HERE - Royal Aero Club
HERE - Royal Aero Club
THE ROYAL AERO CLUB OF THE UNITED KINGDOM The Coordinating Body of British Airsport Organisations Patron:Her MajestyThe Queen President:HisRoyalHighnessTheDukeofYork,KG, NEWSLETTER Spring 2015 LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN February is a busy time for all those involved in general aviation. One way or another, most of us are trying to take care of as many things on our ‘To Do’ list as possible, so that we can concentrate on flying when the weather permits. asked that we pass on his best wishes to everyone else in our community, and encouraged us to continue doing all those wonderful – and occasionally crazy things – that makes air sports so interesting. For the last couple of years, the Club has taken advantage of the winter months and has organised working sessions for its members. Each session has been focused on a topic of particular developmental interest or concern to the air sport community. This year, we turned our attentions to PR and communications. The day was based around a number of presentations and case studies by air sport associations, punctuated by discussion forums. The Club is always keen to take every opportunity to raise the profile of individual Club members. With this is mind, we were pleased when Aerobility offered to host the 2015 working session at their impressive facilities at Blackbushe Airport. Not only did they help organise the meeting, but Mike Miller-Smith, Aerobility CEO, gave a very informative and thought-provoking presentation about their work in making aviation genuinely accessible to anyone with a disability. I encourage everyone to take the time to visit the Aerobility website (, it is truly inspirational. At the end of February, the Club witnessed a unique event. For the first time since its inception (I have been reliably informed), the senior officers of the Club, the chairmen of its principal members associations, and its Vice Presidents, met over lunch. What made the event not just unique but particularly special was that it was hosted at Buckingham Palace by His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. A great supporter of the Club over many years - having served as both President and Chairman in the past - he still continues to be very interested in its activities. He Back row, left to right: Rodney Blois (BPPA), David Monks (HCGB), David Bremner (BMAA), Martin Soulsby (BPA), Chris Moynihan (BMFA), Pete Harvey (BGA), Brian Davies (LAA), Alan Cassidy MBE (BAeA) and Mike Pearson (RRRA) Front row, left to right: Ian Hooker (BBAC), Duncan McClure (Vice Chairman), Marc Asquith (Vice President & BHPA), Patrick Naegeli (Chairman), HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, David Phipps (Secretary), Fred Marsh (Vice President), David Roberts (Vice President) and Roger Hopkinson (Vice Chairman) Despite the many exciting and productive things that have happened recently through the Club, not everything goes our way. Dealing with European regulations remains a major draw on the time and resources of many in general aviation. We’ve regularly touched on the subject in the newsletter. I am not going to go into any detail here, save to say that whilst things are still far from satisfactory, we are optimistic that we will be able to continue to inject increasing amounts of pragmatism and common sense into EASA’s work. The area of gravest current concern, however, is much closer to home. We have a generally productive and positive working relationship with the UK CAA across a wide range of technical and operational areas. Unfortunately, when it comes to airspace – more specifically decisions about controlled airspace - things appear to be moving backwards. As air sports, we consider ourselves to be mature and considered users of airspace. We want to protect our freedoms as much as possible – but fully appreciate that sometimes, as responsible aviators, we will have to accept compromise. We can appreciate the challenges associated with balancing the often competing, and sometime conflicting needs of different airspace users. That is why we are ardent supporters of proper, evidence-based analysis as the only proper way of making proportionate and fully considered airspace decisions. It is not clear that our belief is equally shared by the CAA. Recently, the CAA has made a number of airspace decisions that can only be described as frankly baffling. From granting large areas of controlled airspace for but a handful of commercial movements, to doing the same for ill-detailed safety ‘reasons’, the CAA is at real risk of being discredited as an impartial regulator. Regrettably, the Club and its