Mother`s Day Luncheon - Saint Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church
Mother`s Day Luncheon - Saint Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church
THE VOICE THE VOICE — MAY 2015 - Volume No. 295 Catechism 101 TABLE OF CONTENTS Father’s Article ........................... 1 Philoptochos ............................... 4 Archangels .................................. 5 Stewardship ................................ 6 PTA ............................................... 7 Nikita’s Visit .............................. 8 Pascha 2015.................................. 9 Oratorical Festival .............. 10,11 Pascha Donations .................... 12 Parish News .............................. 13 Registry...................................... 13 Κοινοτικά Νέα ........................ 14 Liturgical Schedule ................. 15 Summer Camp.......................... 17 The Book of Genesis features a variety of sibling rivalries, family conflicts, and interesting generational tensions. All of these are magnificently displayed in the story of Isaac and Rachel, and their children Esau and Jacob. The boys were twins. Esau was the first born, a favorite of his father Isaac, a hunter and a carnal man. Jacob was born moments after Esau, a gentle soul, a homebody, a favorite of his mother Rachel. According to the laws of that time, Esau had the birthright of the first born, the lion’s share of the parental inheritance. He would have been considered the patriarch and leader of the family following Isaac’s death. He would act as the priest of the family in offering sacrifices on behalf of all his descendants. Finally, Esau would have become a link in the genealogy of Jesus Christ and a forefather of the Messiah. Please Join Us For Our Annual ST. SPYRIDON HELLENIC ORTHODOX CHURCH Hosted by The St. Spyridon Ladies Philoptochos Society 12307 S. RIDGELAND AVE. PALOS HEIGHTS, IL 60463 Sunday, May 10th, 2015 Mother’s Day Luncheon Immediately following the Divine Liturgy WWW. SAINTSPYRIDON.ORG Please call the Church Office (708) 385-2311 Adults $20 Children $10 The Voice - H ΦΩNH Official Monthly Community Publication of St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 12307 S. Ridgeland Avenue Palos Heights, IL 60463 REV. FR. TILEMAHOS ALIKAKOS PROTOPRESBYTER Church Office Hours: ................. Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Phone: ...................... 708-385-2311, 2313 or 0787 Fax: ................................................. 708-385-0166 E-mail: Web: Parish Council Officers James Korbakes .................................. President Konstantine Labraκis ................ Vice-President Taso Panagiotopoulos ............... Vice President Frank Kopanis .................................... Secretary George Papadopoulos ...... Assistant Secretary Gus Kolyvas ........................................Treasurer James Xeros ........................ Assistant Treasurer Auxiliary Officers Angelo Angelos.................................... Chanter Olga Paxinos ................................. Philoptochos Angela Evangelopoulos ........................... P.T.A. Kiki Kazazakis......................................... Kentro Lambrini Stavrou ..... Plutarchos Greek School Jan Prible ....................... Archangels Academy Zoe Kopanis................ Sunday School Director Nicky Glikis ................................ Choir Director Dana Vasilakos ........... G.O.Y.A. & Jr. G.O.Y.A. Janine Riley ............................................ Cherubs Presvytera Georgia .................................. HOPE Angelo Angelos...................... Byzantine Music Panagiotis Mihalopoulos ............. Iconography Fr. Tilemahos ................................... Bible Study Vicki Drikos ................................ Handmaidens Nick Chibucos & Labros Malfas .... Altar Boys John Angelos ........................................ Athletics Even though Esau was born just minutes before his twin brother Jacob, he had the rights and privileges of the first-born. Yet he gave those rights away. In Genesis 25:30-34 we read: “Esau came from the field, and he was faint: And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint: therefore was his name called Edom. And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me? And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he swore unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob. Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright.” Later on, when Isaac was dying, it was Jacob who received the blessing of the firstborn in the place of his brother Esau. He instead received a curse. Even though this was accomplished by trickery, it was nevertheless reflective of the fact that Esau had forsaken his birthright for nothing more than a bowl of soup. At first glance, one would condemn Esau of foolishness. How could he give up so much for so little? At the same time, one would condemn Jacob of exploitation, taking advantage of his brother’s weakness and willingness to make such a foolish trade. God allowed this incident to take place not only as a lesson in family dynamics but as an example for all of us who would become the first-born by adoption through faith in Jesus Christ. Let us look at this incident in more detail to understand what this means. Why did Jacob ask for the birthright from his brother? Was he interested in wealth? Did he seek patriarchal powers or fame? From the events that followed we realize that his motivation was neither power nor wealth. After all, as soon as he received Isaac’s blessing, he fled with no possessions and no status. He was, however, interested in one thing: The messianic succession. He knew that the Messiah would come from his father’s bloodline. Jacob wanted to be the link in that bloodline. He wanted to be a forefather of Christ, connected with the Messiah in a way that only the firstborn could be. When Esau despised his birthright and traded it for a bowl of soup, he did not give up wealth or power; he gave up his relationship with his descendants among whom would be the Messiah. Seeing this birthright in the messianic light we realize the real and immense value of what Esau so easily gave up. Jacob, in his sound mind, sought the birthright not for material gain but the for the sake of being considered a forefather of Christ. “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” 2 The Voice All of us, baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity, have been adopted as the firstborn, brothers and sisters to the firstborn of the Virgin, offered to the Church as firstborn, with the rights and privileges of the firstborn, destined to receive the blessings of our Heavenly Father unto the ages of ages as the firstborn by grace. Here are the words in our baptismal prayers: “That, being planted in the likeness of Your death through Baptism, he (the baptized) may become a sharer of Your Resurrection; and, preserving the Gift of Your Holy Spirit, and increasing the deposit of Grace, he may attain unto the prize of his high calling, and accounted among the number of the first-born, whose names are written in Heaven.” Sadly, even as the firstborn by grace, we all come to give up that birthright through falling into sin. We trade our birthright for no more than a bowl of soup. Sometimes, that bowl of soup is literally a violation of our fasting rule. Most of the time, that bowl of soup stands for anything that we place higher than our birthright. Through every sin we come to despise our birthright, our relationship to the Messiah, our connection with him, just as Esau did so long ago. In the Letter to the Hebrews, St. Paul touches on this very issue: “Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.” (Hebrews 12:16-17) When Esau sought the blessing that he had earlier despised he instead received a curse. There was no blessing and no hope for him. He stands for all those unrepentant souls who, at the Second Coming, will cry out for the blessing they had earlier despised, for the birthright they gave up for so little, for the forgiveness of sins that they never took advantage of, and they will receive nothing but a curse. Let us trade, like Jacob, all that we have, to receive the birthright that rightly only belongs to Christ. Let us desire that birthright by pleading with Christ now who freely offers us adoption as the firstborn, through Confession and Holy Communion. Let us never despise that birthright, considering it more valuable that anything this world has to offer. Amen. Fr. Tilemahos Alikakos DIAKONIA AGAPES HELP THE NEEDY Christ Is Risen! Thank you to all those that helped make this a blessed Pascha for those who are pantry supports. Thank you to those who donated lamb, cheese and olives...thank you to those who donated canned goods, soap, cereal, etc...thank you to those who donated money so we could purchase additional items. May God bless you for your kindness to those in need. Thank you to those who cooked for and supported the Lenten meals – for those who baked for the sale on Palm Sunday. Thank you to all the organizations of our Church who so willingly helped to make this Pascha a special one for the needy. We are most grateful and those who were recipients were very appreciative. Thanks to your efforts and donations we gave food baskets to 17 families, $500 to missions, and over $1,500 in aid to the needy. Now that the summer months are approaching, please continue to bring canned goods and other items to keep our pantry supplied. Also, remember the mission bank as you leave the church each Sunday. COUNTDOWN TO OUR CHURCH'S 100TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION NEXT MEETING: TUESDAY, MAY 19TH - 7 P.M. AT CHURCH In 1917 the church of St. Spyridon was established - since then there have been 100 years of liturgies, baptisms, weddings, funerals, Pascha celebrations, confessions, fund-raisers, Greek School graduates - you name it! We are asking our parishioners to join in the establishment of our committees and activities as we prepare to celebrate our 100 years of service. We need members to man committees and take on tasks for a year of festivities. Let your imagination