 3/4S 3/4W 1/2A 1/2R 1/2U 1/2W 1/P V PP PW WINNER Ella Maynard/Daniel Nickless Alice Steele/Zoe Sharp Dylan Connolly Brock Ahern Braiden Mill Maggie Caithness Leah Sullivan Patrick Jones Tara Russo Annie Dellios Eve Petsetas Lilly O’Flynn Oliver Mitchell Jasper Melideo At the beginning of the year, many children’s bookings hadn’t been updated for this term. Can parents please remember to update your bookings online for term 2? Thank you for your cooperation. LAST DAY OF TERM 1: th Our last day for this term is on Friday 27 March. We will be operating an extended service from when the school finishes at 2:30pm (or after assembly), and until normal time at 6pm. Book your children in now for a fun afternoon. We’ve got lots of great activities and games planned for this afternoon. HOLIDAY CLUBS: It’s that time of the term, where the school holidays are near. Why not book your child into one of our exciting Holiday Clubs? However, we do not run a holiday program at Rosanna Primary School. OSHClub does run programs at Alphington, Banyule and Ivanhoe East Primary Schools, which are located in our geographical area. Please check our website for information on what each program has to offer, and what is available in other locations. There might even be a club that is near your work place. No matter what program your child is enrolled in, they will have a great time! Please note, our excursion and incursion days do get booked out early, so please book early so you don’t miss out. When booking into holiday programs, please ensure you enrol your child online, in the service your child is attending Even if your child is enrolled at Rosanna P.S, you will still need to enrol your child online at the Holiday Club you’re booking into. If you need any assistance, please call our office on (03) 85649000. TERM 2 – Week 1: Autumn. Before School/After School Care Program April Mon 13th Tue 14th Wed 15th Before Care Activities Art & Craft Leaf stick. After Care Activities Game: Children’s choice. Game: Giant’s treasure. Art and Craft: Bead Caterpillars. Art & Craft: Autumn Leaf Collage Art and Craft: Magic leaf drawing. Thurs. 16th Fri 17th Rosanna OSHClub update! Hi everyone, This week, we are celebrating an early Easter. Children have been enjoying making Easter Eggs out of polystyrene Easter eggs, and decorating them with our coloured pins. They have been enjoying making Easter Eggs out of Pipe cleaners and beads. Children have also been enjoying our games this week, such as Roll the Egg, Egg and Spoon race, Bird’s nest game and playing their own sporting games. As we come to the end of term 1, I would like to thank everyone for their wonderful support for the service. Both children and Educators have so much fun together. It has also been exciting meeting all the new children and their families this term, and the service is continuing to grow. We would also wish everyone a safe holiday and a fun Easter! REMINDERS: BOOKINGS FOR THE SERVICE: Before Care Activities After Care Activities Game: China Wall Art and Craft: Snowy Owls Finish up Friday. Finish up Friday OSHC