May 24, 2015 - St. Teresa of Avila
May 24, 2015 - St. Teresa of Avila
St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church and School Pentecost Sunday PASTOR: Fr. Chris Bugno, SDS ASSOCIATE PASTORS: Fr. Mark Sarniewicz , SDS DEACON: Donald Boland PASTORAL ASSOCIATES: Sr. Yvonne, Roscoe, SND CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST: Saturday Vigil:……5:00 p.m. Sunday:……………7:30 a.m., 9:30AM & 11:30 am Weekdays (Monday through Friday): 7:00 am. & 8:30 a.m. Saturday:……….....8:30 am Spanish Mass (last Sunday of the month at 6pm) RECONCILIATION: Daily (Mon.-Fri.):…… 7:45-8:15 a.m. Saturdays:…… 3:45-4:45 p.m. First Friday:….. 3:30-4:30 p.m. And by Appointment Administrative Assistant & Liturgy Sr. Yvonne Roscoe, SND, 268-3441 Faith Formation (Religious Education, Adults, RCIA, Sacramental Preparation) Vicki Shoemaker 268-0440 School Principal Mrs. Jacqueline Zackel, 267-1643 Director Of Music Barbara Bradley, 267-9256 Youth Ministry 268-3441 Receptionist, Anna Mae Smoller Bookkeeper, Marge Wolf Bulletin Editor, Kathleen Weldon Director Facilities/ Maintenance Matt Horner PARISH ADDRESS: 203 Ojibway Street Titusville, FL 32780 PARISH OFFICE: 321-268-3441 PARISH FAX: 321-268-3270 Visit our Website at — May 24, 2015 St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church and School May 24, 2015 Mass Intentions for the week of May 24th to May 31st Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 7:30 AM For the People of the Parish 7:00 AM Antoinette Durando † by 7:00 AM Rebecca Macklin † by Bob & Paula Diluccio Arlene Wedding 9:30 AM Annette Mehenko † 8:30 AM Harry Tolles † by Bob by Traditional Choir 11:30 AM Special Intention for members of Divine Will Cenacle & Anna Mae Kubis 7:00 AM Miguel Angel Palma † by family 8:30 AM Bernard Olszewski † by 8:30 AM Father Mark’s 20th Anniversary of Ordinafamily tion by his family My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” LITURGY OF THE WORD DEVOTIONS The Most Holy Trinity Thinking about the Readings Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) at 8:10am (before the 8:30 mass), Mon.-Thu. (unless no school on Fri.) Recitation of the Rosary: Mon. – Sat., 9am in the Chapel. Novena – Our Lady of Perpetual Help Tuesday, after the 8:30am Mass. Spanish Adoration & Prayer Group, Thursdays 6:00pm Holy Hour 9-10 – Thurs. (except holidays) after the 8:30 Mass, Divine Mercy, Rosary, Silent Prayer, Benediction. Holy Days — Same as Sundays (7:30am, 9:30am & 11:30am) Holy Day Vigil — 7:00pm 1. How is the Trinity part of my prayer life? When I say the word “God” whom do I mean? To which member of the Trinity do I most relate best right now? What is going on in my life to make that so? 2. Who are the most loving people I know? What qualities do they have that I might foster in myself? 3. Where do I see God acting in the world today? Who mirrors God in the world for me? Readings for the Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015 First Reading: Deuteronomy 4:32–34, 39–40 The Lord is God in the heavens above and on earth below and there is no other. Second Reading: Romans 8:14–17 You received a spirit of adoption, through we cry, “Abba, Father”. Gospel: Matthew 28:16–20 Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Fatima Sundays—Every 3rd Sunday of the Month from May through October, 3-4:30pm. Litany of Loreto in honor of Mary: Mon.—Sat. during May Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Mon.—Sat. during June Litanies—After the 8:30am Mass For Reflection: In what ways have I experienced the Persons of the Trinity in my life? Where does Jesus send me to “make disciples”? Today’s good news Trinity Sunday is about our relationship to God as well as the relationship that the three Persons of the Trinity have with each other. God is “one God, one Lord: not in the unity of a single person, but in a Trinity of one substance,” as today’s preface indicates. God is a mystery desiring to be experienced and understood. As Moses speaks to the people in today’s first reading, he reminds them that their experience of God has been unique. “Ever since God created [humankind] upon the earth”, no nation has experienced God as Israel has. In response, they are called to “fix in your heart, that the LORD [YHWH in Hebrew] is God … and that there is no other”. Paul writes to the Romans that “those who are led by the Spirit of God are [children] of God”. God’s revelation in Christ enables us to “cry, ‘Abba, Father’”. We have been given a share in the divine life. God wishes to be known by us as Father, Son, and Spirit. The human experience of God can be found in the world around us, in history, in Scripture, in Christ, and in our own hearts. These various means of revelation illustrate how much