Issue 29 - Sandringham School


Issue 29 - Sandringham School
Issue 29: 8 May 2015
The weekly newsletter of
Sandringham School
This week has been a very difficult time for everyone associated with Sandringham following the unexpected death of one of our Year 11 students, Morgan
Falconer. I am very grateful for all the kind comments
that have been received regarding Morgan and I know
his family are very appreciative of the support they
have received. We held a whole school service in
memory of Morgan to spend time remembering him
and all of his unique qualities, and the Year 11 students
have been incredibly supportive of each other. We are
well aware that there may be young people who are
more affected by this incident than others and I would
ask all parents to be aware of this and contact the
school if they have any concerns.
This is also the last full week for Year 11 students
before their GCSE examinations begin and, to mark the
occasion, we have a celebration assembly taking place
on Friday. It will be a difficult time for Year 11, however, we want them to celebrate their first 5 years at the
school and I am sure this is what Morgan would have
wanted too.
I would like to thank Ms Unsain for all of her hard
work in developing the Spanish exchange and for entertaining the Spanish visitors over the past week. It has
been an immense pleasure to have the Spanish students
with us and I have heard that they really enjoyed their
stay in England. The foreign exchanges provide a significant opportunity for young people to share and understand different cultures and I am very grateful to the
language faculty for all the work they do to promote
this across the school. Well done!
Finally, may I wish our Year 12 students every success with their AS examinations that begin next week.
We have our fingers crossed for you all.
Alan Gray
Be ahead of the game!
Check out Sam Learning:
11 May - 19 June
11 May - 9 June
Weds 13 May
Weds 13 May
Fri 22 May
25 - 29 May
1 - 5 June
Weds 3 June
Mon 8 June
Tues 9 June
Tues 9 June
Weds 10 June
Weds 10 June
Thurs 11 June
Fri 12 June
12 - 13 June
10 - 14 June
Mon 15 June
Tues 16 June
Weds 17 June
Weds 17 June
15 - 19 June
15 - 19 June
15 - 19 June
17 - 20 June
17 - 19 June
Mon 22 June
Tues 23 June
Tues 23 June
Tues 23 June
Weds 24 June
Weds 24 June
24 + 25 June
Thurs 25 June
Fri 26 June
29 June - 3 July
Weds 1 July
Fri 3 July
1 - 8 July
2 - 5 July
Thurs 9 July
Thurs 9 July
8 - 13 July
8 - 10 July
Mon 13 July
Mon 13 July
Tues 14 July
Tues 14 July
Weds 15 July
Fri 17th July
GCSE examinations
AS Level examinations
Year 8 into 9 module fayre - 3.15 - 4.00pm
Year 8 into 9 module info evening - 6.30pm - hall
Last day for Yr 13
Half-term break
Yrs 7-9 Exam Week
Junior Recital evening, 6pm - SandPit
French trip info evening, 6.00pm - main hall
Info evening for Mosel Trip, 6.00pm - main hall
Lower School Show, 7pm - SandPit
Lunchtime concert, 1.25pm - SandPit
Fo$S meeting, 7.15pm - Staffroom
Parent Workshop - Drug Awareness, 7pm, main hall
Quiz fundraiser for Gambia + Promises Auction7.30pm, main hall
Yr 10 DofE bronze
Yr 12 DofE gold practice expedition
Yr 7 Christianity day
Yr 7 Rivers Day, Geography
Yr 12 UCAS Information Evening, 6.30pm, main hall
Fo$S Social - Rose & Crown, Sandridge, 7.30pm
Yr 10 Work Experience
Yr 8 French Trip
Yr 9 Mosel Trip
Yr 7 Disney trip
Arts Week Summer Concert, 7pm - The SandPit
Art Exhibition - 6-8pm, Art block
Summer Dance Show - 7pm - The SandPit
Year 11 textbook return day
Van Cols Photos - Yrs 7 - 10
Yr 13 Prom, Tewin Bury Farm, 7.30pm
BeauSandVer Sixth Form Induction
Junk to Funk - 7pm - The SandPit
Year 11 Prom - 7pm, main hall
Fit for Life Week
Fun Run - Session 3
German Exchange
Music Tour - Belgium
Yr 7 Work Shadowing Day
Sports Awards, SandPit, 7.00pm
Yr 12 DofE Gold Qualifying Expedition
Yr 10 Geography Field Trip
Yr 10 Prize-giving Assembly, (invite only), 9.30am
Yr 8 Prize-giving Assembly, (invite only), 11.15am
Yr 7 Prize-giving Assembly, (invite only), 9.30am
Yr 9 Prize-giving Assembly, (invite only), 11.15am
Yr 12 Prize-giving Assembly, (invite only), 9.30am
Sports Day and end of term (early close)
The UK’s number 1 exam practice and revision site
that everyone’s talking about.
