March 22, 2015 Edition - Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic Community
March 22, 2015 Edition - Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic Community
St. Jude Catholic Community March 22, 2015 Pastoral Staff: Fr. Jim Stehly Pastor Fr. Peter Foran Pastor Emeritus Fr. Walt Housey, C.M. Auxiliary Fr. Marc Reeves, S.J. Auxiliary Deacon Richard Dornan Deacon Joseph Manion Deacon Bill Smith ҉ Pastoral Office Hours & Bulletins online: Gift Shop Monday-Thursday: 9-5 pm Friday: 9-4 pm Sunday: 7:30—Noon ҉ 32032 W. Lindero Cyn. Rd. Westlake Village, CA 91361 Telephone: 818-889-1279 Fax: 818-889-3405 E-mail: ҉ Website: Masses Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 Noon, 5:00 p.m. Weekdays: Monday—Friday 12:05 p.m. Reconciliation Saturday Evening 3:45—4:30 p.m. Page 2 March 22, 2015 PASTORAL CENTER STAFF Parish Business Manager Parish Administrative Assistant Event Coordinator/Bulletin Editor Faith Formation Director Barbara Farmer x 223 Megan Weddle x 210 Marilyn Grebbien 818 - 889-3551 Cindy Kozal page 5 Confirmation/Youth Ministry Coordinator - Scott Boczek page 5 Director of Liturgy Vincent Adams 818 - 889-2373 Asst. Music Director Michael Hemenway 818 - 889-1279 Directors of Outreach John & Jackie Treuting SJ School Principal Michele Schulte 818 - 889-9483 Plant Manager Carlos Hernandez SOCIAL AND OUTREACH MINISTRIES Bereavement Ministry—Embracing our Sick & Dying: Pastoral Center 818 - 889-1279 Jean Marie Cull, Margaret Harder, Grace Johnson Breakfast for Homeless: Marilou O’Halloran 805 - 551-9727 Christian Service: Pastoral Office 818 - 889-1279 Detention Ministry: Nancy Fox 818 - 889-6265 Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick: Fr. Jim Stehly 818 - 889-1279 Eucharistic Ministry: Ty Hutchison 818 - 402-8402 Faith Firsthand Ministry: Gary Romanowski 818 - 991-4357 Filipino Ministry: Terisita Zaratan 805 - 496-8026 Homefront Ministry: Claire & Patrick Young 805 - 553-0421 Knights of Columbus: Grand Knight: Grant DeSmet 805 - 582-1740 Roundtable Rep: Ron Bodigheimer 805 - 379-0903 Lector Ministry: Jerry Weisbecker 818 - 991-8409 Marriage Encounter: Tim & Pat Crosby 818 - 889-5928 Ministry to Women in Prison: Nancy Fox 818 - 889-6265 Our Lady’s Rosary Makers: Fatima Espirito-Santo 818 - 597-4840 Prayer Ministries Coordinator: Ben Levine 818 - 437-0560 Respect Life: Mary Linn 818 - 889-7849 Sacristans: Diane Cigich, Kathleen Paul, Vicki Baltazar, Fred D’Astoli Social Justice & Peace: Tom Cull 805 - 497-6473 Just Education and Just Action Stephen Ministry: Mariann Harmon 805 - 495-1732 Pat Crosby 818 - 889-5928 Jean-Marie Cull 805 - 497-6473 Sarah Boughton 310 - 422-3462 St. Jude Senior Group: Sharon Thomas 818 - 314-4158 Bible Studies Wednesday AM: Sunday to Sunday: Julie Feely Wednesday PM: Sunday to Sunday: Trish Dadrowski Thursday AM: Judy Sullivan Thursday PM: Tim & Mariann Harmon 818 - 889-2449 805 - 495-1623 805 - 495-1732 LOAVES & FISHES OUTREACH MINISTRIES John & Jackie Treuting Jane & Pat McDade Adopt-A-Family Christmas: John & Jackie Treuting Adopt-A-Family Easter: Jane & Pat McDade Back-to-School Project: Nellie & Mark Paris Baby Day: Kevin Kozal Bikes 4 Kids: Art Estrada Clothes Closet: Patti McLain Coats for the Cause: Rosemarie & Carl Lindner Eye-to-Eye: Megan Weddle First Communion Clothes: Madeline Giberson Frank’s Homeless Project: Lee & Rob Martz Holidays for Homeless: Steve & Pam Yantzer Kids Helping Kids: Rose Faucher Recycling for Homeless: Art Estrada Julie Feely Sandwich Ministry: Courtney Scott-Miller Service Day: Irma Haldane 805-495-4630 805-498-4043 Mass Intentions and Saints & Special Observances MONDAY, March 23 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo 12:05 p.m. Robert Puccio, Jr. Mark Surby RIP SI TUESDAY, March 24 The Annunciation of the Lord 12:05 p.m. Alexander Beck Mark Surby SI SI WEDNESDAY, March 25 12:05 p.m. Robert Puccio, Jr. Mark Surby RIP SI THURSDAY, March 26 12:05 p.m. Elizabeth Perera Jean Paul Dumais FRIDAY, March 27 12:05 p.m. SI RIP Abstinence Cesar Mata Jim Stehly, Sr. Mark Surby RIP RIP SI SATURDAY, March 28 5:00 p.m. Bill Pilarcek Betsy Matsumoto RIP SI SUNDAY, March 29 PALM SUNDAY 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12: 00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Gary Wilson Agnes Montini Shane Proffitt Edel Mahady RIP RIP RIP RIP PARISH REGISTRATION OR UPDATE FORM Welcome to all who have come to St. Jude Catholic Community. We hope that our Father’s house will be a place of solace and grace for you. If you are not registered, or have a new address and phone number, please fill our the form and place it in the collection basket or mail to Pastoral Office. 818-991-3846 818-889-1279 818-571-7079 818-706-8658 818-889-3242 Name: ______________________________________ 805-495-4067 818-889-1279 818-706-0691 818-889-1909 818-571-7079 818-889-2449 818-390-0429 818-889-7563 Phone: ______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City and Zip: _________________________________ Want to Register Change of Address Want Envelopes Moving Out of Parish Pastoral Office: 818-889-1279, ext. 210 Page 3 March 22, 2015 Day by Day through THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL, by Pope Francis The Fifth Sunday of Lent, 5th Sunday of Lent, March 22nd: paragraphs 197 – 201 Pope Francis worries that his paragraphs on the Church’s preferential option for the poor “may give rise to commentary or discussion with no real practical effect.” Living here in the Conejo Valley, what is one practical way that I can “be close to the poor”? (“No one must say that they cannot be close to the poor…”. Par. 201) Monday, March 23rd: pars. 202 – 208 “Politics, though often denigrated, remains a lofty vocation and one of the highest forms of charity, inasmuch as it seeks the common good… I beg the Lord to grant us more politicians who are genuinely disturbed by the state of society, the people, the lives of the poor!... Why not turn to God and ask him to inspire” government and financial leaders and their plans? (par. 205) OK, I will. Right now. Tuesday, March 24th: pars. 209 – 216 In these paragraphs--in which Pope Francis urges me to “draw near” to the vulnerable, the poor, the slow, the weak—he writes: “Let us not look the other way!” (par. 211). But that is exactly what I tend to do…when I see someone begging at an intersection, when I pass by a profoundly handicapped person, when I’m around someone who I know is going through an excruciatingly difficult time. Can I “draw near” with at least a smile or a greeting next time? Wednesday, March 25th (the feast of the Annunciation of the Lord): pars. 217 – 221 Pope Francis insists (pars. 219, 220) that peace is not simply the pause between wars, but is “fashioned by efforts directed day after day toward the establishment of the ordered universe willed by God.” So “responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation.” Do I take an active part in the political life of my city and/or my country? Thursday, March 26th: pars. 222 – 225 Am I willing to give people my precious time? Am I patient with a process of change or growth in my family or in co-workers? Am I patient with myself as God and I work together that I might change and grow? Friday, March 27th: pars. 226 – 230 The last time I was arguing with a family member or a brother-or-sister-in-Christ, did I allow the