God wants to be known by us. Jesus commissions the apostles at the conclusion of Matthew’s Gospel, sending them forward to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”. This is our only encounter with the Trinitarian formula in the Gospels. But it establishes the baptismal practice that has been used by the church since the first century. Baptized into the Trinity, we are given a share in their divine life. Pentecost Sunday Mass Intentions for the week of May 24th to May 31st Thursday Friday 7:00 AM Special Intention for Natalie Gardner by Bob & Bonnie Truett 7:00 AM Jim Nolan † by Nolan 8:30 AM Special Intention for Joseph & Barbara Haas (56th Wed. Anniv.) by their daughters 8:30 AM Harriet Ann Meadows Saturday Family family 5:00 PM Catherine Finley † by † by Rosemarie Stewardship Thought: In the second reading today, St. Paul reminds the Corinthians, “There are different gifts, but the same Spirit; there are different ministries, but the same Lord.” How am I using my gifts for the common good? Parish Sacrificial Giving: (Regular Sunday Offering) In gratitude for the gifts we have received from God, the parishioners and visitors gave $10,936.00 for the ministries of St. Teresa. Thank you for your continued support and generosity. God bless. QUESTION OF THE WEEK? What blessings has the Trinity bestowed on this parish? Where are they most evident? For the People of the Parish 9:30 AM Albert Mc Manus † by the family 11:30 AM John Tobin † by the family the Rose Family "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." STEWARDSHIP Sunday 8:30 AM Andrzej Bugno † by the 7:30 AM SCHOOL NEWS Website Please visit our website at for information regarding St. Teresa Catholic School. Graduation The Graduation Mass will take place on Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Church. All are welcome to attend this graduation Mass and ceremony. Open Enrollment St. Teresa School enrollment is open for the 2015/2016 school year. Please call the school office for more information, 321-267-1643. Second Collection The Second Collection for the school will take place during the Masses the weekend of May 23rd and 24th. Thank you for your support. Quotes of St. Faustina about God’s Mercy “Tell souls not to place within their own hearts obstacles to My mercy, which so greatly wants to act within them. My mercy works in all those hearts which open their doors to it. Both the sinner and the righteous person have need of My mercy. Conversion, as well as perseverance, is a grace of My mercy.” St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church and School May 24, 2015 FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - Looking for a Fun and Safe place for your children come join us at Vacation Bible School, will be held June 22-26 – Registration will continue to June, we continue to need help, I still need a person who can be Crew leaders, and those who want to help with props, know where you would like to serve, please email Vicki Shoemaker at: or text, phone (cell) (614) 7766905 We are looking for donations of the following items for Vacation Bible School: (4) pool noodles Bottled water Pancake mix Large boxes for making props If you can donate for our use one or more of the items needed, it would be greatly appreciated. If you need for item to be picked up, contact me at 268-0440 and leave a message. I will call and make arrangements for pick up. OR you can drop the item(s) off at Avila Hall during AM hours (M-F). We appreciate all the support from our Parish with the children, they are our future. Graduation Graduating from High School, or College this spring, please get in touch with me, so I can get your information for the Graduates Mass, Deadline for the information will be May 25th, and this mass will be held on May 31. Contact me via or text, phone (cell) (614) 905-7766. “Please, thank you and sorry” are the three words that Pope Francis “would write on the door of every family home” as they are the key to living well and in peace both inside and outside the home. They are simple words, much easier to say than to put into practice, but “they contain great strength: the strength of protecting the home, even through a thousand difficulties and trials; instead, when they are lacking, cracks gradually open up that can even lead it to collapse”. Food Pantry Our Food Pantry is in need of the following items: All kinds of pastas, Boxed Potatoes, Mac & Cheese, Pineapple, Sweet Potatoes, Cereals, Pork & Beans, Spaghetti Sauce and Peanut Butter. Thank you for your donations. If you would rather give a cash donation by check, please make check out to Cor Jesu. If made out to St. Teresa a new check has to be generated to complete the donation. Ministry to the Sick