1. Point P on the number line represents the distance of the City


1. Point P on the number line represents the distance of the City
Topics 1–4
Benchmark Test
4. Travis lives 0.1 mile from school.
Sarah lives 0.68 mile from school.
Which pair of fractions represents
the distances Travis and Sarah live
from school?
1. Point P on the number line
represents the distance of the City
Plaza from the center of town. Which
decimal names the distance of the
plaza from the center of town?
1 and 68
A 10
1 and 68
B 10
A 2.7 km
C 2.37 km
B 2.5 km
D 2.34 km
1 and 68
C 100
1 and 6 8
D 10
5. Vivian rode a train for 3 hours. The
train traveled 212 miles each hour.
Vladimir flew in a small plane for
6 hours. The plane flew 153 miles
each hour. Who traveled farther?
How much farther?
2. Which underlined digit is ten times
the value of the digit to its right?
A 734,422,510
B 734,422,510
C 734,422,510
A Vivian traveled 18 miles farther.
D 734,422,510
B Vivian traveled 177 miles farther.
C Vladimir traveled 282 miles
3. Which shows the values of the
decimal models in order from least
to greatest?
D Vladimir traveled 954 miles
6. Darnell has 4 photo albums. Each
album has 247 photos. How many
photos does Darnell have?
A 908 photos
B 968 photos
C 988 photos
D 998 photos
A 0.08, 0.58, 0.6, 0.68
B 0.5, 0.58, 0.68, 0.8
C 0.68, 0.6, 0.05, 0.58
D 0.8, 5.8, 6.0, 6.8
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10. Which best describes the relationship
between the 9s in the number
7. Which number makes the number
sentence true?
6 × □ = 3,000
A 5,000
A The 9 in the millions place is
one-tenth the value of the 9 in
the hundred thousands place.
B 500
C 50
D 5
B The 9 in the hundred thousands
place is one-tenth the value of the
9 in the millions place.
8. Which numerical expression is
equivalent to the one below?
C The 9 in the hundred thousands
place is ten times the value of the
9 in the millions place.
3 × (15 + 8)
A (3 + 15) × (3 + 8)
D Both 9s have the same value.
B (3 × 15) × (3 × 8)
C (3 + 15) + (3 + 8)
11. Sadie drew a number line and placed
point Q to show the distance of her
house from the beach. What is the
distance between the beach and
Sadie’s house?
D (3 × 15) + (3 × 8)
9. About 5,760 acres of forestland
are destroyed each day around the
world. Which is the best estimate of
how many acres of forestland are
destroyed in 7 days?
A About 42,000 acres
A 0.6 mile
C 5.6 miles
B About 35,000 acres
B 0.56 mile
D 56 miles
C About 30,000 acres
12. Tyrone uses breaking apart to
find the product 8 × 437. Which
shows a correct way to rewrite the
D About 22,000 acres
A (8 × 4) + (8 × 3) + (8 × 7)
B (8 × 40) + (8 × 3) + 7
C (8 × 40) + (8 × 30) + (8 × 7)
D (8 × 400) + (8 × 30) + (8 × 7)
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16. Which shows 2.56 written in
expanded form?
13. A toll road collects a small amount of
money from each vehicle that uses
the road. One toll road collected
$15,284,393 in tolls in one year.
Which shows the amount of money
collected rounded to the nearest
ten thousand?
A 2 + 5 + 6
B 200 + 50 + 6
C 2 + 0.5 + 0.06
D 0.02 + 0.5 + 6
A $15,000,000
B $15,280,000
17. Which symbol makes the statement
C $15,284,000
D $20,000,000
□ 13,479,592
A 7
14. Jackson has 4 pencils, each with
a different weight. Which lists the
weights of his pencils in order from
greatest to least?
B 6
C =
D +
A 0.19 oz, 0.2 oz, 0.21 oz, 0.3 oz
18. A company manufactures small
trucks that weigh 4,021 pounds each.
What is the combined weight of 5 of
these trucks?
B 0.3 oz, 0.21 oz, 0.19 oz, 0.2 oz
C 0.3 oz, 0.2 oz, 0.21 oz, 0.19 oz
D 0.3 oz, 0.21 oz, 0.2 oz, 0.19 oz
A 21,005 pounds
15. Which shows the number below
written in standard form?
B 20,105 pounds
C 20,005 pounds
900,000 + 10,000 + 4,000 + 700 + 30
D 2,105 pounds
A 9,473
B 91,473
C 914,730
D 9,147,300
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22. Jerry had 1,272 baseball cards. He
donated 685 of them to a children’s
hospital. How many baseball cards
does he have left?
19. An office supply store orders
3 cartons of paper clips. There
are 12 boxes of paper clips in
each carton. If each box contains
100 paper clips, how many paper
clips does the store order in all?
A 587 baseball cards
B 613 baseball cards
A 420 paper clips
C 693 baseball cards
B 1,500 paper clips
D 1,487 baseball cards
C 3,600 paper clips
D 4,200 paper clips
23. Carl bought 3 books that cost $7.93,
$9.27, and $5.75. He also paid $1.61
in sales tax. How much did Carl
spend in all?
20. On Friday, 2,524 shoppers visited a
mall. On Saturday, 3,121 shoppers
went to the same mall. Which
expression correctly uses rounding to
estimate how many more shoppers
were at the mall on Saturday than
on Friday?
A $24.56
B $22.95
C $22.36
D $20.75
A 3,100 - 2,400
B 3,130 - 2,520
24. Earth is about 149,597,888 kilometers
from the Sun. What is this distance
rounded to the nearest hundred
C 3,100 - 2,500
D 3,000 - 3,000
A 150,000,000 km
21. At a baseball stadium, 10,265 cars
can park in the parking lot. At a
nearby football stadium, a total of
12,898 cars can park. In all, how many
cars can park at both stadiums?
B 149,600,000 km
C 149,000,000 km
D 100,000,000 km
A 22,053 cars
B 22,163 cars
C 22,153 cars
D 23,163 cars
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