members will need to challenge such a concerning undercurrent, and do what is possible to get things back onto an appropriate footing. aircraft (a Druine Turbulent from White Waltham in 1959). Over the years, HRH has provided a great deal of encouragement and support to private and sport flying in the U.K. and is a former Chairman and President of the RAeC. Following the lunch, HRH gave an address detailing some of his aviation exploits. The response was provided by the RAeC Chairman, Patrick Naegeli who offered his thanks to HRH for his long term interest and support for aviation. ACHIEVEMENTS and AWARDS The Royal Aero Club Awards Ceremony for the 2014 Awards will be on Tuesday 12th May, 2015, at the RAF Club. Application forms for tickets are included with this newsletter – please send your bookings in early! Adventurous flying features strongly in this year’s awards. Richard Bird and his instructor Richard Foster will be presented with the Britannia Trophy. They took just 57 days to plan and organise a flight to Capetown and back from their base at Goodwood, flying a specially prepared Comko C42 microlight. On a slightly more positive note, the weather is beginning to show all the signs of spring – heralding the onset of the main part of our flying season. Whatever your goals or plans, I hope that you can take every opportunity to enjoy your own brand of aviation. Happy aviating. Patrick Naegeli Chairman Following the lunch hosted by HRH the Duke of Edinburgh, Fred Marsh, RAeC Vice President, writes: HRH has an extensive aviation background, having gained his RAF wings in 1953. He subsequently qualified as a helicopter pilot with the Royal Navy in 1956 and gained his private pilot’s licence in 1959. He flew 5,986 hours in 59 types of aircraft; his final flight at the age of 76 was made in 1997 from Carlisle to Islay. HRH is the only member of the Royal Family to have flown solo in a civilian G-SCMG in which the Goodwood – Capetown flight was carried out (Trevor Bartlett) The route took them through Czech Republic and Crete, across the Mediterranean to Egypt and on through Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Namibia and so to South Africa. They flew a total of 14,846 nautical miles in 39 flying days, with no alarms or excursions aside from one landing just after dusk. The expedition was described as a peerless example of the capabilities of modern microlights. David McElroy and Ed McCallum are joint winners of the Norton Griffiths Trophy. David McElroy’s aim was to attempt two concurrent `Around-the-World-in-80-days’ flights to raise money for 2 charities (Sick Kids in Toronto and Scottish Air Ambulance). The flight started in Canada, traversing the globe east-about. An enroute stop in Perth allowed him to start a second overlapping circumnavigation, calling in at Toronto to complete the first, before continuing across the Atlantic for a second time to complete the second. He completed the expedition in Perth just one day behind the original planned schedule. One circumnavigation took 80 days, the other 81 days. The two charities benefitted to the tune of approximately £100K. Ed McCallum planned to fly to Oshkosh to go to the Airventure show in 2014 in his CTSW microlight. The weather and temperatures on the established route, via the Faroes, Iceland and Greenland present special difficulties for a microlight aircraft that is only equipped for day VFR and with limited cockpit heating. Ed encountered low cloud, windscreen icing and long spells with no sign of civilisation. On arrival at Oshkosh he was given a royal welcome with a tour of the museum and the EAA’s B17 bomber, before heading back, with the weather significantly worse than on the way out. Ed’s flight raised well over £7,000 for charity. Gold Medal Steve Jones – Nominated by BGA. Royal Aero Club Diploma John Brady – Nominated by LAA Silver Medal Pete Stratten – Adrian Thomas – Nominated by BGA Nominated by BHPA Bronze Medal Clive Needham Dave Pacey Gary Smith Jim Gale Richard Goddin - Nominated by BMFA Nominated by BPA Nominated by LAA Nominated by LAA Nominated by BMAA Certificate of Merit John Bradley – Nominated by BGA Hugh Woodsend – Nominated by BGA Kate Charters – Nominated by BPA Mark Turner – Nominated by RRRA Mike Smethers – Nominated by BGA Ron Souch – Nominated by LAA Tony Young Nominated by LAA Wg Cdr Mike Westwood – Nominated by BPA David Harbour Nominated by BMFA John Hamilton & Bill Draper – Nominated by BMFA The President’s Breitling Trophy Alexander Harris Nominated by BGA Breitling Certificate of Recognition Spirit of Goole Nominated by LAA Old & Bold Trophy Dilys Price OBE - Nominated by BPA Nexus Aviation Journalist