A Section Fri 05-22-15


A Section Fri 05-22-15
Buckle up!
Debrinna Su’a (right) and her
teacher and spelling coach, Liutautai
Leupolu, are set to travel to Washington D.C. over the weekend where
the Manulele Tausala 7th grader will
represent American Samoa in the 2015
Scripps Spelling Bee, May 27-28.
In addition to the Bee, they both will
enjoy the historic sights and activities
of Bee Week thanks to our major corporate sponsor, McDonald’s American
Samoa and their generous contribution — a part of McDonald’s American
Samoa’s commitment to education. We
join McDonald’s American Samoa in
[photo: AF]
wishing them a safe trip.
Fatalities CraSHES
01-01-15 to date
01-01-15 to date
office of highway safety
Visiting sailor Rimas
Meleshyus trying for
a world record… B1
Fanuatanu aiga o
Fano: ‘O Aiga E Tumau e Fa’avavau’ 17
online @ samoanews.com
Daily Circulation 7,000
Memorial Day in
American Samoa
Memorial Day, while a national U.S. holiday commemorating our men and women who died while in military service, the Territory has brought this special day into the culture
and all our loved ones that have passed away are remembered
along with our military men and women.
“Palm” pisupo is the proud sponsor of feature stories
throughout this week highlighting Memorial Day remembrances in our culture and community.
Today’s Palm Memorial Day features are of the Fano
Family or Clan’s burial ground, and a poignant commemoration of the Territory’s first female military death in the Iraqi
war — Tina Time, who was killed at the age of 22 on Dec. 13,
2004 — 11 years ago.
“It’s been 11 years… but… the pain comes back as if she
died yesterday,” says mom.
Friday, May 22, 2015
A Memorial Day observance
event only at Satala this year,
with ocean laying of wreaths
by Fili Sagapolutele, Samoa News Correspondent
American Samoa joins the rest of the nation
Monday observing Memorial Day, formerly
known as Decoration Day. Observed on the
last Monday in May, Memorial Day commemorates U.S. men and women who died while in
military service.
Extended to a three-day weekend, it is a federal and local holiday for most of the nation’s
workers. It also marks the official start of summer.
The government’s annual Memorial Day
program will start at 8:30a.m. at the Satala
Cemetery and the ASG Veterans Affairs Office
says the ceremony is open to the public.
Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga, scheduled to
return from Hawaii tonight, along with Lt. Gov.
Lemanu Peleti Mauga and other ASG and traditional leaders have been invited to the event.
After the Satala ceremony, the VIPs and
guests will board the ASG vessel MV Sili
heading out to the mouth of the harbor, just off
the village of Lauli’i for the service at sea that
includes laying wreaths in the ocean.
In past years its usually laying the wreaths at
sea first before the Satala ceremony starts.
In the last two years, the Lolo Administration had held a second ceremony at the American Samoa Armed Forces Memorial Building
at the Tafuna Industrial Park, but that is not on
the schedule this year.
In his Memorial Day message, Lt. Gov.
Lemanu Mauga, who is also the acting governor,
said Memorial Day manifests the profound gratitude and unfathomed appreciation of a grateful
nation in “recognition of the courage and valor
of our heroes for sacrificing their precious lives
to uphold and protect the American core values
of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Justice.”
He says honoring and paying tribute to fallen
heroes should not be a ritual confined just to the
Memorial Day, because the benefits of their
heroism and the ultimate sacrifice of their lives
are perpetual and continuous thus they deserve
(Continued on page 8)
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu, Samoa News Reporter
“It’s been 11 years since Tina has been gone but every time
I think about her, the pain comes back as if she just died yesterday,” said Mary Time, mother of Tina Time.
Sgt, Time, assigned to the Army Reserve’s 208th Transportation Co., was killed on December 13, 2004 in a head-on
crash during a blinding dust storm in southeast Iraq.
She is believed to be the first female American Samoan
killed while serving in the conflict. Her tour was set to end in
two months.
Speaking to Samoa News about her daughter, Mrs. Time
said “she was my daughter. Now she’s my angel.” Tina’s father
Viliamu Time, according to Mrs. Time, like every parent —
it’s still hard for him, up until now.
Sgt. Tina Tima was the third of five siblings, all who have
served in the military in different branches.
According to Mrs. Time, her oldest daughter Air Force
Staff Sgt. Emeri Time got out of the Air Force when her sister
died. “But she’s still serving somewhat, as she’s married to a
man who’s currently serving and she supports him.”
(Continued on page 14)
The grave of the late Sgt Tina Safaira Time, located in front of her home in Futiga.
She’s been gone for 11 years and yet the pain remains like it was yesterday, says her mom, Mrs.
Mary Time, standing in front of her daughter’s grave, which is part of the home’s enclosed porch.
Read Palm sponsored Memorial Day feature story of Sgt. Time — commemorating her through
[Photo: JL]
the thoughts of her mother. Page 2
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
Puerto Rico legislators narrowly
MASSAGE CENTER approve increase on sales tax…
• Shiatsu
Facial SPA
• Reflexology
• Oil Massage
$45 for 60 minutes
Location: Beside Brenda’s Photoshop in Nuuuli
Phone no: 699-4936
Business Hours: 10:00 am to 10:00 pm
(all ANSWERs ON PAGE 14)
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Legislation that would increase Puerto Rico’s sales
tax from 7 percent to 11.5 percent squeaked
by late Thursday with the minimum amount of
votes needed in the U.S. territory’s House of
The measure also would create a new 4 percent tax on professional services amid a push
to generate more revenue during an economic
crisis. Two members from the governor’s party
voted against the bill, which now goes to the
Senate for debate.
The narrow approval of 26 votes came just
weeks after the House rejected creating a 14
percent value-added tax that the governor said
was essential to boosting the economy.
If the Senate approves the latest bill, the
sales tax increase would take effect July 1 and
the new 4 percent tax would begin Oct. 1. The
measure calls for then transitioning to an 11.5
percent value-added tax that would go into
effect April 1.
The proposed tax increases could generate
$1.2 billion in revenue, which economist Gustavo Velez said would help boost the government’s liquidity and strengthen the island’s
Government Development Bank so it can issue
up to $2.95 billion in bonds as planned.
But Velez said it would not solve Puerto
Rico’s economic problems in the long term.
“We’re just buying time,” he said in a phone
interview. “We have to take advantage of the
next year and a half to create a non-political
group to pursue a fiscal reform, a tax reform,
a government reform and a plan to reactive the
Among those who opposed the bill was Rep.
Jenniffer Gonzalez, spokeswoman for the main
opposition party.
She said in a phone interview that the legislation would give Puerto Rico a higher sales
tax than any U.S. state. “It’s going to have a
dramatic impact on the economy,” she said.
Opposition legislators argued that the government should instead crack down on tax
The House approved the measure just hours
after Moody’s warned that the Government
Development Bank might run out of cash by
late August if officials don’t sell more bonds
or take emergency actions. The territory is carrying $72 billion in public debt as it struggles
through its eighth year in recession.
“Puerto Rico’s debt has risen to unsustainable levels,” Moody’s said as it announced further downgrades for Puerto Rico’s bonds and
the Government Development Bank.
Legislators are now preparing to debate a
$9.8 billion budget that Garcia proposed late
Wednesday that includes $674 million in cuts
and calls for the closure of nearly 100 schools
and 20 public agencies.
DPS head annoyed by
HR policies regarding
transfer of employees
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 3
Calls it “too much unnecessary work”
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu, Samoa News Reporter
“That’s too much unnecessary work. It’s like stopping
the police and it hampers our ability to do our work,” is how
Department of Public Safety Commissioner, Save Liuato
Tuitele describes the Human Resources’ policy on the voluntary and involuntary reassignment and transfer of employees.
Save said he’s concerned about the policy and noted that DPS
is different from other departments and agencies.
Save, in an interview last week, was responding to Samoa
News questions about recent movements by their department,
yet HR has been adamant that its policy concerning the reassignment and transfer of ASG employees be meet.
Earlier this year, HR Director Sonny L. Thompson in a
letter to all the Departments and Agencies said that voluntary
and Involuntary reassignment and transfer of employees, especially career services employees, within or between agencies
without approval by the Human Resources director is prohibited and must stop immediately.
Save said of the policy, “sometimes we have to transfer
people... for instance there is a need of a police officer at the
east substation and we then transfer someone from Central
and later notify the HR. I need to clarify that to HR because
I don’t know if it only requires a phone call or if we have to
write to them.”
Last month Samoa News received a call from the wife of
a police officer that was transferred, claiming that the transfer
made her husband feel like he had been demoted.
She also told Samoa News her husband is filing a grievance
about it because DPS is the only department that can transfer
any employee without going through the proper channels as to
the reason for the transfer.
Save said, “to me, that’s too much unnecessary work —
it’s like stopping the police and it hampers our ability to do
our work.”
He further stated that when his department makes these
personnel changes within the department, it does not mean
that the HR records for the employee that is being transferred
are changed.
“No, it doesn’t; the salary and the title remains the same.”
He further told Samoa News, “I can see this policy being
applied when someone from the jail is transferred to the fire,
or vice versa, but that is not the case with DPS, like how it was
done in the past.”
“Now I can see that there is a need for the HR approval
or notification to them, but with the DPS... that’s why I
want to meet with them so they can clarify, if it’s necessary,”
said Save.
Another point that Save made clear is that there will be no
more transfers among the DPS bureaus, which are the Police,
Fire Division and the Tafuna Correctional Facility.
He said in the past, if an officer with the TCF does something wrong, he/she is transferred to the Police — “well, that’s
not going to happen under my watch.”
“I’m not going to do that, it’s not fair, it’s just like passing
the problem to somebody else,” said Save.
Samoa News emailed the HR Director earlier this week
for comment, however as of press time, there has been no
However, in a letter the HR Director sent out to the departments and agencies, he indicated that under the American
Samoa Administrative Code 4.0313(b) (1) &(2); reassignment
is movement of a permanent employee from one position to
another in the same or another class within the same agency
with the prior approval of the director.
Transfer is defined as the movement of a permanent
employee from one position to another in the same or another
class between agencies with the prior approval of the director.
All lateral movements of personnel must be approved
by the Director, or in the case of the Judicial Branch, the
Chief Justice.
“Ignoring this warning will result in unnecessary time and
effort trying to resolve employee grievances; cause disruptions
in the workforce; create low morale; and most importantly,
undermine employee dignity and rights.
From an economic point of view it is counter productive
and very much a liability the American Samoa Government
can’t afford,” said Thompson in his letter.
A road worker signals to oncoming traffic that it’s safe to proceed, as traffic in certain parts of
the bay area is down to one lane. Traffic on the east side of the island, around the Satala shipyard
area, is down to one lane as crews from McConnell Dowell work on resurfacing parts of the road
that were affected during the ongoing sewer line project. The project includes excavating trenches
and laying pipes in the area from Leloaloa to Satala and onward to the Tool Shop in Malaloa and
the Fagatogo Marketplace to locate existing services. Fletcher Construction is the contractor for
the job which has resulted in numerous potholes and many complaints from motorists. The good
news: resurfacing has already begun and the road will be smooth again — sooner than later.
The job is part of the multi-million-dollar project to link the wastewater collection sewer system
for the residents of Aua, Leloaloa, and Onesosopo, to Pago Pago. The 5-phase East Side Villages
wastewater collection system project was officially launched in late September last year and comes
with a price tag in excess of $7 million. The work will be broken down into four parts and once
completed, the project will replace all the cesspools currently in these areas. [photo: B. Chen-Fruean]
Page 4
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
Amateurs & Wackos
By Bob Franken
“Used to be I couldn’t spell ‘politician.’ Now I are one.”
Yes, it’s come to that. It seems that now candidates are
proudly declaring as they run for the most powerful political
office in the world that they don’t know the first thing about
politics. In fact, neurosurgeon-turned-presidential-candidate
Ben Carson made no brains about it: “I’m not a politician,” he
insisted. “I don’t want to be a politician. Because politicians do
what is politically expedient -- I want to do what’s right.”
Easier said than done, Ben. There are an awful lot of experienced people running the system who have an entirely different
idea of what “right” is, to say nothing of the powerful forces
who will fight like crazy to maintain their abilities to do wrong.
It’s the biggest flaw in the thinking of the far-right people who
despise government. They want to elect people who are totally
naive and get pushed off the turnip truck right away.
Maybe they should listen to their own rhetoric. Aren’t they
the ones who have complained from Day One that Barack
Obama was a neophyte, in way over his head? In fact, they have
reason to believe they were spot-on. It’s clear that Obama was
taken aback and brutalized by those Republicans who have spent
decades sharpening their skills in the dark game of politics.
But now the tea-party types are changing their tune ... Ben
Carson is just what the, uh, doctor ordered. That’s because he
prowls the same far-right turf that they do.
Let’s face it, though, he’s nowhere near as “out there” as
some of the wacko birds (to borrow a phrase) who make up a
part of the Texas population. Actually, they apparently make
up a huge part, big enough to elect leaders who are nestled in
the vast fringes with them.
What with all the disclosures of surveillance by law enforcement and our spies who are constantly finding new ways to
invade our privacy, there are plenty of good reasons to be
superparanoid. However, routine military exercises by U.S.
Armed forces are not one of them.
Which brings us to Operation Jade Helm, a combined Navy
Seal/Army/Green Beret exercise planned for the desert countryside of the U.S. Southwest. It’s being staged there because
the terrain and conditions resemble the Mideast. Makes sense,
right? Not for those who believe it’s an invasion by Barack
Obama, their Satan, who is hell-bent on taking away their rights
and their guns. They’re having a hissy fit.
But here’s the really crazy part: The state’s governor,
Greg Abbott, has ordered the Texas National Guard to monitor the special-forces maneuvers to make sure they aren’t a
martial-law pretext.
Apparently there are so many maniacs (forget PC) out on the
Lone Star prairie that Gov. Abbott believes he needs to pander
to them. He’s joined, by the way, by Sen. Ted Cruz, who thinks
this holds some appeal nationwide. If he’s correct, we have
become a national asylum.
And if they and their legions of freedom defenders are correct, we don’t need to worry about rank amateur politics. Once
Mr. Obama takes over, we certainly will not be having anymore elections. Remind me again why that’s a bad thing.
(c) 2015 Bob Franken
Distributed by King Features Synd., Inc.
© Osini Faleatasi Inc. reserves all rights.
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Please visit samoanews.com for weekend updates.
The Department of Health’s Environmental Services Division continues to crack down on
businesses that are operating in conditions that pose a threat to the health and safety of the
territory’s residents. Earlier this week, a DOH team shut down the T.M. Inc. Laundromat in
Pago Pago after customers complained that a very strong bad odor was coming from some of
the broken washing machines. Samoa News understands that some of the inoperable washers
were full of water that hadn’t been drained in weeks. The standing water started to smell bad,
resulting in customers contacting the DOH for assistance.
The laundromat in question serves hundreds of customers per week, as the facility is open
24 hours. Dozens of residents have been seen driving into the parking lot and leaving after
reading the public notice posted on the front side of the laundromat that reads: “As of May 18,
2015, by order of the Department of Health, business is closed until further notice.”
Last month, a DOH team visited the Samoa News to carry out an inspection of the premises.
The team leader explained at the time that the DOH is carrying out inspections of all businesses
in the territory, including those that do not serve food. In addition to the private sector, the DOH
[photo: BC]
is also conducting inspections of all schools — both public and private.
Cambodia accepts refugees
under Australian agreement
CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Four refugees rejected by Australia who have agreed to
resettle in Cambodia will likely become examples that other refugees will follow, an Australian minister said Friday.
Cambodia has agreed to accept the first four
refugees under a 40 million Australian dollar
($32 million) four-year agreement it made with
Australia nine months ago to resettle asylum
seekers held in an Australia-run detention camp
on the Pacific island nation of Nauru. Many of
the 677 asylum seekers on Nauru have been
there for almost two years.
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen signed
an endorsement letter Wednesday and the
countries are now discussing when the four
will arrive in Cambodia, Gen. Khieu Sopheak,
spokesman of Cambodia’s Interior Ministry,
said Thursday.
Australian Immigration Minister Peter
Dutton said Australian officials were working
with the International Organization for Migration and other groups in Cambodia to provide
the refugees’ needs for accommodation, jobs,
transport and education.
“We want to show success with this first
four who travel,” Dutton told reporters. “I think
when we demonstrate that that can be a success,
we’ll see other people from Nauru follow to
start their new life in Cambodia.”
The first Cambodian settlers will be two Iranian men, an Iranian woman and a Rohingya
man from Myanmar. They are the only ones so
far to apply for Cambodian residency, the Cambodian general said. He declined to say where
in Cambodia they would live once they arrive.
Dutton defended the steep cost to Australian taxpayers of the AU$40 million agreement
that has so far attracted only four people from
among the 488 verified refugees on Nauru.
Australia’s tough policies of turning back
asylum seeker boats back to Indonesia and
refusing to resettle any refugee who arrives
on its shores by boat have all but stopped the
boats from coming since the conservative
government was elected in September 2013,
Dutton said.
But the government still has to resettle more
than 31,000 of the 52,000 asylum seekers who
arrived in Australia by boat during the six years
that the center-left Labor Party was in power.
“Labor created a massive mess when it
comes to boats and it’s going to take time and
taxpayers’ money, I’m sorry to say, to clean up
Labor’s mess,” Dutton said.
As part of its efforts to deter boats of asylum
seekers, Australia made the agreement with
Cambodia last September despite critics worrying that Cambodia was too impoverished to
handle the new residents and its poor human
rights record would put them at risk.
Cambodia sent officials to Nauru to meet
the four applicants and to make sure their move
was legal and voluntary.
In yesterday’s Police Report, Samoa News incorrectly mentioned in the first paragraph that
one of the two suicides occurred in Vatia. The suicide was in Afono, as mentioned in the second
paragraph. Samoa News apologies to the readers and residents of Vatia for the inadvertent error.
Parents call on ASG
to make the Iliili road
safer for school kids
by Fili Sagapolutele, Samoa News Correspondent
A traffic accident this week in which a Lupelele Elementary
School student was struck by a vehicle has re-ignited calls by
Ili’ili residents and parents of students attending the school, for
the government—including Tualauta lawmakers— to do something that will reduce the speed of cars traveling on the Ili’iliAirport road that runs in front of the school.
Police are investigating the Tuesday incident, which occurred
during lunch time when the student was trying to across the street
heading to a nearby store. Samoa News reported yesterday that
school officials, who heard the accident and came outside, said
the driver of the green truck was speeding. (See yesterday’s edition for more details under ‘Police Report’)
A handful of residents who contacted Samoa News on
Wednesday also claimed that the green truck was speeding at the
time of the incident and that cars speeding in the Lupelele school
zone have become a common problem and a serious safety concern for parents and residents.
“I have requested police and our faipule in the past to do
something for the safety of Lupelele students because I see cars
speeding in front of the school,” said Ili’ili resident Morgan Suapilimai. “The government needs to do something to slow down
traffic in the school zone as many of these vehicles speed through.”
“Myself and others in Ili’ili have been asking for the government
to do something before a serious accident happens, and now a student is struck by a car,” Suapilimai said in a phone interview. “My
biggest concern is the safety of students, who should be protected.”
An Ili’ili mother who has two children attending Lupelele and
asked not be identified by name, said she raised the issue of cars
speeding in front of the school with Rep. Larry Sanitoa more than
a year ago, after witnessing a close-call. She and two other Ili’ili
residents have suggested constructing a speed bump in front of
Lupelele— similar to the huge speed-bump fronting the entrance
to the Iakina school campus in Ili’ili.
When contacted for comments, Sanitoa acknowledged that parents and residents of Ili’ili have raised concerns regarding speeding
vehicles in the village, especially regarding the safety of students
attending Lupelele. And like all other issues dealing with schools
in Tualauta, he says he continues to push them through the appropriate ASG agency, and work with those agencies to address them.
Sanitoa says he has been working with Department of Public
Works “to put calming and other safety devices to inform motorists
to slow down in fronts of schools, including Lupelele” and “Department of Public Safety assistance is often sought and provided to help
with road patrol and traffic monitoring or presence around school
zones island-wide to alert motorists to drive carefully.”
He pointed out that a traffic accident such as hitting a pedestrian as a result of reckless speeding is an unfortunate event.
“Even worse, is when a senseless accident happens in and around
a school zone area where everyone generally expects motorists to
drive responsibly – slow down during school hours and be alert to
watch for crossing students,” he said.
“Whatever preventive measure that can be thought of is being
addressed,” he said, adding, “the bottom line is everyone must do
their part in being responsible drivers, adhere to speed limits and
warning signs plus be mindful of pedestrians, especially students
within school zone areas.”
Sanitoa said he will request a report on the police investigation of the Lupelele accident as well as a follow up with Lupelele
school officials and Education Department on their security procedures to ensure students are safe during school hours.
One of the Ili’ili residents who contacted Samoa News on
Wednesday said that the major problem he sees is that motorists
“do get careless” on the road speeding through a school zone,
knowing very well that school is in session.
“I’ve seen this same bad behavior in other areas of the island
where a school is located,” he said, adding that the worst areas
are in front of Matafao Elementary School in Fagaalu and the
South Pacific International Christian Center school at Fatumafuti.
“I have witnessed in front of Matafao during school time, drivers
going over 30mph when the speed limit is 20mph.”
Meanwhile, Sanitoa said Tualauta County infrastructure
improvements are a priority for lawmakers past and present. He
pointed out that the current and ongoing road improvements now in
progress include extending sidewalks, installing calming and safety
devices, and road signs for both speed limits and traffic hazards.
This is in addition to continuous efforts by DPW and local
contractors to apply temporary fixes to accesses roads needing
immediate attention after inclement weather, he said.
“All the improvement projects are part of an ongoing collaboration with DPW since 2012; and continually revisited to push
forward numerous pending projects once a funding source is
available,” he said.
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 5
Tuesday, May 26 - WORKSHOP DAY 1 - Sunia Ocean Center, Utulei
Sign in/Coffee and Refreshments
Master of Ceremonies
Opening Prayer and Hymns
Masters of Ceremonies (Samoan Introduction)
Lt. Governor Welcome
English Introcution
PIFSC Overview of Meeting
SESSION 1: Fisheries
Biosampling/Life History of Reef Fish and
9:45-10:00am Pelagics: American Samoa Observer Program/
South Pacific Albacore Biology
10:00-10:15am BREAK
10:15-10:30am NOAA Currently Funded Projects
Gataivai Talamoa
Deacon Kaio, Ah Hing, Sergeant Major,
United States Army Cadet Command,
Senior Army Instructor, Faga’itua High School
& Faga’itua High School Choir and Faculty
Gataivai Talaoa
HC Lemanu Peleti Mauga
Bob Humphreys
Risa Oram/Richard Hall
Domingo Ochavillo/bob Humphreys
Michael Marsik/Bob Humphreys
Kara Miller, Fatima Sauafea-Leau,
Kristine Bucchianeri
10:30-10:45am SESSION 1 **DISCUSSION**
10:45-1:00pm SESSION 2: Ecosystem
10:45-11:00am Connectivity
11:00-11:15am Coral Reefs
Domingo Ochavillo, Tim Clark
Bernardo Vargas-Angel/Doug Fenner/
Wendy Cover
11:15am-12Noon SESSION 2 **DISCUSSION**
12NOON - 1:00PM LUNCH (on your own, in local area)
Session 3: Understanding and Addressing Threats
Coral Bleaching
Wendy Cover
Crown of Throns Starfish
Tim Clark
Change Location
Tuesday, May 26 - PUBLIC SESSION DAY 1-Sadies By The Sea Conference Room, Utulei
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Session 4 - Community Involvement
Communicating with Broader Community
Interactive Fisheries Staitons: NOAA Fisheries,
Biosampling, Traditional Fisheries, Coral Reefs,
Crown of Thorns, Seabirds
Gataivai Talamoa/Bob Humphreys/
Fatima Sauafea-Leau
Fatima Sauafea-Leau, Kristine Bucchianeri
Gataivai Talamoa/Domingo Ochovilla
High Talking Chief Afoa Afoa/
Bernardo Vargas-Angel, High Chief Pua
Wednesday, May 27 - WORKSHOP DAY 2 - Sunia Ocean Center, Utulei
Sign in/Coffee and Refreshments
Welcome and Recap of Day 1
Risa Oram
SESSION 5: Understanding and Addressing Threates (continued)
Jewel Tuiasosopo/Christopher Shuler
Thierry Work and Mareike Sudek
Ocean Acidification
10:15-11:30am SESSION 6: Ecosystem (Continued)
10:15-10:30am Socioeconomics
10:30-10:45am Habitat Mapping/Geospatial Data
10:45-11:00am Marine Protected Areas
11:00-11:30am SESSION 6 **DISCUSSION**
11:30am-12:30pm LUNCH (on your own, in local area)
12:30-1:45pm SESSION 7: Protected Species
12:30-12:45pm Muliava (Rose Atoll)
12:45-1:00pm Sea Turtles
Marine Mammals
Break Out Session to Prioritize Research
Report Out
Justin Hospital
Bryan Dieter/Kelley Tagarino
Afa Uirikirifi/Jeremy Raynal
Frank Pendelton/Brian Peck
Marc MacDonald/Shawn Murakawa
Adam Miles
Page 6
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
Tafuna High School’s Class of 2005 valedictorian Andrew Ah Young (center) recently received
his PhD in biological chemistry from UCLA. He is pictured with his colleagues Giancarlo and
David, both of whom were also awarded the DYF in the department of Biological Chemistry at
[Samoa News archives]
the Home of the Bruins (See story for full details).
by Samoa News Staff
He could very well be American Samoa’s first doctorate-degree-holding scientist.
