April 26, 2015 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
April 26, 2015 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
APRIL 26, 2015——FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH 720 East Beach Boulevard P. O. Box 1529 Long Beach, MS 39560 Phone: 228-863-1610; FAX: 228-868-6068 E-mail: secretary@saintthomaslb.org Website: www.SaintThomasLB.org Office Hours: M-F, 9:00am-4:30pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass, 5:00pm Sunday Masses: 7:30am, 9:00am, & 6:00pm (**11:30am, Sunday Mass through Pentecost) Tues, Wed, Thurs, 8:30am Fri, 6:30am APRIL 26, 2015——FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Pastor: Fr . Cuthber t “Cuddy” O’Connell (cell: 228-493-9303) Parochial Vicar: Fr . Dominic Vu Xuan Pham Retired: Fr . Pat O’Shaughnessy Deacon: Er nest “Buddy” Vancour t Director of Religious Education: Sr. Cecilia Nguyen, CCSS, 868-3774 religiouseducation@saintthomaslb.org Secretary: Becky Mullins, 863-1610 secretary@saintthomaslb.org Bookkeeper: Beverly Leslie, 863-1610 bookkeeper@saintthomaslb.org Liturgy Director: Paula Spears, 697-7814 paulajean@cableone.net Maintenance: Ben Dilorenzo, 596-3379 maintenance@saintthomaslb.org Music Director: Lauren Hymel, 865-3972 music@saintthomaslb.org Youth Ministry: Ray Lacy, 863-1610 youthministry@saintthomaslb.org Pastoral Council: Matthew Powers, 323-3241 mpowers@splawfirm.com Reconciliation: Sat., 4:15 – 4:45 pm (or call 863-1610 for an appointment.) Eucharistic Adoration: Every Friday from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm in the Chapel (upstairs in the Office Complex) Baptism: Usually held on the second Sunday of each month. Preparation workshop is required. Marriage: Call the office at least six months in advance of scheduled wedding date. Attendance at pre-marriage course is required. Wedding policy guidelines may be obtained from office or on website. Community Center Rental: Robert Phillips, 281-773-8328, community.center@saintthomaslb.org Bulletin: Michele Ponte, editor, bulletin@saintthomaslb.org, Deadline ten days before publication. Religious Education (SRE): Pre-School-5th Grades, Sundays 10:10-11:20am 6th-12th Grades, Wednesdays, 7:00-8:15pm (September-May) APRIL 26, 2015——FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER SCRIPTURE CORNER THE GOOD SHEPHERD This Fourth Sunday of Easter is traditionally referred to as “Good Shepherd Sunday.” Today we listen to the words of the Lord as He refers to Himself as the “good shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep.” It is sometimes so difficult for us to grasp the reality that anyone would lay down his or her own life for the sake of someone else. This is especially true in a society that places high value on power and personal advancement, often at the cost of “trampling” on other people in order to climb the ladder. Today’s scriptures point to the one we are called to emulate—the one who lays down his life for his sheep. Today’s scriptures challenge us to discover ways to bring life to those around us—to build up rather than to tear down. ———-Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Due to enormous amounts of rain, the Parish Palooza has been rescheduled for Sunday, May 3 from 12-4pm. If it rains, the festival will be held in the community center on a smaller scale. Those who are bringing sweets may bring to the Parish office on Friday, May 1 or bring to the Palooza on May 3. Thank you. St. Patrick High’s State Champion Science Olympiad Team is going to Nationals! To help fund the trip to Nebraska, we are offering raffle tickets for a two night stay at the Beau Rivage with a round of golf for two at Fallen Oak Golf Club ( $1,000 value) Cost of tickets are $5 each. Will offer raffle tickets after Masses on April 25th and 26th or contact Susan LaRosa at 228-547-5647. Drawing will be April 30. Need not be present to win. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 or (for the memorial) Gn 1:26 — 2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Ps 90:2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 ROSARY BEFORE ALL MASSES IN MAY In our Catholic Faith, the month of May is dedicated to the Holy Rosary, one of the best known of all Catholic devotions. The Rosary begins 25 minutes before Mass is to start. You are invited to please arrive a little early, bring your Rosary and pray with us. FEW REMINDERS Sun, Apr 26….11:30am, Mass After all Masses Apr 25 & 26….Religious Goods fr om Good Shepherd Showcase in East foyer After all Masses Apr 25 & 26….Car & basket Raffle tickets in East foyer Mon, Apr 27….7pm, RCIA meet Tues, Apr 28….9am, Quilter s meet upstair s Tues, Apr 28….6pm, Amer ican Her itage Gir ls meet Fri, May 1….8am-7pm, Adoration in the chapel Sat, May 2….10:00am, Fir st Holy Communion Sun, May 3….Hospitality Sunday, coffee & donuts after 7:30am & 9am Masses Sun, May 3….8:30am, May Cr owning in gr otto Sun, May 3….11:30am, Mass Sun, May 3….12-4p, Parish Palooza After all Masses May 2 & 3….Holy Land Gifts offer ed in East foyer BUY SCRIP—-SUPPORT OUR Y OUTH APRIL 26, 2015——FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER ADULT SCRIPTURE STUDY—HAIL MARY MAY 6-27, EVERY WEDNESDAY Why is Mary so important to our Catholic faith? We turn to her in prayer, in the Mass, and in the Rosary. We honor her with special feasts and place images of her in our churches and in our homes. Join us during May as we will look at scripture and the catechism to explore the roles of Mary in the Church: Mary as Mother of God, as our mother, as co-redeemer with her Son, and as Queen of Heaven. Sessions are held each Wednesday in May, starting May 6th and running through May 27th, in room B22 (2nd floor, NE corner of the Parish Office Complex). No preregistration is necessary. For more information call Dave Gauthier at 864-5350 or e-mail fosternpatches@att.net. Suggested reading: Hail, Holy Queen by Dr. Scott Hahn. MAY HOSPITALITY SUNDAY Coffee and donuts will be served in the Community Center following the 7:30am and 9:00am Masses on Sunday, May 3rd. All are invited. The May Hospitality Sunday is sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul Society. Confirmation for adults nineteen and older will be held at the Cathedral on Pentecost Sunday, May 24th. If you have not already celebrated confirmation and would like to do so now please contact Sr. Teresa at 864 5730. HOLY LAND GIFTS— OLIVE WOOD CARVINGS Saida and George Rashmawi, who are volunteer members from the Roman Catholic Church in Bethlehem in the Holy Land, will be visiting our parish the weekend of May 2/3. They will speak to us about the Christian struggle in the Holy Land. They will also have some beautiful Olive Wood carvings, which are all handmade by the Christian people in Bethlehem, for sale after all the Masses on May 2/3. The purpose of this visit is to help maintain the existence of the Catholic people in the Holy Land. Catholic Christians were once the majority in that land but the percentage has now dropped to less than 1.5%. Please take time to look at the carvings, make a purchase, and help this church maintain a presence in the very land where our Lord was born, where He preached the Good News and where His Kingdom was first established. These carvings make great sacramental gifts that have an added special significance, given where and why they were made. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR Collection of food for the Long Beach Food Pantry is next weekend. Please bring donations of nonperishable food items and leave your bags in the vestibules of the church. We will deliver them to the Food Pantry. Cash is also needed. Just put it in an envelope in the collection basket marked for the Food Pantry. Thanks for your generosity. LUNCHKINS Many years ago, Lucy Dessommes came to Fr. Louis with the idea of having a luncheon once a month--no agenda, no fees, no sales, no business, no cost to the parish--just a gathering where people would bring potluck and visit. A contest was held to name the "group." It really wasn't a formal group. Some regulars attended every month and some dropped in when it fit their schedules. Jim and Louise Hoselle came up with the name Lunchkins (some people have called it Munchkins). Thus began the monthly luncheon which Lucy continued until her death. Kris Ziifle and others carried on. And finally it came to the very capable hands of Jere Anthony. Jere brought her catering experience to the tables (they were always decorated for the theme with nice napkins and table decorations). She and her husband ,Bruce, always prepared a delicious main dish. Butch Bishop was also a main dish preparer each month. Other attendees brought