HERE - Woking and Bay Tree Area Structure Plans


HERE - Woking and Bay Tree Area Structure Plans
Bay Tree Area Structure Plan Update
Open House – May 27, 2015
Comment Form
Thank you for attending tonight’s Open House. Your feedback is important in developing a new ASP that reflects the vision
of the Bay Tree area’s residents and landowners. We are interested in your thoughts on how the Bay Tree area should
develop in the future. Please take a moment to fill out the comment form to let us know what you think.
Part 1: Your Views About the Bay Tree Area
a) What do you like about living/working in the Bay Tree area? Please comment.
b) What are the disadvantages of living/working in the Bay Tree area? Please comment.
c) Do you believe that new non-agricultural (e.g. residential, commercial or industrial) development should be allowed on
better agricultural land in the Bay Tree area?
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
Need More Information
d) Do you believe that there is too much non-agricultural (e.g. residential, commercial or industrial) development
happening in the Bay Tree area?
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
Need More Information
e) Multi-parcel country residential development is currently located near the settlement of Bay Tree and near the BC
border south of Highway 49. Are there other locations in the Bay Tree area where country residential development
should be encouraged?
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f) Current industrial and commercial development is developing near the settlement of Bay Tree and along the Highway
49 corridor. Are there other locations in the Bay Tree area where such development should be encouraged?
g) Is there any additional information about the Bay Tree area that you would like to share with us?
Part 2: About You
To help us better understand your responses, we have a few questions about you. All identifying
information collected by this comment form will be kept confidential.
a) Do you live in the Bay Tree area? Check (
) one.
If no, where do you live? (Please specify) _________________________________________________________
b) If you are a Bay Tree resident, where do you live? Check () one.
Country Residential Lot
First Parcel Out/Farmstead Other (Please specify) _________________________________________
c) Do you work in the Bay Tree area? Check (
) one.
If no, where do you work? (Please specify) ________________________________________________________
Part 3: About Tonight’s Meeting
To help us prepare for future events please answer a few questions about your experience today.
Do you feel that you were given ample opportunity to provide your ideas
during the Open House? If not, comment below.
Were you adequately notified about this meeting? If not, comment below.
Was the location of this meeting convenient? If not, comment below.
Was the time of this meeting acceptable? If not, comment below.
Please drop off your comment form today at the welcome desk before you leave. If you need more time,
please complete it by June 12, 2015 and send it to:
Cheryl Dwernychuk
Fax: 780-864-3760
Mail: RR1, Spirit River, AB T0H 3G0
Thank you for your participation
Personal information provided on this form is protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Alberta (FOIPP). This information is being collected to identify interested
stakeholders and may be used by ISL Engineering and Land Services or Saddle Hills County to provide updates regarding this project only.
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