Newsletter 24/03/2015 - Ryde East Public School


Newsletter 24/03/2015 - Ryde East Public School
Ryde East Public School
12 Twin Road, North Ryde, N.S.W. 2113
Tel: 9878 3681 9888 5620 Fax: 9878 6029
Website address:
A copy of this newsletter is available on the School’s website
We had an amazing number of parents and students
turn up at the Kindergarten Working Bee on Sunday.
So much was achieved and we are very grateful for
your efforts in making the school look truly fantastic.
This Thursday 26th March we will be having a coin
line to raise money for the Vanuatu disaster. The
SRC is asking students to bring in a gold coin to place
on a specially marked line across our playground.
The SRC discussed this last week and felt it was a
great cause that needed our support and came up
with this concept of raising money.
Last Wednesday two of
our Year 6 students, Ani
and Damien, spoke at the
School Public Speaking
Competition at Eastwood
Heights Public School.
Both boys spoke exceptionally well and showed
great skill presenting their views on ‘Is mathematics
the most important subject’ and ‘If I ruled the world’.
Last Friday our discos were a huge success with our
students dancing the night away. We are very
fortunate to have a group of parents who coordinate this event which runs so smoothly. A
number of parents took photos of the evening and I
just want to remind everyone that any photos taken
are for personal use and cannot be uploaded to the
internet i.e. social media.
Please remember that all parents and the wider
school community are not to use the car parks to
drop or collect their children from school. My staff,
at times remind parents of this. It is a concern when
they report that people have been rude when told to
leave the car park. If you work in the canteen, it does
not entitle you to park in the car park as we have
limited spaces for our own staff. If your child has a
medical issue you can apply to me for a special
permit. I urge everyone to be considerate and
remember that student safety is paramount.
Jane Imer - Principal
Dates for Your Diary
Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews
Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews
1K and 5/6B visiting New Horizons
Coin line for Vanuatu
Chess Tournament
Infants Assembly – 9.20am – 1F performing
Primary Assembly – 10.30am – 4T
Book Club orders due
Election Day Cake Stall
Stage 3 Gold Incursion
SRC Mufti Day
Even though there was some
early morning drizzle we went
ahead with our working bee last Sunday. Around 80
adults and children came, so lots of work was
completed including:
 Rotary-hoeing the soft-fall material around the
playground equipment
 Weeding and tidying the wildlife corridor area
behind the library and relocating the garden
borders [a huge job – well done all!]
 Spreading mulch in the wildlife corridor
 Cleaning drains, kerbs and gutters around the
hall and inside the tennis court fences
 Pressure cleaning the tennis courts
 Pressure cleaning metal playground seats
 Washing playground seats and tables
 Weeding and preparing vegetable
 Mowing grass under trees and around school
 Brush cutting around fences
Thanks to the great team of class
parents who served a morning tea
and sausage-sizzle lunch which
was up to the usual standard!
A huge thank-you to the many families and staff who
came and worked tirelessly for our school.
If you forgot to sign the register on Sunday, please
email or ring the school office so your name can be
added. We like to keep our records accurate as they
are used to invite our parent helpers to a special
morning tea in December.
We are still in urgent need of helpers
for the Election Day BBQ this Saturday.
If you are able to help with serving or
cooking for a couple of hours please contact me on
0414 560 907 or
We are now looking forward to our Year 5 class
family working bee on Sunday 17 May…so all
scheduled dates of future
working bees are:
Suzanne Kimpton
17 May
21 June
26 July
30 August
25 October
- Year 5
- Year 1
- Year 4
- Year 2
- Year 3
Phillip Ward
Ryde East Cake Stall –
Saturday 28th March
By the time you read this, your child
will have bought a cake tray home in
preparation for the P&C cake stall
this Saturday. We are counting on
350 cakes trays being returned full of
treats, which will help to ensure that the cake stall
will be a fantastic success again this year. Examples
of what you can fill your cake tray include: a
banana/carrot loaf cake, 10-12 biscuits, 8 cupcakes,
6-8 slices etc. If you need more cake trays, please get
in contact with me.
Please remember to label your cake trays with the
ingredients inside – attach the label to the outside of
the goodies you provide.