run free, think outside the box and join in creating innovative and unique events for the spectacular year in which we will honor our parish and forefathers. We need photographs of past events, memories, and parishioners - so gather them - label and identify them give/send us copies of them - as we wish to honor the steps of our forefathers. We need addresses and contact information to make sure that past and present stewards, Greek School/Sunday School students, athletes and others are aware of the celebration and are invited to join in! Be creative and help generate interest and momentum with your ideas for programs and events. Watch the bulletin - Facebook - or your email for future committee meeting dates - We Want YOU! You may also send photos and ideas to St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 3 PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS Dear Philoptochos Sisters and Fellow Parishioners, Χριστός Ανέστη! We are blessed to have come together through Great Lent and to His Resurrection as one Church Family. The Philoptochos was busy making tsourekia and hosting the Palm Sunday Luncheon and Bake Sale. We also hosted the reception for the Presanctfied Liturgy where His Eminence Iakovos was present. We dyed Easter eggs and visited our parishioners who are in nursing homes or at home. PHILOPTOCHOS SCHOLARSHIP The St. Spyridon Ladies Philoptochos Society invites all interested high school seniors and current college students to apply for the St. Spyridon PhiloptoWe thank all who contributed for these events by baking or helping. We chos Scholarship. The winning thank the young moms who manned the bake sale stations. We thank our applicant will receive a $1000 cooks, donors and servers also. We could not have done it without you. Some scholarship from Philoptochos. of us attended the Agape Dinner and I thank all who bought a ticket. It was a Applications and information great evening. are available on St. Spyridon’s ON MAY 3rd WE WILL BE HOLDING ELECTIONS FOR THE NEW BOARD. website: http://www.saintMothers’ Day is May 10th and we are looking forward to our Annual Lunch- eon. As we have done in the past, we will be honoring some special mothers. The deadline for the completed On May 17th we will have our fundraiser outing at the Greek Islands in application and supporting Lombard. Proceeds will benefit the St. Nicholas Shrine. On June 1st we will be documents is June 15, 2015. The hosting the Philoxenia Luncheon. recipient will be notified by SepAs you can see we have and will be busy. I thank you in advance for helping tember 1, 2015. for the coming events. We encourage all interested students to apply for this worthA blessed May to all. See you in church. while scholarship. With Sisterly Agape, Olga Paxinos Philoptochos President Please Join Us for Our 11th Annual Mother’s Day Luncheon Hosted by The St. Spyridon Ladies Philoptochos Society Seniors' Christian Fellowship Luncheon Chicago's South Suburban Greek Orthodox Parishes cordially invite their Senior Parishioners on Monday, June 1st, 2015 to celebrate together the feast of the Holy Spirit hosted by the: Sunday, May 10th, 2015 St. Spyridon Ladies Philoptochos Society 12307 S. Ridgeland Ave. Palos Heights, IL Immediately following the Divine Liturgy Adults $20.00, Children $10.00 Orthros Begins - 8:00 A.M. Followed by luncheon & fellowship Please R.S.V.P. at the church office by May 7th, 2015 So as to prepare appropriately, please make your reservation by calling the St. Spyridon Church office: 708-385-2311 Admission: Free of charge 4 The Voice ARCHANGELS ACADEMY It is already May and the school year is drawing to a close. April was a busy month! The students enjoyed a fantastic field trip to see the performance of “Cinderella” at the Beverly Art Center in Chicago presented by the Kids Co. What a delightful and enjoyable experience was had by all in attendance. CLASS OF 2015 ARCHANGELS ACADEMY GRADUATES Dino Bisbikis Christos Drikos Constantine Georgakas Andonis Haniotakis Evan Jones Nikos Korolis Spiros Kottaras Themi Koutsoupias George Les George Panou Gia Revel George Skordas Vassili Urobuskin Vasili Vythoulkas It is our tradition that the Annual end of the year banquet is organized by the parents of the graduates. Thank you to the parents of the graduates for chairing the committee and for all your hard work and long hours. Raffle tickets are being sold for this event if you wish to purchase raffle tickets please stop by the office or contact Demetria @708-870-2783 or Tessie @ 708-7381569. St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 5 STEWARDSHIP 2015 Stewardship 2015 Progress Report As of April 25th, 2015 Pledged Stewards: 224 Average Stewardship: $371.25 Amount of Stewardship donated: $80,561 The Stewardship Committee thanks our 224 Stewards who have fulfilled their pledge for the 2015 year. We wish to express our gratitude for your commitment to the Lord’s work through our Church of Saint Spyridon. And to you who have not yet pledged, we ask of you to commit yourself and your family so that the Word of God may