program phone: 0427 966 146 Co-ordinator: Adam Assistant: Fariba OSHClub Head Office: (03) 85649000 All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is free! Please create an account online at All bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings, please contact the Coordinator direct at the program. COMMUNITY NEWS HOLIDAY TENNIS CLINIC AT ROSANNA TENNIS CLUB Peter Collins (Club Professional Coach since 1990) Peter Collins and his team of coaches are offering a two-day clinic at Rosanna Tennis Club during the upcoming school holidays. These clinics have been ongoing in the area for over 19 years and continue to be very successful. TUESDAY 31st MARCH – WEDNESDAY 1st APRIL 9.30AM – 2.30PM (both days) $100 both days $60 one day (BBQ Lunch provided on both days) Peter and his team of coaches will cater for all ages and standards at the clinic Activities offered include Professional coaching, hand/eye coordination skill activities, use of a ball machine, match play, fun games and a round-robin tournament are just some of the activities on offer. All bookings are to be finalised by Sunday 29th March. Payment is to be made at the time of enrolments Hot Shot Programs available NOW For further information regarding the clinic or Term 2 coaching enquiries please contact Peter on: 0419 546 007 or Special Uniform Offer The fleece jacket is offered once each year as a special order item only. Red Polar Fleece Jacket including yellow embroided school logo Price $43.00 If you wish to make a purchase please return the slip below including your payment, by Friday 30th April. If you would like to view the jacket a sample will be on display at the front office. Angela Romas – Uniform Shop Coordinator (0417 030 112) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Return by Friday 30th April I wish to order …………………………… (Quantity) Red Fleece Jacket(s) for my child(ren) …………………………………….…………………………………………………………………… (Insert name/s and classes) Size circle) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 (please NB. Only even sizes are offered Enclosed is my payment of $……………………………………………. Signed……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Parent/Guardian Name………………………………………………………………………………. FORPS Easter Special Effort 2015 RESULTS FORPS Special Easter Effort 2009 Congratulations! PRIZE 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd Ticket number + colour Black A52 Blue D49 Purple C13 Red C67 Purple A31 Red C100 Blue F63 Blue B21 Orange C55 Blue E55 Purple E56 Red B25 Blue 59 Black E87 Orange C75 Purple D41 Black D70 Purple C54 Red B68 Blue B41 Red F4 Blue C41 NAME Angus Petroni Bethany Harris Ricknage Onn Jean Sharrad Patrick Jones Helen Lillian Marriner Jeanne William Turner-Dickason Chiara Melideo Harrison Dart Aaron Dimovski Sara Mill Clinton Hansen Inuli Martino Stephanie Calabrese Dominique Cloete Robyn Carole Sharryn Amy Agar Family Prize Won by the Ahern Family who sold 200 raffle tickets! They will be donating their prize to the Austin Hospital’s Children’s’ Ward. GRADE 4/5B 1/2A 5/6T 3/4C 4/5B 5/6S PW 3/4W 5/6T 3/4G 4/5B PP 3/4G PP 