Andrew Ah Young graduated from Tafuna High School in 2005 as valedictorian and his achievements didn’t stop there.
Recently, he graduated with his Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) degree in biological chemistry
from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
Last year, Ah Young was selected to receive a 2014-2015 Dissertation Year Fellowship (DYF)
in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the intellectual community and progress towards
completing his doctoral degree from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).
The announcement was made via email to Samoa News by Phuong H. Pham, the Fund
Manager/Student Affairs Officer for the Dept. of Biological Chemistry at UCLA- Caltech
Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP), David Geffen School of Medicine.
Phuong is also the administrative graduate student advisor at UCLA for the Biological Chemistry
Ph.D program.
The Fellowship consisted of a $20,000 stipend and covered full tuition and fees for the
academic year. “This is one of the most prestigious fellowships at UCLA and I would like to share
this great news with you,” Phuong wrote to the Samoa News last year.
Ah Young joined the UCLA Department of Biological Chemistry training program in 2013
and studied under his research mentor Dr. Pascal Egea. He received his bachelor’s degree in
2009 from the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
One of Ah Young’s Tafuna HS classmates said via email to the Samoa News, “This is a huge
achievement for my class so far.” She added, “he could very well be the first native born and raised
Samoan to become a PhD Scientist. I did my Google search, and couldn’t find any Samoan scientists.
So, this is amazing.”
Congratulations Andrew!
The total rainfall so far for this month is 11.80 inches, well over the norm of 10.62 for May. This
is according to local meteorologist Carol Maafala-Baqui who said that the rainy weather will continue until tonight. She said the stationary front will eventually dissipate around noon today, “yet
there will be clouds near the Samoan islands that will move westward, causing scattered rainfall to
pass over the island.”
Locals should expect moderate to fresh tradewinds to persist into the Memorial Day holiday
weekend. Sea conditions will be subsiding to below 8ft. tomorrow morning “so expect moderate sea
conditions into the new week,” Maafala-Baqui continued.
Over the past two weeks, the territory has experienced a lot of wet weather as a trough that was
hovering over the Samoan Islands remained nearly stationary, hovering back and forth with breaks
here and there, with lots of showers.
Everyone is advised to tune in to the local radio and television stations for updates and warnings
for flash flooding and small crafts advisories.
If you have nothing to do next Monday, Memorial Day, then show your support of those with
mental illnesses by joining the Fun Run and Walk at the Veterans Memorial Stadium in Tafuna.
The event is being held to officially close Mental Health Awareness Month.
Registration starts at 5 a.m. and the run/walk kicks off at 6:30 a.m.
The fun run and walk is being coordinated by the Department of Human and Social Services and
some of its partners, including the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Everyone is invited and participation is free of charge.
(Continued on page 14)
UN climate fund passes financing
threshold with Japan deal
RIGA, Latvia (AP) — The U.N.’s fund for climate aid to developing countries says it now has enough cash to kick off projects
before a key climate summit in Paris.
Green Climate Fund officials said a Japanese commitment
Thursday of $1.5 billion pushed the fund’s resources beyond the
threshold at which they can start financing projects in developing
U.N. officials had hoped to reach that milestone already by the
end of April, well in advance of the Paris summit in December,
but lacked signed agreements for funding from major donors
including the U.S. and Japan.
The fund now has signed agreements for $5.47 billion out of
the $10.2 billion that countries have said they will contribute.
The GCF aims to help developing countries limit their greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change.
the World’s biggest atom
smasher sets energy record
BERLIN (AP) — Scientists operating the world’s biggest particle collider say they have set a new energy record ahead of the
massive machine’s full restart in June.
The European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN,
says it succeeded late Wednesday in smashing together protons at
13 trillion electronvolts.
That’s close to the 14 trillion electronvolts maximum that the
Large Hadron Collider, located in a 27-kilometer (16.8-mile)
tunnel beneath the Swiss-French border, is designed to achieve.
CERN said in a statement Thursday that the collisions were
a key part of the tests being done to prepare for a second run of
experiments starting next month.
The collider underwent a $150 million upgrade after its first
run, which produced results that helped confirm the existence of
an elusive subatomic particle, the Higgs boson.
Massachusetts House speaker
stuck in school during lockdown
WEYMOUTH, Mass. (AP) — Police have arrested a 15-yearold boy whose boast of having a gun led to a lockdown at a
Massachusetts high school during a visit by Massachusetts House
Speaker Robert DeLeo and another lawmaker.
The hour-long lockdown at Weymouth High School in eastern
Massachusetts ended without incident at about 1 p.m. Thursday
after police searched the school and determined the student lied
about having a firearm.
The boy was charged with disorderly conduct and disturbing a
school assembly before being released to his parents.
The Patriot Ledger reports that DeLeo and Weymouth Democratic Rep. James Murphy were at the high school to participate
in a mock trial that cleared former President Richard Nixon of
wrongdoing in the Watergate scandal.
The lawmakers and students were told to stay in the classroom
during the lockdown.
Man evades police, then caught
while returning for lost hat
EASTLAKE, Ohio (AP) — An 18-year-old had successfully
eluded officers in northeast Ohio, but a search for his missing hat
led him back into the hands of police.
Northeast Ohio Media Group reports officers in Eastlake tried
to stop Otha Montgomery for running a red light Tuesday morning.
Authorities say Montgomery sped up when an officer pursued
him, then pulled into a driveway and ran away on foot.
Police say Montgomery was stopped later and told officers he
was walking to a friend’s house. They didn’t arrest him.
Montgomery later returned to the scene where the pursuit
ended to retrieve his lost hat.
After giving officers there a detailed description of the missing
hat, police found it in a flowerbed and arrested him.
Court records don’t list an attorney for Montgomery.
Permanent Michael Brown
memorial installed in Ferguson
FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — A plaque and metallic likeness of
a dove have been installed in Michael Brown’s memory near the
spot where the unarmed, black 18-year-old was shot and killed last
summer by a white Ferguson police officer.
Crews installed the plaque and dove Thursday hundreds of feet
apart on a sidewalk in Ferguson, Missouri, one day after the midstreet memorial for Brown was cleared.
Wednesday would have been Brown’s 19th birthday.
The makeshift memorial had cropped up within hours of
Brown’s death and became what many saw as a symbol of a new
civil rights movement over race and policing.
Brown’s death touched off protests and a “Black Lives Matter”
movement that gained momentum with subsequent police killings
of unarmed black men in other U.S. cities.
(Continued on page 10)
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 7
6:30pm • TONIGHT, Friday, May 22nd
• Samoa Sports Complex (Bowling Alley)
Dear Leaders, Colleagues,
Alumni’s, Parents, Family & Friends:
It is an honor and privilege to be a leader among
leaders in helping to shape the future of our students in
the industrial fields. As the only ‘Trade’ High School on
island, we take this moment in time to reminisce and
reflect on the vision of our forefathers that have paved
the way in building a learning institute where students
can experience a vocational aptitude in building a better
future for themselves.
As we celebrate 30 Years since the inception as a Skills
Center in 1985, and later known as “Nu’uuli Poly-Tech
High School”, we take pride and delight in paying
tribute to all who have had an impact in promoting and
supporting our students and school. May our good Lord
continue to give us the strength, courage and wisdom to
move our school forward for the benefit of generations
to come. Fa’afetai, fa’afetai tele lava.
Tupa’i Roderick Atafua, Principal
Nu’uuli Voc-Tech High School
Page 8
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
➧ Memorial Day observance…
Continued from page 1
Congresswoman Aumua Amata lays a wreath at the Vietnam War Memorial In Memory of
[courtesy photo]
SSGT Faleagafulu Ilaoa. to be remembered constantly
by uttering a simple phrase
“Please God Bless the Fallen
Soldiers and their families.”
“So to our Fallen Heroes,
we are indebted to you for
it is obvious that you valued
us more than your own life,”
Lemanu said.
(See complete context
of the Lemanu’s Memorial
Day message published elsewhere in today’s edition as an
In Washington D.C. Congresswoman Aumua Amata
laid a wreath at the Vietnam
War Memorial earlier this
week. She noted, “As we
gather together this weekend
with friends and family, let us
all take a moment to remember
those who have given so much
for our nation.
“It is their answer to the call
of service, and ultimately their
unforgettable sacrifice that we
salute. Without these brave
men and women we would not
enjoy the freedom we cherish
so much today.
To Our One & Only
May 25, 1925
Proverbs 31: 25 “She is clothed with strength and dignity
and she laugh without fear of the future.”
Faataoto 31: 25 “O le malosi ma le mamalu e fai mona
ofu ia. Ua ata’ata foi o ia i aso o lumanai.”
Happy 90th Birthday Mom!
Love your Children, Grandchildren
and Great-Grandchildren near and far
“Let us also keep in our
hearts and prayers, the brave
service members both here at
home and abroad, who at this
very moment are steadfastly
watching over our nation. God
bless our service members and
may He continue to watch over
the United States,” Amata said.
For American Samoa,
Memorial Day marks the day
our community remembers
all our loved ones that have
passed, and the Memorial Day
weekend activities include
cleaning, painting and decorating grave sites island-wide.
By Monday morning, flowers
— fresh and plastic — along
with other decorations will
adorn the island’s graves.
A common sight throughout
the territory on this day will
be U.S. and American Samoa
flags flying over many of the
grave sites paying tribute to
our fallen soldiers.
Originally held in commemoration of soldiers killed in the
American Civil War (1868),
the observance of Memorial
Day later extended to all U.S.
service men and women who
died in a war.
National observance of
Memorial Day is marked by
the U.S. president placing a
wreath on the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier in Arlington
National Cemetery.
Here in the Territory, federal and local government
offices will close on Monday,
including the US Post Office.
The two private financial
institutions and the majority
of local businesses will also
StarKist Inc., corporate
spokesperson Michelle Faist
said StarKist Samoa is not
working on Monday in observance of Memorial Day and
will resume production on
Tuesday, May 26. “We wish
our employees and their families a safe and Happy Memorial Day holiday,” Faist said
yesterday via email from
the company’s Pittsburgh
Some stores will be open
Monday as part of their Memorial Day specials.
(See today’s edition for
advertisement details).
Although its a long
weekend, Polynesian Airlines
says there are no extra flights
on the inter Samoa route. “We
are running normal schedule
with no add on flights,” Polynesian local station manager
Toe Loia said yesterday.
On Memorial Day the fun
run and walk event — to promote physical and mental
health — as part of this month’s
activities celebrating Mental
Health Awareness Month of
May is scheduled. Organized
by the Department of Human
and Social Services, registration begins at 5a.m. at the
Veterans Memorial Stadium,
with the run/walk event to get
underway around 6:30a.m.
In observance of Memorial Day, Samoa News will not
publish on Monday but will
return on Tuesday.
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 9
Wishing Our Mother Faletua
The happiest of her GOLDEN JUBILEE in American Samoa
Page 10
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
Continued from page 6
In this Wednesday, May 20, 2015 photo, lightning strikes between the towns of Krum and
Sanger in Denton County, Texas, as a tornado warning was in effect for Sanger, Bolivar and
(Al Key/The Denton Record-Chronicle via AP)
Krum just after midnight.
Obama’s trade bill narrowly
clears a key Senate hurdle
WASHINGTON (AP) — In a triumph for
President Barack Obama, sweeping legislation
to strengthen the administration’s hand in global
trade talks advanced toward Senate passage
Thursday after a showdown vote that remained
in doubt until the final moment.
The 62-38 vote, two more than the 60 needed,
came from a solid phalanx of Republicans and more
than a dozen Democrats. But the decisive thumbsup came — literally, and long past the allotted
time — from Democratic Sen. Maria Cantwell of
Washington after she and a few others seized the
moment as leverage to demand a vote next month
on legislation to renew the Export-Import Bank.
“It was a nice victory. We’re going to continue and finish up the bill this week,” Majority
leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Obama’s
most important Senate ally on the trade bill, said
after sealing the agreement that Cantwell, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
and others had sought.
The Senate action to move toward a final vote
was “a big step forward,” Obama said at the White
House, predicting that a trade deal would “open up
access to markets that too often are closed.” The
president was up late Wednesday night placing
telephone calls to lawmakers, and he spoke with
Cantwell again shortly before the vote.
Final Senate passage would clear the way for
a fierce struggle in the House.
The legislation would allow Obama to make
trade deals that Congress could either support or
reject but not change. Previous presidents have
had similar authority, and administration officials
argue that Japan and other Pacific-region countries in a current round of 12-nation trade talks
will be unwilling to present bottom-line offers if
they know lawmakers can seek more concessions.
But the real political divide is over the value
of international trade agreements themselves,
and the result has been a blurring of traditional
political lines.
Supporters say such agreements benefit the
US economy by lowering barriers overseas and
expanding markets for U.S. services and goods.
But in rebuttal that became particularly pronounced two decades ago when President Bill
Clinton sought and won a North American Free
Trade Agreement, labor unions and Democratic
allies in Congress argue the deals cost jobs at
home and send them to nations with lax environmental and safety standards and low wages.
The trade measure is one of three major bills
pending in the Senate as lawmakers look toward
a weeklong Memorial Day recess set to begin at
week’s end.
Legislation to renew the Patriot Act is also
on the calendar, as is a bill to renew authority
for the government to commit federal funds for
highway and bridge construction. Both face a
June 1 deadline, and McConnell is particularly
intent on making sure the anti-terrorism Patriot
Act doesn’t lapse at a time Republicans hold the
majority in Congress.
The House has passed White House-backed
legislation that would make a significant change
in the government’s bulk collection of Americans’ phone records. A Senate vote is expected
once the trade bill has passed, but it is unclear if
there are the 60 votes needed to send it to Obama
for his signature.
The House has also cleared a two-month extension of highway funding. It is likely to be accepted
by the Senate, and serve as prelude to a second
round of work this summer on a longer-term bill.
As for the trade bill, Speaker John Boehner,
R-Ohio supports the business-backed legislation,
and Republicans hold 245 seats in the House.
But dozens of rank-and-file GOP lawmakers are
opposed either on ideological grounds or because
they say they do not want to enhance Obama’s
power at their own expense.
Democratic support is weak, given the opposition of organized labor. But Rep. Nancy Pelosi of
California, the party’s leader, has yet to announce
her position and has said repeatedly she hopes to
be able to facilitate the bill’s passage.
A similar political divide exists in the Senate,
although the presence of a dozen or so pro-trade
Democrats should give the trade bill the 60-vote
majority needed to pass.
In recent days, though, the bill’s fate became
entwined with the future of the Export-Import
Bank, a relatively little-known federal agency
that helps companies conduct business overseas.
It is due to go out of existence on June 30, and
Cantwell, Graham and others had made it clear
they wouldn’t vote to advance the trade bill
unless McConnell agreed to allow a vote next
month to keep it in business.
Cantwell said several projects are in line for
bank approval by the end of July, and “no one
wants to put these important opportunities that
hard-working American businesses have secured
... at jeopardy.” Her office said there were 47 in
all, worth $18.4 billion.
McConnell said this week that while he opposes
the bank, its supporters are “entitled to a vote.”
Still, it took the presidential phone calls, closeddoor Capitol meetings and urgent, private pleadings on the Senate floor in full view of the galleries
before Cantwell stepped forward to cast her vote.
Senate panel OKs letting the VA
docs give advice on medical pot
WASHINGTON (AP) — A GOP-controlled Senate panel
Wednesday approved a plan to permit veterans to receive information about medical marijuana from their government doctors.
The proposal by freshman Sen. Steve Daines would lift a rule
blocking Department of Veterans Affairs doctors from discussing
the pros or cons of medical pot with their patients.
They would still not be able to prescribe it.
Daines said veterans should be able to “talk openly and freely
with their doctor about all options available to them.”
The Appropriations Committee approved the measure by an
18-12 vote as an amendment to a bill funding the Department of
Veterans Affairs. Four Republicans joined with panel Democrats
in support of the move.
Twenty-three states and the District of Columbia permit the
use of medical marijuana, which advocates say helps with conditions like chronic pain, glaucoma, anxiety, and nausea from
chemotherapy or drugs to combat HIV.
The measure narrowly failed the House last month by a 213210 vote.
In addition to Daines and every panel Democrat, GOP Sens.
Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and
Bill Cassidy of Louisiana voted for the amendment.
Cross-dressing diva Conchita
Wurst to Putin: Let’s hang out
VIENNA (AP) — Conchita Wurst would like to hang out with
Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The bearded Austrian cross-dresser says she would “love to
spend at least a week with him” because she wants to understand
what it means to “be President Putin.”
Russia under Putin has clamped down heavily on gay rights,
making public displays of homosexuality punishable by law.
Wurst’s participation last year in the Eurovision Song Contest
was widely criticized by thousands of Russians.
The Russian Orthodox Church described her as an “abomination” and after her win, Putin advised her not to flaunt her lifestyle.
But that doesn’t seem to phase Wurst, who expressed her wish
Thursday at a presentation of her new album. She is co-hosting
this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna on Saturday.
Indicted police officer
arraigned in federal court
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A Minneapolis police officer has
pleaded not guilty in federal court to charges of perjury, falsifying
records and civil rights violations by using excessive force.
The Star Tribune says Michael Lewis Griffin was arraigned
Thursday and was released on a $25,000 bond.
The indictment against the 40-year-old says he assaulted at
least four people while off-duty, after identifying himself as an
officer, then filed false reports.
The indictment includes nine counts. In one case, the indictment says Griffin was outside a Minneapolis nightclub in 2010
when his friend started arguing with a man who tried to walk away.
It says Griffin followed the man, punched him until he lost consciousness, told officers to arrest the man and filed a false report.
Griffin is due back in court July 22.
one Overbooked flight leads to
under-dressed traveler at airport
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — After dressing down a gate agent
about an overbooked flight, an angry would-be passenger apparently decided he would get undressed.
WBTV in Charlotte reports one witness says the unidentified
man was trying to board a US Airways flight to Jamaica from
Charlotte Douglas International Airport on Wednesday.
Sherry Ketchie said the man still had his clothes on while he
was yelling at a gate agent.
Soon, however, Ketchie said the man began removing clothes
and saying nothing as security agents arrived to surround him. She
said the man stood naked in the concourse for about an hour.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police said the man was taken by
emergency personnel for treatment of what was termed “a medical
issue” and will not face charges.
Sweden scrambles fighters
to intercept Russian bombers
STOCKHOLM (AP) — Sweden says it has scrambled fighter
jets to intercept two Russian military planes flying near the country’s airspace over the Baltic Sea.
Military spokesman Jesper Tengroth says the Russian planes
approached across international airspace near the southern
Swedish island of Oland on Thursday morning.
He did not specify the type of aircraft but local daily Dagens
Nyheter said they were Tupolev TU-22M bombers.
Sweden’s Supreme Commander Sverker Goranson told
Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Radio that it was a “clear indication” of increased Russian military activity in the region and “an
obvious signal to the outside world.”
The incident comes a day before the Arctic Challenge 2015
military air exercises begin in the region, with some 100 fighter
jets from U.S. and NATO joining Finnish and Swedish aircraft.
(Continued on page 12)
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 11
Stevenson’s at Manase
to host inaugural Samoa
Open Water Swim Festival
(BASED ON A PRESS RELEASE) — 2015 has been a busy
year for the team at Stevenson’s at Manase with a number of events
and celebrations taking place at the hotel in the first half of the year.
This month, Stevenson’s at Manase hosts the inaugural Samoa
Offshore Open Water Swim Festival from 22 to 24 May, a 3-day
international swimming event hosted entirely from the beach at the
resort. The series offers international competitors the opportunity
to compete in swims of up to 10km with recreational swimmers
being offered swims from 1.5km up to 2.5km over the weekend.
The event has been arranged and managed by long-time swimming enthusiast Bill Roxburgh who has been involved in both
swimming and triathlon events for 30 years. The launch of the
Samoa Open Water Swim Festival follows the launch of the
Samoa Tri, an international triathlon hosted in 2013.
“Savaii is a prime location for swimming due to the clear
waters, safety aspects, underwater scenery and all around natural
environment” says Bill from the afternoon comfort of the Stevenson’s Beach Bar deck.
The event is also graced by the presence of international swimming champion Steve Prescott as Swim Director for the series.
Steve has been involved in competitive swimming since the age of
9, he has held the world records for 400m and 800m freestyle and
has recently achieved the title of New Zealand Master Swimmer
of the Year and the Mid-Canterbury Sportsman of the Year.
Steve will not only be competing for the first Samoa Swim
Series title at this event, he will also be providing swimming
lessons to the local children and acting as Swim Safety Officer
for the family swim day on Saturday. When asked for his initial
impression of Savaii as an international swimming location Steve
labelled Savaii as “a pretty special place that has loads of potential
as a swimming destination”.
The team at Stevenson’s at Manase is proud to be hosting an
event that will draw attention to Savaii as a destination on the world
stage. General Manager, Derek Webb says “it is wonderful to see
an event held at our hotel which involves the local community”. A
special 500m swim will be offered to any interested local participants with prizes and giveaways to be presented on the day. Stevenson’s at Manase thanks the organizers of the Samoa Swim Festival for their efforts in putting together this exciting international
event for Savaii and looks forward to seeing it grow in the future.
The Samoa Offshore Open Water Swim festival is proudly
sponsored by: Samoa Tourism Authority, Samoa International
Finance Authority, Offshore Incorporations Ltd. Group, Stevenson’s at Manase and High5. For further enquiries contact the
Stevenson’s at Manase team: Phone: +685 58219 Email: sales@
stevensonsatmanase.com Web: www.stevensonsatmanase.com
Nuuuli: 699-9866
Tafuna: 699-4823
Store Hours
Mon - Fri.: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat.: 7:30am - 1:00pm
Ho Ching & Co., Inc.
AY 25T
will be OPEN
Memorial Day,
May 25th,
7:30am to 1:00
Defendant Mafoa Mikaele
takes the plea agreement
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu, Samoa News Reporter
Drug defendant Mafoa Mikaele will be sentenced on June 25,
2014 after he admitted to being in unlawful possession of a controlled substance, marijuana. The defendant and his co-defendant,
Lorenzo Rodriguez, 20 , were caught with more than 20 marijuana
joints, and are held on bail of $25,000.
Rodriguez is charged with unlawful possession of a controlled
substance, marijuana with intent to distribute, which carries a jail
term of not more than 20 years, a fine of not more than $20,000
or both, while Mafoa is charged with the unlawful possession of a
controlled substance, marijuana which is punishable from five to
10 years, a fine up to $5,000 or both.
During the plea agreement Mafoa pleaded guilty to the amended
charge of unlawful possession of a controlled substance which
holds a lesser penalty that the original count he was facing. The plea
agreement was accepted by Associate Justice Lyle L Richmond.
According to the government’s case, police officers were
patrolling the parking lot of a night club when they came across
two men smoking what appeared to be cigarettes. The men looked
as if they were juveniles. One of the officers approached the two
men and smelled the odor of marijuana.
The men were asked to be searched and police found a pack of
cigarettes containing what appeared to be 23 ‘joints’ on one of the
men, which later tested positive for marijuana.
The men were taken into police custody and escorted to the
Tafuna Substation where they were interviewed separately.
Court filings says Rodriguez allegedly admitted to buying 24
marijuana joints from a man in Faleniu, and he also provided a
description of the seller. He told police that he smoked one of the
joints at the bar, and also said he intended to smoke some of the
cigarettes and sell the rest. Mafoa told police that he bought some
cigarettes from a ‘rasta-haired’ man from Tafuna for $150, but he
also received some free marijuana joints.
The case against Rodriguez is still pending in High Court.
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Page 12
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
Continued from page 10
Samoana High class of 2013 grad Anthony Vaiuta Steffany received an Army Commission as
Second Lieutenant and an AA degree in Criminal Justice from Wentworth Military Lexington, Missouri on May 16. Second Lieutenant Steffany was born in Fagasa, American Samoa and is the son of
Carl William Steffany of Fagasa, American Samoa and Vaesavali Vaiuta Steffany of Pu’apu’a, Savai’i.
Steffany’s mother who lives in Hawai’i and his aunty Faifaimalieupuosamoa Malepeai, his uncle
Simi Malepeai flew in from Arizona to witness the milestone in Steffany’s educational journey.
2LT Steffany will be assigned as a Chemical Officer in the Missouri Army National Guard with
the 1-135th Attack Reconnaissance Battalion. He will continue his undergraduate studies at the
University of Central Missouri, majoring in Criminal Justice.
