Updated Bio-data Dr. RAMBIR SINGH
Updated Bio-data Dr. RAMBIR SINGH
Updated Bio-data Dr. RAMBIR SINGH Associate Professor Department of Biomedical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Kanpur Road, Jhansi – 284128, INDIA email : sehrawat_r@yahoo.com, Phone (M)- 9473583251. Type III/6 Residential Campus Bundelkhand University Jhansi-284128 Achievements at a Glance Total API as per UGC norms Total Impact Factor Total Citation Index Patent Research Publications Book Book Chapters Research Projects Ongoing Research Projects Completed Ph.D thesis supervised M.Sc. dissertations supervised Total Teaching experience Training programme conducted Training programme attended Invited lectures in conferences Full Papers in conference proceedings Paper presentations in Conferences (Abroad) Paper presentations in Conferences (India) 1191.10 (Category III) 26.148 215 01(Indian Patent) 46 01 02 01 02 05 38 13 Years 08 Months 02 06 05 04 04 35 Highest Educational Qualifications Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Biomedical Science from Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi, Delhi (INDIA). Title of Ph.D. Thesis Systematic Investigation of Curcuma longa (Turmeric): Isolation, Purification and Characterization of sesquiterpenoid compounds active against pathogenic bacteria Awards & Fellowships 1. Bundelkhand University Best Teacher Award-2004. 2. Qualified CSIR-UGC, NET examination in ‘Life Sciences’ June 2000 (Eligibility test for appointment of Assistant Professor in Indian Universities, Conducted by Govt. of India, ) 3. Junior Research Fellowship by Jean-Asit Ganguly Educational Trust, USA in July 2000. Research Projects Ongoing 1. Received grant of INR 11.08 lacs from University Grants Commission, Govt. of India, for research project entitled “Modulatory effect of probiotics on α-glucosidase, GIP and GLP-1 activity in diabetic rats” for three year w.e.f December, 2011. Completed 1. Received Extramural Research Grant of approximately INR 19 lacs from Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Govt. of India for project entitled ‘Evaluation of Antidiabetic potential of Momordica dioica in Wistar Rats’ for three years w.e.f January, 2010- March, 2013. 2. Received grant of approximately INR 32.75 lacs as Coordinator, Advanced Post Graduate Diploma in Food Microbial Technology at Bundelkhand University by University Grants Commission, Govt. of India, up to March 31, 2010. Visits Abroad 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Participated in 2nd International Summit on Toxicology, Las Vegas, USA, October 7 – 9, 2013. Travel grant provided by DBT, Govt of India University of Graz, Austria for participation in 13th International Congress of the Society for Ethnopharmacology, Organized at University of Graz, Austria from September 2 – 6, 2012. Travel grant provided by ICMR, Govt. of India. National Center for Natural Product Research, The University of Mississippi, Oxford, USA, for participation in International Conference on Science of Botanicals, April 11-14, 2011. Travel grant provided by UGC, Govt. of India. Cambridge Healthtech Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, for participation in International Conference on Discovery of Target: Diabetes Drug Discovery, November 2-4, 2010. Travel grant provided by DST, Govt. of India. Participated in special seminar organized by The Massachusetts Chapter of the Association for Women in Science (Mass-AWIS) focused on nanotechnologies titled "From Living Cells to Biologically Inspired Nanodevices" November 02,2010 at Folkman Auditorium, Children's Hospital, Boston, 320 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115. Travel grant provided by DST, Govt. of India. Workshop & Training Programme attended 1. Workshop on Proteomics for Biomedical Research, Organized by National Institute of Nutrition, (ICMR), Hyderabad, January 6-14, 2014 2. Hand on training on ‘mRNA isolation form tissue and RT-PCR based expression studies’ from August 26-28, 2013, at CSIR- Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, INDIA 3. Workshop on ‘Intellectual Property & Innovation Management in Medical Research’ organized by Indian Council of Medical Research and National Research Development Corporation, New Delhi from November 11-12, 2011. 