Latest Newletter 06/11/15 - Pinellas Park Rotary Club


Latest Newletter 06/11/15 - Pinellas Park Rotary Club
Pinellas Park Rotary - District # 6950
Thursday June 11th, 2015 - 12:15 P.M.
Volume #45 Edition 2014 –2015
This Week’s Agenda:
Pledge of Allegiance
Singing of God Bless America
Rotary Prayer: Jimmy Hammond
Rotarian and Guest Introductions: Bob Munch
Sergeant at Arms Announcements: Tom Stewart
* Happy Events, Missed Last Week, Fines,
Special Dates
*Rotary Trivia Questions for the week.
This week’s Program (See following page)
The Four Way Test ……… Adjourn
P.P. Rotary
P.O. Box 206
Pinellas Park FL 33780
Website & Facebook
Bulletin Editor
Tami Scheele
Trivia Questions: Tampa Bay Lightning Upcoming Programs & Events:
1. What was the year of the Lightning’s
opening season?
2. Which team did the Lightning defeat to
win the Stanley Cup in 2004?
3. Who was the Lightning's first head coach?
4. Who was the Lightning's first choice in
their first draft in the NHL?
5. What was the name of the female goaltender the Lightning had on their roster?
6. What is the name of the rink where the
Lightning played during their first season?
Guests of Rotarians:
Connor Davis, Habitat for Humanity
Christine Sabo, Habitat for Humanity
……………………...David Sideri
Rotarian Birthdays:
Colleen Carson……..6/1………….. 34 Yrs.
Dolores Caunitz ….. 6/11 ……….. 88 Yrs
Dorothy Gilbert ….. 6/16 ………. 71 Yrs
June 18th
June 20th
June 25th
July 2nd
July 9th
July 14th
July 16th
David Allen P/C
Installation Banquet
Jimmy Hammond P/C
Club Assembly
Christine Patel
Board Meeting
Paul Scheele
Missed Last Week:
Joe Kolodziej
Richard Breske
Barbara Todd
Jerry Krauss
Jerry Wennlund
Phyllis Tellor
Don Higgins
Jayme Chancellor
Phil England
John Donaghy
Christine Patel
Don Vauiso
Bob Munch
Colleen Carson
Dorothy Gilbert
Wendy Sideri
Club Anniversaries:
Don Higgins ….. 6/11/84 ……. 31 Yrs
Joe Kolodziej ….. 6/14/08 ……..
7 Yrs
Wedding Anniversaries:
Jerry & Cheryl Wennlund …. 6/10 … 10 Yrs
Kevin & Mary Ann Krauss … 6/11 …. 28 Yrs
Pinellas Park Rotary Club Installation Banquet
Pinellas Park Performing Arts Center
4951 78th Ave N, Pinellas Park
June 20th, 2015
$40 per person
5:00pm Cocktails (open bar) & Appetizers
5:30pm Dinner Buffet
(Stuffed Grouper - Chicken Marsala)
Casual Business Attire - No Tie required
This Week’s Program:
Program Chairperson, Colleen Carson will be introducing Judy
Gates. J udy will be talking about bee keeping and the community benefits of bees.
Last Week’s Program:
Program Chairperson, Susan Walker informed us about the work
of the City of Pinellas Park’s Neighborhood Services Department
(Code Enforcement) and the services that they provide for the
Citizens of Pinellas Park. In addition to many other services, they
make sure that the neglected pools and yards are cleaned up and
keep the City looking good!
Next Week’s Program: Program Chairman, David Allen, will present Bobby Deskins, Meteorologist with WTSP News 10. Bobby will
speak to us about the weather and being a meteorologist on WTSP.
Thanks to the Breakfast Optimist Club’s invitation, we wor ked
the St Petersburg “First Friday” event on Friday, June 5th.
David & Wendy Sideri, Tami & Paul Scheele, Theresa &
Larry Pinnix, Susan & Jimmy Walker, Janet & Mike
Waddell, Kevin & Mary Ann Krauss, Joe Minarik, David
Allen & Harry Alchin enjoyed a fun night ser ving beer and listening to the band.
We also made $684 for the
Pinellas Park Rotary Club to support our work in the Pinellas
Park Community.
Happy Events:
Josh Astarita: Happy that Theresa Pinnix
here; happy that David slayed a big snapper
during his fishing trip.
Ken Bray: Happy that Carolyn Burns is here; happy Theresa Pinnix is her e; Happy his Gr anddaughter gr aduated from college in TX.
Kevin Krauss: Happy about the bowling bid in 2019 to
bring the TNBA Nationals here to Pinellas County.
Yvonne Fay: Enjoyed a weekend with her husband, Kevin, for his bir thday
Tami Scheele: Enjoyed a weekend in Venice for Paul’s
birthday and for their anniversary; Happy her nephew graduated from High School and is going to St Pete College;
Happy to see Carolyn Burns
Susan Walker: Happy that Carolyn Burns is here, and
proud of her as well for speaking at a City of Pinellas Park
meeting to vote down a development plan near her house.
Kenny Krauss: Happy about a new Krauss (Kaden) in the
Janet Waddell: Happy that her Grandson, PJ, graduated
from elementary school and that she and husband, Mike,
enjoyed a week in Bocas Del Toro, Panama with her sister
& brother-in-law.
Joe Minarik: Sad that the Lightning lost, but happy that
his brother-in-law still offered his place to stay in Chicago.
Theresa Pinnix: Happy Carolyn Burns is here
David Sideri: Happy for the favor of the Hockey Gods
and the Fishing Gods
Kevin Krauss: Happy his niece, Mackenzie, graduated
from Osceola High School as Salutatorian
Paul Scheele: Happy his daughter took him to the Florida
Aquarium for his birthday … and she paid!
Dr. Nanda: Happy to be here.
Tom Stewart: Happy he went to the Lightning game with
daughter, Jessica. Even though the Lightning lost, they had
a blast.
Carolyn Burns: Happy for her Church and her Faith.
50/50 Winner: Our drawing was won last week
by David Allen at $9.00. He graciously donated it
back to the club. The pot is now up to $171 for the
Ace of Hearts.
Words of Wisdom
“There is happiness in being
healthy and in being just;
but there is also, above all,
the beautiful, the immense
happiness of serving.”
Gabriela Mistral
Jana Vrettos
Theresa Pinnix
Jerry Wennlund
Kenny Krauss
David Sideri
Kevin Burkart
John Donaghy
Barbara Todd
Janet Waddell
Joe Minarik
Tom Stewart
Kevin Krauss
Phyllis Tellor
Susan Walker
Colleen Carson
Jim Fikkert
Joe Kolodziej
Ken Bray
Don Higgins
Dorothy Gilbert
Josh Astarita
Pal Nanda
Phil England
Jim Hammond
Tami Scheele
Jerry Krauss
Yvonne Fay
David Allen
Richard Breske
a Jayme Chancellor
a Wendy Sideri
h Donna Cloud
h Ann Carter
h Dolores Caunitz
h Carolyn Burns
a Harry Alchin
a Paul Scheele
a Christine Patel
a Don Vauiso
a Starlyn Fikkert
a Bob Munch
a Bill Ashcraft