UDHAV DAS MEHTA (BHAI JI) CENTRAL REGIONAL CENTRE Gram Gora, Bishenkheri, Suraj Nagar, Bhopal (MP)- 462044 Email: - saicrcbpl@gmail.com Tel: 0755-2696930, 2696811(fax) LIMITED TENDER ENQUIRY FOR COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE FOR RO SYSTEM AT SAI SPORTS COMPLEX GRAM GORA, BHOPAL 2015-16 Sealed tenders are invited by Sports Authority of India from reputed Agencies or service centre with minimum Three years experience for handling RO System maintenance of similar nature having annual turnover of Rs. 5.00 lacs and annual Income & Expenditure statement for the last Three years i.e. 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 for providing annual maintenance of SAI sports complex Gram Gora, Bhopal to reputed organizations Govt./Semi Govt./Public Sector/Private for awarding contract providing annual comprehensive maintenance of RO System of SAI CENTRAL REGIONAL CENTRE, BHOPAL, (M.P). The detailed information, terms and conditions governing the award of contract are contained in the tender documents which may be obtained from the Regional Director, Sports Authority of India, Sports Complex, Gram Gora, Bhopal on any working days. Details are available in website of SAI Central Centre, Bhopal as on . Tender offer in the prescribed tender form along with all relevant documents sealed and completed in all respect must be submitted latest by 25th March, 2015 upto 1300 hrs in the office of Incharge, SAI Central Regional Centre, Sports Complex, Gram Gora, and Bhopal which will be opened on 25th March, 2015 at 1500 hrs in the presence of the bidders or their authorized representatives. Sports Authority of India reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason whatsoever. RAJINDER SINGH REGIONAL DIRECTOR CENTRAL CENTRE UDHAV DAS MEHTA (BHAI JI) CENTRAL REGIONAL CENTRE Gram Gora, Bishenkheri, Suraj Nagar, Bhopal (MP)- 462044 Email: - saicrcbpl@gmail.com Tel: 0755-2696930, 2696811(fax) TENDER FORM NO. ……………………. LIMITED TENDER ENQUIRY FORM Last date of receipt of Tenders 25th March, 2015 upto 1300 hrs Date and time for opening of tenders is 25th March, 2015 at 1500hrs at SAI, Central Regional, Sports Complex, Gram Gora, Bishen Kheri, Bhopal (MP). LIMITED ENQUIRY TENDER FOR COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OF RO SYSTEM FOR SAI SPORTS COMPLEX GRAM GORA, BHOPAL 2013-14. Sports Authority of India invites sealed limited tender from reputed agencies/firms having minimum turnover of Rs. 5.00 lacs (Rupees Five lacs only) for providing annual comprehensive maintenance of RO System for SAI sports complex Gram Gora, Bhopal in the SAI Central Regional Centre, Bhopal, (M.P). The detail of requirement is below to this form. Format for submission of tender is placed at Annexure – II, III & IV and requisite documents referred thereof be enclosed alongwith the tender. 1. Name of the Firm : …………………………………………….. 2. Full Postal Address with Tel. No. & : Fax No. 3. Name, Address & Tel. No. of the : Director/Proprietors & Chief Executive of the firm. Bio-Data of the Director/Proprietors, Chief Executives of the firm should also be enclosed with proof of ownership. ……………………………………………... ……………………………………………... ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………... ………………………….……….…………. ………………………………….………….. 4. Registration No. of Firm If applicable: (Xerox copy should be attached) 5. PAN Number/ TIN Number (Xerox copy should be attached) : ………………………………………………. 6. Income & Expenditure Statement for last Three years. : ……………………………………………...... ……………………………………………... 1 GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS The words “tender form for the providing annual comprehensive maintenance of RO System for SAI sports complex Gram Gora, Bhopal for one year “should be subscribed on the top left corner of envelope bearing the name and address of the tendered. The tender shall be submitted in three separate envelopes addressed to “ Regional Director, Sports Authority of India, Sports Complex, Gram Gora, Bishen Kheri, Bhopal (MP) as under : 1. a) Envelope ‘A’ : Earnest Money Rs.5000.00 (Rupees Five thousand only) by demand draft in favour of REGIONAL DIRECTOR, SAI, BHOPAL (MP) from any Nationalized Bank ( Annexure-II). b) Envelope ‘B’ should contain all the tender documents duly signed by the tendered on each page and all other documents to be submitted alongwith the tender as per details given in Annexure-III alongwith information pertaining to the present line of business. c) Envelope ‘C’ should contains the financial bid as in annexure-IV. Envelopes ‘A’ & ‘B’ submitted by the bidder will be opened on 25th March, 2015 at 1500hrs Envelope “A” will be opened first and Envelope “B” of only those bidders will be opened who have deposited required EMD. Envelope ‘C” that is financial bid of only those bidders whose documents are found in order and selected by the SAI committee will be opened. Date and time for opening of Envelope ‘C’ will be decided later on. All three envelopes should be submitted in one big cover duly sealed and may be put up in the tender box kept in the office of Incharge, Sports Authority of India, and Central Centre Bhopal. 