SAIS Rule II Registration Form 2015
SAIS Rule II Registration Form 2015
SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF STOCKBROKERS SAIS RULES II Membership Examination Entry criteria Those who have written and passed Rules I Registration Registration for studying and registration for the examination can be done together or separately. To register for the study course or to sit for the examination or both, please complete the attached registration and order forms and email to – - along with proof of payment. Once you have emailed all the required documentation, phone us on 011 853 8702 to ensure that all has been received in good order. Lectures and Study Notes Lectures There are 16 lectures, the last one of which is revision. Please indicate on the registration form if you wish to attend lectures which include the study notes. Should enough candidates indicate interest, SAIS will make arrangements to provide lectures in the evenings, which, unfortunately, will only be held in Sandton, Johannesburg. PLEASE NOTE: Lectures will be held only if sufficient registrations at the time. All lectures held at 18h30 at the JSE. It is advisable to attend lectures for Rules II, if in Johannesburg or the surrounding area. No refund will be made in respect of lecture fees paid when the candidate does not attend lectures (scheduled or re-scheduled), for any reason whatsoever. The SAIS reserves the right to change or reschedule scheduled lectures when it deems it necessary, without prior notice. Study Notes If you wish to receive study notes only, please indicate on the registration form. Study notes will be e-mailed periodically, usually weekly on the day of the scheduled lecture. It is advisable to register for the study notes as soon as possible to ensure that you have sufficient time available to study. Syllabus The syllabus is included with the first lecture. If you are not registering for the lectures or the study notes a copy will be forwarded to you on request, once updated. The examination is based on the syllabus BUT for necessity of completeness, include sections of the Act, Rules and Directives that are incorporated in the Rules I syllabus as part of the solution. Current Legislation Please note that lectures and study notes are revised each semester to ensure that they contain the latest amendments to the Act, Rules, Directives and related legislation included in the syllabus. SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF STOCKBROKERS REGISTRATION FORM: THE ACT, RULES AND PROCEDURES II PLEASE COMPLETE FULLY. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED Title: X Mr. Mrs Miss Other Surname: First Names: Date of Birth: D D M M Y Y Y Y Phone:(W)( CODE ) - Fax: CODE ) - ( ID No Passport No / Cell: Phone :( H) ( C O D E ) - EE Postal Address: P O Box Town Postal Code E-mail Address: NATIONALITY: X SOUTH AFRICAN OTHER - SPECIFY: Employer: Occupation: REGISTRATION FOR THE ACT, RULES & PROCEDURES II CURRENTLY OPEN Lectures and Notes ( Johannesburg only ) - Study Notes ( Correspondence ) R4500.00 R3250.00 Registration for examination - R1750 ( Closing date for examination registration : 22 May 2015) CT DBN Examination Venue: X JHB BLOEM Examination venue: X Entry Criteria – Date passed Rules I: _d_/_m_/__y__ SAIS Examination No:________________ I undertake to: Pay unconditionally all fees and charges payable to the South African Institute of Stockbrokers as they fall due for payment. Notify the South African Institute of Stockbrokers in writing before the specified deadlines of my intention to cancel my registration, failing which, I admit liability of all fees Name_________________________Signature________________Date_____________ C SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF STOCKBROKERS SAIS ORDER FORM : Rules II 2015– 1st Semester DATE: ______________________________________________ NAME: ______________________________________________ SURNAME: ______________________________________________ CELL NUMBER : (_________)____________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________ DESCRIPTION PRICE Lectures and Study Notes Study Notes only ( Correspondence ) Examination Date: 6 July 2015 Examination Closing date: 22 May 2015 Annual student membership fee (compulsory once per calendar year) TOTAL R4 500.00 R3 250.00 R1 750.00 R250.00 TO PAY 250.00 R Banking Details: SAIS First National Bank Bank City – 250805 Current Account – 62050140492 Please complete this form and the registration form and email, along with proof of payment. Once you have e-mailed the required documentation, please call to ensure that all has been received in good order. Please note: 1. Please note that Rules II fees remain the same this semester. 2. Registration will only be done if the registration form is completed in full and once proof of payment in full, has been received. 3. No refund will be made in respect of lecture fees paid where the candidate does not attend lectures (whether scheduled or re-scheduled), for any reason whatsoever. No refund will be made for study notes for any reason whatsoever. 4. No refund will be made in respect of examination fees paid where the candidate does not write the examination, for any reason whatsoever. 5. Late registration will only be entertained in exceptional circumstances. Application for late Registration must be made in writing to the chairperson of the SAIS and a late Registration fee of R1000-00 will be applicable in all circumstances. (The turnover of the SAIS does not currently equal or exceed the minimum required for purposes of registration for VAT, hence no VAT is payable.)