Mounting his shoulder boards during the special service on that evening were his mother,
Vaesavali Vaiuta Steffany and aunty U.S. Army Sergeant First Class (retired) Faifaimalie Steffany
Malepeai. Presenting with his first salute was his uncle, former U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Simi
Malepeai. Congratulations 2LT Steffany. [courtesy photo]
Hundreds protest Wash. police
wounding of unarmed suspects
OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Hundreds
marched peacefully in Washington state’s capital
city to protest a police shooting that wounded
two unarmed stepbrothers suspected of trying to
steal beer from a grocery store.
The officer reported he was being assaulted
with a skateboard early Thursday before the
shooting that left a 21-year-old man in critical
condition and a 24-year-old man in stable condition. Both were expected to survive.
The stepbrothers are black, and the officer is
white, but Olympia Police Chief Ronnie Roberts
said, “There’s no indication to me that race was a
factor in this case at all.”
Protesters who turned out Thursday evening
held signs that read “Race is a Factor” and “We
Are Grieving.”
The men were identified as Andre Thompson,
24, and Bryson Chaplin, 21, both of Olympia.
“It was terrible,” the young men’s mother,
Crystal Chaplin, told KIRO-TV. “It’s heartbreaking to see two of my babies in the hospital
over something stupid.”
The shooting is being investigated by a team
of detectives from several agencies.
Brad Watkins, chief deputy of the Thurston
County Sheriff’s Department, said two skateboards
were recovered from the shooting scene and an
investigation will likely take three to six weeks.
The young men had no guns, investigators said.
The crowd of demonstrators rallied first at a
park, then marched about a mile to a building that
houses the Olympia police headquarters and City
Hall. Protesters chanted “Black Lives Matter,”
‘’No Justice, No Peace” and the names of the
young men who were shot.
Olympia police tweeted their thanks to
marchers “for keeping the event nonviolent.”
“We are committed to helping our community
work through this difficult circumstance and help
us understand this tragic event,” the police chief
told a news conference Thursday afternoon.
Officer Ryan Donald was among those who
responded around 1 a.m. Thursday to a call from
a Safeway store, Roberts said.
Employees said two men tried to steal beer
and then threw the alcohol at workers who confronted the pair.
Officers split up to search for the men. Donald
encountered two men with skateboards who fit witnesses’ descriptions, and moments later, he radioed
in that shots had been fired, the police chief said.
In radio calls released by police, Donald calls
dispatchers once he spots the men, and again to
report that he fired shots. “I believe one of them is
hit, both of them are running,” Donald said.
He tells dispatchers that one of the men
“assaulted me with his skateboard.”
“I tried to grab his friend,” Donald said.
“They’re very aggressive, just so you know.”
He says he has one man, then both, at gunpoint and asks for help.
Seconds later, he shouts, “Shots fired! One
down,” and asks for more backup units. He then
says the second man has been shot.
The police chief said Donald wasn’t injured
but an officer “has the right to defend himself”
if a suspect wields an object that could be used as
a deadly weapon.
Donald, 35, who is on administrative leave
pending the investigation, has been with the department for just over three years. No residents have
filed complaints against him, and he was recently
recognized by the agency for being proactive on
investigations, Roberts said. He worked previously
as an Army police officer, the chief said.
The shooting follows a string killings of
unarmed black men by police, including Michael
Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner in
New York City, which set off weeks of protests
and a national “Black Lives Matter” movement
that has gained momentum across the country.
Olympia Mayor Stephen H. Buxbaum called
for calm in the community. “It deeply saddens
me that we have two young people in the hospital
as a result of an altercation with an officer of the
law,” he said. “Let’s come together to support their
needs, the officer’s needs, the needs of the families
and our community’s needs. Let’s not be reactive.”
Merritt Long, a retired chairman of the state’s
liquor control board, was one of several residents
to attend the news conference Thursday.
“Does the punishment fit the crime?” he asked
afterward. “Given the seeming epidemic of this
happening not only here but in our country, it
makes you pause and wonder what’s going on.”
Former Calif. officer ordered
to prison in corruption case
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A former plainclothes officer who
pleaded guilty to stealing drugs and money from suspected dealers
has been sentenced to a year in federal prison.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports Reynaldo Vargas’ sentence
could have been much longer but he cut a deal with prosecutors,
providing key testimony against two other police officers. Vargas
admitted in court that he and two former colleagues, Officer Edmond
Robles and Sgt. Ian Furminger, stole drugs and thousands of dollars
from suspects and performed illegal searches.
The fallout from the corruption case spread earlier this year
when prosecutors revealed a trove of racist and homophobic text
messages exchanged between Furminger and other officers.
The discovery led prosecutors to order a review of 3,000 old
prosecution cases touched by the officers under investigation.
Woman gets prison for running
over husband for not voting
PHOENIX (AP) — A judge has sentenced an Arizona woman
to 3 ½ years in prison for running over her husband with an SUV
because he didn’t vote in the 2012 presidential election.
Thirty-one-year-old Holly Nicole Solomon of Mesa pleaded
guilty to assault charges stemming from injuries her husband suffered days after President Obama was re-elected. She was sentenced
on Thursday. She was upset about Obama’s re-election and began
arguing with her husband when she found out he didn’t vote.
Her husband told investigators Solomon believed her family
would face hardship as a result of Obama’s re-election.
Police say Solomon chased her husband through a parking lot,
circled him as hid behind a light pole, struck him and pinned him
under the vehicle as he tried to flee.
Man arrested after stealing
dump truck, smashing into van
COLMA, Calif. (AP) — Authorities say two people in the San
Francisco Bay Area were injured when a man in a stolen dump
truck crashed into a minivan.
KNTV reports Thursday that a Colma police officer attempted
to talk to the man in the Mack truck early Thursday but the suspect
tried to run over the officer. The officer was not injured.
The suspect drove away and a chase ensued through two cities
south of San Francisco. The driver then struck a minivan carrying a
three people. Two were injured and taken to San Francisco General
Hospital. Their conditions were not immediately available Thursday.
The driver ran away but was later arrested. His name and age
were not released. After the early-morning crash, diesel spilled out
onto the street, which was closed briefly during the cleanup.
Police — Oklahoma boy dies
from abuse suffered in 2005
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Police say an Oklahoma couple
imprisoned for the abuse of their infant son in 2005 could face
new charges following the death of the boy, who spent his life in
a long-term care facility. Oklahoma City police on Thursday ruled
the death a homicide. They say the 11-year-old boy died Monday
from severe head injuries he sustained as an infant a decade ago.
The Oklahoman newspaper has reported that a third of the boy’s
brain was removed because of the injuries.
The father was sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty
to child neglect in 2008. The mother was sentenced to 10 years in
prison after pleading guilty to permitting child abuse in 2007.
Police spokeswoman Jennifer Wardlow says investigators are
considering new charges against the parents.
Man in scuba gear gets warning
after causing restaurant stir
TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) — Police say a belligerent
man dressed in scuba gear caused a stir at a northern Michigan
fast food restaurant. The Traverse City Record-Eagle and MLive.
com report the man, who had been drinking, showed up Tuesday
morning at a downtown McDonald’s. Workers called police, who
found the 48-year-old man nearby. Police say they warned him
that management didn’t want him at the restaurant.
Police didn’t know why the man was wearing scuba gear.
Regardless, Detective Sgt. James Bussell says that “as far as
wearing scuba gear and having a couple of beers, that’s legal.”
El Dorado County sheriff’s
deputy arrested in Nevada
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — An El Dorado County sheriff’s
deputy has been arrested on suspicion of drug-related offenses in
Nevada. The Sacramento Bee reports Deputy Mark Zlendick, who
is assigned to the South Lake Tahoe Narcotics Enforcement Team
was arrested Tuesday after deputies responded to a call involving
a domestic dispute in Minden.
An investigation by Douglas County deputies located narcotics
and paraphernalia, which lead to Zlendick’s arrest. Sgt. Pat Brooks
of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office says the woman had not
been arrested. Zlendick was booked into the Douglas County jail
on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance, trafficking
methamphetamine, conspiracy and possession of paraphernalia.
Zlendick posted bail and has been released.
According to the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office, he has
been placed on paid administrative leave.
(Continued on page 15)
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 13
American Samoa Government
Memorial Day manifests the profound gratitude and unfathomed appreciation of a grateful
nation in recognition of the courage and valor of our heroes for sacrificing their precious lives to
uphold and protect the American core values of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Justice.
Honoring and paying tribute to our fallen heroes should not be a ritual confined just to the
Memorial Day, because the benefits of their heroism and the ultimate sacrifice of their lives are perpetual and continuous thus they deserve to be remembered constantly by uttering a simple phrase
“Please God Bless the Fallen Soldiers and their families.”
While Memorial Day is dedicated to the fallen heroes, we must not neglect their families because they bear the brunt of the pain and suffering from the loss of their loved ones. They also
deserve recognition and our gratitude for they too sacrificed much.
So to our Fallen Heroes, we are indebted to you for it is obvious that you valued us more than
your own life. How can we appropriately and fittingly thank you for a deed that is beyond comprehension? Since there is no worldly way to truly express our gratefulness, we will seek God’s blessing
to be upon you and your families and may God’s peace ease any pain or suffering still lingering
because of the loss of their loved ones.
As you celebrate Memorial Day, please offer a prayer asking God to please protect our men and
women on active duty lest they too are called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Let us celebrate Memorial Day as a day of thanksgiving and gratitude to the fallen heroes and
all their families for they paid dearly for the blanket of Freedom that continue to enjoy and sometimes take for granted.
A’o tatou tu lalata atu i le fa’amamaluina o le aso o tu’ugamau, o se avanoa lelei mo i tatou e
fa’aaloalo ai i a’i latou ua maliliu ona o le sa’iliga o lo tatou sa’olotoga, o alo ma fanau pele a lo tatou
malo na tali i le vala’au ma fa’afeagai ma tiute se ia o’o lava i le taunu’uga.
Ua fa’amanuiaina i tatou i la latou faiga taulaga, ma o se tulaga maualuga lenei avanoa ua tatou
maua e fa’amamalu ai ma fa’amanatu lo latou soifua ta’uaogaina.
A’o e sauni e fa’amamalu lenei aso malolo, po’o lea lava le faiga ua masani ai lou aiga, ou te
talosaga atu, manatua ane i lau tatalo aiga o fitafita ua maliliu, fa’apea fo’i fitafita ua leiloa i le tafa o
lo’o feagai pea o latou aiga ma fa’anoanoaga.
Ma ia manatua o le sa’olotoga e le maua fua, ua totogi ma ole a fa’aauau pea ona totogi i le toto
taua o fitafita totoa ua latou filifili e finau mo o tatou aia.
Talosia ia fa’amamalu lenei aso malolo ma aiga ma uo i le saogalemu ma le filemu e manatua ai
o tatou uso ma tuafafine ua muamua atu ua mafua ai lenei aso.
Mai i a’i ma’ua ma Lemanu ma o ma aiga, e momoli atu alofa’aga ma le agaga fa’afetai i aiga
uma o fitafita ua maliliu, ma ia maua se aso malolo manuia i le atunu’u.
Governor of American Samoa
Page 14
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
Going to the beach?
Fagasa-Fagalea Stream
Aua Stream
Afono Stream
Vatia Stream
Alega Beach
Alega Stream
Fagaitua Stream
Masausi Stream
Masefau Stream
Alofau Stream
Lauli’i Stream
Aoa Stream
Nu’uuli Pala Lagoon
Nu’uuli Pala Spring
Coconut Point
Fagatogo Stream
Utulei Beach
Utulei Beach (DDW)
Gataivai Beach
Faga’alu Beach
Onenoa Beach
Asili Stream
For more information: http//portal.epa.as.gov/beaches/
Beach Advisory: May 19, 2015
American Samoa Environmental
Protection Agency (AS-EPA)
Congresswoman Aumua Amata welcomed students from American Samoa on Wednesday,
who were in Washington, DC as part of the Close Up program. Following a tour of the U.S. Capitol
building, the students gathered in Aumua’s office in the House Longworth building for lunch, some
[courtesy photo]
time to talk and a photo. (Read press release in Thursday, May 21, 2015 issue.)
➧ Community Briefs…
Continued from page 6
The Accrediting Commission for Schools,
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
(ASC-WASC) has accredited Fa’asao Marist
High School for another three years and the
decision was made during the Spring 2015
ASC-WASC meeting. Commission chairperson
Valene Staley in a May 5 letter informed Fa’asao
Marist principal J. Victor Langkilde of the decision, saying that the accreditation status is based
on all of the information provided by the school,
including the school’s report, and the satisfactory
completion of the on-site accreditation visit.
Staley said it’s the decision of the Commission
to grant three additional years of accreditation
status through June 30, 2018 with the school’s
next self-study visit to take place in 2018.
Langkilde said yesterday that the accreditation
is one of the many achievements by the school, students and faculty for 2015 which is “an outstanding
year academically, athletically, and culturally.” For
example, in Academics the high school placed in
all of the Island-wide Academic Competitions such as Math; Young Writers; Speech Festival;
National History Day; and Science Fair.
In Athletics, out of the seven ASHSAA sports
the school competed in, Fa’asao Marist played
in six championships and took first place in four,
including Girls Softball; Boys Baseball; Boys
Soccer; and Girls JV Basketball. In the other two
➧ Memorial Day…
Continued from page 1
The emotional mother told Samoa News
that Tina left behind a huge void in their family
and each time she comes across anything that
reminds her of Tina, she breaks down as if she
just received the news of her passing.
“Since the day Tina died, she took a huge
portion of my heart and while I have other children, burying a child is the worst thing any parent
can go through. I’ve come to terms with Tina in
heaven, however it gets harder each day, because
sometimes I envision her walking into the house.”
Mrs. Time told Samoa News that each time
she sees a petite female, she always remembers
her daughter and “sometimes this is how it keeps
me going, when looking at girls that looks like
my angel Tina. It’s never been the same, even
with her other siblings, they read about angels
and I think that has helped all of us, knowing that
there is a heaven and she’s there.”
She shared that she told her children that all of
their daughters should be named after Tina.
“I nickname my granddaughters Tina,” said
Mrs. Time while holding back her tears.
She said Tina’s colleagues said she was a
hard-working sergeant who spent ten months
toiling in Iraq as part of a Tucson-based unit.
“And I believe it, because she did work hard,
she’s a shining source of pride, a petite and kindhearted 22-year-old filled with dreams of graduating from college and becoming an engineer or
championship games, the high school claimed
second place—Boys Varsity Basketball and Girls
Varsity Soccer. “Not bad for a student body enrollment of 270,” said Langkilde, adding that “I am
very proud of my children, which I call them all.”
Tualauta Rep. Larry Sanitoa has expressed sincere appreciation to Department of Public Works
for their assistance in approving the work to move
forward with immediate repairs to the potholes
that were getting larger along the Fagaima Road.
Sanitoa had requested DPW director Faleosina
Voigt and her staff for assistance after getting more
complaints from the public who use that road.
“Understanding the last few weeks the weather has
not been favorable, yet McConnell Dowell team
was able patch up the pot holes across from Pacific
Independent Warehouse in Fagaima before the
AOG church,” he wrote to Voigt. He said residents
that travel this route daily have called and emailed
him to express their gratitude to DPW and McConnell Dowell upon seeing the completed repairs.
Sanitoa shared with Voigt there are more that
have yet to be repaired and to be included in the
DPW list. For example, a pothole directly in front
of the Ierusalema Fou church; pothole next to a
water valve in front of the entrance to Fagaima
AOG Church and one by the corner of the access
road next to Fagaima Methodist church. “Once
again... greatly appreciate what DPW continues to
do in maintaining our roads throughout the territory
and especially for Tualauta district as the Tafuna
plains become more frequented with motorists for
residential and commercial activities,” he said.
dabbling in political science.”
Tina’s mother told Samoa News that she
remembers her daughter telling her “Mom, don’t
be afraid. I wanted to do this for my country and
now I’m doing it.”
Mrs. Time said that for as long as she lives she
will never forget her brave daughter Tina for she
was the sweetest daughter a mother could ask for.
Time was assigned to the Army Reserve’s
208th Transportation Company based in Tucson,
Ariz and she was a top student and leader at Leone
High School, where she graduated in 2000. She
was her Class President.
In the military, she was a mechanic and worked
on medium trucks for the unit, which has more
than 100 members. She was promoted to sergeant
in January 2004. After being assigned to Tucson,
Time began taking classes at Pima Community
College in computer science and enjoyed fixing
cars in her spare time. Tina was born in Australia
but she grew up in America Samoa. She was an
honor student and class president. She was also a
member of a youth group and a choir, and was a
Sunday school teacher in her church.
She was laid to rest on January 3, 2005.
Reported 11 years ago, in the same year she
died — 2004, Tina sent a letter from Iraq to
Samoa News, in which she spoke fondly of her
unit and expressed pride in completing more than
60 convoys through Iraq and Kuwait. She was
also delighted in meeting other Samoan soldiers
and posed for a picture in full gear — including a
machine gun — with a corporal she described as
“my fellow Samoan battle buddy”.
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 15
Continued from page 12
53 people in 9 states sickened
after eating raw tuna
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A salmonella outbreak likely linked
to raw tuna has sickened 53 people in nine states, health officials
said Thursday. Most of the cases — 31 — are in California, officials at the California Department of Public Health said. Other
affected states include Arizona, Illinois, Mississippi, New Mexico,
South Dakota, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.
Ten people have been hospitalized but no deaths have been
reported, according to state and federal officials. The source of the
outbreak is unknown, but most who fell ill reported eating sushi
containing raw tuna. “At this time, a common brand or supplier of
raw tuna has not been identified,” the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention said on its website. Salmonella is a bacteria and
the most common source of food poisoning in the U.S. Symptoms
include diarrhea, cramping and fever. Health officials said the
elderly, young children, pregnant women and people with weak
immune systems should not eat raw fish or raw shellfish.
Suit: Competitor’s smiley face
cookies ‘confusingly similar’
PITTSBURGH (AP) — The cookies may be smiling, but the
restaurants are not. A Pennsylvania chain says in a lawsuit that the
smiley face cookies made by a Chicago-based baker are “confusingly similar” to its own trademarked treats.
Homestead-based Eat’n Park seeks to block additional cookie
sales by Chicago American Sweet & Snacks Inc.
The Eat’n Park cookies are coated in white icing and use various colors for the eyes, nose and mouth of the smiley face.
Chicago American’s cookies are beige and filled with chocolate cream. The smiley’s eyes and mouth are brown; it doesn’t
have a nose. Eat’n Park has been selling its smiley face cookies
since 1985 and has incorporated them into its advertising, menus
and logo. It trademarked the cookie design in 1987.
EU urges Myanmar, Thailand
to take action over Rohingya
BRUSSELS (AP) — European Union lawmakers are calling
on Myanmar to end the persecution of Rohingya Muslims and
for Thailand to launch investigations into reports of mass graves
of the Muslim minority. In a resolution Thursday, the lawmakers
also called for the Thai government and officials to “end any complicity with the criminal gangs trafficking Rohingya people and
other migrants in Thailand.”
The U.N. says the Rohingya are one of the most persecuted groups
in the world. Neither Myanmar nor Bangladesh recognizes them as
citizens and they have faced increasing discrimination. Thousands of
Rohingya and Bangladeshis have fled by boat, and many are believed
to be trapped aboard them with little food or water.
NATO claims Extremists may be
among Mediterranean migrants
BRUSSELS (AP) — NATO’s supreme commander says he’s
worried that boats attempting to carry migrants across the Mediterranean to southern Europe may also be ferrying criminals
and potential terrorists. U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove
on Thursday said, “we do not know what is in these migrations
coming across the Mediterranean from northern Africa.”
He told a news conference that he and other NATO officials are
concerned about who might be on the often dangerously unseaworthy craft carrying passengers from Libya and other nations.
Breedlove said “some of these people are legitimate refugees
from ungoverned spaces.” But other passengers, the general said,
“we believe are organized crime, and yes, we believe there could
be elements of extremists” as well. Breedlove spoke following a
meeting of NATO’s Military Committee in Brussels.
South Korea confirms 3 cases
of Mideast respiratory virus
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea said Thursday it
has confirmed three cases of a respiratory virus that has killed hundreds of people in the Middle East.
A 76-year-old man was diagnosed Thursday with Middle East
Respiratory Syndrome, according to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The patient shared a hospital room
with a man who was South Korea’s first confirmed case of MERS,
agency chief Yang Byung-Guk told reporters. The first patient was
not isolated initially because it wasn’t known why he was ill.
Yang said the first patient had visited Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and
the United Arab Emirates. His wife also contracted the disease.
All three are being treated in hospitals and they are not in critical condition, according to Yang’s agency.
Flooding kills at least 15
in southern, central China
BEIJING (AP) — At least 15 people have been killed and thousands more forced from their homes by flooding in southern and
central China and more rain has been forecast for coming days,
officials said Thursday. Authorities said that Jiangxi province has
been hardest hit, with eight people killed and 65,000 displaced.
Just to the south, the Guangxi region suffered five deaths with six
other people listed as missing.
Two other deaths were recorded in Hunan province, one of China’s main rice producers, where 2,000 other people were moved
to shelters. Fujian evacuated 17,000 people from danger areas, but
no one was reported dead or missing in the coastal province.
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TO Members of the MAGALEI Family and to all whom these present may come!
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that TOESE SEFULU of FALENIU has offered for recording in this
office an instrument in writing which seeks to separate a certain structure which is or to be erected, on
land LALOVI allegedly belonging to MAGALEI FAMILY of the village of FALENIU. Said land LALOVI is situated in or near the village of FALENIU in the County of TUALAUTA, Island of TUTUILA,
American Samoa.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any interested person may object to the recording of such instrument by filing in the Territorial Registar’s Office in Fagatogo, a written objection to the recording of said
instrument. Any objections thereto must be filed with in 30 days from the date of posting of this notice.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if no such objections are filed within the said 30 day period, the
instrument will be recorded and shall be valid and binding on all persons. The said instrument may be
examined at any time at the Territorial Registrar’s Office.
MAY 5, 2015 thru JUNE 5, 2015
Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar
I tagata o le aiga sa MAGALEI, ma i latou uma e silasila ma lauiloaina lenei fa’aaliga!
O le fa’aaliga lenei ona o TOESE SEFULU o le nu’u o FALENIU ua ia fa’aulufaleina mai i lenei ofisa se
feagaiga tusitusi e fa’ailoa ai se mana’oga fia tu’u’eseina o se fale ua/po o le a, fa’atuina i luga o le fanua o
LALOVI e fa’asino i le aiga sa MAGALEI, o le nu’u o FALENIU. O lenei fanua e totonu pe latalata ane i
le nu’u o FALENIU, itumalo o TUALAUTA, ile motu o TUTUILA, Amerika Samoa.
O le fa’aaliga fo’i e fa’apea, so o se tasi e iai sona aia i lenei mata’upu e mafai ona fa’atu’i’iese ile
fa’amauina o lenei feagaiga pe a auina mai i le ofisa ole Resitara o le Teritori of Amerika Samoa i
Fagatogo, sana fa’atu’ese tusitusia. O fa’atu’iesega uma lava e ao ona fa’aulufaleina mai i totonu o aso e 30
faitauina mai i le aso na faíaalia ai lenei fa’aaliga.
Afai ole a leai se fa’atu’i’esega e fa’aulufaleina i totonu o aso 30 e pei ona ta’ua i luga, o le a fa’amauina
loa lenei feagaiga e taualoaina ma ‘a’afia ai tagata uma.
04/30 & 05/14/15
Page 16
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 17
Fanuatanu aiga o Fano: ‘O
Aiga E Tumau e Fa’avavau’
tusia Ausage Fausia
Culturally, local families use family land to bury their loved
ones when they pass, either in front or on the side of the family
home or on the clan’s designated burial grounds. The grave sites
are often used as a ‘pine faamau’ — denoting custodial rights
of a specific family within the clan to a particular section of the
clan’s communal land.
For the Fano Clan, their burial ground supports their belief
that “A Family Is Forever”.
A member of the Fano clan, Dorothy Tarasawa told Samoa
News that besides members of the clan being laid to rest at
the burial site, there are also non-family members — those
who served in the family clan years ago, as well as Japanese
nationals, who worked on fishing boats serving the territory.
Tarasawa said her family offered the burial site back in 1950
free of charge, because of the love for non-Samoans who lived
and worked in the territory but had no families.
I le fausia ai o le Fanuatanu a le aiga o Fano i le afioaga o
Fagaalu i le tele o tausaga ua mavae, e leai se isi mafua’aga sa
sili ona manatu le aiga e fa’ataua nai lo lenei le itu, “ia fa’aauau
pea le mafuta fa’atasi o aiga mai lava i le taimi o lo o soifua ai
seia oo i le taimi e valaauina ai e le Atua”.