different dishes and desserts. There was always a nice variety of scrumptious food. Jere spent the morning of Lunchkins at the parish community center--arranging, decorating, preparing and warming--then she placed the foods as they arrived on the serving table and finally she made sure the place was clean before departing. Last month, Jere announced that she would not be able to continue as chairperson of Lunchkins. She travels often to New Orleans to help with grandchildren and will be doing more of that. Thank you, Jere, for your dedication to this event for the past four years or so. Lunchkins is being suspended for the time being. It may be reorganized and revived if a chairperson steps up to the plate. It has been a very nice gathering of between 30-50 adults each month. Recently, some ladies from First Baptist Church started joining us. Our hope was that members of the other churches in Long Beach would join us also and it would become a community potluck gathering. We'll keep this in the plans for the future--maybe!! APRIL 26, 2015——FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC SCHOOL The SVS Golf Tournament Friday May 15th $100/person, $350/team of 4 Registration: 10:30—11:45am Tee Off: Noon Lunch, beverages: included Hole sponsorships available for $100. Donations accepted for door prize raffle and ditty bags For more information, visit our website at: svdpcatholicschool.org SENIOR CITIZENS APPRECIATION DINNER: Parishioners who are 60+ are invited to our Senior Citizens Appreciation Dinner on Saturday, May 23rd at 6:00pm in the Community Center hosted by the children/ teens and parents of the School of Religious Education and Youth Ministry. This special dinner gives us an opportunity to say thank you to you for living your Catholic faith and sharing your faith with your children and grandchildren here at St. Thomas. Come and enjoy the delicious dinner of spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, eggrolls, and a variety of cakes and drinks, as well as music and entertainment such as the Bachelorette Game, Sister Act, and the Fan Dance. Please call the parish office or Sister Cecilia to RSVP by May 15 at: 868-3774 or email Sister at: religiouseducation@saintthomaslb.org TUITION ASSISTANCE Applications for tuition assistance are available at the parish office for families who have children in Grade K-12 at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Elementary School, St. Stanislaus, Our Lady Academy, and St. Patrick High School. To be eligible, a parish registered family must be attending church here at St. Thomas and supporting the church through the electronic method of making regular contributions or the church support envelopes. St. Vincent families may apply through FACTS (see the school office); a paper application may be obtained from the parish office. Deadline is April 30, 2015, this Thursday. SAVE THE DATE SATURDAY AUGUST 29TH AT WINDANCE Apr 27-30....Pr ek4 leads Pr ayer & Pledge Tues, Apr 28….Bank Wed, Apr 29….Dr . Seuss Shir t appr oved Wed, Apr 29….4-7pm, track meet at St. Patrick High School Fri, May 1….6th gr ade leads Mass Wed, May 13….8am PPM (par ent planning meeting) Wed, May 13….6-7pm, Art Show Thurs, May 21….Field Day Fri, May 22….Fir st Communion Mass Mon, May 25….no School, Memor ial Day Tues, May 26….Awar ds Day Wed, May 27….pr ek & kinder gar ten promotions Thurs, May 28….11am dismissal & 6th grade promotion www.svdpcatholicschool.org or 228-222-6000 CATHOLIC SCHOOL TUITION According to diocesan policy and guidelines, St. Thomas the Apostle Parish subsidizes the tuition rate for parish families who wish to enroll their children in Grades K-12 at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Elementary School, St. Patrick High School and Our Lady Academy. To be eligible for the subsidized (lower) rate of tuition, a family must be registered in the parish, attend Mass here at St. Thomas regularly and use their church support envelopes or the electronic method of making regular church offerings. Parish subsidy is not based on the amount of contributions made by a family. However, it is important for all families to contribute to the upkeep of the church and its ministries. A form is available at the school office and should be turned in to the parish office for completion. COUNCIL #4898 Upcoming events: Thurs, 