3/4W 5/6C 1/2U 5/6S FORPS PARENT CLASS REP SHEET NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ MOBILE: ____________________________________ EMAIL: ________________________________________________ CHILD NAME : _______________________________________________________________________________________ CHILD GRADE: ______________________________________________________________________________________ (The grade you wish to be class rep for) FORPS VOLUNTEER SHEETS FOR UPCOMING EVENTS SCHOOL PHOTO DAY – Thursday 7th May Tick if you are available Contact Name & Number Session 1 – 9am – 11am (4 helpers required) Session 2 – 11.30am – 1.30pm (4 helpers required) MOTHER’S DAY STALL SET UP – Thursday 7th May Tick if you are available Contact Name & Number Thurs 7th May 2.30 – 3.30pm MOTHER’S DAY STALL – Friday 8th May Tick if you are available Contact Name & Number Session 1 – 9.15am – 11am (5 helpers required) Session 2 – 11.30am – 1.30pm (5 helpers required) If you would like to help with any or all of these activities please let us know, we would love to hear from you. Also if you have any ideas for events or fundraise’s, we certainly welcome these too. FORPS COMMITTE CONTACT Nicole Maslin – 0403 230 412 2015 FORPS FOOTY TIPPING COMPETITION ALL PARENTS AND FRIENDS OF ROSANNA PRIMARY SCHOOL ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE 2015 FOOTY TIPPING COMPETITION! This is a fun way to watch the Footy Season for all the family! No skills needed! RULES OF ENTRY PICK THE WINNER OF EVERY MATCH FROM ROUND 1 THROUGH TO ROUND 23 EITHER BY HIGHLIGHTING OR CROSSING OUT THE TEAM YOU DO NOT WANT. MISSED GAMES WILL BE GIVEN HOME TEAM. DRAWN GAMES WILL BE GIVEN A POINT EACH. THE WINNER WILL BE THE HIGHEST TOTAL OF TIPS AT END OF ROUND 23. IF THERE IS A DRAW, THE WINNER WILL BE AWARDED VIA COUNT BACK E.G. HIGHEST NUMBER OF 9’S, 8’S, and 7’S ETC. WINNERS ARE UPDATED WEEKLY AND NOTIFIED BY EMAIL. ENTRY FEE IS $20, PAYABLE TO THE SCHOOL OFFICE. $10 OF ENTRY FEE IS DONATED TO THE SCHOOL. REMAINING $10 WILL BE FOR FIRST PRIZE ONLY, THE AMOUNT TO BE DETERMINED ONCE ENTRIES ARE CLOSED. NO WEEKLY JACKPOTS. A PRIZE WILL BE GIVEN TO LAST PLACE! You have a few different ways to get your entry in - Return your marked copy to the school office by 27th March (last day of term) - Scan your entry to - Scan your entry to PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN APRIL 2 TO BE IN THE DRAW!! ENTRIES CLOSE THURSDAY APRIL 2, 2015 PARENT’S NAME: _______________________________________________________ EMAIL FOR WEEKLY UPDATES: _____________________________________________ CONTACT NO: _______________________________________________________ 2015 TOYOTA AFL PREMIERSHIP SEASON ROUND1 ROUND 5 ROUND 9 ROUND 13 Thursday, April 2 Carlton vs. Richmond (MCG) (N) Saturday, April 4 Melbourne vs. Gold Coast SUNS (MCG) Sydney Swans vs. Essendon (ANZ) (T) Brisbane Lions vs. Collingwood (G) (N) Western Bulldogs vs. West Coast Eagles (ES) (N) Sunday, April 5 St Kilda vs. GWS GIANTS (ES) Adelaide Crows vs. North Melbourne (AO) Fremantle vs. Port Adelaide (PS) (T) Monday, April 6 