2. The bidder should sign each page of the tender. Individual signing the tender papers must indicate whether he is the sole proprietor / partner of the agency/ firm constituted attorney of the firm. 3. That the tendered should sign each page of the tender documents. Individual signing the tender papers must indicate whether he is the sole proprietor or partner of the firm constituted attorney of the firm. 4. That in order to keep upto date management the successful tendered shall be responsible for using such equipments and materials as may be necessary in consultation with REGIONAL DIRECTOR, CC Bhopal. 5. Following services will be provided by the Firm/ Agency for comprehensive maintenance of RO System for SAI Sports Complex Gram Gora, Bhopal:I. Attending to day to day comprehensive maintenance of RO System. II. The Firm/ Agency shall be instructed to staff for attending the complaints and they will report to REGIONAL DIRECTOR or authorized officer by REGIONAL DIRECTOR. III. The defective/ replaceable material will be supplied by the Firm/ Agency, make of material will strictly be used as per approved list of manual of RO System model. IV. The unserviceable/ burnt article replaced by the firm should be deposited in the store of SAI RD CC, Bhopal. V. The SAI RDCC shall maintain a complaint register to keep up the record of complaint and rectifications, as well as to maintain instruction given by Director in Charge/ Authorized Officer and their compliance. 2 VI. Firm/ Agency shall also maintain for register to keep up the record of annual comprehensive maintenance of RO System used and issued to the staff with verification of Director in Charge/ Authorized Officer. VII. Firm/ Agency shall have to make arrangement for periodical test report of water from RO System that it is fit for drinking purpose. VIII. Firm/ Agency shall be responsible for the rectification of complaints as received specially of annual comprehensive maintenance of RO System within the stipulated time period. IX. The General preventive periodically comprehensive maintenance of all RO System shall be done by the Firm/ Agency which shall be come under scope of work. X. The Firm/ Agency shall be responsible for any damage and shall have to rectify goods to its original shaped, description as and when is noticed or taken place due to the wrong operation of the equipments or negligence of Firm/ Agency staff. XI. The Firm/ Agency shall take over the annual comprehensive maintenance of RO System before commencement of the work and make over the same at the time of completion of contract in original condition. 6. In case of any dispute between the employees and successful bidder, SAI will have no responsibility and shall not be responsible for any compensation in any form to such employment to any of such employees during the currency of and/or after the expiry of this agreement. 7. In case of any dispute the matter shall be decided by sole arbitration of an arbitrator nominated by Incharge, SAI Central Regional Centre and the said decision shall be final and binding. It will be governed by latest arbitration act as applicable. There should be no objection that the appointed arbitrator has been associated with SAI or has been associated with the work at any stage. In case any arbitrator is removed by the court or becomes incapable of acting, then unless Incharge, SAI Central Regional Centre appoints another arbitrator then arbitration clause shall stand superseded. 8. The agency will submit the advance bill on quarterly basis at the time of taking up of the Annual comprehensive Maintenance of RO System to the REGIONAL DIRECTOR, SAI, CC, Bhopal and after end of each quarter a utility certificate and works already executed for the quarter is to be submitted for further advance of the preceding quarter. 9. The Annual comprehensive maintenance of RO System work is required on all days including holidays during the month, In case if any function or event is organized in the SAI premises and the same involves additional work, no extra payment will be made if it is in house program of Sports Authority of India. 10. The successful tendered shall be responsible for ensuring the safety of the persons, In case of any injury to any persons or damages caused to the property of SAI or any third party, the Firm/ Agency shall be responsible to pay compensation for such injury and or/damages as may be required under the law. In case of any court cases or challan by the police or any local authority or any other party competent to take such action, the tendered shall be solely responsible for defending the cases in a court of law and /or to ensure compliance with the summons or challan so served in this behalf. 11. The successful Firm/ Agency shall be responsible for obtaining any permission license, order of the authorities competent to grant/issue the same for the purpose of Annual comprehensive maintenance of RO System. The successful Firm/ Agency shall be responsible for all payment and fees for such permissions/license payable the competent. 3 12. authorities and shall also be liable for payment of all damages/fines or any other charges which may by levied by any authority for breach of any laws bye laws regulations orders etc. issued by such authorities. 13. The successful Firm/ Agency shall be responsible for fulfilling all the statutory provisions of all the service providing laws of the Union as well as the State and to payable mandatory dues to Govt. like, SERVICE TAX and TDS etc. will be deducted while passing bills. 14. The successful tendered should given an undertaking that the staff deployed at the centre in terms of this contract at all time will be employee of the agency exclusively and they shall not be entitled to any claim of employment or permanency of job with SAI also an undertaking will have to be given that the persons put on duty at the Complex are verified by the police authorities. 15. In case of breach/non fulfillment of any of the conditions, the REGIONAL DIRECTOR, SAI shall be entitled to terminate the contract with the one month notice to the tendered. 16. In case of breach/non fulfillment of any of the conditions contained in the agreement, REGIONAL DIRECTOR, SAI shall be at liberty to get the work done by the third agency and the expenditure incurred in these behalf by the REGIONAL DIRECTOR shall be recoverable from the security of the tendered alongwith the damages for the breach/non fulfillment of the contract and /or non performance of any of the duties and responsibilities assigned to the tendered. 17. The contract can be terminated by the either party at any time before the ending of the contract by giving one month notice. In case of any dispute, the jurisdiction will be in the court within Bhopal. 18. The currency of this contract shall be for one year which may be extended for another year subject to satisfactory execution of agreement for which no revision of agreed rates are applicable. 19. The EMD will be returned to unsuccessful bidders within one month of the date of approval of the successful bidder. The EMD of the successful tendered will be liable to be forfeited , if he dose not fulfill any of the following conditions: a) The successful tendered shall have to deposit security of Rs.25000.00 (Rupees twenty five thousand only) as an advance within seven days of the receipt of the award of contract. It may be added that security thus to be deposited with SAI shall not carry any interest. b) Execution of the agreement on Rs.1000.00 (Rupees one thousand only) stamp paper within 7 days of the receipt of award letter. c) To undertake the work from the specified date mentioned in the award letter. d) The EMD of the successful tendered will be refunded after completion of the above mentioned three conditions. 20. Before tendering the contractor should visit the complex for assessing the equipment of RO System installed in the SAI Sports complex for annual comprehensive maintenance of RO System in the SAI Sports Complex. 21. The security deposit can be forfeited by the SAI in whole or in part if services are rendered are not of the required standard as specified by the relevant authority. 22. The tender form should be addressed to the “REGIONAL DIRECTOR, SAI, SPORTS COMPLEX, GRAM GORA, BISHEN KHERI, BHOPAL (MP) in a sealed cover and should bear name and address of the tendered, incomplete tender will not be entertained. 4 23. The SAI reserves the rights to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason and shall not bind himself to accept any tender and shall reserve the right to all for fresh tenders, 24. The agency shall not be entitled to claim any additional amount for any reason whatsoever during the currency period of the contract. 25. The tendered shall enter into an agreement with the SAI. The contract shall contain the above provisions with any modifications as may be mutually agreed upon by both parties and any additional requirement as may be specified as may be specified by the SAI. 26. These are only proposed terms and conditions and can be modified or added to at any time of finally concluding and signing of agreement. 27. The tendered should also submit signed undertaking along with the tender that they have read the complete tender documents and will abide by its terms & conditions and have also enclosed all the documents. 28. The issuing of tender documents shall not be constitute that tendered are automatically qualified. 29. If even after approval, information/facts submitted by the tendered fare found misleading/incorrect/false etc, SAI reserves that right to disapprove the contract. 30. TDS etc. will be applicable as per rules. 31. The successful tendered will take out all the waste and dirt out of the campus daily at his own cost. 32. The agency will submit the bill for the Annual comprehensive maintenance of RO System to the RD(CC) Bhopal by the 1st of every quarterly, after verification by the officer deputed by him for same. The payment of the bills be made by weeks time of each quarter through e-transfer in favour of the agency is services are found satisfactory and all required documents are enclosed. 33. In case the services deployed are found unsatisfactory than there will be deduction of 5% on the first occasion , 10% on the second occasion and 15% on the third occasion out of the monthly bill payment which will be without prejudice to any other right of the SAI. Thereafter, SAI reserve the right to terminate the contract or imposition of the penalty as deemed fit for unsatisfactory services. 34. The successful bidder has to provide a certificate that all the installation ( as per tender documents) are in good shape in working condition which will be duly verified by the authority and after that the terminating of the contract will be come into effect. 