A o aga’i atu ai le atunu’u ma le lalolagi e fa’amanatu le Aso o
Tu’ugamau i le aso Gafua o le vaiaso fou, ua manatu ai le Samoa
News i se polokalame fa’apitoa i le otootoina mai o tala’aga o Tia
ma Fanuatanu i le atunu’u, i le Fanuatanu o le aiga o Fano i le
afioaga i Fagaalu. O ni isi o suli matutua o le aiga Sa Fano i Fagaalu,
sa mafai ona latou fa’asoa mai ni isi o fa’amatalaga e fa’atatau i le
Fanuatanu o le aiga, atoa ai ma i latou o lo o lagomau ai.
Na taua e le faletua o Dorothy Tarasawa i se fa’atalatalanoaga
ma le Samoa News i le taeao ananafi e fa’apea, o le agaga atoa o
Tuaa na latou fa’avaeina mai lenei Fanuatanu, ia i ai se nofoaga
e lagomau fa’atasi uma ai suli o le aiga fa’apea ai ma i latou sa
latou mafuta fa’atasi. “E le na o suli la o le aiga o Fano o lo o
lagomau i le Fanuatanu lea”, o le saunoaga lea a Dorothy.
“O lo o lagomau ai fo’i isi tagata e pei o i latou sa mau paolo
mai i le aiga, fa’apea ai fo’i ma ni isi o tagata mai Sapani (Japanese) na malaga mai i va’a fagota i Amerika Samoa i le tele o
tausaga ua mavae ma maliliu ai lava i le Teritori”.
Ina ua fesiligia e le Samoa News ia Dorothy i le mafua’aga
na manatu ai Tuaa ua mavae e fausia lenei Fanuatanu, na saunoa
le Faletua, “O le agaga moni lava, ia fa’ataua pea aiga, e pei o le
talitonuga o Tuaa i aso ua mavae, O AIGA E FA’AVAVAU, e
pei ona tusia ai ni upu i autafa o se tasi o Tu’ugamau o lo o latalata ane i le Malumalu o le Ekalesia EFKAS i Fagaalu”.
Ae ina ua fesiligia Dorothy pe na lisi atu e le aiga vaega o ona
eleele e lagomau ai tagata Sapani, na saunoa le Faletua “leai”.
“O le alolofa lava o le matou Tuaa ia Fano Solinuu Fano ma
le matou grand father i nai tagata mai Sapani ina ua maliliu ae
leai ni eleele e lagomau ai, na mafua ai ona la manatu e ofo atu
eleele o le aiga i taimi o le 1950 e lagomau ai nai tagata ese mai
Asia”, o le saunoaga lea a Dorothy.
O tuugamau o le aiga o Fano o lo o latalata ane i le itu o lo o i
ai le Malumalu e pei ona saunoa Dorothy, ae o tuugamau a tagata
Sapani atoa ai ma isi o le aiga o lo o i le isi itu o le Fanuatanu.
O se tasi o itu mataina na toe manatua e Dorothy, o se ali’i
Sapani o lo o lagomau i le Fanuatanu o le aiga, ae ina ua malaga
asiasi mai lona to’alua i ni tausaga ua mavae ma tau atu i lona
igoa ma fa’amatalaga uma e uiga ia te ia i luga o lona tuugamau,
sa fai ai loa ma masani a le fafine le alu ma teu fugalaau e teuteu
ai le tuugamau o si ona to’alua, e oo foi i le taimi na maliu ai le la
tama e to’atasi i Sapani, na fa’aliu efuefu lona tino ae aumai ma
lagomau fa’atasi ma lona tama i le Fanuatanu i Fagaalu
“E taua le alofa i tagata ese, e pei fo’i ona faia e Tuaa i tausaga
ua mavae, o lo o fa’apena lava ona fa’aauau e le aiga le loto fesoasoani ma le agalelei atu i soo se tasi, aemaise ai lava le fa’ataua
o le aiga”, o le saunoaga lea a Dorothy.
O le taimi nei, o lo o fa’amama pea lava e le aiga le latou
Fanuatanu ma teuteu fa’amatagofie.
I le aga’i atu ai o le atunu’u i le fa’amanatuina o le Aso
Tu’ugamau i lenei tausaga, ia avea lea o se auala e toe manatua
ai i latou o e sa pele i loto ma agaga ua motusia le mafutaga.
Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ausage@samoanews.com
Se vaaiga lena i se vaega o le Fanuatanu o le aiga o Fano i Fagaalu, lea na taua e ni isi o suli o
le aiga i le Samoa News, o le Anavatau na mafua ai ona fa’atula’i lenei Fanuatanu, o le taumafai
ina ia lagomau fa’atasi suli o le aiga i se nofoaga e tasi, ina ia fa’aolaola ai pea le Anavatau tauave
a le aiga, “O AIGA E TUMAU E FA’AVAVAU”.
A look at the Fano family burial site in front of the Fano Guest Fale in Fa’agalu with the words
“A Family is Forever” on one of the graves.
A member of the Fano clan, Dorothy Tarasawa told Samoa News that her ancestors’ main goal
for this burial site is for the entire family not only to live together while alive, but also together
[ata: AF]
when they pass away and the reason for the words “A Family is Forever”. Saunia: L.A.F./Naenae Productions
Ua lapataia le Ekalesia Faapotopotoga Kerisiano i Samoa ina ia faaeteete i le soona faaalu o tupe
ma ia faatino na o le poloketi e tasi i le taimi e tasi, ae le o le alu faasolo atoa o galuega tetele. O lea
lapataiga e mai le taitaifono o le Komiti o Tupe a le ekalesia, le afioga Le Mamea Ropati Mualia, ao
faagasolo le fonotele i Malua i le vaiaso nei. I lana saunoaga i le Fonotele a le ekalesia, na ia faaalia
ai le ova o le aofaiga o le tupe ua tala mai teugatupe a le ekalesia i le faletupe, nai le aofaiga o lo o i
ai (overdraft). O lea tulaga e faatagaina ona o lo o tului pea teugatupe i vaiaso taitasi.
Peitai na saunoa Le Mamea, ua tatau ona taofia lea tulaga ina nei faatupulaia lea aofaiga i se tulaga
e faafaigata ai ona totogi.
Na faailoa e Le Mamea e faapea, e tolu galuega tetele a le ekalesia o lo o faagasolo nei – o le fausia
o le malumalu o le Iupeli fou i Malua, o le toe faafouina o le maota o le Ioane Viliamu ma le fausia
o le aoga matata eseese i Savaii.
Fai mai a ia, ua tatau ona taula’i le silasila a le ekalesia i le galuega e tasi e faamaea muamua, ona
faasolo ai lea o isi galuega e lua. “Ua fautuaina e le Komiti o Tupe le taofia mo se taimi le tumau o
galuega mo le faafouina o le Ioane Viliamu, ae taula’i a tatou taumafaiga i le faamaeaina muamua o
le tatou poloketi autu, o le fausia lea o le malumalu o le Iupeli,” o a Le Mamea lea.
Na ia faailoa, ua sili atu nei ma le aofaiga na pasia e $2.5 miliona tala mo le faafouina o le
Ioane Viliamu, le tinoitupe ua faaalu i lea galuega ma ua oo atu ne ii le $3 miliona tala. Na saunoa
Le Mamea, o lo o i ai le popolega a le latou komiti o le a le lava le tupe e faatupe ai le fausia o le
malumalu o le Iupeli pe a le taofia isi galuega o lo o faagasolo nei.
(Faaauau itulau 20)
Page 18
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
Lapataia e foma’i
matua o pepe laiti
fa’atoa fananau mai
fa’aliliu af
O se va’aiga i le tama’ita’i o Lahaina Taufa’asau ma se tasi o ali’i Samoa sa la’ua fa’au’u fa’atasi
mai le BCT a le US Army i Fort Jackson i le aso ananafi. Na fa’atasi atu matua o Taufa’asau lea
ua matua agiagia ai le Fu’a a Amerika Samoa i lea fo’i lotoa tele i South Carolina.
[ata: foa’i Pele Hunkin]
Isi ata o le ‘au fa’au’u lea i le lomiga o le aso Lua o le vaiaso a sau.
“Pesticide Applicator Training”
ASCC Land Grant Program will be conducting a Pesticide Applicator Safety training for those
who handle farm chemicals. If you are using farm pesticides or you are planning to use
chemicals in the near future, this is a good opportunity for you to attend this important
training. The training schedule is as follows:
June 01-05, 2015
12:00 noon - 4:00 p.m.
ASCC Land Grant Training Room
Registration is FREE. To confirm your participation for this training, please call Joyce or
Helen at 699-1575/2019.
“A’oa’oga mo i latou o lo’o fa’aaogaina vaila’au o’ona”
O le a faia se a’oa’oga mo i latou o lo o fa’aaoga vaila’au o’ona i fa’ato’aga. Afai o lo’o e
fa’aaoga vaila’au o’ona po’o e fa’amoemoe fo’i e te fa’aaoga i se taimi o i luma, o lou avanoa
lelei lenei e te ‘auai ai i lenei a’oa’oga taua. O taimi la nei mo lenei vasega.
Iuni 01-05, 2015
12:00 - 4:00 i le afiafi
Nofoaga e fai ai: Potu mo A’oa’oga a le Vaega o Laufanua ma
Atina’e a le Kolisi Tu’ufa’atasi ma Alaalafaga o Amerika Samoa.
“E leai se totogi o le resitala. Afai e te fia ‘auai i lenei a’oa’oga, fa’amolemole ia
fa’afeso’ota’i mai Joyce po’o Helen i le telefoni 699-1575/2019
Ua lapataia e Foma’i o lo o tausia le soifua maloloina o fanau
laiti fa’atoa fananau mai i le Falema’i o le LBJ matua o pepe fou,
ina ia taofia le amio ua masani ai ni isi o fafine failele, o le fa’ainu
lea o a latou pepe i le vai auli po o le sui fo’i o a latou susu i le vai
auli ina ia tele ma umi ai ona fa’aaoga.
I le fa’aigoaina ai e Foma’i o lea gaioiga “o se gaioiga e matuia
tele”, ua lapataia ai e le ali’i foma’i ia Dr. James Marrone tina o
pepe fou ina ia taofia loa le toe faia o lea masani. I le masina na
te’a nei, e 10 masina o se pepe na maliu i se falema’i i Georgia,
ina ua ‘ona i le suavai, po o le gasegase e taua o le “hyponatrenia”.
Na avea le salalau mai o lea tala ma itu na valaau mai ai ni isi
o le atunu’u i le Samoa News, i lo latou fia malamalama atili lea
i se fautuaga mai foma’i o lo o gafa ma le tausiaina o fanau laiti e
tusa ai o lenei mataupu. Na taua i lea ripoti e fa’apea, sa taumafai
le tina e fa’asusu lana pepe i ona suasusu (tulou), peita’i sa le lava
le suasusu na maua mai e mafai ai ona fafaga si ana tama.
Ae talu ai e lima vaivai le aiga, e le gafatia fo’i ona latou
fa’atauina le susu mo pepe, na mafua ai loa ona sui vai e le tina
lona suasusu, ma o le mafua’aga lena na maliu ai lenei alualutoto,
e pei ona fa’aalia e foma’i i ni a latou suesuega sa faia.
Na taua e Dr. Marrone i le Samoa News, o le tele o le vai auli e
sui ai le susu mo le pepe, o se tulaga e fai lava si matuia.
Sa ia taua fo’i e fa’apea, e le o se tulaga lelei ma saogalemu le
ave o le vai auli e fa’ainu ai le pepe laititi, ae foliga mai o lo o i ai
le manatu o ni isi o tina e fa’apea, sa fa’ainu fo’i i latou e o latou
grand mother i le vai auli ao laiti. “E leai, e le sa’o lena manatu, o
se auala lena e maliu ai le pepe, o le fa’aopoopo o le vai auli poo
le susu mai le pepa susu e ono aafia ai fo’i le soifua maloloina o le
pepe”, o le isi lea saunoaga a Dr. Marrone.
Na taua e le ali’i foma’i e fa’apea, e leai se isi suasusu e sili atu
ona mama ma lelei mo pepe, nai lo le suasusu o le tina, ae afai e le
mafai lava e le tina ona fa’asusu lana tama ia te ia, ona fa’atoa aapa
loa lea o le tina e fa’aaoga le apa susu.
Ae afai e fa’aaoga le apa susu e fafaga ai pepe, ua fautuaina e
le ali’i foma’i ia Dr. Marrone tina failele, “aua le soona fa’ateleina
i ai le vai auli, ae tatau lava ona fua lona malosi ina ia mautinoa e
le malosi, ina ne’i afaina ai le soifua o le pepe”.
“Afai e tele naua le vai auli e inu e le pepe, o le a mafai ai ona
sui le auala e gaioi ai ona fatu ga’o, ma i’u ina tafea ai le fatu ga’o
o le pepe laititi, ma le mafai ai loa e lona tino ona aveese le vai auli
mai lona tino”, o le isi lea saunoaga a Dr. Marrone.
Na tau a atili e le ali’i foma’i e fa’apea, e foliga mai e to’atele
naua tagata iinei o loo faia lea masani.
Sa ia taua fo’i e fa’apea, e le tatau ona ave na o le vai auli i le
pepe, e le o se itu lelei fo’i le ova o le vai e sui ai le susu e fa’ainu ai.
Rising inequality holding back
economic growth, report warns
PARIS (AP) — The widening gap between haves and havenots in much of the developed world not only raises concerns
about the fraying social fabric — it’s also dramatically holding
back economic growth, according to a new global study. Far from
a rising tide lifting all ships, income inequality increases in good
economic times as well as bad, Thursday’s report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development says.
The OECD, a global watchdog, says that not only has social and
political implications but also economic ones. “Put simply: rising
inequality is bad for long-term growth,” the OECD concluded in its
report, “In It Together, Why Less Inequality Benefits All.”
An increase in income inequality between 1985 and 2005
knocked 4.7 percentage points off cumulative growth between
1990 and 2010 on average across a range of its 34 member countries, the OECD said.
The problem is particularly acute in the U.S.: Between 2008
and 2013, real average household disposable income at the top 10
percent rose 10.6 percent, while in the bottom 10 percent it fell 3.2
percent, the OECD said. Austria, Denmark and France are other
countries where rising income at the top has been accompanied by
falling incomes at the bottom.
The average income of the top 10 percent in the U.S. was 19
times higher than the bottom 10 percent in 2013, far higher than
the OECD average of 9.6 times. The U.S. figure rose from just 11
times higher 30 years ago, the OECD said.
The report adds fuel to the argument popularized in French
economist Thomas Piketty’s 2014 best-seller “Capital in the
Twenty-First Century.”
Policies to improve women’s treatment in the labor market and
measures to reverse the growing share of low-quality, “dead-end”
jobs are key to reducing income inequality and unlocking more
economic growth, the OECD said.
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 19
Sauni le ‘au Volipolo Amerika Samoa mo Papua Niu Kini
tusia Ausage Fausia
Ua maitauina le atoatoa
o tapenaga a ‘au Volipolo a
Amerika Samoa, ao sauni atu
ai i Ta’aloga a le Pasefika i
Papua Niu Kini i le masina o
Iulai 2015. O ‘au Volipolo a
le atunu’u e aofia ai le vaega o
ali’i ma tama’ita’i i ta’aloga e
faia i totonu o le fale (indoor),
fa’atasi ai ma le ‘au a ali’i i
Volipolo i luga o le oneone
(Beach Volleyball).
I se fa’atalatalanoaga ma
le Peresetene o le Asosi Volipolo a Amerika Samoa, susuga
Savaliga Afu i le tulaga ua i ai
tapenaga a lana ‘au, sa ia taua
ai le maualuga ma le lelei o le
tulaga ua o i ai koleniga a ali’i
ma tama’ita’i ua sauni e fai ma
sui o le atunu’u i Ta’aloga a le
Pasefika. “Ua tapena uma ‘au
Volipolo mo ta’aloga i Papua,
o le isi vaega o le ‘au a ali’i
o loo koleni i Amerika Samoa
nei, ae o isi ali’i atoa ai ma
le ‘au a tama’ita’i o lo o koleni
i Amerika i le taimi nei, ma
le fa’amoemoe e tatau ona toe
fa’atasi uma i le ogatotonnu o le
masina o Iuni, ona sauni ai loa
lea mo le malaga atu i Papua”,
o le saunoaga lea a Afu.
E ui e le o i ai ni malae taalo
mai le malo e tapena ai ‘au
Volipolo a le atunu’u e pei ona
saunoa le susuga a Afu, ae o
le agaga fa’afetai, o lo o maua
nai malae tua o lo o mafai ona
fa’atino ai koleniga ma tapenaga
a ‘au a le atunu’u mo ta’aloga
fa’avaomalo fa’apenei.
Ina ua fesiligia Afu po o i ai ni
fa’afitauli o fai ma fa’alavelave i
tapenaga a le ‘au Volipolo, na
ia taua ai e fa’apea, na pau le
fa’afitauli o lo o tula’i mai i le
taimi nei, o le tulafono a le Pasefika lea e le mafai ai ona ta’alo se
tagata mai le isi atunu’u i le isi
atunu’u, ona e to’alua nai ali’i sa
soifua mai i Samoa o lo o aofia ai
i le ‘au Volipolo mo Papua, o ali’i
na soifua a’e lava i le Teritori nei
ma fa’avae mai ai le olaga ta’alo
i le ta’aloga Volipolo.
“O lo o matou fa’atali pea
lava i se tali mai Papua po o le
ASNOC e tusa ai o lea tulaga,
ma o lo o fa’aauau pea ona
koleni fa’atasi le ‘au mo ana
tapenaga i Papua”, o le isi lea
saunoaga a Afu.
O le manumalo ai o ‘au
Volipolo a le atunu’u i pine
auro, siliva ma le apamemea
i ta’aloga eseese a le Pasefika
ua mavae, e le o se tulaga e
fou i le Asosi Volipolo, pau la
latou fa’anauauga o lo o i ai, ia
manuia la latou taumafaiga mo
se pine i ta’aloga i Papua.
“Ua fai si umi e lei toe manumalo ‘au Volipolo a Amerika
Samoa i se pine auro, e ui sa i ai
tausaga ua mavae na manumalo
ai ‘au Volipolo i totonu o le
fale fa’apea ai ma le ‘au Volipolo i luga o le ‘oneone i pine
auro, peita’i i lo’u talitonuga, ua
tatau ona toe manumalo ‘au a le
atunu’u i ni isi pine auro”, o le
saunoaga lea a Afu.
Ina ua fesiligia pe fa’apefea
ona ausia e ‘au Volipolo lea
tulaga, na saunoa Afu, “O le
fa’amaoni lava e koleni, ma ia
atoatoa le malosi o le tino ma
le mafaufau i le fa’atinoina o le
(Faaauau itulau 27)
Se vaaiga lena i le au Volipolo i le vaega o ali’i fa’apea ai ma Faiaoga i le mae’a ai o a latou koleniga i le afiafi ananafi i Tafuna,
[ata: AF]
ao tapena atu ai mo Ta’aloga lona 15 a le Pasefika e faia i Papua Niu Kini i le masina o Iulai 2015.
Page 20
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
O se va’aiga i le tama’ita’i na malaga fa’apitoa mai Hawaii ina ia tima’ia le vasega o pule a’oga ma latou sui pule i ala e fa’atino ai le auupega ua mae’a tapena e le
Matagaluega o A’oga. O ia lea o Dr Denise Yuehara, [lona tolu mai le taumatau saofafa’i], fa’atasi ma le Fa’atonu o A’oga, Vaitinasa Dr Salu Hunkin Finau [soso’o
ai itu tauagavale] ma sui fo’i ole Teacher Quality ma i latou uma o Sui Pule A’oga i lea kosi ananafi i le potu fono o le Matagaluega o Fa’ato’aga. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost]
Mai itulau 17
Na lagona le agaga fiafia o se tamaititi e 10 tausaga mai Alafua
ina ua logoina, o ia lea ua filifilia e na te tauaveina le polo lakapi
i totonu o le malae mo le taaloga muamua a le Manu Samoa i le
taamilosaga o le ipu o le lalolagi i le faaiuga o le tausaga nei i
Na logoina le alii o Tanielu Junior Aiafi ina ia oo atu i le ofisa
o le kamupani o le DHL lea sa lagolagoina lea tauvaga, mo se
faatalanoaga ma le au tusitala ina ia suesue ai le tulaga o lona
naunau i lea tauvaga.
Na faateia le alii o Tanielu ina ua ia faitau i le tusi sa logo aloaia
ai o ia i lona faamanuiaina i lea tauvaga ma sa ia faafetaia le Atua
ina ua ia maua lea avanoa e malaga ai i Egelani e matamata i le
ipu o le lalolagi.
O le tauvaga sa tauva ai le faitau afe o tamaiti i Samoa lea ua
manumalo ai nei Tanielu, sa moomia ai le tali o le fesili, pe aisea e
tatau ai ona ia tauaveina le polo.
Sa tali le alii Tanielu, “E tatau ona ou tauaveina le polo ona o le
Manu Samoa o la’u au, o lo’u mitamitaga ma o la’u miti.”
O le aso 20 o Setema e faia ai le taaloga a le Manu Samoa ma o
lo o fuafua le alii o Tanielu e malaga faatasi ma lona tina.
Ua taofia nei e leoleo se ali’i fa’afafine e 25 tausaga le matua
mai Matautu, Falealili i le moliaga o le faomea matautia, o se
solitulāfono matautia e pei ona fa’ailoa mai e le sooupu o le
Matagaluega o Leoleo, le susuga Su’a Tiumalu.
Na ia fa’aalia, o le vaiaso na te’a nei na osofaia ai e lea ali’i
fa’afafine le fale o se aiga sa nofo totogi ai se ali’i papalagi mai
Farani e 57 tausaga le matua, ma ia ave faagaoi le taavale a lea
ali’i, o le tinoitupe e $2,000 ma le telefoni feaveai e oo atu lona
tau i le $1,350.
Na fa’ailoa mai e leoleo e faapea, e fitu moliaga ese’ese o lo o
molia ai lea ali’i fa’afafine.
O ia moliaga e aofia ai le talepe fale, o le ave fa’amalosi o se
tagata, o le ulufale i le fale o se aiga e aunoa ma se faatagaga, o le
faaoomanu’a, o le faamata’u atoa ai ma le gaoi.
O le ali’i Farani ua aafia o lo o galue i se poloketi e fesoasoani
ai i tupulaga talavou e le faigaluega mai le afio’aga o Matautu,
Falealili e ala i le fa’a’a’oga o o latou taimi e fai ai ni fa’ato’aga.
O le masina o Oketopa o le tausaga na te’a nei na amata faagasolo
mai ai lenei poloketi ma sa alala ai lava ma lea ali’i Farani i totonu
o le afio’aga.
Na lipotia mai foi le fa’asalaina e le fono a tamali’i ma failauga
o le afio’aga o Matautu, Falealili le aiga o le ali’i fa’afafine o lo o
aafia i lea soligatulafono.
Ua toe maua uma mea totino a le na aafia seia vagana ai le
tinoitupe e na o le $254 na totoe mai le $2,000 na gaoia. O le Aso
Gafua o le vaiaso fou o le a tulai ai lea ali’i fa’afafine i le Faamasinoga e tali i ona moliaga.
Kosi a Pule A’oga & Sui Pule
- Togia o Galuega a Faia’oga
tusia: Leua Aiono Frost
O le vaiaso atoa lenei sa fa’atulaga mo le kosi
e fa’amalamalama atili ma tima’i ai pule a’oga
ma latou sui pule ta’ito’atasi, ina ia latou iloa ma
fa’aaoga le auupega ua mae’a ona saunia lelei e
le vaega o le DOE- Teacher Quality ina ia latou
togia ma fa’amaumau galuega fa’atino a Faia’oga
ta’itasi i le Matagaluega o Aoga a le malo.
O Dr Denise Yuehara mai Hawaii, o ia lea
sa mafai ona latou tu’ufa’atasia lenei auupega
taua mo le matagaluega, aua ua taumafai atili le
matagaluega ina ia tamau le agaga o le faia’oga e
tu’u lona agaga atoa i lana galuega o le “a’oa’o o
fanau” i le potu a’oga ia malamalama lelei.
O le galuega a le pule a’oga, ua fa’atulaga e ao
ina tapu’e ata o faia’oga o latou galulue i le potu
a’oga, siakia le potu a’oga fa’atasi ma a’oa’oga
a le faia’oga o lo’o fa’atino, ae muamua lava,
ia siakia lana fuafuaga fa’ataoto mo ana lesona
ta’itasi i le aso.
O le galuega lea a le pule a’oga fa’atasi ma le
sui pule a’oga, e ao ina faia fa’alua i le vaiaso,
e fono fo’i ta’ivaiaso faia’oga ma latou pule
a’oga, ia fa’ataua le fa’ataunu’u o aiaiga uma o
lea au’upega matagofie ina ia mafai ona aoga mo
le matagaluega e iloa patino ai faia’oga o lo’o
naunau ma i ai lona loto i lana galuega.