Hawthorn vs. Geelong Cats (MCG) Friday, May 1 Carlton vs. Collingwood (MCG) (N) Saturday, May 2 Richmond vs. Geelong Cats (MCG) Sydney Swans vs. Western Bulldogs (SCG) Gold Coast SUNS vs. Brisbane Lions (MS) (T) North Melbourne vs. Hawthorn (ES) (N) West Coast Eagles vs. GWS GIANTS (PS) (N) Sunday, May 3 Melbourne vs. Fremantle (MCG) St Kilda vs. Essendon (ES) Adelaide Crows vs. Port Adelaide (AO) (T) Friday, May 29 Sydney Swans vs. Carlton (SCG) (N) Saturday, May 30 Hawthorn vs. Gold Coast SUNS (AU) Melbourne vs. Port Adelaide (TP) Western Bulldogs vs. GWS GIANTS (ES) (T) Richmond vs. Essendon (MCG) (N) Adelaide Crows vs. Fremantle (AO) (N) Sunday, May 31 Brisbane Lions vs. St Kilda (G) Collingwood vs. North Melbourne (MCG) West Coast Eagles vs. Geelong Cats (PS) (T) Thursday, June 25 Fremantle vs. Collingwood (PS) (N) Friday, June 26 Sydney Swans vs. Richmond (SCG) (N) Saturday, June 27 Hawthorn vs. Essendon (MCG) Brisbane Lions vs. Adelaide Crows (G) (T) St Kilda vs. Western Bulldogs (ES) (N) Sunday, June 28 Carlton vs. Gold Coast SUNS (ES) BYES: Geelong Cats, GWS GIANTS, Melbourne, North Melbourne, Port Adelaide, West Coast Eagles Friday, May 8 Collingwood vs. Geelong Cats (MCG) (N) Saturday, May 9 North Melbourne vs. Richmond (BA) Western Bulldogs vs. St Kilda (ES) GWS GIANTS vs. Hawthorn (SP) (T) Gold Coast SUNS vs. Adelaide Crows (MS) (T) Melbourne vs. Sydney Swans (MCG) (N) Fremantle vs. Essendon (PS) (N) Sunday, May 10 Carlton vs. Brisbane Lions (ES) Port Adelaide vs. West Coast Eagles (AO) (T) ROUND 10 ROUND 14 Friday, June 5 Fremantle vs. Richmond (PS) (N) Saturday, June 6 Carlton vs. Adelaide Crows (MCG) Gold Coast SUNS vs. Sydney Swans (MS) (T) Essendon vs. Geelong Cats (ES) (N) Port Adelaide vs. Western Bulldogs (AO) (N) Sunday, June 7 GWS GIANTS vs. Brisbane Lions (SP) North Melbourne vs. West Coast Eagles (BA) St Kilda vs. Hawthorn (ES) (T) Monday, June 8 ROUND 7 Melbourne vs. Collingwood (MCG) Thursday, July 2 Sydney Swans vs. Port Adelaide (SCG) (N) Friday, July 3 Collingwood vs. Hawthorn (MCG) (N) Saturday, July 4 Richmond vs. GWS GIANTS (MCG) Gold Coast SUNS vs. North Melbourne (MS) (T) Western Bulldogs vs. Carlton (ES) (N) Melbourne vs. West Coast Eagles (TIO) (N) Sunday, July 5 Essendon vs. St Kilda (ES) Adelaide Crows vs. Geelong Cats (AO) Fremantle vs. Brisbane Lions (PS) (T) ROUND 2 Friday, April 10 West Coast Eagles vs. Carlton (PS) (N) Saturday, April 11 Richmond vs. Western Bulldogs (MCG) GWS GIANTS vs. Melbourne (SO) Collingwood vs. Adelaide Crows (ES) (T) Port Adelaide vs. Sydney Swans (AO) (N) Gold Coast SUNS vs. St Kilda (MS) (N) Sunday, April 12 Geelong Cats vs. Fremantle (SS) Essendon vs. Hawthorn (MCG) North Melbourne vs. Brisbane Lions (ES) (T) ROUND 3 Friday, April 17 Collingwood vs. St Kilda (MCG) (N) Saturday, April 18 Carlton vs. Essendon (MCG) Adelaide Crows vs. Melbourne (AO) Sydney Swans vs. GWS GIANTS (SCG) (T) North Melbourne vs. Port Adelaide (ES) (N) Brisbane Lions vs. Richmond (G) (N) Sunday, April 19 Hawthorn vs. Western Bulldogs (AU) Geelong Cats vs. Gold Coast SUNS (SS) West Coast Eagles vs. Fremantle (PS) (T) ROUND 4 Friday, April 24 Richmond vs. Melbourne (MCG) (N) Saturday, April 25 St Kilda vs. Carlton (WS) Essendon vs. Collingwood (MCG) GWS GIANTS vs. Gold Coast SUNS (SO) (T) Port Adelaide vs. Hawthorn (AO) (N) Fremantle vs. Sydney Swans (PS) (N) Sunday, April 26 Brisbane Lions vs. West Coast Eagles (G) Geelong Cats vs. North Melbourne (SS) Western Bulldogs vs. Adelaide Crows (ES) (T) ROUND 6 Friday, May 15 Essendon vs. North Melbourne (ES) (N) Saturday, May 16 Adelaide Crows vs. St Kilda (AO) Hawthorn vs. Melbourne (MCG) Carlton vs. GWS GIANTS (ES) (T) Sydney Swans vs. Geelong Cats (ANZ) (N) West Coast Eagles vs. Gold Coast SUNS (PS) (N) Sunday, May 17 Western Bulldogs vs. Fremantle (ES) Richmond vs. Collingwood (MCG) Brisbane Lions vs. Port Adelaide (G) (T) ROUND 8 Friday, May 22 Geelong Cats vs. Carlton (ES) (N) Saturday, May 23 St Kilda vs. West Coast Eagles (ES) GWS GIANTS vs. Adelaide Crows (SP) Gold Coast SUNS vs. Collingwood (MS) (T) Hawthorn vs. Sydney Swans (MCG) (N) Fremantle vs. North Melbourne (PS) (N) Sunday, May 24 Essendon vs. Brisbane Lions (ES) Melbourne vs. Western Bulldogs (MCG) Port Adelaide vs. Richmond (AO) (T) ROUND 11 Friday, June 12 Port Adelaide vs. Geelong Cats (AO) (N) Saturday, June 13 Gold Coast SUNS vs. Fremantle (MS) West Coast Eagles vs. Essendon (PS) (T) North Melbourne vs. Sydney Swans (ES) (N) Sunday, June 14 Collingwood vs. GWS GIANTS (MCG) St Kilda vs. Melbourne (ES) (T) BYES: Adelaide Crows, Brisbane Lions, Carlton, Hawthorn, Richmond, Western Bulldogs ROUND 12 Thursday, June 18 Adelaide Crows vs. Hawthorn (AO) (N) Friday, June 19 Richmond vs. West Coast Eagles (MCG) (N) Saturday, June 20 Carlton vs. Port Adelaide (MCG) GWS GIANTS vs. North Melbourne (SP) (T) Western Bulldogs vs. Brisbane Lions (ES) (N) Sunday, June 21 Geelong Cats vs. Melbourne (SS) BYES: Collingwood, Essendon, Fremantle, Gold Coast SUNS, St Kilda, Sydney Swans ROUND 15 Thursday, July 9 Port Adelaide vs. Collingwood (AO) (N) Friday, July 10 Richmond vs. Carlton (MCG) (N) Saturday, July 11 Essendon vs. Melbourne (MCG) Western Bulldogs vs. Gold Coast SUNS (CS) (T) North Melbourne vs. Geelong Cats (ES) (N) West Coast Eagles vs. Adelaide Crows (PS) (N) Sunday, July 12 GWS GIANTS vs. St Kilda (SP) Hawthorn vs. Fremantle (AU) Brisbane Lions vs. Sydney Swans (G) (T) ROUND 16 Friday, July 17 North Melbourne vs. Essendon (ES) (N) Saturday, July 18 Geelong Cats vs. Western Bulldogs (SS) Gold Coast SUNS vs. GWS GIANTS (MS) Collingwood vs. West Coast Eagles (ES) (T) Sydney Swans vs. Hawthorn (ANZ) (N) Fremantle vs. Carlton (PS) (N) Sunday, July 19 Melbourne vs. Brisbane Lions (MCG) Port Adelaide vs. Adelaide Crows (AO) St Kilda vs. Richmond (ES) (T) ROUND 17 Friday, July 24 Carlton vs. Hawthorn (ES) (N) Saturday, July 25 GWS GIANTS vs. Geelong Cats (SO) Adelaide Crows vs. Gold Coast SUNS (AO) Richmond vs. Fremantle (MCG) (T) Essendon vs. Port Adelaide (ES) (N) Brisbane Lions vs. North Melbourne (G) (N) Sunday, July 26 Western Bulldogs vs. Collingwood (ES) Melbourne vs. St Kilda (MCG) West Coast Eagles vs. Sydney Swans (PS) (T) ROUND 18 Friday, July 