- Salisbury Catholic Churches


- Salisbury Catholic Churches
Clifton Catholic Diocesan Trustees Registered -Charity No. 233977
Canon Michael J Fitzpatrick
07479 881 388
Fr Colin Mason
01722 333581
Monday - Friday 9.30 - 12.30
01722 333581
St Osmund’s
95 Exeter Street
Salisbury SP1 2SF
01722 333581
Most Holy Redeemer
Fotherby Crescent
Salisbury SP1 3EG
St Gregory’s
St Gregory’s Avenue
Salisbury SP2 7JP
01722 334496
John Proctor
01722 340206
John Detain
01722 415588
Stephen Godwin
01722 501854
Chapel of the Good Shepherd
Barford Lane, Downton
Salisbury SP5 3QA
Deanery Youth Worker
Xanthe Dell
01722 333581
Chapel of the Holy Family
Southampton Road, Whaddon
Salisbury SP5 3EB
Diocesan Website
Parish Website
Deanery Website
27 June
28 June
29 June
30 June
1 July
2 July
3 July
4 July
Year B
Weekday Cycle 1
Psalter Week 1
St Gregory’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer
St Osmund’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
St Osmund’s
Holy Redeemer
SAINTS PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES and Secondary Patrons of the Diocese
9.00 am
St Osmund’s
Neil Condon RIP
9.30 am
St Gregory’s
Roy Muricken RIP
11.00 am
St Osmund’s
MacLeod family intentions
6.00 pm
St Osmund’s
People of the Parish
9.00 am
St Gregory’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer
8.45 am
St Osmund’s
Morning Prayer
9.00 am
St Osmund’s
Jamie Purvis RIP
1.45 pm
St O.’s School
9.00 am
St Gregory’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer
9.30 am
St Osmund’s
Morning Prayer
9.45 am
St Osmund’s
Deceased members of the Hanby & Rockett
St Oliver Plunkett, Bishop and Martyr
9.00 am
St Gregory’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer
10.00 am
Holy Redeemer
Thanksgiving Intention
9.00 am
St Gregory’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer
11.00 am
St Osmund’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
11.30 am
Holy Redeemer
Requiem Mass for Frederick ‘Phil’ Philbrick
12 noon
St Osmund’s
Brian & Feithlinn Whitehead RIP
9.00 am
St Gregory’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer
10.00 am
St Gregory’s
6.45 pm
St Osmund’s
Evening Prayer
7.00 pm
St Osmund’s
Pauline Burke RIP
9.00 am
St Gregory’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer
9.30 am
St Osmund’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
10:30 am
St Osmund’s
Intentions of the donors
6.00 pm
Holy Redeemer
6.00 pm
9.00 am
9.30 am
10:30 am
6.00 pm
St Gregory’s: Fridays 10.30am
St Osmund’s: Saturdays 11.00am
Holy Redeemer: Saturdays 5.40pm
Also by request: please contact the priest
CONGRATULATIONS to Eileen Connors and Patrick Doran who will be married at St Osmund’s on
Tuesday 30 June. Please pray for Patrick and Eileen at this special time.
CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME to Martha Evelyn-May Hide, who will be baptised at St Osmund’s
on Saturday. Please pray for Martha, her parents and Godparents, at this special time.
HEALING MASS – THANK YOU A big thank you to all those who rallied round to help in so many different
ways to ensure that our Healing Mass was a great success and greatly appreciated by our housebound
parishioners who cannot attend Mass easily. As a community, we are especially grateful to Howard and
Jenny who have organised and developed this event over the past 15 years.
PRAYER AND PRAISE is held in St Gregory’s Church 7 pm to 8 pm on the first Sunday evening each
month. The next Prayer and Praise is Sunday evening, 5 July. Everyone is welcome.
BIBLE STUDY Group meets Wednesdays from 3pm to 4.30pm. The next meeting is Wednesday 15 July.
Please call 336581 for details.
PROCLAIM ’15 As part of a national evangelisation effort in this
country for 2015 we are meeting and praying about what we can do
here in Salisbury to evangelise. There will be a Prayer Vigil at St
Osmund’s from the end of the Evening Mass till Midnight on Friday
10 July. All are welcome. We also need people to sign up to cover
the later hours of the evening.
GLASTONBURY PILGRIMAGE The annual Diocesan Pilgrimage is being held at Glastonbury, Sunday 12
July. A coach is booked, which will leave from Salisbury; £10 per person, £5 children. First come, first
served. Please provide your own packed food and drinks. If you want to attend, please put your names on
the lists at the back of all churches, ASAP as limited numbers. Parish altar servers are invited to assist with
the Mass of the Anointing at 3.30pm: please give details to the parish office.
MORNING RETREAT FOR WOMEN on Tuesday 7 July, at St Georges Catholic Church Warminster from
10.30am–2pm, including Mass at 12.30pm. It will be preached by a priest of Opus Dei. Lunch from 1-2pm.