A meeting for the Ministry to the Sick will take place on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 in Avila Hall at 6:00 p.m. Anyone interested in this ministry is welcome to join us. San Pedro Catholic Camp San Pedro Catholic Camp, located in Winter Park, Florida, offers overnight and day camps for campers entering grades 1-12. Many great activities are offered such as paddleboats, canoes, swimming pool, low ropes course, gaga ball, 9 Square in the Air, handball, dodgeball, soccer, basketball, sand volleyball, arts and crafts, campfires and more! In addition, they offer faith exploration and celebrate Mass, daily prayers, and offer the opportunity for the sacrament of reconciliation. Olympics Day Camp Week (Grades 1-8) June 8th-12th Middle School Overnight Camp (Grades 6-8): June14th- 19th Around the World Day Camp (Grades 1-8) June 22-26 High School Overnight Camp (Grades 9-12) June 12th-17th Holidays Day Camp (Grades 1-8) July 20th- 24th Elementary Overnight Camp (Grades 3-5) July 26th-31st Family Camp Out- August 1st-2nd *Grade your child is entering. Visit www.sanpedrocenter.or for more information. Eucharistic Adoration We will have an all day Eucharistic Adoration each Thursday in the Chapel. Please come and not leave our Lord in the Eucharist unattended during this time. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the main church entrance. There will be the Spanish Holy Hour and Exposition from 6 – 7:15 PM and all are invited. Pentecost Sunday Special Vocations Celebrations On Sunday, June 14, 2015, we will celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Ordination for Father Chris, the 20th Anniversary of Ordination for Father Mark and the Ruby (40th) Jubilee for Sister Yvonne. A reception will take place only after the 11:30AM Mass. If you would like to participate, please RSVP by Friday, May 29th with the number to attend and what you would like to bring. All meats and desserts have been provided. Side dishes of vegetables, salads, toss salad, bread and butter.... would be appreciated. On Sunday, June 14th, Bishop Noonan will celebrate the 11:30AM Mass. There will be a procession of all the various country and state flags, to which we have had the privilege to minister. Please call the Parish Office at 321-268-3441 or Patty Hollinger 321-525-1138 if you would like to attend. Thursday, August 20th – Saturday, August 22nd, 2015, Orlando Airport Marriott. Theme: “Liturgy in Action: Glorifying the Lord by Your Life; Tu Vida”. Speakers include Monsignor Kevin Irwin, Reverend Juan Sosa, Tony Alonso, and ValLimar Jansen. Clergy, Choir Members, Cantors, Lectors, Sacristans, Liturgy Team Members, Art & Environment Team, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Ministers of Hospitality. Early Bird Full Conference: $145.00, Full Conference (from 6/1/2015- 8/14/15) $165.00; Pre-Conference Intensives: (Thursday): $45.00, Thursday “In Endless Song” Concert: $10.00, Friday Sessions only (includes Lunch): $120.00, Saturday Sessions (in English and Spanish) (includes Lunch): $35.00 only. Visit: or call (407) 2464860. A Day of Remembrance for all those who have lost their life in our Nation’s service Pentecost 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 The Reason for Gifts Look around your church and you will see many gifts. You will see those who sing and those who read, those who preach and those who greet. You will see some who feed the hungry and others who serve on committees. You will see some who decorate and others who converse. Some have a gift for leading prayer, for parenting children or for making people feel at home. Everybody has some gift. Still, not all gifts are equal. Some people excel at their gifts. Others exercise them less capably. The quality of the gift is not that important. It is important to exercise the gift, whatever its extent may be. The use of our gifts releases the power of the Spirit. St. Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” God gives gifts for a reason. They are meant to be nurtured and used. The gifts manifest the Spirit. When used properly, they draw attention to God who gives, not to the person who has received. The manifold gifts within one community show the marvels of the Holy Spirit. When people share their gifts, they create a spirit of selflessness and inspire others to service. They help everyone appreciate the goodness of God, who gives even before we ask. When people look at you, they also see gifts. For which gifts are you most grateful? How do you share them? Written by Paul Turner. Copyright © 2008, Resource Publications, Inc., 888-273-7782, All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from Lectionary Bulletin Inserts, Year B: First and Second Readings.