5/7….6:30pm r osar y, 7pm meeting Sun, 5/17….8am-11am, Parish Breakfast Thurs, 5/21….6:30pm r osar y, 7pm meeting For more information on membership or any questions, contact Jim Delinski, Grand Knight at 863-6643. APRIL 26, 2015——FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION May Life Teen Calendar April 26th – Night of Prayer at the Beach – Join us at the beach to pray the Rosary and worship. May 3rd – Parish Spring Festival – We need all of our teens to help make this festival a success! Arrive at 9 a.m. to help set up. We will need help working the games and to help with cleanup which will begin at 4:15 p.m. There will be no formal Life Night this night! May 10th - Mother’s Day Dinner – We invite our mothers to a special dinner in their honor after the Life Teen Mass. Dads and siblings are welcome too! Look for invitations to come home. May 17th – Social Night – Join us in the youth room upstairs for a social night of games and hanging out as we celebrate the end of the school year! Watch the bulletin and web page for our summer events calendar coming soon! May Edge Calendar April 26th – NO EDGE Night due to Middle School Retreat May 3rd – Parish Spring Festival – We need all of our teens to help make this festival a success! Arrive at 9 a.m. to help set up. We will need help working the games and to help with cleanup which will begin at 4:15 p.m. There will be no formal Edge Night this night! May 10th - Mother’s Day Dinner – We invite our mothers to a special dinner in their honor after the Life Teen Mass. Dads and siblings are welcome too! Look for invitations to come home. May 17th – Edge Game Night- Join us as we wrap up our weekly Edge nights for the summer. We will have lots of fun this night with a wide variety of girls vs. boys games! Come celebrate summer! Watch the bulletin and web page for our summer events calendar coming soon! —Ray Lacy, 863-1610, youthministry@saintthomaslb.org SACRAMENT OF FIRST EUCHARIST/HOLY COMMUNION: May 2 (Saturday): First Holy Communion Mass at 10:00am SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION (11TH GRADE): May 5 (Tuesday): Confirmation rehearsal at 7:00pm May 6 (Wednesday): Confirmation Mass at 6:30pm PreK-5th (RCIC) Grade: Sundays, 10:10–11:20am April 26………..SRE Class ***May 2…….. Fir st Holy Communion Mass, 10:00am May 3…………..SRE Class -- May Crowing at 8:40 am at Mary’s Grotto May 10……........SRE Class/Litur gical Dance to honor Bl. Mother Mary/all mothers at 9:00 am Mass May 17………...SRE Class -- last day ***May 23…… Senior Citizens Appr eciation Dinner at 6:00 pm (CC) *** June 1-5 – “Vacation Bible School” 6th-12th (RCIT) Grade: Wednesdays, 7:00–8:15pm Apr 29……….. SRE Class May 6………... SRE Class May 13………..SRE Class -- last day ***May 17…....Baccalaur eate Mass – “Outstanding Young Man/Woman Award” at 6:00 pm Mass ***May 23…..Senior Citizens Appr eciation Dinner at 6:00 pm (CC) Please join us for the MARIAN LITURGICAL DANCE to honor our Blessed Mother Mary and all mothers on Mother’s Day at 8:50am, ten minutes prior to the 9:00am Mass on Sunday, May 10th. Please also join us at our MAY CROWNING at 8:40am at Mar y’s Gr otto on Sunday, May 3rd. Remember to bring fresh flowers for Mary. BACCALAUREATE MASS “Outstanding Young Man/Woman Award”: All high school and college seniors and graduates are invited to our Baccalaureate Mass on Sunday, May 17th, at our 6:00pm Mass. Please arrive by 5:40 pm and meet in the south vestibule of the church. We will have reserved seats for all the graduates. REGISTRATION FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL DON’T FORGET TO REGISTER FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL (Catholic Kidz Camp)… “Around the Word in Five Days: Living the Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love with the Saints”…for Pre K thru 6th grade. Our VBS week will be from Monday-Friday, June 1-5…8:00 am to 12:30 pm. Children who are registered after May 1 will NOT have a T-shirt, since we need to place our order in early. The BLUE Registration FORMS can be found in the displayed cabinets in the church and in the SRE building. Let Sr. Cecilia know ASAP if you are interested in helping with VBS this summer! Call 868-3774 or email religiouseducation@saintthomaslb.org APRIL 26, 2015——FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MASS INTENTIONS Tues, 4/28 