surface conflict to overwhelm the deeper connection of Family and Faith? Does the argument or disagreement make me forget, however temporarily, the connective tissue that God has established between us? Saturday, March 28th: pars. 231 – 233 God doesn’t wait ‘til I get to some ideal state of life or growth before he loves me; he loves me right now in all of my sometime shabbiness…with all my gifts and goodness, and with all my faults and fallenness, he loves me. Do I love the people in my life the same way? Or do they need to measure up to an ideal that I’ve set for them before I decide to love them? Page 4 March 22, 2015 Coffee & Donuts on the Patio . . . Sunday Mornings after the 8 and 10 a.m. Masses Thank you for volunteering to serve as hosts: Mar 22 Knights of Columbus - Bob Puccio Mar 29 Tom and Jennifer Smith Adopt-A-Family Easter Baskets! You can still donate an Easter Basket for a child of any age. Just bring your basket(s) on Collection Weekend, March 21-22. Or call Jane and Pat McDade for more information: (805) 498-4043. A Loaves and Fishes Ministry Clothing Needed for First Communions For children who do not have the privilege of appropriate attire for their First Communions, we have names and sizes of items needed. If you would like to help, (clothing, shoes, Burlington Coat Factory Gift Cards (best price on dresses) or Payless Gift Cards (for shoes)., please contact Madeleine Giberson at 805-495-4067. Holy Thursday April 2, 2015 The Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7:30 p.m. Good Friday April 3, 2015 The Proclamation of the Passion, the Veneration of the Cross, and the Distribution of Communion at 12:00 and at 7:00 p.m. Holy Saturday April 4, 2015 The Easter Vigil at 7:30 p.m. Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 Masses at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m., and 12:00 Noon. No evening Mass. April 11: Service Day-Helpers Wanted! Reach out to the elderly and disabled! Give a few hours to help someone who needs a helping hand. Yard work, cleaning/organization, packing, and miscellaneous projects are some of the needs that we can fill by using our time and talents and getting involved. Service Day! April 11 Are You Ready to Help? Call Jackie at 805-495-4630 From Msgr. Joseph V. Brennan, Moderator of the Curia/Vicar General SB 128 would legalize physician-assisted suicide in CA. Pope Francis reminds us, "The biblical commandment to honor our parents reminds us in a broader sense of our duty to honor all elderly people.” Take action now to protect the elderly and those with disabilities. Visit: <> to learn more, contact your legislator, and get involved. Page 5 March 22, 2015 Faith Formation Director: Cindy Kozal 818-889-0612 Confirmation/Youth Ministry Coordinator: Scott Boczek 818-889-2541 Family Faith website: Adult Faith Formation Center — Beginning May 19th St. Jude’s is hosting an Adult Faith Formation Center through the Archdiocese Office of Religious Education. The course covers a variety of topics from Revelation to Catholic Social Teaching through a series of sessions running from May 19th through June 13th: Tuesday and Thursday evenings form 6-9:30 p.m. and 2 Saturdays from 9-4 p.m. The class is the first step in certification for faith formation or liturgy, but is open to everyone as a way to reflect on a variety of topics in our Catholic faith. The course will be taught by Deacon Dave Smith from St. Julies, Linda Smith and Cindy Kozal. For questions contact Cindy at 818-889-0612 or Children’s Liturgy Children’s Liturgy is held during the 10 a.m. Mass. We truly need more volunteers to help in this ministry! Will YOU be one of them? Please contact Amy Simons at Please Pray for our Elect as they enter into their final time of spiritual preparation before entering into the full sacramental life at the Easter Vigil. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults designates three Scrutiny Rites as a major component of their Lenten Journey. For the Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays of Lent, we celebrate these “scrutinies” for the elect. The scrutinies are meant to uncover, then heal, all that is weak, defective, or sinful in the hearts of the elect; to bring out, then strengthen all that is upright, strong and good. The Catholic faithful are called to walk with the elect in their journey of spiritual cleansing and growth. Through the ancient penitential practices of prayer, fasting, and charitable works, we search our own hearts and souls for those areas of darkness still in need of God’s bountiful mercy and healing. As the elect pray that their sins and weaknesses be removed to embrace the life of faith, so we make the same journey, removing any spiritual darkness in our own lives. At Easter the whole Church stands renewed in the waters and the promises of baptism for our salvation and the salvation of the world. Haley Carlson Ping Lee Charles Linton Shelly Lyman Omar Moss Robert Weddle St. Jude Youth Ministry Corner Bringing our teens closer to God and each other other.. Blessed Mother The Confirmation program at Saint Jude celebrates the Holy Spirit working in the hearts of our teens. Confirmation preparation is a time of discernment for our teens to explore, challenge, grow and eventually take ownership of the Catholic Faith. It is a process that involves our teens, families, and the entire parish community. This is an exciting and powerful study that reveals Mary's unique role in God's kingdom and in our lives. Experience the Gospel through the eyes of Calendar of Events Mary and get a vivid glimpse of her daily life! The 8week study of Mary began on February 26 but it’s not too late to join. We meet in rooms 5 and 6 of the Sunday, March 22nd: YOUTH NIGHT, “Bonfire & Bibles,” Church hall, from 9:30 - 11:30 A.M. The cost is $30.00 for Hall, 6:30 – 8:00 pm the study book. The time together includes prayer, small group discussions, and a 30-minute video, Information on Service Hours and Confirmation Mass are on filmed in the Holy Land. Questions? parish website. Call Judy at 805 495-1623 Page 6 March 22, 2015 Liturgical Life— Prayer Life Liturgical Life Reconciliation Saturday Evening 3:45—4:30 p.m. St. Jude Novena Wednesday Evening 7:30 p.m. Baptism: Infant Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at 1:30 p.m. following catechesis for the parents and arrangements with the Parish Center. Contact: Mary and Joe Schohl: or 818-874-3537. Christian Initiation of Children, Youth & Adults: For those inquiring about Initiation and Communion with the Catholic Christian Church, please contact the Parish Center. Celebration of Christian Marriage: Please contact the Parish Center for an appointment with a priest at least six (6) months prior to any wedding. Holy Communion to the Sick: Please call the Parish Center to request a visit from a Eucharistic Minister to the Sick. Anointing of the Sick: In the event of serious illness or a medical emergency, please contact the Parish Center immediately for a priest so that the Sacraments may be celebrated. Funerals: At the death of a loved one, kindly notify the Parish Center at your earliest convenience to schedule the funeral rites. Prayer Opportunities Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Our Lady’s Chapel , the first Wednesday of the month, we pray for Vocations. 