description of the UV printer SUN Universal 2.5 Light.
description of the UV printer SUN Universal 2.5 Light.
iii Sun Innovations New product from the creators o f the first in the world wide format UV-LED Inkjet Printer P R O F E S S I O N A L S O L U T I O N FOR Y O U R B U S I N E S S SUN UNIVERSAL UV-LED: EASY TO PRINT, CONVINIENT HANDLING, SECURE INVESTMENT THE MOST MODERN PRINTER IN UNIVERSAL PRODUCT LINE Provide clients with u n beaten quality Take m ore orders a n d perform them in time or faster Friendly a n d c le a r control o f th e printing process, d u e to A u to m a tic positioning system - thickness a n d X-axis w ould sa v e tim e w eb interface. Control th e printing process from com puter, laptop, ta b le t ot even sm artphone (using th e most popular internet browsers) a n d lead to high quality printing on substrates up to 200mm thick. High a c c u ta c y laser b e a m is c a p a b le o f sensing even a sheet o f thin p ap er on th e printing table! S a ve up to 30% on servicing a n d c h a n g in g the printing heads K e e p control of the business, ev e n b ein g a w a y from it A u to m a tic ca rria g e parking system, co nservation an d c le a n in g of Software is c a p a b le to give you control over th e main param eters of printer operation an d m ain te n an ce in internet printing head s w ould ta k e c a re o f th e condition o f printing heads during a n d after th e print G e t m ore profit b y printing h e a v y substrates Print faster then com petitors R edesigned ad d ition al tables allow to print on substrates u p to 130 kg Function „skip white fields" d oes not allow carriag e to w aste tim e over th e em pty sp a ce s in print M axim um e x clu d in g of hum an factor Work without delays E m erg en cy ca rria g e stopping system w ould stop th e printing process in c a s e o f rough spots on th e material, preventing th e d a m a g e o f carriag e a n d printing head s as well as th e material. A u to m a tic ink level m easurem ent system would remind you to restock G e t a reliable assistant in business for a re a so n a b le p rice Be confident! 2 y e a r w arranty pe rio d for printer SUN Universal UV-LED Sun Innovations 109052, Russia, M o sco w , Zlatoustinskiy Str., 2/8 b ld g 1, phone: +7 (495) 620 70 27 630102, Russia, Novosibirsk, Kirova Str., 82, phone: +7 (383) 200 34 97 saies@ Техни чески е х а р а к те р и сти к и Model SUN Universal UV-LED 2.5 Light
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