of the Year Trophy Malcolm McBride – Nominated by LAA Tim Ellison has been awarded a RAeC Bronze medal. Tim became the first qualified disabled balloon pilot in Europe, when he passed his General Flight Test in balloons in January 2014. A former RAF Pilot, Tim was left as a paraplegic after an engine failure whilst hovering too low to eject. He set his heart on becoming a pilot again and he became the first paraplegic in the world to gain an Airline Transport Pilots Licence. He then decided that he wanted to help other disabled people take to the skies and, with a number of other disabled pilots, formed the British Disabled Flying Club (BDFC), which later became the charity Aerobility. Other awards Prince of Wales Cup 2014 British Gliding Team – Nominated by BGA Certificate of Appreciation Tony Whitehead – Nominated by LAA Ian Corse – Nominated by LAA Jeff Bell – Nominated by HCGB Hayward AviationNominated by Aerobility Barbara Rose Nominated by LAA Companionship of the Royal Aero Club Dr Frederik Paulsen - Nominated by the RAeC & RAeC Trust Congratulations to all Award winners International Competitions and Achievements Well done to Team XX for third place in 4-way female formation skydiving at the Dubai International Parachuting Championship in December. Over ten rounds, the team of Audrey Rowe, Elly Kirby, Anna Hicks and Ros Ayling beat Germany by one point to take the Bronze medal. At the FAI European Championships for Free Flight Model Aircraft, held in Romania last August, the British F1A, F1B and F1C teams came third in the overall team trophy. Congratulations! The British team came second in the Intermediate World Aerobatic Championships at Mossel Bay in South Africa. Well done to Paul Brice (7th), Mike Collett (9th) and Christopher Sills (14th) and to the rest of the team of seven pilots. REGULATORY MATTERS European Regulation The CAA’s February Single European Sky Information Bulletin is at 015007.pdf EASA news A round-up of EASA news over the July 2014 to March 2015 can be found at: pagetype=65&appid=11&mode=list&type=search &search=EASA%20Developments Europe Air Sports The Europe Air Sports General Conference and AGM was held on 28 – 29 March in Luxembourg. A wide range of presentations were received, including an encouraging one from Yves Morier, Head of GA and RPAS at EASA. The triumphant British aerobatics team in South Africa (Emily Todd) And the most astonishing achievement of all last year was from the Aeromodelling F2A control line speed team, who won the FAI Gold Medal at the Control Line World Championships, for the 18th year running. No other team has ever achieved such a result. Paul Eisner took the individual Silver medal with a flight of 301.1 kph and Ken Morrissey won individual Bronze with 300.8 kph. Huge congratulations to them and to Peter Halman, the third member of the team and a former World Champion. RAeC COUNCIL NEWS A £10,000 donation from Dr. Frederik Paulsen has enabled the RAeC to make a surplus of £3674 for 2014, despite a significant increase in expenditure to employ the FASVIG (Future Airspace Strategy VFR Implementation Group) Programme Manager. At the last Council meeting, a 2015 budget was agreed, which includes a 1.375% increase in Subscriptions for Full Members. This budget will provide for ongoing support of the FASVIG Programme Manager, provided a further donation can be secured. Remember that you can help to support the RAeC’s work on behalf of all air sports, by becoming an Individual Member of the RAeC. See the enclosed application forms for details. FAI Annual Report The FAI Annual Report for 2014 has been published and can be found at Aviation and Space World Records The first space-walk by Alexey Leonov in 1965, the first solo flight across the Pacific Ocean by Steve Fossett in 1995, the highest ballooning flight by Vijaypat Singhania in 2005, to name only a few. The FAI will be celebrating these and other outstanding records, whose anniversaries will be celebrated in 2015 with a series of articles and social media messages. The most valuable, interesting and exclusive documents and pictures from the Federation’s archives will be made available to the public and the media. 