31 Hawthorn vs. Richmond (MCG) (N) Saturday, August 1 Geelong Cats vs. Brisbane Lions (SS) Collingwood vs. Melbourne (MCG) Sydney Swans vs. Adelaide Crows (SCG) (T) Carlton vs. North Melbourne (ES) (N) Gold Coast SUNS vs. West Coast Eagles (MS) (N) Sunday, August 2 Port Adelaide vs. St Kilda (AO) Essendon vs. Western Bulldogs (ES) Fremantle vs. GWS GIANTS (PS) (T) ROUND 19 Friday, August 7 Adelaide Crows vs. Richmond (AO) (N) Saturday, August 8 Collingwood vs. Carlton (MCG) Western Bulldogs vs. Port Adelaide (ES) Brisbane Lions vs. Gold Coast SUNS (G) (T) West Coast Eagles vs. Hawthorn (PS) (N) Geelong Cats vs. Sydney Swans (SS) (N) Sunday, August 9 Melbourne vs. North Melbourne (MCG) GWS GIANTS vs. Essendon (SP) St Kilda vs. Fremantle (ES) (T) ROUND 20 Friday, August 14 Sydney Swans vs. Collingwood (SCG) (N) Saturday, August 15 Essendon vs. Adelaide Crows (ES) North Melbourne vs. St Kilda (BA) Port Adelaide vs. GWS GIANTS (AO) (T) Geelong Cats vs. Hawthorn (MCG) (N) Brisbane Lions vs. Carlton (G) (N) Sunday, August 16 Richmond vs. Gold Coast SUNS (MCG) Western Bulldogs vs. Melbourne (ES) Fremantle vs. West Coast Eagles (PS) (T) ROUND 21 Friday, August 21 Hawthorn vs. Port Adelaide (ES) (N) Saturday, August 22 Collingwood vs. Richmond (MCG) GWS GIANTS vs. Sydney Swans (SP) Gold Coast SUNS vs. Essendon (MS) (T) St Kilda vs. Geelong Cats (ES) (N) Adelaide Crows vs. Brisbane Lions (AO) (N) Sunday, August 23 North Melbourne vs. Fremantle (ES) Carlton vs. Melbourne (MCG) West Coast Eagles vs. Western Bulldogs (PS) (T) ROUND 22 Friday, August 28 Geelong Cats vs. Collingwood (MCG) (N) Saturday, August 29 GWS GIANTS vs. Carlton (SP) Hawthorn vs. Brisbane Lions (AU) North Melbourne vs. Western Bulldogs (ES) (T) Essendon vs. Richmond (MCG) (N) Gold Coast SUNS vs. Port Adelaide (MS) (N) Sunday, August 30 Adelaide Crows vs. West Coast Eagles (AO) St Kilda vs. Sydney Swans (ES) Fremantle vs. Melbourne (PS) (T) ROUND 23 Friday, September 4Sunday, September 6 Hawthorn vs. Carlton (MCG) Geelong Cats vs. Adelaide Crows (SS) Richmond vs. North Melbourne (ES) Port Adelaide vs. Fremantle (AO) Collingwood vs. Essendon (MCG) Sydney Swans vs. Gold Coast SUNS (SCG) Melbourne vs. GWS GIANTS (ES) West Coast Eagles vs. St Kilda (PS) Brisbane Lions vs. Western Bulldogs (G) September 11-13 Week One – Qualifying & Elimination Finals (4) September 18 & 19 Week Two – Semi-Finals (2) September 25 & 26 Week Three – Preliminary Finals (2) October 3 Week Four – Toyota AFL Grand Final (T) Twilight match; (N) Night match; (ANZ) ANZ Stadium, Sydney; (AO) Adelaide Oval; (AU) Aurora Stadium, Launceston; (BA) Blundstone Arena, Hobart; (CS) Cazalys Stadium, Cairns; (ES) Etihad Stadium, Melbourne; (G) The Gabba, Brisbane; (MCG) Melbourne Cricket Ground; (MS) Metricon Stadium, Gold Coast; (PS) Patersons Stadium, Perth; (SCG) Sydney Cricket Ground; (SO) StarTrack Oval, Canberra; (SP) Spotless Stadium, Sydney; (SS) Simonds Stadium, Geelong; (TIO) TIO Stadium, Darwin; (TP) TIO Traeger Park, Alice Springs; (WS) Westpac Stadium, Wellington NZ.
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