“Pe afai e mataituina ni faia’oga o lo’o
mo’omia le fesoasoani, e ao ina faliu fo’i le pule
a’oga ma lona sui pule e latou te soalaupule
muamua lava i ni mea e ao ina fa’aleleia ai le
faigaluega a lea faia’oga, e avatu muamua lava le
avanoa e fesoasoani atili ai ona fa’ato’a faia lea
o se isi tulaga i le sui,” o se fa’amatalaga lea a le
tama’ita’i foma’i ia Yuehara.
Ona o Yuehara fo’i sa auai i le aotelega o
sui iloga o le Matagaluega o A’oga a Hawaii e
tu’ufa’atasia le latou auupega mo le togia o galuega a faia’oga i lea setete, e le o faigata ai ia te ia
ona fa’amatala ma toe talia fesili sa tu’uina atu e
sui o le kosi mo ia, ona o le fia malamalama atili.
Ina ua fesiligia Yuehara i le tulaga aoga o le
Auupega lenei mo le togiga o galuega fa’atino a
faia’oga i le potu a’oga, ae fa’ailoa mai e ia, “O le
aoga ole auupega e fa’alagolago i le fa’atino o le
galuega a le pule a’oga ma lona sui e fa’ataunu’u
ona fai. E aoga tele le iloa patino o galuega a
faia’oga o lo’o faia i le potu a’oga, o le sao patino
lea e iloga ai po’o a’oa’oina fanau a le atunu’u.”
Ua aioi mai le vagea a le Teacher Quality i
le vasega o sui pule a’oga fa’apea fo’i ma pule
a’oga, “Ia fa’aaoga le tatou auupega, e le mafai
ona iloa le aoga o nei mea uma, se’i vagana
ua iloa patino le aotelega o galuega fa’atino a
faia’oga i potu a’oga, e aofia fa’atasi ai le fa’atino
o a’oa’oga ma fuafuaga fa’ataoto o latou lesona
ta’itasi i aso uma.”
O se saunoaga tima’i a le Fa’atonu sili o
A’oga Vaitinasa Dr. Salu Hunkin-Finau sa auai
i lea kosi ananafi, sa ia fa’apea ai, “O se fua
va’aia o le tatou Au’upega lenei o le a tatou
mafuli e fa’atino, e fa’ato’a va’aia i le 5 tausaga o
lumana’i, e ala i fua va’aia i togi o le fanau a’oga
e ausia i taimi o su’ega. O lona uiga, e ao ina
tatou fa’afaigaluegaina le auupega ua i tatou lima
i le taimi nei, mo se fua mai i le lima tausaga o
I le kosi lenei e le o aofia ai Pule a’oga ma
latou sui pule mai a’oga tumaoti i totonu o le
atunu’u. Peita’i, ua i ai le avanoa e mafai ai ona
latou o’o ane i le Teacher Quality ma talosaga e
fia fa’ataunu’u mo i latou lea fo’i auupega mo le
togia o galuega a latou faia’oga i potu a’oga. O
nisi o nei a’oga tuma’oti, ua mae’a fa’atulaga e
i latou lava le latou auupega e fua fa’atatau i ai
galuega a latou faia’oga i potu a’oga.
Ina ia mautu le iloa lelei e i latou ona fa’aaoga
lea au’upega, ua tima’ia i latou uma e amata ona
faaaoga fa’ata’ita’i lea auupega, ma fa’amasani
atili i ai, a o’o loa ina masani lelei i ai, ona faigofie
lava lea o fa’amaumauga uma, ma sologa lelei ai
le galuega mo i latou fa’apea ma faia’oga fo’i.
O lenei fo’i auupega, ua sili atu ona lelei ona
fa’aaoga, ina ia mautinoa, ua agava’a ma agatonu
le faia’oga mo lona tiute fa’atino i le potu a’oga.
O nisi o i latou ua fa’afaigaluegaina fa’afaia’oga,
e le’i avea e i latou kosi fa’afaia’oga i potu a’oga
mo fa’ailoga maualuluga ua latou umia, ae o le
a’oga fa’amasani a le Teacher Quality fa’atasi
ai ma le galulue fa’atasi ma le pule a’oga ina ia
usita’ia lea auupega, e fa’aleleia atili ai lona iloa
i le faiva fa’afaia’oga ua galue ai.
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 21
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Aetui, Ernest Samoa
Afoa, Oganiu
Agae, Lameta Siapu
Agatonu, Tony
Ah Ching, Faanaitaua
Ah Mu, Johnny
Aisau, Ioasa
Ala, Oliana
Alaelua, Kapeteni
Aliivaa, Taumasina
Allen, Lidwina
Allen, Mathew Waldie
Allen, Stoechkict
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Atiae, Faatamalii
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Auelua, Caroline
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Bishop, Crystal
Correia, Martina
Crosby, Miriama
Esera, Tauva
Eti, Lopa
Europa, Vida
Faaatuatu, Upuese
Faalii, Kalala
Faatamalii, Army
Fatitauai, Tesimale
Faaiu, Faletusiesile
Faavae, Meaalofa
Falanai, Hana
Faamafi, Talamoa
Failauga, Mavaeao
Faumuina, Peniamina
Fetaui, Mollyvina
Fiaalii, Niko
Foleni, Faafua
Fruean, Saena Samuelu
Fuimaono, Esther
Fuimaono-Masaniai, Manino
Fuimaono, Michelle
Fuimaono-Porotesano, Tuumafua
Fulu, Alamai
Gaoteote, Dalton
Gaoteote, Tupouamoa
Gasio, Galuega
Grey, Augustine
Grey, Mark
Hun Fen, Fagaalofa
Husseini, Judy
Iaulualo, Therisa
Ilimaleota, Levelevei
Ilimaleota, Mikaele
Ioasa, Aisau
Isaia, Monte
Iupeli, Elvis
Iupeli, Pepelini Filemu
Kaisa, Johnny
Kaio, Sefulu
Kelemete, Sefulu
Kerisiano, Sale
Kerisiano, Sivao
Kosene, Chevette
Kuresa, Faavela
Kuresa-Sokimi, Christina
Lake, Faasisina
Lalau, Taase
Laloulu, Toese
Laulu, Fuaao
Leaoa, Talavai
Leapai, Poe
Leasiolagi, Galen
Lefotu, Dora
Leilua, Selesitina
Leituala-Misiuepa, Ufanafana
Leo, Tuisamoa
Leota, Imoa
Leota, “PJ” Pule T
Lepolo, Taleni
Letoa, Aloni
Levu, Jordan
Lilio, Ualesi
Limutau, Chanel
Loa, Tuanai
Loa, Winnie
Loe, Simo
Lokou, Poni
Lolani, Pope Paulo
Luaifoa, Diane Melesete
Luapo, Sesilia
Luavasa, Leua
Lui, Fiso ‘Isabella’
Maanaima, Fereti
Maea, Lui
Maeataanoa, Sarai
Mafua, Barbara
Magalei, Seugatalitasi
Mageo, Precious
Maiava, Filisi
Maiava, Fitiuta
Makiasi, Simativa
Malae, Tau
Maloata, Tugaluea
Malolo, Oliva
Malosi, Pola
Maligi, Taumanupepe
Maluia, Tiresa
Manaea, Chester
Mao, Pito
Mapu, Loreta
Mapu, Sineti
Mapu, Vitale
Marques, Aveta
Masaniai, Manino
Masui, Junior
Masunu, Toloa
Matalima, Alieta
Matamu, Kelemete
Matau, Esau
Matau, Faletui
Matau, Tikeri
Mauga, Hokiana
Meredith, Anthony
Mika, Utumoeaau
Milo, Pala
Minoneti, Lusila
Misa, Levei
Misi, Susau
Misioka, Miliama
Misiuepa, Suluifaleese
Misivila, Sophia
Moe, Lagisolia
Moemoe, Tailua
10:00am - 4:00 pm • Monday to Friday
Monaco, Thomas
Mose, Junior
Moors, Harry
Moors Jr, Misimoa
Moors, Matauaina
Muao, Ropeti
Muliau, Samasoni
Mulitalo-Ieremia-Foster, Anna
Musa, Sinatulaga
Navelika, Onosa’i
Netane, Luki
Niukini, Renee
Noa, Jr. Lautele
Nu’usoalia, Lokeni Jr.
Nu’usoalia, Lokeni Sr.
Nuutai, Petaia
Nyel, Naomi
Ofoia, Sose
Onosai, Saisavaii
Onosai, Savelina
Osoimalo, Samoa
Paepule, Lemusu
Palepoi, Faleata
Paselio, Fiapapalagi
Passi, Simamao Katherine
Pati, Apelu
Patu, Falealo “Johnny”
Peric, Taofegauiai
Pene, Ann
Peni, Suetena
Petelo, Anitelea
Poia, Paosia
Poleki, Alofagia
Poloai, Elisapeta
Poloai, Fa’afetai
Puipuifatu, Malua
Puni, Ioane
Pule, Talosaga
Puletu, Monika
Ripley, Faamalele Tagoai
Sagapolutele, Frank
Sakaria, Paese
Salueletaua, Lemo
Samifua, Lemiga
Sanele, Vicky
Sani, Taetuli
Sao, Kuini
Saolele, Petelo
Satele, Suafai
Sauaso, Joyce
Saufoi, Lauina
Sauta, Paul
Savali, Liatama
Scanlan, Penina
Schwenke, Hanna
Semeatu, Ernest Thomas
Semeatu, Meleane
Sialofi, Taupale
Siaosi, Sean
Siofaga, Fetalaiga
Siliga, Eneliko
Siliga, Roina
Sio, Lyno
Sooto, Prescilla
Solia, Genevieve
Sotoa-Leota, Otilia
Spitzenberg, Rose
Sua, Faasasalu
Sua, Finau
Sualoa, Tuipine
Sue, Victoria
Suiaunoa, Brian
Suisala, Taulua Jr.
Tafaese, Onoiva
Tagaloa, Titae
Ta-Grey, Florence
Tago, Faasolo Malo
Tagovailoa, Valasi Aulava
Talo, Faauliuli
Talopau, Toelau
Talosaga, Melesaini
Tapu, Fatu
Tapu, Luafitu
Tauanuu, Faatiuga
Tauai, Elena
Tauese, Keresoma
Taulafoga, Barbara
Taulamago, Iuliana
Taulelei, Tupuivao
Taumua, Pago Pago
Te’i, Lafoaina
Teve, Fa’aolaina
Thiel, Mathew Vincent
Tiapula, Lenora
Tiapula, Raymond
Timo, Lupi
Tini, Timena
Tinoifili, Kanana
Tipoti, Mike
Tiumalu, Nafanua
Tiumalu, Saimua
Toala, Suilefaiga
Toatelegese, Nofoagatotoa
Toeava, Spencer
Toilolo, Allen
Togi, Alipapa
Togiaso, Patisepa
Togiola, Yolanda
Toomalatai, Vaesavali
Toomata, Afereti
Tua, Alofagia
Tua, Epi
Tua, Meleane
Tua, Seneuefa
Tufele, Sinataaga
Tuiasosopo, Saufaiga Cecilia
Tuiletufuga, Fonotaga
Tuiloma, Isaia
Tuiolemotu, (Lee Chee) Lovi
Tunu, Laia
Tupua, Mekiafa
Tupuola, Calvin
Tusi, Sa
Tuufuli, Tuufuli
Tuupo, Doris
Ufuti, Tilomai
Uikirifi, Krystellen “Faga”
Uu, Tineimala
Va’a, Sala
Vaeao, Naomi
Vaesau, Asisione
Vaieli, Maselino
Vaifanua, John
Vaina, Misionare
Vaivao, Benjamin
Ve’a, Joseph
Viliamu, Seiaute
Viliamu, Uili
Visesio, Pelenatete
Wanjau, Ruta
William, Likisone
Aitulagi Bldg 2nd Floor, Fagaima Road • Ph: 699-3848
Fagatogo Square, Suite 208B • Ph: 633-3848
Page 22
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
Sauni ‘au Softball finau mo se pine auro Ta’aloga Pasefika
tusia Ausage Fausia
Se vaaiga i ni isi o sui o le ‘au Softball a le atunu’u i le vaega o Tama’ita’i lea ua sauni atu mo Ta’aloga a le Pasefika e faia i Papua
[ata: AF]
Niu Kini i le masina o Iulai 2015. E tasi lava le itu o lo o taula’i
i ai le vaai a le ‘au Softball a
tama’ita’i o le atunu’u, ao sauni
atu ai mo Ta’aloga lona 15 a
le Pasefika i Papua Niu Kini
i le masina o Iulai 2015, o le
manumalo lea i se pine auro mo
Amerika Samoa.
“Ua mae’a ona manumalo
le tatou ‘au Softball i pine
siliva ma pine apamamea i isi
ta’amilosaga ua mavae, ae le’i
manumalo lava i se pine auro,
o le itu la lena o loo taula’i i
ai le matou vaai aemaise ai o
tapenaga o lo o fa’agasolo i le
taimi nei, o le maua mai lea o
se pine auro mo le tapuaiga a
le atunu’u”, o le saunoaga lea
a le susuga Louis Solaita, o
le Peresetene o le Asosi Softball a Amerika Samoa, i se
fa’atalatalanoaga ma le Samoa
News i le vaiaso nei.
Ina ua fesiligia Solaita i
se tulaga ua i ai tapenaga a le
‘au Softball i le taimi nei, sa ia
taua ai ua lava tapena le ‘au mo
Ta’aloga a le Pasefika.
“Ua sauni le ‘au e tausinio
i Papua Niu Kini, ae pei
ona silafia, o le ta’aloga e
le fa’amoemoe i se to’atasi,
ae fa’alagolago i le galulue
fa’atasi uma o tama’ita’i ina
ia manuia a latou taumafaiga
i totonu o le malae”, o le saunoaga lea a Solaita.
Sa molimauina e le Samoa
News tulaga mataina ma le
lelei ua i ai tapenaga a le ‘au
Softball a tama’ita’i i le taimi
nei, e le gata o fa’ata’ita’iga i
luga o le malae i afiafi ta’itasi,
ae fa’apena fo’i i le sailiina o
le malosi i totonu o le Faletaalo (gym).
I le toe tepa ai i tua i ni isi o
ta’amilosaga ua mavae, na taua
ai e Solaita le fa’amanuiaina o
Amerika Samoa i pine siliva
ma pine apamemea.
“I tausaga ua mavae ina
ua fa’atoa amata mai lenei
ta’aloga i le atunu’u i le 1994,
sa manumalo ai ‘au Softball a
Amerika Samoa i pine siliva
ma pine apamamea, ae sa misi
lava se pine auro, o le tausaga
la lenei, ua tatau ai loa ona
manumalo Amerika Samoa i
se pine auro”, o le saunoaga
lea a Solaita.
Ina ua fesiligia le ali’i
Peresetene pe fa’apefea ona
manumalo le ‘au Softball a
tama’ita’i i le pine, sa ia saunoa
e fa’apea, “na pau le auala
e mafai ai ona manumalo,
o le fa’amaoni i koleniga,
ia maua le malosi, maua
le poto ma le atamai e fa’atino
ai le ta’aloga, ma ia atoatoa
fo’i le lelei o le mafaufau ma le
tino i le taimi e ulufale atu ai i
totonu o le malae”.
E to’a 17 alo tama’ita’i o le
atunu’u ua filifilia i le ‘au lea ua
sauni atu mo Papua Niu Kini.
O i latou nei sa mafai ona
fili mai i koleniga sa faia, e
aofia ai tama’ita’i aoga mai
aoga maualuluga, o isi sa fili
mai i le Kolisi Tu’ufa’atasi, ae
o isi fo’i e malaga mai i Hawaii
ma Kalefonia i Amerika, e
pei ona fa’amaonia mai e le
susuga Solaita.
Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala
ia ausage@samoanews.com
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 23
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Page 24
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
Talosaga se ali’i pagota
ua toe fia fo’i i Savai’i…
tusia Ausage Fausia
O le ali’i pagota mai Savai’i lea na sau i se
pemita e 30 aso i le 2012, ma ia fa’atinoina ai
le tele o solitulafono talepe fale ma le gaoi i le
2013, ua ia ta’utino i le fa’amasinoga maualuga i le taeao ananafi o ia ua toe fia fo’i i lona
aiga i Savai’i, ona e leai ma se isi na alu atu e
asi o ia talu ona taofia o ia i le toese.
O le taeao ananafi na fa’asala ai e le
fa’amasinoga maualuga le ali’i o Joeita
Fa’aaliga i le toese i Tafuna mo le 28 masina,
ina ua ta’usala o ia i le solitulafono mamafa o
le talepe fale i le tulaga lua.
I le masina o Novema 2013, na fa’asala ai
fo’i e le fa’amasinoga maualuga le ua molia
e taofia i le toese i Tafuna mo le 40 masina,
ina ua ta’usala o ia i le moliaga o le talepe
fale i le tulaga lua, e mafua mai ina ua ulufale
fa’amalosi i totonu o se faleoloa i Leone ma
gaoi se taga sa i ai se tinoitupe, ao fa’alogologo
le pule o le faleoloa i lana iPod.
O le taeao ananafi na fa’asala ai fo’i e le
fa’amasinoga maualuga Fa’aaliga, i lona osofaia o se isi faleoloa i Leone lava i le tausaga
e 2013.
Na fa’atoese Fa’aaliga i le fa’amasinoga e
tusa ai o lana solitulafono sa faia. Sa ia taua
e fa’apea, ua lagona lona toe fia fo’i i lona
aiga, ona ua tele masina o nofo pologa i le
falepuipui, e leai se aiga lea fo’i se uo e alofa
ma alu atu e asi o ia.
E le gata sa ia fa’atoese i le pule o le faleoloa na a’afia i lana solitulafono, ae sa ia talosaga fo’i i le fa’amasinoga mo se avanoa e toe
fo’i atu ai i lona aiga i Samoa, se’i tausi ona
matua ma saili se isi lumana’i mo ia.
E tusa ai ma fa’amaumauga a le
fa’amasinoga o lo o taua e fa’apea, o
Fa’aaliga na ulufale mai i se pemita e 30 aso
i le teritori, ona aumau ai lava lea i le teritori
ma galue i le fa’atoaga a se isi tagata e saili
ai sona manuia.
Na talosaga le loia a Fa’aaliga o Joel Shiver
i le fa’amasinoga, mo se avanoa e toe fo’i atu
ai le ua molia i lona aiga i Savai’i.
Na taua e le ali’i loia fautua e fa’apea, o
Faaaliga, o se ali’i talavou e na o le 21 tausaga
le matua, ua ia lagona le sese o le filifiliga sa
ia faia ao ‘ona.
Na lagolagoina e le loia a le malo ia Tiffany
Oldfield se vaega o le ripoti a le Ofisa Nofovaavaaia e fa’apea, e tatau ona tuli fa’atasi le
fa’asalaga a Fa’aaliga i le mataupu lenei, ma le
fa’asalaga sa tu’uina atu i le isi fo’i mataupu na
ta’usala ai o ia i le 2013, ona o nei solitulafono
uma sosoo lava taimi na tutupu fa’atasi ai i le
nofoaga lava e tasi.
Na finau le malo i le fa’amasinoga, ua lava
le taimi lea ua oo mai i le taimi nei ua tuli e
Fa’aaliga, ae poloaina loa o ia na te tuua le
atunu’u, ma aumau ai i fafo atu mo le umi e 7
tausaga o lana nofovaavaaia.
Na talia e le fa’amasinoga le fautuaga a
loia faapea ai ma le Ofisa Nofovaavaaia, ma
poloaina ai loa Fa’aailga na te tuliina masina e
28 i le toese i Tafuna, o se tasi lea o tuutuuga o
lana nofovaavaaia e 7 tausaga mo le mataupu
fou lea ua fa’asala ai o ia, ae tuli fa’atasi ma
lana fa’asalaga fa’a falepuipui e 40 masina o
loo tuli i le taimi nei.
Ua poloaina fo’i e le fa’amasinoga ia
Fa’aaliga na te tuua le teritori ma toe fo’i
atu i lona aiga, pe afai ae mae’a ona tuli lana
fa’asalaga i le toese, ma ua poloaina fo’i le
malo e saili le sponsor a le ua molia mo le
totogiina o le pasese e toe fo’i atu ai Fa’aaliga
i lona aiga, ae afai e le maua le sponsor,
ua fa’atonuina le malo ina ia latou fa’atinoina
lea matafaioi.
Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia
Tusia: Akenese Ilalio Zec
Vaega: 37
Taeao manuia i le mamalu o le atunu’u, i lou alafa’i mai i fanuga lelei o lenei aso fou, e
ao ai ona o tatou fa’apea ifo, “Le Ali’i e, Iesu Keriso, o Lou toetu manumalo mai le oti ma
le tu’ugamau, ua o matou maua ai le olataga ma le manuia mai i Lau Afio, fa’afetai fa’afetai
tele, aua e le mavae lou alofa mo i matou, ia vi’ia pea Oe Tama e fa’avavau, fa’avavau lava,
Ua lagona e Keisi le alofa ane i si ana uo, ma sa taumafai nei e fai ane i ai se tala, peita’i, ua
le mafai ona tautala ane, sa ia taumafai fo’i e fa’ailoa ane i a Lenina, o lo’o lelei lava mea uma,
ma o lo’o mafai e ia ona malamalama i ana tala e fai, peita’i, ua le mafai lava.
“Keisi, na fesilisili mai fo’i le ali’i Leoleo o Keneti e uiga i a Loleni.” E le i uma ane le tala
lea a Lenina, ae matala mai loa ma le faitoto’a ma fa’apea ane le tagata, “E a, o lo’o e talanoa e
uiga i le Leoleo su’esu’e o Keneti.?”
Na liliu ane nei Lenina ma iloa ai o le la uo o Keli lea ua alu ane e asi Keisi.
“Oi, talofa Keli, o le a le umi na e tu mai ai i’ina ma e faitatala mai i a ma tala.?”
Na tali ane Keli, pe a i se sekone. Na toe fesili ane nei Keli i a Lenina, po’o a mai Keisi, na
tali Lenina, “E leai lava se suiga o i ai.”
Na fesili nei Lenina i a Keli pe na su’esu’e ia e Keneti e uiga i a Loleni, le to’alua lea o Keisi,
na tali Keli, ioe, ae na ia toe fai i a Keneti e le tatau ona masalosalo latou i a Loleni. E le mafai
ona fai e Loleni se mea fa’apea i a Keisi, e alofa fa’amaoni Loleni i lona to’alua.
Na toe fa’apea ane le fesili a Keli i a Lenina, “E a mai le lua feiloa’iga ma Miakele anapo?” Na
tali Lenina, na lelei lava mea uma, e leai se mea na fa’aletonu, ae ua lagona fo’i si ona tautalaititi
i isi taimi, ona o le aulelei o foliga o Mikaele.”
Ua tali e, nei ae na motusia vave lava ina ua o’o o la mafaufauga i si a la uo o Keisi, lea o lo’o
ta’oto nei, ua le toe minoi, ma ua le toe mafai ona fai se mea.
Na fa’apea nei le tala a Keli, “Nina, amuia ta’ua, ae talofa e ia Keisi, ua ou lagona ai le popole,
po’o le a le mea o le a fai, e le masani ona ta’oto fa’apea Keisi, o se tagata e malosi, ao lenei ua
taoto fa’apenei mai, talofa e, i a Keisi.”
Na lagona lelei mai lava e Keisi tala ia o lo’o fai nei e ana uo o Keli ma Lenina, ma na
lagona ai le vaivai o lona loto, ae ui i lea sa ia manatua pea, afai e toe fia fo’i i lona malosi,
toe fia fa’atasitasi ma ana uo, toe talatalanoa ma si ona uso e to’atasi o Lulu, ae maise o le
mafutaga ma si ona to’alua o Loleni, ua tatau nei ona taumafai malosi ia, ina ia toe manuia
mai lona ma’i.
E faia pea…
Grand jury indicts 6 cops
in death of Freddie Gray
BALTIMORE (AP) — A grand jury’s decision to indict all six
officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray, who died of injuries suffered in police custody, allows the state’s attorney to press
ahead with the most serious charges despite criticism she was part
of an “overzealous prosecution.”
The indictments announced Thursday were similar to the
charges Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced
three weeks ago. The most serious charge for each officer, ranging
from second-degree “depraved heart” murder to assault, stood,
though some of the lesser alleged offenses had changed.
Attorneys for the officers have said in court documents they are
the victims of an “overzealous prosecution” riddled with personal
and political conflicts of interest. At a minimum, they said, Mosby
should be replaced with an independent prosecutor because she
had a personal interest in calming unrest in the city that followed
Gray’s death and because her husband is a city councilman who
represents the areas most affected by upheaval.
Gray suffered a critical spinal injury April 12 after police handcuffed, shackled and placed him head-first into a van, Mosby has
said. His pleas for medical attention were repeatedly ignored.
His death a week later spawned protests that on two occasions
gave way to violence and looting. In the wake of the riots, Democratic Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake implemented a curfew
and Republican Gov. Larry Hogan declared a state of emergency.
Mosby said prosecutors presented evidence to the grand jury for
the past two weeks. Some of the charges were changed based on
new information, but she didn’t say what that was. She also did not
take questions. “As is often the case, during an ongoing investigation, charges can and should be revised based upon the evidence.”
