April 14.2015 - Town of Altona
April 14.2015 - Town of Altona
TOWN OF ALTONA Committee of the Whole Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. Present were: Mayor Melvin Klassen, Deputy Mayor Glen Robinson, Councillors: Donna Rosling-Wolters, Tim Fast, Terry Wiebe, Ann Kroeker and Al Friesen. Youth Representative Graham Schellenberg. Administration: CAO Dan Gagné, Manager of Finance Terry Fehr, Public Works Supervisor Steven Wiebe, Recreation Services Manager Ron Epp and Assistant CAO Delores Loewen. 1. Call to order – Mayor Melvin Klassen called the meeting to order at the appointed time. 2. Review of the agenda 6.3 Legends Car Club Test & Tunes 7.2.3 Millennium Drive Project 7.2.4 Lagoon Project Tim Fast – Terry Wiebe – moved to approve the agenda as circulated with the above noted additions. CARRIED. 3. Review of previous minutes 3.1 Minutes of March 24th, 2015 Terry Wiebe – Glen Robinson – moved to approve the March 24th, 2015 minutes as circulated. CARRIED. 4. Business arising from the minutes – none. 5. Delegations – none. Page 1 of 8 6. CAO Report 6.1 Monthly report CAO Dan Gagné reviewed his report and noted that a meeting between Pembina Valley Water Coop, Dale Lyle, Fred Dueck, and Dan Gagné has been set for Thursday, April 30th, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Committee members recommended that Councillor Tim Fast also attend the meeting. Committee members held discussions on a suitable date to meet with the Municipality of Rhineland Council to discuss a number of new agreements that are required. Committee members agreed to meet with the Municipality of Rhineland on Tuesday, May 26th, 2015 at noon. Dan to confirm. CAO Dan Gagné has been in contact with Richard Neufeld of Blue Sky Opportunities. Blue Sky and the Municipality of Rhineland will be signing a recycling agreement this Thursday and the Town of Altona will also be signing their agreement with Blue Sky shortly. Bunge noise complaints are being dealt with through Manitoba Conservation. Manitoba Conservation has inspected the Altona plant. AMEC has been at the plant reading noise levels, this report will then be forwarded to Manitoba Conservation for their review at which time Conservation may legislate Bunge to make changes to their plant. 6.2 Electronic Speed Sign on Second Street NW CAO Dan Gagné reviewed the report prepared by Chief Perry Batchelor. A request has come in from Bunge with regards to enforcement and heightening awareness of the speeds along 2nd Street NW. Bunge is willing to pay for all costs associated to the purchase and installation of the sign. Administration recommends that the Town of Altona purchase and install the SP 100 Solar Powered Speed Reader from Airmaster Signs. Bunge will be invoiced for the full amount. RECOMMENDATION: Glen Robinson – Ann Kroeker – moved to recommend the following: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Altona purchase of an Electronic Speed Sign from Airmasters Inc; AND THAT all costs associated with the Electronic Speed Sign be billed directly to Bunge Canada as reviewed and recommended by Committee of the Whole. CARRIED. Page 2 of 8 6.3 Legends Car Club Test & Tunes CAO Dan Gagné reported that the Legends Car Club is planning the following events at the Altona Airport: Test & Tunes – June 21st & July 19th & September 13th Annual Drag Race – August 29th & 30th Committee members had no objections to any of the above noted dates. 7. Works & Operations – Chaired by Glen Robinson 7.1 Fire Chief Report – monthly report Committee members reviewed the report. 7.2 Public Works – monthly report Public Works Supervisor Steven Wiebe reviewed the monthly report. In reviewing the plan regarding the trees on Spruce Crescent, the Public Works department believes that the tree replacement program can be done in two years instead of three. There are more mature trees in that bay than originally thought and Steven Wiebe will be revising the program and presenting it at the next Committee of the Whole meeting. 