2015 Spring Jr. Academy - The Pacesetter Soccer Club


2015 Spring Jr. Academy - The Pacesetter Soccer Club
The Pacesetter Soccer Club
Soccer Excellence Since 1980
Youth Programs
Spring Session 2015
Program Coordinator
Greg Acuna
greg.acuna@yahoo.com Cell: 419-957-8139
Pacesetter Soccer Club Youth Academies
Jr. Soccer Academy
Weekly Training for 3-5 year olds
5 Weeks
Apr 13th- May 15th
Monday and Friday
First Objective
Our first objective is to provide a developmental
environment that creates players who are comfortable with the ball at
their feet. Out training is built around having each player with a ball
during training sessions – taking as many touches as possible and
learning to use all surfaces of their feet.
Second Objective
Our second training goal is to develop players
who have confidence and get involved in the play. We use a variety of
1v1, 2v2, 2v3, 3v3, 3v4, and 4v4 training methods to provide
opportunities for players to hone their skills and build confidence in their
dribbling, faking, passing, shooting, and defending skills.
environment encourages players to be involved in the play, to make
mistakes and to improve.
Third Objective
Our third objective is to allow players to play without
pressure. We work to educate the parents to let us coach and the
players to play. We attempt to establish an environment where it is
understood that Academy Soccer is a place to play soccer, to develop,
and to have fun. Winning is not our objective at this age. We play
without counting goals and without having established teams. The
teams will be formed each session and the players will be rotated to
create meaningful, development matchups.
Cost: $80
Spring Training will take place at
Pacesetter Park
8801 Sylvania-Metamora Rd
Sylvania, OH 43560
All of our Jr. Academy players will train
and play in a gray Pacesetter t-shirt
($10)/ black shorts/ and black socks
over their shin guards.
SIZE 3 soccer ball
Don’t forget a water bottle!
Registration: Apr-May Jr. Academy
Liability Waiver
Player Name:
I, the parent/guardian for ____________________,
release, discharge, and/or otherwise indemnify The
Pacesetter Soccer Club and its employees for the
academy for which I am registering my child to
City, State, Zip
Parent’s Name(s)
Date of Birth:
Date: _______________________________________
T-Shirt: YS, YM, YL, AS
Please mail/drop off registration form with a check payable to The Pacesetter Soccer Club to:
The Pacesetter Soccer Club * 5400 W. Central Ave. * Toledo, Ohio 43615 * PSC Office 419-885-3140