Two officers, Edward Nero and Garrett Miller, were indicted on
second-degree assault, reckless endangerment and misconduct in
office for “failure to perform a duty regarding the safety of a prisoner” and for an illegal arrest, Mosby said. The indictments do not
include the false-imprisonment charge both officers initially faced.
“I’m very glad that the grand jury chose not to indict officer
Nero on false imprisonment and one count of second-degree
assault. I’m quite confident he will be acquitted of the remaining
charges at trial,” Nero’s defense attorney, Marc Zayon, said.
Caesar Goodson, who drove the van, faces manslaughter and
a second-degree “depraved heart” murder charge, as well as misconduct in office and second-degree assault. Sgt. Alicia White, Lt.
Brian Rice and Officer William Porter are each charged with manslaughter, second-degree assault and misconduct in office. Those
officers also face reckless-endangerment charges.
Nero, Miller and Rice are white; Goodson, Porter and White
are black.
Gray’s death became a symbol of what protesters say is a pattern of police brutality against African-Americans in Baltimore.
Following Gray’s death, the Justice Department announced a civil
rights investigation of the Baltimore Police Department to search
for discriminatory policing practices and examine allegations that
officers too often use excessive force and make unconstitutional
searches and arrests.
Gray was arrested in the Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood
of West Baltimore. According to court documents, he made eye
contact with a police officer and took off running. He was apprehended two blocks away and arrested for possession of a knife that
Miller wrote in charging documents is illegal under a city ordinance. Mosby said the arrest was unlawful because the knife is
legal under state law.
None of the officers secured Gray’s seatbelt in the van, a violation of police policy. Soon after he was placed in the van, Goodson
made a second stop during which Gray was secured in leg irons
because he was “irate,” police said.
After a ride that included two more stops, including one to pick
up a second passenger, the van arrived at the Western District
police station. By that time, Gray was non-responsive.
The Rev. Cortly “C.D.” Witherspoon, president of the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference’s Baltimore chapter, said he was
surprised by the indictments. “The track record of this city and
state’s attorney’s office and even the grand jury in Baltimore is not
to indict in these type cases,” he said.
In the neighborhood where Gray was arrested, the news was
received Thursday evening more with a shrug than a cheer.
“We ain’t worried about the indictment. We want a conviction,” said Michael Banks, 44.
Lisa Logan, an HIV-awareness advocate, said she’s glad the
case is proceeding. But she doesn’t understand why the van driver
faces more serious charges than the officers who put Gray in the
van. “Something occurred, some law was broken, so justice is
being done,” Logan said. “But how and who and how it all broke
down, we’ll have to wait and see.”
Equal-justice advocate Noche Diaz, who said he moved to Baltimore from New York to join the protests, called the indictment
“only a first step.”
“The only thing that got the charges in the first place was when
people rose up and then more people around the country stood up,”
he said. “There’s going to be a need to continue and renew that fight.”
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 25
American Samoa Government
The Department of Commerce, as the lead agency designated to administer American
Samoa’s Community Services Block Grant Program, announces the closing date for
submitting proposals/applications for FY 2016 CSBG Funding.
All public agencies and non-profit organizations are welcome to apply. Application
guidance for instructions on completing and filing a proposal is available at the
Department of Commerce. Applicants must file their proposals by 4:00 P.M.
(American Samoa Time) on Wednesday, June 3, 2015. Submit one original and six
copies of the proposal to the CSBG Division of the Department of Commerce, 2nd
Floor, A.P. Lutali Executive Building; Utulei, American Samoa.
Please contact CSBG staff at 633-5155 should you have any questions regarding this
Keniseli F. Lafaele
Director of commerce
The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council announces
the following public meetings on fisheries management in offshore waters of
Hawai‘i, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands (CNMI) and the Pacific Remote Island Areas. Unless otherwise noted, all
meetings below will be held Hawai‘i standard time and at the Council office, 1164
Bishop Street, Suite 1400, Honolulu.
Advisory Panel (American Samoa)
Toa Conference Room, Nuuli Village, Tutuila, American Samoa June 1 (M) 4:30
p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (Samoa time)
Major agenda items: Issues to be discussed at 163rd Council Meeting and
American Samoa Archipelago Fishery Ecosystem Plan issues.
Social Science Planning Committee
Webinar/conference call (1-888-482-3560; pass code 5228220)
June 8 (M) 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Major agenda items: Council’s human dimension research and activities,
community priorities and annual fishery reports.
119th Scientific and Statistical Committee
June 9-11 (T-Th) 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Major agenda items: 2015-2016 acceptable biological catch (ABC) for the main
Hawaiian Islands (MHI) deep-7 bottomfish fishery.
Fishery Data Collection and Research Committee (FDCRC)
June 15 (M)
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Major agenda items: Report on 2015 joint FDCRC and Technical Committee
meeting; alternative data summarization, reporting and analysis; developing a
framework on how to report data collection improvements.
Standing Committees
June 15 (M)
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Major agenda items: Pelagic and international fisheries management; Hawai‘i and
Pacific Remote Island Areas fisheries management; and executive and budget.
163rd Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council
Harbor View Center, 1129 N. Nimitz Hwy, Honolulu June 16-18 (T-Th) 8:30 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m.
Major agenda items: Specification of ACL for MHI deep-7 bottomfish fishery for
2015-2016 fishing year and Omnibus Amendment to establish the Pacific Islands
annual catch limit specification process.
Fishers Forum on Seafood Safety and Traceability
Harbor View Center, 1129 N. Nimitz Hwy., Honolulu Accessible via internet at
www.wprfmc.webex.com/join/info.wpcouncilnoaa.gov June 17 (W)
6:00 p.m.
to 9:00 p.m.
For more information and complete agendas, go to www.wpcouncil.org or email
info.wpcouncil@noaa.gov, ph. (808) 522-8220 or fax (808) 522- 8226. These
public meetings are physically accessible to people with disabilities. Requests for
sign language interpretation or other auxiliary aids should be requested at least
five days prior to the meeting.
Page 26
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
Vt. man becomes Toyota promising to help find
keeper of cousin’s cause of Takata airbag defects
WWII Purple Heart
WORCESTER, Vt. (AP) — Paul Pike never knew his
namesake but now is keeper of the man’s legacy for whom he
accepted the Purple Heart on Thursday.
Pike accepted the medal at a ceremony in Worcester to honor
his cousin who died in the Battle of the Bulge during World
War II.
School children looked on as Pike was given the framed
Purple Heart and other medals his cousin earned during the war.
The soldier Pike was killed weeks after he wrote home to his
parents telling them he was going to the front line. The Purple
Heart was given to his family decades ago but ended up in the
possession of the Worcester Historical Society in the town
where he grew up and is now buried.
“He was my father’s cousin,” said the 68-year-old Pike, who
lives in Roxbury.
“He must have been quite a fellow because my father didn’t
suffer fools gladly. He named me after him.”
A member of the 75th Division, the soldier Pike was killed
Jan. 20, 1945. He was first buried in a national cemetery in
Europe. But his parents brought his remains home to Worcester
in 1947, the younger Pike said. The ceremony Thursday was
arranged by the Worcester Historical Society and the group
Purple Hearts Reunited.
Historical Society member Audrey Richardson said she first
heard from the younger Pike about a year ago when he called
the town clerk after Memorial Day asking that his cousin’s
grave be decorated with an American flag. At first she didn’t
believe there was a second Paul Pike.
“I remembered his dad when they used to come to visit the
Pikes,” Richardson said.
Richardson said the Historical Society was looking for a
Memorial Day project to do with the older students in the town
elementary school. She discovered Purple Hearts Reunited
when she went online looking for some way to honor Pike, one
of two Worcester men killed during the war.
Purple Hearts Reunited was started by Vermont National
Guard Capt. Zacharia Fike, who has made it his mission to
return Purple Heart medals to the people who earned them or
their descendants.
Since he began his mission three years ago, the organization
has returned more than 150 medals to the relatives of the people
who earned them. The organization now has about 400 medals
they are trying to return.
“It symbolizes a young man or woman who took that oath,
who stepped up for us so that we could be a free nation,” Fike
said. “We owe it to them to never forget, ever, because we
wouldn’t be here taking that breath if it wasn’t for them.”
In The High Court
of American Samoa
Probate No. 09-07
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the 19th day of
June, 2015 at 9:00am, Petitioner/Executrix
Patricia Letuli through her undersigned attorney,
will move and hereby moves this court to
approve the Final Accounting for Estate of Olo
U.M. Letuli and to issue an order of distribution
and discharge of Executrix. The said motion is
based upon the pleadings and papers on file
Dated: April 15, 2015
Attorney for the Petitioner/
Executrix Patricia Letuli,
for Estate of OLO U.M. LETULI
Published 05/08, 05/22, 06/05/15
TOKYO (AP) — Toyota President Akio
Toyoda vowed to help get to the bottom of the
problems with Takata air bags, the recalls for
which have ballooned to nearly 34 million vehicles, stressing that regaining consumer trust is an
industry-wide concern. Doubts are growing about
whether Japanese supplier Takata Corp. has the
financial muscle to deal with all the defects, a
task that could take years. The ultimate size of
its financial burden will remain unclear until the
underlying cause of the problems is identified.
Toyoda was solemn when addressing Takata’s woes. He pointed out Toyota Motor Corp.
had gone through a similar public-relations
disaster over massive recalls that began in 2009,
and expanded to some 14 million vehicles
worldwide, for problems including faulty floor
mats, defective brakes and sticky gas pedals.
“Recalls are not just about technical problems. If there is a morsel of consumer doubt, then
we have to deal with it,” he told reporters on the
sidelines of a reception Thursday for the Japanese Automobile Manufacturers Association.
“We must aggressively pursue recalls. Otherwise, we can’t go forward,” he said.
The air bag inflators being recalled can kick
in with too much force, even without a crash,
blow apart a metal canister and send shards
flying. The defect has caused at least six deaths
and more than 100 injuries worldwide.
Toyota has been working with the other automakers affected by the defect, including rivals
such as Honda Motor Co., the hardest hit, and
foreign manufacturers such as BMW, Chrysler
AG, Ford Motor Co. and General Motors Co. to
pinpoint the root of the air bag problem.
Toyota and nine other automakers hired
Orbital ATK, an aerospace and defense technology company based in Dulles, Virgina, to
conduct testing on Takata air bags. Takata and
U.S. authorities, as well as some automakers on
their own, are also carrying out tests.
Although exposure to moisture for extended
periods appears to trigger the problem, the root
cause is still unknown. “It’s like a sickness. You
have to find out what’s causing it if you hope to
treat it and fix it,” Toyoda said.
Analysts say too many factors remain unclear
to properly assess the ability of Takata to hold
up under the costs of such massive recalls, the
biggest on record.
Because the root cause of the problem is
unknown, the cost burden on Takata is hard to
calculate. If a total switch of a major air bag
component or design is needed, the cost would
skyrocket. Takata air bags use a chemical different from other makers to inflate the air bags,
ammonium nitrate, although it is still unclear if
that is the problem.
The situation could, on the other hand, be
solved by a relatively cheap adjustment in production methods or replacing a minor part.
“Many uncertainties and variable factors
remain,” Morgan Stanley MUFG analyst Shinji
Kakiuchi said in a report this week.
For now, the air bags are being replaced
with newer ones, because, whatever the cause,
the explosions don’t appear to happen until the
air bags get older. This means the replacement
air bags could also turn out to be defective,
requiring another replacement, depending on
what the tests eventually find.
The Tokyo-based company, which also sells
seatbelts, is still making money from its mainstay products, said Shiro Sakamoto, analyst
with Daiwa Securities Co. Its operating profit
for the fiscal year through March 2015 was
better-than-expected, he said, but costs related
to recalls have sent it into the red overall.
Takata reported a 5 billion yen ($41 million)
loss for the fiscal fourth quarter, stemming from
costs related to previously announced recalls.
Toyota, the world’s top automaker in global
sales, had record profit of 2.17 trillion yen ($18
billion) for the fiscal year through March, up 19
percent from the previous year, buoyed by sales
growth in the U.S. and a perk from the cheap yen.
Auto officials say the feeling is strong within
the Japanese auto industry that they have to
stick together to resolve the Takata problems
because every player will be affected by any
dent in reputation related to safety.
Also, auto suppliers, such as Takata, can’t be
dumped overnight, even if automakers wanted
to. Vehicle models are developed over time,
often years, and parts such as air bags are part
of the overall design and engineering.
Even so, automakers, including Toyota and
Honda, have been lining up other suppliers,
whenever they can to replace the air bag inflators. That’s partly because Takata can’t keep up
with making replacement parts.
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In The High Court
of American Samoa
Probate No. 12-14
Take note that on the 13th day of March, 2015,
the Petitioner Alice Mae Pili was sworn in as the
Executrix for the Estate of FALEMA’O MATINA
PILI, deceased. Those parties who have claims
against the Estate are requested to notify the
estate of any claims and the amounts owed.
Creditors of the estate are hereby notified to
deliver or mail their written claims to the
Personal Representative’s attorney of record,
The Law Offices of Mark Frederick Ude.
Submissions should be sent to P.O. BOX 5833,
their written claims with the Clerk of the Court
within 60 days after the date of the first
publication of this notice or be forever barred.
Dated: April 8th, 2015
Mark Frederick Ude, Esq.
Published 4/22, 5/22
➧ Volipolo…
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 27
Mai itulau 19
O le Anavatau a ‘au Volipolo a le atunu’u a’o sauni atu
ai mo Papua, lea o loo lolomi
i luma o le latou toniga, o le
“God is Great”.
Saunoa Afu, “O le agaga atoa
o lenei taumafaiga, e le gata ia
atina’e le ta’aloga Volipolo mo
tupulaga ma fanau a le atunu’u,
ae ia a’oa’oina ai fo’i ma le amio
e finagalo i ai le Atua”.
O ‘au Volipolo a ali’i ma
tama’ita’i ua fa’amoemoe e
tausinio i Papua, sa fili mai lava
i ta’amilosaga a kalapu eseese
i le atunu’u sa faia i le tele o
masina ma tausaga.
Saunoa Afu e fa’apea, o se
tasi o itu sa fa’aletonu ai ‘au a
le atunu’u i ni isi o ta’aloga ua
mavae atu, e pei o Taaloga a le
Pasefika i le 2011 i Niu Kaletonia fa’apea ai le ta’amilosaga
a Sone sa faia i Niu Sila i le
amataga o le tausaga nei, e
le gata e laiti alo ma fanau sa
filifilia, ae o ni isi fo’i o ali’i
ma tama’iti taaalo sa maua le
avanoa e tatau ai ona malaga,
sa fa’atalale i le taleni ma le
avanoa sa tuuina atu.
“O le taimi la lenei, ua manaia
le matutua ma le malolosi o ‘au
uma e lua a ali’i ma tama’ita’i
ua filifilia, fa’amoemoe o le a
tulaga lelei a latou taumafaiga
i lenei tausaga”, o le saunoaga
lea a Afu.
I le avea ai o Afu ma totino
o le ‘au fili a Amerika Samoa
sa tausinio i isi ta’aloga
fa’avaomalo ua mavae atu, sa
ia taua ai i le Samoa News e
fa’apea, e le gata o loo gafa ma
le koleniina o le au mo Papua,
ae o loo koleni fo’i ma sauni i
soo se taimi e mana’omia ai e
le ‘au lana fesoasoani, ona toe
oso fo’i lea i totonu o le malae e
fa’aiila lana taleni.
Ua talosagaina fo’i le
atunu’u ina ia afifio atu e lagolago le latou Koneseti lea o le
a faia i le Fale Laumei i le aso
30 Me 2015, lea o le a fa’afiafia
ai ali’i Tauaso mai Samoa,
fa’apea ai ni isi o le au fa’afiafia
masani i le atunu’u.
A visitor to One World Observatory looks over Manhattan, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, in New York. The observatory atop the
(AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
104-story One World Trade Center opens to the public on May 29.
CHANNEL * (E) English Subtitles
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* (R)-Rerun
Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia
*Note: If you need this Schedule, e-mail <hyunhwilee@gmail.com>. and I will send it to you every week!”
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Page 28
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 29
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A soldier walks on a path through the Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund flag garden on
Boston Common in Boston, ahead of Memorial Day, Thursday, May 21 2015.
Each of the approximately 37,000 flags represents a Massachusetts military member who died
(AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)
in service from the Revolutionary War to the present.
China, U.S. assert rights after
exchange over So. China Sea
BEIJING (AP) — China said Thursday it is
entitled to keep watch over airspace and seas
surrounding artificial islands it created in the
disputed waters of the South China Sea, following an exchange in which its navy warned
off a U.S. surveillance plane. The United States
said its aerial patrolling was in accordance with
international law and “no one in their right
mind” would try to stop it.
Neither side says it wants confrontation with
the other, but as China seeks to assert its expansive claims to the South China Sea, the U.S. is
pushing back and trying to demonstrate that
China’s massive land reclamation does not give
it territorial rights.
A news crew from CNN reported it witnessed an incident Wednesday in which a Chinese navy dispatcher demanded eight times that
a U.S. Navy P8-A Poseidon surveillance aircraft leave the area as it flew over Fiery Cross
Reef, where China has conducted extensive reclamation work.
It said the U.S. crew responded that they
were flying through international airspace, to
which the Chinese dispatcher answered: “This
is the Chinese navy ... You go!”
The Center for Strategic and International
Studies think tank posted more video Thursday
of the aerial patrol above the Spratly island
chain which it said had been released by the
U.S. Navy.
Speaking at a regular daily briefing, Chinese
Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei reiterated Beijing’s insistence on its indisputable
sovereignty over the islands it has created by
piling sand on top of atolls and reefs.
While saying he had no information about
the reported exchange, Hong said China was
“entitled to the surveillance over related airspace and sea areas so as to maintain national
security and avoid any maritime accidents. “We hope relevant countries respect China’s
sovereignty over the South China Sea, abandon
actions that may intensify controversies and
play a constructive role for regional peace and
stability,” Hong told reporters.
In Washington, Daniel Russel, the top U.S.
diplomat for East Asia, said the flight of a U.S.
reconnaissance plane in international airspace
over the South China Sea was a regular and
appropriate occurrence.
He said the U.S. will seek to preserve the
ability of not just the United States but all countries to exercise their rights to freedom of navigation and overflight.
“Nobody in their right mind is going to try to
stop the U.S. Navy from operating. That would
not be a good step. But it’s not enough that a
U.S. military plane can overfly international
waters, even if there is a challenge or a hail and
query” from the Chinese military, he said.
“We believe that every country and all
civilian actors also should have unfettered
access to international waters and international
airspace,” he said.
China’s construction has intensified frictions among competing parties in the South
China Sea, which Beijing claims virtually in its
entirety along with its scattered island groups.
The area that is home to some of the world’s
busiest commercial shipping routes is also
claimed in part or in whole by the Philippines,
Taiwan, Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam.
The U.S. and most of the 10 members of the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations want
a halt to the projects, which they suspect are
aimed at building islands and other land features over which China can claim sovereignty
and base military assets.
The U.S. says it takes no position on the
sovereignty claims but insists they must be
negotiated. Washington also says ensuring
maritime safety and access is a U.S. national
security priority.
China is also at odds with Japan over ownership of a group of uninhabited islands in the
East China Sea that are controlled by Tokyo but
also claimed by Beijing, leading to increased
activity by Chinese planes and ships in the area,
which lies between Taiwan and Okinawa.
Both sides have accused the other of operating dangerously, prompting fears of an incident such as the 2001 collision between a Chinese fighter jet and a U.S. surveillance plane
in which the Chinese pilot was killed and the
American crew detained on China’s Hainan
Also Thursday, the Chinese air force
announced its latest offshore training exercises
in the western Pacific as part of efforts to boost
its combat preparedness.
People’s Liberation Army Air Force
spokesman Shen Jinke said the exercises were
held in international airspace but gave no specifics. In its report on the drills, state broadcaster CCTV showed a video of Xian H-6
twin-engine bombers, a Chinese version of
Russia’s Tupelov Tu-16, in flight and landing
at an air base, although it wasn’t clear when the
video was shot.
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Page 30
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
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BF MAYONNAISE 48 OZ PER BOTTLE -------- $ 6.50
BF MAYONNAISE 64 OZ PER BOTTLE -------- $ 7.99
Capt. Debbie Tuttle, of the California State Military Reserve, touches her son Pfc. Keith Williams’
name during the Mountain Post Warrior Memorial Ceremony at the Global War on Terrorism Fallen
Soldiers’ Memorial, Thursday, May 21, 2015, in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Williams was honored along with six other Fort Carson soldiers during the ceremony.
(Michael Ciaglo/The Gazette via AP)
The seven Fort Carson soldiers died while deployed in 2014. NEWS IN BRIEF
Nepal assesses if quake-hit
villages are at risk before rain
KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Geologists
were sent to earthquake-damaged mountain villages in Nepal this week to assess landslide risks
before the rainy season begins next month, an
official said Friday.
Many of them walking to their destinations,
the geologists will check the soil in the remote
villages in the districts hit worst by the quakes,
Home Ministry official Laxmi Prasad Dhakal
said. They are scheduled to report their findings
in Kathmandu next week, and the government
would then decide which villages are in danger
of landslides and need to be relocated.
Dhakal said only few weeks are left to get
people to safer areas and it was going to a big
challenge. Heavy rainfall during the monsoon
season has triggered landslides in the past in
mountainous Nepal, and the risks are higher
because of the earthquakes.
The government was also trying to get heavy
equipment to mountain villages before landslides
block the highways and roads.
The April 26 and May 12 earthquakes have
killed 8,635 people in Nepal and damaged and
destroyed buildings, leaving hundreds of thousands of people homeless.
Resident reporting 19 Shiites
killed in Saudi suicide attack
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — A suicide
bomber targeted a mosque in eastern Saudi
Arabia as worshippers were commemorating the
7th century birth of a revered Shiite figure on
Friday, the Interior Ministry and residents said.
Habib Mahmoud, managing editor for the
state-linked Al-Sharq newspaper in Qatif, said
that the local Red Crescent authorities confirmed
to him that 19 people had been killed and 28
wounded. There was no immediate word from
the Interior Ministry on casualties. The area is
heavily populated by members of Saudi Arabia’s
Shiite minority.
Saudi Arabia’s Interior Ministry initially
reported that an explosion struck a mosque in the
eastern province of Qatif after Friday prayers,
without providing further details. It later confirmed that a suicide bomber who hid the explosives under his clothes was behind the attack.
It is the second deadly attack against Shiites in
the kingdom in six months.
In November, the extremist Islamic State
group was accused of being behind the shooting
and killing of eight worshippers in the eastern
Saudi Arabian village of al-Ahsa.
Interior Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Mansour al-Turki said in a statement that Friday’s
attack struck the Imam Ali mosque in a village
called al-Qudeeh.
Court awards some $1.8 mil.
to phone hacking victims
LONDON (AP) — Britain’s High Court has
awarded actress Sadie Frost, sports star Paul Gascoigne and a group of other claimants some 1.2
million pounds ($1.8 million) in damages after
their phones were hacked by journalists seeking
scoops for the Mirror Group Newspapers.
Frost received 260,250 pounds, while former
soccer star Gascoigne won 188,250 in the lawsuit
filed by eight victims.
Justice George Mann says the victims suffered a “serious infringement of privacy.”
Trinity Mirror PLC said Thursday it would
consider an appeal. It has apologized.
Britain’s phone-hacking scandal erupted in
2011 with the revelation of eavesdropping by
the Rupert Murdoch-owned News of the World.
The furor led to the closure of that paper and the
arrests of dozens of journalists.
Ukrainian military officer hit
with a third charge in Russia
MOSCOW (AP) — A third charge has been
filed against a Ukrainian military officer who has
been behind bars in Moscow for nearly a year over
the deaths of two Russian journalists in Ukraine.
Nadezhda Savchenko, who worked as a spotter
for Ukrainian troops fighting separatist rebels in
eastern Ukraine, had been charged with providing
information that led to the journalists’ deaths in a
mortar attack. She has been in custody in Russia
since June after allegedly entering Russia illegally, for which she also has been charged.
On Thursday, at the conclusion of the preliminary proceedings against her, defense lawyer
Mark Feygin said she has also been charged with
attempted murder, in connection with five people
who were wounded in the mortar attack.
Police: Missing Boston library
artwork may be an inside job
BOSTON (AP) — Police and the FBI are investigating the disappearance of two pieces of artwork worth more than half a million dollars from
the Boston Public Library, and a top employee has
been placed on leave. It’s still not clear whether
the works by Rembrandt and Albrecht Durer were
stolen or were simply misplaced.
Police Commissioner William Evans says
investigators are looking into whether the disappearance of the pieces was “an inside job” and
are looking at several library employees. He did
not disclose names. A library spokeswoman says
the keeper of special collections is on leave. The
missing pieces are a 1634 Rembrandt etching
and the 1504 Durer engraving. The 8-by-11-inch
Durer, “Adam and Eve,” is valued at about
$600,000. The 5-by-6-inch Rembrandt self-portrait is valued between $20,000 and $30,000.