7.2.1 Spring Cleanup week For information only. 7.2.2 Purchase of mower Public Works supervisor Steven Wiebe has received a number of new quotes for the replacement of the front-mount mower for the Altona Park. The increase in pricing is a reflection of the increase in value of the US dollar. Administration recommends the purchase of the Kubota F3990 from Altona Farm Service for a price of $20,000 plus taxes. RECOMMENDATION: Tim Fast – Ann Kroeker – moved to recommend the following resolution: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Altona purchase the Kubota F3990 from the Altona Farm Service for $20,000 plus taxes as per the 2015 Budget. CARRIED. Page 3 of 8 7.2.3 Millennium Drive Tender Public Works Supervisor reported that the Engineers from SBC Consulting are preparing the tenders for Phase 2 of the Millennium Drive project and wish to confirm that Committee members approve that the tender exclude the installation of sewer and water along Millennium Drive. Committee members agreed that the installation of sewer and water along Millennium Drive be tendered separately. 7.2.4 Lagoon Tender Project Committee members reviewed the presentation received from JR Cousin prior to the meeting. Jason Cousin requested that Committee members consider the best date to call for tenders for the project. Manitoba Conservation has not approved the Town of Altona Lagoon Operating licence. According to recent contact with Conservation they noted that the licence should be formally approved within the next two weeks. Should there be any changes to the licence the Town would be required to issue change orders if the tender process was started prior to Conservation formally approving the licence. RECOMMENDATION: Ann Kroeker – Terry Wiebe – moved to recommend the following resolution: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Altona authorize JR Cousin to call for tenders on behalf of the Town of Altona Lagoon project upon receipt of the formal licence from Manitoba Conservation. CARRIED. 8. Community & Social Development – Chaired by Ann Kroeker 8.1 Recreation Service – no report. 8.2 Request for W.C. Miller Grad 2015 Ron Epp reviewed the request from W.C. Miller Grad 2015 for the extension of the Town of Altona Social Occasion Permit from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. for their 2015 Grad. Committee members held a lengthy discussion on this matter and agreed that they are willing to extend the permit to 2 a.m. RECOMMENDATION: Terry Wiebe – Tim Fast – moved to recommend the following resolution: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Altona approve the extension of the Town of Altona Social Occasion Permit be extended from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. for their 2015 Grad. CARRIED. Page 4 of 8 8.3 Letter from Manitoba Children & Youth Opportunities Grant For information only. 8.4 2015 Premier’s Volunteer Award For information only. Recreation Services Manager Ron Epp reported that the Municipality of Rhineland has asked for a presentation on how the Town of Altona’s recreation programs are structured. He will be presenting to them on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015. 9. Finance & Administration – Chaired by Tim Fast 9.1.1 Planning Items – monthly report 9.1.2 Variation Order Application – V2015D CAO Dan Gagné reviewed the V2015D variation application. The owner of 39 2nd Street SW has applied for a variation order to allow for the construction of an addition to an existing home. Although the proposed dimensions of the addition and changes to the existing garage do not cause non-conformities with the zoning by-law regulations, the home has two pre-existing non-conformities that need to be addressed to allow for the addition. The renovation project would require the minimum rear yard setback to be reduced to 12.45 feet and the minimum side yard setback to be reduced to 2.7 feet. District: RS - Residential Single Family District Regulation Requirement Use Several as listed Existing 9.2 5) Single family dwelling Proposed 9.2 5) Single family dwelling 7,000 square feet 7,000 square feet Site width minimum 5,000 square feet 50 feet 70 feet 70 feet Front yard 25 feet 35.25 feet 30.55 feet Rear yard 25 feet Side yard 5 feet 8.45 feet 2.7 feet along north property line 12.45 feet 2.7 feet along north property line approx. 13.6% approx. 20.8% 1 storey 1 storey Existing Proposed approx. 590 square feet approx. 