Please bring a packed lunch. For more information contact Kath Kingston 01722 335773.
NEPAL DISASTER FUND David and Penny O’Brien are opening their garden – Roses and Clematis – on
Wednesday 15 July, 10.30am–12noon and 4–6 pm, in aid of the Nepal Disaster. Landsbrook Farm,
Landford Wood, SP5 2ES. 01794 390220.
WALSINGHAM Have you booked your place on our 2015 Pilgrimage to Walsingham? If not, do so now;
you will not regret it. It is a wonderful way to prepare for the coming of Christ while all the world is sliding
into the Christmas frenzy. Peace is the word that sums up Walsingham. The village is small pretty and very
quiet. The two churches spacious, full of light and warmth and holy calm. In contrast the Slipper Chapel is
very small and charming – Our Lady and the flowers. Comfortable accommodation and good food in the
Pilgrim’s Hostel and a pub next door. Do come and join us – after one visit you will feel you must return. It
will take place by coach from Wednesday 2 December to Friday 4 December. The Pilgrimage will be led by
Fr Tom Dubois. Contact Graham Brown, who is organising a group from our Salisbury Deanery. Please
collect a booking form from the parish office and return with a non-refundable deposit of £25 as soon as
possible to the office. The total cost will be confirmed at a later date, but will probably be about £120,
dependent on numbers. Cheques should be made out to St Osmund’s Parish. All enquires to Graham –
Tel: 01980 590465 or email: grahambrown234@btinternet.com.
APPEAL FOR DONATIONS BY ALABARÉ We may be in the middle of summer but the team at
Salisbury’s Alabaré Place Drop-in Centre are desperate for winter essentials to hand out. The Centre
provides hot drinks, breakfast, freshly prepared hot meals, access to a clothing store, toiletries and sleeping
bags, as well as laundry and washing facilities, all year round to people who are homeless or in temporary
or unsuitable accommodation. It is also able to provide a postal address, information, advice, and offers
support with housing and welfare benefit issues. If you have any of the items listed below, please consider
donating them to the Centre located in Barnard Street, Salisbury. Sleeping bags, hats and gloves; coats
and fleeces; walking boots (or army boots); and toiletries. Items can be taken to the Alabaré Place Drop-in
Centre or please email enquiries@alabare.co.uk to arrange a collection.
THANK YOU Deacon Steve & Margaret Godwin, together with Lou Godwin, would like to sincerely thank
all those who participated in Steve & Margaret’s joint 60th and Lou’s 90th celebrations. We thank everyone
for their prayers, best wishes and the many cards and presents received. We all thoroughly enjoyed the
weekend and are indebted to all our friends, both Catholic and not, who contributed to the occasion. May
God bless you all.
NOAH’S ARKS Sacred Heart Church, Tisbury, is considering mounting an exhibition of Noah’s Arks,
probably in 2016. Anyone who possesses or has access to one which might be borrowed, please contact:
Fr Robert Miller 01747 870228 (tisburyparish@cliftondiocese.com).
THIS WEEKEND SECOND COLLECTION – PETER’S PENCE This collection unites us in solidarity to the
Holy See and its works of charity to those in need. Your generosity allows the Pope to respond to our
suffering brothers and sisters with promptness, love and compassion. So God’s people will not feel alone in
their time of misfortune. The Collection allows the Pope the means to provide emergency assistance to
those in need because of natural disaster, war, oppression, and disease.
TRAIDCRAFT STALL will be held between Masses in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms today Sunday 28 June.
BARBEQUE at Holy Redeemer on this Sunday 28 June, at 12.30pm. All Welcome. BYO drink (and a
salad or dessert if you can). Tickets £5 (family £15) from David Lawes (07538 943008).
MY GENERATION The group are having an outing to Weymouth on Wednesday 8 July, cost £5. For
details and to book a seat, ring Chris Francis 321109.
ST GREGORY’S Cake stall next weekend after Mass. Donations always appreciated. Thankyou.
YOUTH MASS will next be held at St Osmund’s Church in September.
SOURCE Youth Group for 10-14 year olds meet on Mondays at 6.30pm.
SPIRIT GROUP for Years 4 and 5 meets in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms every Monday from 3.30pm in term
time. New members always welcome.
YDISCIPLE If you would like to join with lots of other young people discovering for themselves what a life of
faith is all about please contact Xanie.
Death is an experience which touches all families, without exception. It is part of life; yet, where familial love
is concerned, death never seems natural. For parents, surviving their own children is particularly
heartbreaking; it contradicts the fundamental nature of the very relationships that give meaning to the family.
