Apr 5 - Salvation Army Kitchener Community Church


Apr 5 - Salvation Army Kitchener Community Church
Kitchener Community Church
Welcome to Kitchener Community Church!
We are so glad you have chosen to worship with us and pray
that God will touch your life through this time
we share together. If you are visiting with us,
we invite you to complete a guest card at the Welcome Centre.
Easter Sunday
April 5, 2015
10:30am - Worship Service
The Road to Resurrection: Journeying with Jesus
The Amazing Race Around the Empty Tomb
Major Brian
Wireless listening-aid devices are available for use during our Worship Services.
If you wish to use one, please see the sound operator.
Children’s Ministry
Nursery: Katie K., Ben A.
There is no Junior Church or 2nd Hour this morning
Our Quiet Room is always available for parents with infants and toddlers.
Autumn Fellowship Monday, April 6th at 2:00 pm
Old Fashioned Easter Fun
Everyone please bring along a hard-boiled egg.
Ladies—bring an old hat (one you might not mind
destroying) We will need plastic flowers, or any other
small decorating things such as little birds, butterflies
and even creepy crawly things (as long as it is not real).
If you have craft glue or glue gun, bring it along. We may
need scissors, old scarves...you get the idea. There’s a contest for the best
hat creation—to be judged by our men.
Men—you are not off the hook. You are on lunch duty and the ladies will
judge your creativity.
A generous dose of healthy laughter is allowed.
Adult Fellowship
Teams of 3 or 4 will need to complete a list of tasks and find
random objects throughout the church in the dark. Prizes will be
awarded to the top three teams. Please bring a flashlight.
Laughter and fun awaits so get your team together. Sign up in
the foyer.
Friday, April 10
7:00 p.m.
At the church
Developing effective leaders through
discipleship, relationships and Christ-centred living
Our Mission
The Salvation Army Kitchener Community Church exists to share the love of Jesus
Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in our community.
Corps Officers/Pastors:
Majors Brian and Deborah Coles
Community Care Ministries
Basic Training “The Art of Caring” Wednesday, April 29 9:00am to 1:00pm at
St. Marys Community Church in St. Mary’s Cost: $10 includes meal and
materials. If interested in attending see Kathrine Vatcher or Major Deborah
before April 22nd.
The Truth about Human Trafficking and Pornography
Saturday, April 25 at 7:00pm we will be hosting an evening focusing on
informing and challenging us on issues of pornography and how it relates to
prostitution and the crime of sex trafficking. Presentations by Major Stan
Burditt (Men Against Sexual Trafficking), and representatives from Pink Cross
Foundation, Turning Point Counselling, Rising Angels & Child Pornography
Hurts. Music by U-Turn. Free-will offering. Everyone welcome. Caution:
Content may not be suitable for all ages.
It’s a Girl
Congratulations to Matthew & Natasha Barby on the birth of
their daughter, Sophia Menca Barby on March 30th weighing
9lbs 3oz. Congratulations as well to the proud grandparents,
Jim and Mary Kay Barby.
Robin Mark Band...April 12 Hamilton, Lacrea...April 25 Toronto, Third
Day...May 1 Toronto See bulletin board for details.
Upcoming Events
Autumn Fellowship—Monday, April 20th
Local Singer, Entertainer Carol Weicker will be with us to help us count our
blessings. Everyone is encouraged to attend and invite your neighbours and
friends. Let’s give her a great crowd! Cost $3.00.
Autumn Fellowship
Week at a Glance
Day trip to Port Burwell on Saturday,
Monday, April 6
June 27th. See Lies Vickery for details
Church Office Closed
and to sign up.
Church Clean-up Day
Saturday, May 2nd Inside and Outside
Jobs. More details to come.
Family Night
Friday, May 8th (Adult Fellowship &
YP Band Extravaganza at Guelph
Citadel, Saturday, May 23rd.
details to come.
Women’s Ministry Movie Night at the
church on Saturday, May 23rd.
Cartridge Report
March 29, 2015
$ 5,480.77
$ 6,439.71
$ (958.94)
2:00 pm Autumn Fellowship
Tuesday, April 7
6:45 pm Jr. Band
8:00 pm Sr. Band
Wednesday, April 8
9:15 am Women’s Bible Study
7:00 pm Church Prayer Time
7:30 pm College & Careers Bible Study
Thursday, April 9
6:30 pm Kung Fu for Christ
6:30 pm Bible Study
Friday, April 10
7:00 pm Adult Fellowship
Year to Date (Apr 1/14 — Mar 31, 2015)
$( 54,204.32)
Prayer Matters….
· Those with health concerns
George King
Dianna (niece of Lies Vickery)
Melodiee Minor
Noel White - need for diagnosis & pain relief
Shayan Vos
Heather & Lloyd Riche
Pansy McNeill
Cindy Vos’ Uncle Art – brain cancer
Marie (sister of Wanda Gray)
Mike (brother-in-law of Scott & Cathy)
Eva Morris—(Karen’s mom)
Karen Morris
Major Helen Hastie’s mother
Ken (brother-in-law of Major Hastie)
Brian Burditt (Ruth Joslin’s nephew) Marg Burditt (Ruth Joslin’s sister)
Twins Charlotte & Samuel Vos (Pieter & Beth)
· Caregivers of the sick, elderly and shut-ins
· College & University Students finish course work & preparing for exams; seeking
· Partners in Mission Campaign
· Those who have lost friends and loved ones
· Officer Candidates Scott and Cathy Allen and family - days of preparation and transition
· Cadets Brad and Wavie Webster (Samantha & Emily)—Easter weekend assignment in
Salmon Arm, BC
· KCC Outreach
· KCC Prayer Team
· Pray for the Holy Spirit’s leading in our personal & corporate lives Lord we seek Your
face. (Jeremiah 29:13)
· The outpouring of the Holy Spirit during these days of trauma and upheaval
· Those affected by the increasing number of kidnappings of women and children by
Boko Haram and safety and protection for all captives
· Christians worldwide experiencing the high cost of being followers of Jesus Christ.
· Andrew Stuetz
· Aidan Turley
· Harold & Kathrine Vatcher, Samantha, Nathaniel, Devan
· Lloyd & Lies Vickery
· Steve & Beverley Voisin, Jeremy, Spencer, Jocelyn
Please encourage these folk with a card, a call or other way that God leads you.
Business Director:
Discipleship Director:
Evangelism Director:
LifeCare Director:
Worship Director:
Brian Coles
Deborah Coles
Bob Dockeray
Kris Rowe
Alan Braganza
John Vos
Julia O’Keefe
Web address
75 Tillsley Drive,
Kitchener, ON N2E 3T1
Facebook: The Salvation Army Kitchener Community Church