continue in His glorious name. ΓΙΝΕ ΚΑΛΟΣ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ ΤΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΣΠΥΡΙΔΩΝΑ Ευχαριστούμε τις 224 οικογένεις που εκπλήρωσαν τις υποσχέσεις τους για το έτος 2015. Υπενθυμίζουμε σε όλους ότι έχουν ταχυδρομηθεί οι Καταστάσεις Υπόσχεσης του Καλού Οικονόμου για το τρέχον έτος. Σας παρακαλούμε να ανανεώσετε την συνδρομή σας το γρηγορώτερο δυνατόν. Χρειαζόμαστε την βοήθεια και την υποστήρηξη όλων σας. STEWARDS 2015-MARCH 27TH-APRIL 25TH Mrs. Chrisi Bastas Dr. & Mrs. Theodore Bechrakis Mr. & Mrs. Mark Besbekos Ms. Sylvia Felecos Mr. Dean C. Franck Mr. & Mrs. Apostolis Hardaloupas Mr. Peter Hristakos Mr. & Mrs. Bob Kontaris Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Kontaris Mr. Peter Kosionis Mr. & Mrs. George Laris Mr. & Mrs. Theophanes Manikas Mr. & Mrs. Chris Manolitsis Mr. Harry Marines Mr. George Patrianakos Mr. & Mrs. Bill Perakis Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Priovolos Mr. Mark Rentas Mr. & Mrs. Joe Rousos Ms. Rita Sperlakis Ms. Mary Tsiggos Mr. & Mrs. George Tsigolis Mr. & Mrs. George Tsikouris Mr. Gregory Volan Mr. & Mrs. George Vythoulkas Mr. & Mrs. Tomasz Zatora Ms. Magdalene Mary Zippman SUNDAY SCHOOL Christ Is Risen! It’s hard to believe that we are almost at the end of our Sunday School year. The success of our program is credited to the 20 Sunday School teachers, who dedicate their time and talent each week, and to the officers of the PTA, who work hard to support our program. Many thanks to all of you who volunteer your time to help our Sunday School succeed. On May 17th, we will have our annual Bible Bowl – an event we always look forward to. Graduation Sunday is scheduled for May 31st. On this day we will recognize the teachers and thank our students for a great year. Sunday School is always looking for volunteers. If there is anyone interested in teaching Sunday School or being a substitute teacher, please let me know. It is a very personally rewarding experience, and a great way to give back to our St. Spyridon family. Zoe Kopanis, Religious Education Director 6 The Voice P.T.A. NEWS On Saturday, April 4th we hosted the Saturday of Lazarus annual pancake breakfast and making of the palms. Everyone came together and completed in excess of 800 palm crosses in record time - only 2 hours. What a show of diligence! The children and adults alike received free drink coupons at our Frappe Cafe for all their hard work. Many thanks to Jim Halikas for cooking his delicious fasting pancakes for all to enjoy. We wish to thank everyone who purchased PTA’s Easter Candles. With your loving support, we were able to raise the funds for the PTA Scholarships. Special thanks to Patti Lee and Mena Mastorakos for their time and talent in making all the beautiful candles! COMING SOON COMMEMORATION OF THE FALL OF CONSTANTINOPLE Thursday, May 28th PTA’s customized vending machine! Our Easter Candle fundraiser was so successful that we were able to take the excess revenue raised and purchase our very own vending machine. The best part is that all vending monies collected throughout the year will go towards funding activities and purchasing educational mate- The Annual Commemorarials for our students. So start saving your change...the children are very excited! tion of the ‘Fall of Constantinople’ presented by the REMINDERS PTA Scholarship Awards: High School Graduates are eligible for a $1,000 Scholar- Greek Orthodox Metropolis ship Award. Two Plutarchos Greek School Graduates will receive $125 Awards of of Chicago, the Archons of Excellence. Please drop off your applications in the Church office. Students must the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and Tte Hellenic Society of meet all qualifications to be considered. Greek School Yearbooks - Place an ad inside the yearbook and receive a free year- Constantinople, will be held book! Deadline is May 5th. It is a beautiful book full of our children’s moments on Thursday, May 28, 2015 throughout the school year - let’s help preserve these priceless memories. Place beginning at 7:00PM in the Damen Student Center at your order today! May 4th - PTA meeting at 5 p.m. during Greek School. Please join us as we wrap Loyola University, 6511 N. Sheridan Road. This year’s up the year! observance will feature a May 17th - Get ready for Sunday School’s Bible Bowl! talk by Professor Lou UreMay 25th - No Greek School on Memorial Day May 29th - Our last Greek Pride Day. Last chance to win a prize! Don’t forget to neck, author of the newly released Harper Collins wear your shirts. book “The Great Fire” that May 31st - Sunday School Graduation tells the harrowing story of Angela Evangelopoulos, PTA President an American Methodist minATTENTION GRADUATES ister who single-handedly On Sunday, May 31st, following the Divine Liturgy, we will honor all the High saved 250,000 Greeks from School and College Graduates in the church. Please submit the names of the death, during the tragic graduates in your family by May 17th, so that they may be honored and included events of Smyrna in 