The loss of a son or daughter is like time stopping altogether: it opens a chasm that swallows both past and
future. Death, which takes away a little child or young person, is a blow to the promises, to the gifts and the
sacrifices of love joyfully brought to the life we gave birth to. Frequently parents come to Mass at Santa
Marta with the photo of a son, a daughter, a baby, a boy, a girl, and they say to me: “He’s gone, she’s
gone.” And their faces are filled with grief. Death touches us and when it is a child’s, it touches us
profoundly. The whole family is left paralysed, speechless. And the child left alone by the loss of one or both
parents suffers in a similar way. ... The emptiness of abandonment that opens up in the child is made all the
more agonizing by the fact that they don’t have the life experience to even “give a name” to what has
happened. “When is daddy coming back?” “When is mummy coming?” What do you say when a child
suffers? This is what death in the family is like.
In the People of God, by the grace of his compassion granted in Jesus, many families prove by their deeds
that death does not have the last word: this is a true act of faith. Every time a family in mourning — even
terrible mourning — finds the strength to guard the faith and love that unite us to those we love, it has
already prevented death from taking everything. The darkness of death should be confronted with a more
intense work of love. “My God, lighten my darkness!”, is the invocation of evening prayer. In the light of the
Resurrection of the Lord, who abandons none of those whom the Father entrusted to him, we can take the
“sting” out of death, as the Apostle Paul says (I Cor 15:55); we can prevent it from poisoning life, from
rendering vain our love, from pushing us into the darkest chasm.
In this faith, we can console one another, knowing that the Lord has conquered death once and for all. Our
loved ones are not lost in the darkness of nothing: hope assures us that they are in the good and strong
hands of God. Love is stronger than death. Thus, the way is to let love grow, make it stronger, and love will
guard us until the day that every tear shall be wiped away, when “death shall be no more, neither shall there
be mourning nor crying nor pain any more” (Rev 21:4). If we allow ourselves to be sustained by this faith,
the experience of grief can generate even stronger family bonds, a new openness to the pain of other
families, a new brotherhood with families that are born and reborn in hope. To be born and reborn in hope,
this gives us faith. But I would like to stress the last phrase of the Gospel which we heard today (cf. Lk 7:1115). After Jesus brought the young man, the only son of a widow, back to life, the Gospel says: “Jesus gave
him back to his mother.” And this is our hope! All our loved ones who are gone, the Lord will give them back
to us and we will be together with them. This hope does not disappoint! Let us remember well this action of
Jesus: “And Jesus gave him back to his mother”; thus the Lord will do with all our loved ones in the family!
(17 June 2015)
Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham Mass:
Ordinariate Evensong and Benediction:
Polish Mass:
Syro-Malabar Rite Mass:
Extraordinary Form Mass – Third Saturdays:
Holy Redeemer: 11.00am Sunday and 6.30pm Wednesday
Holy Redeemer: 6.00pm Second Sunday of the Month
St Osmund’s:
4.00pm Second Sunday of the Month
Holy Redeemer: 5.30pm First Sunday of the Month
Holy Redeemer: September
Saturday 27 June - 6pm Holy Redeemer
Sunday 12 July - 9am St Osmund’s
Sunday 26 July - 9.30am St Gregory’s
Saturday 8 August - 6pm Holy Redeemer
CLIFTON DIOCESE: With the diocese we pray for the priest and people of The Holy Family, Patchway, Bristol
and with local Christians we pray for all those involved in healing and healthcare at our hospitals and hospices.
PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS all those who are sick and in hospital. We remember those who
have died recently including baby Danny and Mr Philbrick and their families and friends, as well as those whose
anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace.
DIOCESAN PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS: “In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, walk!”
“Jesus, all for Jesus. All I am and have and ever hope to be.” So begin the lyrics to the praise song All for Jesus.
These are words that Peter and Paul would both have felt comfortable singing, united as they were in proclaiming
the victory of Jesus over sin and death. Are these words which we are comfortable to sing out loud? After all,
Jesus has given us authority in His name. He has gifted us each with a special way of witnessing to His love in
the world. Our vocation is surely the same as that of Peter and Paul. At its root, is this bold use of the name of
Jesus in driving forward the Kingdom and growing in our awareness of our chosen-ness.
This week, Matthew’s Gospel follows Jesus on his journeys, constantly teaching his disciples about faithfulness.
He challenges his disciples on what it means to follow him. He calms a violent storm at sea and heals two men
possessed by demons – demons who recognize Jesus as the “Son of God”. When he is criticized for telling a
paralytic that his sins are forgiven, Jesus says: “Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven’, or to say, ‘Rise
and walk’?” He then healed the paralytic. On Friday, Jesus does something extraordinary: he invites the reviled
tax collector, Matthew, to be one of his followers. Then he indicates that the old ways of relating to God are
gone – that he is the new way, the new wineskin.
First Reading
A reading from the Acts of the Apostles 12:1-11
Now I know the Lord really did save me from Herod.
Responsorial Psalm
Ps 33
From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
Second Reading
A reading from the second letter of St Paul to Timothy 4:6-8,17-18
All there is to come now is the crown of righteousness reserved for me.
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia!
You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.
And the gates of the underworld can never hold out against it. Alleluia!
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew 16:13-19
You are Peter, and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.