4. ‘Workshop on animal Ethical Issues’ organized by Committee for Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, on November 27, 2009 at National JALMA Institute for Leprosy & other Mycobacterial Disease (ICMR), Agra, INDIA. 5. Training on ‘Stem cell culture & differentiation’ from August 11-17, 2009, at Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (CSIR), Lucknow, INDIA 6. Hand on Training on ‘Culture & drug sensitivity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from December 24-31, 2007 at Department of Laboratory Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, INDIA Training Programme Conducted 1. 2. Coordinated eight weeks training course on ‘Quantitative Estimation of Morphine in Opium by HPLC as per British Pharmacopeia-1998’ at Central Revenue Control Laboratory, New Delhi, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India in collaboration with Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi from July 10, to September 1, 2000. Practical training programme for M.Sc. Biochemistry and Microbiology students at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi from June 10-24, 2000. Conferences and Symposia Organized 1. Convener, Symposium on ‘Pride of Ancient Indian Science’, February 28, 2015, Organized by Institute of Biomedical Sciences and Vaidya Ram Naryan Sharma Institute of Ayurved and Alternate Medical Education and Research, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi. 2. Convener, Symposium on ‘Thrust Areas of Research in Life Sciences’, January 12, 2015, Organized by Institute of Biomedical Sciences and Vaidya Ram Naryan Sharma Institute of Ayurved and Alternate Medical Education and Research, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi. 3. Convener, Symposium on Recent Trends in Diagnosis & Prevention of AIDS, December 01, 2014, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi. 4. Organizing Secretary, National Conference on ‘Ethnopharmacology in Drug Development : Prospects and Challenges’ November 14-15, 2014, Institute of Biomedical Sciences and Vaidya Ram Naryan Sharma Institute of Ayurved and Alternate Medical Education and Research, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, 5. Organizing Secretary, Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights: Importance & Protection Process, November 05, 2012, Organized by IPR Cell, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi. 6. Organizing Secretary, Second National Conference on “Emerging Areas in Biomedical Sciences, March 27, 2010, Organized by Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi. 7. Organizing Secretary, National Symposium on Recent Trends in Diagnosis and Prevention of AIDS, Nov.30-Dec. 01, 2007 organized by Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi. 8. Organizing Secretary, 2nd International Conference on “Recent Advances in Biomedical and Therapeutic Sciences”, January, 6-8, 2005, organized by Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi in collaboration with Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi, Delhi, INDIA and Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 9. Organizing Secretary, International Conference on “Recent Advances in Biomedical and Therapeutic Sciences, Jan. 13-15, 2004, organized by Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi in collaboration with Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 10. Convener, National Conference on “Emerging Ares in Biomedical Sciences”, Dec, 28-30, 2002, Organized by Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi in collaboration with Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi, Delhi. Editor Research Journal Editor in Chief of Journal of Biomedical & Therapeutic Sciences, ISSN NO. 2394-2274, published by Integrated Science Publication, New Delhi, India Research Supervision Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Completed- 5 Ongoing -01 M.Sc. dissertations supervised - 38 Patent Pratibha Mehta Luthra and Rambir Singh. A Process for the Isolation and Purification of Sesquiterpene Compounds from Curcuma Plant. Patent no. 225387, dated 28/11/2008 Book Lavkush Diwedi, AB Pant and Rambir Singh. Human Health Risk Assessment and Management : Development of Predictive In Silico tool, a reference book published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH and Co., Germany, 2011. ISBN No. 978-3-8554-7987-3. Book Chapter 1. Pratibha Mehta Luthra, Rambir Singh, Rakesh Kumar, Jyotsna Singh, Satendra Singh, Rajesh Arora. Curcuma longa: a Traditional Herb as an Alternative Medicine, In Botanical Medicine in Clinical Practice, CABI, Oxfordshire, OXFORD, UK,2009, p 6712. Rambir Singh, Poonam Sharma, Naresh Kumar And Sabzar Ahmad Dar. Probiotics In Management of Diabetes Mellitus: Present Status And Future Prospects. In Emerging Trends in Zoology, Narendra Publishing House New Delhi. 