Week Eight 20th March 2015 - Rudolf Steiner School Kings Langley


Week Eight 20th March 2015 - Rudolf Steiner School Kings Langley
Friday Newsletter
Spring Term
Week Nine
Friday 20th March 2015
What’s coming up?
Thank you to everyone who donated. The school has raised over £250 so
far which will go towards helping so many good causes in this country
and Africa! A big thank you to Poppy Pandit who raised a whopping
£80 selling popcorn!
Class 8 Student Project Presentations – Monday 23rd March to Friday 27th March – 7.30pm to 10pm every
night! Projects vary from Design to Engineer, Batman to CSI! So please come along!
Class 10 will be away on Work experience from Monday 23rd March to Friday 27th March
Class 12 Trip Away in Italy with Madame Herrington and Mr Alkema from 18th March to 2nd April
Class 6 Trip to the Natural History Museum with Denis McCarthy on Thursday 26 th March
Lumina Choir – Tuesday evening 7.30pm with Claudio di Meo
Open day – Thank you to all the staff and parents who helped out with the talks and tours. It was lovely
to see so many prospective parents and the sun shone!
End of Term – Friday 27th March 12noon
Thought of the week ‘Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners’
Laurence Sterne
Visit from SIS
The School Inspection Service will
be visiting the school on Tuesday
24th March until Thursday 26th
March to carry out an inspection,
on behalf of Ofsted. The
Inspectors would welcome your
views of the school, by
completing a parent / carer
questionnaire which will be sent
out today via parentmail. Paper
copies are also available in
Reception. Your answers are
confidential to the inspection
team. No staff will see your
comments, but the inspection
report will refer to the views of
parents generally. Please can
the forms be rreturned to
Reception in a sealed envelope,
for the attention of the Inspecting
team by MONDAY 23rd March.
The Reporting Inspector will
collect them at the start of the
inspection so that they can be
analysed. The inspection team
would also like to gather
feedback from the students and
younger children. There will be a
questionnaire for secondary age
students to complete; and the
Inspection team also have a set of
age appropriate questions for the
Lower School and Kindergarten.
For any further information please
contact Fiona Murray.
Solar Eclipse!
News from the School:
parents that after Easter the school
minibus will pick up pupils coming
by train ONLY on wet mornings.
Pupils are encouraged to walk to
school during the lighter months
up until October half term. We will
be giving the pupils a lift to the
station each afternoon as normal
Fiona Murray and Anthony
Arulanandam, Co-Chairs of
Acoustic Cafe – Tonight!!! at
8.00.pm – 10.30.pm in the School
Cafe. Come along and sing a
song or two, play some music or
just come, listen and enjoy!
Refreshments available. Donations
Sadly, not as dramatic as hoped, but go to the PTFA. Frankie 01442
students can visit a number of online 216988/
sources to see this extradionary
The School’s Community advertising
bulletin ‘The Leaf’ March Edition – is
available to view via the school
What’s on in the Community
Please help our After school Club ‘St Matthew Passion BWV 244’ sung
liven up! We are looking for any
in German by the St Albans Bach
items/equipment to reuse and
Choir on Saturday 21st March 2015,
recycle that can be used to
in the St Albans Cathedral 7.30pm.
maintain a stimulating experience For ticket prices and more
for everyone here in our club.
information please contact
Paint sets, yoga mats, and musical www.stalbansbachchoir.org.uk
instruments galore; anything you
think could bring some pleasure to
Tennis Sport Camp Tuesday 7th – Fri
the children! So please have a dig
17th April, weekdays only, Langley
in the garage and hopefully our
Tennis Club will be holding a tennis
club can be brighter than ever
and racquets’ camp suitable for
before! Contact: Hannah Worboys
children aged 4 to 14. Full day
07840 866 070 asc@rsskl.org
8.30am to 4.30pm (early and late
pickup can be provided).
Date for your Diary! Saturday 16th Location: High Woodall Lane, Kings
May 2015, 7pm - 11pm. An
Langley, HP3 8RW, for further
evening of songs and ukulele
information call 01442 230234.
magic with Katie's Jumping Fleas. Email: info@langleytennis.com or
Three course meal, bar & raffle in www.langleytennis.com
the Dining Room. I am fundraising
for St Mark's Hospital who do
London Events at Rudolf Steiner
research into bowel disease and
to this end would like to invite you House - Staying Connected with
Terry Goodfellow on 22nd March
all to an evening of fun, food,
at 2.30pm R.Steiner's research into
singing and dancing. Tickets
£17.50 from steffico@rsskl.org.
life after death and indications for
Italian Conversation classeswould you like to learn Italian?
Federica Nardacci would like to
start a course after Easter. £e are
thinking of Monday evening 7pm8pm. The course will be held in
school and initially run for 6
working with those who have
weeks. If you are interested
died. Why Architecure Matters
please get in contact 07922
with Nic Pople on 24th March at
Langley with Federica Nardacci, 7.30pm Illustrated lecture on
a professional pianist and
GCSE and AS Level Maths and
trends in contemporary
musicologist. Federica has recently
Further Maths tuition offered by
architecture with reference to
class 13 St Clement Danes Maths arrived from Italy with our new
Steiner's indications as to the
music teacher Claudio Di Meo
Prefect with two years tutoring
crucial role architecture plays in
experience. Call Kai on 07432
our social development and
07922 486327 or email:
personal evolution. Spare
Looking for an au-pair?
programmes in School foyer
We are an Italian - German family information.
living in Rome. We have three
children and the youngest would
be interested to spend some time
in a family who might be
interested to have some help with
little children. My daughter is 16
years old, speaks German and
Italian fluently and is very
interested in music. She plays the
flute and the piano but most of all
she likes singing. Since school in
Rome finishes on the 7th of June,
we thought it might be a good
time to come from the 20th of
June until 3rd of July which would
be around two weeks. Please
contact beate bender, Many
thanks beaterom@hotmail.de
Full Size Viola and guitar for sale,
please contact G & S Alkema
01923 263680
and kindergartens, 0207 7234400. www.rsh.anth.org.uk,
The news sheet is published on
Friday, copy deadline Thursday
4pm. Sales of goods or services £3 Please join The Lea Singers, a first
per advert, house or flat rentals
class professional chamber
£20, house sales £75. Email Sarah orchestra and wonderful soloists
Boot at sarahbo@rsskl.org with
on Saturday 28 March at 7.30pm
your ad or drop it into the office,
at St Nicholas Church, Harpenden,
in a clearly marked envelope.
AL5 2TP for a special performance
The school newsletter is a forum
of the Mozart Requiem. Tickets are
for many different members of
£15 (£10 under 18s and students)
the community, and views and
from Nicky Teensma (01923 263106
opinions expressed are not
or in class 5) or George Darley on
01707 377 029 and at