1922. in the graduation program. The faithful of all communities and their families will EMORIAL AY On Monday, May 25th, Fr. Tilemahos will be reading the Trisagion Services at enjoy this unique opportuEvergreen Cemetery from 8:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.. The common memorial with nity for cultural and spiritual all the southside Greek Orthodox parishes will take place at 10:30 a.m. Finally, enrichment. M D Fr. Tilemahos will be at Bethania Cemetery at 1:00 p.m. St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 7 METROPOLITAN NIKITA’S VISIT—APRIL 19TH On Sunday, April 19th, our community had two surprises: The visit of His Eminence Metropolitan Nikitas and a party for Peter Polmen on the occasion of his 97th birthday. It was definitely a day of celebration for our community both in the worship service as well as in our community hall. Thanks to all who helped with the festivities. Many years to both His Eminence and to Uncle Pete. Pictures by John Spero & Sam Bisbikis 8 The Voice PASCHA 2015 Once again, our community of St. Spyridon came together to celebrate the beautiful services of Holy Week and Pascha. Many thanks to all who offered their Pascha donations and flower donations, the altar boys, the myrofores, the members of the parish council, the psaltes and our choir, our readers, our Agape gospel readers, the Epitaphio decorators, the ladies who prepared the red eggs, the P.T.A. for the Easter baskets, the palm crosses crew, the donors and volunteers who prepared the Lenten breakfast on Saturday of Lazarus, our custodians and office staff, all our parish organizations and all the faithful who offered their prayers and their presence by the Cross of our Lord and Risen Savior. We are also very grateful to Fr. Athenagoras, for his blessings and assistance during the Holy Week services. St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 9 METROPOLIS ORATORICAL FESTIVAL 10 The Voice METROPOLIS ORATORICAL FESTIVAL St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 11 PASCHA DONATIONS We wholeheartedly wish to thank the following parishioners and friends for donating towards the flowers and adornment of our St. Spyridon Church during the Great Lent and Pascha Season and for their special Easter Envelope Donation: Mr. & Mrs. N Andricopoulos Anonymous Mrs. Jan Augustine Mr. & Mrs. Pete Ayaleanos Mrs. Chrisi Bastas Mr. & Mrs. Gus Banakis Dr. & Mrs. Ted Bechrakis Mr. Angelo Besbekos Ms. Eleni Bizoukas Mr. Angelo Bountinas Mrs. Morfo Bountinas Mr. & Mrs. Zaharias Bousies Mrs. Effie Bouzios Mr. & Mrs. Theodoros Bouzios Mr. & Mrs. Chris Catsogiannis Mr. & Mrs. Sam Charalambos Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Chibucos Mrs. Steve Doimas Mr. & Mrs. John Eliacostas Mrs. Georgia Evangelopoulos Ms. Ruth Faklis Mr. & Mrs. George Gatsios Ms. Vicki Georgakas Mr. & Mrs. Bill Georgiopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Ted Georgiopoulos Ms. Irene Giardina Mr. Michael Hohlastos Mr. Dean Karampelas Mrs. Roula Karampelas Mr. Demetrios Karountzos Ms. Georgia Karountzos Mrs. Helen Katris Mr. & Mrs. Christos Katsoulis Mr. & Mrs. Em Kekempanos Mrs. Helen King Mrs. Koula Kintonis Mrs. Tasia Kladis Kleopa Family Dr. & Mrs. Chris Kolyvas Mr. & Mrs. Pete Kolyvas Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Kontaris Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kopanis Mrs. Sophia Kopanitsanos Mr. & Mrs. Gus Korellis Mr. Demetrios G. Kottaras Ms. Clarine Koutsis Mr. & Mrs. George Kyroudis Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Les Mrs. Betty Lillios Mr. & Mrs. George Limperis Mrs. Maria Loubroukos Mr. & Mrs. Christos Makris Ms. Georgia Malamis Fr. & Pr. George Massouras Mr. Angelo Meklis Ms. Angeline Mitsis Ms. Demetria Papadopoulos Mr. Philip Papamakarios Mr. & Mrs. Sam Papanastasatos Mr. & Mrs. Panos Mrs. Katerina Papoulias Mr. & Mrs. Alex Pappas Mr. Andrew Pappas Mr. George A. Pappas Ms. Kathryn Pappas The Pashos Family Mr. & Mrs. Peter Paxinos Ms. Penny Peninski Dr. Mary Peters Mr. Peter G. Polmen Mr. John Poziopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Steve Proutsos Mr. & Mrs. Robert Righetti Mr. & Mrs. Gus Rougas Ms. Frances Sinapi Mr. Gregory Smirnis Mrs. Demitra Stameson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Thiakos Mrs. Athena Tsinoukas Mrs. & Dr. Vasileios Tsoukalas Mr. Michael Valaris Ms. Fotini Valavanidis Mrs. Helen Zaharopoulos THANK YOU To the Anonymous donors for donating food for our Food Pantry and for the Easter Baskets. To all the Philoptochos ladies for hosting the Lenten Dinner after the Presanctified Divine Liturgy with our visiting clergy. To all who donated flowers for Great Lent and Holy Week, and to those who decorated the Epitaphios To Mr. James Halikas and the P.T.A. parents and volunteers for hosting the Pancake Breakfast on Saturday of Lazarus. To all who prepared baked goods and who donated for the Palm Sunday Philoptochos Bake Sale. All the proceeds will benefit needy families of our community. To J & R Dairy for their donation to buy new Myrofores Robes. To all the donors and volunteers who helped to host the Metropolis Oratorical Festival. 