2011 p 439–474. Research Publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Momordica dioica stimulated insulin secretion from rat pancreatic islets is independent of ATP-sensitive K+ channel. Rambir Singh and Poonam Sharma Asian Journal of Traditional and Complimentary Medicine (2015) (accepted) Phytochemicals in antidiabetic drug discovery. Rambir Singh ,Tasleem Arif, Imran Khan and Poonam Sharma . Journal of Biomedical &Therapeutic Sciences. 2014, 1(1): 1-33. Lactobacillus acidophilus Protected Organs in Experimental Arthritis by Regulating the Pro-inflammatory Cytokines. Sarika Amdekar, Vinod Singh, Avnish Kumar, Poonam Sharma , and Rambir Singh . Ind J Clinical Biochemistry, 2014, 29(4): 471-478. Springer ISSN-0970-1915 Cypermethrin-induced reproductive toxicity in rat is prevented by resveratrol. Poonam Sharma, Amir UL Huq and Rambir Singh. J of Human Reproductive Sciences. (2014) 7:99-106. Pubmed Neurotoxic effect of cypermethrin and protective role of resveratrol in Wistar rats. Poonam Sharma, Sumaya Firdous, Rambir Singh Int J Nutr Pharmacol Neurol Dis (2014) 4:104-11 Pubmed Dose dependent effect of deltamethrin in testis, liver and kidney of Wistar rats. Poonam Sharma, Rambir Singh and Mysra Jan Toxicology International (2014) 21:131-9. Pubmed Pharmacology, phytochemistry and safety of aphrodisiac medicinal plants: A Review. Poonam Sharma, Priyanka Bhardwaj Tasleem Arif, Imran Khan and Rambir Singh Research and Reviews: Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicological Studies. (2014) 2(3):1-18. Pubmed Antidiabetic activity of Cassia sophera in STZ induced diabetic rats and its effect on insulin secretion from isolated pancreatic islets. Poonam Sharma, Rambir Singh and Priyanka Bhardwaj, International J of Phytomedicine (2013) 5(3): 314-321 IF 0.86 ISSN-0975-0185 Effect of Momordica dioica fruit extract on antioxidant status in liver, kidney, pancreas and serum of diabetic rats. Poonam Sharma and Rambir Singh, Pharmacognosy Research, (2014) 6:73-79. ISSN0975-3575 10. Neurotoxic effect of cypermethrin and protective role of resveratrol in Wistar rats. Poonam Sharma, Sumaya Firdous, Rambir Singh, Int J Nutr Pharmacol Neurol Dis 2014 4:104-11. ISSN-2231-2722 11. Momordica dioica stimulated insulin secretion from rat pancreatic islets is independent of ATP-sensitive 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. K+ channel. Rambir Singh and Poonam Sharma, Asian Journal of Traditional and Complimentary Medicine, 2013 (accepted) Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus acidophilus attenuates the severity of experimental arthritis by regulating biochemical parameters Sarika Amdekar, Purabi Roy, Vinod Singh, Avnish Kumar, Rambir Singh, Poonam Sharma. Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition (2013) Springer IF-0.5 ISSN2210-5239 Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus acidophilus Regulates Inflammatory Pathway and Improves Antioxidant Status in Collagen Induced Arthritic rats. Sarika Amdekar, Vinod Singh, Avnish Kumar, Poonam Sharma, and Rambir Singh Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research, 2013, 33(1), 1-8. Mary Ann Libert Inc. Publishers ISSN- 1079-9907 Anti-mycobacterial screening of five Indian medicinal plants and partial purification of active extracts of Cassia sophera and Urtica dioica. Rambir Singh, Shariq Hussain, Rajesh Verma and Poonam Sharma Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 2013, 13;6(5):366-71. Elsevier ISSN-1995-7645 Antioxidant and toxicological evaluation of Cassia sophera in streptozotocin induced diabetic Wistar rats. Rambir Singh Priyanka Bhardwaj and Poonam Sharma Pharmacognosy Research, 