Week of Accompanied Prayer (formerly Retreat in Daily Life): A


Week of Accompanied Prayer (formerly Retreat in Daily Life): A
From the Shared Ministry Team:
Thank you for your continued support and kindness.
There is a collection box for food items at the back
of church as well as a collection box
for any financial contributions.
Food can also be
donated at
Hale Pharmacy.
Each month Foodbank publishes a short list of items
they are running short of in their warehouse.
UHT or Dried Milk
Prayers for May.
Blessed are You, loving Father, for all Your gifts to
Blessed are You for giving us family and friends to
be with us in times of joy and sorrow, to help us in
days of need, and to rejoice with us in moments of
Father, we praise You for Your Son Jesus, Who
knew the happiness of family and friends, and in
the love of Your Holy Spirit.
Blessed are You for ever and ever. Amen.
Tinned Fruit
Sponge pudding
Long life Fruit juice
Rice pudding
Pasta Sauces
Curry sauces
Tinned tomatoes
Instand coffee
Instant mash
Tinned meat/Tuna
Tinned veg
Week of Accompanied Prayer (formerly
Retreat in Daily Life): A retreat is planned for
12th to 19th July here in St. Mary’s. The opening
and closing meetings will be on Sundays 12th and
19th at 6pm. Leaflets are available at the back
of Church: if you would like to take part in this
very helpful week, please take a leaflet, fill it
in and place the slip in the box at the back of
the Church.
Please pray for all students and teachers at this
time of the year as they prepare for the
examination season.
In the light of the recent earthquake in Nepal
please pray for all people affected by natural
disasters around the world and for the dedicated
work of the Relief Agencies.
-------------------------The Shared Ministry Team has designed a welcome
pack to give any newcomers to Hale Village. If you
know anyone who might benefit from this pack
have a word with Val Borlase.
--------------------------If you have requested the name of someone you
know to be put on our prayer list, we would be
grateful to receive a contact phone number or an
address. Please call Val on 425 3519.
Quiet Prayers in the Side Chapel
The side chapel is available on Sundays after
the 11am service for quiet prayer.
You are most welcome to make use of it.
No-one should disturb you there although
someone may quietly check whether you want
to chat and/or receive prayer or whether you
would rather be alone.
There is a children’s corner at the back of church
with books and toys; you are welcome to make use
of it.
The Church will be open from 2pm to 4pm every
Sunday afternoon.
Pop in for a cup of tea, a look around the church
or just for a time of quiet in your own space.
Dates for your diary:
Rossendale Band Concert: Saturday 27th June
Christmas Fair: Saturday 28th November
Please remember in your prayers: Emily
Austin, Helen Brown, David Burke, Frank
Burrows, Lyn Coulter, Betty Crawley, Mandy
Dodd, Pat Dunne, Frank Ellinson, Jeff Engel,
Claire Hawkings, Keith Kirkwood, Christopher
Magson, Barbara and John Mottram, Carol
Parry, Walter Paynter, Pat Price, Roy Savage,
Dhylis Roberts, Pauline Sandland, Iris
Shakeshaft, Mark Shakeshaft, Jim Smith,
Jackie Wallis, Gwen Whittle.
Those who have died and those who mourn.
Saint Mary’s Church
Hale and Halebank
Enabling all to develop a lively
faith in Jesus
SUNDAY 31st May Trinity: Praise and Worship
Readings: Romans 8.12-17 John 3.1-17
Read by: A.Teebay, C.Burns
Sidespeople: R.Barlow, A.Barnett
Greeter: D.Collins
SUNDAY 7th June: First Sunday after Trinity
Proper 5: Communion
Readings: 2 Corinthians 4.13-5.1 Mark 3.20-35
Read by: K.Williams, W.Teebay
Sidespeople: J.Stonehouse, D.Burns
Greeter: P.Quint
Prayers: G.Thompson
Servers: J.Ireland, J.Holt
Next All Age Worship:11am. 14th June
Next BCP Communion: 4.30pm. 14th June
Next Family Communion: 11am. 28th June
The deadline for any items for this sheet is Wednesday.
Crowne Plaza Porto
For enquiries, booking of baptisms,
weddings, etc. please ring Felicity Price, on
0151 345 0558 between 9 am and
12.30pm.or email
Holy God, faithful and unchanging: enlarge
our minds with the knowledge of your truth,
and draw us more deeply into the mystery of
your love, that we may truly worship you,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, now
and for ever. AMEN
Lord the Light
Abba Father
Inspired by Love and Anger
The Servant King
Immortal Invisible
To God be the Glory
Special Funding for today’s service is from Janet
Ireland on the anniversary of John’s passing.
Missed beyond words