We are in need of helpers to work on the cake stall
this Saturday. We are filling 2 hour time slots from
7.00am -4.00pm. We have about half the spots filled
but we still have 6 spots to go. It is vital that we fill
these positions to ensure that the cake stall runs
We are also looking for 2 more volunteers to help
out Friday afternoon in the school canteen with
sorting and pricing all the baked goods in
preparation for the cake stall. We will be in the
canteen from 3.15pm – 7.00pm.
If you can help out on the stall on Saturday or on
Friday afternoon, please contact me ASAP with your
on or 0414 669475.
Many thanks for your support,
Siobhan Reynolds
Book Club is due this Friday 27th
March. Please place in the yellow
P&C box in the office. If you need
extra brochures, they are located in
the wall pocket in the office foyer.
Thanks to all the families that
ordered from Issue 1. We had sales of approximately
$1,900 which enabled me to purchase $400.00
worth of books for our library, classrooms and
reader prizes.
I’d also like to say a big thank you to the parents,
Tara, Jaci and Ako who have joined our Book Club
team to help sort out everyone’s orders.
If there are any questions, you can contact me on
0432 145 122 or
Thank you to all of the wonderful families
who have so kindly supported our walkathon and
returned their money and forms. Please ensure that
all walkathon money is collected and returned to the
Yellow P&C box by this Friday 27th March. Don’t
forget, the child from each class who raises the most
money will be awarded a book prize.
Thank you to all the families who have
kindly donated gifts for the Mothers’
Day stall so far. We would like to get started on
wrapping these gifts and would appreciate your
help. We will be wrapping gifts in H Block (The
Cottage), which is the building closest to the Badajoz
Road entrance, on Tuesday 31st March from 9.00am
– 12.00pm. If you are able to spare some time please
come and join us. Please keep your donations
coming in. We will continue to collect gifts until
Friday 1st May.
Thank you.
Cindy Berghofer 0404 096 153
Suzanne Kimpton 0414 560 907
We hope all the kids had a great
time. There were some very creative
costumes, great work parents, kids
and carers. Getting into the theme
helps make for a fun night.
Thank you to all the wonderful helpers we had at the
Infants and Primary discos. We had lots of new
faces, old faces, grandpas, mums and dads.
Our great teachers deserve our thanks too, Ms
Sedevic, Ms Winsley, Ms Wilson, Mr Johnson and Mr
Bailey. Without them staying back late our discos
can’t happen.
Finally we would like to remind you to observe the
school guidelines when photographing your children
at the disco. Please don’t share via any social media.
See you again in Term 3.
Kim Bunny and Edith McIlveen
I am looking for volunteers to help co-ordinate the
End of Year Farewell for Year 6. The first item on the
agenda is to put together a group of dedicated
parents who will help plan the event scheduled for
December 2015 and be part of the committee. Our
first meeting will be on Tuesday 28th April 2015 at
North Ryde RSL. We will meet in the foyer at 7.00pm
to make it easier for members to sign in nonmembers. If you can't make it, and would still like to
help, feel free to call me on 0439539178.
Belinda Rossi
Year 6 Farewell Co-Ordinator
YEAR 6 FUNDRAISING - Year 5/6 Parents
Fundraising has begun for our Year 6 Farewell that is
scheduled for December this year with all Year 5 and
Year 6 students invited to this event. This week
children will be bring home a box of either Cadbury
Freddo and Friends Fun Pack, or a Cadbury
Fundraiser Variety Pack to sell. I have only ordered a
limited amount of the Variety Pack which contains
Cherry Ripe, Boost, Time out, Crunchie and
Toblerone, if you prefer this pack please email me
on requesting a Variety
pack with the name of your child and class. Each
family will receive a box containing 50 chocolates
selling at $1.00 each. A letter will accompany the
chocolates detailing the process in detail.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Belinda Rossi
0439 539 178
Year 6 Farewell Co-ordinator
Parents and students were treated to a
fantastic performance of ‘Funky Town’ by the Senior
Band at last Friday’s Gold Card Assembly.
Considering that the students have had only a few
rehearsals, they should be very proud of their
efforts - great work!
All students should have received their invitations to
the Awesome April Music Antics by now. If you need
another copy of the note, there are some in the
music drawer in the office (limited number), or
please ask your instrument contact parent to email
you one. It will be a wonderful day of fun and
learning, so don’t miss out on your chance to join in.