12:30 —7:30 p.m. Please sign up for an hour with the Lord by calling Beatrice Restifo 805-230-2919 Circulo de Oracion Carmen Koros 805494-9008, Mirtha Vespe 818-706-8248 Daily Rosary Prayer Group before 12:05 p.m. Noon Mass, at 11:15 a.m. Call Vinda (818) 991-8683 Fatima Rosary Group leaders are Wayne and Shu-Hwei Zimmerman 805-373-1099. Every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in March, Jean Ramm will host. Please call 818-707-3188 for directions. Please pray for our ill. Liturgy of Hours 11:50 a.m.-prior to the 12:05 p.m. Mass Meditation Prayer Group meets every Tuesday night from 7:30—8:30 p.m. in the church. Contact Ben Levine at 818-4370560 or email Our Lady of Guadalupe “Healing Love” Rosary Group 7:00 p.m. Thursday in the Chapel. Janelle Beck 805-497-1877 First Friday Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: 10 a.m. Vinda at 818-9918683 Tuesday Prayer Group 7:50—9 a.m., in the parish library. Lisa Maxey at 818 7061954 or email Rosary Cenacle Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Vinda 818-991-8683 Sympathy Ellen Bradley Reginald Hill Joseph McDonald Pray for Loved Ones in the military. Private Louie Alfaro, US Army Major Nicholas Amenta, USAF LCpl Andrew Brown, USMC-MARSOC LCp1 Kenneth A. Cloutier, USMC Major John F. D’Astoli, USMC A1C Kiani Ebuen, USAF Major Scott DiGioia, USAF Lt. Andrew Esseff, US Army Seaman Shane Esseff, US Navy Captain Paul G. Giberson, US Navy PFC Kevin Hansen, US Army Private Justin Huser, US Army Lt. John R. Kimmel, US Navy Lt. Colonel Brian McAvoy, USMC Major Patrick McBride, USAF Sergeant Graham Mullins, US Army Captain Justin Nikodem, USAF Senior Airman Ryan Paris, USAF Spc. Simon Pompa, US Army Private Christopher Withlow, US Army Richard Agulia Richard Arenas Linda Arista Laura Atkinson Karl Avery Larry Baratte Margaret JimenezBarrera Manuel Barrera Maria Elena Barth Mary Bator Nicole Cheney Bays Margarite Borjon Dewayne Brady Sheila Wildermuth Brancato Michelle Braun Lois Brown Caryn Burnett Margaret Buting Joanie Cahill Patricia Carr Edythe Chiaro Annjane Clough Keith Clough Dana Clyman Valerie Corrigan Deacon Pat Coulter John Cranham Kaden Joseph Curts Michael De Blasis Lorita DeFir Michael DiCecco Elizabeth DeSantis Bill Donovan John Ernst Christina Espinal Antino Espinoza Tyler & Sherri Farland Coco Fazzino Frank Fontana Jim Fox Rachel Gen Al Gomez Ismail Gomez Richard Gonzales Michall Gordon Daniel, Jonathan, & Teresa Guerra Allison Gushman Emily Hackaney Linda Harley Richard Hawley Cornelia Heather Ina Herkata Debbie Hinojosa Christy Hughe Preshia Humecke Laverne Jensen Margaret Jimenez Rudy Jimenez Patty Jones JoAnn Kemner James Kostrab Lois Kurt Fred La Porte Jesus T. Lauron Kim Liebe Joanna Lima Rosemarie Lindner Yolanda Lopez Mario Lorenzetti Emmerita Magallanes Mary Jo Malmo Colleen Markham Elizabeth Martin Lenore Martin Jo Maturo Dorothy McGalliard Jane McGovern Michael McIlmoyle Alec McKay John McGibbon Dee Morrow Ranjini Morton Justine Ordona Anyssia Ozuna Rosia Rocio Palacios Jim Parell S. Daryl Parker Cecelia Patchett Infant Elizabeth Petit Dr. John & Catherine Phelan Dave Rabin Roy Raskin Menica Reimer Ben Reppos Sylvia Rodriguez Gloria Romasanta Carmen Romo Bob Ross Rose Salvatore Maria & Marissa Santiago Fr. Joe Scerbo Joshua Schneiderman Katie Semer Linda Sieperman Juan Silva Michael Simoson Carol Sivie Gwen Strickley Laura (Bauducco) Storace Mark Surby George L. Thomas Thomas Thorton Delores Tibbett Eugene Alexander Trachenko Vartan Vatarian Camille Vigná Virginia Walworth Christine Wilson Elaine Woodburn Pam Yantzer Annie Yerkey Jim Zimmerman John Zitzelberger Page 7 March 22, 2015 Marriage Encounter Weekend Men’s Club Social Monday, April 6, 2015 5:30 PM at