12 The Voice PARISH NEWS PARISH REGISTRY JUNIOR OLYMPICS Τhe 33rd Annual Junior Olympics will take place on May 22nd24th, 2015 at Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church in Palos Hills. Our community will be represented by numerous athletes in individual & team sports. Registration for the Junior Olympics will be held during the Coffee Social Hour after the Divine Liturgy. Or if you are interested in joining a team or competing for an individual sport, please contact Mr. John Angelos, Athletic Director, or the Church Office. The Junior Olympics events are as follows: BAPTISMS The daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Tomas and Christina Zatora was baptized on April 11th, and was given the name Kinga Sophia. The sponsor was Julie Lockheart. The daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Volan was baptized on April 18th and given the name Angela Luxia. Victoria Kaloudis was the sponsor. Track & Field: Boys & Girls, 7-18 Swimming: Boys & Girls, 8-18 10-K Run: Boys, Girls, Adults, 13-99 Tennis: Boys & Girls, 13-18 Table Tennis: Boys & Girls, 13-18 Chess: Boys & Girls, 8-18 Checkers: Boys & Girls, 8-18 Backgammon: Boys & Girls, 8-18 Basketball: Boys & Girls, 7-13 Soccer: Boys & Girls, 7-16 Softball: Boys & Girls, 13-18 Volleyball: Boys & Girls, 13-18 Bowling: Boys & Girls, 13-18 Wrestling: Boys & Girls, 9-18 The daughter of Mr. & Mrs. George & Georgia Tsiggolis was baptized on April 25th and given the name Maria Katerina. Nicholas & Peggy Garbes were the sponsors. Να σας ζήσουν! Participants! It is time to register. The coaches for each sport will contact you when practices are scheduled during the month of May. Look for postings on our parish website: TREE OF LOVE In the main hallway of St. Spyridon stands a golden and bronze “Tree of Love” with an icon of our patron saint at its base. This “Tree of Love” is a symbol of our commitment to the ministry of our community. With great hope for our community’s future and with love for St. Spyridon, we invite you to join the numerous supporters whose names are engraved on these golden and bronze leaves in recognition of their gifts to the Church. There are numerous ways to contribute to our “Tree of Love” such as to honor a friend or in memory of loved ones. For more information, please call the Church Office. A memorial service for all the souls commemorated on the Tree of Love will be held on Sunday, May 24th, 2015. SACRAMENTS FUNERALS Betty Chiangouris fells asleep in the Lord on April 21st. Her funeral service took place on April 25th and was laid to rest at Bethania. Spiros Drikos fell asleep in the Lord on April 26th. His funeral took place at St. Spyridon on April 30th and he was laid to rest at Bethania Cemetery. May their memory be eternal! MEMORIALS Sunday, April 26th †40 days for Maria Pitouras †40 days for Andrew Besbekos †6 months for Nick Vardalos May their memory be eternal! St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 13 ΚΟΙΝΟΤΙΚΑ ΝΕΑ Ο Άγιος Νεομάρτυς Αργύριος γεννήθηκε το 1788 στην Επανωμή της Θεσσαλονίκης από τον Αστέριο και τη Βασιλική, το γένος Ντουγιούδη. Σε νεαρή ηλικία ήλθε στην Θεσσαλονίκη, όπου προσλήφθηκε από κάποιον ράπτη ως υπηρέτης. Κατά τις ημέρες εκείνες κάποιος Χριστιανός από τη Σοχό βρισκόταν κλεισμένος στη φυλακή του πασά της Θεσσαλονίκης για κάποιο έγκλημα που είχε κάνει. Μην έχοντας να πληρώσει τα χρήματα που του ζητούσε ο πασάς, τον απειλούσε ότι θα τον κρεμάσει. Μπροστά στην απειλή του θανάτου ο φυλακισμένος αποφάσισε να αλλαξοπιστήσει. Το γεγονός αυτό χαροποίησε τους Αγαρηνούς, οι οποίοι αμέσως τον έβγαλαν από την φυλακή και τον πήγαν σε ένα καφενείο στην τοποθεσία Ταχτάκαλα με σκοπό να τον μυήσουν στη μουσουλμανική θρησκεία. Ο Αργύριος, που είχε πληροφορηθεί το γεγονός, εισήλθε και αυτός στο καφενείο και άρχισε να τον ελέγχει για το παράπτωμά του και ταυτοχρόνως να τον παρακινεί, για να επιστρέψει και πάλι στην Ορθόδοξη πίστη. Η στάση του αυτή προκάλεσε τόσο πολύ τους Γενίτσαρους, που όρμησαν επάνω του και άρχισαν να τον γρονθοκοπούν τόσο άγρια, ώστε θα τον σκότωναν, εάν δεν ανέστελλε την οργή τους η ελπίδα μήπως και μπορέσουν να τον προσελκύσουν στην δική τους πίστη. Προσπάθησαν, λοιπόν, απειλώντας τον ότι θα τον σκοτώσουν, να τον αναγκάσουν να αλλαξοπιστήσει. Σα βροντή ακούσθηκε η φωνή του Νεομάρτυρα: «Είμαι Χριστιανός και δεν αρνιέμαι την πίστη μου. Δόξα και τιμή μου ο Σταυρός του Χριστού. Επιθυμία μου είναι να αποθάνω για την πίστη και την αγάπη του Χριστού». Οι Αγαρηνοί τότε οδήγησαν τον Αργύριο στον κριτή, ενώπιον του οποίου προσπάθησαν και πάλι να τον μεταπείσουν μεταχειριζόμενοι πότε απειλές και πότε κολακείες και υποσχέσεις για δώρα και αξιώματα. Μετά από δύο ημέρες, οι Γενίτσαροι, επανέλαβαν και πάλι τις προσπάθειές τους, χωρίς όμως αποτέλεσμα. Ζήτησαν λοιπόν από τον κριτή να διατάξει την εκτέλεσή του. Αυτός όμως, βλέποντας ότι ο Αργύριος δεν είχε διαπράξει κάποιο αδίκημα άξιο θανάτου, προσπάθησε να κατευνάσει την οργή των εξαγριωμένων Τούρκων και να τους πείσει πως δεν είναι δίκαιο να σκοτώσουν έναν αθώο άνθρωπο. Εκείνοι ταράχθηκαν και εξαγριώθηκαν εναντίον του και έτσι ο κριτής διέταξε την διά απαγχονισμού θανάτωσή του. Έτσι, σε ηλικία μόλις δεκαοκτώ ετών, το 1806 και ημέρα Παρασκευή, ο Άγιος Νεομάρτυς Αργύριος οδηγήθηκε σε ένα τόπο λεγόμενο Καμπάν (σημερινό Καπάνι), στην κεντρική αγορά της πόλεως, όπου και απαγχονίσθηκε και επισφράγισε την ομολογία του στον Χριστό με τη θυσία του αίματός του. 14 The Voice ΕΟΡΤΗ ΤΗΣ ΜΗΤΕΡΑΣ Τήν Κυριακή, 10 Μαΐου, ἑορταστικό γεῦμα θά δοθεῖ στήν Κοινοτική Αἲθουσα πρός τιμήν τῆς ἑορτῆς τῆς Μητέρας, μετά τήν Θεία Λειτουργία. Παρακαλοῦμε νά τηλεφωνήσετε στό Γραφεῖο γιά κλείσεις θέσεων. ΤΡΙΣΑΓΙΑ Τήν Δευτέρα, 25η Μαΐου, ο π. Τηλέμαχος θά διαβάζει τρισάγια στο κοιμητήριο του Evergreen, ἀπό τίς 9:00 π.