Remember, everyone who does P&C music at REPS
may attend – it is not just for those in the bands!
Notes and payments are due back this Friday 27th
March! (Envelopes with money in them are to be
placed in the locked P&C box in the school office).
Any questions – contact Belinda Duncan.
Music Program Invoices have now been sent to all
music program students, so check your in boxes. If
you have not received an invoice or if you have any
questions, please call or email our Music Program
Treasurer, Nerradene Wolken, or the Music Program
Coordinator, Belinda Duncan (contact details below).
Payment by direct deposit is preferred using your
invoice number as the reference. BSB: 062 281
Account No: 10261085 Account Name: Reps Band
Sub Committee. If paying by cheque please advise
Nerradene via email and make cheques payable to
‘REPS Band Sub Committee’. These should be placed
in the locked P&C box in the school office, marked to
the attention of "Music Program Treasurer".
Percussion students, including Year 2 kids, are more
than welcome at the Awesome April Music Antics
day. The kids will have a great day and be introduced
to performance in front of others in a relaxed and
friendly environment.
Payments to the Music Committee and to Joe Gould
are due. Please ensure these are paid. If you have
not received an invoice from both sources please
contact Kim at
If you know that your child will be missing a tutorial
for any reason, please let your instrument contact
parent know as soon as possible so they can inform
the tutor.
Week 9 – Notes and payment for Music Day – due Friday
TERM 2 – Week 1 – Sunday 26 April, Awesome April
Music Antics Day
Week 5 – Ryde East Music Festival – Sunday 24th May
Week 8 – Wahroonga Music Festival, Sunday 14 June
Coordinator: Belinda Duncan - 0417 489 269,
Band Manager: Lisa Mach –
Treasurer: Nerradene Wolken –
♥♥♥ Pre-Loved Uniforms ♥♥♥
Opening times - Tuesday mornings from 8:45 9:30am.
Pre-loved uniforms are available from the canteen
window alongside the New Uniform Shop.
Payment is by CASH only and notes of smaller
denominations are appreciated.
Donations for Pre-Loved can be dropped at the shop
window on any Tuesday morning - please note that
we can only accept standard issue school uniforms.
Please do not leave your donations at the school
Office. For any queries, please contact
Vicky Moore on 0426 287 575 or
Simone Haslehurst on 0414 965 225
The school tennis courts are available for
hire out of school hours for a nominal fee
of $20.00 per hour for each court. Contact Margie
Simpson on 0407 280 864
Ryde East OSHC has its own website which can be
accessed at any time.
The website is
Ryde East Vacation Care program is available now.
Booking has started from Monday 16th March and it
will end on 30th March, so book early.
A range of fun action packed activities are offered to
keep the kids active and entertained during the day
and these activities are: (Ex - Excursion, Inc –
Week 1
 Tue 7th April – Easter Celebration
 Wed 8th April – Clontarf Beach (Ex)
 Thurs 9th April – Bricks 4 Lego (Inc)
 Fri 10th April – PAWS (Ex)
Week 2
Mon 13th April – Sustainable Leaving (Ex)
Tue 14th April – Build By Kids (Inc)
Wed 15th April – Peak Pursuit (Ex)
Thurs 16th April – Fit Fantastic Fun Kids Boot
Camp (Inc)
Fri 17th April – Movie & McDonald (Ex)
Riverside High School Gifted & Talented
Year 7 Class 2016
Information Evening
Thursday 26th March 2015
6:00pm – 7:00pm
School Common Room
Prospective parents of students interested in applying for
the Gifted and Talented class in our 2016 Year 7 intake
are invited to come along to an information evening to
find out more about what makes our extension program
unique and how to apply for our Gifted and Talented
class of 2016.
If you have any queries, please contact Anne Vogelnest,
our Gifted and Talented Coordinator.
Phone: 9816 4264
Staff Development Day
 Mon 20th April – Trash Percussion (Inc)
Booking forms are available on centre website OR contact Parthi
on 98783773 OR email
UNIFORM SHOP NEWS - (New Uniforms only)
The Uniform Shop is open every Tuesday morning
from 8.45am – 9.45am or order online and have it
delivered to your child’s classroom.
Sara Rich – 0426 824 972