Wed, 4/29 Thurs, 4/30 Fri, 5/1 Sat, 5/2 Sun, 5/3 8:30am +Debra Barcelona 8:30am +Mar y Edwar ds 8:30am +Fred McIntyre +Mae Koenenn +William Irwin +John Wilson +Margaret Wilson +James Wilson 6:30am +Patricia H. Catalano 5:00pm +Clay Bishop +Harold Barnes +Laz Bode +Dave Costello 7:30am +Mary Edwards 9:00am St. Thomas Parish Family 11:30am +Alice & +Clarence Albert 6:00pm +Thomas Lloyd Frierson WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Donald & Jocelyn D’Aquin; Michael Shattres; Sandy Carr; Lynn & Evelyn Collins. MARCH BAPTISMS Ethan David Shavers Jesse Ryan Pidgeon Bennett Michael Merrell Camille Olivia Krohn Parker Jonny Johnson Sophia Katherine Kallinikos Allan Edison Waguespack PETITIONS OF PRAYER Al Busche, Alice Carrubba, Ann Bartholomey, Ann Dion, Anna Kate, Archer Kiedis, Ardeth Bertucci, Audrey Pierson, Becky Rutledge, Bernard Smoot, Chris Labat, Claudia Meadows, Colin, Connie Cole, Cristie Todd, Cynthia Roth Bolton, Debbie Blackwell, Debra McKenna, Debra Muesall, Dianne Calmes, Donald Erickson, Donald Freche, Dorris Steffen, Eric Lee, Frances Carrubba LeBlanc, Frederick Joseph Welch, Gary Lacy, Gene Roberts, Geraldine Hammons, Gregory Herman, James Bynes, James Vernon Loftus, Jason Todd, Jennifer West, Joe Haggar, III, John Becker, Kristen Ariatti, Lance Dupuis, Leigh Rooney, Linda Dudley, Linda Bass, Lois Ladner Weems, Louis Meyer, Lowell “Al” Seal, Marcie Batemen, Marie Ladnier, Marilyn Ladner, Mark Forgeron, Mary Bosch, Max Kirby, May Adams, Michael Gruich, Michael Necaise, Mike Morgan, Mike Mullins, Nadine Asher, Nancy Vogt, Norma Ravetto, Paula, Ronald Cole, Rory Pearce, Ruth Wilson, Samuel Cates, Sharon Sarris White, Susan Fayard Fulton, Theresa Borzik, Thomas Smoot, Valerie Leblanc, Yvonne Ladner and all others in our parish and community in need of healing, physical or spiritual. GONE HOME TO GOD †Jim White †Patricia Tolson NEXT WEEKEND’S LAY MINISTERS MARCH WEDDINGS Brandon Michael Cobb & Kelsey Anne Cannon Harrison Edward Morris & Felicia Katherine Ross LAST WEEK’S OFFERINGS TOTALS Thank you for your generosity!! Envelopes, $11,365.00; Loose money, $1,319.00 Children’s pickle jar, $82.50 Electronic Giving, $9,138.00 FEATURED AD OF THE WEEK RECURRING AROUND THE PARISH… Lighthouse Catholic Media Stand…East foyer St Vincent de Paul Society….9:30am-12:30pm, Mon & Thurs, open to help Adoration in the Chapel….8:00am-7:00pm, Fridays Youth Gift Cards (Scrip) sales…after all Masses & during office hours, 9am-4:30pm weekdays Knights of Columbus, Council #4898….6:30pm, every first & third Thursday of the month St. Joseph’s Helping Hands….Wor k day is ever y fir st Saturday of the month; meeting is every fourth Thursday call/text 228-216-7649 www.AmyWoodProperties.com Long Beach and Pass Christian’s Only Funeral Home since 1964 • Preplanning • Funeral and Cremation Services • Monuments 228-865-4700 19130 Commission Rd. www.riemannfamily.com 213 E. Beach Blvd. Long Beach • 265-7730 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com For a HANDY - MEN wide selection of Catholic greeting cards, artwork, and inspirational recordings, visit www.wlpmusic.com. LICENSE # 17034 HOME, YARD & AC REPAIR Gulfport, MS PHIL BIANCAMANO 228-669-2660 Rosalia Villard Lee Patient Care Rep/Parishioner cell: 407-376-7680 Providing peace, comfort and dignity to those facing terminal illness. 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. E. G. 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Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931 Family Physical Therapy COLDWELL BANKER ALFONSO REALTY, INC. of South MS Jarvis Lankford, REALTOR® “Where Caring Equals Results” 228.364.2502 www.jarvislankford.com Steven H. Myers, MSPT 19020 Pineville Road, Suite 4 Long Beach, MS 39560 Phone (228) 863-4080 Fax (228) 863-4014 Parishioner, Lifetime Resident MS Gulf Coast Whether it is buying that special home or selling a property, I want to help you achieve your goal. Family Fitness Center, Now Open! Call 228-284-2913 ELVIS GATES Agent 218 E. Railroad St. Long Beach (228) 864-6323 www.elvisgates.com ADOLPH BOURDIN, INC. Air Conditioning Heating 228-452-4432 1601 30th Avenue Gulfport, MS 39501 (228) 868-5519 www.bltcpa.com Since 1865 Happy Nails Salon BRADFORD-O’KEEFE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. 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