2013;5: 225-32. ISSN0975-3575 Cypermethrin induced reproductive toxicity in male Wistar rats: Protective role of Tribulus terrestris. Poonam Sharma, Amir Ul Huq and Rambir Singh Journal of Environmental Biology 2013, 34(5):857862. ISSN-0254-8704 In-vivo antioxidative property, antimicrobial and wound healing activity of flower extracts of Pyrostegia venusta (Ker Gawl) Miers. Poorbi Roy, Sarika Ambekar, Avnish Kumar, Rambir Singh, Poonam Sharma and Vinod Singh J. Ethnopharmacology (2012) 140:186-192. Elsevier ISSN-0378-8741 Lactobacillus protected bone damage and maintained the antioxidant status of liver and kidney homogenates in female Wistar rats. Sarika Amdekar, Avnish Kumar, Poonam Sharma, Rambir Singh and Vinod Singh Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (2012). 368:155–165. Springer ISSN-0300-8177 Bioassay guided isolation and identification of anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial compounds from Urtica dioica L. (Urticaceae) leaves. Sabzar Ahmad Dar, A. R. Yousuf, Farooq Ahmad Ganai, Poonam Sharma, Naresh Kumar and Rambir Singh. African Journal of Biotechnology (2012) 11(65),1291012920. Academic Journals ISSN-1684-5315 Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Lactobacillus on Carrageenan-Induced Paw Edema in Male Wistar Rats. Sarika Amdekar, Purabi Roy, Vinod Singh, Avnish Kumar, Rambir Singh and Poonam Sharma International Journal of Inflammation (2012) doi:10.1155/2012/752015. Hindawi Publishing Corporation ISSN-20420099 Antibacterial activity and toxicological evaluation of semipurified hexane extract of Urtica dioica leaves. Rambir Singh, Sabzar Ahmad Dar and Poonam Sharma Research J of Medicinal Plants (2012), 6 (2):123-135. Academic Journals ISSN-1819-3455 Efficacy of trans-2-hydroxycinnamic acid against trichlorfon induced oxidative stress in Wistar rats. Poonam Sharma and Rambir Singh. Toxicology International (2012) 19 (3), 295-300. Society of Toxicology, India. ISSN-09716580 Dichlorvos and lindane induced oxidative stress in rat brain: protective effect of ginger. Poonam Sharma and Rambir Singh. Pharmacognosy Research (2012) 4: 27-32. Wolters Kulwers - Medknow Publications ISSN-0975-3575 Lactobacillus casei reduces the inflammatory joints damage associated with collagen induced arthritis(CIA) by reducing the pro inflammatory cytokines. Sarika Amdekar, Vinod Singh, Rambir Singh, Poonam Sharma, Poonam Keshav and Avnish Kumar J. Clinical Immunology (2011) 31:147–154. Springer ISSN-1573-2592 Hepatoprotective effect of Curcumin on Lindane Induced Oxidative Stress in Male Wistar Rats. Rambir Singh and Poonam Sharma Toxicology International (2011)18:124-129. Society of Toxicology, India. ISSN-0971-6580 Hypoglycemic, antidiabetic and toxicological evaluation of Momordica dioica fruit extracts in alloxan induced diabetic rats. Rambir Singh, Aarti Sehrawat and Poonam Sharma J. Pharmacology and Toxicology (2011) 6 (5), 454-467. Science Alert ISSN-1816-496X The Evaluation of in vitro toxicity of the protein(LL4218) isolated from leaves of Argemone mexicana in hepatoma derived cell lines (Hep G 2) using multiplexing approach. Poonam Sharma, Meenakshi Singh, Sudershan K Arora and Rambir Singh Journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals (2011) 4 (2), 179-183. Medknow Publications and Media Pvt. Ltd ISSN-2229-5119 E. coli Isolated Protein: Potential Candidate for Fertility Control in Mouse Model. Sushila Kala, Arvind Singh, Rambir Singh, Vijay Prabha and Poonam Sharma Asian J. Exp. Biol. Sci. (2011) 2(4), 641-647. Society of Applied Sciences, India ISSN-0975-5845 29. E. coli attaches human spermatozoa: Affecting sperm parameters. Sushila Kala, Arvind Singh, Vijay 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Prabha Rambir Singh and Poonam Sharma Arch. Appl. Sci. Res. (2011) 3(5), 618-623. Scholar Research Library ISSN- 0975-508X Internet based Human Health Risk Assessment and Management in India: An In-Silico Approach. L.K. Dwivedi, Rambir Singh and A.B. Pant Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics. (2011) 4(1)93-100. Research India Publications, India Toll like receptors: the immunomodulatory agents and novel target of immunotherapeutic research. LK Diwiedi, Desh D Singh and Rambir Singh Int. J. Curr. Res. Review. (2011) 3(10, 