ABSENCE LINE 01727 895929
Word of the Week
D is for… dissonance (noun)
inharmonious or harsh sound; discord; cacophony:
Blowing all the instruments at once created chords of delightful dissonance.
disagreement or incongruity: Does this dissonance between
politicians and voters matter?
Sandringham School Academy Trust
Registered in England No. 07523557
Absence Email: (Available 24 hour s)
Please report ALL absences before 9:15am on the first day of
absence. This should be followed up by a letter on return.
Richard Found, Deputy Headteacher
Headteacher’s Commendations
Jasmine Dalziel 7B Computer Science
Jasmine Dalziel 7B High Starters
Toby Hawkins 7B High Starters
Chloe Langford 7B High Starters
Samuel Lawrie 7B High Starters
Abigail Morrow 7B High Starters
Alexander Noble 7B High Starters
James Parkin 7B High Starters
Parvi Patel 7B High Starters
Jude Bhumgara 7D High Starters
Catherine Lomas 7D High Starters
Sophie Quinlan 7D High Starters
Keziah Van Noordwyk 7D High Starters
Thor Sondergaard 7E High Starters
Emily Bloomfield 7K High Starters
Myles Donkin 7K High Starters
Jack Kelly 7K High Starters
Adam Lowenthal 7K High Starters
Abigail Stewart 7K High Starters
Zachary Addison 7S High Starters
Daisy Charnock 7S High Starters
Tavish Gunnoo 7S High Starters
Matthew Hilton 7S High Starters
John Kenner 7S High Starters
Amalie Newman-Booth 7S High Starters
Andre Raath 7S High Starters
Benny Stacey 7S High Starters
Meghna Balakrishnan 7V High Starters
Ellen Bennett 7V High Starters
Ben Eaves 7V High Starters
Dylan Stanton 7V High Starters
Orlagh Zielinski 7V High Starters
Kimon Zachariades 10B Computer Science
Alexander Darlington 10D Computer Science
Lucas Mulberry 11E Visual Arts
Didier Osindero 11E Science
Mandarin Lessons
Anyone interested in trying a short
introduction to Mandarin with a native speaker, Ying
Zhu, please see Ms Lyons for a letter. The lessons will
take place as follows:
Wednesdays - 3-4pm in C10
5 week course starting May 13th
Anne Lyons
Director of Learning: MFL
Some Drama Shout-Outs
A massive well done to Gabe Fogarty Graveson who
has successfully auditioned for the National Youth Theatre. This is an outstanding achievement. Well done!
Congratulations also to our GCSE and AS Level students who have undertaken their practical performance
examinations and made us very proud. This was the
result of hours and hours of rehearsals and the results
were fantastic.
Well done!
Carly Griggs
Director of Learning: Drama
Dance News
Company Auditions
Well done to all the students who auditioned for SYCD
and Tuxedo last week. It is always great to see so
many auditioning and the high level of talent on display. Congratulations to the following students for
gaining a position within one of the companies. The
next auditions will take place in September for anyone
who missed out this time.
Juliet Calder – Yr 9, Sandringham
Steph Calder – Yr 12, Sandringham
Tara Simmonds – Yr 12, Sandringham
Zaynah Ahmed, Monks School
Alicia Launders, STAGS
Meher Lota - Yr 9, Sandringham
Apprentice, Jessie Riddell - Yr 11, Sandringham
Apprentice, Daisy Rowe - Yr 7, Sandringham
Ignite – Summer Dance show
Tickets for the summer dance show on Tuesday 23rd
June @ 7pm are now on sale at the SandPit Theatre!
Last year, there was a long waiting list with parents,
family and friends unable to come and see the talent on
display in Dance, so don’t delay, buy yours now!
Dance Clubs
Clubs are in full swing with preparations for the summer show in Arts Week. Please come along, even if
you haven’t been before, all students are welcome (see
note for individual clubs).
Tuxedo (audition only) – 5.30-7pm
SYCD (audition only) – 5-6.30pm
Striding Out – all KS3 students
Boys Dance – 1.25-1.55pm (all welcome)
TripleEdge (audition only)
Young Performers – 3.50-4.30pm (Years 3-6, ask for
more details if interested).
Please follow the Dance Faculty on Twitter
Clare Meeking
Director of Learning: Dance
The Yr 8 boys put in the best team performance of the
evening, loosely followed by the Yr 8 Girls in 2nd and 3rd
Upcoming events
respectively. The following achieved first places on the
Junior Recital - June 3rd - 6pm
Thanks to all the musicians in Years 7-9 who have
Joe Hirst - Javelin
signed up to take part in the Junior Recital evening.