1,080 square feet Site area Site coverage Building height Regulation maximum 35 feet or 2.5 storeys Requirement Dwelling area minimum 800 square feet maximum 40% Page 5 of 8 Dwelling width minimum 24 feet 26.3 feet 44.3 feet The applicant would like to proceed with construction as soon as possible. As a result, the public hearing is scheduled from Tuesday, April 28th at 6:00 p.m. and public hearing notices were circulated as required in the Planning Act on March 30th, 2015. RECOMMENDATION: Terry Wiebe – Glen Robinson – moved to recommend the following resolution: WHEREAS Section 96 of the Planning Act states that Council must give notice and hold a public hearing, in respect of a variance application; AND WHEREAS the Town of Altona has received an application for a variance (file no. V2015D); THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Altona hereby agrees to hold a public hearing to receive representations from any person on the above application on April 28, 2015 starting at 6:00 pm. CARRIED. Administration requested that this resolution be brought forth at tonight’s Council meeting. 9.2 Finance & Administration 9.2.1 Cheque listing - #48046 - #048146 - $268,554.24 Committee members reviewed the Cheque listing from #48046 #48146. RECOMMENDATION: Glen Robinson – Donna Rosling-Wolters – moved to recommend the approval of cheques #48046 - #48146 in the amount of $268,554.24 as presented. CARRIED. 9.2.2 Payroll & Indemnities March 15th – March 27th, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: Terry Wiebe – Ann Kroeker – moved to recommend Payroll & Indemnities from March 15th – March 27th, 2015 in the amount of $69,554.25 be hereby approved. CARRIED. Page 6 of 8 9.2.3 Bylaw 1741/2015 – Cancellation of borrowing bylaw RECOMMENDATION: Terry Wiebe – Ann Kroeker – moved to recommend the following resolution: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Bylaw No. 1741/2015 of the Town of Altona to cancel the authorized borrowing authority approved under Bylaw No. 1733/2014 be referred to Council for the formal approval process as reviewed and recommended by Committee of the Whole. CARRIED. 9.2.4 2015 Municipal Application Road Improvement Program Grant RECOMMENDATION: Glen Robinson – Al Friesen – moved to recommend the following resolution: WHEREAS the 2015 Financial Plan called for the construction of Phase 2 of Millennium Drive in the Parkland subdivision at an estimated cost of $350,000; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council approve Phase 2 of the Millennium Drive Project; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to submit an application to the Municipal Road Improvement Program (MRIP) for funding of up to $100,000: AND BE IT FURTHER RESOVLED THAT the estimated $250,000 portion of the project costs not covered by the MRIP grant be paid out of the General Operating Fund. CARRIED. Finance Officer Terry Fehr requested that this resolution be brought forward to tonight’s council meeting. 9.2.5 Access Field Fundraising Banquet Committee members held discussion on the purchase of banquet tickets for the Access Field Fundraiser and agreed that those wishing to attend to purchase their own tickets. 9.2.6 Annual Altona & District Chamber of Commerce Committee members held discussions on the purchase of banquet tickets for the Annual Altona & District Chamber of Commerce Awards banquet being held on May 7th. Page 7 of 8 RECOMMENDATION: Glen Robinson – Donna Rosling-Wolters moved to recommend the following resolution: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Altona purchase of 8 tickets for the Annual Altona & District Chamber of Commerce Awards dinner. CARRIED. Administration requested that this resolution be brought forth to tonight’s Council meeting. 9.2.7 2015 General Assistance Grant For information only. 9.2.8 Mobility Disadvantage Transportation Program For information only. 10. New Business – Chaired by Mel Klassen 10.1 AMM – Insurance Program update For information only. 10.2 AMM 2015 June District Meeting – Resolutions Mayor Klassen asked that if Council members have any resolutions they would like to present at the June AMM District meeting to please forward them to Administration to be discussed at the next Committee of the Whole meeting. 10.3 Water Treatment Proposal For information only. 11. Correspondence Mayor Klassen noted that the Town of Altona has received a thank you note from Team Zacharias, thanking Council for their support while attending the Junior Nationals in Alberta. 12. In-Camera 13. Adjournment – at 4:50 p.m. Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. Page 8 of 8
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