19-32). Rediance Research Academy Respiratory, Cardio-vascular and other Physiological System Associated Illness Among Smokers and Revitalizing Effect of No Smoking: A Human Health Risk Assessment & Management Study at Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India LK Diwiedi and Rambir Singh Webmed Central, (2011) ID: WMC002425 Webmed UK. Protective role of curcumin on lindane induced reproductive toxicity in male wistar rats. Poonam Sharma and Rambir Singh Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol (2010) 84 (4), 378-384. Springer ISSN- 1432-0800 Antiarthritic and immunomdulatory properties of Lactobacillus casei in collagen induced arthritis (CIA) in experimental model” Sarika Amdekar, Vinod Singh, Rambir Singh, Poonam Sharma, Shiv Shankar yadav, Avnish Kumar International Journal of Integrative Biology (2010) 9 (3), 141-147. International Integrative Biology Society ISSN-0973-8363 Variation in serum lipids & liver function markers in lindane exposed female wistar rats: attenuating effect of curcumin, vitamin C & vitamin E. Poonam Sharma, Shiv Shankar, Asha Agarwal and Rambir Singh Asian J. Exp. Biol. Sci. (2010) 1(2), 440-444. Society of Applied Sciences, India ISSN- 0975-5845 Lindane induced serum lipid profile alteration in male wistar rats: Protective role of curcumin. Poonam Sharma, Neelam Yadav and Rambir Singh International Journal of Flora and Fauna (2010) 16 (1):147150. Scientist Unique Researchers Yare Association, India Antiinflammatory, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties of Lactobacillus casei against enterpathogenic Escherichia coli. Sarika Amdekar, Vinod Singh, Rambir Singh, Lavkush Diwedi, Poonam Sharma, Deepak Kumar Goyal, and Avnish Kumar Webmed Central (2010) Microbiology;1(10), Article ID: WMC00873. Webmed UK. Assessment of Impact of Education on Human Health Behavior in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India, Lavkush Dwivedi, Rambir Singh Webmed Central (2010) Public Health; 1(12), Article ID:WMC001246 . Webmed UK Human Health Risk Assessment and Management of Indian Population: an In-Silico Approach. L.K. Dwivedi, Poonam Sharma, Rambir Singh and A.B. Pant Recent Research in Science and Technology (2010) 2(5), 17-21. Khajure Research Foundation and Development Society Assessment of air Pollution and its Impact on Human Health Behaviour in Jhansi City, Uttar Pradesh, India. L.K. Dwivedi, Naveen Dhingra, Poonam Sharma and Rambir Singh J Ecobiotechnology (2010) 2/4,33-39. Khajure Research Foundation and Development Society Long-term Effects of Terminalia chebula Retz. on Hyperglycemia and Associated Hyperlipidemia, Tissue Glycogen Content and in Vitro Release of Insulin in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats. Y.K Murli,P. Anand, V. Tandon, R. Singh, R. Chandra and P.S. Murthy Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes (2007)115 (10), 641– 646. Thieme Antimicrobial activity studies on 1-cyclopropyl-2-ethyl-5 floro-6-(4-mrthylpiperazine-1-yl)-1Hbenzimidazole. Desh D. Singh, Rambir Singh, V.K. Tiwari and Mishra B.B. J. Chemtracks (2007) 9 (1&2), 97-100. Synthesis and antibacterial activity of substituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrazino [1,2-a] indoles. Devender Singh, Jaspal Singh, Rakesh Kumar Tiwari, Akhilesh K. Verma, Rambir Singh, Ajay K. Pathak, Vibha Yadav, Anil K.Chhillar and Ramesh Chandra Bio-organic Medicinal Chemistry Letters (2006)16(2),413416. Elsevier In vivo efficacy of 2-(3,4-dimethyl-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrrol-2-yl)-1-methylethyl pentonate, in mice model of invasive aspergilosis Rajesh Dabur, S.K. Diwedi, V.Mishra, V.Yadav, Rambir Singh and G.L. Sharma. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (2005) 49(10), 4365-4367. American Society of Microbiology. Antibacterial Activity of Various Rhizome Extracts of Curcuma longa on Pathogenic Bacteria. Rambir Singh, Ramesh Chandra, Mridula Bose and Pratibha Mehta Luthra, Current Science (2002). 83(6), 737740. Indian Academy of Sciences Therapeutic Uses of Curcuma longa. Pratibha Mehta Luthra Rambir Singh and Ramesh Chandra Ind. J. Clinical. Biochemistry (2001)16(2), 153-160. Association of Clinical Biochemists of India Full Papers in Conference Proceedings Conference Presentations: 35 : 04