2014 General Conference The Minutes of the 108th FAI General Conference, held in Thailand in October 2014, are now available (along with annexes) online directly at: (click on "2014 Thailand"), or at (click on "Meetings" > General Conference > 2014 Pattaya) World Air Games GASCo Safety Evenings The Event Organising Committee of the FAI World Air Games Dubai 2015 presented the new logo for the multi air sports event during a ceremony held at the Skydive Marina of Dubai on 8th March. The CAA General Aviation Safety Six – CFIT (Controlled flight into terrain), Airspace Infringement, Airborne Conflict, Loss of Control, Runway Excursion and Human Factors - sits at the heart of this year’s Safety Evenings. There are still opportunities to attend a Safety Evening before the summer season. The list of dates running through to mid-May can be found at The logo features the letters WAG in the four colours of the United Arab Emirates – red, white, green and black. They are designed in the shape of a hawk, the symbol the Arabic region. It also includes the FAI logo and features such as Dubai written in both Arabic and Roman alphabet letters. The Games will take place from 1 to 12 Dec 2015. More details, including the sports and disciplines selected, are at SCHOLARSHIPS & BURSARIES BMAA Flying bursary There is still time for applications for the 2015 BMAA Young Persons Flight Training Bursary, with a closing date of 31st May. See Royal Aeronautical Scholarships Society Centennial The closing date for RAeS 2015 applications is also 31st May. For details, see SAFETY Flying Scholarships for the Disabled Cardiff Joins the Strasser Scheme Applications can be made at any time for FSDP scholarships. Applicants must be over 18 years of age, not in full time education, resident in the UK and allowed to drive by the DVLA. For details, see Cardiff Airport, which is owned by the Welsh Government, has become the 208th UK airfield to join the Emergency and Diversionary Weather Landings (Strasser) scheme, which allows private pilots to make a bona fide decision to divert into an airfield without payment of the landing fee. Charles Strasser continues to remind the very few airfields, who have not yet joined, of the important contribution to flight safety that this concession can provide. Spring 2015 CHIRP The first CHIRP Feedback of 2015 can be found at The online version replaces the printed CHIRPs that were previously inserted in flying magazines. CHIRP is also available as a Smartphone or tablet app… search for 'CHIRP Feedback' in the iTunes or Android App stores to locate. GAPAN Scholarships and bursaries CATS are providing access to their online study package for one person committed to gaining their ATPL through the Modular Route. The closing date for receipt of applications is 22 May 2015. Details of CATS Aviation can be found at and information about the bursary is available at There are also bursaries available for Continued Professional Development and for Flight Instructors. See GENERAL NEWS and EVENTS Winter Issue of GASCo Flight Safety Solar Impulse The March GASCo Flight Safety Newsletter, as well as past issues, is available at 36795 Solar Impulse took off on 9th March in Abu Dhabi, with André Borschberg at the controls, on its first leg to Muscat in Oman, before crossing the Arabian Sea to Ahmedabad (India). This was the first stage of the Round-The-World Flight using zero fuel. Bertand Piccard took over in Oman to continue to Ahmedabad (India). Piccard and Borschberg will take turns flying the single-seater experimental solar aircraft which is able to fly with perpetual endurance. It has taken twelve years for Bertrand Piccard (initiator and chairman) and André Borschberg (founder and CEO), to be able to attempt to make their dream a reality - demonstrating the importance of renewable energy conceived through a pioneering spirit and innovation. Capable of flying over oceans for several days and nights in a row, Solar Impulse will travel 35,000 km around the world in 25 days over the course of roughly 5 months. has up to date news of the progress of the project. 19th FAI European Gliding Championships Congratulations also to the team at Lasham Gliding Society, who have won the right to host the 2017 European Gliding Championships for Open, 15 metre and 18 metre classes. Youth in Aviation – Leading Edge YIA will be organising their annual Flying Day again in 2015. It will take place at the Gliding Centre, Husbands Bosworth on the 7th June. The RAeC Chairman encourages more Associations to get involved and to contact the Secretary for further information. FAI World Cup of Wingsuit Performance Flying Congratulations to Netheravon on their successful bid to host this international wingsuit event. It will take place on 25 – 29 May 2015. Newsletter edited by Diana King. Please send items for future Newsletters to Royal Aero Club, Hebbs Acre, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2HG or to For further information on any items contained in this Newsletter, please contact the RAeC Office at 31 St Andrew’s Road, Leicester, LE2 8RE or on 0116 244 0182 or at
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