Bogie's Lounge Join us to watch the NCAA Men's Basketball National Championship $15 charge for food Brief club meeting at half time Apr. 24-26 Men’s Retreat All members are encouraged to attend our annual Men's Retreat at Serra Retreat Center in Malibu from dinner on Friday evening April 24 through lunch on Sunday, April 26. Led by two popular presenters, Franciscan friar Fr. Michael Doherty and Sr. Carol Quinlivian, the subject is "Finding Meaning in Everyday Life." If you are too busy to get away for a retreat, then you really should do this for yourself. Spend a weekend in beautiful Malibu with plenty of time to relax and deepen your faith life. This retreat center boasts great accommodations, a great view of surrounding Malibu, excellent food, and all at a reasonable price. Rooms are limited so sign up early. For more information, contact Chris Tolcher at 818-421-4893. Protecting God’s Children St. Jude’s is hosting a Virtus: Protecting God’s Children session on March 28 from 9 – Noon in the parish hall. Anyone who supervises children or visits the homebound, is an usher, Eucharistic Team Leader, or Eucharistic Minister to the sick needs to attend a class. Please contact 818-889-0612 to preregister. A gain, we are inviting all parishioners to join in creating a beautiful and joyful environment in which to celebrate the blessed Easter liturgy by donating Easter lilies. Begin thinking of the dedications you would like to make and how you would like to express them, perhaps by including a picture or drawing. These labels may be created at home before bringing your plant to the church. Please just be sure to confine it to a size that will fit on the pot cover. If you prefer to make your dedication at the donation site, labels will be available for your use. You may bring your lily donations to the stage in the hall on Holy Thursday or Good Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. or you may bring them to the church vestibule on Holy Saturday from 8a.m. to 12 Noon. We thank you all for your past generosity in making the church reflect the glory of this Holy Season and we hope you will join in making it that way again this year! 2014 Your spouse is GOD'S GIFT to you. What you make of your marriage is your THANKS to God. Find out how to make a GOOD marriage BETTER and a BETTER marriage GREAT. Discover what a life-changing MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND can do for your marital relationship. July 10-12 at Santa Teresita in Duarte Marriage Encounter Movement of California (MEMC) Winston & Dinah Perez: 818 527MEMC Email: Website: 50+ Group Getty Museum April 15, 2015 Join us as we spend a lovely day enjoying the Getty! We’ll travel by bus to the museum just off the #405 Freeway. Travel and entrance fee: $35 pp. No host lunch. 9:30 to 3:30 p.m. Friends are welcome, too. Contact Sue Clinesmith (818) 879-8534. Recycling Report Country Time Faire and Carnival Thanks to everyone who participated in any way— all the volunteers who worked before, during and after the Faire, “Sponsors” for their generous donations, and all local businesses and parishioners who supported the event by providing merchandise, talent/time, and the parish, friends and neighbors who attended: Proceeds from last year’s Faire: $51,314.47 Plastic Aluminum Glass February: $ 590.81 Running Total $ 59,867.33 Thank you to everyone who brings recyclables to St. Jude’s Recycling Ministry for Homeless. Your donations make a difference in the lives of our local homeless. Page 8 March 22, 2015 St. Jude the Apostle Elementary School University Series This Week ALL CLASSES 7:30—9:00 P.M. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED The Column by Mrs. Michele Schulte, Principal Sunday, March 22 LYNN RD. LENTEN CONCERT LYNN RD. Admissionsfor2015-2016school year-Nowacceptingapplications! ST. PASCHAL CHURCH 7:30-8:30 PM Monday, March 23 PREACHING AND POLITICS Fr. Steve Thomas San Buenaventura Mission, O’Brien Hall FR, PAUL HRUBY WALKING CAMINO DE SANTIAGO: PART II Fr. Paul Hruby St. Julie Billiart Hall ¿PUEDO PERDONAR? Karyme Lozano Our Lady of the Assumption, Mulcahy Center (New Room) Living Stations of the Cross—a St. Jude 8th Grade tradition.The8th graderswillbeperformingthe “LivingStationsoftheCross”twice onFriday, March 27th at10amfor theschooland7pmfortheparish. The6thand7thGradeclasseswillbe hostingaLentendinner(seepage9) thateveningaswellfortheparish. Pleasejoinus—5—7pminthehall. Tuesday, March 24 WHY SCIENCE AND FAITH ARE CAOMPATIBLE Dr. Robert Picciono St. Jude the Apostle Hall FROM SOIL TO SACRAMENT: CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY AND THE FOOD SYSTEM Rev. Julie Morris Padre Serra Parish Center EL ESPÍRITU SANTO: DIOS TRANSFORMA MI VIDA EN SU VIDA Dcn. Memo Rodriguez St. Paschal Community Room Wednesday, March 25 SCRIPTURE SENSE: THE GOSPELS SEEN IN A NEW LENS Chris Knabenshue St. Mary Magdalen Msgr. Hughes Hall EXCAVATING JESUS: PART III, CONTROVERSIES & QUESTIONS Fr. Dave Heney Padre Serra Parish Center LITURGICAL SYMBOLS OF THE MASS: EXPLAINED AND EXPERIENCED Fr. Tom Elewaut Holy Cross Rms. 21 & 22 Thursday, March 26 “THIS GENERATION SHALL NOT PASS…” JESUS’ TALKS ABOUT END OF THE WORLD Fr. Bill Nichols St. Maximillian Kolbe Hall CAN CATHOLIC AMERICANS BE GOOD AMERICAN CATHOLICS? Fr. Leon Hutton St. Julie Billiart Hall EL PROCESO DEL PERDÓN, II Fr. Toribio Gutierrez St. Paschal Community Room IS THERE ANYTHING THAT IS ALWAYS TRUE? Dr. Janice Daurio St. Jude The Apostle Hall Friday, March 27 FOOD FOR THOUGHT: A MISSION TOUR Docents San Buenaventura Mission, Bonaventura Rm 12:15-1:00 PM Washing of the Feet-Holy Thursday, April 2nd @ 10 am. Pleasejoinusforour inalprayer servicebeforetheEasterbreakas thestudentsandstaffre-enactthe LastSupper’swashingofthe apostles’feetbyJesus.Forthe adultsoncampus,alongwithFr.Jim, itisawonderfulwaytomodelthe conceptofservingothersforour students. Asalways,pleasecontactthe schoolforadditionalinformation: mschulte@stjudeschool.orgor (818)889-9483. Page 9 March 22, 2015 Still have last year’s Prom Dress? SCHOOL How about donating it for another round this year! St. Jude the Apostle Elementary School Our Kids Helping Kids ministry has learned that some of the migrant workers in our area have girls attending local high schools who would love to go to the Prom—if only they could afford the formal dress, the shoes and the pretty handbag every girl wants to wear. And we thought maybe some of our girls could make that happen—if they would be willing to part with the still-lovely dresses they wore themselves. If that someone is you, simply bring your dress (or dresses) to the Pastoral Office any time before April 11th. Donations will be given to MICOP, an organization in Oxnard that serves migrant families. Call Rose at 805-217-0154 or Sue Cass (818) 735-7946 for more information. Kids Helping Kids A St. Jude Loaves & Fishes Ministry Benefit for Mary Health of the Sick ÂbâÜ Yt|Ü _tw|xáÊ Sherwood Country Club Thursday, March 26, 2015 Unique Vendors * Fine Wines * Gourmet Meal Silent Auction & Raffle * Live Entertainment Featuring Cabrillo Music Theatre Flaunt your Favorite “My Fair Lady” Hat for prize entry Presented by the 100 Club Tickets $125 on sale at or 805-498-6795 Find a Need . . . And Fill It! Most of us have experienced the stress of looking for a job — interviewing, trying to make a good impression, putting our best foot forward! Our Clothes Closet ministry helps ease some of this stress for women in transitional housing who are trying to enter the work force—a major step to earning a living so they can live on their own. Working with local organizations, we provide interviewappropriate and/or work clothing that is clean, currently in style and gently-used. Looking and feeling good builds self-confidence and provides for a better chance for success! Admissions for 2015-2016 School Year We are now accepting applications! The school is expanding our outreach and marketing program. If you have little ones with you in church, please see our new St. Jude School coloring book and complimentary crayons in baskets at the back of the church. School tours are available throughout the school week and can be scheduled by calling or emailing me at: or 818-889-9483. Mrs. Michele Schulte, Principal LENTEN DINNER Friday, March 27, 2015 5:00 - 7:00 PM in the Hall Hosted by The School’s Christian Service Committee Serving a Meatless Meal, Vegetarian Casseroles, Lasagna, Salads, Simple Sweets, Lemonade & Coffee Dinner Prices: Adults $7, Children $3 (Not to exceed $20) Flyers are Available at the Entry of the Church Prepay is Preferred Please submit payment to Pastoral Office by March 20 Walk-ins are Welcome, too! We Appreciate Our Advertisers Our bulletins are provided Cost Free to our parish by the bulletin advertisements on pages 10 and 11! Please acknowledge the support of these businesses and call on them when you need goods or services. Refer them to your friends, too! Bulletin Deadlines: The deadline for articles and information for publication in the bulletin is three weeks prior to print date. Contact Marilyn Grebbien 818-889-3551 or Thank you for your consideration! Scouts Boy Scouts: Lloyd Brenner 818-991-0682 We currently need to update our closet. Therefore, we Cub Scouts: James Campanile 818-889-6957 will gratefully accept ALL sizes, current styles, clean and gently-used clothing for interviews and for work. Girl Scouts: Jilla Rodarte 818-707-6323 Please bring your item(s) to the Pastoral Office, attention Megan. Religious Awards: Lori Manfredonia 818-706-2251 Page 10 March 22, 2015 Saint Jude Gift Store Stop in for a copy of the book, The Joy Of The Gospel by Pope Francis Gift Store Open during regular Pastoral Office hours Monday-Thursday: 9-5 pm Friday: 9-4 pm Sunday: 7:30—Noon Calendar MAR 21-22 Easter Basket Collection Weekend St. Jude the Apostle School Announces The 2015 Annual Benefit Auction Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 5pm The Sunset Ballroom Los Robles Greens Golf Course Cocktails, Dinner, Dancing, Entertainment, Casino AND LIVE AND SILENT AUCTION! Our Super Raffle kicks off this week – buy your tickets for a chance to win one of three raffles: • A 2015 Fiat • Free School Tuition for one year • Free Choice Lunch for a year Car preview & ticket sales after 10am, Noon & 5pm Masses on March 22 & 29 in church parking lot For tickets or more information, please contact Stephanie Davis or Lisa Ridino at MAR 23 Sandwich preparation, Parish Hall MAR 27 Lenten Dinner in Hall by SJS—page 8 MAR 27 Living Stations of the Cross — page 8 APR 1 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament APR 2 Holy Thursday APR APR APR 3 Good Friday 3 Holy Land collection 4 Holy Saturday APR 5 Easter Sunday APR 6 Men’s Club Social —page 7 APR 11 Service Day—helping others - page 4 APR 11 Breakfast for Homeless, Ventura APR 12 Divine Mercy Sunday Prayer Hour APR 15 50+ Group Bus Trip to Getty Museum APR 18 Loaves and Fishes food collection, Area 2 APR 20 Sandwich preparation, Parish Hall APR 24-26 Men’s Retreat