Alinta Energy media release


Alinta Energy media release
Alinta Energy’s investigation into solar thermal
generation in Port Augusta
1 April 2015
Alinta Energy has now completed the next stage of investigations of its study into the
feasibility of installing solar thermal generation at Port Augusta, South Australia. The Draft
Balance of Study Report (Milestone 3 Report) rounds out the Options Study and Siting Study
previously released.
Following a robust investigation into the specific technology and site options identified, Alinta
Energy has determined that even under optimistic capital cost and operating cost
assumptions there is a significant funding gap preventing solar thermal generation from
being economically viable at this time.
These conclusions have been formed following extensive industry consultation, involving
third-party engineering firm Parsons Brinckerhoff and renewable energy specialists IT
Power, and in the context of current national electricity market dynamics, including falling
demand for power.
Prior to finalising Stage 1 of the feasibility study, Alinta Energy will further investigate and
explore the impact of different plant configuration and dispatch methodologies on economic
viability. Alinta will also investigate emerging solar thermal technologies that may be
commercial in the near term. These investigations will be concluded prior to the release of
the Final Balance of Study Report (Milestone 4 Report), in mid-2015.
Publication of the Draft Balance of Study Report (Milestone 3 Report), as well as previous
Milestone Reports and media releases, are now available on the Alinta Energy website
Alinta Energy will be holding a Stakeholder Briefing session on the Draft Balance of Study
Report in Port Augusta in late April. To register your interest, visit the Alinta Energy website
The feasibility study is a joint initiative being conducted with support from the Australian
Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and the South Australian Government.
Media Contact: Amy Smith T: 02 9375 0966 M: 0404 720 888 E: