Sanford Elks Lodge #1679 The 1679`er News May, 2015 Exalted


Sanford Elks Lodge #1679 The 1679`er News May, 2015 Exalted
Sanford Elks Lodge #1679
The 1679’er News
May, 2015
Exalted Ruler: Joe Clancy
910 Carthage Street • Sanford, North Carolina 27330 •
Phone (919) 776-3660 • Email
My Fellow Elks:
May is here and the lodge is preparing for a busy month with several activities
this month. The pool is in the process of being opened and THE LODGE
NEEDS YOUR HELP! We have scheduled our annual clean-up day for Saturday May 9th. We have a lot of work to be done before the pool can be opened.
The lounge chairs need to be cleaned and placed out, the concession stand and
the bathrooms needs to be cleaned, the concrete needs to pressure washed.
We also need to clean the back porch area to prepare for our summer cook outs. And there is must
more to be done. Our pool will open on Saturday May 23 rd.
Mother Day is May 10th, this is the day that we take time out to Thank our Mother’s for all they have
done for us over the years. Please remember your mother.
May also brings the annual Youth Banquet on May 14th. At this event we, as Elks, extend our appreciation to area youth for their commitment to their education. Scholarships in varying amounts are
awarded. We believe the future of the Elks rests with our youth. Assisting in their education is where
it all begins.
Let us not forget the men and women of this great nation that gave their lives serving in our armed
forces. Memorial Day is on May 25th, the last Monday of May. This date was set aside in the early
1860’s for the practice of decorating servicemen’s graves with flowers. Memorial Day, as we know it
today, was officially declared a Federal Law in 1967. In the traditional observance, our flag is flown
at half-staff until noon symbolizing a nation in mourning. The flag is then raised to full staff, by the
living, who resolve not to let their sacrifice be in vain but, rise up in their stead and continue our fight
for liberty and justice for all. Justice is a cardinal virtue of all Elks.
As I have stated in my April letter, we need to keep our focus on growing our membership. At our
last meeting in April, we initiated 5 new members and that was a great start but we have a lot of
work to do to get our membership back over the 500 mark. I would like to challenge each and every
one of you to support our continued membership drive by nominating at least one friend, relative or
work acquaintance for membership in the Elks. Remember we have a Great Lodge here in Sanford,
with a pool for the kids and a lot of activities for the adults.
Joe Clancy, Exalted Ruler
Sanford Elks Lodge #1679
May 2015
Elks National Youth Week
The first full week in May each year is Elks National Youth
Week, during which the Benevolent and Protective Order
of Elks recognize our youth for their achievements and
contributions to their community. The Elks have always
known that our youth are the future of this country. Therefore, the Elks spend much time and effort working with
young people.
More than 10 million youth participate in Elks-sponsored
programs like the Elks National “Hoop Shoot®” Free
Throw Contest, Scouting, Boys and Girls Clubs. This year
May 4-10 is Elks National Youth Week. Elks Lodges nationwide will be celebrating our youth during this time.
Sanford Elks Lodge will be honoring local Elks contest
winners and their parents from our Scholarship, Student of
the Month/Year, Most Valuable Student, and Drug Awareness poster contest with a Youth Appreciation Banquet on
Thursday, May 14th at 6:30 pm. Please come out and
help us celebrate our youth and show your appreciation.
Note - the banquet falls outside of youth week due to other
events going on around our community.
Pool News
We will have a pool and Lodge porch cleaning day on Saturday, May 9th. We need members to help. We cannot
open the pool unless we come together and get everything
ready. We need to set out the chairs and get everything
cleaned up and ready to go. This is also when we clean
the screened in porch at the Lodge. We will start at 9:00
AM - the more help we have the quicker we’ll get it done!
(If you could bring a leaf blower or pressure washer it
would be a great help!)
Pool will open on Saturday May 23th. Please take time to
review the pool rules (located on our website) and let’s all
help pool manager, Debi Setzer and her staff, have a safe
and enjoyable summer.
Please remember, the pool is for PAID
MEMBERS and their family (see pool
rules for clarity of eligible family members
and out of town quests).