35. Before submission of the tender bidder should visit the site at SAI,CRC, Bhopal for estimation and deployment plan on any working days between 11.00 am to 04.00 pm. Certificate to be given by the Bidder: Certified that I/We have visited site and gone through the scope of work, above terms & conditions and undertake to abide by these. Date: ……………… Signature ………………………………… Name & Designation: …………………… …………………………………………….. Name of the Firm: ……………………….. ………………………………………........ Full Address & Tel. No. with Stamp ……. …………………………………………..... ………………………………………....... 5 ANNEXURE: II FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF THE TENDER ON LETTER HEAD OF THE FIRM To The REGIONAL DIRECTOR, Sports Authority of India, Sports Complex, Gram Gora, Bishen Kheri, BHOPAL (MP0. Sub.: EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT FOR PROVIDING COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OF RO SYSTEM FOR SAI SPORTS COMPLEX GRAM GORA, BHOPAL AT SAI CENTRAL REGIONAL CENTRE, BHOPAL (M.P). (TO BE SUBMITTED IN ENVELOPE “A”) In response to the tender published in the website or your enquiry on …………. ………………., I had received Tender No. …………. from your office. I am sending herewith demand draft no. …………………….. dated……………… of Rs.5000/- (Rupees Five thousand only) drawn on …………………………………….. Bank in favour of Sports Authority of India, Central Regional Centre payable at Bhopal on account of Earnest Money. Or In response to tender floated on website www.saicrc.org I have downloaded the tender document and depositing herewith Demand Draft of Rs.5,000/= ( Rupees Five Thousand only ) drawn on ……………………………Bank in favour of Sports Authority of India, Central Regional Centre, Bhopal on account of EMD. AUTHORISED SIGNATORY (NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS) SEAL OF THE BIDDER Date: …………… Encl. As above 6 ANNEXURE: III FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF THE LIMITED TENDER ON LETTER HEAD OF THE FIRM To The REGIONAL DIRECTOR, Sports Authority of India, Sports Complex, Gram Gora, Bishen Kheri, Bhopal (MP). SUB: LIMITED TENDER FOR PROVIDING COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE MAINTENANCE OF RO SYSTEM FOR SAI SPORTS COMPLEX GRAM GORA, BHOPAL AT SAI CENTRAL REGIONAL CENTRE, BHOPAL (M.P). In response to the Tender I had received Tender No. ……………. from your office. I had downloaded tender from website www.saicrc.org I am sending herewith my tender documents as under:TECHNICAL BID: The tender documents duly signed on each page and all other documents to be submitted along with the tender. (Envelope “B”). ** FINANCIAL BID : The financial bid for the job of Annual Electricity Maintenance for SAI Sports Complex Gram Gora, Bhopal (Envelope “C”). **The following details and supporting documents accordingly are available in Envelope “B” for evaluating eligibility etc. PAN number (enclose copy) Details of other clients (Govt./Semi Govt./Public Sector/Private) for Annual Electricity Maintenance for SAI Sports Complex Gram Gora, Bhopal including satisfactory certificate and copy of award letters is mandatory to be enclosed with Envelop-‘B’ Copy of Income & Expenditure for the last Three years should be submitted for the year 201111 ,2012-13 and 2013-14 should be submitted) showing annual turnover of Rs. 5.00 Lacs for providing comprehensive annual comprehensive maintenance of RO System for SAI sports complex gram gora, Bhopal at SAI Central Regional Centre, Bhopal (M.P) year 2014-15. Copy of Service Tax Registration Undertaking to abide by all labour/Service laws. That I/we will be responsible for all the contractual obligations including uninterrupted service, quality of work etc. This is certify that I/we have studied site, read and understood all clauses of the tender in case of award of contract I/we undertake to abide by all terms and conditions mentioned in the same. Date.................... AUTHORISED SIGNATORY (NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS) (SEAL OF THE BIDDER) Encl: As above 7 ANNEXURE: IV FORMAT OF FINANCIAL BID FOR SUBMISSION OF THE TENDER ON LETTER HEAD OF THE AGENCY FINANCIAL BIDS DOCUMENTS FOR PROVIDING COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OF RO SYSTEM AT SAI SPORTS COMPLEX GRAM GORA, BHOPAL AT SAI CENTRAL REGIONAL CENTRE, BHOPAL (M.P). (TO BE SUBMITTED IN ENVELOPE “C”) 1. Name of the Bidder : …………………………………………………… 2. Address of the Bidder : …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… 3. Tender No. : …………………………………………………….. RATE QUOTED FOR A YEAR TO PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OF RO SYSTEM AT SAI SPORTS COMPLEX GRAM GORA, BHOPAL AT SAI CENTRAL REGIONAL CENTRE, BHOPAL (M.P). (INCLUSIVE OF ALL CHARGES & TAXES) S.NO. ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE MAINTENANCE OF RO SYSTEM COMPREHENSIVE YEARLY ( Rs.) 1. Rs. ( In Rupees…………) This is certify that I/we have studied site, read and understood all clauses of the tender in case of award of contract I/we undertake to abide by all terms and conditions mentioned in the same. Dated …………… (Signature of the Bidder) Address:………………………….. …………………………………….. Tel. No. …………………………… Fax No. …………………………… (Seal of the Bidder) 8