μ. μέχρι τίς 11:30 π.μ.., καί στό Bethania στις 1:00 μ.μ.. Όλες οι Ελληνορθόδοξες Κοινότητες των νοτίων προαστίων του Σικάγου θα παρευρεθούν στο κοινό Τρισάγιο στίς 10:30 π.μ. Επίσης θα προσφερθεί Τρισάγιο στην Εκκλησία για όλους όσους μνημονεύονται στο «Tree of Love» την Κυριακή 24 Μαΐου μετά την Θεία Λειτουργία. ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΗ ΦΙΛΟΞΕΝΙΑ H «Χριστιανική Φιλοξενία» καλεί όλους τους ηλικιωμένους Ορθοδόξους των νοτίων προαστίων του Σικάγου στήν ενορία τοῦ Αγίου Σπυρίδωνος, την Δευτέρα, 1ην Ιουνίου, 2015. Ο Όρθρος αρχίζει στις 8:00 π.μ. Και ακολουθεί η Θεία Λειτουργία. Το γεύμα προσφέρεται δωρεάν από τ ην Φ ιλ όπτ ωχον Αδελφότητα του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνος. Παρακαλούμε όπως τηλεφωνήσετε την εκκλησία για κλείσεις θέσεων. ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ Ευχαριστήσουμε όλους τους μαθητές του σχολείου μας που διάβασαν τις προσευχές στον Χριστό και την Παναγία μας κατά τους Χαιρετισμούς της Θεοτόκου. Το σχολείο μας θα είναι κλειστό την Δευτέρα 25 Μαΐου για την εορτή των Μνημοσύνων. Η εορτή της αποφήτησης θα γίνει την Παρασκευή, 5 Ιουνίου. SCHEDULE OF DIVINE SERVICES Saturday, May 2nd Sunday, May 3rd Tuesday, May 5th Wednesday, May 6th Saturday, May 9th Sunday, May 10th Saturday, May 16th Sunday, May 17th Monday, May 18th Wednesday, May 20th Great Vespers—5:00 p.m. 4th Sunday of Pascha—Sunday of the Paralytic, Orthros & Divine Liturgy—8:00 a.m. St. Irene the Great Martyr—Orthros & Divine Liturgy 8:00 a.m. The Feast of Mid-Pentecost, Orthros & Divine Liturgy 8:00 a.m. Great Vespers—6:00 p.m. 5th Sunday of Pascha, The Samaritan Woman, Orthros & Divine Liturgy—8:00 a.m. Great Vespers - 6:00 p.m. 6th Sunday of Pascha, Sunday of the Blind Man, Orthros & Divine Liturgy—8:00 a.m. Paraklesis—6:00 p.m. Apodosis of Pascha—Orthros & Divine Liturgy—8:00 a.m. Great Vespers at SS. Constantine & Helen Church, Palos Hills—7:00 p.m. Thursday, May 21st Ascension of our Lord, SS. Constantine & Helen , Orthros & Divine Liturgy —8:00 a.m. Saturday, May 23rd Great Vespers - 6:00 p.m. Sunday, May 24th 7th Sunday of Pascha, Sunday of the Fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council, Orthros & Divine Liturgy - 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, May 27th St. John the Russian, Orthros & Divine Liturgy — 8:00 a.m. Saturday, May 30th Saturday of the Souls, Orthros, Divine Liturgy & Memorial Service —8:00 a.m. Great Vespers - 6:00 p.m. Sunday, May 31st Sunday of Pentecost, (no fasting all week), Orthros, Divine Liturgy and Vespers of Pentecost (the Kneeling) —8:00 a.m. * Great Vespers at Holy Trinity Church, Chicago, IL. —7:00 p.m. Monday, June 1st Monday of the Holy Spirit, Orthros & Divine Liturgy 8:00 a.m. * Christian Philoxenia ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΙΩΝ Σάββατο 2 Μαΐου Κυριακή 3 Μαΐου Τρίτη 5 Μαΐου Tετάρτη 6 Μαΐου Σάββατο 9 Μαΐου Κυριακή 10 Μαΐου Σάββατο 16 Μαΐου Κυριακή 17 Μαΐου Δευτέρα 18 Μαΐου Tετάρτη 20 Μαΐου Πέμπτη 21 Μαΐου Σαββατο 23 Μαΐου Κυριακή 24 Μαΐου Τετάρτη 27 Μαΐου Σάββατο 30 Μαΐου Κυριακή 31 Μαΐου Δευτέρα 1 Ιουνίου Μέγας Εσπερινός —5:00 μ.μ. 4η Κυριακή του Πάσχα, Όρθρος & Θεία Λειτουργία—8:00 π.μ. Αγίας Ειρήνης, Όρθρος, Θεία Λειτουργία &Αρτοκλασία—8 π.μ. Μεσοπεντηκοστή, Όρθρος & Θεία Λειτουργία —8:00 π.μ. Μέγας Εσπερινός —6:00 μ.μ. 5η Κυριακή του Πάσχα, Ορθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία –8:00 π.μ. Μέγας Εσπερινός —6:00 μ.μ. 6η Κυριακή του Πάσχα, του Τυφλού, Όρθρος & Θεία Λειτουργία—8:00 π.μ Παράκλησις—6:00 μ.μ. Απόδοση του ΠΑΣΧΑ, , Όρθρος & Θεία Λειτουργία—8:00 π.μ. Μέγας Εσπερινός στον Ιερό Ναό των Αγίων Κωνσταντίνου & Ελένης—7:00 μ.μ. Ανάληψις του Κυρίου, Αγίων Κωνσταντίνου & Ελένης Όρθρος & Θεία Λειτουργία —8:00 π.μ Μέγας Εσπερινός—6:00 μ.μ. 7η Κυριακή του Πάσχα, των Πατέρων της 1ης Οικουμενικού Συνόδου, Όρθρος & Θεία Λειτουργία—8:00 π.μ. Αγ. Ιωάννου του Ρώσσου, Όρθρος & Θεία Λειτουργία —8:00 π.μ. Ψυχοσάββατο—Όρθρος, Θεία Λειτουργία και Μνημόσυνο—8:00 π.μ. * Μέγας Εσπερινός —6:00 μ.μ. Κυριακή της Πεντηκοστής—Όρθρος, Θεία Λειτουργία & Μέγας Εσπερινός—8:00 π.μ. (όλη την εβδομάδα κατάλυση των πάντων) * Μέγας Εσπερινός στον Ιερό Ναό Αγίας Τριάδας—7:00 μ.μ. Του Αγίου Πνεύματος, Όρθρος & Θεία Λειτουργία —8:00 π.