Sanford Elks Lodge Officers
Exalted Ruler: Joe Clancy
Est. Leading Knight: Greg Lucero
Est. Loyal Knight: Karen Roijas
Est. Lecturing Knight: Joel Kelly
Secretary: Steve Johnson, PER
Treasurer: Mike McGraw, PER
Esquire: Open
Chaplain: Barry Gunter
Inner Guard: Frank Mills
Tiler: Anthony Cochrane
1-Year Trustee: Kevin Cleary, PER
2-Year Trustee: Scott Pace, PSP
3-Year Trustee: Ed Wesley, PER
Auditing & Accounting / PER President
Mike Gonella, PER
Elks National Foundation
Steve Johnson, PER
Karen Roijas
National Veterans Service Coordinator
Lee Littiken
Public Relations
Drug Awareness Program
Karen Roijas
Lodge Activities
Kevin Cleary, Randall Godfrey
Risk Management & Inspection
Brent Smith
Pool Chairman
Greg Lucero
Mike McGraw, PER
Scott Pace, PSP
Club Manager - Julie Hamrick
Pool Manger - Debi Setzer
Swimming lesson schedule on page 5.
Membership: Pr opose and initiate one new member in the cur r ent Elk year , the pr oposer will r eceive one fr ee steak night. If
you propose and initiate three new members in the current Elk year, the proposer will receive a free lodge function for two. At the
end of the year the proposer who initiates the most new members will receive a very nice gift certificate.
Attendance: Attend six lodge meetings dur ing the cur r ent Elk year , (Apr il-March) and receive a free lodge functions for two.
(You must sign in to get credited for attendance).
Sanford Elks Lodge #1679
May 2015
Tip of the Antlers!
A great big “hoof clappin” Tip of the Antlers to:
 David Riddle Jr. for organizing this year’s installation of officers. To David Riddle III, Steve Gunter
Sr., Mike Gonella, Edwin Foushee, Mark Brown, Steve Williams for assisting with the installation of
 Julie Thomas for the outstanding dinner for the PERs and the newly installed officers and their
Joe Clancy, Greg Lucero, Karen Riojas, Steve Johnson, Ed Wesley, Steve Gunter Sr. and Lee Littiken for representing the Sanford Lodge at the East Central District Deputy Clinic on April 19th in Southern Pines.
To all of our new officers, a Big Thanks for volunteering their time this year to continue to make this lodge the Great
Lodge it is.
How is the Elks National Foundation Helping North Carolina?
When you give to the Elks National Foundation, you're doing more than funding the Elks National Drug
Awareness and "Hoop Shoot" programs. You're doing more than supporting the Community Investments Program and providing Emergency Educational Grants to the children of deceased or totally disabled Elks.
You're doing more than maintaining the Elks Veterans Memorial.
You're doing all that, and you're supporting Elkdom in your state.
During the 2014-15 Lodge year, the Elks of North Carolina donated $96,267.35 to the Elks National Foundation. This year, the Foundation will give back the following:
That's a ratio of 1.979 for every dollar the Foundation received from NC last year. And that doesn't even include the money Lodges in NC will get back through our Community Investments Program. For the 2013-14
fiscal year, for example, we awarded a total of $119,500.00 to 25 North Carolina Lodges.
For more information about the Elks National Foundation, contact your local chairman, Steve Johnson (email: or write the Elks National Foundation, 2750 N. Lakeview Ave., Chicago,
IL 60614,
Note: To use the links in the image above, visit original at
Sanford Elks Lodge #1679
May 2015
Clubroom Menu
Monday Night Sandwiches
Every Day & Night - $6
(Served 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm)
Ribeye Steak, Lettuce, Tomato, Onions - $8
Marinated Chicken, Lettuce, Tomato, Onions - $6
Fried Bologna, Lettuce, Tomato, Onions - $5
All served with home fries
Tuesday & Thursday Night Fryer Food
(Served 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm)
Chicken Tenders - $7
Chicken Wings - $7
Homemade Chips - $3
Mozzarella Stick - $5
Habanero Bytes - $5 (NEW)
Black Bean Quesadillas - $5
Thursday Night Specialty Items
Saturday Food Services
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
BBQ Sandwich - $2.50
Hot Dogs - $1.25
4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Fryer Food - See Tuesday Night
(Served 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm)
Note: Please sign up (or call) to guarantee your meal
May 7
May 14
May 21
May 28
Lasagna or Spaghetti with Meatballs, Salad, Garlic Bread
Hammer’s Southern Cheeseburger
Stuffed Peppers
Pickle Fried Chicken Sandwich
Friday Night Specials
(Served 6:00 - 8:30 pm)
Note: ** Reservations must be made by 1:00 pm on Wednesday prior to Friday night meals.
May 1
May 8
May 15
May 22
May 29
Bar Burgers (Cook your own) - Free with purchase of beverage from club room
**BBQ ST. Louis Ribs, Baked Beans, Potato Salad (check clubroom for price)
Taco Bar (While they last) (check clubroom for price)
Brats (While they last) (check clubroom for price)
** Steak Night - Ribeye - $15, Filet Mignon - $16, Marinated Chicken - $12
Sanford Elks Lodge #1679
May Birthdays
John Weathington
Michael Gonella
Jonathan Marlewski
Daniel Rittenhouse
Jerry Holt
Kevin Stanfield
Victor Garner
J Smith
Karla Koballa
Kevin Swann
J Cameron III
James Scott
May 2015
New Members
Chris Cagle
William Suther
Roy Harrington
Michael Hubbard
C Denning Dds Pa
Tom Eshbach
Michael Wells
Jonathan Holder
Don Perry
Aaron Poole
Michael Stephens
Donald Baynes
(Sponsor Randall Godfrey)
Brian L Flynn
(Sponsor Greg Lucero)
Sara Whitley Harrington
(Sponsor John Lipscomb)
Craig Lister
(Sponsor Radford Holton)
Jonathan Marlewski
(Sponsor Andrew Sullivan)
What A Great Start - Thanks for Your Support!
Each year you read about the ENF and what good it does for our community. Each year we’re begging for people to contribute to help us reach the Grand Exalted Ruler’s goal of $4.60 per member.
Each year it takes us about 12 months to reach that goal. Not this year. Our members stepped up to
the plate the first month of the year. We had many member contribute when paying their dues and
others to make donations during the meeting. One generous member made some required maintenance to the facilities then donated 100% of his payment to the ENF. After one month, our lodge is
currently over $4.00 per member. I feel assured we will reach our goal by the end of the second
month of the new Elks year. Great job everyone!
Swim Lessons
Beginner to intermediate swimming lessons will be offered during the month of June.
Contact Debi Setzer at 919.770.9797 or to sign up or get more information.
Beginner to intermediate
Session #1 - June 1-4 (7pm-7:45 pm)
Session #2 - June 8-10, 12 (7pm-7:45 pm)
Session #3 - June 15-18 (7pm-7:45 pm)
Session #4 - June 23-26 (7pm-7:45 pm)
Intermediate Stroke Class
Session #5 - June 15-18 (9am-9:45am)
Session #6 - June 23-26 (9am-9:45am)
May 18 - There is a life guarding class being offered if anyone is interested. It is not being held at
the Elk's. Contact Debi for more information.
Sanford Elks Lodge #1679
910 Carthage Street
Sanford, NC 27330
Non-Profit Org.
Sanford, NC
Permit # 82
May 2015
1 NC State Convention in Wilmington, NC
2 NC State Convention in Wilmington, NC
Mother’s Day
Lodge Meeting at
Youth Banquet
House Committee
Meeting at 6:30
3 NC State Convention in Wilmington, NC
Start of Youth
Memorial Day
Pool Clean up
day! Need Help!
Meeting with
Initiation at 7:00
Pool Opens
Club Room Hours
Monday thru Thursday 3-11pm
Friday 3-12pm ∙ Saturday 12-11pm ∙ Sunday 1-8pm