(Continued on page 31)
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 31
Continued from page 30
New Zealand fails to deliver on
promised gov’t budget surplus
WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — New Zealand’s government on Thursday blamed low inflation for its failure to deliver
a promised budget surplus this year but said it remains on target to
get its books into the black next year.
New Zealand hoped to become one of the first developed
nations to return to a surplus following the 2008 global financial
crisis. That would allow it to begin repaying debt.
But when Finance Minister Bill English delivered his annual
budget Thursday, the planned surplus had evaporated into a projected deficit of 684 million New Zealand dollars ($501 million)
for the year ending June. His forecasts indicate a tiny surplus next
year, increasing to a NZ$3.6 billion surplus by 2019.
English said the failure to reach surplus was due to inflation of
just 0.1 percent, which was much lower than forecast. He said that
was good news for consumers, who weren’t facing price increases,
but also meant tax revenue was lower than forecast.
Santa Rosa man slits his
throat in front of officers
SANTA ROSA, Calif. (AP) — A Santa Rosa man is dead after
he stabbed himself in the neck repeatedly in front of police.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports 38-year-old Roberto Hernandez’s teenage daughter called police to the home, saying her
parents were fighting and her dad threatened to kill himself.
Police Lt. Mike Lazzarini says the teen told officers that Hernandez stabbed himself in the chest earlier that day.
She and her 4- and 10-year-old brothers went to a bedroom to
stay away from the arguing couple.
Officers report Hernandez started stabbing himself when they
approached him and his wife Wednesday night, and continued
even when they fired a Taser. The rest of the family wasn’t hurt,
and the three officers involved were put on paid administrative
leave according to standard procedure.
u.s. Army sergeant sentenced in
2013 Afghan fuel bribery scheme
COLUMBUS, Ga. (AP) — Federal prosecutors in Georgia
say an Army sergeant has been sentenced in a bribery scheme
that involved Afghan truckers reselling military fuel on the black
market. Prosecutors say 41-year-old James Edward Norris of Fort
Irwin, California, was sentenced Thursday to 51 months in prison
and ordered to pay $176,000 in restitution.
Prosecutors say Norris conspired with other soldiers at Forward
Operating Base Gardez to solicit and accept $2,000 daily from
Afghan truck drivers in early 2013 if the truckers were allowed to
take thousands of gallons of fuel from the base.
Norris said he was paid roughly $100,000 in the scheme.
Sgt. Seneca Hampton also pleaded guilty in the scheme and
faces sentencing July 28.
Norris and Hampton were deployed from Fort Campbell,
Another soldier was indicted in March.
Armed forces mission provides
aid to poorer parts of Peru
SURCUBAMBA, Peru (AP) — The 5,000 inhabitants of this
Quechua-speaking region in Peru’s top cocaine-producing valley
on Thursday got health care, medicine, eyeglasses and shoes from
two mobile hospitals sent by the country’s military.
Brig. Gen. Jose Galindo said the aid mission to impoverished
communities in the valley of the Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro rivers
included roughly 200 soldiers, along with ophthalmologists, cardiologists, gynecologists, dentists, obstetricians and radiologists.
In Surcubamba, 300 kilometers (186 miles) east of Lima, widower Eustaquio Rodriguez, 86, said he had his hair cut for the first
time in almost two years by a military barber.
Maria Gavilan, a 52-year-old mother of seven, received a
pair of glasses to fight the myopia she has suffered for more than
40 years.
“It is the first time an eye doctor has come. There is none here,”
she said, referring to Surcubamba, where 87 percent of the people
live in poverty and 53 percent suffer from chronic malnutrition.
Son of former Honduras
president arrested in Haiti
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AP) — The son of former President Porfirio Lobo was arrested in Haiti in an apparent anti-drug
operation carried out by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and Haitian authorities, the ex-president and the Honduran
government confirmed Thursday.
Fabio Lobo Lobo, 43, was arrested Wednesday night in Haiti
and taken to New York to appear before a judge, according to a
statement from the Honduran government. Lobo was arrested by
Haitian authorities with the support of the DEA.
Porfirio Lobo said Thursday in an interview with the government’s Channel 8 television that he was facing a situation that he
would never wish on any parent.
“I cannot say that he is guilty; I cannot say that he is not,”
Lobo said.
“Fabio is not a child,” Lobo added. “He is a man with a family
and must answer for his actions.”
(Continued on page 32)
Pres. Barack Obama makes the traditional Hawaiian “shaka” greeting sign with Ensign Rocco
Michael Kekai Tramontano after he received his diploma and commission at the U.S. Coast Guard
Academy graduation, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, in New London, Conn. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to A.S.C.A. §37.1105, that ANZ GUAM, INC. dba ANZ
Amerika Samoa Bank intends to foreclose a mortgage, recorded in the Office of the Territorial
Registrar in Native Land Title, Volume Number NLT 2 at page 300 on January 26, 2010, and
that the property subject to the mortgage will be sold at public auction.
Property to be Sold on “AS IS BASIS”: All of the mortgagor’s interest in that certain real
property of individually owned land, which include two residential structure, consisting of
approximately 1.24 acres, more or less, situated in the village of Nuuuli, American Samoa and
more particularly described as:
All of that certain real property lying in Land Square 29, Unit A, situated in
the village of Nuuuli, County of Ituau, Eastern District, Island of Tutuila,
American Samoa, being a portion of land known as “FANUAFOU”, more
particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:
Beginning at an iron pin which has coordinates of X=252,643.74 and
Y=293,474.45 based on American Samoa Datum of 1962.
Run thence southerly 100 18’ 00”, 46.95 feet to an iron pin. Thence 190 18’
00”, 300.00 feet to an iron pin; Thence 280 18’ 00”, 200.00 feet to an iron pin;
Thence 10 18’ 00”, 220.00 feet to an iron pin; thence 72 42’ 09”, 172.70 feet to
the point of beginning.
Containing 1.24 acres more or less.
Date of Sale: Friday, June 12, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. at the property, unless postponed or canceled
by public announcement.
Location: The property is located in Nu’uuli.
Minimum Bid: $293,000.00
Contact: For more information about this property, please contact David P. Vargas at the Law
Offices of Rose Joneson Vargas, telephone number 699-2100, facsimile number 699-2105, or
send an email message to david.vargas@rjvlaw.com.
ANZ GUAM, Inc. dba ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank reserves the right to reject any and all
Page 32
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
Continued from page 31
US State Department employee faces
cyberstalking and hacking charges
ATLANTA (AP) — A U.S. State Department employee is
accused of sending threatening emails to college-aged women
in the U.S. from his computer at the U.S. Embassy in London,
authorities said.
A federal complaint unsealed this week in Atlanta states that
Michael C. Ford accessed computer accounts of young women to
obtain sexually explicit images of them. In one case, prosecutors,
say, Ford posed as a Google employee to obtain the password to
an Illinois woman’s Google email account.
Prosecutors say Ford then threatened to post the images online
unless the women complied with his demands, such as requests
that they shoot videos of other women undressing.
Ford is facing charges that include cyberstalking and making
interstate threats. Authorities apprehended him last week at Atlanta’s airport as he prepared to board a flight back to London after
visiting relatives in Georgia.
APNewsBreak: Utah official took
donation from 1-800 Contacts
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Utah Attorney General Sean
Reyes accepted a $5,000 campaign donation from a contact lens
seller based in the state after his office began defending a new law
that critics say was written at the company’s behest.
Three of the nation’s biggest contact lens makers are suing
Utah over the law, which bans price-fixing for lenses and could
have wide-ranging implications for the industry. They argue it is
unconstitutional and was written to benefit discount retailers like
1-800 Contacts. The companies filed suit April 13.
On May 1, Reyes’ campaign deposited a $5,000 check from
1-800 Contacts, which by that time had joined the lawsuit in favor
of the law. Reyes campaign consultant Alan Crooks said the check
was part of a Park City ski fundraiser that the Republican attorney
general held in early March. Suggested contributions for attendees
were around $5,000.
The company wrote its check weeks later, on April 7. Reyes’
campaign didn’t pick it up until sometime after that, Crooks said.
French school newspaper recieves
threats over Charlie Hebdo issue
PARIS (AP) — Teachers, parents and media freedom activists are urging police action after death threats against a French
teenager over a school newspaper issue about the extremist attack
against satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo.
The 17-year-old student, chief editor of the paper at the Marcelin Berthelot school in the Paris suburb of Saint-Maur des
Fosses, received seven threats, according to Reporters Without
Borders. They included letters sent with bullets and swastikas,
some sent to his home, others left in his school locker.
The special issue included essays and poems about the Charlie
Hebdo attack Jan. 7. The father of a student at the school was
among the 12 killed.
The school’s teachers threatened to stop work, expressing concern that police aren’t doing enough to protect the school or stop
the threats.
Beijing court imprisons 2 over
drag-racing supercar smashup
BEIJING (AP) — A court on Thursday sentenced two young
men to up to five months in jail for dangerous driving after they
crashed a Lamborghini and a Ferrari in a late-night race through
Beijing. The crash involving two luxury cars attracted much attention from the Chinese public, who speculated about the men’s
family backgrounds and how they could drive such expensive cars.
The Chaoyang District Court in Beijing found Tang Wentian,
21, and Yu Muchun, 20, guilty of dangerously operating motor
vehicles, a court statement said. Neither would appeal the verdicts,
which sentenced Tang to five months in jail and Yu to four, the
court said. Both also were fined.
The court said Tang’s Lamborghini reached speeds of over 179
kilometers (111 miles) per hour and that Yu’s Ferrari went over
165 kph (102 mph) in their race on the rainy night of April 11. One
passenger in Tang’s car was injured. The speed limit was 70 kph
(43 mph) for that stretch of road.
World Bank: Gaza economy
on the ‘verge of collapse’
JERUSALEM (AP) — A new World Bank report warns that
Gaza’s economy is on the “verge of collapse.”
It said Friday that “blockades, war and poor governance have
strangled” the economy of the Gaza Strip, ruled by the Islamic
militant group Hamas.
The report said Gaza’s GDP would have been four times higher
if not for conflicts and restrictions, including a blockade in place
since 2007.
Israel and Egypt imposed the blockade on Gaza after Hamas
violently seized the territory from forces loyal to the Westernbacked Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Since then Hamas
has fought three wars with Israel.
The report said about 43 percent of Gaza’s 1.8 million residents
are unemployed. Youth unemployment reached about 60 percent
by the end of last year, it said.
(Continued on page 33)
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 33
Continued from page 32
Family of man killed by new york
police in darkened stairwell sues
NEW YORK (AP) — The family of an unarmed man shot by a
New York City police officer in a darkened stairwell in November
has filed a wrongful death lawsuit.
The lawsuit was filed Thursday.
It names the officer who shot Akai Gurley, the officer’s partner
and the city’s Housing Authority.
Police say Gurley was accidentally shot after opening a door in
a dark stairway that Officer Peter Liang was patrolling.
Liang was indicted in February on manslaughter and other
The city’s Law Department calls the shooting a tragic accident
and says it will review the claims once the lawsuit is served.
Listeria: FDA finds problems
at Ohio ice cream plant
WASHINGTON (AP) — A government investigation of Ohiobased Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams found inadequate testing and
cleaning in its Columbus plant that had become contaminated with
listeria. The company recalled all its products last month after listeria was discovered in some pints of Jeni’s ice cream, and listeria
was also found in the plant. There are no known illnesses connected to the recall, and Jeni’s says it is making ice cream again
and re-opening its shops Friday after intensive cleaning.
The Jeni’s recall came as Texas-based Blue Bell Creameries
also shut down and recalled all products after listeria in its products was linked to three deaths.
The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday released the
results of the April investigation into Jeni’s plant after a Freedom
of Information request from The Associated Press. The investigation took place in response to the discovery of listeria and reviewed
the company’s efforts to stem contamination in the plant.
The report said Jeni’s managers did not have an adequate sampling and testing program and were not sufficiently sanitizing
some surfaces, including the floors.
The report said residue was found on some equipment.
Police: SC officer shoots and
kills suspect who cut deputy
CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — Authorities say a man who tried
to cut a sheriff’s deputy when officers were serving a warrant has
been shot and killed by a North Charleston police officer.
The Charleston County Sheriff’s Office says four North
Charleston officers and two deputies tried to serve a burglary
warrant on 43-year-old James Anthony Cooper about 9 p.m.
A report says the suspect’s wife answered the door saying
Cooper was upstairs and when officers approached him, he
charged them with a knife or sharp object.
According to police, a deputy suffered a minor cut on his cheek
and thumb, and the officer shot Cooper in the abdomen.
Charleston County Coroner Rae Wooten says Cooper died
about midnight at the Medical University of South Carolina. The
name of the officer involved wasn’t immediately released.
Dr. Oz helps collapsed woman
during mall promotional event
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) — Celebrity doctor and television host Dr. Mehmet Oz reportedly rushed into a crowd to help a
woman at a promotional event in Jacksonville.
Local media outlets report that Oz was at the Avenues Mall
as part of his “The Good Life” tour Thursday morning when a
woman collapsed on the second level and people around her began
yelling for help. Officials say Oz jumped a railing and attended
to the woman until paramedics arrived. The woman’s name and
condition weren’t immediately available.
Earlier this month, emergency responders say Oz helped them
by treating two people injured in a car crash on the New Jersey
Turnpike. Oz was dubbed “America’s doctor” by Oprah Winfrey,
who launched his show in 2009. He has drawn criticism from
some doctors who accuse him of promoting quack treatments.
riot Police in Chile repel
protesters with tear gas
SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Chilean police launched water
cannons and tear gas Thursday to repel protesters trying to get
past a barrier as President Michelle Bachelet spoke to the nation
about a constitutional reform that she hopes will help renew faith
in the country’s political class.
Officers halted marchers several blocks from the Congress
building in the port city of Valparaiso, about 66 miles (106 kilometers) northwest of Santiago.
Most of the several thousand people demonstrated peacefully,
but some masked protesters set barricades ablaze in the street and
some vandalized nearby businesses.
Police detained 37 people and one protester was seriously
injured after falling, said Gen. Julio Pineda.
Thursday was Naval Day, a holiday when presidents traditionally speak to the nation. This year it comes at a time when Chileans
are increasingly fed up with politicians due to several scandals,
including one involving the president’s son, who many accuse of
using his influence to obtain a favorable bank loan.
(Continued on page 36)
Michael Brown Sr. unwraps a plaque remembering his son, Michael Brown, to show volunteers as
they remove items left at a makeshift memorial to Michael Brown Wednesday, May 20, 2015, in Ferguson, Mo. The memorial that has marked the place where Brown was fatally shot by a police officer
(AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)
in August has been removed and will be replaced with a permanent plaque.
Human Resource Department, Tafuna
PO Box PPB, Pago Pago
American Samoa 96799
Phone No: (684) 699-3033
Fax No: (684) 699-3046
Email: humanresources@aspower.com
American Samoa
Power Authority
Position Title
Position Type
Reports To
Accounting Manager
Business & Finance
Posting Date
Pay Rate
Career Service – 12 months probation
Chief Financial Officer
May 18, 2015
4:00 PM, May 29, 2015
Salary Commensurate with
Job Grade/Status Exempt
Major Duties & Responsibilities
The Accounting Manager is responsible for all areas relating to financial reporting. This position will be responsible for
developing and maintaining accounting principles, practices and procedures to ensure accurate and timely financial
statements. The Accounting Manager supervises senior accountants and staff accountants and is responsible for
managing the team to ensure that work is properly allocated and completed in a timely and accurate manner. This
position addresses tight deadlines and a multitude of accounting activities including general ledger preparation,
financial reporting, year-end audit preparation and the support of budget and forecast activities. The Accounting
Manager reports directly to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
Responsibilities and Duties
• Manage and oversee the daily operations of the accounting department.
• Obtain and maintain a thorough understanding of the financial reporting and general ledger structure.
• Ensure an accurate and timely monthly, quarterly and year-end closing.
• Ensure the timely reporting of all monthly financial information.
• Ensure the accurate and timely reconciliation and analysis of all general ledger accounts.
• Supports budget and forecasting activities.
• Collaborates with other department managers to support overall department goals and objectives.
• Monitors and analyzes department work to develop more efficient procedures and use of resources while
maintaining a high level of accuracy.
• Work with the CFO to ensure a clean and timely year-end audit.
• Supervise the general ledger group to ensure all financial reporting deadlines are met.
• Assist in development and implementation of new accounting procedures and policies to enhance the workflow
of the department.
• Provide training to new and existing accounting staff as needed.
• Assist in development and implementation of internal control procedures to detect and prevent frauds and
• Support the CFO with special projects and workflow process improvements.
MinimumR equirements
• Master of Science in Accounting, CPA preferred
Proven working experience as Accounting Manager.
Proven knowledge of accounting principles, practices, and standards.
High attention to detail and accuracy.
Ability to focus attention on the work at hand without being distracted.
Ability to direct and supervise.
Advanced computer skills on MS Office, accounting software and databases.
Qualified applicants: Qualified applicants: please submit a completed ASPA Employment Application with a
copy of your resume to ASPA Tafuna (address listed above) by the deadline listed above. Please attach copies of
credentials and transcripts. Candidates selected for hire must pass examinations (when applicable), preemployment clearances & test negative on pre-employment drug test. ASPA reserves the right to waive education
and experience requirements as necessary.
No phone inquiries accepted.
An Equal Opportunity Employer * A Drug Free Workplace
Page 34
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
High court frees Korean
Air ‘nut rage’ executive
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — A South Korean court Friday
suspended the prison term of the former Korean Air executive
whose onboard “nut rage” tantrum delayed a flight last year,
immediately ending her incarceration. Cho Hyun-ah, who is the
daughter of the airline’s chairman, did not violate aviation security law when she ordered the chief flight attendant off a Dec. 5
flight, forcing it to return to the gate at John F. Kennedy Airport
in New York, according to the Seoul High Court.
The upper court sentenced Cho to 10 months in prison and
then suspended the sentence for two years. It said she was guilty
of assault. A lower court had earlier sentenced Cho to a year in
prison. She has been locked up since her December arrest.
Cho achieved notoriety after an onboard tantrum triggered when a
first class flight attendant served her macadamia nuts in a bag instead
of on a dish. Cho, head of the airline’s cabin service at the time, had
a heated, physical confrontation with members of the crew.
Swarmed by reporters at the court, she made no comment in
front of the TV cameras, bowing her head and burying her face
in her hands as the media pressed in and yelled for her to say
something. The incident was a lightning rod for anger in a country
where the economy is dominated by family-run conglomerates
known as chaebol that often act above the law.
The lower court had convicted Cho of forcing a flight to change
its route, obstructing the flight’s captain in the performance of his
duties, forcing a crew member off a plane and assaulting a crew
member. It found her not guilty of interfering with a transport
ministry investigation into the incident. Cho pleaded not guilty
and prosecutors had called for three years in prison.
The aviation security law is meant to regulate highly dangerous
acts such as hijacking. But the upper court said that there wasn’t a
safety threat posed by Cho’s actions, and returning the plane that
was taxiing did not constitute forcing a change in the plane’s route.
Kim Sang-hwan, head of the three judge upper court panel,
said that even though Cho used violence against crew members,
she should be given a second chance. The judge also cited her
“internal change” since she began serving her prison term as a
reason for lessening the sentence.
The upper court also took into consideration that Cho is the
mother of 2-year-old twins and had never committed any offense
before. She has resigned from her position at the airline.
US schools ramp up use
of safety drills, security
WASHINGTON (AP) — Safety drills, parent
notification systems, and other safety measures
in U.S. public schools grew in popularity in the
years surrounding the massacre at Connecticut’s
Sandy Hook Elementary School.
A government survey released Thursday
shows the uptick came during a four-year span
that saw an overall decrease in violent crime
reported by schools, but one that included highprofile incidents such as the Newtown, Connecticut, shootings in December 2012 that left 20
children and six educators dead.
The findings, from the 2013-14 school year,
come from the National Center for Education
The survey found that 88 percent of public
schools had a written plan of how to respond to
an active shooter, and that 7 out of 10 had drills
to practice the plan.
About three-quarters of schools reported
using security cameras, and 43 percent said they
used security personnel at least once a week.
JoAnn Bartoletti, the executive director for
the National Association of Secondary School
Principals, said it’s encouraging to see school
safety moving in a positive direction. She said
one aspect the survey fails to measure is the
efforts schools have undertaken to create a more
nurturing environment.
“As the Secret Service, the FBI and numerous
researchers have confirmed over the years, the
most effective way to prevent acts of violence
in schools is to build trusting relationships with
students and others in the community, so threats
come to light quickly — and more important, so
threats are deterred,” Bartoletti said in a statement.
Jayne Ellspermann, principal of the 2,600-student West Port High School in Ocala, Florida,
Local contact:
DPS Office of Highway Safety
David Bird: 633-7634
said she thinks security cameras and safety drills
are important, but a big piece of the puzzle is
working with students so they understand they
can go to educators with help and making sure
all students know it’s their responsibility to help
keep their school safe.
“We do have cameras, but I truly believe that
students are doing the right thing because they
feel safe on campus rather than they are doing
the right thing because there may be cameras,”
Ellspermann said.
Even before the Newtown killings, schools
had been working more closely with local law
enforcement and ramping up other school security measures, said Ronald Stephens, executive
director of the National School Safety Center.
“I think something like Sandy Hook certainly
punctuates the need to engage additional security
strategies, but I really see it as an ongoing trend,”
he said.
Stephens said he believes the work has been a
factor in a decrease in overall school crime.
The survey showed 65 percent of public
schools reporting one violent incident in school,
such as a rape, fight, robbery or threat of physical attack. That’s down from 74 percent in the
2009-10 school year, when the survey was last
The findings were based on a survey sent to
school principals. Among the other results:
— About 8 in 10 schools reported having a
parent notification system that automatically notifies parents in case of an emergency, compared
with about 6 in 10 schools four years earlier.
— Slightly less than half — 47 percent — of
schools reported having a system that allowed
someone to report a crime anonymously, compared with 36 percent four years earlier.
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 35
Cleveland calmly awaits decisions in 3 killings by cops
Cleveland’s maligned police
department, the barrage began
with a car chase that ended
when officers fired 137 rounds
and killed two unarmed black
Then late last year, a white,
rookie police officer shot and
killed a 12-year-old black
boy carrying a pellet gun in a
park. Around the same time, a
U.S. Justice Department report
slammed the entire department,
outlining a string of excessive
force and civil rights violations.
repeated stains, Cleveland has
been spared from violent protests that have erupted in places
like Baltimore and Ferguson,
Cleveland’s politicians and
community leaders are now
working to make sure protests
remain peaceful as the city
awaits a verdict in the trial of a
white officer in the deaths of the
two unarmed people and a decision on whether charges will be
filed in the 12-year-old’s death.
There’s nothing at this point
that indicates there’s a cauldron
of dissent in the predominantly
black, largely poor city that’s
about to boil over into violence.
Cleveland and the region’s biggest concern at the moment
appear to be a hoped-for march
by the Cleveland Cavaliers to
an NBA title.
“I think the mayor’s been
very clear. We’re interested
in making sure that those who
want to protest for whatever
reason do it in a responsible
way,” said Dan Williams,
spokesman for Mayor Frank
Jackson. “We’ve had demonstrators them for a long time
and we’ve been fair in dealing
with them.”
Cleveland has worked
hard to burnish its image as a
decaying Rust Belt city. Downtown has become a vibrant
place for people to live, work
and play. The Rock and Roll
Hall of Fame attracts tourists
from near and far, and Republicans are bringing their national
nominating convention here
next year. But not far away are
neighborhoods ravaged by poverty and blight, and a long history of ill will between citizens
and police, especially on Cleveland’s overwhelmingly black
east side.
The Justice Department
slammed police in December
when Eric Holder, attorney
general at the time, announced
that a lengthy investigation concluded officers unnecessarily
fired their guns, hit suspects in
the head with their weapons,
and punched and used Tasers
on people already handcuffed.
Discontent with police has
gone beyond allegations of
excessive force. Six years ago,
the department came under criticism following the discovery
of 11 women’s bodies in a home
where the stench of death hung
over a poverty-stricken neighborhood for months. The victims’ families accused police of
failing to properly investigate
the disappearances because
most of the women were drug
addicts and poor.
Mayors have for decades
struggled to rein in the police
department. Jackson and his
administration have made a
very public show in the past
weeks of how they’re working
to keep the peace before a judge
delivers his verdict for the trial
of Michael Brelo in the 137shot case.
What has helped ease the
tension so far is Cleveland’s
long history of electing black
leaders along with a strong network of seasoned activists and
clergy in the black community,
said Ronnie Dunn, an urban
affairs professor at Cleveland
State University.
Cleveland has had three
black mayors, including Carl
Stokes, who in 1967 became
the first black mayor of a major
U.S. city. Jackson is in his third
term. “We have a black mayor,
a black police chief, we have
several black council people,”
said Carol Steiner, who has
organized protests of police in
Cleveland. “It’s different from
Ferguson in that way.”