Ben Adshead - 200m
There is still space on the programme for anybody who Bryce Breen - 1500m
is interested. Please speak to your music teacher to find Ben Harden - 75m Hurdles and Long Jump
out more. Tickets are available from the SandPit
Ashley Willing - 100m
box office.
Jess Pannese - Long Jump
Cami Messer - Shot
Lunchtime Concert - June 10th - 1.20pm
Lucy Mair - Discus
Senior musicians interested in performing in our next
A reminder that as we continue the transition to a range of
lunchtime recital, please speak to one of the music staff.
Summer Sports, below you will find the timetable for
extra-curricular clubs.
Summer Concert - June 22nd - 7pm
Rehearsals for our Summer Concert are well under way Time Lunch
After school
and all our ensembles will be taking part. If you would
1:20 – 1:50
3:00 – 4:15
like to take part but are unsure how to get involved,
speak to one of the Music Faculty staff.
Athletics Throws - Field
(Unless County
Tickets for all our events are available from the SandPit
League Match)
Theatre box office.
Tues Tennis - Courts
Exam Success
Congratulations to the students below for their recent
Tennis - Courts
excellent exam results:
Music News
Freddie Jeffroy - Grade 3 - cello
Kate Bridle - Grade 6 - cello
Tennis – Courts
Cricket – Sports hall
High/Long/Triple Jump –
Gym and jumping sandpits
Tennis – Courts
Cricket – Sports hall
For more up-to-date news, follow us
Amy Stothard
Director of Learning: Music
Rounders - Field
PE News
Tues 12th May – County League Athletics @ Welwyn
Thurs 14th May – Yr 7/9 Athletics @ Westminster
A big well done to Andre Raath, Alex Smith, Ed Mansfield and James Townsend, who in their first County
Tennis match of the season versus Parmiter’s school
won convincingly 8-4. The Yr 10 team of Kyle Hoyte,
George Barnes, Tom Naylor, Oli Moody and Connor
Sellmann unfortunately lost in a tough match. A special
mention should also go to Andre who represented Herts
at the weekend in the prestigious Southern Intercounties competition that saw him and two GB players
take the win.
Well done to the Yr 7 Cricket team in their first competitive game against Verulam. Unfortunately, the team
lost by 6 wickets, although they put in a very spirited
On Wednesday, the Yr 7-10 Athletics teams had their
2nd County League Match at Luton. Last week was the
toughest match we’ll have this season, so we are now on
the hunt for as many points as we can get leading in to
the finals. We were up against Hitchin Girls’ and Boys’
who traditionally are very strong.
For more news, fixtures and results don’t forget to follow
us @SandringhamPE on Twitter.
Andy Cracknell
Director of Learning: PE
U13 Win for Nuffield Squash Team
Congratulations to Luke Hensman and Thor Sondergaard
both in 7E on being part of the winning Nuffield U13
Squash Team. They had some closely contested matches
against local teams Harpenden, Radlett A, Berkamstead A
and Tring to come top in the league by 3 points. They’ve
played some great squash this year and are currently ranked
4 and 5 respectively in the Herts County rankings.
Sam Hensman
Fo$S News
Quiz Night - TONIGHT - doors open 7pm for 7.30pm
start - main hall.
Monthly Prize Draw - CONGRATULATIONS to our
first winner, Victoria Taylor, who will receive 50% of the
prize fund. Deadline for new entries is the 24th of each
month with the next draw to take place Monday 1st
June. One payment of £12 gives you 1 number and membership for a whole year, £24 gives you 2 numbers, £36
gives you 3 numbers etc. The more entries we have, the
bigger the win! Don't delay, get your forms into Kate
Carpenter, via the red box, or email
Committee Meeting - Wednesday 10th June - 7.15pm
Staffroom - Please come along if you would like to get
involved or would like to find out more about Fo$S and
meet other parents. Everyone is welcome, so please join
us at our next meeting on Wednesday 10th June.
Fo$S Social - Wednesday 17th June - 7.30pm Rose &
Crown, Sandridge - The committee members will be
relaxing with a drink or two at the above location on
Wednesday 17th June. Bring an old friend, make a new
one and get to know us too!
Easy fundraising at the click of a button - you can
help Fo$S right now
1. Sign up to easyfundraising. Go to https:// and get registered. It's 100% free!
2. Hit the shops. When you shop online, visit easyfundraising first. Click through to the retailer and shop as normal. Everything costs exactly the same.
3. Earn donations. With every purchase you make you'll
raise a donation from the retailer. Your donations are
then transferred to Sandringham School. Easy fundraising!
Tracy Downing
Chair of Fo$S