μ. Χριστιανική Φιλοξενία St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 15 PENTECOST SUNDAY Sunday School Graduation 31 Memorial Day Office Closed “Tree of Love” Memorial Junior Olympics @ SS.Constantine & Helen 27 Bible Study—10:30 a.m. Iconography - 6 pm School—4:30p.m. p.m. *Greek Greek School—4:30 * Youth Dance—7 p.m. 27 22 School—4:30p.m. p.m. *Greek Greek School—4:30 *High school Seminar— 6:30 p.m. *Handmaidens Movie Night 20 15 School—4:30p.m. p.m. *Greek Greek School—4:30 *OPEN GYM @ 6:30 p.m. *Orthodox Study - 7p.m. 30 28 23 *Byz. Olympics @ a.m. JuniorMusic—10:30 Dance—11 a.m. *Greek & Helen Constantine SS. * Pee-Wee B-ball - 12 noon 21 16 * Byzantine Music— Altar Boy Mtg 10:30 am 10:30 a.m. Handmaidens 10:30 am *Greek Dance—11 a.m. HOPE—10:30 a.m. * Pee-Wee B-ball - 12 Pee-Wee Ball 11:30 a.m noon * 14 9 Boys & *Altar for Mother’s Preparation a.m. Handmaidens—10 Luncheon Day *Greek Dance—11 a.m. * Pee-Wee B-ball - 12 noon * Byzantine Music—12 noon *Greek Dance—11 a.m. Handmaidens 10:30 am *PeeWee BBall Game HOPE—10:30 a.m. (home) - 2:30 p.m. Pee-Wee Ball 11:30 a.m *P.T.A. Outing—6:30 pm *High school Seminar— 6:30 p.m. 13 8 7 2 School—4:30 p.m. *Byz. Music—10 am *GreekSchool—4:30 p.m. Greek Altar Boy Mtg 10:30 am SATURDAY 61 FRIDAY 29 Fall of Constantinople Greek School—4:30 p.m. Program 28 26 21 19 14 GOYA & Jr. GOYA Academy Archangels Meeting—7:00 p.m. Dinner *Iconography - 6 pm OCMC Graduation Archangels Academy Archangels Music a.m. *Byzant. Cherubs—10:30 -7 pm 25 20 GOYA & Jr GOYA—7 pm Bible Study—10:30 a.m. Bible Study—7:00 p.m. 26 25 24 24 19 School-4:30 pm *Greek Cherubs—11:00 Academy Archangels ArchangArchangels a.m. Study -pm *Orthodox 5 p.m. 100th Anniver Mtg-7 pm Greek School-4:30 Bible Study*Greek Music—5pm Byzantine 7:30pm Bible Study- 7pm 23 18 22 17 Iconography - 6 pm Archangels Academy 18 13 Parish Council Mtg-7 pm Cherubs—10:30 a.m. GOYA & Jr GOYA—7 pm Bible Study—10:30 a.m. Iconography - 6 pm Bible Study—7:00 p.m. a.m. Cherubs—11:00 Archangels 17 12 12 7 GOYA & Jr. GOYA Meeting—7:00 p.m. 5 THURSDAY Council *Iconography—6 Academy Archangels Academy pm Parish Archangels a.m. Cherubs—10:30 Music *Byzant. - 7pm Meeting—7:00 p.m. 11 6 *Iconography - 6 pm *Byzant. Music - 7pm 4 WEDNESDAY Festival Mtg-7 pm GOYA & Jr GOYA—7 pm Bible Study—10:30 a.m. Iconography - 6 pm Bible Study—7:00 p.m. a.m. Cherubs—11:00 Archangels 10 5 Cherubs - 11:00 a.m. 3 TUESDAY School *Sunday Sunday School *Philoptochos Bible Bowl Apokreatiko Luncheon School-4:30 pm *Greek Academy Archangels Study -pm *Orthodox 5 p.m. Greek School-4:30 *Greek Bible Study7:30pm 16 11 School Sunday Sunday School Meeting P.T.A. Mother’s Day Luncheon 15 10 9 4 8 3 School-4:30 pm Greek Academy Archangels Greek School-4:30 pm PTA Meeting—5:00 p.m. *Greek School-4:30 pm *Orthodox Study - p.m. *Greek Bible Study7:30pm School *Sunday Sunday School *Philoptochos Mtg. *St. Nectarios @ St. Spyridon B-Ball— 2:15 pm 2 *Sunday School *P.T.A. Artoclasia *Hellenic Letters Metropolis Luncheon MONDAY 1 SUNDAY 2012 MAY May 2015 All our Greek School families are invited to our 2nd Annual PLUTARCHOS GRADUATION & AWARDS DINNER Monday, June 5th, 2015 St. Spyridon Community Hall Dinner & Program begins at 5:00 p.m. Donation: $20 for adults Free for children under 15 Please call the church office to make your reservation by Tuesday, June 2nd. Οι μαθητές του Ελληνικού μας Σχολείου ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ Σας προσκαλούν στον εορτασμόν των αποφοίτων Δευτέρα, 5 Ιουνίου, 2015 Κοινοτική Αίθουσα του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνος –5 μ.μ. Δείπνο, τραγούδια, Ελληνικούς χορούς και εορταστικό πρόγραμμα Δωρεά ενηλίκων—$20 Μαθητές δωρεάν Για κλείσεις θέσεων τηλεφωνήσετε την Εκκλησία πριν τις 2 Ιουνίου Archangels Academy Presents CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF FUN!!! SUMMER CAMP June 1st- June 12th Monday through Friday * 9am to 12noon CAMP IS OPEN TO 4-6 YEAR OLDS. Camp will be held five days a week for two weeks. You may register for one week or both. Fee includes a t-shirt and daily snacks. Curriculum will include themed arts and crafts, Greek, religion, language, math and science concepts. June 1st - 5th ($85) CAMP OPTIONS June 8th - 12th ($85) June 1st - 12th ($150) St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 17 CALENDAR OF EVENTS May 12th—Parish Council Meeting May 10th—Mother’s Day Luncheon St. Spyridon’s Greek Festival May 21st—Archangels Graduation 12307 S. Ridgeland, Palos Heights May 22nd—24th—Jr. Olympics July 11th & 12th May 24th—”Tree of Love” Memorial Saturday from 4 p.m. — midnight May 31st—Sunday School Graduation May 25th—Memorial Day June 1st—Philoxenia Luncheon June 1st-12th—Archangels Camp June 5th—Plutarchos Graduation June 22nd-26th—Summer Camp ANNUAL SUMMER FESTIVAL July 11th & 12th Sunday from noon—11 p.m. Authentic Greek Cuisine Homemade Greek Pastries Admission: Adults $2 Greek Music & Dancing Children under 12 FREE Kiddie Rides Plus, Car Raffle! For more info, St. Spyridon Dancers call (708) 385-2311 Saturday & Sunday FREE PARKING & SHUTTLE Attend Church Regularly with Your Family! St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 12307 S. Ridgeland Avenue Palos Heights, IL 60463