It’s important to distinguish,
she said, between the organized
protest movement that is almost
entirely nonviolent and the
types of uprisings brought on
by years of oppression.
“To us the more interesting
question is why haven’t more
people from the neighborhoods
been united in large scale protests,” said Steiner, who added
that she doesn’t know the
Just four days after Rice was
fatally shot in November, about
200 protesters blocked evening
rush hour traffic, but officers
simply directed commuters
around the protest instead of
arresting the demonstrators.
Cleveland may also have
benefited from an aggressive
county prosecutor willing to
charge and prosecute police
officers. The 137-shot incident
in November 2012 drew attention because of its sheer excess.
Thirteen officers fired at a car
with two unarmed suspects
after a 22-mile-long, high-speed
chase involving more than 100
Cleveland police officers in
more than 60 cars. Brelo fired
49 of those shots, but it’s the
last 15 that resulted in criminal
charges. He fired those shots
at point-blank range into the
windshield of a car at Timothy
Russell and Malissa Williams.
Prosecutors contend Brelo, 31,
intended to kill the pair even
though their car had stopped
and they were no longer a threat
to anyone.
The chase began after Russell’s beat-up Chevy Malibu
backfired as it sped past police
headquarters, which caused
officers to think someone in the
car had fired a gun.
Cuyahoga County prosecutor Tim McGinty has not
spared any expense in prosecuting Brelo, committing more
than a half-dozen prosecutors
and thousands of dollars on
expert witnesses to testify in his
effort to win a conviction.
Civil rights attorney James
Hardiman said McGinty’s will-
ingness to prosecute has helped
ease tensions in Cleveland.
“That obviously has played
a role in appeasing some
people,” Hardiman said. “But
depending on the ultimate verdict, that might not keep a lid on
What will happen with the
Tamir Rice case is uncertain.
Outrage grew with the release
of footage from a surveillance
camera showed patrolman
Timothy Loehmann shooting
the boy within two seconds of
his patrol car skidding to a stop
next to him. Tamir can be seen
in the video reaching for the
realistic-looking pellet gun he
had tucked in his waistband.
The Cuyahoga County
Sheriff’s Department is wrapping up an investigation into
the shooting it started in midJanuary. Once complete, the
sheriff will turn the case over
prosecutors, who can charge
Loehmann, present evidence to
a grand jury or rule the shooting
justified and not pursue criminal charges.
Page 36
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
Continued from page 33
Jeb Bush shifts style, critiques
brother’s budget management
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Only a few days
after saying he wouldn’t “go out of my way” to
point out what he saw as mistakes made by his
brother, Jeb Bush did just that Thursday, criticizing former President George W. Bush’s record
on the federal budget.
“I think in Washington during my brother’s
time, Republicans spent too much money. I think
he could have used the veto power,” Bush said
toward the end of a two-day campaign swing
through New Hampshire. “He could have brought
budget discipline to Washington, D.C.”
The remark, made when Bush was asked to
distinguish himself from his brother, came during
a shift in campaign style for the former Florida
governor, who — after months of relentlessly
raising money to support his likely run for president in 2016, and unquestionably his roughest
week in politics this year — is spending more
time talking about himself.
While that includes telling stories about
meeting his wife as a foreign exchange student in
Mexico, and his record while serving two terms
as Florida governor, they are stories that aren’t
all that new. The criticism of his brother’s time as
president is. “I’m blessed to be a member of the
Bush family, but I also have lived my own life,”
Bush said Thursday.
Although Bush said earlier in the week that
“the ship is stable,” the shift in approach is an
acknowledgement of what may be his biggest
challenge in the 2016 presidential primaries.
While most voters can’t help but know Bush’s
name, thanks to his father’s and brother’s presidencies, they don’t yet know much about him.
“I didn’t know what to expect,” said Peter
Rice, a retired Marine from Portsmouth, who
attended a business round table with Bush on
Wednesday. “I think he has more to offer the
Oval Office than his brother did. And he does not
come off as elitist, as his father sometimes did.”
How Bush believes he differs from his father
and brother led off his appearance before roughly
50 small business owners in Concord the next day.
“Apparently there’s a little confusion that all
family members are supposed to be clones of one
another,” Bush said.
That discussion point has become all the more
important for the younger brother of former President George W. Bush and son of former President George Bush, more so since he struggled
last week to answer questions about the 2003 war
in Iraq — a nation both his father and brother
invaded while commander in chief.
It was a week he ended by telling reporters he
wouldn’t “go out of my way” to point out what he
saw as mistakes by either former Bush president.
“It’s just not going to happen,” he said. Yet when
asked to distinguish himself from his brother on
Thursday, Bush did so with the critique of his
older brother’s fiscal record.
Since expressing interest in running for president in 2016 four months ago, Bush has spent
much of his time speaking to private fundraisers
aimed at fueling the super PAC that’s expected
to advocate for his candidacy once he enters the
race later this summer.
The mission now is to combat the appearance of Bush’s imminent campaign as a foregone
conclusion, aides said. That’s a real concern for
Bush, said Tom Rath, a New Hampshire Republican who supported George W. Bush in 2000
and advised 2012 nominee Mitt Romney.
“The name is known so well-known and comes
with the perception of a front-runner,” Rath said.
“That can be off-putting in New Hampshire. It’s
a problem they are going to continue to have.”
And so in the past week, Bush has moved to
spending more time at events with politically
influential audiences, such as small groups of
Republican National Committee members at a
party meeting in Arizona, and GOP officials and
groups in Iowa, home of the leadoff caucuses.
“Few Iowans have really been exposed to his
record as governor of Florida, which includes a
number of things conservative voters would appreciate,” said Craig Robinson, an Iowa Republican
who called Bush’s description of reducing the
size of the state’s payroll and launching a comprehensive school-choice program eye-opening.
“There is a misperception that Governor
Bush is a national figure who has spent lots of
time with the political class in Washington,” said
Bush spokesman Tim Miller. “He’s been focused
on Florida or the private sector his whole career.”
Beyond the biography and the effort to set himself apart from family members who have already
lived in the White House, Bush said the talk of his
wife and grandchildren — what Bush described
as showing his “heart” — has a tactical payoff.
“The simple fact is you’re going to get
attacked. You have to show who you are first,”
Bush told 50 people at a restaurant in Salem.
“People have to shrug their shoulders.”
Armed elderly woman engages
California deputies in standoff
CALABASAS, Calif. (AP) — Authorities are trying to subdue
an armed elderly woman who has barricaded herself at a Southern
California mobile home park for most of the day and shot at a
police robot. Los Angeles County sheriff’s officials say they were
called around dawn Thursday by a woman saying she needed
medical assistance. When deputies and firefighters arrived at the
mobile home park in Topanga Canyon, near Malibu, the woman
waved a gun at them. They took cover and evacuated the park.
Sheriff’s officials have been working to resolve the situation
all day, but the woman remains holed up after more than 12 hours.
KABC-TV reports authorities have tried tear gas and a crisisnegotiation robot. The station says the woman fired a gun at the
robot, hit it with a broom and threw a cover over it.
Man sentenced to 13 years in
prison in Halloween hit-and-run
SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) — An Orange County man has been
sentenced to more than 13 years in state prison for killing three
teenage trick-or-treaters in a hit-and-run on Halloween.
District attorney’s spokeswoman Roxi Fyad says Jaquinn Bell
was sentenced Thursday to 13 years and eight months in state
prison and six months in jail for the killings. She says he was sentenced to another 18 months in jail for a probation violation.
A message was left for Bell’s lawyer Frank Bittar.
Bell pleaded guilty in March to three felony counts of vehicular
manslaughter and other charges.
Prosecutors say Bell drove through a Santa Ana crosswalk
going more than 60 mph and struck 13-year-old girl twins and
their 13-year-old friend before fleeing the scene.
the Eiffel Tower is closed amid
workers’ anger about pickpockets
PARIS (AP) — The Eiffel Tower is closed to the public because
workers are protesting a recent rise in aggressive pickpockets.
The Paris monument is normally open every day of the year
and brings in thousands of visitors daily. It sometimes closes
briefly for bomb threats or strikes. The company that manages the
tower said in a statement it did not open Friday because the staff is
concerned about petty crime around the site. It said it is working
with police to reach a solution so that the landmark can reopen.
The walkout comes the day after Paris authorities said crime
against tourists had dropped this year thanks to reinforced police
presence and video surveillance.
Turkey — businessmen and
police detained in new raids
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Officials say police have detained
dozens of businessmen and police officers in a new wave of raids
against people suspected of links to a movement led U.S.-based
Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, which the government accuses of
attempting to topple the government.
The governor’s office for central Konya province says police
have warrants to arrest 69 people suspected of “membership in the
pro-Fethullah terror organization” and other crimes. It says raids
were launched Friday in Konya and 19 other provinces.
The detained officers include the former police chief for Konya
and other senior officers. The governor’s office did not identify the
wanted businessmen.
The government accuses Gulen’s followers of conspiring
against it and of orchestrating a corruption scandal in 2013 that
implicated government ministers, a charge Gulen rejects.
Cruise ship that ran aground
near Bermuda returns to Boston
BOSTON (AP) — A cruise ship that ran aground on a reef near
Bermuda during a seven-day roundtrip from Boston has returned
stateside. The Norwegian Dawn, carrying nearly 3,500 passengers
and crew, returned Friday morning to the Black Falcon Terminal
in Boston.
The ship hit the reef late Tuesday and was stuck for more than
six hours before a rising tide helped push it into deeper water.
Norwegian Cruise Line says a temporary malfunction in the
steering system forced the ship off course near Bermuda, where it
had spent three days in port.
The company says a team of experts inspected the ship and
found it to be safe.
The ship’s 2,443 passengers will receive a 15 percent credit for
a future cruise.
calif. Driver charged with manslaughter in crash that killed 4
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Authorities say a Northern California man has been arrested on suspicion of felony vehicular
manslaughter and driving under the influence in a crash that killed
his four passengers. California Highway Patrol spokesman Herb
Kellogg says Anthony James Imbronone III was arrested at his
home in Gilroy on Thursday.
Three teenage girls and a 24-year-old man were killed last
week when the car hit a canal bank and flipped in the air before
landing on its roof and rolling about 20 feet to the bottom of a
ravine. Imbronone was hospitalized with major injuries.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports the 24-year-old Imbronone was booked into Santa Clara County Jail and is being held
on $250,000 bail.
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 37
Police — Woman held in box for
months found dead, man sought
The hunt for a registered sex
offender suspected of killing his
ex-girlfriend and her son intensified Thursday after police
raided but failed to find anyone
inside a home in western Missouri, where the man was
charged last month for allegedly
keeping the woman confined in
a wooden box.
Sandra Kay Sutton, 46, and
her 17-year-old son, Zachary
Wade Sutton, were found dead
early Thursday morning in a
relative’s home in Clinton. Both
victims appear to have been
shot overnight, while Sutton’s
relatives were at work, Clinton
police Lt. Sonny Lynch said.
Police have been searching
for her former boyfriend, James
Barton Horn Jr., since he was
charged with kidnapping three
weeks ago. Investigators allege
he kept Sandra Sutton in a
wooden box off-and-on for four
months at the same home they
searched Thursday in Sedalia,
about 45 miles northeast of
Horn, who served time in
prison for a kidnapping and
sexual attack, disappeared
before police could arrest him
on the kidnapping charge.
Lynch said Horn is “absolutely”
a suspect in the deaths.
A police officer found a car
that Sandra Sutton had used
outside a hospital in Sedalia,
Lynch said. Surveillance video
from the hospital showed a man
authorities believe was Horn
walking away from the car and
toward nearby houses at 4:15
a.m., the lieutenant said.
One of the houses, a few
blocks from the hospital, was
where Horn allegedly kept
Sutton confined in the box.
Sedalia police cordoned off that
home, where they thought Horn
might have been hiding. They
surrounded the home for hours,
calling to Horn to come out and
deploying a robot to search the
area, but officers found no one
once they went inside, said Sgt.
Bill Lowe of the Missouri State
Highway Patrol.
They also searched two
unoccupied homes nearby.
Federal authorities also are
helping search for Horn, who is
currently under the supervision
of federal probation officers.
Lynch warned that Horn was
an “extremely dangerous, violent person,” and that anyone
providing him shelter could face
charges if they were aware of
the pending kidnapping charges.
He said Clinton authorities were
unaware Sutton was staying in
the area, and that court documents don’t indicate she sought
any protective orders again Horn.
Sutton told police in late
April that Horn had threatened
her in a car with a “tire jack”
after an argument in January.
When they returned home, he
began building a wooden structure, and she had to help with
its construction, according to a
probable cause statement filed
by Sedalia police.
Sutton was allowed to
leave the box in the evenings
when Barton returned home
from work, according to court
Police said the box was kept
in a bedroom and contained a
bucket full of urine and feces.
The box, which investigators
said was 100 inches long, 48
inches wide and 52 inches tall,
also contained several layers of
insulation, padding and sleeping
bags, and a small air hole.
Sutton escaped April 30 and
ran to the home of a neighbor
who called police — but Horn
was gone by the time police
Wright, said she saw Sutton
crouch down after running from
the couple’s home in April.
Her husband, Lloyd Wright,
said she looked panicked,
adding: “She was crouched
down like she was trying to hide
when she ran.”
Horn served about three
years in prison in Tennessee in
the early 1990s in connection
with a kidnapping and sexual
attack. Records also show he
pleaded guilty in 1997 in Mississippi to unlawfully kidnapping
and abducting his estranged
wife. He was sentenced in that
case to 12 years and 11 months
in prison, plus five years supervised release.
He was released from custody in December 2011, and
his probation jurisdiction was
transferred in 2012 to Missouri, according to online court
records. He was still under
federal supervision, said Chad
Lamar, spokesman for the U.S.
Attorney for the Northern District of Mississippi. “There has
been an effort to locate him
on the local, state and federal
level,” Lamar said Thursday.
Horn’s attorney in the Mississippi case declined comment
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8. Studies all manufacturers parts bulletins and other releases to keep informed of the latest developments in machine design and parts
9. When required, service customers on call-ins after normal working hours.
10. Keeps Parts Supervisor informed on matters of managerial importance on issues of customer service.
11. Contributes to a team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.
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1. Must have some knowledge of parts sold by Hawthorne Machinery Corp. (Caterpillar & CARQUEST).
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1. Walking and moving about on foot often through uneven terrain.
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6. Standing: Remains in standing position. If required to perform various functions of the job.
7. Vision: Read paperwork, employment files and records on the computer.
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9. Sitting: Sits at desk. Sits for minimal periods of time.
1. Noise: Works in conditions with constant or intermittent noise.
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Reasonable accommodations for essential functions of the position will be considered.
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Page 38
A worker removes oil from the beach at Refugio State Beach, north of Goleta, Calif., Thursday,
May 21, 2015. More than 7,700 gallons of oil has been raked, skimmed and vacuumed from a
spill that stretched across 9 miles of California coast, just a fraction of the sticky, stinking goo that
(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
escaped from a broken pipeline, officials said.
Environmentalists seize on
latest Santa Barbara oil spill
GOLETA, Calif. (AP) — The latest oil spill
on the Santa Barbara coast is just a drop in the
bucket compared with the area’s catastrophic
blowout in 1969, but it has become a new rallying point for environmentalists in their battle
against drilling and fossil fuels.
No one expects damage on the order of the
‘69 disaster, which helped give rise to the modern
environmental movement and led to passage of
some of the nation’s most important environmental laws.
Nevertheless, the new spill from a ruptured
underground pipe is being held up as another
reason to oppose such things as fracking, the Keystone XL pipeline that would run from Canada to
Texas, the moving of crude by train, and drilling
in far-flung places.
“What we see from this event is that the
industry still poses enormous risks to an area we
cannot afford to lose,” said Joel Reynolds of the
Natural Resources Defense Council.
The timing of the leak — days after a federal agency approved Shell’s plan for drilling in
the Arctic, and while the Obama administration
considers opening the Atlantic to exploration —
could work to the advantage of environmental
Closer to home, it could galvanize opposition to plans for new drilling in the Santa Barbara Channel, where Union Oil’s platform blew
out 46 years ago, spewing an estimated 3 million
gallons of crude along 30 miles of coast. Some
9,000 birds died.
Tuesday’s spill involved an estimated 105,000
gallons of crude; about 21,000 is believed to
have made it to the sea and split into slicks that
stretched 9 miles along the same stretch of coast
fouled in 1969. A 23-mile by 7-mile area was
closed to fishing.
As of Thursday, more than 9,000 gallons had
been raked, skimmed and vacuumed up, officials
said. The thick, powerful-smelling crude coated
rocks and sand, but only six oil-coated pelicans
and one juvenile sea lion had been rescued. There
was no estimate on the cost of the cleanup.
The 24-inch pipe, built in 1987, had no previous problems and was thoroughly inspected in
2012, according to its operator, Plains All American Pipeline. The pipe underwent similar tests
about two weeks ago, though the results had not
been analyzed yet.
Company officials said it can take weeks or
months after excavation and inspection of the
broken pipeline to determine the cause of the spill.
The 1969 spill was a watershed event in the
area and also for the nation.
Artist Bud Bottoms remembers yelling,
“We’ve got to get oil out!” thus coining what
became a rallying cry and the name of the organization he founded, Get Oil Out, or GOO.
“We made so much noise about the oil spill
in our pristine Santa Barbara coast that it was
called the ‘environmental shot heard ‘round the
world,’” Bottoms said.
The stench was terrible, and he remembers
people crying at the sight of the beaches. Inmates
were brought in to help spread bales of straw to
sop up the mess.
His group helped gather 200,000 signatures
to get the oil rigs removed from the coast. That
never happened, but over the next few years significant legislation was passed to protect endangered species and the air and water. The first
Earth Day was celebrated in 1970.
Sean Anderson, environmental professor at
California State University, Channel Islands, said
he doesn’t think this week’s spill will have any
effect on policies or regulations, mostly because
there are so many already in place.
“The 1969 spill created a panoply of federal,
state and county level regulations and laws,” he
said. “From that watershed event, a huge array of
policy and procedural tools emerged.”
Tupper Hull, a spokesman with Western
States Petroleum Association, said the industry
expects a certain amount of blowback but not
necessarily new regulation.
“It’s no secret that there are groups that have
an agenda to curtail energy production in California,” Hull said. “They will no doubt reference
this tragedy in their advocacy. We will respond
with a measured, thoughtful response that will
make full use of facts.”
Plains All American and its subsidiaries operate
more than 6,000 miles of hazardous liquid pipelines in at least 20 states, according to company
reports. Those companies handle more than 4 million barrels of crude and other liquid fuels daily.
Since 2006, the companies have reported 199
accidents and been subject to 22 enforcement
actions by federal regulators. The accidents resulted
in a combined 725,500 gallons of hazardous liquids spilled and damage topping $25 million.
Corrosion was determined to be the cause in
more than 80 of those accidents. Failures in materials, welds and other equipment were cited more
than 70 times.
Enforcement cases against the companies
resulted in the collection of $154,000 in penalties, according to a federal database.
Patrick Hodgins, senior director of safety for
Plains All American, said the company has spent
more than $1.3 billion since 2007 on maintenance, repair and enhancement of its equipment.
“Safety is not just a priority; it’s actually a
core value at Plains,” he said.
U.S. presses Israel on talks for
Middle East nuclear-free zone
States has sent a top official to Israel amid an
effort to revive talks on a Middle East zone free
of nuclear weapons, a central issue of a landmark
treaty review conference that some fear will end
Friday without progress on global disarmament.
The State Department confirmed that the
assistant secretary of state for international security and nonproliferation was in Israel to discuss
the issue.
An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman
declined comment on Thomas Countryman’s
visit, saying it was a “very sensitive” matter.
Establishing a zone free of nuclear weapons
in one of the world’s most tense regions is a rare
point of agreement between the United States and
Russia these days.
Frustrated by the delay of a conference on the
zone that was supposed to take place three years
ago, Russia has proposed that U.N.-led talks be
held no later than March 2016.
A draft proposal by a review conference subcommittee on regional issues, dated Wednesday,
would impose an even earlier deadline, saying
the U.N. secretary-general should convene talks
by Dec. 15 if Israel and its neighbors can’t agree
on arrangements by then.
That has alarmed Israel, which is not a party
to the treaty and has never publicly declared what
is widely considered to be an extensive nuclear
weapons program.
Israel was furious when the United States
at the treaty review conference five years ago
signed off on a document that called for talks on
a Middle East nuclear-free zone by 2012.
With a new document that threatens to pressure Israel again, the U.S. visit this week is meant
to calm things down.
“This administration and this president do
not break commitments to our Israeli partners,
and any suggestion to the contrary is offensive,”
White House spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan
said in a statement.
Israel is concerned about talks being held
without its agreement on an agenda, said Emily
Landau, head of the Arms Control program at the
Institute for National Security Studies, an Israeli
think tank.
If talks single out Israel as the only state that
needs to take action, “obviously it’s not something Israel will be able to agree to,” she said.
On Thursday, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said the U.S. was “working
to ensure that a final text meets our interests and
Israel’s.” She stressed that the U.S. and Israel
share the goal of a Middle East free of weapons
of mass destruction.
The review conference for the landmark
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty takes place just
every five years, and a failure to agree on a way
forward would highlight the growing frustration of countries without nuclear weapons to get
the nuclear-armed ones to take concrete steps to
The United States and Russia hold more
than 90 percent of the estimated 16,000 nuclear
weapons in the world today.
Israel showed up at the review conference
this year as a surprise observer. It blamed its
Arab neighbors for the failure of progress
toward achieving a Middle East free of nuclear
weapons, saying that after five rounds of consultations with some of its neighbors in Switzerland
between October 2013 and June 2014 on a possible agenda, the other states discontinued the
Israel did not say why the talks were discontinued but noted that they were “the first direct
engagement between Israel and its neighbors on
this issue in over 20 years.”
Parishioners appealing
judge’s order to vacate
closed Catholic church
BOSTON (AP) — For nearly 11 years now, parishioners have
protested the closing of their church on the Massachusetts seacoast, keeping round-the-clock vigil there and holding Sunday services even though the Roman Catholic Church has de-consecrated
the sanctuary.
Thursday, the Friends of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Church
continued to stand their ground, announcing plans to appeal a
judge’s order to vacate the church by May 29.
They also will appeal the judicial decisions leading up to the
ruling and want the judge’s order suspended, pending a decision
by the Massachusetts Appeals Court, said Mary Elizabeth Carmody, an attorney for the group.
“There were a number of decisions that handcuffed us at trial,”
Carmody said.
The motions were filed in Norfolk Superior Court, where
Judge Edward Leibensperger held the one-day trial earlier this
month. The trial focused on the question: Who holds title to the
church land?
Leibensperger said the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston
owns the property in Scituate and he declared the parishioners
trespassers. He declined to address church law issues raised by
the protesters, who now argue that he didn’t properly consider
their arguments.
The protesters represent the last of six Boston-area parishes
where groups occupied the churches to prevent their closure
during a parish consolidation in 2004. The archdiocese blames
the closures on falling attendance, a priest shortage and financial
problems. But protesters say they are the archdiocese’s way of
paying for clergy sex-abuse settlements.
An archdiocese spokesman declined to comment Thursday,
citing the ongoing litigation.
The Friends of St. Frances have been occupying the nowdeconsecrated church since October 2004, with at least one former
parishioner holding vigil there day and night and supporters
holding Sunday services.
The archdiocese took the group to court this year after protesters refused to end their vigil, despite losing an appeal before a
Vatican high court.
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015 Page 39
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Atu’u Mart in Atu’u is seeking the following:
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Materials Management Office
RFP No: ASPA.15.1253
Issuance Date: May 4, 2015
Closing Date & Time: June 4, 2015
No later than 2:00 p.m. local time
The American Samoa Power Authority issues a Request For Proposals (RFP) to invite qualified firms to
submit formal, written proposals for the:
“Ta’u Solar Hybrid Project”
An Original and five copies of the Proposal must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked:
“Ta’u Solar Hybrid Project”. Submissions are to be sent to the following address and will be received
until 2:00 p.m. (local time), Thursday, June 4, 2015:
Materials Management Office
American Samoa Power Authority
Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
Attn: Nancy Tinitali-Mauga, Procurement Manager
Any proposal received after the aforementioned date and time will not be accepted under any
circumstances. Late submissions will not be opened or considered and will be determined as being nonresponsive.
The RFP package outlining the proposal requirements is available at The Materials Management Office at
ASPA’s Tafuna Compound and may also be obtained from our Website: http://www.aspower.com.
Pre-Proposal Meeting
A one-time pre-proposal meeting will be held on Monday, May 11, 2015, 9:00 a.m. at the Materials
Management Office conference room located at ASPA’s Tafuna compound.
Right of Rejection
The American Samoa Power Authority reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals and to waive
any irregularities and/or informalities in the submitted proposals that are not in the best interests of the
American Samoa Power Authority or the public.
Approved for Issuance: Utu Abe Malae, Executive Director
Page 40
samoa news, Friday, May 22, 2015
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