French 2 → French 4 Summer Work


French 2 → French 4 Summer Work
nom : ________________________
French 2  French 4 Summer Work
In order to be able to be moved into French 4 next year, you are required to complete the following tasks over
the summer break. Everything in this packet is what we cover in French 3 and they are aligned to the themes in
AP so it will all help you prepare for AP French. There are essentially 9 units so limit yourself to one unit per
week (the Art and Musique ones shouldn’t take that long). This page, along with some PowerPoints and other
webpages links, will be on my webpage in the pages for each unit :
To help yourself keep up, please check the boxes to indicate that you have successfully finished the task.
For help with vocabulary, use eClass or
For help with verb conjugation, use
Unité 1 – Les Fêtes
Use the 2 Quizlet pages to fill out the vocab notes (Unité 1 page > Vocab and Culture Resources)
Visit the website for the Carnaval de la Martinique to learn about the carnival
Read the two articles and complete the activities after – France/USA : le match des traditions and Le
quatorze juillet
Use the Quizlet pages to fill out the Grammaire notes (Unité 1 page > Grammaire Resources)
Unité 2 – Les Passé Composé et L’imparfait
Use the PowerPoint file to fill out the notes (Unité 2 page)
Complete the worksheet to practice the past tense : Le passé and Chapitre 9 The Past Tense
Complete the activities on the websites to practice the PC / Imparfait
o PC vs. Imparfait - Language Center
o PC vs. Imparfait - La Blanche Neige
o PC vs. Imparfait L'histoire de Clark Kent
o PC vs. Imparfait - Bonjour de France
o L'enquete - detective story that reviews PC, Imp
Read the story and complete the activity after – Le mysterieux homme en bleu
Unité 3a – Les tâches ménagères
Use the PowerPoint file or the 2 Quizlet pages to fill out the notes (Unité 3 page > 3a Vocab Resources)
Complete the worksheet Les taches menageres worksheet (the top part is matching – just write the vocab
phrase for each task; the bottom part – translate the sentence; the back – write a sentence saying what
each person does based on the pictures)
Le subjonctif (brand new grammar!)
Look over the subjonctif notes (the first 3 worksheets)
o Use the table entitled “Verbes irréguliers au subjonctif” to fill out the irregular subjunctive parts
Complete the Subjonctif – Pratiquer! worksheet
o The first 2 parts are just filling in the blank with the subjunctive
o The last part is making a sentence – follow the example
Complete the worksheet entitled “Pendant les vacances” (the last part you will need to decide whether
or not to use the subjunctive)
Complete the categories worksheet – make categories for the irregular subjunctive verbs based on HOW
THEY ARE CONJUGATED – not how they look or what they mean. Create a “title” for the category. There
is an example one on the notes.
Visit this website to learn more about the subjunctive mood and practice using it:,
Complete the subjunctive activity on quizlet until you’re comfortable with it:
Visit these websites to learn WHEN to use the subjunctive:,,
Look over the WEIRDO worksheet (Wishes, Emotions, Impersonal Expressions, Requests, Doubts,
Opinions) – these are expressions that are used to signal that the subjunctive will follow them
Complete the worksheet entitled “Le Subjonctif ou pas?”
Complete the worksheet entitled “Le Subjonctif ou l’Indicatif?” – just follow the steps to determine if you
use the subjunctive or not
Complete the worksheet entitled “Le Subjontif Review”
Unité 3b – L’étiquette et les manières
Work on each reading (page) one at a time. Complete the reading and then do the worksheet that
accompanies it. This will make it easier to get through all the readings.
Use to help you fill in the missing vocab words as you go. Use the vocab words
to read each article.
Watch the 2 videos on the website (Unité 3 page > 3b Lectures Resources)
Complete the worksheet Les taches menageres worksheet (the top part is matching – just write the vocab
phrase for each task; the bottom part – translate the sentence; the back – write a sentence saying what
each person does based on the pictures)
Unité 4 – L’art français
Use to fill in the vocab words as you go.
Watch the video on the website (Unité 4 page)
Read the packet about the different art movements
Unité 5 – Vive la nature
Use the vocab presentation on the website or to fill in the vocab words
Watch the video about Jacques Cousteau (Unité 5 page)
Use the links in the Grammar Resources on the Unite 5 page
o Quizlet - imperatif
o Language Guide - Imperatif
o Tex's French Grammar - Imperatif
o Imperatif practice - Cliquez
Complete the worksheet : Pronoms et Impératif
Read the article : Êtes-vous vert? and complete the activities after
Read the article about Jacques Cousteau
Read the article : L’écologie à la maison
Unité 6 – Mon avenir
Use the Quizlet page to fill out the vocab notes (Unité 6 page > Vocab Resources)
Read and complete the packet about the 3 young French people and their futures
Read the article Les jobs des jeunes and complete the Avez-Vous Compris ? section on the back page
Use the Grammaire Resources section on the Unité 6 page to fill in the future notes
o PowerPoint and Quizlet to help explain
Le Conditionnel (brand new grammar!)
Use the Grammaire Resources section on the Unité 6 page to fill in the conditional notes
o PowerPoint to help explain
o Don’t worry about the si clauses until later in the unit
Complete the worksheet comparing the conditional in English and French
Complete the worksheet comparing the Futur, Imparfait et Conditionnel tenses
Visit this website to learn more about the conditionel tense and practice using it:
Complete the conditionel activity on quizlet until you feel confident that you can form it:
Read the last page of the notes and look over this website to learn how si clauses work:
Complete the worksheet Les propositions avec si! (has a table on the back)
Complete the other worksheet with si propositions
Unité 7 – Les Passages de la Vie
Use the PowerPoint and Quizlet pages to fill out the vocab notes
(Unité 7 page > Vocab and Culture Resources)
Read the packet of “Lectures” that deal with life events
Fill out the notes for the passages of each type of religion as you read
Watch the video that corresponds to each passage as you read
(Unité 7 page > Vocab and Culture Resources)
Fill out the notes for the partitive as you watch the Powerpoint (Unité 7 page > Grammaire Resources)
Read over the notes for the pronoun en. There are also videos to watch if that’s better for you. Choose
the one you think you helps best.
Practice en on Quizlet and Tex’s French Grammar page
Look over the negation notes
Read the explanation on the website (Unité 7 page > Grammaire Resources)
Do the practice activities until you think you have it (Unité 7 page > Grammaire Resources)
Unité 8 – En ville et à la campagne
Use the Quizlet pages to fill out the vocab notes (Unité 8 page > Vocab Resources)
Complete the worksheet En ville
Read Les avantages et les inconvénients du centre-ville
Use the links on the webpage to fill out notes for Le Comparatif (Unité 8 page > Grammar Resources)
Complete the worksheet for the comparative (don’t worry about the back page with Meilleur and Mieux)
Use the Quizlet pages to fill out notes for conduire and vivre (Unité 8 page > Vocab Resources)
Use the Tex’s French Grammar links to fill out notes for Lequel et celui-la (Unité 8 page > Vocab Resources)
Complete the worksheet for quel, lequel and celui
Unité 9 – La Musique
Read the packet of “lectures” about La Musique (take your time – go page by page if you need)
Watch the videos on the webpage (Unité 9 page) that go along with each “era” in the package
Complete the worksheet Interlude Culturel 4 Quiz (not really a quiz)
Feel free to email me at at ANY TIME during the summer if you have questions. I will try to
answer as soon as I can.
Also, all of this info is on the Berkmar website in the Summer Assignments section. These links will also be live
so you don’t have to type them in.